Anonymous E17 Karma

  • 2 days ago
Anonymous E17 Karma
00:30Fuckin' Fugazi.
01:00Hi, Cowboy.
01:13You're slick.
01:40Nice haircut.
01:46It's good to see you too.
01:48You brought me here to talk. Let's talk.
01:56Who are these clowns?
02:00Who you calling a clown, Holmes?
02:05Toomes, handle your boy before I do.
02:10Calm your paranoid ass down.
02:33Now that we've all got to know one another,
02:39I just want to be clear.
02:43If Olivier wasn't hunting everybody,
02:50I wouldn't even be here.
02:53Slick, hear me out, alright?
02:57None of us in this room like each other all that much, alright?
03:01In fact, the only thing we have in common is Olivier.
03:06And the truth of the matter is,
03:08if we go at this alone, we're as good as dead.
03:13But together, who knows?
03:20Estoy cansado de ser cazado.
03:24We need to start hunting now.
03:27I agree.
03:29But let's be smart about this, alright?
03:32If we put ourselves out in the open,
03:34that's exactly what he wants.
03:38It's not safe.
03:40And it's not smart.
03:43So, we lie and we wait.
03:48We play dead like opossums, alright?
03:52I'm done getting my ass kicked.
03:55It's time we start doing the ass kicking.
03:59We need to start hunting.
04:03To the death.
04:06This time he has to die.
04:14So the million dollar question is,
04:20How are we going to do this?
04:26The boy.
04:33What the fuck?
04:45Who the fuck is the boy?
04:53You're gonna love this.
05:15You're gonna love this.