• last year
Bonanza S1E30 Feet of Clay
00:00It's a doggone shame, ain't it, Charlie?
00:16Yep, sure is.
00:18Doc said she had pneumonia.
00:20By the time he got here, wasn't much to do but call the sheriff.
00:23Well, didn't anyone know she was sick?
00:25First thing anybody knew was him riding all the way in for the doc by himself.
00:46Fred, boy have any relatives?
00:48Not a soul, Van, except an uncle back east and the boy's father, of course.
00:53Where's the little fella gonna stay?
01:00Well, how about it, folks?
01:04None of you want him?
01:08We got our own to worry about.
01:10Well, I guess I could put him up in one of the cells till his uncle can come get him.
01:14He's only a little boy.
01:16He's all alone now.
01:18He needs a home and affection.
01:21He's tainted, that kid.
01:22Bad stock, the whole tree goes rotten sooner or later.
01:26I don't want him around my home.
01:28Come on, Sarah.
01:33Well, I can't stay here all day, Van.
01:36Send for the boy's uncle.
01:38I'll keep the boy with me on the Ponderosa.
01:41All right, he's all yours, Van.
01:53That's a pretty flower.
01:58Weeds will choke it out before it takes root.
02:03Son, you'll be staying at my ranch till your uncle can come for you.
02:08Pa said he'd come back for me.
02:11And I'm gonna be waiting right here until he does.
02:15Well, we'll see.
02:18We'd better get your things from the cabin.
02:23I'll go myself.
02:37There's a lot of hate piled up inside that boy.
02:41Yes, sir.
03:06Well, Billy, what have you got there?
03:34What is it, a secret?
03:36It's nothing.
03:39Well, you don't have to show it to me if you don't want it.
03:45Let's just have a little talk.
03:47Mr. Cartwright, look, you've let me sleep here and you've let me eat here.
03:51All right, thanks.
03:52But I can do chores.
03:54I can help with...
03:55Now, hold on there.
03:58You don't have to pay me back.
04:00We're friends.
04:01I want you to trust me.
04:05Well, there's no one else left, son.
04:07There is two.
04:08My pa.
04:10Do you know where your pa is?
04:12Why he went away?
04:14He had to go away.
04:15My ma said so.
04:17My pa promised he'd be coming back, though.
04:21Well, you know, Billy, sometimes we promise things and we...
04:27You know, we mean to keep the promise, but, well, something happens and we can't.
04:32My pa promised he'd be coming back.
04:34And I'm gonna be waiting here until he does.
04:37He doesn't tell lies.
04:58Why is he so touchy, Pa?
05:01He won't let you get close enough to reach him with a ten-foot pole.
05:04Well, how should I know why he's so touchy?
05:06If I knew that, I'd be so dang worried.
05:10Take your feet off the table.
05:13Hey, Hoss, how do you suppose you and I grew up to be so sweet-tempered with such a grouch for a pa?
05:17I don't know, little Joe.
05:18I reckon he must have been a mite more mellower when he was younger.
05:26I guess I had that coming.
05:28That boy has me so... so worried.
05:31When's his uncle coming?
05:33Sheriff hasn't heard yet.
05:35Look, he's gotta know about his father sooner or later.
05:37Maybe you should just tell him.
05:39Mr. Cartwright! Mr. Cartwright, come quick!
05:41Hopsing's having trouble again.
05:44Mr. Cartwright!
05:45What is it? What's wrong?
05:46Him bad. Him very bad boy.
05:48Oh, what did he do?
05:50He take Hopsing knife.
05:51The big knife.
05:52Why, the butcher knife?
05:53I see him.
05:54I say you give back.
05:55He say no.
05:56Very sharp.
05:57You better get back quick.
05:59All right, Hopsing, all right.
06:00Well, I've just got to discipline that boy somehow.
06:02Wait a minute, Paul.
06:04Let me talk to him.
06:05Well, don't you think I'm capable of talking to him?
06:08Well, yes, sir, you are, but maybe you've been talking to us roughnecks so long
06:11you done forgot how to talk to a little feller.
06:17Maybe you're right.
06:19Go ahead.
06:23Yes, sir?
06:24Be careful of that knife.
06:39Did you find one of Hopsing's knives out here?
06:42I didn't find it.
06:44I took it.
06:53Go ahead.
06:54Let me see you chunk it.
06:57Go on.
07:02Hey, that ain't bad.
07:04It's hard to throw.
07:05Well, I don't wonder.
07:06Come here.
07:07Let me show you something.
07:12See, this here knife's got a thick edge here on the back
07:15and a thin edge here on the front.
07:18That's the cutting edge.
07:20That's right.
07:21You see, this knife here was made for carving up meat,
07:24not throwing, not like an engine's knife.
07:26I didn't want it to throw.
07:30I wanted it to whittle.
07:36How'd you like to have this one?
07:43No thanks.
07:45Oh, Billy, I wasn't gonna give it to you.
07:48You gotta earn it.
07:51Well, by doing some chores for me tomorrow.
07:56Well, all right.
07:59Here, go ahead and take it.
08:01You just hold on to it, sort of as a loan,
08:03till you can do them chores for me.
08:07Thanks, Mr. Cartwright.
08:09It's just one other thing.
08:12Son, it ain't right to take something that don't belong to you.
08:17Let me take that knife back.
08:19Let me take it in to him.
08:20Old Hobson's pretty riled up right now, won't you?
08:23Won't you let me take it in to him?
08:24Then you can go by and tell him you're sorry later.
08:26All right, if you want it that way.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:40I'm sorry.
09:02Mr. Hoss.
09:05What happened to little boy?
09:08What you doing in Hobson's kitchen?
09:11I just brought your knife back, Hobson.
09:14That's all?
09:16The little boy take knife.
09:18The big boy take the donut.
09:20The big boy take the donut.
09:22The little boy take the donut.
09:24The little boy take the donut.
09:26The little boy take the donut.
09:28The little boy take knife.
09:29The big boy take the donut.
09:31Bad boy, very bad boy.
09:33I got some real important things to be doing, Hobson.
09:35I'll see you.
09:46Who's there?
09:47Me, Hoss.
09:49Just a minute.
09:59I sort of thought I'd come up
10:01and show you some real fancy whittling.
10:04I'm sort of busy now, Mr. Cartwright.
10:17Where'd you cut yourself, fella?
10:20What do you mean?
10:26Don't you think it's about time
10:28me and you quit playing around like a couple of puppy dogs?
10:31Don't know when they're fighting for real or just funning.
10:35Let me see it.
10:46I knew you'd cut yourself when I first come up here.
10:49I should have come right on out and said it in the first place.
10:52It hurt?
10:56Yeah, I got some medicine here for it.
11:00Will it sting?
11:03It's not a bad cut.
11:06They always seem like they bleed a little bit more
11:08when they're on the thumb, though.
11:12Here's your knife back, Mr. Cartwright.
11:21Billy, that wasn't your fault.
11:24It was all mine.
11:26Any fool ought to know better than to give a man something
11:29that he don't know how to use right.
11:32I don't know how to use it.
11:35I don't know how to use it.
11:38You give a man something that he don't know how to use right.
11:42I shouldn't have told you I knew how to use it.
11:46Everybody makes mistakes, Billy.
11:48But it takes a real man to admit it.
11:51You go ahead and use that knife
11:53till I learn you how to use it.
11:59Gee, thanks, Mr. Cartwright.
12:02Of course.
12:04The thumb don't get the feeling better you let me hear, you know.
12:15Are you hungry?
12:17Yeah, I guess I am.
12:19What do you say me and you go down and get us a couple of them donuts
12:21while Oppsing ain't looking?
12:23Would that be all right?
12:25All right? Well, you'd be downright insulted
12:27if any of them things was left by supper.
12:32I'm bigger than he is.
12:34You're about bigger than anyone, Hoss.
12:36Come on.
12:38Hey, Hoss, you want to see something?
12:40Yeah, I reckon I do. What?
12:42Just a minute.
12:53It's a picture of my ma and pa.
12:55It has Zeller and Vance on the back.
13:03Your ma was a real pretty woman, Billy.
13:06That's the only thing that's really mine.
13:09Except for this knife now.
13:12You know something?
13:14Sure is gonna be fun when my pa gets back.
13:17Ain't it?
13:21Yeah, Billy, it's liable to be a while.
13:24I can wait.
13:26Come on.
13:32Come on.
14:03You! Get out!
14:05Come on out, Vance. It's safe now.
14:10I said get out!
14:12Say, if he's got something I can use on this iron,
14:15I can barely walk.
14:19Old fool.
14:21You've come too far to play games.
14:33Here. Stone chisel.
14:36That ought to do it.
14:55Look at this. Plenty of paper money.
14:58That's luck.
15:00We can get straight to Sacramento now.
15:03No, Pike. We agreed.
15:06I go for the boy first.
15:08I ain't getting killed for no kid.
15:11We need him, Pike.
15:13He can get food for us.
15:15It's a long way through those mountains.
15:22You wouldn't try to lose me, would you, Vance?
15:25You know these mountains, and I don't.
15:28How do I know you'll come back for me?
15:32You keep the money here with you.
15:35All right. I'll give you 48 hours.
15:38If you're not back, I go on without you.
15:41No money goes with me.
15:43I'll be back.
15:45Sure you will.
15:47Now, you better get that thing off your leg
15:50while I get us a change of clothes.
15:52Then you and me will find me a place to wait
15:55for 48 hours.
15:57For 48 hours.
16:11Morning, Ben.
16:13What brings you out our way, Fred?
16:15It's not election time again, is it, Sheriff?
16:17Where's the boy, Ben?
16:19Billy? He's off fishing with horse.
16:21Say, did you hear from his uncle?
16:23No, but we sure heard from his father.
16:25He was shot in the penitentiary.
16:29Three days ago.
16:31And yesterday, I got word a stagecoach was held up
16:33about 30 miles from here.
16:35Driver and guard both killed.
16:37You think it was Vance?
16:39I don't know, but there ain't been no trace of him
16:41since they killed a farmer right next to the prison.
16:43Probably on their way to California.
16:45They'd be safe there.
16:47That's what I figured.
16:49Vance knows this country well enough
16:51to slip right past us into the mountains.
16:53I was hoping you and your boys
16:55would point him out for us.
17:01Oh, well, we'll be right with you.
17:03Thanks, Ben. We'll wait for you.
17:07I'll take some men to the truck here.
17:11you and Joe will have to take the Sheriff
17:13all the way to the Donner Gap.
17:15That'll take a couple of days.
17:17Hoss better look after the boy.
17:19I'll get back here as fast as I can.
17:21Tell Hobson to rustle up some food.
17:23Right, Pa.
17:39Hey, Hoss! Hoss!
17:41Got me another one, Hoss!
17:45Best fisher in west of the Mississippi.
18:35Hey! Hey! Hey!
18:37Billy! Billy, I done caught
18:39the biggest dang fish in the world!
18:41What are you laughing about?
18:43There ain't no fish here.
18:45Not one of them puny little wild fish
18:47like you got over there.
18:49Here's what I done caught.
18:59Well, I ain't never seen no fish like that before.
19:05You're not sore, are you, Hoss?
19:09Pistol, you know I ain't sore at you.
19:11I told you I'd catch something, didn't I?
19:13Even with my eyes shut.
19:15Now, I'll tell you what else I'm gonna do.
19:17I'm gonna throw you out there
19:19with the rest of them fish.
19:21One, two, out of three!
19:31If I ever hear anything about this
19:33from Little Joe or Adam,
19:35I know a little boy that's gonna have a mighty sore bottom.
19:37Oh, I wouldn't tell on you.
19:39Well, I wouldn't spank you either, Billy.
19:41I was just teasing.
19:47I wish I were this happy all the time.
19:51I do, too, Billy.
20:09I do, too, Billy.
20:45Hello, son.
20:49I'll come back for you,
20:51just like I promised I would.
20:53I knew you would, Pa.
20:55I just knew it.
20:59Easy, boy.
21:01We can't talk much.
21:03I need your help, son.
21:05Sure, Pa.
21:07Do you think you can keep a secret
21:09just between the two of us?
21:11Yeah, but...
21:13there's something I gotta tell you.
21:15About your ma?
21:17I know.
21:19I heard before I got here.
21:21I couldn't help it, Pa.
21:23I know.
21:29you gotta pretend you ain't seen me.
21:31You mustn't tell nobody, hear?
21:33This is what I want you to do.
21:35Tomorrow night,
21:37I want you to make sure everybody's asleep.
21:39Make real sure.
21:41And get some food.
21:43Now, do you remember the cave
21:45on the back hill up Spider Creek
21:47that you and me found?
21:49You mean our secret cave?
21:51That's right.
21:53I want you to bring the food to me there.
21:55In a couple of days,
21:57you and me are going to California.
22:03I can't stay no more.
22:11You didn't tell me where you were
22:13all that time.
22:19I kept my promise, didn't I?
22:21Like I said I would.
22:23You sure did, Pa.
22:25Trust me, son.
22:27I'll tell you everything later.
22:37I'll be waiting.
22:39And remember, son,
22:41this is our secret.
22:55Hey, Billy!
22:57Come on out. We got company.
23:03Hello, Hoss.
23:05How are you, sir?
23:09Pa's got the contracts ready for you, Mr. Sherman.
23:11Well, how's the lumber business?
23:13Well, I don't reckon it can be any better, Mr. Sherman.
23:15These dang trees keep growing as fast as we can cut them.
23:17That's good.
23:19Keep building in the city,
23:21and I'll make you cart rides
23:23to the richest men in Nevada.
23:25Orville, wait outside here.
23:27Daddy won't be long.
23:29Hello, boy.
23:35I'm Orville Sherman.
23:37Who are you?
23:43Over here at the desk.
23:45Sheriff must have sworn in
23:47a dozen extra deputies
23:49just to help find that boy's father.
23:53I reckon folks will be blaming them two convicts
23:55with everything that happens within a hundred-mile radius of here.
23:57Probably so.
23:59How's the boy taking it?
24:03Well, sir, he just lost his maw.
24:05Don't seem hardly fair to me
24:07to have to tell the boy
24:09about his pa right after that.
24:11I suppose not.
24:13My father told me he broke out of jail.
24:15You're a liar.
24:17Your pa's nothing but a dirty old convict.
24:19He is not!
24:23You liar!
24:25You liar!
24:27Say it.
24:29Say he's a murderer or eat dirt.
24:31Say it.
24:33Say he's a murderer or eat dirt.
24:35Say it or I'll break your arm.
24:37Say it.
24:39Say he's a murderer or you're gonna eat dirt.
24:41Say it!
24:43He called me a liar, Pa.
24:45I'm going to have to take a switch to you.
24:47Rolling around in the dirt like a barroom brawler.
24:49Now get in that buggy.
24:51Go on.
24:57You all right?
24:59He said my pa was a convict.
25:01Are you hurt?
25:03It's all right, Mr. Sherman.
25:05I'll take care of it. You go ahead.
25:07Children can be very cruel sometimes.
25:09Yes, sir.
25:13Get up!
25:15Get up!
25:19He said my pa was a murderer.
25:23And that he had escaped from prison.
25:27Billy, it's true.
25:31I should have told you a long time ago.
25:33They think he might be coming this way.
25:45Couldn't make me eat dirt.
25:49You're proud of that, ain't you?
25:51No one's gonna say anything about my pa!
25:55Billy, I...
25:59I ain't saying they should.
26:05The thing is that...
26:07It don't matter what your ma or pa was, son.
26:11Because you ain't them.
26:15my ma was a real pretty woman.
26:17But that don't mean that folks
26:19have got to enjoy looking at a
26:21big, hugby cuss like me, does it?
26:25Don't you see what I mean, Billy?
26:27It's more important what you are
26:29than what your ma and pa was,
26:31or what people might say about it.
26:33Good or bad.
26:35But, Hoss, my pa promised
26:37he was gonna come back for me.
26:39When he does,
26:41he's gonna explain everything
26:43to everybody.
26:49We better get you fixed up.
26:51I'd hate to lose a hand with
26:53just me and you running this ranch by ourselves,
26:55wouldn't you?
27:41Come on.
27:57From now on,
27:59it's just the two of us.
28:05We haven't got any friends?
28:07Folks ain't interested
28:09in you and me, son.
28:11There never was,
28:13and there ain't never gonna be.
28:23Would it be all right
28:25if I said I love you?
28:33That's a good thing.
28:36For a man and his son
28:40to say to each other,
28:45we better get back to the cave.
28:51You said you were gonna tell me
28:53about where you've been.
28:58You don't know?
29:00A boy said you were a convict
29:03and a murderer.
29:07I shouldn't have been sent to prison,
29:10but nobody cared,
29:12so that's why they sent me.
29:15It was pretty bad there, son,
29:17so I...
29:19I got out,
29:21and I come back for you like I promised I would.
29:25I knew you would, Pa.
29:28You'd have done the same for me,
29:30wouldn't you, son?
29:34No matter what.
29:36No matter what.
29:38You better get going.
29:44Pa, do you have to go back to that cave?
29:49But maybe by tomorrow night
29:51we'll have enough food so we can go to California.
29:53Now, you hurry.
29:55I don't want no one to find you gone.
29:57Be back tomorrow, Pa.
30:00All right.
30:18Let me go, Hoss.
30:20I ain't aiming on pulling this trigger unless you make me.
30:22Don't you remember me, Hoss?
30:24I'm Vance Allen.
30:26I rented my farm from your Pa.
30:29You could say you never seen me.
30:31I can't do that.
30:33I can help you turn yourself in,
30:35and then do what I can for you.
30:37I got a bad deal once, Hoss.
30:39Vance, you got a fair trial.
30:42A jury found you guilty.
30:44Now, busting out of prison ain't gonna help you none.
30:47I'll go to California.
30:49Nobody knows me there.
30:51I'll go through the mountains. Nobody's gotta know.
30:53What about the little boy?
30:55I won't wait for him. I'll go now.
30:57I'll send for him later.
30:59He brought you that food, didn't he?
31:02Yeah, he's a good boy.
31:04You could tell him, Hoss.
31:06He'd understand.
31:08Vance, it just ain't no good.
31:10Go on. Let's go.
31:12Can't you understand?
31:14They kept me in a cage like an animal.
31:16I had to get up when they say,
31:18eat when they say, sleep when they say, work when they say.
31:20I can't go back!
32:26Good morning, Mr. Cartwright.
32:28You take enough food along?
32:30Yes, everything was fine, Hopson.
32:32Hoss up yet?
32:34He never get up until he smell cooking.
32:36The other boys get back?
32:38No, sir.
32:40Well, I'm hungry enough for three people.
32:42I'll see that he's fed him.
32:59Oh, Hoss, I thought you were upstairs asleep.
33:01What are you doing up...
33:19Pa, I couldn't help it.
33:25He pulled a gun on me, Pa.
33:29I didn't even have time to aim.
33:35Sure, son.
33:38He came back for Billy just like he said.
33:41Better tell the boy.
33:43And Pa.
33:46I'll tell him.
33:48Ain't nobody can do it for him.
34:10He's dead, son.
34:18That's your horse, Pa.
34:21I'm sorry, Billy.
34:24I'm terribly sorry.
34:26You said you were my friend.
34:29You knew he was coming back for me.
34:32You killed him.
34:34Billy, he didn't leave me no choice.
34:37I'm terribly sorry, Billy.
34:39I'd do anything to bring your Pa back to you, but I can't.
34:43I'm sorry.
34:46I hate you.
34:48I hate you. I hate you.
34:50You killed my Pa.
34:52I hate you. You killed him.
34:54I'm sorry, Billy. I'm terribly sorry.
34:56I hate you.
34:58Stop it, Billy.
35:00I hate you.
35:06I wish I were big enough.
35:08I wish I were big enough to kill you!
35:21Horses, not your fault.
35:24Leave me alone, Pa.
35:30Leave me alone.
35:45That boy was not responsible for what he said.
35:47You did what you had to do.
35:52I never had to do anything like that.
35:56I hope I never have to do it again.
36:00I didn't even sight my gun, Pa.
36:04I just pulled the trigger.
36:06And if you hadn't, he'd have killed you.
36:09If I hadn't have butted in, he never would have drawn it on me, Pa.
36:12Hoss, Vance was a fugitive from justice.
36:15You obeyed your duty to the law.
36:18There ain't no law that says I can go out and take a man's life away from him.
36:25I ain't got no tin badge that says it's all right for me to...
36:30to kill a little boy as Pa.
36:33A little boy that trusted me.
36:38I wish I had some...
36:40words to take your pain away, Hoss.
36:45What am I gonna say to him?
36:48What's he gonna think about...
36:50trusting folks and...
36:52letting folks be his friends now after what I done to him?
36:56What did you think...
36:58when your mother died?
37:01I thought the world had come to an end.
37:05But you got over it.
37:07And so did I.
37:14I can still feel them little fists hitting and...
37:18and hitting me.
37:22It hurts, Pa. It hurts worse than anything.
37:24I know, son, I know.
37:28I've been sitting here...
37:31praying as hard as I know how that...
37:34God would tell me what to say to him.
37:39We was friends, Pa.
37:45I killed his papa with that.
37:59I got these big hands, Pa,
38:01and I can lift a heifer clean off in the ground.
38:04And I can whip most near any man I ever met.
38:08But I'd cut them both off...
38:11if it'd make that little boy quit looking at me like he wanted to spit.
38:18Why don't God help me, Pa?
38:21Why don't he tell me what to say?
38:24Why do I have to just be a...
38:29a big, dumb horse?
38:38There's nothing you can say.
38:41He'll have to understand by himself.
38:54Pa, do you want me to go along with you?
38:57No, thank you, Pa.
39:00All right, I'll... I'll go on ahead.
39:02I'll try to find Adam and little Joe.
39:05What about the boy?
39:07He's going... He's going to come along with me.
39:11He's going to come along with me.
39:14He's going to come along with me.
39:17He's going to come along with me.
39:20He's going to come along with me.
39:23He's going to come along with me.
39:25He's going to come along with me.
39:52You better get going.
39:55You better get going.
40:25You better get going.
40:27You better get going.
40:53I reckon I ought to let these old ponies rest here a minute.
40:58I reckon I ought to let these old ponies rest here a minute.
41:08Still cool.
41:15Sir, I'm glad to find you, mister.
41:17I'm near dying of thirst.
41:21What happened?
41:23My horse broke his leg last night.
41:25I must have got lost.
41:36Who you got under there?
41:40It's Vance Allen.
41:44He's one of the...
41:46One of the two escaped convicts the sheriff's looking for.
41:52What about the other one?
41:55I don't know.
41:57You sure are lucky, mister.
42:00You just found me.
42:02Don't try anything. Now put your hands in the air.
42:04You kid, keep your mouth shut.
42:08Mister, sheriff's got every man in this country looking for you.
42:11You ain't got a chance.
42:13Oh, you're wrong.
42:15I've got every chance now.
42:17I've got all this and you to show me through the mountains
42:20instead of Vance Allen.
42:21That's where you got it wrong.
42:24I ain't helping you.
42:26Oh, you're gonna help me, all right.
42:30Or I'll kill the kid right here.
42:32You'll what?
42:34I ain't no pushover like Vance Allen.
42:37Now, what's it gonna be?
42:39The kid or you gonna show me through those mountains?
42:43Run, Billy!
43:05You're the one I need now.
43:07You're the one I need now.
43:09You're the one I need now.
43:12It may take me a while to convince you,
43:14but you'll show me through those mountains, won't you?
43:24It's Billy!
43:32Well, Billy, what are you doing out here?
43:34Where's Hoss?
43:36He's with that other man back in the woods.
43:39What other man?
43:41The one that was with my pa.
43:44Where are they?
43:46Can you lead us back to where they are, Billy?
43:48Now, listen to me, boy.
43:50That man is desperate.
43:52Now, he could kill Hoss.
43:54I want you to lead us back to where they are.
43:56Hoss killed my pa!
43:58I hope he does kill Hoss!
44:00I hope he does!
44:02Did you hear what I said, Billy?
44:03Take it easy, pa.
44:14Billy, Hoss is my son.
44:16And to you, he's big and tough.
44:19But he's my boy.
44:21Now, I know how you felt about your father.
44:24You loved him, no matter what he did.
44:27And he loved you.
44:29And that's a good thing between a father and a son.
44:34Now, Billy, that's the way it is between me and my boy.
44:38No matter what you think of him,
44:41I love Hoss, Billy.
44:43He's my son.
44:45Now, you understand how I feel?
44:48Now, I'm begging you to save his life, Billy.
44:52You're the only one who can.
44:56I'll show you.
44:59The man.
45:01He'll be here.
45:14Well, big boy, did you have enough?
45:17You gonna take me through those mountains now?
46:20Easy, boy, easy.
46:23You took quite a beating.
46:26I reckon I'm lucky my old head's as hard as it is, Paul.
46:29We'd have never found you if it hadn't have been for Billy.
46:32He's a good boy.
46:35He's gone.
46:38We'd better go after him.
46:41Wait, wait.
46:44Let me go.
46:47Let me go.
47:18Billy, you can't catch many fish without a pole, can you?
47:21You're alive.
47:24Yep, I'm alive now.
47:27My father, he was like that man, wasn't he?
47:30Well, I...
47:33I reckon he had a little mean streak in him, Billy,
47:36but lots of folks do.
47:42I've got to go.
47:48your papa loved you, son.
47:51But he did come back for me, didn't he?
47:54You bet he did.
47:57Can I go back to the ranch
48:00until my uncle comes?
48:03Come on.
48:15Come on.
48:45Come on.
49:15Come on.