Liu Shui Tiao Tiao(2024)EP31

  • 2 weeks ago


00:00How the hell did you get here?
00:06I don't know.
00:12I'm the one who sent you here.
00:19I'm the one who sent you here.
00:24花一落,堆积凡尘的凉薄,Hua yi luo, dui ji fan chen de liang bo, The flowers have fallen, piled up against the coolness of the mortal world.
00:49随着风,仿若不留痕而过,Sui zhe feng, fang ruo bu liu hen er guo, As the wind blows, as if it doesn't leave a scar,
00:56借诗借一滴笔墨,Zhie shi jie yi di bi mo, I'll borrow a stroke of your pen,
01:00重写下你我,Gan gu yu gong, He tian di tong you, I'll rewrite the story of you and me, Gan gu yu gong, He tian di tong you.
01:10血染土,宿命纠缠无解的因果,Xue ran tu, su min jiu chan wu jie de yin guo, The blood stained soil, the cause and effect of life's entanglement,
01:17乱世中,会相逢的缘由,Luan shi zhong, wei xiang feng de yuan you, The reason why we meet in this troubled world,
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷,Bing qian ta guo le kan ke, We've been through the ups and downs,
01:28重拾了灵魂,Gan ge liao luo, Chong shi le ling hen, We've rebuilt our soul, Gan ge liao luo, We've been through the ups and downs,
01:33明月照晨光,Ming yue zhao chen guang, The bright moon shines on the morning light,
01:38我愿只一枪敢弹,Yuan zhi yi qiang gan dan, I'll take only one shot,
01:41铁马战狗向云端,Tie ma zhan gao xiang yun duan, The iron horse fights against the clouds,
01:45只为那一去无憾,Zhi wei na yi qi wu han, Only for that one trip without regret,
01:48生死俱不破不换,Zhen si ju bu po bu huan, Life and death are never broken,
01:52转眼随心意兜转,Zhen nian sui xin yi dou zhuan, I turn my eyes with my heart,
01:55山河清出人不散,Shan he qing chu ren bu san, The mountains and rivers are clear and people are not scattered,
01:59穿越狼烟在与你相伴,Chuan yue lang yan zai yu ni xiang ban, We'll go through the wolves and stay with you,
02:11这一夜,Zhi yi, This night,
02:14这一晚,Zhi yi wan, This night,
02:41能让他舒心自在些也好,Nan rang ta shu xin zi cai xie ye hao, It's good to make him feel comfortable,
03:11我还是第一次见董姑娘如此开心,可是有何喜事?Wǒ hái shì dì yī cì jiàn dǒng gū niàng lǔ cì kāi xīn, kě shì yǒu hé xǐ shì? This is the first time I've seen you so happy, but what's the good news?
03:17无喜亦无忧,此刻便最好。Wǔ xǐ yì wú yōu, cǐ kè biàn zuì hǎo. No happiness, no worries, this is the best time.
03:20香囊,卖香囊了,来看一看啊。Xiāng náng, mài xiāng náng le, lái kàn yī kàn a. Perfume sachet, sell perfume sachet. Come and have a look.
03:33崔先生有心事?Cūn xiānsheng yǒu xīn shì? Mr. Cui, what's on your mind?
03:35于是感慨,因缘际会自有天定,匆匆一瞥,犹如浮云散尽,知音难觅罢了。Yù shì gǎn kǎi, yīn yuán jì huì zì yǒu tiān dìng, cōngcóng yǐ pié, yǒu rú fú yún sàn jìn, zhī yīn nǎn mì bā le. It's hard to find a soulmate.
03:47我算不得先生之音呢?Wǒ suàn bú dé xiānsheng zhī yīn ne? I'm not your soulmate?
03:50董姑娘。Dǒng gūniàng. Miss Dong.
03:54也是,我只知先生的话,不知先生的音。Yěshì, wǒ zhǐ zhī xiānsheng de huà, bú zhī xiānsheng de yīn. Yes, I only know your words, not your sound.
03:59想不到,董姑娘看似温婉,却还有如此调皮的一面。Xiǎng bú dào, dǒng gūniàng kàn sī wēn wǎn, què hǎi yǒu rú cǐ tiáo pí de yīn. I didn't expect you to have such a mischievous side.
04:05村先生独具慧眼,也不是谁都能看到的。Cūn xiānsheng dújù huìyǎn, yě bù shì shéi dōng nán kàn dào de. Mr. Cui has a unique vision, not everyone can see it.
04:10少逛一世,多逛逛吧。Shǎo guāng yìshì, dōu guāng guāng bǎ. Let's take a walk around Shaoguang.
04:16慢走啊。Màn zǒu à. Take care.
04:34哎哟,侯爷来了。Aiyo, hóu yéi lái le. Oh, the Marquis is here.
04:48侯爷今天还是一个人来啊。Hóu yéi jīntiān hái shì yí gè rén lái à. The Marquis came alone today.
04:55快了。Kuài le. Almost.
04:59侯爷,您稍等。Hóu yéi, nín shāodéng. Marquis, please wait a moment.
05:04快了。Kuài le. Almost.
05:13快了。Kuài le. Almost.
05:17哎,二位,来,看看,有没有什么喜欢的?Ai, erwèi, lái, kàn kàn, yǒu méi yǒu shénme xǐhuān de? Hey, you two, look, is there anything you like?
05:22有喜欢的吗?Yǒu xǐhuān de ma? Is there anything you like?
05:29姑娘,你看有没有入眼的?Gūniàng, nǐ kàn yǒu méi yǒu rù yǎn de? Miss, is there anything you like?
05:32小泥猫?Xiǎo nǐ māo? Little cat?
05:35老板,你怎么会捏这个呀?Lǎobàn, nǐ zǒme huì nié zhège yà? Boss, how did you know how to make this?
05:39我也记不清了,可能是在哪里看到学的。Wǒ yě jì bùqīng le, kěnéng shì zài nǎlǐ kàn dào xué de.I don't remember. Maybe I saw it somewhere and learned it.
05:45这跟你那个倒是很像。Zhè gēn nǐ nài gè dào shì hěn xiàng.This is very similar to yours.
05:47老板,这个我要了。Lǎobàn, zhè gè wǒ yào le.Boss, I want this.
05:49好,好,好。Hǎo, hǎo, hǎo.Yes, yes, yes.
05:53使不得,使不得,太多了。Shí bú de, shí bú de, tài duō.I can't use it, I can't use it, it's too much.
05:55拿着吧,这是你应得的。Ná zhè ba, zhè shì nǐ yīng dé de.Take it, this is what you deserve.
05:58谢谢公子。Xiè xiè gōngzi.Thank you, sir.
06:01银子我之后还给你。Yínzi wǒ zhī hòu huáng gè nǐ.I'll pay you back later.
06:04不用了,送给你。Bù yòng le, sòng gè nǐ.No need, I'll give it to you.
06:06反正你当时还欠我一个彩头,我那会儿想要的也是小泥猫,良心了。Fǎnzhèng nǐ dāngshì hái qiàn wǒ yí gè cǎitòu, wǒ nè huì xiǎng yào de yě shì xiǎo nǐ māo, liàngqīng le.Anyway, you still owe me a hairpin. What I wanted at that time was also a kitten. I'm grateful.
06:15你还想要什么,我都可以买给你。Nǐ hǎi xiǎng yào shénme, wǒ dōu kěyǐ mǎi gè nǐ.Whatever else you want, I can buy it for you.
06:18魏指挥使今天怎么如此大方?Wèi zhǐ huì shì jīn tiān zěnme rú cǐ dà fāng?Commander Wei, why are you so generous today?
06:22没那么容易良心。Méi nème rōng yī liàngqīng.It's not that easy to be kind.
06:24卖冰糖葫芦,看看冰糖葫芦。Mài bīng tāng hú lù, kàn kàn bīng tāng hú lù.Sell candied hawthorn, have a look at candied hawthorn.
06:28那我要糖葫芦。Nà wǒ yào tāng hú lù.I want candied hawthorn.
06:30卖冰糖葫芦。Mài bīng tāng hú lù.Sell candied hawthorn.
06:33好,那我去买给你,在这等我。Hǎo, nà wǒ qù mài gěi nǐ, zài zhè děng wǒ.Okay, I'll buy it for you, wait here.
07:00打烊了?Dǎoyàng le?Closed?
07:01是啊。Shì à.Yes.
07:02这间面铺是全秦康最好吃的,看来今日是无缘让你一尝美味了。Zhè jiàn miàn pú shì quán qíng kāng zuì hǎo chī de, kàn lai jīn rì shì wú yuán ràng nǐ yī cháng měi wèi le.This noodle shop is the best in Qingkang. It seems that I have no chance to let you taste the delicious food today.
07:08我们下次再来便是,反正总有机会的。Wǒmen xià cì zài lái biàn shì, fǎnzhēng zǒng yǒu jīhuì de.We can come again next time, there will be a chance anyway.
07:14掌柜,下次我再带这位姑娘来吃你的羊肉面。Zhǎngguì, xià cǐ wǒ zài dài zhè bèi gūniǎng lái chī nǐ de yǎngròu miàn.Shopkeeper, I'll bring this girl to eat your lamb noodles next time.
07:18行,那我天天在这儿候着。Xíng,nà wǒ tiān tiān zài zhè rè hòu zhě.Okay, I'll wait here every day.
07:21明年开春,这些世子又要赶福恩客了。Míng nián kāi chūn, zhè xiē shì zǐ yòu yào gǎn fú ēn kè le.Next spring, these heirs are going to catch up with the guests again.
07:29毕竟一朝吉地,就能一展抱负,还能改换门楣,迎娶贵女。Bī jìn yì zhāo jí dì, jiù néng yì zhǎn bào fǔ, hái néng gǎi huàn mén méi, yíng qǔ guì nǐ.After all, you can take revenge in one fell swoop, and you can also change your family background and marry your daughter.
07:36崔先生才华横溢,可曾想过考取功名?Cuī xiān shèng cái huā héng yì, kě càng xiǎng guò kǎo qǔ gōng míng?Mr. Cui, have you ever thought about getting a title for your talent?
07:42仕途于我而言,不过就是披夹带索,还不如游历那些名山大川来得自由自在。Shì tú yǔ wǒ ér yán, bú guò jiù shì pī jiā dài suǒ, hái bù rú yóu lì nèi xiē míng shān dà chuān lái de zì yǒu zì zǎi。The title for my talent is nothing more than being able to change one's family background and marry one's daughter. It's not as good as being able to travel around the famous mountains and rivers.
07:50先生今晚就该出来摆摊,一定能卖出不少字画。Xiān shèng jīn wǎn jiù gāi chū lái bǎi tān, yī dì néng wài chū bù shǎo zì huā.Mr. Cui, you should come out and set up a stall tonight. I'm sure you'll be able to sell a lot of calligraphy.
07:57是啊,总有妙戏社伙,又有糖糕饼面。Bù guò, zǒng yǒu rén jǐ bù shàng tàng, guò lái kàn wǒ de zì huā。Yeah, there's always a magic show and a cake. But there's always someone who can't get up and come to see my calligraphy.
08:07还是算了,我怕先生出了名,挤不上烫的就是我了。Hǎi shì suàn le, wǒ pà xiān shēng chū le míng, jǐ bù shàng tàng de jiù shì wǒ le.It's better to forget it. I'm afraid I'm the one who can't get up if you're famous.
08:11姑娘永远不用挤。Gū niàng yóng yuàn bù yōng jǐ.You don't have to worry about it.
08:13董姑娘对山水风景颇有心得,不知今后隋某是否有幸与同游离。Dǒng gū niàng duì shān shuǐ fēng qǐng può yǒu xīn de, bù zhǐ jīng hào cūi mǒ shì fǒu yǒu xīn yǐ tóng yǒu lǐ。I wonder if I'll have the pleasure of traveling with you in the future.
08:32先生失职,离开庆康。Xiān shēng shì zhǐ, lí kāi qìng kāo.Sir, please leave Qingkang.
08:52你们怎么会在一起?Nǐmen zěnme huì zài yīqǐ?Why are you two together?
08:54侯爷与董姑娘也认识。Hǎoyè yǔ Dǒng gūniàng yǐ rènshì.Hǎoyè yǔ Dǒng gūniàng yǐ rènshì.
08:57有过一面之缘,是吧?Yǒu guì yí miàn zhī yuán, shì ba?We've met before, haven't we?
09:01是,董姑娘乃是母亲旧友的千金,曾见过一面。Shì, Dǒng gūniàng nǎi shì mǒ jīn jiùyǒu de qiānjīn, cěng jiàn guǐ yī miàn.Yes, Miss Dong is the daughter of my mother's old friend. We've met before.
09:09崔先生又为何认得侯爷?Cūn xiānsheng yǒu wèi hě rèn de hǎoyè?Why do you know His Lordship?
09:12崔某乃侯府门客,幸得侯爷的赏识与相中。Cūn mǒ nǎi hǎofù měn kè, xìng de hǎoyè de shǎngshí yǔ xiāng zhǒng.I'm a guest of His Lordship's manor. I'm lucky to have His Lordship's appreciation.
09:19原来如此。Yánlái rúcì.I see.
09:23这灯笼石是我赠与董姑娘的。Zhè dēnglóng shí shì wǒ zēng yǔ Dǒng gūniàng de.This lantern stone was given to Miss Dong by me.
09:26和董姑娘很合衬。Hě dǒng gūniàng hěn hé chēn.It matches Miss Dong very well.
09:29你们先逛,我先告辞了。Nǐmen xiān guàng,wǒ xiān gào cìle.You go ahead. I'll leave now.
09:32既然侯爷和董姑娘是旧相识,不如一起逛逛吧。Jìrán hǒuyè hě dǒng gūniàng shì jiù xiāngshí,bùrù yīqǐ guāng guāng le.Since His Lordship and Miss Dong are old friends, why don't you go with me?
09:36不如一起逛逛吧。Bùrù yīqǐ guāng guāng le.Why don't you go with me?
09:52好久没有吃到人家的东西了。Jǐ cǐ hǎo jiǎo miyǒu chī de rénjiā de dōngxī le.It's been a long time since I had something from someone else.
09:55这次我好好尝尝。Zhè cì wǒ hǎohǎo chǎngchǎng.I'll try it this time.
10:07你要去哪儿?Nǐ yào qù nǎr?Where are you going?
10:09你放开我,我要去找我师父。Nǐ fàngkǎn wǒ,wǒ yǎo qù zhǎo wǒ shīfú.Let go of me, I'm going to find my master.
10:12陛下如今已经知晓你的身份,你这是在给他递刀子。Bìxiā rújīn yǐjīng zhìxiǎng nǐ de shēnfēn,nǐ zhè shì zài gěi de dì dāozi.His Majesty has already known your identity, and you're just handing him a knife.
10:16我可以留在这儿,但我师父不能困在这儿。Wǒ kěyǐ liú zài zhèr,dàn wǒ shīfú bù nǒu kùn zài zhèr.I can stay here, but my master can't be trapped here.
10:20如今靖康根本就不安全,留在光明寺反而是上策。Rújīn jīngkāng gēnběn zhǐ bù ānquán,liú zài guāngmíngsī fǎn'er shì shàngcè.Now that Jingkang is not safe at all, it is better to stay in the Light Temple.
10:24你话说得好听,你留他在这儿不还是要利用他?Nǐ huà shuò de hǎo tíng,nǐ liú tā zài zhèr bù hái shì yào lìyòng tā?You said it well, if you want to keep him here, you have to use him.
10:28是的,只要救艾一日为决,他一日都不能离开。Shì de, zhǐ yào jiù ài yí rì wéi jué, tā yí rì dōu bù nǐng lǐ gāi.Yes, as long as we keep Ai alive, he can't leave for a day.
10:33就算他离开了光明寺,他也会陷入更大的危险之中。Jiù suàn tā lǐ kǎi le guāngmíng sī, tā yǒu huì xiàn ròu gēng dà de wèi xiǎn zhì zhǒu.Even if he leaves the Light Temple, he will be in greater danger.
10:37难道你们想以后每天都提心吊胆地过日子吗?Nǎn dōu nǐme xiǎng yǐ hòu měi tiān dōu tī xīn diào dǎn de guō rízi ma?Do you want to live a life of fear every day?
10:39你们见面只会增加风险,横生枝节Nǐmen jiànmian zhǐ huì zēngjiā fēngxiàn, hēngshēng zhī jié.When you meet, you will only increase the risk and be in danger.
10:51我答应你,我一定会结束这一切Wǒ dàyǐn nǐ, wǒ yītīng huì jiēshù zhè yīqié.I promise you, I will end all this.
11:09小慈?Xiǎo Cí?
11:18崔大哥?Cui Dàge?
11:23南陵一别,小慈可还好?Nánlíng yìbié, Xiǎo Cí kě hǎi hǎo?Nanlíng yìbié, Xiǎo Cí kě hǎi hǎo?
11:28多谢崔大哥关心Duò xiè Cui Dàge guàxīn.Duò xiè Cui Dàge guàxīn.
11:30见过建鼎侯Jiān guò Jiān dǐng hóng.Nice to meet you, Marquis Jian Ding.
11:39是否是相府董二小姐?Shì fǒu shì xiāngfǔ Dǒng ér xiǎo jiǎo?Is it Miss Dong Er of the Prime Minister's Mansion?
11:47管报之交Guǎn bào zhì jiào.Nice to meet you.
11:50初次见面,我叫江慈。Jiāng cí.Nice to meet you, my name is Jiang Ci.
11:53江姑娘好Jiāng gūniàng hǎo.Nice to meet you, Miss Jiang.
11:54咱们难得一见,不如揽云楼小聚。Zǎnme nándé yì jiàn, bù rú lǎnyūn lǒu xiǎo jù.It's a rare chance to meet you, why don't we meet in Lanyun House?
12:25没想到再见小慈竟是今日光景。Méi xiǎng dào zài jiàn xiǎo cí jìng shì jīng rì guāng jǐng.I didn't expect to see you again.
12:32小慈,行到水穷处,坐看云起时。Xiǎo cí, xíng dào shuǐ qiǒng chù, zuò kàn yún qǐ shí.Jiang Cí, when you walk to the bottom of the water and look at the clouds.
12:38多谢崔大哥,无论境遇如何,你我情意不变。Duò xiè cuì dàge, wǒ lùn jìng yǔ rú hé, nǐ wǒ qíng yī bù bián.Thank you, Brother Cui, no matter what happens, our love will never change.
12:48崔大哥,这位姑娘是?Cui dàge, zhè wèi gūniàng shì?Brother Cui, who is this lady?
12:51这是董姑娘,我与她因话解释。Zhè shì dǒng gūniàng, wǒ yǔ tā yīn huà jié shí.This is Miss Dong, I'm here to talk to her.
12:54崔大哥妙笔生花,想必董姑娘也是才华横溢。Cui dàge miào bǐ shēng huā, xiǎng bì dǒng gūniàng yě shì cǎihuá héng yì.Brother Cui is good at drawing, I'm sure Miss Dong is also talented.
13:03姜姑娘才是通透灵力,慧智兰心。Jiāng gūniàng cái shì tōng tòu líng lì, huì zhì lán xīn.Miss Jiang is smart and intelligent.
13:06相逢一杯酒,谈笑莫言归,今晚实属难得。Xiāng fēng yì bēi jiǎo, tǎn xiào mò yán guī, jīng wǎn shí shǔ nán dé.Let's have a drink together, let's talk about laughing. It's a rare occasion tonight.
13:13我敬大家一杯。Wǒ jìng dàjia yī bèi.Let me propose a toast to you all.
13:24小慈今夜是如何出宫的?Xiǎo cì jīnyè shì rú hé chú gōng de?How did Xiaoci leave the palace tonight?
13:30姜姑娘是宫中人。Jiāng gūniàng shì gōng zhōng rén.Miss Jiang is from the palace.
13:32董姑娘有所不知,小慈如今正是待侧逢的郡主。Dǒng gūniàng yǒu suǒ bù zhī, Xiǎo cì rú jīn zhèng shí dài cè fēng de jùn zhǔ.Miss Jiang is from the palace.
13:38小慈如今身份尊贵,贸然出宫,实在太过危险。Xiǎo cì rú jīn shēn fèn zūn guì, mào rán chú gōng, shí zài tài guó wéi xiǎn.Xiaoci is now a noble person, it's too dangerous to leave the palace rashly.
13:44是我带她出宫的。Shì wǒ dài tā chū gōng de.I took her out of the palace.
13:48三郎明知小慈身份,更应该注重君臣之道。Sǎn láng míng zhǐ xiǎo cí shēn fèn, gèng yīng gāi zhù zhǒng jūn chén zhì dào.The third son knows Xiaoci's identity, so he should pay more attention to the rule of a monarch and a minister.
13:53在郡主面前,你我皆是臣,少君指摘郡主,才是有违君臣之道的。Zài jùn zhǔ miàn qián, nǐ wǒ jiē shì chén, shào jūn zhǐ zhāi jùn zhǔ, cǎi shì yǒu wéi jūn chén zhì dào de.In front of the princess, you and I are all ministers, and the young lord only picks up the princess, which is against the rule of a monarch and a minister.
14:23我知小慈喜爱市井繁华,下次小慈告诉我,我自会向陛下请命,带你出去游玩。Wǒ zhī xiǎo cí xǐ ài shì jǐng fānhuǎ, xià cì xiǎo cí gàosù wǒ, wǒ zì huì xiǎng bīxiǎ qǐ nǐ, dài nǐ chūqǐ yǒu wǎn.I know Xiaoci likes the bustling city. Next time Xiaoci tells me, I will ask His Majesty to take you out for a trip.
14:48有劳侯爷费心,可这出了宫,竟是些扫兴之事,扫兴之人。Yǒu lǎo hǎo yuè fēn xīn, kě zhè chū le gōng, jìng shì xiě sǎo xìng zhī shì, sǎo xìng zhī rén.Thank you for your concern, Marquis, but this trip out of the palace is a little bit of a bad omen.
14:55没想到姜姑娘竟是郡主,过往不见,未来难测,不如就活在当下,静享此刻吧。姜姑娘,我敬你。I didn't expect Miss Jiang to be a princess. It's hard to predict the future if you don't see it in the past. Why don't you live in the present and enjoy the moment? Miss Jiang, I toast to you.
15:08我本来也不是这宫中之人。I'm not from this palace anyway.
15:11爱恨,得失,恩仇,姻缘既会自有天定,顺水逐流,也未尝不可。Hatred, loss of virtue, hatred. Fate is predestined, and it's inevitable.
15:27怕的就是得而复失,因爱生恨,恩怨不明。I'm afraid of losing my virtue, hatred, and hatred.
15:41真美啊,命运就像一团烟火,我们都是各自碰撞的火花,大不了绚烂,大不了掩盈。It's beautiful. Fate is like a firework, and we are all flames that collide with each other. At worst, it's dazzling, at worst, it's dazzling.
16:06董姑娘说得对,眼前的黑夜不算什么,不如对酒当歌,人生几何。Miss Dong is right, the night before us is nothing. Why don't we drink and sing, and enjoy the moment?
16:21今晚,就都忘了吧,来。Let's forget everything tonight. Come on.
16:24不分高下,不念尊卑,不问敌我,不论恩仇。I don't care about the superiority, I don't care about the inferiority. I don't care about the enemies, I don't care about the hatred.
16:54董姑娘可是寿宴那日的相府贵女,多谢你为当场拆船,你是在意崔大哥?Do you care about Brother Cui?
17:13一步有初,显刻有终。One step at a time.
17:19情投意合就好了,何必要被门第所为。It's good that we're on the same page. There's no need to be influenced by the others.
17:23诸门怎可对诸门,纵使不愿承认,这亦是非人力所能抗争的。How can we fight against others, even if we don't want to admit it?
17:40姜姑娘也有在意的人。Miss Jiang also cares about someone.
17:43都过去了。It's all over.
17:49对了,你为何突然从裴府婢女变成了郡主?By the way, why did you suddenly change from a maid to a princess?
17:54我也是突然得知自己的身份,一夜之间天翻地覆,其实我在这宫里没睡过一个好觉,我一直都觉得自己是孤身一人,今日碰到了董姑娘,也算是有了些安慰。I suddenly found out who I was, and I was overwhelmed overnight. Actually, I haven't had a good night's sleep in this palace. I've always felt that I was alone. Today, I met Miss Dong, and I feel a little relieved.
18:11都久相逢,最是好。It's best to meet after a long time.
18:19若没了这丞相之女的身份,你最想去做什么?What would you like to do the most if you lost your identity as the daughter of the prime minister?
18:26读万卷书,行万里路,不困于方寸之间,自由翱翔。Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, not trapped in space and time, and enjoy freedom.
18:34我也想去看遍这世间美景,吃遍世间美食,但是我就不想读书。I also want to see the beautiful scenery in this world and eat all the delicious food in the world, but I don't want to study.
18:42那我还要觅得知音,共度良辰,共赏美景。Then I want to hear the sound of virtue, spend a good time together, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
18:49那我还要和至亲之爱,看青山盈盈,渡流水迢迢。Then I want to see the green mountains and rivers with my loved ones.
18:55董姑娘,你必能美梦成真。Miss Dong, you will have a beautiful dream.
18:58姜姑娘,你也要美梦成真。Miss Jiang, you also have a beautiful dream.
19:11日过昼,云升月落,你眠不忘你的轮廓。In the middle of the night, the sun rises and the moon sets, you can't sleep, you can't forget your face.
19:20两心互照,长相厮守,迢迢如水,爱恨摇摇。Two hearts protect each other, long-lasting love.
19:28只愿君心天长地久,盈盈青山路遥回首。Only wish that the love of my heart will last forever.
19:37良知无措,举子之手,相守光阴中,念念不休。I will never forget our love.
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20:28少军,姑听说,你向父皇求许永安,你这么做,这董府于何地啊?Young Master, I heard that you asked my father for a favor. If you do this, where is the Dong Mansion?
20:36请殿下见谅,臣本就心有属意,如今已想加辞,表明心意。Please forgive me, Your Highness, I have already made up my mind, and now I want to add my words to show my sincerity.
20:44夫人也是一片全权爱护,再者,此事若让董府颜面扫地,你欲如何收场?Madame, you are also full of love. Besides, if the Dong Mansion is disgraced, how will you deal with it?
20:52殿下放心,此事臣已安排妥当,绝对不会伤害董府以及二小姐的声誉。Don't worry, Your Highness, I have arranged everything well, and I will never hurt the reputation of the Dong Mansion and the Second Young Mistress.
21:00你心有成算便好,只可惜姑还一直想以少军做个联金呢。It's good that you have a plan in mind, but I've always wanted to work with you.
21:06让殿下担忧,臣万分惭愧,永安郡主是殿下的皇妹,臣与殿下亦是亲近万分,绝对不会折损对殿下的忠心。I am very ashamed to make you worry. Princess Yongan is the emperor's sister, and I am very close to you. I will never break my loyalty to you.
21:18少军这番话,谷记着了。Your Highness, I will remember your words.
21:23殿下,此事陛下还未最终做决定,还望殿下先行保密。Your Highness, this matter has not yet been decided, and I hope Your Highness will keep it a secret.
21:31少军放心,此当好事,自当由你主动宴请告知,谷还要多喝你几杯喜酒呢。Your Highness, don't worry, this is a good thing, and you should take the initiative to invite me. I'll have to drink a few more cups of your wedding wine.
21:39少军即将心想事成,谷这刚进宫的堂妹怕是不久又要出宫了。Your Highness, your wish is about to come true. I'm afraid my new cousin will be leaving the palace soon.
21:45三郎来了。Sanlang is here.
21:49殿下,可以入席了。Your Highness, you can come in.
21:51三郎,少军,请吧。Sanlang, Shaojun, please.
22:11永安拜见太子,太子妃。Greetings, Your Highness, Crown Princess.
22:14永安当真是婷婷玉丽,落落大方。快入席吧。Yong'an is really graceful and graceful. Please come in.
22:24今日东宫会聚傲雪云霜之人,皆为庆祝孤雨三冠,多了一个善花草的堂妹。Yong'an, welcome home.
22:31永安,欢迎你回家。Yong'an, welcome home.
22:33谢太子厚爱。Thank you, Your Highness.
22:34赏花宴自然是赋诗送花在前,美酒佳传随后。赏花宴,不如三郎、少军、姑与三冠作诗,永安与妻妹择花采鞋,如何?Why don't you give a poem to me and Sanlang, and Yong'an and Qimei pick flowers together?
22:52永安拾花的本领,我已经领教过了。这次我就好好欣赏欣赏。I've learned the skill of picking flowers from Yong'an. I'll enjoy it this time.
22:58怎么一到作诗,你就辞雄了?Why did you quit as soon as the poem came out?
23:01大雄,你就别拆穿我了。作为风流才子,你们当才子,我就负责看美人采花。休得无礼。Brother, don't expose me. As a talented man, I'm in charge of picking flowers for beauties. Don't be rude.
23:12承蒙太子赏诗,配诗选花我一人就够。苟二小姐,不如就一起去作诗吧。Thank you, Your Highness. It's enough for me to pick flowers with a poem. Miss Gou, why don't you go and write a poem with me?
23:21二小姐还会作诗呢?You can write a poem?
23:23试试吧。Let's try.
23:24幽林不见花,暗香映芳华。The flowers are not seen in the forest, but the fragrance of the darkness is smooth.
23:41海棠花,虽不是极艳丽的花朵,却有暖春之香。海棠又被称为桀羽花,不争春色之人,最解春意。Cherry Blossom Flower, although it is not the most beautiful flower, it has the fragrance of warm spring. Cherry Blossom is also known as the flower of rain. People who don't compete for spring colors are the most suitable for spring clothes.
23:52多谢。Thank you.
23:55好,那姑接着来。願作天风吹花雨,万家门前尽成春。Good, then I'll come next. I would like to be the wind that blows the rain to enter the city in the spring.
24:15Chow Yun is a kind of food
24:17that keeps growing
24:19Ordinary people can eat it
24:21His Highness is diligent, kind and generous
24:23He is well-known
24:28When I see this Chow Yun
24:30I will remember to remind him
24:33Shaojun, it's your turn
24:36No matter how many times the spring comes and goes
24:38How many times the cold branches fall
24:50The rose can be eaten and drunk
24:52In spring and autumn
24:54His Highness is already blessed
24:56There is no need to fight for spring and autumn
24:58Why don't we just let nature take its course
25:21Sanlang, it's your turn
25:23What is it?
25:27A thousand miles of falling flowers
25:29A bamboo stream
25:31A bright moon
25:33A clear mountain
25:41Why don't you pick it up?
25:54I met Commandant Wei
25:56in Doucao
25:58I met Xue Qingchan
26:00It's kind of fate
26:03Although the flowers are beautiful
26:05they are poisonous and easy to wither
26:08All beautiful things
26:10are like this
26:12You can't stay long
26:14You can't get close
26:16It's hard to tell if it's true or not
26:23It's hard to tell if it's true or not
26:38It seems that Yong'an
26:40is still partial to Shaojun
26:42What can be eaten and drunk
26:44In spring and autumn
26:46It's all good
26:48Don't laugh at me
26:50Don't judge me
26:52In the future
26:54I will have a beautiful wife
26:56I will pick all the flowers
26:58for Shaojun
27:00You are joking
27:02I will never be greedy for others' blessings
27:04If the water is three thousand
27:06I will only take one
27:16Shaojun has always been a gentleman
27:18I don't think he will force you
27:22I don't think he will force me
27:40In my opinion
27:42Commandant Wei's poem
27:44is the most touching
27:46and the best match with the flowers
27:48Why don't we let Commandant Wei
27:50pick a flower
27:54Then I will
27:56follow your order
28:20The flower blooms and the flower withers
28:36The flower blooms and the flower withers
28:38It's a cycle of life and death
28:40Even if you are dying
28:42There is still a day of revival
28:44Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
29:14Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
29:36Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
30:05Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
30:17Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
30:45Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
31:13Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
31:41Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
32:09Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
32:34Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
32:54Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
33:14Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
33:22Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
33:42Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
34:02Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
34:22Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
34:32Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
34:42Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:10Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:12Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:13Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:14Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:15Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:16Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:17Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:18Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:19Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:20Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:21Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:22Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:23Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:24Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:25Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:26Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:27Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:28Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:29Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:30Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:31Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:32Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:33Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:34Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:35Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:36Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:37Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:38Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:39Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:40Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:41Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:52Oh, San Lang, what are you talking to Joe?
35:59You have to be very careful.
36:03We should all be careful.
36:19What's your name?
36:21My name is Chun'er.
36:26This handkerchief is the poisonous wine you gave the princess.
36:30Why did you poison the princess?
36:33I was ordered to do so.
36:37Who ordered you to do so?
36:41I was ordered by Chief Tao.
36:46Chief Tao?
36:48How dare you frame the Chief of the Palace?
36:51I dare not lie in front of the Commander.
36:54I was really ordered by Chief Tao.
36:57Now the world knows that His Majesty dotes on the princess.
37:01Chief Tao is loyal to His Majesty.
37:04Why did he harm the princess?
37:06I don't know.
37:08I was just following orders.
37:11Following orders?
37:13You were ordered to poison the princess.
37:16I was ordered to protect the princess.
37:19Tell me, should I listen to you or me?
37:25I was ordered by the Commander.
37:29If that's the case,
37:31you deliberately poisoned the princess
37:33and slandered the Chief of the Palace.
37:35You will be sentenced to nine years in prison.
37:39What I said is true.
37:42My parents are old.
37:44My sixth brother is less than ten years old.
37:47Please forgive me.
37:50Your life is in your own hands.
37:53Tell me.
37:55What did Chief Tao say to you?
37:58The day before, Chief Tao gave me a bottle of poison.
38:03He asked me to drink it on the day of the banquet
38:06and put it in the princess's wine.
38:08He said that after it was done,
38:10I would be allowed to leave the palace
38:12and spend the rest of my life with my parents.
38:16You serve the Eastern Palace.
38:18What did Chief Tao tell you?
38:22He told me to hide behind the palace gate.
38:27When did he say that?
38:30Around 3 a.m.
38:353 a.m.?
38:37Yes, 3 a.m.
38:41At 3 a.m. every day,
38:43His Majesty has to take calming soup.
38:46Chief Tao must be around.
38:48How could he meet you at the palace gate?
38:51Tell me. Who sent you here?
38:53Chief Tao didn't tell me personally.
38:56Chief Tao sent someone to tell me.
39:06Is it Mammy Du?
39:11No. It's not Mammy Du.
39:14I don't know her.
39:16Consort Yi.
39:19Take her away.
39:21My lord! My lord! Spare me, my lord!
39:24My lord! My lord!
39:28My lord, why did Mammy Du poison Lady Jiang?
39:33It seems that only His Majesty
39:36has a grudge against Lady Jiang because of Prince Qi's case.
39:42He treats her like his own daughter.
39:44Someone must have taught him to say that.
39:47Although he was fully prepared,
39:50he still missed the details.
39:53You mean Mammy Du
39:57poisoned Lady Jiang to frame His Majesty?
40:01Judging from this maid's reaction,
40:04it's likely that Lady Rong wanted to frame His Majesty
40:08in the name of Tao Zizhu.
40:11But I remember that
40:13Marquis Pei should like Lady Jiang.
40:16Why did Lady Rong...
40:19Her liking doesn't mean that her family likes her.
40:23Help Fang Sheng.
40:25Tell him that this person has committed suicide.
40:27Check his background.
40:31keep an eye on Mammy Du.
40:35Thanks to you this time.
40:38Otherwise, Lady Jiang will be in danger again.
40:53Do you have fresh cabbage?
40:55Do you have fresh cabbage?
40:57It's fresh. We grow it ourselves.
41:00I want this.
41:02Take it.
41:06I'll put it here.
41:08Take care.
41:19I found out that Wei Zhao also sent people to follow Mammy Du.
41:23He won't act without a reason.
41:26My Lord.
41:32My Lord.
41:38Why are you in such a hurry?
41:40My Lord, you are so rude.
41:43Please tell me the truth
41:46about the poisoning of the princess in the Eastern Palace.
41:49Why do you ask me?
41:52If it were me,
41:54what would you do?
41:58In the past, I failed to protect Jiang Ci.
42:01In the future, if you dare to touch him again,
42:04please forgive me for being disrespectful to you.
42:11I raised you up with all my heart.
42:13I taught you with all my heart.
42:15You are not a wild girl who wants to bother me.
42:18Jiang Ci is the princess granted by His Majesty.
42:20She is also the royal grandson in my eyes.
42:22I will ask His Majesty to grant a marriage
42:24and marry Jiang Ci.
42:26In the future, I hope you will think twice before you act.
42:29Pei Yan.
42:33Are you really going to ruin everything I have arranged for you?
42:38Are you arranging everything for me or for yourself?
42:43I will serve you.
42:45But I will also be a good minister forever.
42:57I was going to kill Er Niang.
43:02After killing that girl, Xie Che messed up again.
43:06I can't even remember it.
43:11Judging from His Lordship's intention,
43:13it seems that the poison was determined to be done by Madam.
43:17Xie Che gave her what she wanted.
43:19I don't know what she wants.
43:21I don't know what she wants.
43:23It was done by Madam.
43:25Xie Che gave her what she wanted.
43:27She just lost her mind for a moment.
43:32She didn't know that Xie Che would be more cruel in the future.
43:42That girl, Shan Hua Yan, escaped.
43:45Someone must have helped her.
43:48If it weren't for Yan Er,
43:51who would it be?
43:55Wei Zhao, go find Hua Yan.
44:00How is Chun'er?
44:01Chun'er has committed suicide.
44:03The Illuminati shouldn't have noticed Duan Ni.
44:07Find someone to keep an eye on Wei Zhao.
44:09Don't let him ruin my plan.
44:18The Illuminati
44:30Greetings, Your Majesty.
44:32Come, Pei Yan, look.
44:34Who won this round?
44:37Everything was decided by Your Majesty.
44:40The result depends on Your Majesty's will.
44:43As you said,
44:44it's up to me
44:47to decide who wins.
44:50The world is full of people.
44:52It's all about the people.
44:54Your Majesty is generous.
44:55Even a small chess piece in the world
44:58will be yours.
45:03As you said,
45:04I'll let the black team win.
45:07What do you think?
45:08What do you think?
45:13I heard that
45:14Mrs. Rong is trying her best
45:17to match you and the daughter of Prime Minister Dong.
45:19I'm sorry, Your Majesty.
45:21I'm too old to get married,
45:23but I haven't been married for a long time.
45:24My mother is worried about me,
45:25so she made a mess.
45:27You mean
45:28you don't like the daughter of Prime Minister Dong?
45:31Pei Yan,
45:32I have my heart.
45:35I don't dare to delay others.
45:39I dare to
45:42ask Your Majesty to grant me a marriage.
45:45Yong An again?
45:47I won't marry anyone but Yong An.
45:52Yong An
45:54has suffered a lot
45:56and suffered a lot.
45:57You should know that.
46:01How are you going to treat him?
46:05I swear to Your Majesty
46:07that I'll take good care of Her Highness.
46:09I'll protect Her Highness for the rest of her life.
46:11I'll do my best
46:13to protect the country.
46:18Take good care of her for me.
46:21Don't let her think about
46:23the troubled past.
46:27Get ready for your marriage.
46:29Thank you, Your Majesty.
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