Liu Shui Tiao Tiao(2024)EP23

  • 2 days ago


00:30花一落堆积凡尘的凉薄 随着风仿若不留痕而过
00:57却是借一笔笔墨 重写下你我 甘苦与共 和天地同游
01:10血染土 宿命纠缠无解的因果 乱世中 未相逢的缘由
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷 重拾了离合 干戈了落 明月照晨光
01:38我愿以一枪肝胆 铁马战歌向云端 只为那一曲无憾 生死举步破不换
01:51人念随心意斗转 山河情仇人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:25雕虫小技 有什么难度
02:52老头 今儿你抓着的人真是小武侠
02:56不干你的事 好好给我寻城
02:59那日啊 我注意到有两个女子和一个少年看着眼神 形迹可疑 说不定是他的同伙
03:08你一声令下 我立刻去抓人
03:11我平时是怎么教你的 明者保身 谨言慎行
03:18你一个字都没听进去啊 你何时才能给我长点心呢
03:32你不想当城主 我想当
03:34我想保护月落 不再受他人欺负
03:38爹 要不然您就再努努力 无论如何把城主这个位置给拿下来 将来就能传给我了
03:55给我老实待着 哪儿都不许去
04:56今日起 我与你不再是同袍
04:59恩断义绝 一切不量力
05:27有事说事 少来虚的
05:31平长老乃金国英雄 骁勇善战
05:35在李某心中 唯平长老能胜任城主一位
05:50李某愿与平长老合作 拿回白玉簪
05:53日后无论谁当城主 都要守望相助 护族人周全
06:20既然落在你们的手里 要杀要剐 悉听尊便
06:25小兄弟 你年纪轻轻的 何必自寻死路呢
06:29休要和他废话 说 白玉簪为何在你手里
06:35那自然是因为白玉簪 有心有眼 能辨黑白 瞧不上你
06:48平硯 李某 齐瑶 洪烨
06:54四位如此咄咄逼人 是因为真的恨萧家人呢 还是另有图谋
07:01你休得胡言乱语 我与萧海天不共戴天
07:06四位明明都想从我手中拿走白玉簪 为什么不敢向我来要
07:18冥顽不灵 狂妄固执 你比你爹更可恶
08:31剑上的双 弓上的弦 怕人牵绊
08:40北水的风 南归的燕 谁能再见
08:49遥遥看山原 落红一片 竟然似水流年
08:57当时都寻常 却空留此生茫茫
09:06依稀旧模样 心在何方
09:27月落来信 说是一切尽在掌握之中 请主公放心
09:32你告诉他 让他把城主的位置坐稳 否则本宫第一个杀的机器
10:26My lord, I found out that the selection ceremony of Yue Luo was destroyed by a masked man, and he was also caught by a few elders in the city.
10:34Do you think this masked man is Wei Zhao?
10:37Wei Zhao? Is he that easy to catch?
10:41Tomorrow is the selection ceremony of Yue Luo's master. I don't know if he will show up.
10:45I plan to go with Tong Min in person.
10:49San Lang...
10:52Have you found Xiao Ci's whereabouts?
10:55Not yet.
10:57You stay and deal with Lu Yu. Tong Min and I will go.
11:00My lord.
11:01San Lang has Lu Yu to look for him.
11:04I'm afraid there will be a crisis tomorrow.
11:07If Xiao Ci is really in Yue Luo,
11:12I must bring him back.
11:16Don't worry.
11:18If Ah Le and I didn't go to find you,
11:20would you have died in Gu Xingfeng today?
11:23Don't be angry. I'm fine.
11:27I heard that Elder Ping caught the one who made trouble at the ceremony.
11:31It's really a relief.
11:34How can this be true?
11:36I heard that person is the descendant of the Xiao family.
11:40That person suddenly appeared and was suddenly caught.
11:42Isn't it suspicious?
11:44I think it's just one by one.
11:47It's not good. It's the elder's people.
11:49Let's go back first.
11:50It's too dangerous for us to go together.
11:51You and Ah Le go back to the house first.
11:52Wait for my news.
11:53Be careful.
11:54Let's go.
11:55Hurry up.
11:56Let's go.
12:00Even if there is something wrong,
12:01what can we find out?
12:03Tomorrow is the selection ceremony of the City Owner.
12:06That day in the square,
12:07I saw three suspicious people.
12:10That day in the square,
12:11I saw three suspicious people.
12:13If we don't catch them, I will be worried.
12:21It's him.
12:22Go after him.
12:32Let's go after him.
12:34Go after him.
12:35Go after him.
12:40Who are you?
12:41Don't hide.
13:05Are you his accomplice?
13:08Who is his accomplice?
13:12Tell me the location of the girl and the child.
13:15I promise I won't hurt you.
13:25My Lord.
13:26It's Wu Ji from Fenglin Yard.
13:32Follow him.
13:36Are you all right?
13:37How about you?
13:38Are you all right?
13:53Why did you leave without telling me last time?
13:55You came to Yue Luo.
13:56The Marquis is worried about the safety of Miss Jiang.
13:58He came to pick you up.
13:59Miss Jiang, let's go.
14:00I am no longer a member of the Marquis.
14:02Then who are you?
14:03Xiao Wu Xia.
14:05I don't know Xiao Wu Xia.
14:15Come with me.
14:16I won't go.
14:17Miss Yun Lian.
14:31Miss Yun Lian.
14:33All right, I'll go with you.
14:35I only want Jiang Ci.
14:36Jiang Ci.
14:56How did you get hurt?
15:00I'm fine.
15:03I'm fine.
15:07Go back to your room and get changed.
15:09I'll apply medicine for you.
15:11It's just a minor injury.
15:14It doesn't matter how angry Jiang Ci is.
15:16Don't take it out on your own body.
15:25Tong Ming.
15:28Go to the Manxi Courtyard.
15:30Get some food.
15:39Who is the Marquis?
15:40Why did Jiang Ci provoke these people?
15:42Let's find Uncle Ping first.
15:46You still want to run?
15:47I'll let you run.
15:48I caught you.
15:54Be careful.
16:01Let's go.
16:06That guy is stubborn.
16:08He won't even say anything.
16:10Then kill him.
16:11Tonight, we'll all try our best.
16:13Elder Ji.
16:15Since there is progress,
16:17why do we have to go back?
16:19It seems that Elder Li
16:21is determined to get this white jade hairpin.
16:26This white jade hairpin has been lost for many years.
16:28We have to give our people an explanation.
16:30But he won't say anything.
16:32It's really hard.
16:35Then let's do it.
16:39Didn't he say that
16:40he wanted to seek justice for Xiao Haitian?
16:43Then let's take him back to the Xiao family.
16:46It can be regarded as fulfilling his wish.
17:01Xiao Haitian
17:09You said that you are a member of Xiao Haitian.
17:16Then you must know that this is
17:18Xiao Haitian's armor.
17:22A criminal must beware of
17:25some evil spirits.
17:52Little brother.
17:54No matter who you are,
17:56if you give us the white jade hairpin,
17:58we will let you go.
18:04What are you laughing at?
18:07Are the four elders in a hurry?
18:10I can give you the white jade hairpin.
18:14But who should I give it to?
18:18Why don't you fight?
18:20Whoever wins, I will give it to him.
18:24How can you play this game?
18:27That's right.
18:28How about this?
18:31whoever can bow three times
18:33in front of the people
18:35at the election ceremony
18:37and appeal for the Xiao family,
18:40I will consider
18:42who to give the white jade hairpin to.
18:46I'll kill you.
18:49Elder Ping, calm down.
18:52Elder Ping.
18:54If you kill me,
18:56you will never know
18:58where the white jade hairpin is.
19:00Yes, you can't kill me.
19:03I have made the conditions.
19:05It's up to you
19:06how to choose.
19:18Let me see your wound.
19:20Thank you for your concern, My Lord.
19:22I have applied the medicine myself.
19:35My Lord.
19:48My Lord.
20:03Are you hungry?
20:18This cake looks delicious.
20:21I wonder how it tastes.
20:23Xiaoci, try it.
20:25My Lord, please.
20:42It's not as good as Xiaoci's.
20:44It's not as good as Xiaoci's.
20:47When will Xiaoci
20:48make Ding Sheng cake for me again?
20:50And the grilled crab you mentioned.
20:52I've been craving for it.
20:54I don't see any difference.
20:57My Lord,
20:58my cooking skills are poor.
21:00It's not worth your concern.
21:05I have eaten Xiaoci's cake.
21:09I can't eat anything else.
21:15Don't you want to try it?
21:17I just don't want to be trapped by a piece of cake.
21:21Xiaoci doesn't want to be trapped by a piece of cake.
21:24But she wants to be trapped by the moon.
21:29I don't know who you are talking about.
21:32I won't be trapped by anyone.
21:35At this point,
21:38are you still going to lie to me?
21:40Is Xiaoci still going to lie to me?
21:44Do you still remember
21:46when we were at Peifu Hall,
21:48we were honest with each other.
21:50Isn't that kind of person
21:51pitiful and sad?
21:52Everyone has their own way of living.
21:55Just like the stars in the sky.
21:57Each has its own light and shadow.
21:59But no one likes to shine.
22:01My Lord, just believe me.
22:03I didn't tell anyone
22:05about your secret that day.
22:08I just don't want to remember
22:10what happened in Qingkang.
22:13You don't want to remember,
22:15but you follow her
22:17and let her use you.
22:20Since I arrived in Qingkang,
22:22I have been used.
22:24If I choose to forget,
22:26I will forget
22:27all the unhappy things.
22:57Ah Le.
22:58Sister Yulian.
23:01Why did you come to Yue Luo?
23:04Get lost.
23:07I saved you
23:08and talked to you politely.
23:10Don't be ungrateful.
23:15You don't have to tell me.
23:16I know
23:17you were hiding in the crowd that day
23:19to destroy the ceremony
23:20of Li Ying.
23:23There are so many people at the ceremony.
23:24Why is it called hiding?
23:25Then why did you run away
23:26as soon as you saw me?
23:27Do you think you are a good person?
23:28Why am I not a good person?
23:36Did you find a doctor
23:38for your injury?
23:40You don't have to pretend to be sober.
23:44Kindness is like a donkey's liver.
23:47Take good care of it.
23:50Where is my father?
23:51He went to Xiao's house.
23:52I don't know where he went after that.
23:53Why did he go to Xiao's house?
23:55He said he was going to attack the assassin.
23:59Shen Ren doesn't have to do this.
24:01Young Master, don't get involved in this matter.
24:02Elder Hong will be angry again
24:03if he knows.
24:05That old man didn't do anything wrong.
24:06I didn't do anything wrong.
24:07I caught him myself.
24:08I can handle it myself.
24:14Come with me.
24:16Where are you taking me?
24:19have a good rest.
24:20Don't worry.
24:21Mr. Zhuang.
24:22Let's go.
24:36Young man,
24:37do you know this person?
24:46You actually asked a kid
24:47to protect you.
24:48Do you know shame?
24:50You actually asked a kid
24:51to threaten me.
24:52Do you know shame?
24:55I just...
24:56This is your method.
24:58You bully the weak and bully the weak.
25:01If you do this,
25:02if you do this,
25:03what's the difference
25:04between Lu Yu and Zhen Yuan Jun?
25:07Hong Jie.
25:11What are you doing?
25:13I caught his accomplice.
25:15I want to find Bai Yu San as soon as possible.
25:17You bully a kid younger than you.
25:19This is what I taught you.
25:21Get out.
25:33I'm sorry.
25:44What did you say to Hong Jie?
25:49Your son caught my eldest sister.
25:50Liangren caught my second sister.
25:52You are as bad as Liangren.
25:53Liangren caught your second sister?
25:56Where did he go?
25:57I don't know.
26:03is the selection ceremony of the City Owner of Moon City.
26:07They caught a person
26:09and covered his face.
26:14In Xiao Ci's opinion,
26:16could it be a silver-faced person?
26:22There are so many people in the world who cover their faces.
26:25How could it be such a coincidence?
26:27I just want to have a look.
26:29If it's the same person,
26:31I don't have to catch him again.
26:34Are you here for this, Yue Luo?
26:36I'm here for you.
26:38You don't want to go with me.
26:39I can only stay.
26:51I didn't lie to you.
26:53I just hope you can go back with me.
26:56Whether I go or stay,
26:59it's all up to you.
27:21I'll go back with you.
27:31Let's go.
27:32My Lord.
27:35It's just that it's getting late.
27:37I still have a lot of luggage to pack.
27:41I'll wait here.
27:43When Xiao Ci is done packing,
27:45we'll leave.
27:52My Lord, you'll stay here.
27:55Where else can I go?
28:25My Lord.
28:36Let's lure His Lordship away first.
28:38Then we'll find a chance to escape.
28:48Leave a secret signal for Uncle Ping.
28:50Tell them that His Lordship has been here.
29:22Bai Yu San?
29:24Why is he with me?
29:28If the elders can't get Bai Yu San tomorrow,
29:31won't it be...
29:53Bai Yu San.
30:23Bai Yu San.
30:49Pick it up.
30:52Pick up more mud.
30:53It's solid.
30:54I know.
30:55Dad, why are you still here?
30:57What time is it?
30:58Why are you still repairing the wall?
31:00What nonsense are you talking about?
31:02The wall is broken.
31:03How can it work if I don't repair it?
31:05I heard that the three elders
31:06are going to look for that kid tonight.
31:09You have to hurry up.
31:13What right do you have
31:14to lecture me?
31:17I'll handle it.
31:20Don't mess with me.
31:26As long as you work hard,
31:27the result doesn't matter.
31:30Stay where it's cool.
31:34Go where?
31:37We haven't finished yet.
31:48Why are you standing there?
31:49Come and help.
32:21My Lord.
32:25Can I go now?
32:26Sorry to keep you waiting.
32:28Why don't you eat something before you go?
32:33I haven't tasted
32:34Xiao Ci's cooking for a long time.
32:41Miss Jiang finally agrees
32:42to work with the Marquis.
32:44I'm so happy.
32:45I'm so happy.
32:46I'm so happy.
32:47I'm so happy.
32:48Miss Jiang finally agrees
32:49to work with the Marquis.
32:52I also hope
32:54she's really willing to go with me.
33:19Does Xiao Ci
33:20really want me
33:21to drink this bowl of porridge?
33:23After I faint,
33:28will he leave me again?
33:36Why do you keep
33:37disappointing me?
33:49Let me go.
33:50Let me go.
34:04Open the door.
34:06Open the door.
34:19today is the big day of the Moon Fall.
34:21You are also from the Moon Fall.
34:23Let's go together.
34:31Let's go.
34:35Let's go.
34:45Let's go.
34:46Marquis Pei.
34:49General Zhang.
34:51Why is Marquis Pei also in the Moon Fall?
34:54I came to the Moon Fall
34:55to supervise the ceremony.
34:56Is Marquis Pei
34:57also here for the ceremony?
34:58I can't let him ruin
34:59Wei Zhao's plan.
35:00His Lordship and I
35:01invited General Zhang
35:02to watch the ceremony together.
35:05Marquis Pei travels a long way
35:07and has his family with him.
35:09What a good mood.
35:11Without further ado,
35:12let's go.
35:35Let's go.
35:54is the day
35:55of the Moon Fall.
36:05In addition,
36:06there is another good news.
36:08That is
36:09we have found
36:10our white jade hairpin.
36:18bring him here.
36:24Kneel down.
36:30Why is Commander Wei
36:31up there?
36:32Why is he up there?
36:34What is he up to?
36:36I'm afraid
36:37only Commander Wei
36:40knows the truth.
36:43I'll need your help
36:44to invite Commander Wei
36:46to the military camp.
36:52This is the assassin
36:53who ruined the ceremony that day.
36:55According to the elders,
36:57this person
36:58is willing to hand over
36:59the white jade hairpin.
37:00I have something to say.
37:01You can say it later.
37:02Xiao Haitian
37:05was wronged.
37:16my whole family
37:18died in the war that year.
37:20I hate him.
37:21I hate Xiao Haitian.
37:24I wish I could skin him alive.
37:26So I forced
37:27all the charges
37:28on Xiao Haitian.
37:30It's my fault.
37:32I wronged Xiao Haitian.
37:35Ji Yao,
37:36you subdued him
37:37for the white jade hairpin.
37:39You are shameless.
37:44in front of
37:45all the Yueluo people,
37:48I'll kowtow
37:49three times
37:50to Xiao Haitian
37:52for his spirit
37:53in heaven.
37:55Elder Ji, wait.
37:59You promised me
38:01not to break your promise.
38:09Xiao Haitian harmed my family.
38:11How can you
38:12kowtow to him
38:13for a white jade hairpin?
38:14Who said
38:15I did it for the white jade hairpin?
38:17If you hand over the white jade hairpin,
38:21I'll let you go.
38:24Elder Ji,
38:25please kowtow to Xiao Haitian.
38:32You are delusional.
38:35If you don't want to kneel for the white jade hairpin,
38:37are you willing to
38:38kneel for Ji Lang?
38:49Who are you talking about?
38:51Your son.
38:53Elder Ji, you don't remember?
38:57How do you know?
39:00Ji Lang
39:01was sent to Daliang.
39:03Not long after,
39:04it was reported that
39:05he died in the palace.
39:08Ji Lang is seven feet tall,
39:09has a handsome face,
39:11has beautiful eyes,
39:12and can cure diseases.
39:18If I tell Elder Ji
39:20that Ji Lang is still alive,
39:22will Elder Ji
39:24kowtow to me for this news?
39:30He told me
39:31that Ji Lang was not dead.
39:32As long as I kneel,
39:33he will tell me
39:34where Ji Lang is.
39:40What the hell are you doing?
39:46calm down.
39:47Calm down.
39:48Don't fall into his trap.
39:49Don't fall into his trap.
39:53That's not what
39:54Elder Li told me yesterday.
39:58What deal did you make with him?
40:00Elder Ping,
40:01don't listen to him.
40:03I came to him
40:04to persuade him.
40:06Elder Li promised me yesterday
40:08that he would bring justice to Elder Xiao
40:10and ensure my glory and wealth.
40:12Whether in Yue Luo
40:13or Daliang,
40:14I will have a place to stay.
40:17What Daliang?
40:19Elder Li,
40:20what's going on?
40:22Make it clear to everyone.
40:24I didn't say Daliang.
40:25I just wanted to go there.
40:28Elder Li didn't believe me
40:30and wrote this letter
40:31to persuade me.
40:35Take a good look.
40:37This is the City Owner
40:38you personally chose.
40:40A spy who colluded
40:41with the Liang people.
40:44Take someone
40:45to surround the area.
40:50You, Li Mu,
40:51are also a traitor.
40:53Where do you place my people?
40:55Where do you place Yue Luo?
41:03Everyone, don't listen to him.
41:04Don't listen to him.
41:06He came to persuade us
41:08to find a place
41:09to stay.
41:11He came to
41:13find revenge on us.
41:15In fact,
41:16he is the son of Xiao Haitian,
41:18Xiao Wuxia.
41:27Xiao Wuxia?
41:29Do you have any evidence
41:30to prove that I am Xiao Wuxia?
41:33That day,
41:34we all saw you
41:35holding the white jade hairpin.
41:37After Xiao Haitian died,
41:38the white jade hairpin
41:39disappeared along with the Xiao family.
41:41He said that
41:42he was innocent for Xiao Haitian.
41:44I don't know who Xiao Wuxia is.
41:47Elder Li,
41:48do you believe
41:50a fake white jade hairpin?
41:54Come on, kill him.
42:01Zhang Zhicheng?
42:03Why is he in Yue Luo?
42:05How did the unidentified soul
42:06get in touch with Xiao Wuxia?
42:15He is not Xiao Wuxia.
42:18Xiao Ci.
42:19My Lord.
42:23Elder Li,
42:24why did you turn your face?
42:26What are you talking about?
42:27Where did this girl come from?
42:28My Lord.
42:29You promised me to prove for the Xiao family
42:30and give justice to my husband.
42:32Is this the way you give justice to him?
42:33Find someone to pretend to be him
42:34and kill him.
42:38I don't even know you.
42:39Who is your husband?
42:41My husband is Xiao Wuxia.
42:45My husband is Xiao Wuxia.
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