
  • 2 days ago


00:003Lz ! 5.90 x (-1.00)(1.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.00)(0.
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01:00It sounds like the carburettor.
01:09Yes, I'm aware of that.
01:13She's not cooperating.
01:14Try again tomorrow.
01:15Can you give this to Audrey for me?
01:23Is there any message?
01:24She'll know what it's for.
01:25Maggie asked me to give you this.
01:37Oh, thank you.
01:40Aren't you going to open it?
01:44I'll do it later.
01:47Ingredients have been on the ground and I've a christening cake once icing.
01:50Is Mr. Bosworth aware of these clandestine dealings?
01:52I can assure you everything is strictly above board.
01:56Just called in a favour, that's all.
01:58Someone's traipsed mud all through the hallway.
02:00Swept it twice today.
02:01Here, let me do it.
02:02You've got cake to make.
02:03I might retire to my office before someone tidies me away.
02:08I'll be working on my speech if anyone needs me.
02:17Oh, your parents not with you?
02:24They're just getting settled at the B&B in there.
02:26I'll bring them over.
02:28You don't see me going to all this trouble for your dad, do you?
02:30Oh, that's different.
02:31I hardly ever see him.
02:33I'm just the girl that dragged you away from Glasgow.
02:36Corrupted me.
02:37Lured me to the dark side.
02:38I bet they were excited to see you.
02:42They're not interested in me.
02:44You and Jimmy, they've come to see you.
02:46Oh, talk of his lordship.
02:49Did you tell Siegfried he could write a speech?
02:51He said it was part of his godparent duties.
02:54I'll talk to him.
02:55And say what?
02:56Tell him to keep it brief.
02:57It's Siegfried we're talking about.
02:58Come in.
02:59Come in.
03:00He's still not back from his exams.
03:01Yes, yes.
03:02Darragh, B-2 to 9-7.
03:16Mr. Biggins.
03:19How's that nanny goat doing?
03:22We should have seen a marked improvement by now.
03:26Yes, I understand.
03:28I'll be with you as soon as I can.
03:31He's got a lumpy jaw.
03:32He's had me up there twice already.
03:33You'll have to go for me, I'm afraid.
03:38Because I'm likely to end up doing a stretch in Wormwood Scrubs if I have to spend another
03:41second in that man's company.
03:42If it was any other time, Siegfried, but with my parents.
03:44Well, that's a convenient excuse, don't you think?
03:48Everything all right?
03:54Has he mentioned the gates yet?
03:57You know he's got seven gates?
04:00He's going after each of the deadly sins, no doubt.
04:02He's run me ragged with his constant vacillation, but not this time.
04:06I meant to ask, how are you getting along with the speech for the christening?
04:11Oh, I'm rather pleased with it, actually.
04:14And how long is it exactly?
04:18This is the beginning of Jimmy's spiritual journey, James.
04:21I take my role as godparent very serious.
04:26As do I.
04:28But I shan't be doing a speech.
04:30And for that we'll be eternally grateful.
04:33Right, I shall fetch my parents.
04:35They're champing at the bit to see Jimmy.
04:50Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
05:17Can I help you?
05:18Telegram for Mr Farnon.
05:21But Mr Farnon?
05:29Is that them?
05:30No, you're all right.
06:18You want to get that carburetor seen to?
06:22I see you still haven't got round to fixing that gate.
06:24Helps keep undesirables out.
06:27As opposed to keeping them in.
06:29I think you better take me straight to your goat, Mr Biggins.
06:32Does this mean I'll get my money back?
06:34On account of you misdiagnosing, like?
06:36I'm perfectly confident in my diagnosis.
06:38It's funny how it always ends up with me having to part with my hard-earned cash.
06:49All right.
06:53All right, all right.
06:58Are you absolutely sure you administered the sulfanilamide as prescribed?
07:03Exactly as you said.
07:05Then we'll need to increase the dose.
07:08Sounds expensive.
07:11Would you get her some fresh straw, please?
07:13She'll need somewhere comfortable to sleep.
07:15Oh, David.
07:18Don't worry, old thing.
07:21Soon I'll have you grazing again.
07:24Soon I'll have you grazing again.
07:27There we are.
07:30Oh, come and give your granny a big hug.
07:35It's lovely to see you both.
07:38He's gotten so big since we last saw him.
07:42Aye, he's a bonnie wee thing.
07:44He's a bit grisly tonight.
07:46Teething a bit.
07:47It's too early for that.
07:49He'll be wanting a feed, poor mate.
07:52If I give him any more milk, he'll burst.
07:55Nonsense, he's a growing boy.
07:59He's like you, son. He's got a big appetite.
08:02Does your mummy not feed you?
08:05A perfect timing, Mrs H.
08:08Mr and Mrs Harriet.
08:10I trust you had a pleasant journey?
08:12Aye, no complaints.
08:18Need a hand?
08:19What time is the christening tomorrow?
08:21The midday.
08:22Oh, I can't wait.
08:23Is everything all right, Audrey?
08:30The scones are fresh out the oven.
08:35Yes, please.
08:39It's lovely.
08:41It's very tasty.
08:43You want to hold on to this one, son?
08:46Oh, I can't take the credit, I'm afraid.
08:48It's all Audrey's handiwork.
08:53The flowers are all down to Helen.
08:55Picked them fresh for you this morning.
09:05What's that there?
09:06Stimulant injection.
09:08Won't give her the boost she needs.
09:09Nay, she just needs some iodine.
09:12We've been through this, Mr Biggins.
09:13Iodine is of no use to your goat.
09:15Yeah, you and your newfangled powders.
09:17Some kind of commission, are you?
09:19I wouldn't be a competent veterinary surgeon
09:20if I prescribed something as antiquated as iodine.
09:23Expensive things, them injections.
09:24How much is that going to cost me?
09:26I honestly don't know.
09:27Oh, you'll know, all right, when you get a pen in your hand.
09:29Send me that big bill, won't you?
09:32All right, all right.
09:37There we are.
09:39Right, all we can do now is pray.
09:42You going to charge me for that as well?
09:45Take this, and if it doesn't work, I won't charge you.
09:48How does that sound?
09:50Oh, I suppose.
09:53Now, perhaps you'd be so good as to help me with the gate.
09:56You're joking, aren't you?
09:57Bloody thing's a death trap.
10:02My mother swore blind by Mrs Winslow's soothing syrup.
10:06Later proven to contain dangerous levels of morphine.
10:12One last kiss from Granny before we go.
10:15He's looking tired.
10:17Oh, don't let that face fool you.
10:19He'll have us up till the early hours.
10:21Routine's the key.
10:22James used to go down like clockwork.
10:24Not so much as a peep out of him until morning.
10:27Don't listen to her.
10:28If I set her lungs on him, it could wake the dead.
10:31Why don't you come round after breakfast?
10:33We'll take Jimmy for a walk round Derby.
10:35I would like that.
10:38Good night, son.
10:40Good night.
10:42See you tomorrow.
10:44Good night.
10:49That wasn't so bad, was it?
11:09How are Mr Biggins?
11:11Insufferable, as ever.
11:13All I want to do is pour myself a whisky and lie in a hot bath.
11:16Mr Farnham...
11:17Are we still playing host to the Scottish contingent?
11:19A telegram arrived.
11:21It's addressed to you.
11:25I see.
11:28James and Ellen are putting Jimmy to bed so you won't be disturbed.
11:32Thank you, Mrs Hall.
12:02Good night.
12:20He's coming home.
12:26What is it? Is he here?
12:29Home tomorrow.
12:32Is that it?
12:34Well, Tristan's never been one for detail.
12:38When is he back?
12:40Your guess is as good as mine.
12:59If you're looking for hidden meaning, I wouldn't bother.
13:03Right, I've checked the train timetable.
13:05There's only that one connection from London he could be on today.
13:11It's got to be a good sign if he was able to send it himself.
13:14Yes, I suppose so.
13:16Well, perhaps he's just got a few days' leave.
13:18From Cairo?
13:20Well, it's just like Tristan Shaw, because we're about to throw a party.
13:24Well, I hope you're right.
13:41I don't imagine you got much sleep.
13:43It was a frightful night.
13:46Well, try not to assume the worst.
13:49It's easier said than done.
13:51It's easier said than done.
13:53It was the same when he was a child.
13:55Falling out of trees, riding his bicycle without brakes.
13:59Never thought for his own safety.
14:01He's resilient. Always has been.
14:03Where are my plastic... Oh, thank you.
14:09Would you like me to come with you?
14:12I think it best I do this by myself.
14:15I will never utter a crossword to that boy again if he comes home in one piece.
14:31Oh, not today.
14:33Not today!
14:44Not today.
15:02Come on!
15:04Not now!
15:14Not now!
15:44Not now!
16:04To be early is to be on time.
16:06To be on time is to be late.
16:10And to be late is unacceptable.
16:15You drummed that into me enough times.
16:19Aren't you going to say something?
16:45Can I help you?
16:47Oh, I'm sorry.
16:49I didn't realise the surgery was closed today.
16:51Oh, I'm sure my son can help you.
16:53He's a partner here.
16:55James Herriot, MRCVS.
16:58Graduated top of his class at Glasgow University.
17:01Oh, I don't like to interrupt him.
17:03Oh, nonsense. He'll be glad to help.
17:05Shall we?
17:09Just don't talk to them about football.
17:12Or Mrs Winslow's soothing syrup.
17:17We're almost ready to go.
17:22Making friends, is he?
17:23Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Herriot.
17:25Your mother insisted.
17:26It happened.
17:27It happened.
17:28It happened.
17:29It happened.
17:30It happened.
17:31It happened.
17:32It happened.
17:33It happened.
17:34It happened.
17:35It happened.
17:36She insisted.
17:37The animals always come first.
17:39Isn't that right, James?
17:40Indeed it is.
17:43Do you mind?
17:44I'll have to catch you up.
17:45No, of course not.
17:46How about we start at the Victory Garden?
17:49You can give me some tips for my radishes.
17:53See you later, then.
18:00And who do we have here, then?
18:02This is Lucy.
18:04She's a fine-looking dog.
18:12Well, what seems to be the problem?
18:14She's obsessed with Emmeline.
18:18It's got to the point where she won't leave home without her.
18:30This is what she does.
18:32Well, let's get her inside.
18:33See if we can't get to the bottom of it.
18:37Oh, erm...
18:43All right.
18:54Is that you, Mr Farnham?
19:02Which one were you looking for?
19:05Get over here.
19:10I've been setting this up since Cairo.
19:20Everything's intact.
19:22No bones broken.
19:23Not a hair out of place.
19:24Well, go on. Tell her about your promotion.
19:27He's only been put in charge of training new veterinary recruits in Doncaster.
19:30No, it's just lecturing. Not all the training.
19:33You know me, Mrs H.
19:35Never one to boast about my achievements.
19:37Is that for me?
19:39Just a little treat. I've been serving for you.
19:41Oh, life doesn't get any better.
19:43Oh, is Jim here?
19:45I think so.
19:47James Herriot, get out here!
19:54I tried confiscating it, but she went and took a chunk out my hand.
19:59And that's the first time she's ever turned like that.
20:01Well, that wouldn't do at all.
20:03See? That's what she does.
20:05Well, you're lucky she didn't try and nip you, too.
20:08James Herriot, get out here!
20:10I think...
20:12I think what we have here is a case of overstimulation.
20:14Is it serious?
20:15Well, that's nothing to worry about.
20:17While toys can be great for dogs, sometimes they can form unhealthy attachments.
20:21So what do you suggest?
20:24Well, I think a period of enforced separation might be in order.
20:28Well, she won't like that at all.
20:30Don't worry.
20:32Annaline's just going on a little adventure.
20:34Keep her distracted with plenty of walks.
20:36Maybe they'll treat her, too.
20:44Pop back in a couple of days and we'll see how she's getting on.
20:47Yes, I will do. Thank you, Mr Herriot.
20:50Mind it you go, Lucy.
20:54Here you are.
20:56What's all this I hear about Jimmy stealing my thunder?
20:59What's all this groaning on your top lip?
21:09How are you?
21:13Never met so many hardened drinkers in all my life.
21:16You back for good?
21:17I'm in Doncaster three days a week until I'm redeployed.
21:20That's still Yorkshire.
21:24The rest of the time is my own. I'm a man of leisure.
21:26Excellent. We could do with another pair of hands.
21:30Last time I checked, I actually don't work for you anymore.
21:34Yes, quite right. My mistake.
21:37Let me grab these for you.
21:38Yes, good. You can fill me in on what's been happening around here.
21:41That's exactly as you left it.
21:43With the addition of wee Jimmy, of course.
21:45That's not good enough. I want salacious scandal. Come on.
21:50So what did they have you doing out there?
21:52Field support, mainly.
21:53Making sure the animals were fit for duty.
21:56Horses, mules, the odd camel.
21:58The unsung heroes, eh?
22:06It would appear we have an interloper.
22:08That's Hamish.
22:10With very questionable taste in bow ties.
22:13That would be Carmody.
22:15He's in London finishing off his final exams.
22:17Be back in a week or two.
22:18The Pretender to my throne.
22:20I can't wait to meet him.
22:22Did Siegfried not mention him in his letters?
22:24No, he told me he'd hired a new assistant.
22:25He neglected to tell me he was now sleeping in my bed.
22:28Tristan, there's someone who wants to meet you.
22:33I think he was just grateful for the distraction.
22:37He's missed you.
22:40We all have.
22:51I'll leave you to it, shall I?
22:56How was the walk?
22:57Oh, we had a smashing time.
22:59Fresh air's the key.
23:00You loved having his pram pushed by his granny, didn't you?
23:04And the Victory Garden.
23:05Oh, lovely.
23:07Yes, I wonder how she found the time.
23:09With wee Jimmy to care for.
23:12Where were you?
23:15I got caught up in something here.
23:20I don't believe it.
23:22This isn't a mirage, Helen.
23:23It really is me.
23:24Older, wiser, more handsome than ever.
23:29Mr and Mrs Heriot.
23:30You're looking younger by the day.
23:31It's lovely to see you.
23:34Back where you belong.
23:37And this is young Jimmy, I take it?
23:40He's excited to meet his Uncle Tristan.
23:43May I?
23:53Are you waiting for him to reply?
23:56I'm just trying to work out who he looks like.
23:59Well, he's a handsome young thing.
24:01So I'm guessing he's got his mother's genes.
24:04Sorry to break up the party, but we're due at the church soon.
24:08Is it that time already?
24:10I need to get Jimmy his gown.
24:12Oh, don't you worry.
24:14We'll keep the becker talking.
24:17Are you sure you're not too tired from your journey?
24:20Miss you, renounce the devil?
24:21Not a chance.
24:22Sacred occasion, Tristan.
24:24That doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun.
24:27Shall we?
24:28Let's go.
24:49Dearly beloved, you have brought the child here today to be baptised.
24:54That our Lord Jesus Christ would receive him and release him from sin.
24:59To sanctify him with the Holy Ghost.
25:03To give him the kingdom of heaven and everlasting life.
25:08Now, can I please ask the family to gather at the font?
25:24Did they throw you out?
25:26It was quite the scandal.
25:28How many times did you fall in love?
25:30Oh, just once, Layla.
25:31My Arabian camel.
25:33She was exotic, feisty.
25:34She did have a tendency to get the hamper.
25:37Sorry, Vicar.
25:40Could I ask the godparents to step forward?
25:45Do thou, in the name of this child, renounce the devil?
25:50Do thou, in the name of this child, renounce the devil and all of his works?
25:55I renounce them all.
25:57Will you then obediently keep God's holy will and the commandments
26:02and walk in the same all the days of thy life?
26:06I will, by God's help.
26:09Would one of the godparents take Jimmy?
26:17Almighty ever-living God,
26:20sanctify this water to the mystical washing away of sin.
26:25Grant that this child receives the fullness of thy grace.
26:30Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
26:35Would you please name the child?
26:37James Alexander.
26:39Right, young man?
26:41It's your turn.
26:50Is he good with water?
26:52Only if there's ducks.
26:55I baptize thee in the name of the Father,
27:01the Son,
27:04and the Holy Ghost.
27:10I thought that went rather well.
27:13Mrs. Hall will need some time to prepare the lunch,
27:15and then we can move on to the speeches.
27:18There's more than one?
27:19I was talking figuratively, James.
27:21Hang on, hang on.
27:23Isn't it customary to wet the baby's head?
27:25That's the night the baby's born, not just after the christening.
27:27Well, I missed the birth on account of me fighting for my country.
27:31I don't think it's appropriate, not today.
27:33Don't you want to buy your brother a pint?
27:34You've been away fighting a war.
27:35Of course I do, but there's a schedule to stick to.
27:38Another hour ain't going to work.
27:40I'll have lunch ready for when you get back.
27:42Right, that's settled then.
27:43James, you coming for one?
27:46Mum, I want to get back to the house.
27:47Another time.
27:48You go with Tristan.
27:49I'll take your mum back.
27:50That's very kind of you.
27:52Are you sure?
27:53Just don't let him lead you astray.
27:55I'll be an hour tops.
27:57I'm so sorry, Helen.
27:58I'm sure Tristan didn't mean to commandeer your day.
28:01Right, let's make a start on this spread.
28:04Actually, I'd rather go with James and Tristan.
28:07And when we're still an adult, I can do what I like.
28:16I don't like it. It shouldn't be in a bar.
28:19Absolutely not.
28:20Tris, what are you having?
28:21I'll put your money away, James.
28:22This round's on me.
28:23Five pints of your finest, please, barmaid.
28:26Oh, make that six.
28:27Look at what the cat's dragged in.
28:28Egypt's finest export.
28:30I see the war's done nothing to dampen your spirit.
28:33How have you been?
28:36Just about.
28:38Any word from Arthur?
28:40They've got him stationed out in North Africa.
28:42Libya, I think it was.
28:44Well, it's a shame our paths never crossed.
28:47We could have pined together over...
28:51Enemy sighted at three o'clock.
28:53I'm afraid so.
28:56Enemy sighted at three o'clock.
28:59Oh, is that Biggins?
29:01He's like the Grim Reaper.
29:03Lurking round every corner.
29:05Look, you've only got yourselves to blame.
29:06You should have stopped taking that old rascal's business years ago.
29:11Well, then.
29:13Where is it you were stationed? Cairo, was it?
29:17Yeah, it was a scene of much heartbreak for many of us.
29:20Lost a lot of men.
29:22I'm talking about the women.
29:24It can't have been easy, though.
29:26Working in that heat.
29:28That was exhausting.
29:29Yeah, deadly at times.
29:31How did you get through it?
29:33The Cairo cafe, mainly.
29:35Sometimes the turf club, depending on, you know, my mood.
29:39Come on, you must have seen some hardship out there.
29:41You know me, James.
29:42Never want to let a little bloodshed get me down.
29:45Well, that'll be six shillings.
29:53Would you mind? I've left my wallet in my other trousers.
30:05There you go.
30:07Can I help at all?
30:09Oh, no, you're all right.
30:10We're nearly done now.
30:20Well, that was a lovely service.
30:22Oh, thank you.
30:24Jimmy enjoyed it.
30:26Do you want a brew?
30:27Oh, no, no, you carry on as you are.
30:29I'm happy just sitting here.
30:34So this is where you eat all your meals?
30:37Most of the time, yes.
30:39That makes sense.
30:41You don't want to stay cooked up in that cramped attic.
30:46Oh, Jimmy's awake.
30:47Oh, shall I get him?
30:49Don't worry, I'll go.
31:07Where should I put these?
31:09Oh, on the table's fine.
31:11Did you hear that?
31:14Sounded like scratching.
31:17Did you hear that?
31:19Did you hear that?
31:21Did you?
31:22Did you?
31:24Oh, what are you doing here on your own?
31:28I need some help here.
31:40Clawed at the door, she was.
31:43Her name was Rosa.
31:44She was a Canadian, stationed at the field hospital.
31:47She were a looker.
31:48We're talking Betty Grable here.
31:50Legs that went on mine.
31:52What happened to her?
31:53Her heart laid with another.
31:55Royal engineer from Cleethorpes.
31:57God's sake, it's hardly a farewell to arms.
32:01Just out of interest, did you do any work over there, Tristan?
32:05Excellent question.
32:06I did my fair share.
32:08There was a capture of Sidi Barani, for one.
32:11Big lad, was he?
32:13It's on the Egypt-Libya border.
32:15You were part of that campaign.
32:17A small part, yes.
32:18How exactly?
32:20Because from what I can gather,
32:21you spent your time drifting from one bar to another.
32:23A lot's changed since your day, Siegfried.
32:26Is that so?
32:27You lot relied on tin hats and blind faith.
32:29Nowadays, we prefer a more strategic approach.
32:31Isn't that right, James?
32:33I think you'll find...
32:34Do you know what? Forget it.
32:36If you'll excuse me, I need some air.
32:39Mr Biggins!
32:42How's your goat? Any improvement?
32:44Well, she's got worse, if anything.
32:46I'll be wanting my money back on that prescription of yours.
32:49Are you sure you're administering it correctly?
32:51You're saying I can't make out instructions, is that it?
32:54I'm saying no such thing.
32:55I just don't understand why it hasn't taken effect.
32:57Because the stuff you gave me is bloody useless.
33:00You hear this, Alderson?
33:01Victory's only been after trying to power me off with some fake powders.
33:05Fake powder sounds like my domain.
33:07How can I be of assistance?
33:08Everything's under control.
33:09He's just slandered your name in a pub full of paying customers.
33:12That's Peg, I feel sorry for.
33:14Treating her like some kind of experiment.
33:17Right, that's it.
33:18I insist on having another look.
33:19Hang on a minute.
33:20There's no trouble at all.
33:21Wait for me.
33:22What are you doing?
33:23I'm coming with you.
33:24There's really no need.
33:25What are you talking about?
33:26He's besmirching our good name.
33:27James, will you pass on my apologies to Mrs. Hall?
33:30Aye, of course.
33:42You know, I encountered my fair share of goats in Egypt.
33:45There's a particular knack with them.
33:47I could give you some points as...
33:49You know, I encountered my fair share of goats in Egypt.
33:52There's a particular knack with them.
33:53I could give you some points as...
34:11Keep still.
34:12Why would she come back here?
34:14I don't know, but she's after something.
34:19What is it?
34:20What are you looking for, eh?
34:24Is she after food?
34:27I don't think so.
34:48It's not this, is it?
34:59All this for a tie?
35:12What are the symptoms?
35:15Difficulty eating, salivating.
35:21Come on, let's have a little look at you.
35:27Ah, yes. She has nodules in the jaw, swelling around the neck and face.
35:31Has to be actinomycosis.
35:33In English?
35:35Lumpy jaw, Mr. Biggins.
35:38Which was my original diagnosis.
35:45Can I see the prescription I gave you yesterday?
35:47What for?
35:48Because I can't believe you've administered it correctly.
35:50Are you calling me a liar?
35:52He was merely asking for confirmation, Mr. Biggins.
35:54All I want is my money back from those dodgy powders of yours.
35:58You should count yourself lucky we're not in Egypt.
36:00They'd have just slapped on some iodine and hoped for the best.
36:03No, no, thankfully we're a little more advanced in our way of thinking here.
36:06You bare-faced cheek of a...
36:09You, making out I don't know what's best for me animals.
36:11All I'm saying is that...
36:12I think you've said more than enough already, don't you?
36:18Could my brother use your stove to make up a warm compress?
36:21It might help reduce Peg's swelling.
36:25Ah, Aspall.
36:32Now, where were we?
36:34You slander in my good name.
36:48James told me stories about your dog.
36:50He's done, isn't he? Aye.
36:53James tears up every time he's mentioned.
36:56You know, he still waits at the door for James to come home.
37:01We both do.
37:06She's treating that toy like it's a baby.
37:09Oh, I remember that feeling.
37:12You never want to let go.
37:16Gives me a pain in my chest just thinking about it.
37:21You're doing a wonderful job.
37:24You know that, don't you?
37:36What is it?
37:38I think her tits might be swollen.
37:47What's Lucy doing here?
37:48We found her scratching at the door.
37:52Turns out she left someone behind.
37:56I think it's more than just a toy to her, James.
37:59I think it might be a phantom pregnancy.
38:23You sly old fox.
38:30Ellen's right.
38:32Her mammary glands are definitely swollen.
38:34So it is a phantom pregnancy.
38:36Oh, I'm impressed.
38:38They get the idea they're going to have pups after they've been in season.
38:41Some even get a swelling in the abdomen.
38:43Oh, she just wanted to be with her pup.
38:46I can't believe you tried to take her baby, James.
38:50She was being aggressive.
38:54I did it for her own safety.
38:55You locked her away in a drawer.
38:57Maybe we shouldn't be too hard on the boy.
39:00Perhaps it's something only a mother can understand.
39:13Where's Biggins?
39:14Tormenting one of his farmhands, probably.
39:16What happened to the compress?
39:17I got a little distracted.
39:20I can't believe he lied to my face.
39:23Just to worm his way out of pain.
39:26Maybe it's time we give him a taste for his own medicine.
39:28Don't you think?
39:33Well, I hope you're not charging me by the hour, Father.
39:35I was just saying to my brother, Mr Biggins, all this talk of Egypt.
39:39It's got me thinking.
39:41Do you mind if I check one more thing?
39:43Oh, I suppose.
39:46Right, come here. Let's have a look at you.
39:55Just as I suspected.
39:58Nile fever.
40:01Nile what?
40:03It's mainly prevalent in North Africa. I'm fairly certain your goat has it.
40:07Well, how?
40:09She's never been to Africa.
40:15Come again?
40:16On the back of her postage stamp, no doubt.
40:18You're winding me up.
40:20Your son's in the army, isn't he?
40:22Yeah, Royal Tank Regiment.
40:24Oh, well, that explains it. It's airborne, you see.
40:27I'm meant to believe that African Spittle is killing Margot.
40:31No, no, no. She's not dying. Far from it.
40:33A simple injection should sort her out.
40:35I must say, it's a good job you've been using our medicine.
40:38How do you mean?
40:39Well, if not, the injection could cause serious, serious consequences for the animal.
40:43You mean it could kill her?
40:45Within seconds.
40:46But you've nothing to worry about. She's had the sulfanilamide.
40:48Oh, no, no. There's been a misunderstanding.
40:50What sort of misunderstanding?
40:52I just...
40:54I just don't think she's been getting enough of the stuff.
40:57Maybe I'll need to increase the dosage.
41:01I always find it easier to administer if you take it out of the packet.
41:16Are you sure you've got everything?
41:17Anyone would think he was trying to get rid of us.
41:21Did Mrs. Hall give you some cake?
41:22Enough to see us through till winter.
41:24One last cuddle for your granny before we go.
41:29Goodbye, sir.
41:30Quite soon?
41:31Every Sunday without fail.
41:34Why do I feel like I'm being ganged up on here?
41:36Get used to it.
41:53You two seem to be getting on famously now.
41:57Maybe we could invite them to stay for the summer.
42:00Let's not get carried away.
42:09James? Helen?
42:16Looks like the party's over.
42:21I never got to do my speech.
42:27Then do it for me now.
42:29Don't be ridiculous.
42:30I'm being serious.
42:32I want to hear it.
42:44Perhaps an abridged version?
42:45Music to my ears.
42:57I thought I'd start by talking about the Emperor Penguin.
43:01That might be where you lose your audience.
43:04And how fatherhood takes many forms.
43:11But however they manifest,
43:13all fathers, God, surrogate or otherwise,
43:17share one common desire.
43:19To help those under their care become the best version of themselves.
43:26Job done.
43:32The trouble is, when they start to forge their own path,
43:36and you realise the roles have somehow reversed.
43:43I don't know what to do.
43:45The roles have somehow reversed.
43:50You find yourself needing them.
43:53Far more than they ever needed you.
44:03And then I thought I'd end on a flourish with a particularly person in quote from Aristotle.
44:08Why do you always have to go back to the Greeks?
44:11I'm sorry if my terms of reference are too highbrow for you.
44:14I just think it'd be nice if you chose a book we'd all read.
44:16Like what, Tristan? The Dandy?
44:20The Greeks built the foundations of Western civilisation?
44:23A first class education and this is what you come out with?
44:25It beggars belief, it really does.
44:27I'm a student of life, not the classroom.
44:29It's nice to see those two getting on so well.
44:33Isn't it just?
