While I Was in Prison for 6 Years, My Wife Cheated on Me with My Friend. I Got Revenge.Sad Story

  • 2 weeks ago
Wife Thought She'd Get Away With Cheating Until Her Husband Took Savage Revenge on Them.Sad Story

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00:00During my career as a surgeon, Solange served as an emergency room nurse, balancing her time between work and her travels.
00:07Throughout our experiences in diverse and diverse and demanding locations across Africa, we adapted to whichever roles were required at the time.
00:15We delivered babies, set broken bones, and even assisted the local dentist when needed.
00:20This was my second mission and her third with Doctors Without Borders.
00:24The first time was incredibly tough on me physically and mentally.
00:27I lost 20 pounds, which I really couldn't afford.
00:31And I struggled with depression almost to the point of losing my mind.
00:35When I finally got home, I counted the seconds until I could collapse into my husband's arms and cry hysterically for 10 minutes.
00:42Then I gathered myself and hugged and kissed my then 7-year-old son until he almost pushed me away.
00:48I soon noticed my husband was a bit distant towards me in the first few days after my return.
00:54It seemed he held a lot of resentment about me going away in the first place.
00:58I remember the tense discussions we had about it.
01:01Let someone else handle saving the world, honey.
01:03You have people here at home who need you more.
01:05People are passing, people I could save.
01:07You save plenty of lives right here at home, and you get to sleep in our own bed without worrying about being attacked.
01:13It's not that dangerous.
01:15I'll be in a secure area, and I can help far more people there than I could here.
01:19Want me to pull up some statistics for you?
01:22Sometimes I resented his job.
01:24He was a meticulous freelance writer who started small but now wrote for major newspapers and magazines, even winning awards.
01:31With a friend's help, he launched a successful YouTube channel, gaining almost 2 million subscribers.
01:37He even contributed to CNN with lighthearted pieces.
01:40Arnis explained that he had become an influencer, a term he didn't understand.
01:44After researching, he made a video urging people to verify information and think for themselves.
01:50It took him 5 months to accept my decision to leave, and another 3 months before I actually departed.
01:56He remained distant.
01:58I'll be back home before you know it, I said.
02:00But his sad eyes haunted me.
02:02Nothing will ever be the same.
02:04I won't trust you to prioritize our family again.
02:07This is your only warning.
02:09If you abandon your family again, there won't be one when you return.
02:14His words hit hard as he took our crying baby from my arms and walked away without looking back.
02:19I was sent to a rural African country that was quite underdeveloped outside of the cities.
02:24My operating room was a tent, not securely pitched.
02:27During the summer, strong winds often disrupted operations, covering everything in dust when the tent flaps flew open.
02:34It's surprising we didn't lose patients to infections.
02:37Still, we managed to save many lives.
02:40I helped deliver 4 babies during my time there, including one for a young mother barely past puberty.
02:46After recovering, she left her baby, took her rifle, and disappeared.
02:50Rumors spread of a vengeance force, then multiple angels causing the insurgents to leave the area.
02:56After 3 months, I was feeling trapped and anxious.
02:59It was my first time rooming with Solange, and one day I asked her why she seemed so calm while I was a wreck.
03:05I can tell you the remedy. You need some great closeness.
03:08One of those intense sessions that leave you breathless with pleasure.
03:11That might work for single women like you.
03:14I'm married.
03:15She smiled and showed me pictures on her phone of two little girls and a handsome man, my husband and kids.
03:20But you sleep with Jean-Luc?
03:21Yes, and if he's not available, I share a bed with Eric.
03:25Notice the hands, honey.
03:27No wedding rings allowed here.
03:29It's symbolic.
03:30No one's married here, and what happens in the country stays here.
03:34We return to our spouses and commit to them, until we come back.
03:38I make sure to give my rings to my husband when I leave, and he puts them back on me as soon as I return.
03:43It's a reclaiming. Don't anyone get caught?
03:46One of the doctors did a couple of years ago. We're medical professionals, but she forgot her birth control.
03:51Then there was a shortage of protection, and despite trying other methods, she found out she was two months pregnant when she returned home.
03:58Her husband figured it out, and they ended up divorcing.
04:01The organization paid him off to keep quiet about it, and she was banned from serving again.
04:06What about diseases?
04:08She sighed.
04:09We're medical professionals, remember?
04:11We get tested monthly, and if something slips through, we handle it quickly.
04:14Trust me, no one will find out.
04:17I held on for five months, but losing a mother and child to an I.D. broke me.
04:21Despite my efforts, both passed, leaving me devastated.
04:25I drank heavily and woke up with a male nurse, Rodrigo, who initiated intimacy again, and I gave in.
04:32He stayed until his rotation ended four days later.
04:35I knew my husband would sense something, but he was still angry about me leaving.
04:38It took four months before we were intimate again.
04:41I have to admit, many times, as my husband and I had closeness, I'd think back to the staying power of Rodrigo, or the sheer size of Michelle.
04:49I tried to suppress those memories, but occasionally used a toy, crying out their names.
04:54A year later, things normalized.
04:57Then, the organization asked me to fill in for three months as an emergency replacement.
05:02I never told my husband it was because of a mortar shell.
05:05We argued for three days until he gave up.
05:08Do whatever you want, just don't expect us to be here when you get back.
05:11I'm seeking custody. No judge will let Tommy live with you.
05:15I was shocked.
05:17It was only 13 weeks.
05:19I tried to reason with him, but he barely spoke to me until I left.
05:22Surprisingly, he drove me to the airport.
05:24I didn't do it for you. I did it for myself.
05:27Watching you walk away, knowing what you stand to lose, is something I need to see to get through the next few months.
05:33Things will be different when you return.
05:35Take your time. Whether it's a month, a year, or forever, it's fine.
05:40He turned away without another word, leaving me there.
05:44I knew he meant it.
05:46I knew if I wanted to salvage my family, I needed to act quickly.
05:50I resolved to fix things as soon as I returned and headed towards the ticket counter.
05:54Solange greeted me with a hug when I arrived at the site.
05:57If possible, it was even worse than the last place.
06:01I'm glad you're here. Don't bother unpacking. Get ready. We need you urgently.
06:06There had been a mortar attack on a village 40 miles away, and I was surprised at how many had survived long enough to reach the clinic.
06:13My team worked 11 hours straight without a break.
06:16About half of our patients would make it, which was decent given the circumstances.
06:20Five passed on my operating table.
06:23After the fourth, I moved on to the next patient while they removed the body and prepared for the next one.
06:29One of the losses was a nine-year-old girl. Her heart stopped as she cried out for her mother.
06:33I was completely emotionally numb.
06:35Solange led me to the communal shower and helped me clean up.
06:38Modesty faded fast, and that environment time was short, so both men and women used the shower together after A.
06:44A few times even walking in on people having closeness in the shower stopped surprising me.
06:48I just moved to the other side and tried to ignore it.
06:50Later, Solange climbed into the bunk with me and held me while I cried myself to sleep.
06:55By the next week, I had adjusted.
06:59We talked about our past deployments and returning home.
07:02Solange looked happy when she mentioned reuniting with her partner, and how she almost didn't join this mission.
07:07He's running out of patience and I can't blame him.
07:10He let me go on three tours, and I think this one is the limit for me.
07:14How's your husband handling it?
07:16I remember he wasn't pleased last time.
07:18He says he's going to file for divorce and fight for custody.
07:22Using my service here against me.
07:24I hope I can repair things when I get home, but it took him a long time to forgive me last time.
07:29Don't worry too much, hun.
07:31It's probably his worry about your safety speaking.
07:34He might keep a tight leash on you for a while, but he'll forgive you eventually.
07:39Just don't push your luck.
07:41The organization values what you've done, but at some point you have to prioritize yourself.
07:46I hope you're right.
07:47I'll do everything I can to make it right when I return, and I won't sign up for another tour.
07:53It's time for someone else to save the world.
07:55Then I smirked.
07:56So who's keeping you warm in bed these days?
07:58She giggled like a schoolgirl.
08:00Gerard, he's from Algiers and quite skilled as a doctor, among other things.
08:05Are you getting involved?
08:06No, it's just a few weeks.
08:08I can handle it.
08:09As I sat on the plane I strategized.
08:11There was no way I could go back to that life, so I needed to convince Brian completely that I was over everything
08:17and ready to be a devoted wife from now on.
08:20Solange advised me to win him back through our son.
08:23Then she chuckled.
08:24It was harder than I expected.
08:26When I returned home, he wasn't there.
08:29My mother was taking care of our child and told me he said it was too good a chance to miss
08:33and he'd be away for another 10 days.
08:35In a way it was a blessing because it allowed me to focus on my son.
08:39Once I could win him back, everything else would fall into place smoothly.
08:43As I planned to rebuild my family, I later found out that Brian was in the organization's corporate offices
08:48talking to the head psychiatrist.
08:51Thank you for your interest in our charity, Mr. Oliver.
08:54We appreciate any publicity we can get.
08:56Our work is crucial in providing essential services where they're most needed,
09:00though we've sadly lost team members over the years, which is a concern for prospective volunteers.
09:05Yes, it's definitely a worthwhile cause.
09:08Your organization's challenges are understated, but the risks are clear.
09:12I imagine you thoroughly assess volunteers' mental readiness before they join.
09:16We do. It's a noble cause, but it's mentally taxing.
09:20Some volunteers face breakdowns and PTSD.
09:23We offer comprehensive support for as long as needed.
09:25You seem to prioritize your team's well-being.
09:28Do many volunteers serve multiple tours?
09:30Some do, but we limit it to four tours and generally advise against it.
09:34Two tours is typical.
09:36With all the stress they endure, how do they cope while on duty?
09:40They support each other, which helps boost morale and ease fears.
09:43I did some research on the high divorce rates among volunteers with multiple tours.
09:47What's your perspective on this issue?
09:50The doctor paused.
09:52Some struggle with the challenges and seek solace wherever they can, often to their detriment.
09:57We work to mend relationships affected by their service.
10:00So are failed marriages and broken relationships seen as acceptable sacrifices?
10:04How do you justify this to the spouses left behind uncertain about their future?
10:09I'm concerned about the direction of this interview.
10:11Stories like these could harm the organization's reputation.
10:14Yes, my research indicates that you prefer to keep these issues quiet and out of public view.
10:19I've uncovered at least three instances where substantial sums were paid to avoid exposure.
10:24Do your donors know their money is being used this way?
10:27The doctor stood up.
10:29I think we're done here, Mr. Oliver.
10:31I advise you to carefully consider the implications of what you're planning to write.
10:36Careers can be ruined by spreading such allegations.
10:40The man grinned, unsettling the doctor.
10:42I discovered that in my background checks, too.
10:45It's why I value my independence.
10:47I don't yield to pressure.
10:49He walked towards the door.
10:51Just as a heads up, look up, doctor.
10:54Hope Oliver.
10:56I believe she has a history with your organization.
10:59He left, closing the door behind him.
11:01The doctor sighed heavily, sensing a personal vendetta in the man's actions.
11:06Being independent meant he might be difficult to influence.
11:09He instructed his assistant to gather information on Doctor.
11:12Hope Oliver, realizing the situation could escalate quickly, he then called the CEO.
11:17I received a surprising phone call from the charity, and the caller was a high-ranking official.
11:22Doctor, Oliver, we urgently need you to come to our headquarters as soon as possible.
11:28It's very important. Why now?
11:31It's a bad time for me to leave home.
11:33My husband is away on assignment, and I'm taking care of our son full-time plus.
11:37I've resumed my duties at the hospital with surgeries lined up.
11:40And if you haven't read my file, you should know.
11:43I won't be returning to service.
11:45It was fulfilling.
11:46But my priority is now my family.
11:48My husband wasn't supportive of my work.
11:50Your husband is why we're calling.
11:52He visited yesterday and made troubling remarks.
11:55They could damage our reputation.
11:57We're trying to manage the situation, and it's in your best interest to come see us.
12:01I felt my blood drain.
12:03Brian was relentless once he got wind of something.
12:06Doctors and nurses gossip a lot.
12:09And if word got out about my overseas work, it could be disastrous for many people.
12:13After hanging up, I immediately called Solange and shared what had been said.
12:18I had praised Brian's skills as a journalist.
12:20We even watched him on CNN in France before leaving.
12:23God, this could be a disaster.
12:25My husband wouldn't forgive me easily.
12:28You have to contact your husband, Hope.
12:30Beg him.
12:31Promise anything to stop him.
12:33Think of the others.
12:34Most of us are married.
12:35This could blow up across three continents.
12:38I tried calling Brian multiple times.
12:40All went to voicemail.
12:42He didn't respond to emails or texts.
12:44I was lost.
12:45I rearranged my schedule, citing a family emergency, which it was to me, and flew to New York.
12:51I arrived at their headquarters by 9 in the morning.
12:55Parkins, who evaluated me before I could start, met me at reception and took me straight to his office.
13:02After exchanging greetings, he quickly moved on to the reason for my visit.
13:06Your husband appears to have anger issues, Doctor.
13:09I need to ask you some tough questions.
13:11I guarantee that what we discuss here stays confidential.
13:15It's crucial you're honest if any of us are to handle this situation.
13:18Are you prepared?
13:20I nodded, bracing myself for what was to come.
13:23Did you have intimate relations with any colleagues during your assignments?
13:27If so, who were you cautious?
13:29Did you avoid public displays?
13:31And did you discuss work matters outside the organization?
13:34I listed my two long-term partners and two others from a brief fling.
13:38Parkins remained expressionless, leaving me curious about his thoughts once I finished.
13:42Thank you for being candid.
13:44Truthfully, while this is not uncommon, the rates are similar to those in health care outside of these intense settings.
13:51I've assisted many dealing with this issue, and my advice is consistent.
13:55Follow your conscience.
13:5795% keep it secret, and confessing rarely ends well.
14:01He paused, looking deep in thought before continuing.
14:04But this situation isn't ordinary.
14:07Based on my conversation with your husband,
14:09I'm fairly certain he knows about your affairs while you were abroad and he's furious.
14:13Angry people aren't typically rational.
14:16In previous cases like this, we managed to contain them, but that won't happen here.
14:20We can apply pressure on CNN, but we're powerless against his personal platform.
14:24He can be as explicit as he wants and there's little we can do.
14:27This could cause significant harm.
14:30How many spouses will remain supportive once this story breaks?
14:33We need their support.
14:35If you have any influence over your husband, now's the time to use it my response didn't satisfy him.
14:40Sir, I don't know where my husband is or what he's doing right now.
14:44He's cut off all communication with me.
14:46Who knows what he might do?
14:48The next day we found out.
14:50It was splashed across the New York newspapers and went global.
14:5348 spouses filed a class-action lawsuit against the charity,
14:56blaming it for destroying their marriages and long-term relationships over the past six years.
15:01They sought millions in compensation.
15:03The lawsuit was filed internationally, in courts in France, England, Italy, Algeria, the U.S., and Canada.
15:10The charity found him determined and extremely angry, refusing to cooperate.
15:14They tried to reason with him until he revealed he had recordings of every meeting and phone call since he started investigating.
15:20He knew he was protected by state laws and more.
15:24And even if he didn't use them in court, he could on his own platform.
15:28Recent veteran spouses were demanding answers from their partners, many of whom didn't believe what they heard.
15:33Less reputable newspapers seized on the scandal, reveling in closeness and controversy.
15:38There seemed to be no shortage of material.
15:41Social media dubbed us hash doctors without morals, and the mainstream media adopted it as the official narrative.
15:47Brian was portrayed as the whistleblower, and it directly implicated me.
15:51Media outlets from around the world bombarded me with interview requests, all of which I steadfastly refused.
15:57It occurred to me that speaking out might be a way to reach Brian, but I never got the chance.
16:02He eventually returned home, ignoring me completely and spending most of his time with our son.
16:08When I asked him for a way to contact him in emergencies, he showed me a disposable phone and gave me the number.
16:14If you ever call for anything other than our son, I'll get rid of it.
16:18The first time he came to pick up Tommy from my mom's house, I waited for him on the steps.
16:23Brian, we need to talk.
16:25I need to explain things and help you understand.
16:28What happened overseas is completely separate from us.
16:31It didn't affect our lives and meant nothing once I returned home.
16:34He stared at me for a moment.
16:36Let me ask you something.
16:38While you were happily involved over there, did you ever think about how it would affect our marriage?
16:43Would you forgive me if I had multiple affairs while you were away and said they meant nothing because you weren't here?
16:49It's not the same.
16:53This conversation is over.
16:55Bring Tommy out so I can leave.
16:57Something here makes me sick after that.
17:00He stopped speaking to me.
17:03He would just stare until our son came out.
17:06Tommy was now living with his dad full-time.
17:09The courts decided he should stay there since it was familiar and comfortable for him.
17:13The judge also allowed him to live in our house until the matter was settled because he was the primary caregiver.
17:18He rented a small apartment near the hospital.
17:21It was just a basic place, quite different from the house with the large yard we had bought five years earlier.
17:26Brian didn't have to work as much as I did, so he became a part-time stay-at-home dad.
17:32He worked during Tommy's naps and later when he was in school.
17:35He redesigned the backyard, adding a fence, sandbox, swing set, and a big above-ground pool where they spent many summer hours.
17:42I think I used it only twice in five years.
17:45I came home one day to see three girls unfrolicking in our pool.
17:49I was really pissed, but Brian grinned at me.
17:52I still have to work, you know. I could probably work at night while you took care of him, but...
17:56Do you really want to come home to the demands of a six-year-old after a long day?
18:00This way is better. Kimberly is highly qualified as a sitter, so I hired her.
18:05The other two are just friends. Part of the employment agreement was use of the pool a couple of days a week.
18:11She can have two friends at a time with her and no more, and no boys.
18:15Tommy loves her. She's really good with him, and I get to work.
18:19She's never in the pool while she's working, unless it's with Tommy.
18:22She's teaching him to swim. Isn't that great?
18:26I understood his point, but it still bothered me you're okay working with girls right in front of you?
18:31Sprites, what have you been reading?
18:33My office is on the other side of the house.
18:35I might catch a glimpse if I stand up from my desk and strain to look out the window.
18:41I come out here like I am now to tell them it's getting late and they need to go home.
18:45Tommy woke up from his nap and ran into my arms.
18:49Then he pulled me over to meet the girls so I could meet Miss Kimmy.
18:52As I talked with them, I started to relax.
18:55Kimmy told me she was starting a nursing program in the fall we found common ground.
18:59I helped her get a volunteer position at the hospital and mentored her as much as I could,
19:03even writing her a strong recommendation letter for college.
19:06Kim was doing well in her second year.
19:09Her younger sister Alexis, Miss Lexi, took over and Tommy loved her almost as much as Kim.
19:14I had a sense they provided a lot of care while I was away.
19:18The charity wanted to settle the class action lawsuit with a non-disclosure agreement.
19:22They updated me on the negotiations.
19:25Brian's laughter didn't sit well with their lawyers.
19:28Everyone else has agreed.
19:30Why can't you move on?
19:32One of the attorneys asked.
19:33I have moved on, Brian replied, but I haven't forgiven her or your organization.
19:37I know how hard you recruited her, promising how good it would look on her resume
19:41and possibly lead to consulting opportunities later.
19:44I'm still investigating, trying to understand how you operate.
19:48In other cases the victims were paid off, sometimes with money, sometimes with business deals.
19:53I don't need the money and there's no way I'd work with you guys.
19:56Now I'm in the middle of my second piece on your organization and I've set my own deadline,
20:01so leave me alone.
20:02They stood to leave and just before they exited, the youngest lawyer,
20:06a woman who had graduated from law school three years ago, posed a question to him.
20:11Isn't your anger misplaced?
20:14After all it was your wife who caused this.
20:16She cheated on you, I understand, and I'm sorry.
20:19Shouldn't you be making her life a living hell instead of ours?
20:22He smiled at her, which unsettled her.
20:25Then he showed her a picture of his son.
20:27This is my son, he's the reason I haven't completely retaliated against my wife.
20:32Without him I would have unleashed my full fury on her immediately after she returned from her last trip.
20:37Maybe my anger is misdirected,
20:39but over the years your organization must have known these things were happening.
20:43You didn't have protocols written on how to handle a spouse's anger.
20:46You calculated the impact on your organization and decided some collateral damage was acceptable.
20:52Apparently that was true until I came along.
20:55I must be your organization's worst nightmare.
20:58I have my own income so you can't threaten my job.
21:01I earn enough money so you can't financially ruin me,
21:04and I have enough rage to ignore any veiled threats.
21:07You can leave now, she looked pale as she walked away.
21:11The intense anger emanating from the man was enough to unsettle her.
21:15I wasn't surprised when I received the divorce papers.
21:18Every legal step I took ended in frustration.
21:21I made it a point to visit his house so frequently that he obtained a
21:24restraining order against me.
21:26If I came within a hundred feet of him or his house I could be arrested.
21:30My employers were unhappy with the chaos my personal life had caused.
21:33Despite no evidence of wrongdoing at work, the administrator called me in.
21:38I'm speaking on behalf of the board.
21:40Your personal issues are becoming a distraction.
21:43We hold you in high regard as a skilled surgeon.
21:45This isn't official, just a request to see if you can calm things down with your husband, please, Sarah.
21:50I promised to try my best, even though I couldn't talk to him directly.
21:54He said I could email if necessary.
21:56That night I spent five hours crafting an email.
21:59After sending it, I hoped for a response before going to bed.
22:03The next morning I cringed at his reply.
22:06I don't care about your career or this hospital unless it affects our son.
22:09If you catch me lying, let me know and I'll retract it.
22:12Several people from your hospital have been on missions for the organization.
22:16I might look into that.
22:18You should warn them.
22:20Well, that didn't help.
22:22I showed the email to the administrator.
22:24He sighed and reacted strongly.
22:26Damn it, Sarah.
22:27This is serious.
22:28I'll need to bring those people in and warn them.
22:31It might create tension since you work closely with them.
22:34Patient care can't suffer, so finish the day and then take a week off to try to sort this out.
22:40Good luck, Sarah Well.
22:41That message was pretty clear.
22:43Either fix this mistake or start looking for a new hospital.
22:47My boss conducted interviews and I received some interesting phone calls.
22:50Three technicians, two nurses.
22:53And a doctor had gotten involved romantically while on a mission.
22:56Two of them were in relationships and brought their affairs home with them.
23:00Now, six people were facing a tough decision.
23:03Should they confess now and hope for forgiveness or stay quiet and deny everything?
23:08I hope they all chose to stay silent because if one confessed it could lead to a chain reaction.
23:13I found out about all this later.
23:15At the time, I was focused on a mission of my own.
23:18I had my lawyer request a meeting with Brian's lawyer.
23:21If they agreed, I would sign the divorce papers.
23:24I'd finally accepted that my marriage was beyond repair, especially when only one person was willing to try.
23:29I was surprised when they agreed.
23:32Three days before our scheduled meeting, Brian published a harsh essay criticizing doctors and their God complex.
23:38He had done thorough research and consulted experts, making his points accurate.
23:43A noted psychologist mentioned that this complex was present in almost all successful people to some extent, regardless of their profession.
23:51But it was more pronounced in medicine due to the life and death nature of the work.
23:55Brian discussed how this sense of entitlement could affect behavior, which made me reflect deeply.
24:00I saw a lot of my own actions mirrored in the essay.
24:03Had I truly become that arrogant?
24:05Did I believe my profession exempted me from normal rules?
24:08Had I justified my actions by compartmentalizing my life?
24:12The answer to all these questions was yes.
24:14I was frustrated during those missions, but I could have chosen not to have closeness with anyone.
24:19Or I could have stayed home altogether.
24:21Instead, I convinced myself that it was just a way to relieve stress and wouldn't affect my marriage.
24:28I thought I deserved it to stay sane and believed what happened away from home wouldn't matter.
24:32After reflecting on it, I realized I missed the excitement of new partners and might have cheated again if I had the chance and felt safe.
24:40It was a wake-up call.
24:42The meeting went better than expected.
24:44There were a few minor issues to sort out, but we handled them quickly.
24:48Brian would have primary custody of our son, which was already the arrangement.
24:52But I would have generous visitation rights.
24:55Our incomes were similar, so neither of us would pay alimony.
24:58And instead of child support, I agreed to contribute to a college fund for our son.
25:03Overall, the agreement was fair.
25:05Brian wanted the house, so instead of selling him my share, I transferred ownership to him and suggested he put the money he would have paid me into our son's college fund.
25:14He appreciated that gesture.
25:17Looking at Brian, I felt a pang of regret.
25:20We had been good partners.
25:22Despite our arguments, we always resolved our differences and never fought in front of our child.
25:27That changed when I decided to go on those missions.
25:30My therapist, yes, I had one who was helping me avoid repeating mistakes in future relationships, which seemed wise,
25:36helped me realize that was when I started focusing on myself rather than being part of a couple.
25:41Brian wasn't perfect.
25:43He could be distant and moody, especially when he was upset about something, but he tried to keep it under control.
25:48Before I went on my first mission, he fully supported my career, but things changed when I returned.
25:54He seemed indifferent.
25:56If I had a conflict in my schedule, it was no longer his concern.
26:01That's when he sensed our relationship was deteriorating, and he started protecting himself.
26:06Once the legal formalities were done and the lawyers left, we sat down in the conference room and had a real conversation, something we hadn't done since before my first mission.
26:15It struck me that it had been a long time since we had talked like that.
26:18This will be the last time I apologize to you, Brian.
26:21Looking back, I regret ever getting on that plane.
26:24At the time, I was so focused on myself, so entitled.
26:27Now I realize I was making decisions without considering you and our son.
26:31Sadly, any decisions I make now will be without either of you.
26:35Not necessarily.
26:36We still have our son, and he'll keep us connected for at least the next 15 years, through college and beyond.
26:42Then we'll have weddings to plan and arguments over grandkids, so we'll always be a part of each other's lives.
26:47His words made me smile through tears, but it was overwhelming.
26:51So I gave Brian what would probably be our final kiss and left.
26:55I'm not sure if the divorce or our conversation eased his mind, but he eased up on his involvement with the organization.
27:01I know they settled the class action lawsuit for a hefty sum, which significantly boosted Tommy's college fund.
27:07The stress became too much, so I switched hospitals and moved across town to our biggest competitor.
27:13Management said the right things, but I could tell they were relieved I was leaving.
27:17Some of the people who had been on past missions had marriage troubles,
27:21but fortunately, only one ended in divorce, even though a few other relationships are strained.
27:27I didn't date for almost a year.
27:30When I did start going out again, I was cautious and didn't get into a serious relationship for another year.
27:36That ended when I found out he didn't want kids and couldn't tolerate being around them.
27:40Another year and a half passed before I found love.
27:43He was also a doctor, a pediatrician, and he adored children.
27:47We took things slowly.
27:49Both of us had been divorced recently, so we were careful not to rush into anything.
27:53It turned out to be a good approach because we really got to know each other before getting serious.
27:58Brian stayed single too, although he was seeing a producer from CNN and their relationship seemed to be getting serious.
28:04Tommy liked her, and she had two cute little girls who adored him whenever they were together.
28:10The network was pressuring Brian to commit to them exclusively.
28:14He wasn't enthusiastic about it, and I knew if they didn't ease up, he'd leave when his contract expired in four months.
28:20MSNBC and Fox were both trying to recruit him, so he wouldn't be off the air for long.
28:25One afternoon I was passing through the neighborhood and decided to see if Tommy wanted to go to the local ice cream parlor with me.
28:32It was a quaint shop that made their own ice cream.
28:35They didn't have a huge selection, just a dozen flavors that changed with the seasons, using local fruit whenever possible.
28:41It was peach season, my favorite flavor.
28:44I'd bring a small cooler and stock up on quarts of peach ice cream whenever I visited.
28:49I almost didn't pull into the driveway when I saw Brian's car there, but I was already signaling and Tommy noticed me.
28:55He dashed off the front porch, smiling widely with his two little companions right behind him.
29:00Brian and Alicia were sitting on the swing, and they waved as I approached.
29:04I bent down to hug Tommy, and then the tiny four-year-old girl opened her arms for a hug, too.
29:10I could have backed away, but instead I grinned and scooped her and her six-year-old sister up into a big hug.
29:16When I finished, the little one stayed in my arms, so I carried her with me.
29:20Brian had a slight grin on his face while Alicia seemed unsure of what to say.
29:24Hi there, I'm Sarah.
29:26Let's make a deal.
29:28I'll trade you a ten-year-old boy slightly used for these cuties.
29:31Maybe I'll even throw in a pony.
29:33Alicia grinned back.
29:35A pony, huh? Let me think about that.
29:37I'm Martha, but everyone calls me Marty.
29:40Sarah, I can't tell you what they call me in less polite settings, but it rhymes with witch.
29:45Sarah, it is then.
29:46I turned and hugged Tommy again.
29:48I have to run, honey.
29:49I was just passing by and thought about getting ice cream.
29:52But I see you're busy.
29:54We'll do it another time.
29:55I had forgotten I still had the four-year-old in my arms, and she started tugging on my hair.
30:00Want ice cream?
30:01You'll have to ask mommy about that.
30:03I tried to put her down, but she resisted.
30:05Want ice cream?
30:07It looks like I'm stuck, Marty.
30:09How about we go get some ice cream?
30:11There's a great place just down the street with the best homemade flavors.
30:15It's peach season right now, which happens to be my favorite.
30:18My treat.
30:20Marty grinned and stood up, giving Brian a quick kiss on the cheek.
30:24I'll be back in about 45 minutes.
30:26Why don't you get everything ready for the grill?
30:28We decided to walk, and the sight of Brian with his mouth hanging open made me smile as we headed to the shop.
30:34Taylor clung tightly to me, reminding me how much effort it took to carry a little one around.
30:39We warned them to behave or they wouldn't get any ice cream, and they fell in line.
30:44Taylor changed her mind several times before settling on blueberry.
30:48Tanya carefully considered all the flavors before choosing banana.
30:52I picked peach, and after the server gave her a taste, Marty chose peach too.
30:57Tommy knew all the flavors and chose vanilla.
31:00The girls tasted everyone else's choices and decided peach was really good, and that's what they'd have next time.
31:06They managed to stay surprisingly neat and clean considering the circumstances, and it was a happy group of kids walking back.
31:13Marty carried Taylor even though she protested, so Tanya held tight to my hand.
31:17When we got back, I told them I had to leave.
31:20I received nice sticky kisses and a good hug from my son before I departed, smiling.
31:25Marty seemed like a good match for Brian, and he had always wanted more children.
31:30It looked like he was moving up in the world.
31:33Marty called me unexpectedly, asking to meet for lunch.
31:36I had to think about it for a moment, knowing she wanted to discuss Brian.
31:40Eventually I made up my mind.
31:43Can you come by the hospital around noon?
31:45We'll have to eat in the cafeteria, but the food there is surprisingly good.
31:49That works for me.
31:50Noon it is?
31:51I'll see you there.
31:52Marty was much smaller than me, but exuded the confident manner of someone successful in her field.
31:57We chose our food and sat down, making small talk as we ate.
32:01Pushing her tray away, she grinned.
32:03Brian and I are getting married, I wanted to tell you myself.
32:06It's not to rub anything in your face.
32:09Your past is your own, but you're still connected to him through Tommy.
32:12I thought it would be best to talk in person.
32:14If you're comfortable, could you share with me what went wrong in your marriage?
32:18I know Brian can get absorbed in his work at times, but he's the kindest man I've ever known.
32:23Grateful for my years of therapy, I could be honest now.
32:26In short, I started to think I was more important than Brian.
32:30I respected his brilliance in his work, but as a doctor I felt my role was crucial.
32:35I became arrogant.
32:37Brian preferred home life while I enjoyed going out and the attention my looks and skills brought.
32:42I began making decisions on my own, believing I knew better for our family.
32:47It wasn't about family decisions, it became, what does Sarah want?
32:51I made many mistakes, Doctors International was the final straw.
32:55Although even when Brian warned he'd leave if I went again, I believed I could win him back.
33:00You know how that turned out?
33:02If I could go back, would I change things knowing what I know now?
33:05Probably, but it wouldn't have lasted.
33:07Ultimately, I left knowing the consequences, had affairs while away, and expected everything to be fine upon my return.
33:13It was a harsh wake-up call when it wasn't.
33:16It shattered my self-image as someone above societal norms.
33:19In the end, I changed jobs, lost my son and husband, and nothing I gained was worth what I lost.
33:25She sat quietly for a moment, taking in what I had just shared, then let out a sigh.
33:32I've encountered situations like yours before, though not personally.
33:36I've worked with many high-profile personalities and experienced their arrogance firsthand.
33:40One of them even demanded favors right before going on air.
33:44We were in his office and he dropped his pants saying,
33:46nothing relaxes me on screen like a good BJ.
33:49I chuckled, imagining the scene.
33:52I grabbed his and pulled hard, he screamed like a child.
33:56I brought him to his knees and leaned in close, whispering,
33:59if you ever try this again with me or any other woman here I'll finish what I started.
34:03He nodded weakly.
34:05Just when he thought I would release him, I pulled down harder and slapped him across the face.
34:09The red mark stayed for hours.
34:12They had to find someone else to host the show.
34:14Management threatened me, but I had recorded the whole incident.
34:18I told them if it affected my career, I'd sell the story to their biggest competitor.
34:22Six months later, they didn't renew his contract.
34:26She glanced down at her nails, then grinned as she looked back up at me.
34:30So you see, I understand what a God complex is all about.
34:33More importantly, I know how to navigate around people like that
34:36and handle the ones I can't avoid.
34:39I'm glad you've learned from your mistakes and I'm sorry it led to your divorce,
34:42but I'm also glad it brought me the man of my dreams.
34:44Does that make sense to you?
34:46It did.
34:48I shared the conversation with my new partner that evening while we cooked dinner together.
34:52It had become our routine.
34:55If one of us arrived home much earlier than the other, we might cook alone,
34:59but we preferred preparing meals together.
35:02It was our way to unwind, discuss our days, and let go of the stress from work.
35:06This left us time for the important things like cuddling while watching movies
35:10or listening to music and if we wanted, just cuddling.
35:13My relationship with the pediatrician ended badly
35:16after I accidentally stumbled upon disturbing content on his laptop.
35:20Mine had crashed, so I used his to send an urgent email about a surgery.
35:24I noticed a folder named Sarah and opened it expecting personal photos.
35:28Instead, I found numerous pictures of myself,
35:31mostly without clothes, some while I was asleep,
35:34but mostly during intimate moments.
35:37He had used multiple cameras to capture these scenes for his private collection.
35:41There were also photos of me in the shower and even using the bathroom.
35:44Disgusted, I dug deeper and found a folder labeled Candyland
35:48containing more disturbing and explicit material.
35:51I barely made it to the kitchen sink before vomiting.
35:54After rinsing my mouth and brushing my teeth,
35:56I immediately took the laptop to the nearest police station.
35:59Two detectives, one male and one female,
36:02reviewed the files for about 30 seconds before taking the matter seriously
36:06and interrupting the district attorney's dinner.
36:09After hearing my report, he instructed me to return the laptop
36:12to the pediatrician's house while they obtained a search warrant.
36:15I called to report what I had found on my way back.
36:19When I returned to his house, he was anxiously pacing.
36:22He noticed his laptop in my hands, realized what I had discovered,
36:25and reacted violently.
36:28He punched me so hard in the nose that it broke, and I lost consciousness.
36:31Just as someone rang the doorbell, he dashed out the rear door
36:34clutching his laptop, only to run straight into two hefty policemen.
36:38Both married with kids, they interpreted his attempt to flee
36:42as resisting arrest and took forceful action,
36:45leaving him with deep bruises and taser burns.
36:48After the trial concluded, he received a 15-year sentence.
36:52Evidence surfaced of him grooming one of his patients,
36:55leading to a lawsuit by the girl's parents that stripped him of his assets,
36:58leaving him penniless.
37:00In prison, where kid offenders are often targeted, he fared poorly,
37:03suffering permanent injuries within his first year,
37:06blindness in one eye, and a lasting limp.
37:09Returning to my therapist, I grappled with the realization
37:12that I couldn't have foreseen his crimes.
37:15He had never hinted at any inappropriate behavior with minors,
37:18aside from expressing a desire to have children of his own someday.
37:22Back then his words had given me hope, but now I shuddered at the memory.
37:26He seemed so successful, Sarah, and hid it well for years.
37:29My therapist consoled me.
37:32Everyone was shocked when the truth came out.
37:35Perhaps fate or divine intervention led you to discover that computer.
37:38And remember, dear, there are plenty of good men out there.
37:41One day one will find you. I'm sure of it.
37:44I had a good man once, I reflected sadly, and I ruined it.
37:48Perhaps being single now is my penance for my mistakes.
37:52Nine months later I met Jeremiah.
37:55He was tall, broad-shouldered, with a captivating smile
37:58and the kindest eyes I had ever seen.
38:00A touch of gray peppered his temples and beard,
38:03but the strength in his muscles belied his age.
38:06I encountered him at a convention, sent there by my hospital
38:09for networking and recruitment purposes.
38:11My troubled past had faded,
38:13and I had made significant contributions to my new workplace,
38:16earning recognition as one of their prominent figures in the community.
38:20While the rules for job applications typically considered various factors,
38:24nothing was set in stone initially, and we were seeking fresh talent.
38:27At 35 I was the youngest surgeon on staff
38:30and the hospital was eager for new perspectives.
38:33The symposium covered a wide range of medical topics,
38:36and I decided to look up Jeremiah.
38:39I was surprised by what I found.
38:41He owned an insurance company specializing in health care,
38:44was a certified public accountant,
38:46and a registered nurse practitioner.
38:48He held five degrees in different fields
38:50and had an exceptionally high IQ.
38:53His workshop on malpractice scared all of us
38:55until he guided us through steps to avoid lawsuits.
38:58He was funny, clear, and quick with a joke to lighten the mood.
39:02But his closing remarks grabbed everyone's attention.
39:05Mistakes happen.
39:06When they do, own up to them.
39:08Trying to cover up your errors only makes things worse
39:11if the truth comes out later.
39:13It damages your reputation and makes juries unsympathetic.
39:16Plus, it gives the public a bad view of doctors as greedy and incompetent.
39:20There's a movement to cap malpractice awards,
39:23and I've helped develop a complex algorithm
39:25that some states are considering.
39:28Until then, remember, the worse your behavior, the bigger the payout.
39:32I'll be around for questions the rest of the conference.
39:37His talk received a lot of positive feedback,
39:39and doctors crowded around him three deep.
39:42I gave up trying to talk to him and hurried to my next seminar.
39:45I didn't see him again until later that night
39:47when I slipped into what I thought was an empty conference room
39:50to avoid another doctor who had a bit too much to drink
39:53and was acting like he was God's gift to women.
39:56I had to hide or risk slapping him,
39:58which wouldn't have been good for business.
40:00I nearly jumped when Jeremiah's voice broke the silence.
40:04Hiding from your demons?
40:05Recognizing him?
40:06I smiled.
40:07Just one, I'm afraid.
40:10And you?
40:11I needed a break.
40:13For all the time doctors spend in school,
40:15some are surprisingly clueless about the real world.
40:18You don't have to tell me.
40:20As a doctor, I've made my fair share of dumb decisions,
40:22but I'm proud to say none of them involved a patient.
40:26Well, then, you're ahead of the game.
40:27We chatted pleasantly for the next 15 minutes.
40:30Suddenly the door swung open,
40:32and there he was, Doctor.
40:34There you are.
40:36What are you up to?
40:37Well, I was just about to have some fun with this guy I joked.
40:40But you've crashed the party.
40:42Go away.
40:43We were getting to the good part.
40:45He swayed a bit,
40:46trying to process what I said through his alcohol haze.
40:48He was about to retort when Jeremiah stood up,
40:50towering over him.
40:52Leave now,
40:53unless you want to stick around and watch.
40:55Maybe you can enjoy yourself
40:57while I take care of business with this babe.
41:01Dick opened and closed his mouth a few times,
41:03muttered something under his breath,
41:05and then staggered out.
41:07Jeremiah and I looked at each other
41:09and burst into laughter.
41:11Once we settled down,
41:12we resumed our conversation,
41:14sticking to safe topics.
41:16When we said goodbye,
41:17I gave him a kiss on the cheek,
41:19and he hugged me warmly.
41:21The next morning,
41:22we bumped into each other at breakfast.
41:24He gestured for me to join him,
41:25and we agreed to have lunch
41:27after our respective seminars and workshops.
41:29Dinner was lovely.
41:31He took me to a quiet restaurant
41:32away from the conference hustle.
41:34Later, we went to a cozy club
41:36where the music wasn't too loud
41:37and we danced a few slow songs.
41:40Despite being tall,
41:41I felt small and comfortable in his arms.
41:44Back at the hotel,
41:45he walked me to my room
41:46and gave me a sweet kiss.
41:48Not too intense,
41:49but filled with promise.
41:50It left me wanting more.
41:52As our relationship progressed,
41:53we discovered we were both from the same city.
41:56He had been married before,
41:57but tragically lost his wife during childbirth
42:00due to an unknown condition.
42:02They miraculously saved the baby,
42:04who spent almost two months in the hospital
42:06and was now seven years old.
42:08About three months into our relationship,
42:10after we became intimate,
42:12I shared my story with him.
42:14He listened quietly,
42:15holding me while I cried,
42:17afraid that he might want to end things.
42:19His response melted my heart.
42:21You can't change what happened before.
42:24It seems like you made a lot of mistakes,
42:26but at least you've learned from them.
42:28If I didn't trust you,
42:29we wouldn't be where we are now.
42:31I tried to spoil him with love,
42:33but thankfully it didn't work out that way.
42:35By the end of the weekend,
42:36he was pretty tired.
42:38We continued to take things slow,
42:40but gradually I started spending
42:41more and more time at his place.
42:43I was incredibly nervous
42:44when I introduced him to my son,
42:46but they hit it off immediately.
42:48Jerry was really skilled at archery,
42:50and he got Tommy interested in it
42:53after talking to my ex-husband.
42:55He didn't say much about their meeting,
42:57just that he seemed like a decent guy.
42:59Then one day I came home
43:00to find the house full of kids,
43:02Tommy and his two little sisters,
43:04all three of them.
43:06Brian and Marty had a child together,
43:08an exceptionally bright little girl
43:10who seemed wise beyond her years.
43:13I raised an eyebrow
43:14and Jerry blushed a bit before grinning.
43:16We're managing this bunch for a couple of days
43:18while Marty heads to New York
43:19to accept an award.
43:21Her career is taking off now
43:22that she's the executive producer
43:23of Brian's new show.
43:25CNN convinced Brian to host
43:27a one-hour show three days a week,
43:29alternating with another show.
43:31The ratings were solid and improving.
43:33His only request during negotiations
43:35was for his wife to manage the show,
43:37and the network agreed immediately.
43:39Marty did such a great job
43:40that the show won an Emmy,
43:42and Brian couldn't hide his pride in his wife.
43:45He even spoke passionately
43:46about how much he loved her
43:47on one of his shows,
43:49much to her embarrassment.
43:51I couldn't resist and watched his show,
43:53feeling a pang of regret,
43:55when I realized that if things had been different,
43:57if I had stayed faithful
43:58and kept my ego in check,
43:59he might have been praising me on air.
44:02Then I looked at Jerry
44:03and wondered if he was the person
44:04I was destined to be with all along.
44:06What was supposed to be two days
44:07turned into three
44:08when they asked for an extra day.
44:10Jerry was thrilled.
44:12The older girls wanted to try out Terry's bow,
44:15but he was a teenager
44:16and the bow was too big for them.
44:18Jerry solved that by taking them to Academy,
44:20buying them smaller bows
44:21and all the necessary gear.
44:23Taylor took to it naturally
44:24and Tanya showed some promise.
44:27Lucy, Jerry's daughter, was a big help.
44:29Then Tina wanted a bow
44:30and I intervened,
44:31getting her one of those toy bows
44:32with suction cups instead of arrows.
44:35She did surprisingly well for a three-year-old,
44:37but I regretted my decision
44:38every time I had to peel an arrow
44:40off the TV screen,
44:41the patio door,
44:42or a car window.
44:44Jeremiah and the kids found it hilarious.
44:47I was utterly exhausted
44:48yet filled with joy.
44:50At first Lucy was hesitant,
44:52not wanting to share her dad
44:53with anyone else,
44:54but gradually she warmed up to me
44:56and we became close.
44:58I poured out all the love
44:59I couldn't give to my son onto her
45:00and she thrived.
45:02Having girls her age around for days
45:04lifted her spirits
45:05and there were lots of hugs
45:06and kisses as they departed.
45:09We were lounging on the couch
45:10when Lucy crawled on top of us.
45:13After settling in,
45:15she said something
45:16that completely surprised me.
45:17Mom, can I have a little sister?
45:19It was the first time she called me mom
45:21and tears streamed down my face
45:22as I embraced her.
45:24When I could speak,
45:25I kissed her on the head.
45:27That depends, sweetheart.
45:28What does daddy think about that?
45:30Daddy was grinning,
45:31holding up a small box.
45:34Daddy thinks it's the best idea
45:35he's heard in a long time.
45:37I cried for 30 minutes,
45:39hugging and kissing
45:40both of them the whole time.
45:42I was getting a bit older
45:43to have a baby,
45:44but sheer determination paid off
45:46and I gave birth to an 8-pound boy
45:48two weeks before my 38th birthday.
45:51The waiting room was packed.
45:53I was a well-liked doctor
45:54and the nurses doted on me.
45:56Seeing Brian, Marty and their kids
45:57wasn't surprising, but
45:59I was taken aback
46:00to see Brian's mother there.
46:01She'd moved away for a while
46:03and I didn't know she was back.
46:05Tears welled up as she asked
46:06to hold her newest granddaughter.
46:08Soon, Jeremiah's mom
46:09and she were deep in conversation,
46:11planning out the futures
46:12of all the kids.
46:13Lucy made sure she was the first
46:14to hold her brother
46:15after her parents.
46:17She was a bit disappointed
46:18he was a boy,
46:19but that changed
46:20as soon as she saw his face.
46:22When he was 5 and she was 13,
46:23if he got fussy,
46:24she'd scoop him up
46:25and cover him in kisses.
46:28He'd giggle and try to wipe them off
46:29as quickly as she planted them.
46:31One of the biggest pictures
46:32on her nightstand
46:33is the one of her holding
46:34her brother for the first time.
46:36I was 53 years old,
46:38the respected elder
46:39of the surgical unit.
46:41Knowing my hands would soon
46:42no longer manage the job,
46:43I began planning my retirement.
46:46Younger doctors and nurses
46:47saw me as a mother figure
46:48and often confided in me.
46:50One of the nurses,
46:51considered one of the prettier ones,
46:52sought my advice.
46:54I heard you worked
46:55with Doctors International.
46:57I've been offered
46:58an opportunity to join.
46:59Do you have any advice?
47:00I didn't mince words,
47:01sharing my own experiences
47:02and the sacrifices it entailed.
47:04She was newly married,
47:05so I asked if her husband
47:06supported the idea.
47:08He doesn't know yet.
47:10In that case,
47:11you should discuss it with him.
47:12Are you ready
47:13to be apart from him
47:14for that long?
47:15Will he be patient,
47:16waiting for you to return?
47:17The organization
47:18does important work,
47:19but there are always
47:20drawbacks and sacrifices.
47:22Think carefully
47:23before you decide.
47:24In the end,
47:25she decided not to go
47:26and someone else
47:27took her place.
47:28She broke up with her boyfriend
47:29before leaving,
47:30but he was engaged
47:31by the time she returned,
47:32shattering any hopes
47:33of reconciliation.
47:35We suspected she might
47:36have ended things preemptively,
47:38perhaps anticipating
47:39the possibility of having
47:40a fling while away,
47:41but we never expected him
47:42to move on so quickly.
47:44She seemed subdued
47:45for about four months,
47:46and when they offered her
47:47another assignment,
47:48she declined.
47:50Tommy graduated
47:51with a master's in journalism
47:52and took a job
47:53as an associate producer
47:54for Fox.
47:55Lucy was a junior
47:56in a pre-med program.
47:58Tanya is in the same program
47:59and they are roommates.
48:00Taylor is a senior
48:01and has a full-ride
48:02scholarship for volleyball.
48:04Tina is a freshman
48:05in high school
48:06and seems to be
48:07majoring in boys.
48:08At 14,
48:09she looks 20,
48:10and men and boys alike
48:11make fools of themselves
48:12over her.
48:14She has a good head
48:15on her shoulders,
48:16and if they push hard,
48:17she shows them pictures
48:18of her and her sister's brother,
48:19her cousins Lucy and JJ,
48:21all holding ribbons
48:22and trophies for archery
48:23and karate.
48:25Tommy was an alternate
48:26for the Olympic team
48:27last year,
48:28and JJ is already
48:29a second-degree black belt
48:30at 15.
48:32Lucy was state champion
48:33in archery
48:34for her age group
48:35two years ago,
48:36barely beating out
48:37her cousin Taylor.
48:38Tommy earned
48:39a master's degree
48:40in journalism
48:41and started working
48:42as an assistant producer
48:43at Fox.
48:44Lucy was a junior
48:45in a pre-med program,
48:46and her roommate Tanya
48:47was also in the same program.
48:49Taylor, a senior,
48:50had a full scholarship
48:51for volleyball.
48:52Tina, a high school freshman,
48:54seemed more interested
48:55in boys than anything else.
48:57She was grounded, though,
48:58and if anyone got too forward,
48:59she'd show them photos
49:00of herself with her siblings,
49:01cousins Lucy and JJ,
49:03all holding trophies
49:04from their achievements
49:05in archery and karate.
49:07Tommy narrowly missed
49:08making the Olympic team
49:09last year,
49:10while 15-year-old JJ
49:11already had a second-degree
49:12black belt.
49:13Lucy had won
49:14the state archery championship
49:15for her age group
49:16two years ago,
49:17narrowly beating
49:18her cousin Taylor.
49:20One day I bumped into Brian
49:21at a coffee shop,
49:22and we sat down together.
49:24I apologized once more
49:25for my behavior,
49:26but he brushed it off.
49:28That's all in the past.
49:29Let's leave it there.
49:31Instead, we jokingly complained
49:32about our kids and spouses
49:33for 30 minutes,
49:34shared a quick kiss,
49:35and then went our separate ways.
49:37As I watched him walk away
49:38down the sidewalk,
49:39I thought about the saying
49:40that cheaters never prosper.
49:42In my case, though,
49:43I knew it wasn't true.
49:45Yes, I had done something
49:46terrible out of arrogance
49:47and a sense of entitlement,
49:48and I did suffer
49:49the consequences
49:50for a long time,
49:51but ultimately I believed
49:52that the pain I went through
49:53made me a better person.
49:55I hope that growth
49:56showed in my marriage
49:57and relationships
49:58with those I cared about.
50:00When I mentored
50:01younger people at work,
50:02I shared my story,
50:03hoping it would make
50:04a positive impact.
50:06I smiled as I touched
50:07the envelope in my pocket.
50:08It was my present
50:09to my husband
50:10for our upcoming anniversary,
50:11a two-week stay
50:12at a very exclusive resort
50:13in Thailand.
50:15There would be sun,
50:17and an option
50:18to go without clothes.
50:19Even though I didn't have
50:20the super-fit body
50:21I had in my 30s,
50:22I still worked out
50:23and was considered
50:24one of the top three
50:25attractive moms
50:26at my hospital.
50:27Jeremiah still saw me
50:28as a hot young woman,
50:29and I hoped
50:30he'd always feel that way,
50:31so I endured the challenges
50:32and tried not to think
50:33about how time and nature
50:34were affecting me,
50:35especially when some
50:36of that aging
50:37was because of him.
51:03© transcript Emily Beynon
51:33© transcript Emily Beynon
