Husband Catches Cheating Wife in Hotel and Gets Epic Instant Revenge | Shocking Divorce. Sad Story

  • 2 weeks ago
Husband Catches Cheating Wife in Hotel and Gets Epic Instant Revenge | Shocking Divorce. Sad Story
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1. Begin by formulating inquiries, conducting research, crafting a script, and developing insightful opinions or commentary. Refine these elements until they are polished and ready for production.
2. Engage in voice recording sessions to narrate the stories, pose questions, and express opinions in a dynamic and captivating manner, ensuring an enjoyable experience for viewers.
3. Capture gameplay footage until a sufficient amount of engaging material is amassed for background usage.
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00:00I was staring at my computer when she walked in.
00:02She'd been coming home late from work for a long time, but today was different.
00:06It was almost 10 o'clock.
00:08The kids and I had already eaten dinner, done homework, and they'd been in bed for nearly
00:11an hour.
00:12They didn't even ask about mom.
00:15This new routine was making me sad.
00:17I spent the last hour analyzing our finances.
00:20Things had dramatically deteriorated over the past two years.
00:23Our income had dropped significantly, but my wife didn't notice and kept spending freely.
00:28I had just finished paying the bills.
00:30We might get by for a couple more months.
00:32I was also reviewing my life plan, wondering if I had made a mistake.
00:36For the past two years, I'd been looking at a ticking time bomb, always assuming it would
00:39go off, but now I was beginning to doubt it.
00:43I don't know how long she stood there watching me.
00:45Lately, I'd been lost in my own thoughts more and more, losing track of time.
00:49Finally, she crossed her arms, a familiar look of contempt on her face, and spoke.
00:55Michael, I want a divorce.
00:57I didn't know how I felt at that moment.
00:59I was so overwhelmed with doubt and self-loathing that I was almost numb.
01:04It wasn't really funny, but I still tried to suppress a laugh.
01:07My wife of 17 years had just ended our relationship, destroying everything we'd built together.
01:12I hadn't felt such emotion in a long time, and it almost made me smile, relief.
01:18I stared at her for a moment, recalling our happy times one last time.
01:22Then I snapped back to reality.
01:26I was a better programmer than a manager.
01:29Unfortunately, programmers get promoted to project managers, department heads, and senior
01:34That's how I became a senior product development manager, a fancy title for a salesperson.
01:40I was the most qualified at the time, having almost single-handedly created our flagship
01:44product line and guided it through six updates.
01:47I knew our product inside out could answer customer questions and solve employee problems.
01:52With a new haircut and an expensive suit, I looked the part, but the increased salary
01:56and benefits meant little.
01:58I was mostly happy with my job, but I missed programming.
02:01My position didn't allow time for coding, with too many meetings and calls.
02:06I watched young developers compete with new innovations.
02:09Being the boss had its perks, but I wished my role was different.
02:14It wasn't surprising when I was fired from Chicago Technology Solutions.
02:18I would have fired myself too.
02:19I attended meetings sporadically and missed deadlines often.
02:22I wasn't trying to get fired, but I didn't try to keep my job either.
02:26I was depressed for months.
02:28It took almost three months to move forward and another month to find a livable solution.
02:32My kids helped me stay sane.
02:34Their routine, breakfast, school, snack, homework, dinner, bed became my mantra and got my life
02:39back on track.
02:41I embraced being a stay-at-home dad, handling all household and transportation duties.
02:46The kids enjoyed my presence, and it helped me realize I had value.
02:50My wife didn't seem to notice this change in our family dynamic.
02:54I met Jennifer Riley at a fraternity party I almost skipped.
02:58I joined the fraternity for post-graduation opportunities, not for parties.
03:02My grades were excellent, but everything else about me was average.
03:05Even my name, Michael, was the most popular from 1961 to 1988.
03:11Away from the computer, I wasn't unique.
03:13I had a few relationships, but mostly kept to myself.
03:16That changed when I met Jennifer Riley.
03:18Jennifer was also average, but I realized the average woman looked much better.
03:23She was a bit reserved.
03:25After watching her for a while, I finally spoke to her.
03:28Our first meeting was brief, but it led to coffee and study sessions over the next few
03:32After nearly two months, we had our first real date.
03:35From then on, it was the best time of my life.
03:38We enjoyed 15 years of bliss.
03:41Our courtship and engagement were short.
03:44After graduation, we married and settled in our first Chicago apartment.
03:47We commuted together to our first jobs, barely making ends meet but happy together.
03:51We shared almost everything—family histories, interests, goals.
03:55Where one of us lacked, the other excelled.
03:57I managed our finances, Jennifer handled our social and family schedules.
04:01We quickly improved our lives, both getting promoted, expanding our friend group, and
04:05saving for a home while still traveling and having fun.
04:08Jennifer quit her job after eight years.
04:11Our son Jacob was born a year later, followed by our daughter Emily.
04:15We moved to a three-bedroom house in the suburbs, got a dog, and bought a family sedan and minivan.
04:21Our life was perfectly average—two kids, a pet, a house, and two cars.
04:28I didn't think I could be any happier.
04:30I was wrong.
04:31I was promoted to manager shortly after Emily's first birthday.
04:35It felt like a reward for years of being overlooked and not complaining.
04:39The new salary was substantial and my schedule was flexible, allowing me to work from home
04:44and only visit the office for meetings.
04:47Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy stylish clothes, better healthcare, a new
04:51home, and self-confidence.
04:54I went from average to slightly above average, and my wife, whom I already found beautiful,
04:59seemed even more stunning.
05:00Our life, which was already good, improved significantly.
05:03We traveled more, spent time with our kids, and saved more money for retirement.
05:08When Emily started elementary school, Jennifer wanted to work part-time.
05:12She quickly found a job at a startup marketing firm.
05:16Her hours matched the kids' school schedule, and we saved her salary.
05:20I projected that by the time the kids graduated college, we could retire comfortably.
05:25I discovered my wife was cheating on me three months before our 15th anniversary, just before
05:29my birthday.
05:30I found proof two days before, but didn't realize it until weeks later.
05:35I hadn't thought much of her wanting to be more involved at work, which meant more hours
05:38and me picking up the kids.
05:40It didn't affect my schedule, so I didn't mind.
05:43After three months, I noticed she seemed distracted.
05:46She said she was stressed from trying to find herself at work.
05:49I took on more household responsibilities to ease her load.
05:52When our relationship started to decline, we talked about it.
05:56She said she felt older and didn't need to have as much fun anymore.
05:59Our life briefly improved, but then declined again.
06:03I hesitated to bring it up again, fearing a fight.
06:05I was nearly at my wits' end when I found the gift.
06:09The weather had cooled and I was searching for a sweater.
06:12Since taking over laundry duties, I'd often mixed up where clothes should go.
06:16While going through her closet, I spotted it behind some old shoe boxes, a pink box
06:21with a white ribbon from a lingerie store, and a postcard addressed to Beloved.
06:26A battle of thoughts erupted.
06:28Should I look or wait?
06:29I decided to watch and wait until my birthday.
06:32The note read, excuse the wrapping, unwrap the real gift on your birthday when I wear
06:36what's in the box.
06:39Love Jennifer.
06:40Over the next two days, I made extra efforts.
06:43Meeting her with flowers, giving her foot massages, and cooking her favorite dinner.
06:47Her reaction was indifferent, almost as if she tolerated my gestures.
06:52On my birthday, I ensured the kids finished their homework early to avoid any interruptions.
06:57Jennifer arrived home late and asked what was for dinner, throwing me off.
07:01I suggested going out for pizza, and the kids agreed.
07:04At the restaurant, the waiters wished me a happy birthday, and I thought I saw surprise
07:09in Jennifer's eyes, but she quickly recovered.
07:11I'll give you your present later, she said with a smile.
07:15The ride home was stressful, nearly resulting in a car accident.
07:19Waiting for the kids to get ready for bed, and then for them to fall asleep felt like
07:22an eternity.
07:25Jennifer had gone on an emergency milk run, and returned just as the kids fell asleep.
07:30When I reached our bedroom, she wasn't there.
07:33Moments later, she emerged from the bathroom in a flannel nightgown, no makeup and her
07:37hair in a ponytail.
07:39Frustrated, I asked about my present.
07:42She slid into bed, reached for the lamp, and then stopped.
07:45Oh, I almost forgot, she pulled a small box wrapped in balloon paper from the nightstand
07:49and handed it to me.
07:51Happy birthday, darling.
07:53Then she turned off the light and fell asleep.
07:55I was too shocked to even open the present.
07:57The next day, I became deeply depressed.
08:00I replayed the previous day's events repeatedly, unable to figure out what had gone wrong.
08:05For almost two weeks, I wallowed in despair, with the unopened present mocking me.
08:11I had always heard, the husband is the last to know, but I was truly in the dark.
08:15The thought of Jennifer cheating never crossed my mind until she called 13 days after my
08:19birthday to say she'd be late for Alan's 30th birthday celebration.
08:24I don't recall my reply as I stared at the empty closet space where my present had been.
08:28The chest pain and prolonged vomiting that followed made me fear a heart attack, and
08:33for a moment I wished it were true.
08:36Alan Henderson, Jennifer's boss, was a younger, insincere advertising executive I disliked.
08:41Emily brought me back to reality.
08:43Are you okay, daddy?
08:45She asked nearly in tears.
08:46I reassured her, claiming I had a stomach issue and needed a moment.
08:51Eventually I left the bathroom, grabbed my dusty bottle of scotch, and drank enough to
08:55wake with a severe headache.
08:57I didn't know when Jennifer came home, but the next morning she was in the kitchen with
09:00the kids as if nothing had happened.
09:03Her slight shudder when she sat down to eat eliminated any remaining love I had for her.
09:08I wish I could say I confronted my cheating wife, but I was too devastated.
09:11I felt like a zombie.
09:13Getting worse each day, watching her act carefree, I hit rock bottom until our 15th wedding anniversary
09:18when I finally decided to take action.
09:21I probably wouldn't have done anything.
09:23I was being a wimp and knew it.
09:24If my father were alive, he'd call me a wuss, and he'd be right.
09:28The fog lifted from my thoughts when my wife announced she had a work conference during
09:32our anniversary.
09:34It felt like another level of disrespect, especially since she didn't acknowledge the date.
09:39After drinking heavily on our anniversary, I woke up angry and decided to call a lawyer.
09:45I was determined to end this farce, thinking my life couldn't get worse.
09:49I was wrong.
09:51The lawyer demolished my hopes.
09:53I had no evidence of her cheating, and even if I did, it wouldn't matter.
09:57She'd get half our assets, joint custody at best, and I'd pay alimony.
10:02She'd likely get primary custody in the house for the kid's sake.
10:05My wife was cheating, and I felt like a fool.
10:08My depression turned to confusion.
10:10You really don't look well, Michael.
10:12Is something bothering you?
10:13I lied, no honey.
10:15Then I got fired, which turned out to be the best thing.
10:19Watching the news, I saw a major employer go bankrupt, leaving employees without pay
10:23or pensions.
10:24It hit me.
10:26If we had nothing, we wouldn't share anything in a divorce.
10:29I decided to spend our savings until there was nothing left.
10:32It was a reckless plan, but I was desperate.
10:35Two years passed in excruciating boredom.
10:37I realized Jennifer had been the lifeblood of our social circle.
10:40When she distanced herself, I found I had no real friends.
10:44Being an only child with deceased parents, I was truly alone.
10:48For two years, my children were the only bright spot.
10:51I had never been a big spender, still keeping receipts for everything.
10:54I started withdrawing small amounts of cash weekly, but wasn't spending fast enough to
10:59make a difference.
11:01I was good at saving money, not spending it.
11:04I revamped my plan and stepped up my game.
11:06I enrolled in an executive MBA program, spending almost $120,000 at a local university.
11:13I paid cash for a new luxury SUV costing $60,000 and fully funded the kids' educational savings
11:19accounts for another $260,000.
11:22I splurged on a new closet and started withdrawing more cash.
11:25Twice a week I'd drop the kids off at school, go to the bank, and head to the lakeshore.
11:30I never gambled, just spent enough at the casino to leave a trail of expenses while
11:34stashing most of the money in a wall safe in our garage as a post-divorce war chest.
11:39I also hired private surveillance on my wife and her lover, gathering video, photos, and
11:43daily reports.
11:45It was costly, but worth it.
11:47Did my wife notice my spending?
11:49Mostly yes, except for the gambling.
11:52She had to sign off on the kids' custodial accounts, and she saw my new car and closet.
11:56She never questioned them, likely thinking we were still well off.
11:59She made purchases too, including more lingerie, but I never commented.
12:03We lived like tolerable roommates, communicating daily, but avoiding closeness.
12:08Spending time with my kids was my highlight.
12:11I supported their interests, did homework with them, played games, went to parks, rode
12:15bikes, and watched movies.
12:17I became the home cook, involving them in easy recipes.
12:21Jennifer showed up occasionally during the week.
12:24I didn't exclude her from family time, but I didn't involve her either.
12:27If she wanted to join, she did so without a word.
12:31I received weekly reports on my wife's activities.
12:34Initially I thought she was just involved with her boss, but it turned out she was with
12:38several men from her office and eventually even some clients.
12:42Did it hurt?
12:43Not really.
12:44I already saw her as unfaithful, and having proof didn't make it worse.
12:48Alan Henderson, her boss, wasn't a skillful lover, just another participant in her affairs.
12:53She treated most of the other six men the same way.
12:57One client, a nerdy guy with glasses, seemed particularly rough with her, but the grainy
13:02photos and videos made it hard to tell if she enjoyed it.
13:05With plenty of free time, despite classes, kids, and gambling, I focused on life after
13:11I started working out, making good gains in bench press and endurance running.
13:16While I knew huge muscles and great looks were mostly genetic, I was happy with my progress.
13:21I also researched the latest in my former industry, knowing I'd need a job eventually.
13:26I spent hours daily learning new technology and software.
13:30I was especially interested in my old company, CTS.
13:33They were stagnant, stable revenues, but no growth.
13:36If you stand still, you lose.
13:38I also studied divorce extensively, particularly its impact on children.
13:42The kids had helped me through my pain, and I wanted to be fully prepared for their transition.
13:47Eight months later, I started to panic.
13:49My wife began coming home on time, asking about my day, and dressing more provocatively
13:54for bed, trying to revive our closeness.
13:57A few weeks later, she complained about our lack of communication and talked about working
14:01on our marriage.
14:03I responded with complete silence.
14:05Her attempts at reconciliation continued until her birthday.
14:09I left her gift on the dining room table, wrapped in the same paper she used for my last gift.
14:14It shouldn't have been a surprise.
14:16Six months after my birthday, I finally opened her present.
14:19A cheap digital watch from the convenience store's Impulse Buy section.
14:23I was furious at first, but when I saw they had a matching women's model, I calmed down.
14:29I bought both and waited 18 months to give hers to her.
14:32I missed her reaction because the kids and I were out for an emergency movie night and
14:36got home late.
14:37She left early the next day.
14:40Things quickly returned to normal.
14:42She stayed late at the office, and we barely spoke.
14:45Finally, she said, Michael, I want a divorce.
14:49It took almost a week for her to file.
14:51Her demands were almost laughable—spousal and child support, unequal property distribution,
14:56and claims of mental and emotional misuse.
14:59I waited until Monday and took the kids camping for six days, returning rested.
15:03Jennifer was home alone in the living room, looking unwell.
15:06I had filed for divorce on grounds of infidelity, asking for the house, full custody and support
15:12since I was unemployed, and had been the primary caregiver.
15:15I also filed lawsuits against her seven partners and her employer, knowing I wouldn't win but
15:20hoping the notoriety would help.
15:22I even sent a DVD of her infidelities to her parents and best friend to show I was serious.
15:28I listed all the evidence in my countersuit but wanted to make sure she knew.
15:33The kids had a snack and went to their rooms, ignoring their mother, who made no move to address them.
15:38I grabbed a beer and sat across from Jennifer.
15:41She didn't look at me for a long time, crying and seemingly in pain.
15:45Eventually she whispered something, but I was too focused on enjoying my beer to care.
15:50You're going to ruin me.
15:51I waited until she looked up.
15:53God, I hope so.
15:54I expected this moment to feel more intense, but when a tear rolled down her cheek, I felt nothing.
16:00Do you hate me that much? she asked.
16:03Oh no, Jennifer, I don't hate you.
16:05Hate takes effort.
16:06I put all my effort into taking care of me and my children.
16:09But I'm your wife.
16:12My wife was loving, caring, my best friend, my partner, and the mother of my children.
16:17She's gone.
16:18You're just the strumpet who took over her body.
16:20You have nothing to do with me.
16:22After a long silence, she spoke again.
16:25What am I supposed to do now?
16:27Do you really want my answer?
16:28I continued without waiting.
16:30You could go far away and start a new life.
16:33I won't let the kids spend meaningful time with you, so leaving shouldn't be an issue.
16:37Or you could stay here, but who knows who'll hear about your exploits or who'll hire you.
16:41Maybe some loser who doesn't care you're a strumpet will take you in.
16:44Or you could liquidate yourself, but I hope you don't.
16:47I want to watch you suffer.
16:50But then again, my opinion didn't matter when you started having fun with your boss.
16:54I dreamed of this speech for months, hoping for satisfaction as I watched her spirit crumble.
16:59Instead, I felt empty.
17:01Life after the divorce has been uncertain.
17:03The lawsuits went better than expected.
17:05I received over a million dollars in compensation from three companies whose employees slept
17:09with my wife.
17:11This was surprising since my lawyer had warned me not to expect much.
17:15We destroyed my ex-wife's company through discovery motions, depositions, and leaks
17:19to the press.
17:20I also emailed their clients about my wife and her boss.
17:23Do you really want to be in bed with this company when the crap hits the fan?
17:27Gradually, their revenue dried up, employees quit to avoid the scandal, and the company
17:32eventually filed for bankruptcy.
17:35Alan Henderson was fired and left town in disgrace.
17:39The $200,000 settlement I received was smaller but more satisfying than my other victories.
17:44I got nothing from the foreclosure of attachment lawsuits, which I expected.
17:49However, four of the involved men faced divorces.
17:52The process hurt me too, as I faced taunts and teasing from people who knew my situation.
17:58But I didn't care.
17:59I already felt like a loser.
18:00My main concern was keeping my kids safe from the fallout.
18:04They were sad for a while but soon recovered.
18:06My biggest victory was returning to CTS as VP of Design and Development.
18:10Programming helped distract me from my personal turmoil.
18:13Over two years, I developed an add-on for CTS software that integrated with competitor
18:19Less than a year later, I started my own company and sold the software, receiving $11 million
18:26and an incredible compensation package from CTS.
18:30Considering retirement, I knew I needed a reason to get out of the house.
18:33My new income allowed me to hire Mrs. Marlene Jensen as a housekeeper and babysitter.
18:38A year later, she moved in with us full-time, living in an apartment above our garage.
18:44She became like a grandmother to my children, providing wisdom and advice.
18:48I valued her support as well.
18:50I loved my children and tried to be a caring father, but I was also jaded and cruel.
18:55Mrs. Jensen was my rock, offering guidance.
19:00As the kids grew up, our closeness faded.
19:02I didn't resent them.
19:03It was better to keep my bitterness away from their lives.
19:06Mrs. Jensen worked for me until the kids went to college, then retired.
19:11I offered her free room and board as a pension.
19:14She was with us for 15 years, always encouraging me to find someone to share my life with.
19:19Despite her efforts, I remained alone and she passed away knowing that.
19:23I never opened up to anyone.
19:25My friendships were shallow and unfulfilling, and I rarely dated except for a few group
19:30I gained a reputation as a cold, ruthless person, and I didn't blame anyone for shunning
19:36My wealth allowed me to hire call girls regularly, mostly I just sent them away, but I liked
19:41one named Candy.
19:42After learning her real name was Mary Beth.
19:45When she got too attached, I cut her loose.
19:47Jennifer had a hard life after we split.
19:50She tried to reconcile or build a relationship with our children for almost a year.
19:55I warned her, but she didn't listen.
19:57When she stayed in Chicago, I ensured her employment history was well known to potential
20:03When she started dating, I sent packages to her partners with information about her past.
20:08I wanted her to face her actions as I had to.
20:10She kept calling, emailing, and trying to contact me.
20:13Some part of me wanted her to suffer.
20:15I never sought professional help, feeling it was too late.
20:18I could have changed my number, blocked her emails, or let my assistant handle my mail.
20:23But I didn't.
20:24Her apologies meant nothing.
20:27Eventually I sent her a gift.
20:28I bought lingerie from her favorite store, wrapped it with a white ribbon, and enclosed
20:32a handwritten note.
20:33The card was addressed to cow, and the inscription read, go screw yourself though my actual words
20:38were cruder.
20:40I hoped she understood the message.
20:43One of Jennifer's potential suitors tried to hold me accountable for tormenting her.
20:47He showed up at my door, drunk and shoved me, knocking me down.
20:51That was his mistake.
20:52I had no special training, never been in a fight, but I had rage, pure, unspent hatred
20:57for my ex-wife and her lovers.
21:00He became the outlet for my rage.
21:01I ended up with a bump and a broken rib.
21:04He was lucky to survive.
21:06He pled guilty to misdemeanor assault and trespassing, getting probation as a first
21:10time offender.
21:11His years of reconstructive surgery and rehabilitation probably made a bigger impact.
21:16Jennifer never contacted me again.
21:18I stopped tracking her after a year when she found a job cleaning rooms at a hotel 700
21:23miles away in rural Virginia.
21:26I saw her only once more, 16 years later, at our daughter's wedding.
21:30I knew the children reconnected with her after college.
21:33I didn't stop them.
21:35Time hadn't been kind to her.
21:37She had gained weight, had deep wrinkles, and showed signs of smoking.
21:41She looked old and haggard.
21:43Yet, I still saw the woman I once loved.
21:46I felt nothing for her but saw her sitting alone at the back of the church, interacting
21:50briefly and cordially with our daughter.
21:53She didn't try to speak to me and we stayed 30 feet apart.
21:56When I saw her waiting for a cab, I noticed a small gold ring with a paltry diamond on
22:01her finger.
22:02I smiled for the first time in a long time, thinking maybe she had it better than me.
22:07I walked over, stared at the ring, then met her eyes.
22:10A deep sadness was clear in her gaze.
22:12By the way, you ruined my life, she said.
22:15I glanced at her left hand, then back at her eyes.
22:18I'm glad you found someone.
22:20I hope he makes you happy, I said.
22:22I walked quickly to my car where my driver was waiting.
22:25Good evening, Mr. Smith.
22:27I hope you had a pleasant evening.
22:29Are we going to the club?
22:30Jonathan asked.
22:31It went as well as I could have hoped, Jonathan.
22:35Let's go straight back to the house.
22:37I'd like to be alone tonight, I replied.
22:39Of course, sir, Jonathan said.
22:41As we drove away, I tried not to look back but I caught a brief glimpse of her and said
22:47Michael Smith was not a handsome man, and nothing about him stood out at first glance.
22:52But he was sweet, nice to look at, and smart, unlike other guys.
22:56We met on the worst night of my college life, when my sorority sisters abandoned me at a
23:00frat party.
23:01They promised to stick together, but ditched me to mingle with the popular crowd.
23:06I waited for them for two hours while drunk guys hit on me.
23:09Then Michael approached, looking me straight in the eye, introduced himself politely, and
23:13made small talk before leaving.
23:16It was a pleasure talking to you, Jennifer.
23:18I'd like to take you out for coffee sometime.
23:21Here's my name and number if you're interested.
23:23Thank you for talking to me.
23:25That moment was the highlight of my semester.
23:28I almost didn't call him but eventually did after a week.
23:31We met for coffee and he asked me all sorts of questions making it easy to talk to him.
23:34He was brilliant and well versed in every topic.
23:37He was studying computer science but could have majored in anything.
23:41He offered to help me with my difficult subjects, especially ancient philosophy.
23:46Michael always looked me in the eye, showing genuine interest in me as a person.
23:50We started studying together.
23:52On a Friday night, he spent three hours in the library helping me prepare for a philosophy
23:58He was patient and never made me feel stupid.
24:01When I passed the exam, he was genuinely proud of me, saying he enjoyed spending time with
24:06Michael was different from other guys.
24:08He focused on his studies during the week, avoiding parties and distractions.
24:12We didn't go on traditional dates but he called every day and left notes for me.
24:16We met for coffee, at the library, and occasionally for lunch.
24:20He always asked about my family, interests, and dreams.
24:25When I asked if he was afraid of anything, he revealed his fear of not being a good father.
24:29He was an only child who lost his parents in high school and lived with an uncle who
24:33wasn't supportive.
24:35Michael wanted to get married and have kids but worried he didn't know how to be a good
24:40When he fell silent, he seemed to look for an answer.
24:43Too much, he asked.
24:44No, Michael.
24:45Just enough about four weeks into our relationship, Michael asked if I was free on Saturday.
24:51I said yes and he said he'd come by at lunchtime.
24:54The days leading up to that Saturday were strange.
24:57Michael wouldn't reveal his plans and my sorority sisters were whispering and smiling at me.
25:01I was on edge.
25:03When he arrived, he and his three fraternity brothers were dressed in maroon and sky blue
25:07clothes, carrying a large cooler and trays of food.
25:10Michael had a DVD, a West Ham jersey for me, and a big smile.
25:15He asked to see the big room in the house.
25:18As we turned the corner, the house was decorated in West Ham colors and everyone started chanting.
25:23I was shocked.
25:25Once I had complained to Michael about missing my family's trip to England to see my distant
25:29cousin play for West Ham United because of a test.
25:33Michael arranged for a friend at a sports bar to record the West Ham game.
25:37He learned the team chants, taught them to his friends and my sorority sisters, and watched
25:41the game to know when to start them.
25:44They brought English ale and cooked fish and chips.
25:47As the game went on, we sang, drank, and cheered.
25:50In the 72nd minute, Michael silenced everyone and told me to watch.
25:54I saw my cousin score his first Premier League goal.
25:57It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me.
26:00When it was over, Michael and his friends cleaned up and left.
26:03Michael said he would call me later.
26:05I was left alone to deal with the teasing about the dreamy look in my eyes.
26:09It was worth it.
26:12Our phone conversations, notes and coffee continued for a couple more weeks.
26:16One day while sipping a latte, I noticed Michael looked extremely nervous.
26:20Everything okay, Michael?
26:22Oh yeah, of course.
26:24I was just wondering if you had any plans for Friday night, and if you're free, if you'd
26:28like to have dinner with me, you know, like a date.
26:31I'd love to have dinner with you, Michael.
26:34The relief on his face surprised me, quickly replaced by the widest smile I'd ever seen.
26:39He kept smiling as he finished his coffee, as we walked out, and as he waved goodbye
26:43on his way to class.
26:45I could see him nearly a block away.
26:48From then on, my life became a whirlwind of love, romance and friendship.
26:53My grades improved, I had more fun than ever, and people started treating me differently.
26:57I felt more comfortable being myself, the woman Michael loved, and people were drawn
27:01to that.
27:03Being around Michael boosted my confidence.
27:05He always praised me highly.
27:07Michael was good-looking, fit, well-groomed and pleasant.
27:10Though shy around new people, he was the smartest person in the room, even outshining the professor.
27:16Despite this, he stayed humble and spent his time with me, often saying,
27:20I'm just a regular guy who won the lottery.
27:23When we met, I considered myself pretty, while friends and family called me cute.
27:27I was self-conscious, especially around my stunning sorority sisters.
27:31But through Michael's eyes, I began to feel more valuable.
27:34Prom was a highlight.
27:36My sorority had a tradition where each sister rated their boyfriend in front of alumni.
27:41Since I didn't have a long-term boyfriend before, I never participated.
27:45This year, Michael received all positive feedback, a first in the event's 29-year history.
27:50I was proud, though tradition meant I couldn't tell him he won.
27:54But three days later, I found a way to reward him.
27:57The day after graduation, Michael drove me home.
28:00I was originally from Chicago, and Michael had been offered a job there.
28:03We spent four hours on the road holding hands and talking.
28:07We stopped for a quick breakfast and a kiss.
28:09We arrived at my childhood home just before lunch.
28:12Michael spent the next two hours charming my parents.
28:15I was a bit surprised when he asked if he could buy my dad a beer.
28:18They left before I could even object.
28:21My mom smiled through misty eyes.
28:23Oh, Jennifer, this one's a keeper.
28:26Trust me, mom, I know.
28:28Michael and dad smiled and laughed all the way to the front door.
28:31When they finally returned two hours later, Michael told me, I'll be back to pick you
28:34up for dinner.
28:36After he checked into the hotel, said a quick goodbye to my parents and left.
28:41The last thing he told me was that he had asked my father for permission to marry me.
28:45That night I'll never forget.
28:47It was magical.
28:48After a wonderfully romantic Italian dinner, Michael proposed to me on the deck of Willis
28:54It was a beautiful, clear evening, and the lights of the Chicago skyline almost matched
28:58the glow in my heart.
29:00Being made in college always caused mild embarrassment.
29:04I'm sure I was the only sister from the sorority left in the house.
29:07But that night it was a precious gift, part of the matching set.
29:11Michael gave himself to me that night.
29:12I could feel it.
29:13He was patient, loving, and tender.
29:16I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect contact.
29:19I asked him, where did you learn to be such a fantastic lover?
29:22Modest as ever, he whispered.
29:24I read very much.
29:26Our life was damn near perfect.
29:27Right after graduation, Michael landed a good job.
29:31He was constantly being promoted and I was happier than ever.
29:34I don't want to say that these years understate their importance to me.
29:38I can't find the words to express how happy I was in our first decade together.
29:43I wouldn't be able to describe how having children added to my life.
29:47I don't share the details of those years because they have nothing to do with my downfall.
29:51In fact, telling you about those years would only confuse you about the motivations that
29:54led to my fall.
29:56I know what my mistakes are.
29:58Better said mistakes.
30:00I know why I fell.
30:01I didn't trust Michael enough.
30:03What I loved most about Michael was that he never hid his vulnerability from me.
30:07He shared his whole being with me and more importantly, his insecurities.
30:12He never hid from me.
30:14For a long time, I had nothing to hide.
30:16My life was a fairy tale.
30:17My family was wonderful.
30:19Michael never treated me any differently than a full partner.
30:23I was involved in every decision that affected our lives.
30:26It didn't matter that he made five times as much as me or had a better handle on our finances.
30:32He always looked to me for advice and approval.
30:35Mostly it made me feel special.
30:37But sometimes I felt inadequate.
30:39Like I wasn't holding up my end of the bargain, I never shared this with Michael.
30:42If I had shared it, I never would have ruined my life.
30:44He would have helped me.
30:45I know that he loved me so much.
30:47He would have helped me feel whole.
30:49That tiny insecurity grew and grew over the years.
30:52Maybe it was budding.
30:53Whatever the case, by the time the kids went to school, I was lost in my own skin.
30:57I felt I needed something different.
31:00Something that would give me an independent purpose.
31:03I wasn't looking for a lover by any means.
31:06I loved my husband.
31:08In the bedroom I was more than satisfied.
31:11Our life was passionate, though maybe a bit of a drag.
31:14That was mostly my fault.
31:15I knew that my husband wanted to be a little more experimental, which is probably the right
31:20But I figured, why spoil a good thing?
31:22No, I wanted to feel like an equal.
31:25Not just to be treated as an equal.
31:27So I found a job and announced that I'd accepted it.
31:30I had it all figured out.
31:32I was fully prepared to defend my reasons for wanting the job.
31:35Our argument lasted four seconds.
31:38I think that sounds wonderful, Jennifer.
31:40Whatever makes you happy.
31:43And it worked.
31:44I solved my problem on my own.
31:46I didn't need any help.
31:47The sheer vanity of my thoughts in those first few months made me sick afterward.
31:51But it was exciting.
31:53At the time I felt like I could go out into the world as an independent and confident
31:57The mood in our office could be characterized as flirtatious.
32:01At worst it could be described as a den of debauchery.
32:04My co-workers, both male and female, were young, brash, and energetic.
32:09There were a few inner office flings between them.
32:12There were no relationships.
32:13No one seemed to hide it or think there was anything wrong with it.
32:16My boss was probably the worst of the lot.
32:19Alan Henderson was a pretty good looking guy, though not exactly my type.
32:24People were always teasing him, saying he couldn't keep a girl, and congratulating
32:28him on another conquest.
32:30I didn't rush into bed with the first guy who hit on me.
32:33In fact, I blew him off hard.
32:35But it made me wonder if Michael and I were missing something in our lives.
32:38Our group of friends was pretty low-key when it came to this.
32:41There wasn't a single conversation in our neighborhood that even came close to the daily
32:45barrage I heard at the office.
32:47After our first company Christmas party, when I introduced Alan to Michael, my life changed
32:53I could tell they disliked each other, even though they pretended to get along just fine.
32:58I stopped talking to Michael about my work and never mentioned Alan.
33:03I knew my job and boss were bothering him.
33:05After that night, I noticed changes in the office as well.
33:09Alan started paying a lot of attention to me, praising my work in public and asking
33:12how I was feeling.
33:14He began asking me to share lunch with him.
33:16We always had long discussions about our latest project.
33:19He started asking my opinion more and more often.
33:22Then he would ask a few personal questions, and we would end the conversation and get
33:26back to work.
33:28He also started complimenting me on my looks.
33:31In hindsight, I can say he worked on me for months, and I absorbed him like a fool.
33:35I don't remember the exact series of events that led up to this.
33:38With deep regret, I admit I enjoyed every minute of it.
33:43Alan's skillful seduction made me feel desirable emotions I thought were long gone.
33:48Years later, analyzing my behavior, I realized the depth of my betrayal.
33:52I didn't feel Michael desired me because I didn't give him anything to desire.
33:56I knew the kind of man he was.
33:58He would never do anything to make me feel uncomfortable.
34:01I was his true partner and cherished lover, not his girlfriend for fun.
34:05But he was very perceptive.
34:07The slightest hint on my part would be enough.
34:10Any hint that I wanted something else would have had dramatic consequences.
34:14A painful analysis of my married life revealed that Michael was obviously gingerly fumbling
34:18for any opportunity to energize our lives, and I was ignoring him.
34:23I am terribly ashamed to admit that I did all this and more for Alan.
34:28It turns out I was a strumpet to him.
34:30I got too deep into my relationship with Alan before I realized the truth.
34:34I gave Alan myself for his birthday.
34:37The contrast with Michael was striking and changed my thinking almost immediately.
34:42Alan didn't love me and I was making a terrible mistake.
34:44I told Alan that our affair was over the very next day.
34:47He laughed and pushed me out of his office.
34:49The package was on my desk when I returned from lunch along with a note to be in Alan's
34:53office at 5.30.
34:56The contents of the package guaranteed my fulfillment.
34:59The pictures of Alan became a lock that chained me to him, and the hell my life would become
35:04for the next year and a half and beyond.
35:07Having fun with my two co-workers who were waiting for me in Alan's office was very pleasant
35:10compared to what I would have to do during those 18 months.
35:14Let me just say that I was the company strumpet and Alan was my pimp.
35:18And I hated him almost as much as I hated myself.
35:21I tried my hardest to find a way out and kept failing.
35:24It was only when I could no longer accept the immorality of my actions that the solution
35:28to my problems came by itself.
35:31When I was asked to entertain a weirdo guy in a conference room full of people, I realized
35:35I'd had enough.
35:36I had found the solution that had eluded me for so long.
35:41I told Alan I've had enough and I don't care who you show the pictures to.
35:46He just laughed.
35:47And it was over.
35:49I felt so stupid.
35:51I have to say that when I woke up from my nightmare I was surprised at the state of
35:54our house.
35:56Michael and the kids seemed to be doing just fine without me.
35:59In the back of my mind I thought they would have a hard time facing life under the kind
36:03of neglect I had imposed on them.
36:05But it turned out to be exactly the opposite.
36:08It seemed as if I wasn't needed at all.
36:11Michael was clearly on top of things.
36:13He had a new car, new clothes, and looked like a successful executive.
36:17I felt terrible when I realized how long I had neglected my family.
36:21I decided right then and there that I would rededicate my life to them and do everything
36:25I could to make amends for my betrayal.
36:29But a distance had formed between us that had never been there before.
36:32I often wondered how long it had lasted.
36:35Michael never raised his voice to me.
36:36We never fought.
36:37But he treated me like an intruder.
36:40I decided I needed to put my best foot forward.
36:43I tried to seduce him.
36:44Nothing worked.
36:45He barely touched me.
36:47After a few months, I looked at the state of our marriage.
36:50No closeness.
36:51No communication.
36:53I decided I couldn't live like this.
36:55I suggested marriage counseling.
36:58Then Michael stopped talking to me.
37:00I don't mean he stopped trusting me, he just stopped talking.
37:03Not a word for weeks.
37:04I was on edge.
37:06When my birthday came around, I let myself get a little worried.
37:10After all, he couldn't ignore me on my birthday.
37:12God, how wrong I was.
37:15When I got home from work, I was ready to find out what my family had planned but found
37:19the house empty.
37:20The only thing on the dining room table was a small, wrapped box.
37:24I realized what it was before I even opened it.
37:27A few years earlier, I had forgotten Michael's birthday.
37:30In a panic, I found an inexpensive watch at a store on a nearby street.
37:34I intended to rectify my oversight later but I never did and eventually forgot about it.
37:40My gift was a mistake but his gift was calculated.
37:43By the time I went to bed, I was furious.
37:46Keeping the kids away from me on my birthday was just cruel.
37:49I couldn't believe he had done that to me.
37:52And the gift.
37:54That was out of line.
37:56I should have realized something was terribly wrong.
37:59The symbolism should have been enough.
38:02Michael was not an evil man.
38:04He was the most gentle, caring, and loving person I had ever met.
38:08If I hadn't been so clouded with anger over that damned gift, I could have saved my marriage.
38:13If I had confessed my sins and asked for forgiveness, maybe there would have been hope for me.
38:18Unfortunately, at that point I stopped thinking about working on my marriage and started thinking
38:22about divorce.
38:24I was sad but determined.
38:25It took me a few weeks to work out all the details with my attorney.
38:29I told her how Michael was aloof and even abusive, how he kept the kids away from me,
38:33ignored my request for counseling, and stopped talking to me.
38:38My attorney pounced on my comments.
38:40She said I would be well compensated.
38:42We went over the claim.
38:43I felt I was doing what was fair, standing up for what I needed to live a normal life.
38:48All that was left was to deliver the bad news.
38:51I stood silently in the doorway of the den and looked at the man who had once been my
38:55husband, my other half.
38:56He looked like the same man, but it wasn't him.
38:59Finally I had enough.
39:00Michael, I want a divorce.
39:02There was a long silence, but I didn't see any emotion on his face.
39:06I thought he smiled, but he was probably just in shock.
39:09He must have been because his reaction wasn't what I expected.
39:12No yelling.
39:13No questions.
39:15And that was it.
39:17The following Friday he was served with my divorce petition.
39:21That weekend Michael was in a better mood.
39:23But if he tried to correct his recent behavior, it was too late.
39:26I was in no mood for reconciliation.
39:29He even said goodbye to me at the door as I left for work Monday morning.
39:33Too little, too late, I thought.
39:35When I got to the office, I realized there was a big problem, but I had no idea what
39:39it was.
39:41My boss, the president of the company, and our corporate lawyer were bickering in the
39:44conference room.
39:46Fists full of papers were being waved around.
39:49I was so busy watching the hysteria that I didn't notice the man waiting for me near
39:52my workstation.
39:55He caught me off guard when he spoke.
39:57Jennifer Smith, yes.
39:59You're being served the man handed me a massive envelope, took my picture, and left.
40:04I didn't even get a chance to sit down, let alone look at the contents of the envelope.
40:08As soon as the man left, the security guard and the human resources manager stood in front
40:13of me.
40:14Mrs. Smith, you are suspended pending an investigation on charges of inappropriate behavior in the
40:22Please gather your personal belongings and leave the building.
40:24It was humiliating to gather my belongings while my co-workers looked on.
40:28It was even worse when I was escorted out of the building.
40:31I had no idea what was going on.
40:35I barely had time to pull out of the parking lot when my phone rang.
40:39It was my lawyer.
40:41Before I could even say hello, she was already letting me have it.
40:45Withholding important information and making her look like an idiot were the only phrases
40:49that made sense.
40:50I drove home in silence.
40:52When I arrived, the house was empty again.
40:55I had no idea what hell I had unleashed until I finally calmed down enough to remember the
41:00Michael's counterpetition was crushing.
41:03Almost all of my extramarital affairs were documented.
41:07There was no money.
41:08He had spent almost all of our savings.
41:10The word that hit me the hardest was infidelity.
41:13I thought it couldn't get any worse.
41:15Then I tried calling my parents.
41:17I needed support.
41:18My father called me a strumpet and hung up on me.
41:21He didn't need to explain to me why he thought that.
41:25I already knew.
41:27The next seven days seemed like the loneliest of my life, but years later, I would remember
41:31them fondly as the good days.
41:34Michael left a note that I found later saying he had taken the kids camping and would be
41:38back on Sunday.
41:40That first night, my older friend Rebecca called around 7 o'clock to see how I was doing.
41:45She said that Michael had sent her a DVD and that I didn't want to know what was on it.
41:49Over the next few days, my attorney detailed the hopelessness of my situation.
41:54I was being fired for cause.
41:56My company, several clients, and all of my partners were being sued.
41:59I would lose custody of my children.
42:01I would lose everything.
42:03At that moment, I was willing to do anything to get Michael to stop all the litigation.
42:08I tried to prepare myself for his return.
42:11Unfortunately, I couldn't stop crying.
42:13When the family came home, I was a mess.
42:15The kids walked past me as if I wasn't even in the room.
42:19Michael walked in a few minutes later, beer in hand, looking like he didn't give a damn.
42:23I barely forced myself to speak.
42:25You're going to ruin me.
42:27The pure hatred in his voice destroyed me.
42:29God, I hope so.
42:31When I tried to broach the subject of our history as husband and wife, he called me
42:34a strumpet.
42:36At that point, I wasn't even talking to him, I was just thinking out loud, but Michael
42:39launched into a tirade that lasted several minutes.
42:42Strumpet, strumpet, vulva, cow, every word tore at me.
42:47I came.
42:49Then he got up and left the room.
42:50I can honestly say that I didn't give up.
42:53I tried to make things work with Michael, but he wouldn't talk to me.
42:56I wondered how Michael and the kids were doing without money.
42:59But they seemed to be okay.
43:02Sometimes I would sneak to watch him drop them off or pick them up from school.
43:05I couldn't get a job and was receiving unemployment benefits.
43:09My parents wouldn't talk to me.
43:11I needed somewhere to live and started going from friend to friend, mostly divorced men.
43:15No one wanted to keep me for long.
43:17One day everything was fine, and the next day they wanted me gone.
43:21On the advice of my lawyer, I started seeing a therapist.
43:25She believed that if I repented of my behavior and sought professional help, it would help
43:29me in court.
43:30I had very little hope.
43:32I worked through some things, most of which I have shared with you.
43:35But the best advice my therapist gave me was at the end of our sessions.
43:40Her advice was to run far, far away.
43:42I don't know exactly why he decided to respond to me.
43:45It could have been a phone call, an email, or one of the dozens of letters I sent.
43:49But for whatever reason, I came home and found a package from Michael waiting for me.
43:54I immediately recognized the store's standard gift box.
43:58The card was addressed to me in a rather vulgar manner.
44:00I understood everything.
44:02He knew almost everything.
44:05He really hated me and had a very specific suggestion on how I could best utilize my
44:10I don't know why the realization that he knew about my willing betrayal was so much
44:14But it was.
44:15I cried hard.
44:16At the time, I was staying with a friend of a friend of a friend, a decent guy named Robert.
44:22I think he wanted our relationship to be more than just a roommate thing.
44:25When he came into the room to see what was up, I realized he had been drinking.
44:30When he saw the package, he became furious and sprinted out the door, before I could
44:34stop him.
44:35I was worried when Robert wasn't home a few hours later.
44:38I should have been.
44:39The nurses at the hospital weren't verbose, but they knew most of the story.
44:44Apparently, Robert had gone to confront Michael.
44:47Michael had nearly stricken him to end of life.
44:49His face was mangled.
44:51He had a concussion, several internal injuries, and a shattered left hip.
44:55I was terrified.
44:57My problems were now infecting those around me.
45:00At my next session, I told this story to my therapist.
45:03She started asking me questions about Michael.
45:05I told her everything I knew.
45:07He was an only child.
45:09He had no family.
45:11He was orphaned when he was a teenager.
45:12I told her about our young love, his devotion to me, and the children.
45:16I told her about his actions during the two years when he should have known about my infidelity
45:21and subsequent behavior.
45:23And I told her about what Michael had done to Robert.
45:27When I finished, she looked terrified.
45:29You have to run as far away from here as you can.
45:32Leave him alone.
45:33Don't call him.
45:34Don't write to him.
45:35Don't let him know where you are.
45:37There is no hope of reconciliation.
45:38Don't even try.
45:39Move on.
45:40If you push him.
45:42The most likely outcome is that he will liquidate you.
45:44Your actions have clearly broken a man with a fragile grip on sanity.
45:48He's endured disappointment after disappointment all his life.
45:51He will never forgive you.
45:52He will never forget.
45:55And I ran.
45:56I ran away from the memories of my perfect life to a crappy college town in Virginia
46:00where I found an even crappier job.
46:03A few years later I found a man who could tolerate me and ignore my past.
46:09The best thing I can say about him is that he didn't smell or hit me.
46:12There was no love between us, just a friendly relationship.
46:16I'm sure that was part of my punishment.
46:19My children contacted me when they were older just to say hello and let me know they were
46:22alive and knew I was too.
46:24They never asked to see me or play any meaningful role in their lives.
46:28Michael thrived without me.
46:30I followed his news as much as I could.
46:32He was always a superstar in the software industry and had the vast fortune to prove
46:37There was hardly anything written about his personal life.
46:40I saw him one more time at my daughter's wedding.
46:43I was surprised that I was invited.
46:46He looked amazing.
46:47He looked like the man who owned my heart and whom I had betrayed.
46:51I'll admit I was a little startled when he approached me for his final gloat.
46:54For the record you ruined my life.
46:57First he stared at my pathetic wedding ring.
46:59At that moment I regretted never wearing it on my finger.
47:02I'm glad you found someone.
47:04I hope he makes you happy.
47:06And then he was gone.
