Caught Red-Handed: Husband Serves Cheating Wife Divorce Papers in the Act.Sad Audio Story

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Caught Red-Handed: Husband Serves Cheating Wife Divorce Papers in the Act.Sad Audio Story

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1. Begin by formulating inquiries, conducting research, crafting a script, and developing insightful opinions or commentary. Refine these elements until they are polished and ready for production.
2. Engage in voice recording sessions to narrate the stories, pose questions, and express opinions in a dynamic and captivating manner, ensuring an enjoyable experience for viewers.
3. Capture gameplay footage until a sufficient amount of engaging material is amassed for background usage.
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00:00Guess what? As soon as Lionel walked through the door, Emma jumped into his arms.
00:05Did you win? Yes. Saleswoman of the year.
00:08More accurately, joint winner Melanie got as many sales as me, so we shared the celebration.
00:13Wow. Congratulations, my good girl.
00:16When are you coming?
00:18Thanks, honey. We're going the first week of October after the summer rush.
00:22Over dinner, she opened a bottle of champagne and told Lionel all about it.
00:27This year there were five top five. The other three were men, but this year the ladies dominated sales.
00:33Traditionally, their company added a sliding scale bonus to their September salary.
00:375,000 to the first, up to 1,000 pounds to the fifth, plus four days in a spa hotel for the top performer.
00:44Last year Emma won 1,000 pounds, but this year, due to the unequal situation, some adjustment has been made.
00:50Emma and Melanie will each receive 4,500 pounds, but three days accommodation instead of four.
00:56The hotel is in Brighton. There are mud baths, facials, massages, makeup lessons.
01:01You name it, she said. Not much fun if the guy wins, Lionel said.
01:06It is. There's also a gym, swimming and snooker.
01:09Did you know Sussex has lots of vineyards and breweries?
01:12There are our optional wine and beer tasting tours.
01:15We don't have to pay for anything except drinks in the bar.
01:18Mel and I have been given private rooms and Friday off.
01:20We leave on Thursday night. The train is paid for, of course.
01:24You deserve it, missus.
01:28You've worked hard for this.
01:30Thank you. I know I haven't had much time for you, but sales are quieter for the rest of the year,
01:35and I thought we could go away somewhere for Christmas and New Year.
01:38I'll be entertaining at a spa hotel so you can choose the place.
01:42My treat. Our budget is about 4,500 pounds.
01:46DLM. I like Costa Rica. Good choice. Just so you know, I'll call you when we get to Brighton.
01:51But after that, we won't be in touch much.
01:53We won't be in our rooms most of the time,
01:55and we won't be able to take our cell phones to saunas, massages and so on.
01:59On Saturday, Emma and Melanie went shopping for the trip, forgoing their usual night out.
02:04Lionel knew that meant they were going to have a day out and decided to have a pub lunch.
02:09He contemplated calling Steve, Melanie's husband, as he would be on the same boat.
02:13He was a nice enough guy, and the four of them had already socialized a few times.
02:18But he was a bit boring, and probably wouldn't have come anyway.
02:22Lionel thought he was shy, since he never attended their wives' corporate parties.
02:26When she got home, she was still horny, and even a little drunk.
02:30Immediately after arriving, she rushed to the bathroom to pee,
02:34then went downstairs and showed Lionel her purchases.
02:37He was a little surprised by the tight bikini.
02:39But I'll need it for swimming, sauna, and so on.
02:42I chose the pink one, because you like me in pink.
02:46I'll wear it again during our vacation in Costa Rica.
02:49Fair enough? And the cocktail dress?
02:52The hotel has live music on Saturdays.
02:54I think they do it so the guests don't go out for the night.
02:57Mel and I could dance.
02:59Don't worry, we'll look out for each other,
03:01and then we can wear the dresses again at the next corporate party.
03:04No one will see them. Makes sense, he agreed.
03:07I hope we still have some vacation money left.
03:10She slapped his arm.
03:12Of course there is, it was on sale.
03:15Later she dozed off in front of the TV.
03:17Lionel left the room when his phone rang, not wanting to wake her.
03:20It was Steve.
03:21Another surprise.
03:23Hi Lionel, it's Steve McCartney.
03:25My Mel came home drunk and went to bed early.
03:28How are you?
03:30Hi Steve, similar.
03:32Emma dozed off on the sofa.
03:34I think they must have gotten really drunk at the wine bar.
03:37Okay, do you want to have a pint of beer at the Carpenter's Arms?
03:40Walk over there and have a couple?
03:42I'll drive over and have just one?
03:44Sure, why not.
03:45But I get the feeling you've got some plans.
03:47I do. We need to talk.
03:49So what is it Steve?
03:51When the girls went shopping,
03:53I guess that Mel didn't want to cook dinner tonight,
03:55so I decided to get some lunchtime refreshment.
03:57I went into town to try one of those famous steaks at the Red Lion.
04:01Damn, thought Lionel.
04:03What a pity I didn't call him now.
04:05So how was it?
04:06Fantastic, now I see why everyone's raving about them.
04:10You should have called me.
04:13Sorry anyway, I was waiting for my order
04:15when I overheard the guys at the next table talking.
04:18It sounded interesting to me,
04:20so I filmed them and wrote down what they were saying.
04:22And they didn't mind?
04:24They didn't get it.
04:25I kept running my thumb over the screen
04:27so they thought I was reading something.
04:29Well I think it's sour grapes because you only came third.
04:31You can't win every year.
04:33Be thankful you got 3,000.
04:36That's not the point at all.
04:38With 3,000 my landlady and I will have a great Christmas vacation.
04:41I'm mad because I think they got their panties down for some of these sales.
04:45Almost all of our customers are middle-aged men.
04:48How can I compete if I don't have breasts or stockings?
04:52That's just a rumor.
04:55All successful women have similar gossip about them.
04:58Anyway, they won't even get the full prize,
05:00sharing a room and only for three days.
05:02No, they're still entitled to a suite each.
05:05They'll take their husbands.
05:07Are you sure?
05:10Yeah, I have a buddy in accounting.
05:13The company knocked one day's stay out of the prize
05:15and will still pay for two couples.
05:17Last year I took my Sandy.
05:19She had a better time than I did.
05:21Of course those two probably won't take their husbands.
05:23They'll have their best customers for three days.
05:26Oh, stop moaning. You're just a loser.
05:28What do you think? Steve asked.
05:30Any chance they recognize you?
05:32No, I don't go to their events.
05:34So I've never seen any of them before.
05:37Obviously they're talking about our girls, said Lionel.
05:39At first I took the offer of sex for sale as a pinch of salt,
05:42but if this prize is really for four, that changes everything.
05:45That's what I thought.
05:47We need to figure out who's going with them.
05:50There's no way they're giving us a surprise.
05:52Maybe they're picking us up?
05:54Doubtful, said Steve.
05:56It's less than two weeks away.
05:58We'll have to take time off work.
06:00Maybe it's a couple of their clients.
06:02What do you think?
06:03I don't think so, Lionel said.
06:05Getting a sale by having sex with a guy is one thing,
06:07but getting it on the basis of a promise.
06:09Neither of them could be sure they'd win until last week.
06:12Good point.
06:14Maybe a couple of the guys they work with?
06:16Looks like it.
06:17What do we do next? Steve asked.
06:19I know a guy who works in their accounting department, said Lionel.
06:22I did him a favor at their last party.
06:24Got him home in a cab, safe and sound, so he owes me.
06:28Maybe he can find out more about this trip.
06:31At least he can confirm that it's really for four people.
06:34Tell you what, Steve said.
06:36I'll try to get information from the Brighton Hotel.
06:38I have one of their brochures.
06:40Let's meet here on Wednesday.
06:42The following Wednesday they combined their details.
06:45The company of girls confirmed that the prize was indeed for two couples,
06:48and both winners had taken their husbands with them.
06:51Further digging revealed that, in the last week,
06:54two more staff had booked a day off on the same Friday.
06:57One was John Clarkson, single and in his 22 years,
07:01the youngest member of the sales team.
07:03Steve vaguely remembered Mel saying she felt sorry for the new guy
07:06and helping him out.
07:08The second was Craig Scott, a married middle-aged purchasing manager.
07:12The hotel was equally gracious.
07:14Two prepaid rooms had been reserved,
07:17Emma and Craig Phillips and Melanie and John McCartney.
07:20They were assigned adjoining suites, 404 and 406.
07:24The company credit card had already been entered into the hotel's system
07:27to cover entertainment and excursions,
07:29so the ladies just had to identify themselves
07:32by showing their passport or driver's license.
07:35The husbands would need no ID.
07:37At Steve's house he discovered that Mel had bought a tight black bikini
07:41and some very sexy lingerie.
07:43Lionel preferred not to mention that Emma had a lot of stockings
07:46and see-through panties.
07:48There were so many that he wouldn't have been able to determine
07:51exactly what she had taken,
07:53unless he had searched her suitcase after she had packed.
07:56But a closer look revealed that she had opened and sealed
07:58the packaging of a new bikini.
08:00He couldn't see the condom she had hidden in the pink material,
08:03but he could feel them.
08:04So Lionel said,
08:06Your Mel is planning to sleep with a young stud
08:08and my Emma is going to sleep with an older married man.
08:11And there's a good chance it won't be the first time.
08:13I can't say I envy either of us.
08:16Have you thought about what you're going to do?
08:18All I've done is think about it, confront Mel now and keep her away.
08:22But as you say, she's almost certainly already taken this John under her wing
08:26and put him to bed.
08:27I could steal her passport and driver's license
08:29to mess up her registration,
08:31or I could run into her at the hotel
08:33and give this guy a good beating.
08:35I'm not sure.
08:36The problem is, I love her.
08:38And I'm sure, Lionel said,
08:40I want a divorce.
08:41I plan to go away and live with my father.
08:44Yes, I know it sounds like I'm a wimp,
08:46but it makes sense.
08:47Go on.
08:48My father owns a successful machine shop
08:50and I've always planned to inherit it one day.
08:52He's getting a bit old now
08:54and my mother died last year.
08:56It would be great to get out of the rat race
08:58and reunite with him in his golden years.
09:01To be honest, the business is running itself,
09:04but I already have a few ideas on how to revamp it.
09:06So I might just drop everything and move to Lancashire
09:09and leave Emma there.
09:10But in a divorce,
09:11you'll probably end up on the losing side.
09:13Wouldn't it be better if you had proof?
09:16Steve said,
09:17the courts won't pay much attention to adultery.
09:19No, but the threat of exposing this married guy
09:22might also convince her to let you have almost everything.
09:25Good point,
09:26but I don't want to resort to a private investigator.
09:28Maybe the hotel records
09:30and the guy's vacation details will suffice.
09:32What do you say?
09:33Lionel asked.
09:34Personally, I'd prefer photographs,
09:37replied Steve,
09:38no matter what I do afterward,
09:40even if it's just shots of them flirting by the pool.
09:43I have a thought,
09:45Lionel said.
09:46Do you still have that techie buddy of yours?
09:48Do you think he could clone a hotel room card
09:50or show you how it's done?
09:52And after several failed attempts,
09:54the plan was ready.
09:55The following Saturday night,
09:57Emma and Melanie went to their usual hen party.
10:00Steve stopped by Lionel's
10:01and explained how to copy hotel key rings.
10:03He bought two blanks.
10:05They both took Thursday and Friday off,
10:07a cup of coffee,
10:08and they parted ways.
10:10Thursday came,
10:11and the husband set off for Brighton in separate cars.
10:15After the first agreed events,
10:17their plans usually diverged,
10:18so they might want to leave at different times.
10:21They arrived around 11 in the morning
10:22and approached the front desk.
10:24They were wearing gray sweaters and jeans
10:26with no pattern and sunglasses.
10:29Any chance rooms 404 and 406 are ready yet?
10:32Lionel asked,
10:33showing Emma and Melanie's passports.
10:35Only our wives came into town
10:37and left us with our suitcases.
10:38No problem, mister.
10:41Or are you mister?
10:43Both rooms are ready.
10:45I'm Craig Phillips, Lionel said,
10:47and nodded towards Steve.
10:49And he's John McCartney.
10:50She handed them the keys.
10:52We'll take them back right away,
10:53and then we'll find the bar.
10:55They went upstairs and checked
10:56to make sure the key cards worked.
10:58Then Steve cloned them.
10:59He took an RFID reader with him
11:01and copied them onto two blanks,
11:03making sure they worked too.
11:05They slipped one of the bags into the other,
11:07empty one,
11:08and went back downstairs.
11:10Steve carried it past the front desk,
11:12and Lionel handed the keys back.
11:15They stashed them behind the bar,
11:17telling the bartender their room wasn't ready yet
11:19and had a beer.
11:21An hour later,
11:22the girl at reception left for lunch.
11:24So now, sunglasses off,
11:25they checked into 201,
11:27the double room they had previously
11:28booked for themselves.
11:30What time did you say they would arrive?
11:33About 8.30 in the evening,
11:35Steve replied.
11:36They had about an hour
11:37to wait for the Brighton train,
11:38so Mel said they'd have lunch at the station.
11:41Well, if you insist on using that movie camera,
11:43let's break it down.
11:45They checked in and went to their rooms.
11:47Then what?
11:48If they've eaten,
11:49they'll almost certainly go to the bar,
11:51or sleep together first,
11:52christening the hotel bed.
11:54Right, Lionel said.
11:56We'll go out to dinner and be back by 8.
11:58I'll make myself comfortable in the lobby
12:00and wait for them.
12:01With a baseball cap and a magazine,
12:03they won't recognize me,
12:04and I'll make sure they all check in without incident.
12:07If the same girl is still on duty,
12:09I won't trust her to say,
12:10these aren't your husband's or Y-driver's licenses.
12:13You used to use passports,
12:14but it's better to be safe.
12:17Then when they go to the elevators,
12:19I'll call you and you'll slip up to the fourth floor
12:21and watch their rooms from the stairwell.
12:23If they're going for a drink,
12:24they'll be out in five minutes.
12:26If it's more than ten minutes,
12:28then they're having fun.
12:30Then it's up to you to decide if you want to catch them.
12:33Checking in the foursome went smoothly,
12:35and Lionel texted Steve to take a seat.
12:38He was startled when his phone suddenly rang.
12:41It was Emma, huddled behind his magazine.
12:43He quietly answered.
12:45She hadn't noticed him in the lobby,
12:47but it was strange to hear her voice
12:48from two different sources.
12:50He hoped she couldn't hear the echo.
12:52Mel and I just checked in, dear.
12:54Glad you arrived safely, he replied.
12:56Your voice is very quiet.
12:58I'm in the garden.
12:59That gray squirrel is back.
13:01He says he misses you already.
13:03I miss him too.
13:05Tell him I'll be back Sunday night.
13:07When they hung up,
13:08Lionel took a picture of them getting into the elevator,
13:10then risked a quick call to Steve.
13:12They're in the elevator.
13:14Emma said to Mel,
13:15I'll see you at the bar.
13:17And Mel said,
13:18Give us half an hour
13:19so it looks like we're both in the right place.
13:22Upstairs, Steve watched them pass by
13:24and head for their doors.
13:26He managed to get a quick video
13:27of each couple entering the house.
13:29He waited five minutes for Emma and Craig
13:31to reappear and enter the elevator,
13:33then walked to Mel's door.
13:34404 quietly opened,
13:36and he slipped inside.
13:38Peeking around the corner of the bathroom,
13:40he saw his wife having fun with her young stud,
13:42who looked to be about 19 or 20 years old
13:44and certainly had good muscles.
13:46There was only one bedside lamp burning in the room,
13:49but it was the one closest to Steve.
13:51It illuminated Mel's face perfectly,
13:53and she was easily recognizable.
13:55She moaned and pulled John's face to hers.
13:58A quick zoom and Steve pulled back.
14:00The noise of their cheating overrode his withdrawal.
14:03Lionel was waiting for him in 201,
14:06and they went over the evidence.
14:08Send me a clip on my phone of Emma
14:10and her boyfriend going to their room, he said.
14:13I'll meet her tomorrow morning,
14:14and then we can go home.
14:16Now we have everything we need.
14:18The next morning they officially checked out of the hotel
14:21and returned to their room,
14:22promising to vacate it by noon.
14:24Around 9.30,
14:26Emma and Craig appeared under their window by the pool
14:29and settled down on lounge chairs.
14:31That's my cue, Lionel said.
14:34I'll be ready to leave in about an hour.
14:36What are you planning?
14:37I don't know yet.
14:38Go do your thing.
14:39Tell me if I'm not around.
14:40Lionel reached the 406 and stepped inside.
14:43The first thing he noticed was the two cell phones.
14:46Of course it was understandable.
14:48Emma's bikini was so small she had nowhere to put it,
14:51and they both had good reasons to be out of touch with people.
14:54Craig was obviously very tidy,
14:56his expensive leather briefcase was empty,
14:58and his clothes were neatly stacked in drawers
15:00and hanging in his closet.
15:02Lionel gathered all of his belongings and repacked them,
15:05making sure to put Craig's wallet and keys,
15:07as well as both phones.
15:09Normally Emma's clothes were scattered everywhere.
15:11He put them in her suitcase,
15:13including all the detergents and cosmetics from the bathroom,
15:15as well as her purse and keys.
15:18There were no more of her condoms hidden in the bedside table.
15:21He studied them for a while and decided to leave them there.
15:24The room was just as it had been last night when they arrived.
15:28He got out and headed to the parking lot
15:30where he put Emma's suitcase in the trunk of his car.
15:33He held on to Craig's suitcase and led him towards the hotel.
15:37They were lying on the lounge chairs and Lionel,
15:40placing the leather bag by the edge of the pool,
15:42pulled a chair over to them and sat down next to them.
15:47And Mrs.?
15:49Craig Phillips?
15:50Their reaction was interesting.
15:52Craig looked up and said yes.
15:54Emma almost fell off her chaise lounge chair, shrieking Lionel.
15:58Shaysh, I need you both to listen.
16:00I'm only going to say this once.
16:02Emma started to get up asking what the...
16:04Lionel got up too and pushed her down.
16:07I said be quiet and listen.
16:09She abruptly sat back down.
16:12Craig flinched, but he had the sense to keep quiet.
16:15I have the details of Craig's vacation request and his address, Lionel said.
16:19It wasn't true, but he needed to get their attention.
16:22A copy of your hotel check-in, he continued.
16:25A photograph of you checking in together,
16:28getting on the elevator and entering room 406,
16:31is more than enough for me to file for divorce,
16:33and rest assured I will.
16:35When I get home, I'll leave details of what I want out of the divorce
16:38and put it on the dining room table.
16:41I'll call my lawyer shortly and leave you his number.
16:44He looked at Craig.
16:45And you, Mr. Phillips,
16:47had better familiarize yourself with the terms of my wife's divorce.
16:50It would be in your best interest to convince that saleswoman to agree to them.
16:55Because if I don't get exactly what I want,
16:57that same evidence will be turned over to your wife.
17:00I don't have all the information yet about how your company feels about employees,
17:04especially those married to other people, having sex in spa hotels.
17:08But my guess is that they would take a very negative view of it,
17:11especially since they are funding it.
17:13Lionel stood up and his shadow fell over them.
17:16I'm leaving.
17:17I'm sure the rest of your stay here will be memorable.
17:20Shut your mouths, you look like goldfish.
17:23He turned away, knocking Craig's suitcase into the pool.
17:27Back in the room, Steve was nowhere to be seen.
17:29But Lionel noticed that he had put his things away and his suitcase was gone.
17:34He was probably waiting somewhere downstairs, probably in the parking lot.
17:38He picked up his bag and went downstairs.
17:40There was no sign of Steve in the parking lot, although his car was still parked there.
17:45Lionel went back to the lobby and made himself comfortable.
17:48Give it a few more minutes.
17:49While he waited, he saw Emma and a wet Craig wrapped in towels being led to the elevator.
17:54One of the staff was carrying a very wet leather bag.
17:57Lionel had a vague idea how this was going to turn out.
18:00Emma was about to find out that she had nothing but a tiny pink bikini in Brighton.
18:05Craig had managed to dry most of his things, but it was unlikely that their phones would work again.
18:10He decided he and Steve had better leave in case their lovers came after them.
18:15He could call his lawyer from the car, but called Steve right away.
18:19Buddy, where are you? I'm still at the hotel. I know that.
18:23I'm sitting next to your car.
18:25Are you ready to go yet? No, you'd better go without me.
18:28You're out of breath.
18:30Where are you?
18:32There was a long pause and Lionel thought he heard faint voices in the background.
18:37I'm in Mel's room.
18:39My God, you haven't heard anyone, have you?
18:41No, Steve replied.
18:43I've talked to Mel and I'm not going to get a divorce.
18:45Fair enough, but we've already checked out.
18:48I know I'm staying here until Sunday.
18:51What's going on, buddy?
18:53Look, the movie about them sleeping together really turned me on.
18:58Thing is, I'm going to get some more.
19:00John's just about to fuck her again and I'm joining in.
19:03Lionel grinned all the way home.
19:05Subsequently, his divorce went smoothly, the house was sold, and he moved in with his father as he had planned.
19:11John moved in with Mel and Steve, and all three seemed to be having a lot of fun.
19:16But the main event happened six months later, when a heavily pregnant Emma married the recently divorced Craig.
19:22Perhaps Lionel should have left the condoms alone.
19:25It didn't matter.
