La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 435

  • 2 days ago


00:00What I still don't understand, Mr. Pellicer, is why you didn't let us know when Mrs. Marquesa went down to the service floor.
00:10I insist that she didn't call you. As you will understand, she won't leave you waiting to go get you.
00:15As if the Marquesa had the virtue of patience.
00:18Thank you, Mrs. Martínez. What Mrs. Marquesa wants to avoid at all costs is that what is between her son and Hanna ends up being heard outside the promise and that's it.
00:27Almost nothing.
00:28It is natural. Chances of the Luján family could even reach the very same court.
00:34And can you repeat to us approximately what your words were?
00:37She explicitly forbade me to talk about that love affair.
00:42In short, the Marquesa also said that she had been very generous, allowing Miss Expósito to continue living under the same roof.
00:50Of course she is. I would have probably sent her to the roll myself.
00:55I'm surprised at how charitable you are.
00:59Instead, she demands maximum discretion.
01:02Well, that's what she told us.
01:04That's it.
01:05The lady also took advantage of the visit to make us look at how dirty the kitchen is.
01:09When the truth is that we have it cleaner than a pan.
01:12Well, Mrs. García, that is now insignificant.
01:15Oh yeah? If you were the one who pointed out, I don't think you would have said the same, Mr. Baeza.
01:20Candela. If we are making bread, how can there be no flour? Is that so, Clodito?
01:24Well, leave it now. Please, Mrs. García.
01:29In short, what Mrs. Marquesa wanted was to make clear how we should treat the alleged relationship between her son Manuel and Hanna.
01:40There is nothing alleged in my relationship with Manuel, Mr. Pellicer.
01:44It may go against the sense of decorum of many or the conventions, but this is a real love.
01:51Yours has no name.
01:53You are the most defaced woman and with the least shame I have seen in my life.
01:57Please, Mrs. Arcos.
01:59Look, I am who I am and I know how I feel.
02:02And I'm not ashamed of any of the two things.
02:04Hanna, don't get involved.
02:07What you are is a drowned woman who has seen the open sky and has not thought about it twice.
02:11Mrs. Arcos, contain yourself.
02:13What's wrong, Mr. Baeza?
02:15That you can only tell the truth when it is not a question.
02:18But what truths?
02:20I'm going to ask you something, Mrs. Arcos.
02:23Have you ever fallen in love with someone?
02:27And what do you think?
02:29That I'm going to open my heart to you?
02:31For that I would have to have one.
02:33Of course not.
02:34But if it happened to him, he knows that it is not something that he chooses.
02:38My love for Manuel is sincere.
02:41So much so that others believe it as if it were not.
02:57He didn't look like our father.
02:59What do you mean by that?
03:00That he was out of his mind.
03:02It was my mother who had to temper the Gaitas.
03:05With that I tell you everything.
03:08So it was she who stopped him.
03:09That's how I tell you.
03:11Well, how should I have seen him to do that?
03:16I had never seen him like that either.
03:19So ...
03:20... angry.
03:22Resentful, violent.
03:24And why is that?
03:26I don't know.
03:28But I guess it has nothing to do with a specific issue.
03:32Neither he nor my mother are going through their best moment.
03:35He just found out that I'm going to marry a plebeian.
03:38And who knows what else.
03:39Don't you think that's enough?
03:43I'm telling you, Father, it's not like that.
03:46He was full of responsibility and ...
03:49... obligations.
03:51And sacrifices.
03:55I don't know.
03:57I guess the worst part of all this is to find out that ...
04:00... they will simply never accept my decision.
04:04They refuse to see that I am not going to renounce Hanna for anything in the world.
04:08And I'm not going to continue living this as something forbidden that must be hidden.
04:14They even continued with the same song from the other day.
04:17That we must give ourselves time to think.
04:21As if that were going to help.
04:33You know that I will always be on your side.
04:38But ...
04:41But ...
04:42I don't understand why you are surprised by your parents' reaction.
04:45It was something to expect from something like this.
04:47I'm not surprised, Curro.
04:49At least not from my mother.
04:51I have long assumed that her vision and mine of the ...
04:54... of the world in general, no.
04:57Anyway, it's less than incompatible.
05:00But from my father?
05:02I expected something else from him.
05:04Manuel, he is the Marquis of Lujan.
05:06And as he would say, nobility forces.
05:09If he hasn't already told you.
05:10Yes, but precisely because of that.
05:12Because of his personal circumstances, he should understand me better than anyone else.
05:17You're not thinking of bringing up his past, are you?
05:21Of course not.
05:29Let's see.
05:31When you told me that Father Samuel ...
05:34... was going to deliver that letter after your wedding ...
05:37... I was afraid, personally.
05:39And you refused.
05:40Because you didn't want to hurt me.
05:41I know.
05:43Well, seeing how everything turned out ...
05:46... why don't you let me talk to Father?
05:48And interfere in whatever I can.
05:56I appreciate it, brother.
05:58But it won't be necessary.
06:01I still trust that Father will reconsider himself.
06:36Thank you very much.
06:44Have you been able to think more calmly?
06:48Although it is clear that not enough.
06:49Because I'm still thinking about this whole thing.
06:53But there is something that I already have clear.
06:55And what I would like to talk to you about.
06:58Shall we sit down?
07:10Catalina, you came to see me.
07:12And according to your own words, you did it because ...
07:15... you wanted to know what you felt for me.
07:17Or what was left of what you had felt.
07:19It was the truth.
07:23I think that given the circumstances, you should do the same ...
07:26... with respect to your son's father.
07:28So you can see what is left of what you felt for him.
07:30I don't want to do that.
07:32Catalina, you are expecting a son and he is not mine.
07:35However, I am aware of your condition.
07:38And the father, have you told him?
07:43And don't you think you should tell him that he has the right to know?
07:46I'm not sure it's a good idea.
07:48But how can it not be a good idea?
07:49It's his own thing, besides being fair.
07:51It's not that simple.
07:53I don't even know who he is.
07:54I only know his name is Adriano.
07:55And what else do you want to know?
07:57I don't know his last name, what title he holds, maybe he knows his family.
08:00No, you don't know her.
08:02Why are you so sure?
08:04Adriano has no title or his family.
08:07He is not a noble person.
08:10He is a peasant.
08:18You told me he had land and that's why he came to see you, to ask for advice.
08:22I didn't mean to say that the lands were his property, because they are not.
08:25Adriano is one of our ancestors.
08:44Come in.
08:51And Maria?
08:54She hasn't finished her shift.
08:57She is still attending to Mrs. Margarita in the bedroom.
09:01Why don't you close the door?
09:05You see, I prefer not to do it.
09:08We have enough on top, I don't want to give more talk.
09:13I see.
09:14Come in.
09:21What's going on?
09:23Well, actually, I couldn't wait until tomorrow to tell you.
09:30You see, I've had a fight with my parents.
09:33It's a good thing to say, isn't it?
09:35Well, actually, I wanted to know if I had helped them in that time they took of supposed reflection.
09:42And I also wanted them to be clear that my intention of marrying you is still firm.
09:49But in the end, it has been terrible.
09:54They didn't take it well.
09:56I didn't expect them to take it well, but I didn't expect this either.
09:59What do you mean?
10:02My father was furious.
10:04And I had never seen him like that.
10:06What did he tell you?
10:07He told me what he told you.
10:09Among other beauties, that I am a spoiled and selfish man.
10:14And that I don't know how to see beyond my own noses.
10:17Did he expect that from your mother, but from your father?
10:24But nevertheless, it was him.
10:26It didn't look like him, but it was him.
10:29Why do you say it didn't look like him?
10:31Because he spoke to me with a lot of violence.
10:34I see.
10:36You had a bad time.
10:39Really bad.
10:42Well, if it makes you feel better, we are already two.
10:46I see.
10:48I had a pretty unpleasant conversation with your mother.
10:52I know.
10:54She already told me that you suddenly appeared in her room.
10:57That said, by the way, only happens to you.
11:00Manuel, I found out that he had gone down to the kitchens to warn the whole service.
11:04And I thought he was fine.
11:06You thought he was fine?
11:08Don't make fun of me.
11:10I thought it was time for him to hear that I had several things to say.
11:18Hanna exposed in her purest essence.
11:22Without fearing anything or anyone.
11:25Did it bother you that I spoke to her?
11:32It seemed suicidal to me.
11:36I just wanted to tell her what I feel for you and how it all happened.
11:41And how it came about.
11:43Even though we didn't look for it.
11:46I see.
11:48But if you allow my guesses, something tells me that she didn't listen to your reasons.
11:53Of course not.
11:54She had her ideas and she made me know them.
11:57Without further ado.
11:59And what were they?
12:02What else?
12:05You can tell me.
12:08Well, I don't know, she told me that ...
12:13That she had seduced you out of interest.
12:16And that she only wanted your money.
12:18Or your money, or whatever.
12:19The fact is that she had already insinuated it to me before, but now to hear it so crudely, well ...
12:28I'm going to talk to her.
12:30What for?
12:32What do you mean, what for?
12:34Do you think I have the right to this?
12:36Of course not, Manuel, but it won't do you any good.
12:39I'm still going to try.
12:41Manuel, please.
12:43Hanna, my mother has no right to treat you like this.
12:45And much less to humiliate you.
12:47I know.
12:49But you can't get like this every time your mother has a problem with me.
12:53And what do you want me to do?
12:55Stay still while she despises you?
12:57Well, yes, stay still.
12:59And in the meantime, I know how to defend myself.
13:01It's not about that.
13:03Right now we have to stay calm.
13:05And we have to think about the next step we're going to take.
13:08I'll do that.
13:11Time will tell, but ...
13:15We have to be united.
13:45Careful, don't burn yourself, you're burning yourself.
13:50Like the thing between everything.
13:52Hot, hot.
13:54And it's not exactly going well.
13:56Really, I didn't realize.
13:58You never realize anything.
14:00And what do you want me to do?
14:02I can't do anything other than apologize.
14:04Yes, you can.
14:06You can do things right, for God's sake.
14:08But you don't feel like it.
14:10And this is unsustainable now.
14:12My God, how are these two?
14:14And like this every day, huh?
14:16And the worst thing is that they just got married.
14:17Well, only God knows.
14:19It's so strange.
14:21Why did they get along so badly?
14:23If they are in what people say is the best stage of a couple.
14:25Well, the best stage, the best stage.
14:29What will happen to them?
14:31Besides, if the two are such good people ...
14:33That's true, because Teresa is a sweet girl.
14:36And he is also a charm.
14:38When you know him, of course.
14:40Another thing is that I don't know where the air comes from.
14:43Look, he's also willing to eat alone, remember yesterday?
14:45With those at the table.
14:47What happened with the table?
14:49That there was no way to move it and Marcelo got us out of trouble.
14:52And along the way he proved that he's not stupid at all.
14:55And besides, he was so kind and so nice.
14:57Well, let's see if he's just as kind and nice with his wife.
15:00And she with him.
15:02And she with him.
15:04Of course, it doesn't make any sense for them to be at La Gresca together and so nice with the rest.
15:09I'm going to take the flag.
15:11It's a little stuck, huh?
15:13Let's see.
15:15It's going to burn, Mrs. Camila.
15:17It's going to burn.
15:19There it is.
15:21It was a comment of the most inconsiderate, that's what I'm telling you.
15:24Well, it wouldn't be so much, dear.
15:26When I don't even remember what I told you.
15:28Of course you remember.
15:30Well, think whatever you want.
15:32If you don't remember, you put it worse for me.
15:34More inconsideration on your part.
15:36I see that you have proposed to ameliorate my breakfast.
15:39We were talking about the fan sample, do you remember that?
15:43I see.
15:45Well, you came to say something like that Ignacio was delighted to lose sight of my daughter Martina.
15:49Because everything was coming out of his mouth.
15:51Because that's what I think.
15:53You also said that I didn't know anything.
15:56So you treated me like a fool.
15:58Far from my intention.
16:01But then when I was calmer, I realized that if you had treated me like that, it was ...
16:05Well, just because you were jealous.
16:07Like that?
16:10I don't want life to give me a second chance when you ...
16:13You are more bitter than ever.
16:15What a perspicacity you have.
16:18With everything that is happening to Manuel,
16:20and whatever Alonso has done to you, because it is obvious that your marriage is not going well,
16:24well, I understand that he gives you back, that the people around you are happy.
16:29So then I realized that I was not angry.
16:32That what I felt was ...
16:35Pity for you, basically.
16:37Don't fool yourself, Margarita.
16:38I don't know how it can be so puerile to think
16:41that by pointing out my problems, yours cease to exist.
16:44Because they exist, dear, I already believe that they exist.
16:47Well, I'm happy, Cruz. Do you like it or not?
16:50I don't like it or I don't stop liking it.
16:52It just makes me indifferent.
16:54I see.
16:56Also, from my point of view,
16:58if you are as happy as you say, it is because you live in ignorance.
17:01Again with that, Cruz.
17:03And the ones that are needed.
17:04It may be easy for you to deceive Lorenzo,
17:07on that occasion, with the poker game.
17:09But Ignacio is not Lorenzo.
17:11And he is the one who has deceived you.
17:14How can you be so resentful, Cruz?
17:16What I have is very good memory.
17:18And what does that mean?
17:20That I have known your Ignacio
17:22since he was a petulant young man.
17:25He only loves himself.
17:27He does not aim without thread.
17:29He has been like that all his life and he will not start to change at this point.
17:32So I understand that what you mean
17:34is that Ignacio is with me out of interest.
17:38I calculate interest.
17:40It is difficult to know the reasons.
17:42But, don't be fooled.
17:44Love is not one of them.
17:46Don't be jealous, Cruz.
17:48Ignacio has his own fortune and it is not small.
17:50Therefore, I am the one who wins with that marriage.
17:53And not him.
17:55Because I'm going to have much more than I had with Fernando.
17:57Rest in peace.
17:59I see that you have also made your calculation.
18:01But that does not mean that you are stupid.
18:03I see.
18:05So they are all advantages.
18:07And also, being a late marriage,
18:09I am free from the obligation of having to give him offspring.
18:14What you are not going to get rid of
18:16is that your husband becomes the owner of your 25% of the promise.
18:19That you will stop controlling.
18:21Are those advantages?
18:24So less bragging about your life, Margarita.
18:27That in it, it is not gold either, everything that shines.
18:31I'm going to go.
18:41There comes a time when listening to one of these scales gives me shivers.
18:45But it sounds very good.
18:47The first 200 times it can be.
18:49But ...
18:51And if we go to the town?
18:53To what?
18:55I have heard that they have put an antiquities fair in Plaza Mayor.
18:59We could go and see if there is something interesting.
19:02I don't think it's a bad idea.
19:06Only that ...
19:08It would be a waste of time, right?
19:12That, why?
19:14As if you didn't know.
19:16Me? I don't know.
19:18Well, if we find something interesting,
19:20we will need the permission of Aunt Cruz to put it in the palace.
19:22And I don't think it's the best time to ask for anything.
19:24Seen that way ...
19:26It's fine, it's fine.
19:27Why don't we go to the town?
19:29Take a walk, go for a drink, in the tavern.
19:31I don't know.
19:33Come on, please. It's a great day.
19:35It's a suffocating day.
19:37I swear that here you can't tell by the gardens of La Promesa,
19:39but Luján at noon is an oven.
19:41It's true that it's very hot.
19:43It's fine.
19:45If I am satisfied with leaving this palace.
19:47Even if it's taking a walk through the gardens.
19:49What has given you to leave today?
19:51Well, with all this Manuel issue,
19:53the atmosphere is a little less than breathable.
19:55And we are exposing ourselves to end up paying for a duck that we have not eaten.
20:01But aren't you exaggerating a little?
20:05In addition, it seems to me a gesture of consideration for those involved.
20:07For Manuel and the uncles.
20:09I don't know, I think they should be calm,
20:11without anyone around.
20:13That makes sense.
20:15The further we are in the discussions, the better, right?
20:17Especially me,
20:19who is still a stranger and can bother the Marquises.
20:22You are one more from here.
20:23In fact, I think there is enough confidence to start tutoring us.
20:27Don't you think?
20:29If you agree.
20:33Do you like it, Martina?
20:35Of course.
20:38Thank you for welcoming me in this way, really.
20:40Thanks to you, I feel at home.
20:43The truth is that you make it very easy.
20:53Come in, come in, Mrs. Martínez, have a seat.
20:59What can I do for you?
21:02I don't know what to do with Ramira, Mr. Baeza.
21:05She's not well again.
21:07Oh my God, that girl spends more time in bed than outside.
21:11Well, yes.
21:13It is true that she has little responsibility and that she works as a maid,
21:17but she is a good person.
21:19It is true that she has little responsibility and that she works as a maid,
21:23but of course, she lacks hands.
21:25And we always walk around like headless chickens for things like that.
21:29I understand. And what do you suggest?
21:32Maybe you could call the doctor.
21:36See if the girl has something wrong.
21:38Besides being in her days, you understand me.
21:41The poor thing can't even get out of bed.
21:44Okay, I'll do that.
21:46Thank you very much.
21:50On the other hand, I don't even hook a sad catarrh,
21:53with how well they looked at me.
21:55A few days I got into bed sleeping in Ica clothes.
21:58And not here, huh?
22:00And more, how is the revolting courtyard with Hanna and Don Manuel.
22:05The further from the front, the better.
22:07Soon everything will calm down and everything will be as it was before.
22:10We are both old dogs and we have seen everything in this house.
22:13And so much.
22:15Although this last one is true,
22:16it will go down in the annals of the history of the Rujan.
22:19And how do you think it will end?
22:21I don't want to make predictions.
22:23I wish them the best, but I don't know how these guys are going to end up.
22:27The truth is that in the service area, things are quiet.
22:32And you know what?
22:34It surprises me.
22:36Because Petra is still the master of keys.
22:38Of course, Mrs. Alcor continues to meddle,
22:41but yes, it is strange that it is not used as thoroughly as it could.
22:45I think it is because Santos is on her side.
22:48And she is busy making sure that the boy doesn't miss anything.
22:53Between the two, I say it.
22:55It doesn't seem to me that they do badly to each other.
22:57It's true.
22:59Although his father doesn't think the same as me.
23:01He doesn't like that relationship.
23:03His reasons, the man will have.
23:05I don't know.
23:07The fact is that Mrs. Alcor lost her son and Santos lost his mother.
23:11There is nothing wrong with the affection they lack.
23:16And what happened to Santos' mother?
23:19She died of appendicitis when he was very young.
23:22Poor thing.
23:24How can she be so obtuse?
23:26It's something obvious.
23:28You think?
23:30Man, please.
23:32Anyone with two fingers in front knows that what attracted Ignacio to Margarita is not precisely his distinction.
23:36It's not like that.
23:38Of course it's not like that.
23:39No matter how much she has been paving herself as if it were a gift from God to men.
23:44I think you have been the one who has best described her.
23:50My sister-in-law and her delusions.
23:52Anyway, she will see.
23:54Time will put her in her place.
23:57Or maybe not.
23:59No, as soon as she realizes where she has gotten.
24:02She will want to run out the back door to realize that Ignacio has thrown the key at her.
24:07Speaking of the back door.
24:09I wanted to ask you something.
24:11You tell me.
24:13It's about the Duchess of Carril, whom I saw yesterday for the promise.
24:16I see.
24:18Well, to say that I saw her is to say a lot.
24:20I was taking my usual morning walk through your gardens again and I saw her figure in the distance getting in her horse car.
24:26And what?
24:30What do you mean nothing? Why are you so interested?
24:33Well, to tell you the truth, it's not the first time I saw that carriage,
24:37so I thought I'd ask a few questions about the service area.
24:41And they have confirmed to me that the Duchess is a regular visitor at the promise.
24:45Were you aware?
24:47Why do you ask anything? If you tell you everything.
24:49Curiosity, I guess.
24:53Do you know that inside that brownish torso you have, you have a heart of greenery?
24:58Why does the promise come so much?
25:01Well, she asked me for permission to drop by here from time to time.
25:04She's gathering the recipes from our kitchen.
25:07Excuse me?
25:09What you hear.
25:11But what kind of nonsense is that?
25:14I also think so, what do you want me to tell you?
25:16But, that woman is a fan of the kitchen.
25:19Apparently, she fell in love with our dishes when she came to the snack that Margarita organized.
25:24What things?
25:26Apparently, she wants to make a recipe like that of the Countess of Pardo Bazán.
25:29And for that, she has to come to the promise every two by three?
25:31Wouldn't it be easier to ask you to send her the recipes?
25:35Of course.
25:37But she asked for it like that.
25:39And between you and me, apart from her extravagances, she is a very influential woman.
25:44So this is a kind of left-wing investment.
25:50Life tells the story of our family.
25:53It is convenient for me to have that woman happy.
25:56And that at least she does not speak ill of the Lujan.
25:58It makes sense.
25:59What's more, not only that she does not speak ill, but that if from time to time she speaks well of us,
26:06that's what we get.
26:08On the other hand, since she does not visit the noble plant, I do not have to take care of her.
26:13In most cases, she does not even mention her visits.
26:16All in favor then.
26:18All in favor.
26:29Uncle, how are you?
26:32That's what I'm trying to find out.
26:35I needed to isolate myself a bit and think.
26:38Well, in that case, I'll leave you alone. I didn't want to bother you.
26:41Don't worry. You don't bother me.
26:43Are you sure?
26:45Yes, I'm sure. Always.
27:00The problem is that all this Manuel matter is surpassing me.
27:05Have you talked to him again?
27:10And how was it?
27:14Very bad.
27:17We had a strong discussion. I think it was worse than we've ever had.
27:23I was quite unpleasant with him.
27:25I was quite unpleasant with him.
27:30I know.
27:32You know?
27:34Yes, I was in a hurry to admit it, but Manuel told me everything.
27:38He is also very affected.
27:41Yes, it is.
27:43It is a very unpleasant situation in any case.
27:50What do you mean?
27:53You have tried to take Manuel's place.
27:57He is truly in love with Hanna.
28:00And did I say I wasn't?
28:02No, but...
28:03But even so, that's not the only thing that matters.
28:06It's not even what matters most.
28:08I'm surprised you say that.
28:12Because you are the one who can best understand him.
28:15You know perfectly well what is happening to Manuel.
28:18Yes, something similar happened to him many years ago.
28:20Something similar?
28:22With... with Dolores?
28:28I think you don't understand, Curro.
28:32Explain it to me.
28:35Precisely because I've been through the same thing.
28:38I know how a man of honor must act, responsible for his family and his last name.
28:44I've been through that path, yes.
28:47But unlike what Manuel now intends to do,
28:49I put Marquesado above everything else because it was my obligation.
28:54I chose to sacrifice myself.
28:58And you know what?
29:00Dolores understood that.
29:04Do you believe that?
29:05I don't believe it, I know.
29:08And not only that.
29:10She never asked me for anything.
29:13Because she was as aware as I was of the circumstances.
29:20We both knew from the first day that we were going to live our love in secret.
29:25But there was no other option.
29:30Until that terrible accident ended her life.
29:35What doesn't make sense is what Manuel and that girl now intend to do.
29:40Swim against the current at any cost. No!
29:47Burro, I know that your best intentions and the love you feel for your cousin move you.
29:52But this world doesn't work like that.
29:56Not like you want it to.
29:59And wouldn't it be better?
30:01I don't know.
30:04But it is what it is.
30:30What are you doing, María?
30:34What you see.
30:35Why did you do this?
30:37I should have done it sooner.
30:39María, right now you are confused and you are not thinking clearly.
30:43Well, no.
30:44I'm not good at writing,
30:46nor was it funny what I was writing, or anything.
30:49But that's not true.
30:51Well, yes, because I thought that writing was taking a pencil and putting some words together, but no.
30:57Well, I liked what you were writing.
31:01Because even for that you are good.
31:03With the damage that the crap in the notebook has done to you and you still say that you liked it.
31:06Because I liked it.
31:09But I don't know if I'm going to forgive myself
31:12for the damage I've done to you for having written it.
31:16Stop being so hard on yourself.
31:18But I don't know how to tell you that you don't have to forgive anything, because there is nothing to forgive.
31:23No, Nina, Hanna.
31:25And even if there was,
31:27you know that I would forgive you for anything.
31:30Because I will never stop loving you.
31:33Not even you.
31:41That had to be some page that talked about Mrs. Marquesa.
31:59And Julia?
32:02She went to the palace for a moment, but now she's coming back.
32:16I know who he is.
32:20What? You already know who he is?
32:27I already know who he is and everything that happened to his fiancé in ...
32:31in the war.
32:34He left her to tell me and be honest with me.
32:41And now I know why your relationship with her is ...
32:45so special.
32:49I'm glad.
32:51Yes, the truth is that I have taken ...
32:54a weight off my shoulders
32:56so as not to have to keep that secret for ...
33:01I'm not surprised.
33:03And you're right.
33:06My relationship with her is ...
33:11In fact, you have no idea how much.
33:15What do you mean?
33:20I wouldn't know how to explain myself.
33:24Try, right?
33:28Let's see, I like Julia very much.
33:32But it has nothing to do with that.
33:35It has nothing to do ...
33:37with the sympathy that you could have for someone.
33:41It's ...
33:44Let's see, you're going to sound weird.
33:46But it has to do with ...
33:48with responsibility.
33:50With duty.
33:52And with the feeling that Paco,
33:55after his death,
33:57has brought us together.
33:58Do you understand me?
34:03I'm not sure.
34:05I don't know how to tell you.
34:10I feel ...
34:15I feel that I owe a life to Matilde.
34:21But she is no longer to blame for what happened.
34:24No, no, no, she doesn't blame me.
34:25But the guilt is still here.
34:27And it's not easy to get rid of it.
34:29It's not like who takes off a jacket when it's hot.
34:34Besides, I ...
34:36I can't stop thinking that ...
34:40Matilde's future was cut short because of me.
34:44But she wanted to torture you.
34:47Yes, but I can't help it.
34:49I can't stop thinking that ...
34:51if I hadn't crossed paths with her,
34:52he would be here.
34:54Healthy and ...
34:56and safe.
34:58And he would be married to Matilde.
35:02Maybe, or ...
35:04or maybe not.
35:07I think so.
35:10And that they would have been very happy.
35:17I don't know.
35:19Curro, I think ...
35:21you have to stop asking yourself these questions.
35:24Even if it's just because you can't answer them.
35:28They don't do anyone any good.
35:31And to top it off, they're hurting you.
35:33You can't torment yourself that way.
35:36I can't help it.
35:39Because it's not easy.
35:41Nothing is easy, Martina.
35:44Nothing is easy, Martina.
35:52You can't change what happened.
35:57I wish I could.
36:14Do you have a moment?
36:16Yes, yes. Come in.
36:19We're running out of hands for the dinner service again.
36:22Mario has lumbago.
36:24I see.
36:26I'm going to need a nurse.
36:29Well, actually ...
36:31two would be better.
36:33Okay, okay.
36:35Do you want me to talk to them?
36:38No, no. I'll take care of it.
36:44Are you worried about something, Mrs. Arcos?
36:47Do you want me to help you?
36:49No, no. Everything is fine.
36:54Mrs. Petra, I think ...
36:56I'm getting to know you enough to know when you're hiding something.
37:00And if I'm being honest, I'd rather you told me.
37:03Because if I don't think it's something, it has to do with me.
37:11And what if it has to do with you?
37:20What is it?
37:22I heard something.
37:24It's part of a conversation and it has to do with you.
37:28And your past.
37:30And how it affects you.
37:32That's why I think you have more right than anyone to know.
37:36Mrs. Arcos, please.
37:39Tell me now, because I'm starting to get nervous.
37:42I couldn't assure you, but I think your father lied to you.
37:48About what?
37:52About your mother.
37:54If I remember correctly, I think you told me that she had died of tuberculosis.
38:00But I've heard that she really died of appendicitis.
38:06Eh ...
38:09But who did you hear that from?
38:12Mr. Baeza talking to Simona.
38:16Do they know that you heard it?
38:21But I think someone is lying.
38:24And you have the right to know who and why.
38:35I don't even know who he is, I just know his name is Adriano.
38:39And what else do you want to know?
38:41What his last name is, what title he holds, I don't know, maybe he knows his family.
38:45No, you don't know her.
38:47And why are you so sure?
38:49Adriano has no title, nor does his family.
38:53No, he's a noble person.
38:56He's a peasant.
39:23Do you need help, sir?
39:24No, no, it was just a mistake, don't worry.
39:28Now call someone to pick up the debris.
39:31No, I don't want anyone walking around here.
39:33Okay, I'll pick it up then.
39:36Pick it up later, I don't want you to clean up for my clumsiness.
39:39I don't care.
39:40Pick it up later.
39:45Excuse me.
39:47It wasn't really just a clumsiness.
39:50The gentleman has suffered an indisposition.
39:52The gentleman has suffered an indisposition.
39:55No, no, it wasn't an indisposition either.
39:58It was more like a robbery.
40:01I understand.
40:03I was thinking about my last conversation with Catalina.
40:06It was last night.
40:08And I felt calmer after talking to you.
40:11And I listened to you.
40:13I took a bath, I reflected, and I decided to talk to her.
40:16At what bad time, Mr. Ricardo?
40:19Why do you say that, sir?
40:20Because I wanted to reach an understanding.
40:23And also tell her how I thought she should proceed with her son's father.
40:27Because that man doesn't know anything about the pregnancy.
40:31I wanted her to see him.
40:34To inform him and at the same time to clarify her feelings for him.
40:38But it wasn't possible.
40:40You mean the lady refused?
40:42Not only did she refuse, but she revealed to me the true condition of that man.
40:45I don't know if I understand your true condition, sir.
40:48That man.
40:50Your son's father.
40:53He's a thug.
40:55A guy without manners or education, just anyone.
40:59It had to be a terrible moment for the gentleman.
41:03The woman I was willing to spend the rest of my life with
41:06had slept with the first one who knocked on her door.
41:08What else was there?
41:10I have no reason to be desperate.
41:12I suppose so, sir.
41:13And it must be very difficult for you to cope with a situation like this.
41:17Just conceiving it is difficult for me.
41:19How could I do something like this?
41:21How could I do something like this?
41:31What's wrong with you?
41:33Why does something have to happen to me?
41:35I don't know, because just looking at you makes you realize that something is wrong with you.
41:39I'd rather not talk about it, Maria.
41:41Teresa, you can trust me.
41:45I know.
41:47Then don't be stupid and let it out.
41:52Well, I've been arguing with Marcelo again.
41:55You know that.
41:57Good God.
41:59And why this time?
42:01Because he has another one of his misgivings.
42:03It turns out that he had met with Roberto
42:05to fix some things on the palace's facade.
42:07And look where he thought they had met at 12.
42:10And poor Roberto spent the whole morning looking for him.
42:13Oh, Teresa.
42:15But the boy wouldn't have done it on purpose, would he?
42:17No, he never has bad intentions, Maria.
42:19But he always messes up.
42:21Yes, that's true.
42:25And this time he's not going to get a scolding from the service chiefs.
42:28But he's had a problem with...
42:30with one of his colleagues and that's not good for him either.
42:33It's really so difficult to pay attention.
42:36Anyway, look, I'd better not go on.
42:38Yes, yes, you'd better go on.
42:43Well, Teresa...
42:46I think the time has come for you to tell the truth.
42:49Not me, I'm your friend.
42:52The truth?
42:54What truth?
42:56Look, Teresa.
42:58I don't know what you and Marcelo are hiding.
43:00But it's clear that you're hiding something.
43:02Well, you have no imagination or anything, Maria.
43:04You don't know all the imagination I have.
43:07And everything that comes to my mind
43:08happens when I start to imagine who Marcelo might be.
43:11And whoever he is,
43:13what I know for sure is that he's not your husband.
43:38Good afternoon, Father.
43:41Good afternoon.
43:45I'd like to talk to you.
43:55Father, what you said yesterday hurt me a lot.
44:00I can understand that you have such a bad concept of me
44:03and I can do little against that.
44:05You may even be right with some of your reproaches.
44:11But, Father, I don't want your approval.
44:15I just need you to put yourself in my place.
44:19And you've bothered to put yourself in mine.
44:22Father, I'm the one who's going to take a decisive step in your life.
44:25Not if it's in my hands to stop you.
44:27My love for Hanna is constant and sincere.
44:30All I'm asking is that you accept it and respect it.
44:34Even if you don't respect this family.
44:37It's not about that.
44:39Father, I have to choose.
44:41Of course you have to choose.
44:43But you have to choose by sacrificing yourself.
44:46Because there are things that are above you,
44:48that are more important than you.
44:50I'm willing to give them up.
44:52You speak of sacrifice. Good.
44:54I'm willing to sacrifice everything.
44:59Except my love for Hanna.
45:03You're determined to put me between the sword and the wall.
45:06I'm trying to convince you, Father.
45:08Can't you see?
45:10If I do what is expected of me, I'll be unhappy for the rest of my life.
45:16Excuse me, gentlemen.
45:21We haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet.
45:24I'm Sergeant Emilio Burdina.
45:30What brings you by the promise?
45:32Or have you only come to introduce yourself?
45:34No, I'm afraid not.
45:36I wish it were the case.
45:38I'm on duty.
45:40And duty is duty.
45:45Has something serious happened that affects my family?
45:48I have come to practice an arrest, sir.
45:56As you say.
46:00Don Manuel de Lujan,
46:02you are under arrest for the murder of Gregorio Castillo.
46:21Anyway, I think the best thing to do is to tell the rest the truth.
46:25I'll tell you what I think.
46:29And if I don't, will you give me away?
46:31Of course not.
46:33If you tell me that John is hiding your secret, I'll keep quiet.
46:36But I can't help but feel excluded every time the three of us are together.
46:40You know the nature of my relationship with her.
46:45It's different.
46:47And I feel like that's something very special.
46:49And it makes me see ours as something ...
46:55You have to be united.
46:57More united than ever.
46:59We will fight against anyone as long as we are together.
47:04Teresa, what's going on?
47:06The Civil Guard has arrested Mr. Manuel.
47:09I find it strange that the interest in the recipe is what has brought him to the promise.
47:13You're insinuating, aren't you?
47:15No, I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just emphasizing how strange the situation is.
47:16So much so that it's hard for me to believe that he doesn't have a hidden objective.
47:20What other interest besides that can have such a distinguished Duchess in being in the kitchens?
47:25Can you tell me why Mr. Baeza says that my mother didn't die of tuberculosis?
47:29What's that about?
47:31Don't answer me with another question.
47:33Mrs. Arcos heard Mr. Baeza say it.
47:35Mrs. Arcos told you?
47:37I don't want any more questions, I want answers!
47:39Time passes.
47:41And sooner or later, Miriam, the pregnancy will be noticed.
47:44Then it won't be a secret to anyone anymore.
47:46I prefer that we are the ones who guide the course of our lives.
47:50And what do you want me to do, Catalina?
47:53Well, tell me if we're going to face this new stage together or ...
47:56or if I'm going to have to face it alone.
47:59I would like to review the statements you made this afternoon when you arrived at the barracks.
48:06I've already told you that I have nothing to hide.
48:10Well ...
48:12I'm sorry to tell you ...
48:14that you have more and more evidence against you.
