Is My Girlfriend Cheating on Me?

  • 15 years ago
Click here if you have been asking yourself the painful and worrying question "is my girlfriend cheating on me" I know what a difficult question this is to ask as it raises so many unanswered questions and doubts in your mind. After all who wants imagine their girlfriend with another guy, the thought of that is enough to drive most of us crazy but if you find you cant help asking yourself ‘is my girlfriend cheating on me” then you need the truth for better or worse before you go insane. I know I began to ask myself is my girlfriend cheating on me when she started to act a lot differently than she had in the past. At first she just seemed to be a bit distant and off me which was just confusing and led me to think I had done something wrong but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what that was. After that she started acting in funny ways with her cell phone, ignoring me when I would call or text when before she was a text junkie and if I didn’t text her back instantly I would have got the third degree so it was just a bit of shock to go to that. One incident that really had me asking is my girlfriend cheating on me was when I picked up her phone to check the time. She grabbed the phone from my hand, her face got red and angry as she snapped aggressively at me to “respect her privacy!” “err excuse me, I was only trying to check the time” I replied with a confused yet inquisitive expression, I didn’t say anything else but I remember thinking to myself “what was all that about, why would she fly off the handle like that, why does she not want me to see her phone, what is she hiding from me?” This incident sparked one of the worst and most confusing times in my life. The sleepless nights of worry and paranoia. Afraid to ask for the truth for fear of being accused of being possessive, suspicious and untrusting and pushing her away. The thing was I really loved her; I didn’t want to believe that she would do something like that...
