Love of Nirvana ep 35 eng sub

  • 2 days ago


00:00Thank You For Watching My Epic Superheroes Battle Series Video
00:30花一落堆积凡尘的凉薄 随着风仿若不留痕而过
00:57却是剪一笔笔墨 重写下你我 甘苦与共 和天地同游
01:10血染头 宿命纠缠无解的因果 乱世中 未相逢的缘由
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷 重拾了离合 干戈了落 明月照晨光
01:38我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战高墙云端 只为那一曲无憾 生死举步破不换
01:51人言随心意兜转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:21我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战高墙云端 只为那一曲无憾 生死举步破不换
02:31人言随心意兜转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
03:16郡主是不想牵连奴婢 也从未怀疑奴婢
03:26别以为我不知道 你是陶总管安插在郡主身边的人吧
03:36此次家宴更是趁着郡主身体抱恙 在待未准备的汤里暗中下毒 陷害郡主
03:46不错 奴婢是受陶总管执命经的御传宣
03:51但郡主待我情同姐妹 奴婢绝不会害郡主
04:07此节衣袖 是奴婢趁没人时 拼命抢回来的
04:19只可惜 事发突然 还来不及交给郡主
04:26这奴婢真是奸细 为何要冒着杀头的风险 又为何要承认汤羹是出自奴婢之手
04:37哪怕是一根钗 一本书 郡主对奴婢 对奴婢家人的恩情 奴婢都记得
04:48奴婢身不由己 奴做的只有左右周旋 她绝不会伤害郡主
04:56若真如你所说 那煮汤的时候 可有发生什么异常 可有惊首他人
05:14家宴重大 从备料到熬煮 都是奴婢轻力轻微 也不敢让旁人插手
05:21煮好之后 奴婢便带着汤羹 随郡主去了东宫 是郡主亲手为陛下盛的汤 奴婢也不知陛下为何会突然中毒
05:51大人 大人一切可安顺利 哎呀 若不知这大理寺把卷宗藏得跟宝贝似的 大人何须如此冒险
06:00勘案记录与江泽所说的一样 他们当时只验了陛下所进食物和所用碗碟是否有毒 其他一切均未查验 也未留作证物
06:11属下也按大人的吩咐 一一进行了勘察 均未发现疑点 反而是参宴诸人的口供通通指向江姑娘
06:19按照刘翠和江慈所说 汤羹在烹饪和面盛的过程中无人竞赏 还有那个于锦鸣的态度 大理寺验毒指向性非常的明确 似乎就断定这毒就在食物里 铁了心要给江慈顶罪
06:41你来了光明寺这么多年 遇到过几次如此轻易的提案
06:46大人的意思是 栽赃
06:53嘉宴之前 陛下去探望过江慈 又因阉事的遗物 令江慈在众目睽睽之下冲撞了陛下 嘉宴之上的人寥寥无几
07:04不是太子 不是庄王 几次三番要对江慈下手
07:15这局 很可能是他自己做的 以身设局 让江慈背上弑君之名 取江慈性命 或许 也是为了弑我
07:28如此一来 大人岂不是更加危险了
07:33当务之急 先要救出江慈 想证明他无遂是行不通了 我们只能另寻他法 而这另外一个办法 便是庄王
07:45鱼飞 你暗中往揽元楼 送几首好谱子 越快越好 莫要被任何人发现
08:02都给我好好查 一样查仔细了
08:31给小慈准备的 她大婚之后 身受重伤 身心俱损
08:40受魏指挥使之托 我去探望过两次 不如下回 侯爷代替我去吧 想必侯爷心里 一定也很挂念小慈
09:17这是木井花 有清热凉血的功效 侯爷 今日早朝 宣陛下身体有恙 故事在由太子代理
09:26听说 是在家宴上中了毒 下毒之人 是江姑娘 她已被押至天牢
09:40速去兰玉楼 定一间香房 是
09:57满了 满了
10:00奴被月盈迷了心窍 请三殿下恕罪
10:04能让苏妍姑娘如此感怀 本王倒觉得 今日这几首新曲 更妙了
10:24三郎 你也来听曲
10:28苏妍姑娘 请帮在下找个僻静的角落吧
10:33三郎来都来了 还找僻静的角落 莫非是嫌本王过躁
10:38臣哪敢啊 臣只是最近有些心烦 怕扫了三殿下的雅兴
10:44苏妍 去吧 你忙去 我陪你喝
10:48三郎 来 坐
10:52三郎 何故借酒浇愁啊
10:55先是有戎国夫人逼宫 后有嘉燕投毒 陛下又频频遭难 臣却无能为力
11:05三郎办案向来雷厉风行 肯定会比大理寺先找到凶手的
11:10臣 却无能为力
11:13三郎办案向来雷厉风行 肯定会比大理寺先找到凶手的
11:17三郎办案向来雷厉风行 肯定会比大理寺先找到凶手的
11:23此案有诸多的疑点 难以调查 再加上臣与太子殿下有诸多局宇
11:30日后 如若太子登基 光明寺恐怕将不复存在
11:41酒后之言 当不得人
11:44三郎方才说的疑点众多 究竟是何
11:51臣只是觉得奇怪 这郡主为何要害陛下呢 又怎会下毒呢
11:59想为师父复仇 下毒可以掩人耳目啊
12:05可昨日大理寺当场就把郡主带走了 下毒也并没有掩人耳目
12:11依照陛下现今对郡主的重视 郡主想要下毒 应该有更加隐秘的手段才是啊
12:19且大理寺只验了当场食物的毒 但若是毒在其他的地方呢
12:25比如杯 盘 茶几 贯手的器皿 擦手的布巾
12:31臣只是随便一说 便有诸多的疑点
12:41臣还从大理寺那儿听说 陛下所中之毒名为九节陶
12:47其枝叶有毒 用量轻则腹泻肠痛 用量重则心臂脏裂
12:56且退一万步讲 如若郡主真是凶手 她复仇成功了 能得到什么呢
13:04出口气 被处死 有此必要吗
13:07陛下中毒事关重大 臣只怕会有人浑水摸鱼 以打死鱼
13:21三郎慧眼如炬 本王佩服 佩服
13:28咱们喝酒 来
14:10去查一查 他今日约了谁
14:14庄府那边 你也亲自盯着
14:17庄王 真会对太子动手
14:21他折服了这么多年 必有行动
14:51这个三冠 父皇病重还敢来听演乐
14:55故在路上与他说了几句 让少军久等了
15:05臣母犯下大错 太子殿下还能包容赴约 臣万分感激
15:15自古忠孝两难全 容国夫人之事 少军也是受其连累
15:20只是近来朝中人心浮动 故也不便为少军说话
15:25殿下的信任 臣必当知恩报德
15:28臣恳请为殿下分忧 彻查陛下中毒一案
15:48少军若是为了永安 姑恐怕帮不了你
15:55只怕有人浑水摸鱼 危及社稷
16:00臣愿以戴罪之身 尽绵薄之力
16:03请殿下告知 当日究竟发生何事
16:21陛下 快宣太医
16:25根据现场彻查 永安有其他作案的嫌疑
16:32总之 此案已移交大理寺密审
16:40少军 还是尽早放下永安吧
16:50臣恳请殿下 允许臣见他一面
16:57若将此真闯下弥天大祸 恐怕难逃一死
17:01臣与他 虽有缘无分
17:10恳请殿下 让臣见他一面
17:58小子 对不起 如今我才来看你
18:03事已至此 侯爷无需多言
18:15这是子明特意为你熬的药 可固本没源
19:25侯爷 香姑娘还好吧
19:28此案 不好办
19:54侯爷 打算如何应对
21:12I passed by.
21:14Who are you lying to?
21:16Who passed by in a nightgown?
21:18Then who went the wrong way in a nightgown?
21:42Marquis, according to your description, this is a swindler's knife.
21:56Marquis, why don't you eat?
21:58I happen to be hungry.
22:00I'll eat first.
22:06Marquis, do you know who I met near Zhuang Wang's residence?
22:10Wei Zhao's people.
22:14Marquis, you are so well-informed.
22:19After eating, go to Wei's residence.
22:21Invite San Lang to come to Lan Yue House for a chat.
22:39You and I shouldn't have met like this.
22:47But in the current situation,
22:49it's not only you and I who can see each other.
22:52The person behind the scenes is also not only you and I who can bear it.
22:56Did you see the Crown Prince for this?
23:00San Lang saw Zhuang Wang for this.
23:09I don't know.
23:33My Lord, Zhuang Wang has attacked the Eastern Palace.
23:40He's here.
23:43Your Highness Zhuang Wang.
23:45How is my sister-in-law?
23:47She's fine. Why are you here?
23:49I heard that my sister-in-law was poisoned.
23:51I hurriedly brought Lord Yin here to take a look.
23:53Lord Yu, what's going on?
23:57Your Highness.
24:04I found the Nine Iron Peaches on the flower plants.
24:08After the Crown Princess washed her hands with poisonous water,
24:11she grabbed the cakes with her hands and was poisoned.
24:14This scene seems familiar.
24:17The flower plants were left by Jiayan on that day.
24:23The Nine Iron Peaches are poisonous.
24:26The Crown Princess was in a coma after being served by His Majesty.
24:30But the Crown Princess is in critical condition.
24:33The poison is very strong.
24:35If it's too strong, she'll die.
24:37If it's too light, she'll be in great pain.
24:40It seems that the poison has been left for a long time,
24:42and it has been aged.
24:43The poison is weakening.
24:47Your Highness, the Crown Princess was poisoned.
24:49There are many similarities with the previous case.
24:52I'm afraid it's not an accident.
24:54But the suspect, Princess Yongan,
24:57did not plead guilty.
24:59In my opinion,
25:00this case should be investigated by the Censorate and the Court of Justice.
25:05Only in this way can we show the fairness of the law.
25:08Your Highness,
25:09Princess Yongan was poisoned.
25:11The evidence is solid and the case is clear.
25:13We should solve the case as soon as possible and punish the criminal.
25:15Mr. Yu,
25:16on that day, you exposed the Nine Iron Peaches.
25:19How can you say that the evidence is solid?
25:23Your Highness,
25:24the safety of His Majesty is very important.
25:27Without thorough investigation,
25:28we can ensure the safety of the royal family and the stability of the court.
25:31Your Highness.
25:35According to Yingqing,
25:42you are wise.
25:48There are Nine Iron Peaches on it.
25:50Be careful when handling it.
25:53Don't worry, My Lord.
25:54I will try to get the people of the Court of Justice
25:56to get the Nine Iron Peaches from the Mansion of Prince Zhuang.
25:59I will tell the Crown Prince about it.
26:02He will come to me.
26:03Why are you so sure, My Lord?
26:06The Crown Prince must have noticed that Prince Zhuang is suspicious.
26:10He won't discuss it with other ministers.
26:13I, who am out of the game,
26:15must be his first choice.
26:24My Lord,
26:26please keep it a secret
26:28about what I will say next.
26:30It's okay, Your Highness.
26:33This is the knife that Sanguan used to deceive my father
26:35at the family banquet.
26:38It was found near the Mansion of Prince Zhuang.
26:40There are Nine Iron Peaches on the knife.
26:44Nine Iron Peaches?
26:46Isn't it the poison that His Majesty was poisoned with?
26:49Yu Jiming prepared for the execution.
26:52But the Court of Justice has already decided that it is a serious matter.
26:55So it secretly went to the Eastern Palace.
26:58What do you want to do?
27:01I want to go to Sanguan's Mansion in person
27:05and ask her in person.
27:08I don't think it's a good idea.
27:09Since the Court of Justice is fully responsible for this case,
27:12it's too late for you to know the truth in advance.
27:17But it concerns Sanguan.
27:18I don't know what to do.
27:22I know what you are thinking.
27:24If the Third Prince didn't do anything,
27:26the Court of Justice can prove his innocence.
27:28But what if there is something behind it?
27:34I don't believe that Sanguan will harm my father.
27:37The Third Prince may not have the intention to harm His Majesty.
27:41But it's hard to say about you.
27:46I heard that the Crown Princess was poisoned a few days ago.
27:49Do you really think it's a coincidence?
28:00Then I'll give the evidence to the Court of Justice.
28:04Let them investigate.
28:08If the Court of Justice really wants to investigate,
28:10they won't do it secretly.
28:11Besides, if there is something wrong with it,
28:13I'm afraid that the Third Prince will misunderstand it
28:15and hurt the friendship between the two princes.
28:19What do you think?
28:21The Court of Justice has always been impartial and impartial.
28:24You can secretly send someone to hand over the evidence.
28:27Everything will be decided by the Court of Justice.
28:38The Crown Prince and Prince Zhuang have become rivals.
28:41As long as Jiang Ci is not the only suspect,
28:43he can turn the situation around.
28:45His Majesty won't let his son be guilty of betraying his father.
28:49At that time, we can only make a big deal out of it.
28:53It's not enough.
28:55We need Jiang Ci's cooperation.
28:58It's dangerous.
28:59As long as you and I take the risk,
29:01we shouldn't get Xiao Ci involved.
29:03At that time, he was in the middle of you and me.
29:05We had to deal with each other.
29:06Even if it's dangerous,
29:08we have to get a chance.
29:11Only when he is in charge of the trial,
29:14can we get out of danger.
29:16You know what Xiao Ci is like now.
29:21He can't continue to sink.
29:23After this trial,
29:25I will send him out of the palace as soon as possible.
29:29Are you willing to let him go?
29:32He could have left a long time ago.
29:34But every time, he stayed to save others.
29:37If I hadn't insisted on bringing Yan Shuangqiao back to Qingkang,
29:41he wouldn't have died.
29:43Maybe Jiang Ci would have lived a carefree life.
29:50You're right.
29:53I insisted on the wedding
29:55and gave my mother a chance.
29:57I owe her.
30:00His Majesty won't let Xiao Ci go easily.
30:03What's your plan?
30:05Yin Shilin and Minister of Justice
30:07will hold the trial in the Court of Judicial Review.
30:10As long as the Crown Prince and Lord Zhuang can't clear the suspicion,
30:13the Court of Judicial Review can't control Jiang Ci.
30:16Once the trial is over,
30:18I will send him out of the palace.
30:20My people will also be waiting outside.
30:24Send him away.
30:26From now on, he has nothing to do with Qingkang's breakup.
30:44Qingkang Palace
30:55Have you seen Commander Wei?
30:56Commander Wei? No.
31:01My lord, I've asked around.
31:03Commander Wei did come to Liangzhou.
31:05But no one has seen him since.
31:08He made such a great contribution.
31:10How could he suddenly disappear?
31:12Search again.
31:22Have you seen this person?
31:28Have you seen this person?
31:32Have you seen this person?
31:37There's something wrong with these villagers.
31:39Let's go.
31:46Sir, what would you like to eat?
31:48Three bowls of porridge.
31:54Have you seen this person?
31:56Isn't this...
31:57What? Do you know him?
31:59No, I'm mistaken.
32:03What about you?
32:05I've never seen him. I don't know him.
32:07Let's go.
32:13Sir, your porridge.
32:16Do you know the man in the portrait?
32:20He's my friend for many years.
32:22He came to Yueluo early.
32:23Then he disappeared.
32:24I'm really worried about him.
32:29His sister asked me to come here.
32:30His sister is as beautiful as a painting.
32:33No wonder she's from Yueluo.
32:35At that time,
32:36Dr. Jiang was kidnapped by Lu Yu.
32:39To save his wife,
32:41he went after Lu Yu.
32:43He never came back.
32:45Dr. Xiao.
32:48You don't know he's married?
32:51How could I?
32:52His sister was born with spiritual power.
32:54Her name is Jiang Ci.
32:58I didn't expect my brother Xiao
33:00to become a military counselor in Yueluo.
33:03He has been born and died for us many times.
33:05We will remember this favor.
33:07Sir, buy some buns.
33:09Take your time.
33:11Two buns, right?
33:16No wonder Yueluo people
33:17treat Wei Zhao strangely.
33:19They seem to have a grudge against him.
33:21But why did he refuse to mention this?
33:23How did he marry Jiang Ci?
33:27Why did he change his name to Xiao?
33:33Wei Zhao.
33:34I don't care what secret you hide.
33:37This time,
33:38I will avenge my brother's death.
33:49Your Highness.
33:59You suffered a lot.
34:01You are not implicated, right?
34:03I'm fine.
34:05Don't worry.
34:08Eat something.
34:10You lost weight again.
34:16Cat's ears are good for your forehead.
34:21Crab is good for your heart.
34:27There are different tastes in the world.
34:31You have to eat both sides
34:33to survive.
34:55How come?
34:57I'm sorry.
34:59I can only leave this for you.
35:08I can only leave this for you.
35:09I can only leave this for you.
35:10I can only leave this for you.
35:11I can only leave this for you.
35:12I can only leave this for you.
35:13The commander asked me to ask you a question.
35:15Although you are facing
35:17unprecedented difficulties now,
35:20but if his master asks him
35:22whether he wants to save himself now,
35:24how will he answer?
35:45Live on.
36:08Live on.
36:38I'm sorry.
37:09The Emperor's Mansion
37:20Greetings, Your Highness.
37:22Your Highness.
37:23What brings you here
37:25so late at night?
37:26I received a new evidence
37:28about the poisoning of Jiayan yesterday.
37:31I asked you and Lord Yu
37:33to come to discuss it.
37:44Isn't this my knife?
37:46What kind of material is this knife?
37:48I tested the poison on this knife
37:51and escaped.
37:55Who is it?
37:57Who wants to frame me up?
38:01If you want to frame me up,
38:03please investigate it clearly
38:05and prove my innocence.
38:07Do you really think
38:09I poisoned you
38:11or did you do it on purpose?
38:14I just want the truth to come to light.
38:18What do you mean by that?
38:20Since you want to investigate it clearly,
38:23you shouldn't miss any clue.
38:26The three friends of the Eastern Palace
38:28haven't been able to get evidence for the Court of Judicial Review.
38:30Why don't you
38:32give it to the Imperial Censorate today?
38:35Since both of you are involved in this case,
38:38then, Lord Yu,
38:40in my opinion,
38:42this case should be brought to the Imperial Censorate
38:44and the Court of Judicial Review
38:46to investigate it.
38:48What do you think?
38:52Let's investigate it.
38:58do you dare to do it?
39:00Of course.
39:04Let's go.
39:28Third Prince,
39:29what's wrong?
39:32My brother
39:33is full of morality.
39:35In order to protect himself,
39:36he used all kinds of dirty tricks.
39:38Third Brother,
39:40do you want to slander me by deceiving me?
39:43How could it be?
39:44I also want to know
39:46why he wants to harm me after harming Yong'an.
39:48He has everything.
39:53The Crown Prince is the Crown Prince.
39:54If he doesn't clear his suspicion in time,
39:56I'm afraid it will affect his way to the throne.
39:59That's why he risked his life
40:01to sacrifice you.
40:07Third Brother, you are right.
40:09If there is a next life,
40:11I won't treat Guangming Temple
40:13and Third Brother unfairly.
40:19The most urgent thing for you
40:21is to find the evidence
40:23to clear your suspicion.
40:26But on the day of the family banquet,
40:28only a few people came.
40:52Don't bother.
40:56If you don't plead guilty,
40:57who do you think
40:58poisoned you?
41:00For anyone,
41:03I'm the easiest person to bully
41:05and the easiest to use.
41:09So in your opinion,
41:10someone wants to use you
41:12to poison my father?
41:15Your Highness,
41:16the toxicity of Jiujie Peach has been determined.
41:19His Majesty is just in a coma now.
41:21He was careful when using it.
41:23I dare to guess
41:25the real murderer wants to frame me
41:27is not for His Majesty's life.
41:29If it's not for His Majesty's life,
41:31I'm afraid there is something else.
41:34Your Highness, do you still remember
41:36the rumors about Prince Qi
41:38outside the palace?
41:40Now it seems
41:42someone did it on purpose.
41:47It's about my father's reputation.
41:48How can I know it?
41:50But it involves a lot of things.
41:52Let's check my father's attitude first.
41:54Then we'll see how to deal with it.
42:03He wants my position.
42:05Your Highness, please calm down.
42:08Your Highness, please clear Yong'an's name
42:10and investigate this case thoroughly.
42:11Yong'an doesn't want to be wronged
42:13and he doesn't want to be used by someone with ulterior motives.
42:15Your Highness,
42:16there are many strange things in this case
42:18that concern the innocence of Princess Yong'an
42:20and your innocence.
42:27you have suffered a lot these days.
42:29You need to have a good rest.
42:31When the court trial comes,
42:32you can tell me everything.
42:34I will definitely clear your name.
42:38Thank you, Your Highness.
42:44is it true that the three officials
42:45are framing Yong'an and me?
42:47Your Highness, you already have the answer.
42:50You just don't want to admit it.
42:53I have a deep relationship with the three officials.
42:56How can I believe it?
43:01I can forgive the three officials.
43:04But if I disregard the ethics of etiquette
43:06and even murder my father and brother,
43:08I can only pursue the truth.
43:22Yong'an, Yong'an, Yong'an
43:32Even the big brother found Yong'an.
43:35I'm afraid that the Crown Prince
43:36has the same idea as you.
43:39The big brother's kind attitude
43:40is just a means to win people's heart.
43:43I don't know what he said to Yong'an.
43:46He is afraid that Yong'an will be deceived
43:48and say that he wants to clear Yong'an's name.
43:50In the end, he will blame me.
43:53As long as Your Highness can clarify the case,
43:54Her Highness will have a choice.
44:03Greetings, Your Highness.
44:04Come on, get up.
44:08I don't know anything.
44:13Yong'an, look at you.
44:16You must have suffered a lot
44:18since you came to Henghuo.
44:24I met the big brother outside the door just now.
44:26Did he give you a hard time?
44:30Did he tell you anything?
44:37Your Highness, the case has been solved.
44:40You also have a clear conscience.
44:42Prince Rong is kind.
44:45The Crown Prince will save me.
44:51How will the Crown Prince save you?
44:54The Crown Prince believes that I am innocent.
44:56As long as I say everything in the hall,
44:58he will give me justice.
45:00The Crown Prince believes that you are innocent.
45:03Does he think that he is not innocent?
45:07My big brother is playing a good game.
45:09He just wants to use Yong'an
45:11to get rid of me.
45:15The Court of Judicial Review has found new evidence
45:17pointing to the Crown Prince.
45:24the Crown Prince is the one who has evil intentions.
45:28He is the one who hurt you.
45:29How can he save you?
45:32As long as you admit that
45:34your big brother framed you,
45:36I will definitely find a way
45:37to clear your name.
45:39The rumors about my father
45:40were spread by the Crown Prince.
45:42It was all to frame me.
45:46You don't understand how complicated the Court of Judicial Review is.
45:48People's hearts are dangerous.
45:50My big brother not only poisoned my father,
45:52but also destroyed Qingyu.
45:54How can he be soft-hearted to you?
45:59the only one who can protect you
46:02is me.
46:15Bring the criminal, Princess Yong'an.
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