Love of Nirvana ep 29 eng sub

  • 2 days ago


00:00I'm a little tired.
00:02I need a rest.
00:04I'm sure I'll be back soon.
00:06I hope so.
00:08Oh, I'm weird.
00:10I'm still tired.
00:12I need a rest.
00:14I'm sure I'll be back soon.
00:16I'm sure I'll be back soon.
00:18I'm sure I'll be back soon.
00:20I would like to stay for a while.
00:22I would like to stay for a while.
00:24But I can't.
00:26I'm exhausted.
00:28花一落堆积凡尘的凉薄 随着风仿若不留痕而过
00:57却是借一笔笔墨 重写下你我 甘苦与共 和天地同游
01:10血染土 宿命纠缠无解的因果 乱世中 未相逢的缘由
01:24并肩踏过了坎坷 重拾了离合 干戈凉落 明月照晨光
01:38我愿是一枪敢弹 铁马战高翔云端 只为那一曲无憾 生死举步破不换
01:51人面随心意斗转 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:21我愿是一枪敢弹 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
02:41我愿是一枪敢弹 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
03:11我愿是一枪敢弹 山河尽处人不散 穿越狼烟再与你相伴
03:42一切无碍 侯爷不必如此挂怀 我和侯爷的缘分早就尽了 不用再苦苦执着
03:55Xiaoci, I know that your child blames me for not being able to be the Sword Emperor in your heart.
04:24早在月落大典那日 我就已经做了决定 是好是坏 举手无悔 侯爷请回吧
05:04我拒绝侯爷 不代表就会原谅你
05:13江泽 对不起
05:17只为一世深情 幸得过一世同行 初遇时光 情怎料何以至如今
05:32幸福还无意 才隔绝不下痕迹 燃烧尽心中最后回忆 从此无痛无悔 无相依
06:03天干物燥 小心火烛
06:23侯爷 属下再去跟江姑娘解释 庐营那日是属下自作主张
06:32罢了 至少她现在安好无恙
06:45即刻传密信回朝 将小辞的身份 未招参与攻打柳门闸一事 一并禀告陛下
07:02是我没有保护好她 让她在庐营和柳门闸几次涉险 等回了青康 我自有办法向她赔罪
08:33You're not lying to me this time, are you?
08:38I've already notified Uncle Ping.
08:40I'll bring your master here today.
08:52Jiang Sen,
08:54there's actually something I need to...
08:57Jiang Sen!
09:00Master, I'm sorry.
09:03I made you worry.
09:06Let me take a look at you.
09:09You're hurt.
09:14You caused my son's death.
09:16I'll kill you!
09:19Don't hurt my master!
09:24I don't want to hurt your master.
09:26You can take your master
09:28to your room to rest.
09:31let's go.
09:33Let's go.
09:44Young Master,
09:45how are we going to deal with Yan?
09:48Young Master,
09:49we can't be soft-hearted
09:50for the sake of Yueluo.
09:55was the only witness of the old case.
09:58His father, Zhao Xue,
09:59and the hope of Yueluo's members
10:00were all given to him.
10:03The promise they made
10:04must be a life-threatening one.
10:06Nothing can stop me.
10:11Now that they've met,
10:13I heard
10:14Lian Yi
10:15took Yin Shuangqiao
10:16back to Jingkang.
10:20what about Jiang Sen?
10:24I'll find a way
10:25to explain to him.
10:29I heard you got married to him.
10:34It was just a temporary marriage.
10:36Master, don't worry.
10:38We have nothing to do with each other.
10:44listen to me.
10:46He's the only one who can't do it.
10:53promise me.
10:56promise me.
11:00I promise you.
11:03It was all his scheme.
11:05It won't happen again.
11:24I've arranged it.
11:26I'll take good care of your master.
11:32I have a big tree like this in my hometown.
11:36It blooms every year.
11:39I'll plant it every year.
11:42I'll plant it every year.
11:45I'll plant it every year.
11:48I'll plant it every year.
11:51I'll plant it every year.
11:54When it's winter,
11:56I'll sit on the big tree and enjoy the scenery.
12:12Do you like it?
12:15No matter how beautiful the scenery is,
12:17it's not Jiang Village.
12:21What is Jiang Village?
12:25I planted a row of willow grass at the door of my house.
12:29No matter how late I go back,
12:31it can guide me home.
12:34I also planted a row of flowers on the window sill.
12:39I don't know if they're still alive.
12:43Did you plant them yourself?
12:47There are moon flowers and azaleas.
12:50Every year in summer,
12:53the house smells good.
12:56Sometimes bees come here.
12:59There is a pot of fragrant wood at the corner of the wall.
13:03My master will accidentally kick it.
13:06He also scolded me for planting too many flowers at home.
13:10Although my master always scolds me,
13:13he is kind to me.
13:15He always helps me and the villagers.
13:18One time,
13:19he was so angry that he broke the door.
13:22The crack on the door
13:25was so deep.
13:29The villagers are not good to you?
13:33It doesn't matter.
13:34I don't live with them anyway.
13:36My master is good to me.
13:38My master also made a hidden platform
13:41to teach me how to read and write.
13:47when you read,
13:49you will be sleepy.
13:51You always want to find a chance to go out and play.
13:55It's not always like this.
13:57I will still learn for a while.
14:17I will still learn for a while.
14:31I will take a nap.
14:34Maybe it's because I put too much cotton
14:36in the cotton pad I made.
14:38Listening to the sound of wind chimes,
14:40I will fall asleep.
14:44You made the wind chimes yourself.
14:48I picked up the shells and put them together.
14:52I put them next to the hidden platform.
14:54Except for the kitten,
14:56I like it the most.
15:00I don't know when I can go back to Jiangjia Village.
15:09When it's all over,
15:12I will go back to Jiangjia Village with you.
15:18Is it really over?
15:20It's time to say goodbye.
15:26I still have a lot of things
15:29to tell you.
15:37See you.
15:41Wait for me.
15:43When I was young, I always thought that I wanted to go to all the beautiful places and eat all the delicious food with the person I love the most.
16:11Looking at the green mountains and the silver sea, the flowing water,
16:18now I know that the green mountains and the silver sea, the flowing water,
16:27are just the different places and the different feelings.
16:40If you lie to me once, then I will lie to you once.
16:50Wei Zhao, let us part here.
16:59Let us not meet again.
17:10Let us not meet again.
17:40Let us not meet again.
18:00Yun Shu!
18:11Yun Shu!
18:32Your Majesty.
18:34The King of Qi has left a daughter?
18:37I am terrified.
18:39I have not received any news at all.
18:42My younger brother,
18:45did something unexpected without saying a word.
18:50I have been hidden from him for 20 years.
18:53If he had not been kidnapped by Wei's assassins,
18:57I believe that the King of Qi would have told you everything.
19:03Look, in Pei Yan's letter,
19:04he said that this girl was adopted by his master.
19:08His master also appeared in Liangzhou this time.
19:12She is over 40 years old and has very high martial arts.
19:17I remember that the Yan sisters were also very difficult to deal with.
19:24Even Zi Jing was not their opponent.
19:31If it is really the daughter of the King of Qi,
19:34I will treat her well.
19:36Send my order to San Lang.
19:38Tell him to bring these two disciples back.
19:42Yes, Your Majesty.
19:50I, Wei Zhao, the commander of Guangming Temple,
19:54will bring Jiang Xin's daughter back to the court.
19:57I will dispatch the imperial guards to escort her.
20:00I will not be late until she arrives.
20:02Let's go.
20:09Master, fortunately, I did not notice that Guo Zi had an affair.
20:13I was able to save you.
20:18If I had known, I would not have let you go down the mountain.
20:22I caused you to be innocent, and your heart was broken.
20:25I did not listen to you,
20:27so I got into trouble and implicated you.
20:29It's all in the past.
20:31With me here,
20:33no one can hurt you.
20:42I can see the heart in the mud.
20:46Is the King of Qi really my father?
20:50When I was young,
20:52I thought I had no parents.
20:55I did not dare to ask.
20:57I was afraid that if I asked, I would be sad.
21:00But now,
21:02I want to know their story.
21:15The King of Qi, Xie Chun,
21:18is your father.
21:22Your mother's name is Yan Shuman.
21:26She is my sister.
21:30I am Mi Xiaoyi.
21:38My child.
21:59Your mother and I
22:01were the killers of Wei Ting.
22:05Back then,
22:07we were sent to Xie Chun's side
22:10to steal the treasure.
22:13Your father
22:15was a righteous man.
22:17He and my sister loved each other.
22:20It's a pity
22:22that he was born in the royal family
22:25and lived an ordinary life.
22:29To him,
22:32he was a snake king.
22:36the late emperor fell ill
22:39and the court was in chaos.
22:42He was imprisoned in the palace.
22:47No, I don't agree.
22:49If I were to be taken away by you
22:51to save my life,
22:52wouldn't that put you in a desperate situation?
22:55I don't care if you are willing to be imprisoned.
22:57But do you want my sister
22:58and her unborn child
22:59to die with you?
23:06As long as you are by my side,
23:08I am not afraid of anything.
23:11Let's go.
23:19Let's go to Yuan Luo first.
23:28Let's go this way.
23:29Come on.
23:35Xiao Haitian kept it from everyone
23:37and kept us in Yuan Luo Zhai Xing Pavilion.
23:41Not long after,
23:43Lu Yu led troops to attack Yuan Luo.
23:47Your father didn't want the people to be involved
23:52and decided to go back to the court with Lu Yu.
23:55I escorted my sister to leave.
23:59Before she left,
24:03she left you a cat.
24:11we received news that...
24:25Lu Yu
24:28Lu Yu
24:32Lu Yu
24:38Lu Yu
24:41Lu Yu
24:44Lu Yu
24:45He died in Yuan Luo Zhaixing Pavilion.
24:49Lu Yu
24:50My sister.
24:51I know you're upset, but you have to hang in there.
24:56Xiaoci is still so young.
24:59She's already lost her father.
25:01She can't lose her mother anymore.
25:04Xiaoci, you have to grow up healthy.
25:22Mom and Dad will be watching over you.
25:27We will love you forever.
26:06I'm sorry.
26:09I shouldn't have kept it from you for so many years.
26:15You didn't let me go down the mountain
26:18because you were afraid I'd get involved.
26:21Now I understand your good intentions.
26:26I just want you to be safe and sound.
26:32I know, I know.
26:40Do you remember what I always taught you?
26:48A person's heart is like a mountain,
26:51a river is like a lake.
26:54A person is neither good nor bad,
26:56a lake is neither deep nor shallow.
26:58This is what your father always said.
27:03He hoped that if there was a next life,
27:08he would no longer be born into a royal family.
27:11He didn't want his loved ones
27:16to live in hatred and sin forever.
27:21He hoped that one day,
27:24we would all be able to let go.
27:40Don't move!
27:42You're all lying to me.
27:45I want you to feel like you're being lied to too.
27:47Everything is fake.
27:48How could I have any feelings for you?
27:55Let go of me.
27:56I've already told you
27:58that we don't owe each other anything.
28:01Let go of me.
28:04Let go of me!
28:05Let go of me!
28:09Are you going to let your Illuminati take us all?
28:13Are you from the Illuminati?
28:18The Illuminati's commander, Wei Zhao,
28:20is my identity in Great Liang.
28:22Good for you, Xiao Haitian.
28:24You used the life of the King of Qi to exchange for the glory of the Xiao family.
28:27In the end, not only did you get killed,
28:29but you also lost the entire Yue Luo.
28:32What a retribution.
28:34Don't talk nonsense.
28:36You two,
28:38one is a Noble Consort,
28:39one is a high-ranking official.
28:41You're all working for Xie Che.
28:42What did I say wrong?
28:44What does this have to do with my sister?
28:46If she wasn't guilty,
28:47how could she have lost to the King of Qi?
29:00who is this?
29:07When Xiao Ci grows up,
29:09I'll tell you.
29:13Let's go.
29:32Even though he's in the harem,
29:33His Majesty only wants you to take care of him.
29:36It shows his importance to you.
29:38Don't talk too much.
29:40Go get my cloak.
29:43Xiao Yuqiang.
29:49Your Highness the King of Qi,
30:06How did he become Xie Che's concubine?
30:10If Xiao Haitian wasn't a prostitute,
30:13how could he be a Noble Consort?
30:15How could you be the Commander of the Light Division?
30:20Don't slander my sister.
30:22When I questioned you,
30:24he didn't explain anything.
30:26He knew the truth,
30:27but he didn't tell you.
30:29He's not guilty.
30:35You just said he was a prostitute.
30:37Who could my father be a prostitute to?
30:39The one who could marry my sister
30:41was His Majesty.
30:44why did you pretend to abduct the King of Qi
30:46and go to Yueluo?
30:53Back then,
30:55Emperor Liang was seriously ill.
30:56There was chaos in the palace.
30:58When Xie Chen returned to the palace, he was imprisoned.
31:00We had no choice but to protect ourselves.
31:04The King of Qi
31:05was imprisoned by His Majesty?
31:08Xiao Haitian saw the King of Qi's death
31:11and couldn't facilitate the peace talks between Liangyue.
31:14So, he killed him
31:15to appease the new emperor.
31:18Xiao Ci,
31:19you have a grudge against him.
31:21Don't have any more grudges against him.
31:34I'm Pei Yan.
31:35Greetings, Your Majesty.
31:38You've worked hard
31:39for the peace talks this time.
31:41I feel guilty.
31:42If I could retreat early
31:44and get rid of Lu Yu's military power,
31:45I wouldn't be so miserable.
31:48Lu Yu wanted to rebel.
31:50What could you do to him?
31:53the rebellion in Liangzhou has been pacified.
31:56The 100,000 troops of Zhenyuan
31:57can be mobilized
31:59and mobilized.
32:01I'm willing to make contributions
32:02and make detailed plans for the border
32:04to carry on with the peace talks.
32:06You've just experienced the war.
32:08You should have a good rest.
32:10Lu Yu's incident has just passed.
32:12There is inevitable turbulence in the court.
32:16Let's take a break
32:18for the peace talks.
32:22Yes, Your Majesty.
32:27how did you recognize
32:31the daughter of the King of Qi
32:32in your letter?
32:34I'm flustered.
32:36The daughter of the King of Qi
32:37is the maid
32:39in my mansion,
32:41Jiang Shi.
32:42She is the girl
32:43who caused the turbulence several times.
32:48I'm guilty.
32:49I read the letter at will.
32:51I don't know her real identity.
32:52Jiang Shi has admitted
32:54that she is an orphan.
32:56I offended the royal family.
32:58I deserve to die.
33:03It's not a long time ago.
33:07you reported it in time.
33:08It's not too late.
33:10Get up.
33:12Thank you, Your Majesty.
33:17I have ordered Wei Zhao
33:18to find Jiang Shi.
33:19When he returns to the court,
33:21I will treat him well.
33:26Yes, Your Majesty.
33:29Go ahead.
33:31I'll leave now.
33:43Marquis, you have returned safely.
33:45I don't have to worry about you
33:47day and night.
33:49I'm sorry
33:51that you have to worry about me.
33:57Marquis, you work hard for the country.
34:00You don't have to feel guilty.
34:06But although
34:07good son-in-law is everywhere,
34:10it's time for you
34:12to make a good plan
34:13for your life.
34:16I haven't succeeded in my career.
34:17I don't want to talk about marriage now.
34:21Can you still succeed
34:23in your career?
34:25As far as I know,
34:27the one who controls Liangzhou
34:28is Lu Yu's old subordinate.
34:31Marquis, you have worked hard
34:32to change the army.
34:34It's just to take over
34:35the military power for Your Majesty.
34:37I'm afraid it's a waste of effort
34:39to do it.
34:43The reason why I propose to change the army
34:46is not only to return to the court,
34:48but also to get rid of
34:49Zhenyuan Army at the lowest cost.
34:51It's a hidden danger
34:52that has been gathering at the border for many years.
34:54In the future, we can make a pact with Wei
34:56that after 20 years,
34:58the world will be ruled by Liangzhou.
35:0420 years?
35:09Do you still want to use 20 years
35:12to fight for the Xie family?
35:17I hope that
35:18before you make any decision in the future,
35:21you can think about
35:22what I said today.
35:30I'll leave now.
35:42I killed Lu Yu
35:44to get rid of this shackle.
35:47But he is such a loser.
35:50It's a waste of my good chess.
35:55Your Majesty killed Lu Yu
35:57and killed the Marquis.
35:58I'm afraid
35:59he is the biggest winner this time.
36:01It's not easy
36:03to sit still
36:05in that position.
36:08Let him be comfortable for a few days.
36:18If the case of Prince Qi
36:19involves the Emperor of Liang,
36:21it will be very difficult
36:22in the future.
36:25This matter needs to be investigated again.
36:27Take Yin Shuangqiao back to Qinggeng first.
36:30As for Jiang Ci...
36:36Don't say anything.
36:44I, Chen Mo,
36:45will escort you back to the palace.
36:56Thank you, Deputy General Chen.
36:58You can let the soldiers
36:59have a rest first.
37:02His Majesty has given the order.
37:03I will escort you back to the palace as soon as possible.
37:08Don't miss the time.
37:10Don't worry.
37:11I won't miss the time.
37:17His Majesty suddenly issued an imperial edict
37:18and mobilized the imperial guards.
37:20I rushed here as soon as I received the news.
37:22Unfortunately, I was still late.
37:25His Majesty ordered me
37:26to escort Jiang Ci back to the palace
37:28with the imperial guards.
37:35How did His Majesty know
37:36Jiang Wuyang's identity?
37:38It was Pei Yan.
37:40In order to let Jiang Ci return to Qinggeng,
37:42he told Yu Qian about his identity.
37:55if you want to leave now,
37:56it's not too late.
37:58I will risk my life
37:59to kill a way out for you.
38:02I will never
38:03leave you here alone again.
38:05Don't worry.
38:06After I enter the palace,
38:08I will definitely find another chance
38:09to meet you again.
38:11Let's go home together.
38:19My Xiaoci has grown up.
38:22She is no longer
38:25the little girl
38:26who has to sleep
38:27under my sleeve.
38:37The imperial guards are in front of us.
38:39Miss Jiang and the others
38:40will not be able to escape.
38:42if we don't take them back,
38:43you will be held accountable.
38:45After years of torture,
38:46I'm afraid you will be defeated.
38:49I can't leave now.
38:51Tell Qinggeng's people to prepare in advance
38:53and make plans.
39:05His Majesty
39:06has not mentioned your master for the time being.
39:08He only ordered you to go back to the palace alone.
39:10It is not clear yet.
39:12Your master will not be in danger for the time being.
39:15I will ask Uncle Ping
39:16to calm your master down.
39:19If you dare to hurt my master,
39:20I will make you pay
39:21for it.
39:37Set out.
39:43Wait for me.
39:48Ah Xi.
40:01Commander Wei, you are finally back.
40:03His Majesty is waiting for you in the palace.
40:06Thank you, Chief Steward Tao.
40:27Your Majesty, you have arrived.
40:30Greetings, Your Majesty.
40:34Thank you for your hard work.
40:36Greetings, Your Majesty.
40:50You do look like your father.
40:54No wonder the first time I saw you,
40:55I felt a little familiar.
41:00Your Majesty still remembers me?
41:03When you were in Pei's Manor,
41:05you made quite a scene
41:07with Pei Yan.
41:09It was all a misunderstanding.
41:12I have left Pei's Manor.
41:14Why did you go to Yue Luo?
41:17I read a book
41:19called Yue Luo Travel Diary.
41:20Yue Luo is a fairyland in the human world.
41:23I wanted to see it.
41:24But who knew
41:26I would get involved in the war
41:27as soon as I got there.
41:30Then why did you go to
41:31the camp of Zhenyuan Army?
41:35In order to attack Yue Luo,
41:36Lu Yu sent a message to the army.
41:38I was helping to save the patients in the city.
41:41Then I was captured and sent to the camp.
41:43Then tell them your identity.
41:45If I didn't accidentally see
41:46the letter left by my father,
41:48I wouldn't know my identity.
41:53It's all over.
41:55No one dares to hurt you here.
41:59Where is the letter?
42:15Why was the letter stamped?
42:20I fell into the water accidentally in Liu Man Mansion.
42:28If you have a daughter, you can name her.
42:31This is my father's handwriting.
42:34Do you still remember what's written on it?
42:38Everything in the world is not perfect.
42:42My brother and I share the same fate.
42:45We are close relatives.
42:47My brother has taken care of me since I was a child.
42:51I remember
42:53The kindness of human nature comes from the water.
42:58The kindness of human nature comes from the water.
43:03At that time,
43:05your father always said these two sentences.
43:09Is that all?
43:17Besides the letter,
43:19did he leave you anything else?
43:22That's all.
43:29I heard that you were raised by your master.
43:34Is he good to you?
43:36My master treats me very well.
43:38Did he ever mention your parents to you?
43:42My master only said that I was adopted.
43:45He didn't mention my identity.
43:47I see.
43:49You have suffered a lot these years.
43:55Thank you for your concern.
43:57I grew up in the countryside.
44:00I have a good life.
44:02I want to return to my hometown and live a carefree life.
44:07You are still young.
44:09You don't know the pain of being a parent.
44:12If your father knew that you have been living abroad for many years,
44:16he must be worried.
44:20Come back to the palace.
44:22I will take good care of you for your father.
44:28Your Majesty.
44:29It's about the royal bloodline.
44:31I think we should discuss it from the beginning.
44:34The royal family has strict rules,
44:37but also family ties.
44:41I have arranged a place for you.
44:44You can live there.
45:40Who can tell who will meet again?
45:46Looking far into the distance, only to find an empty land.
45:50My heart is like the water that flows with time.
45:54When time comes,
45:59even the sky and earth will turn yellow.
46:03My heart is like the water that flows with time.
46:12When time comes,
46:16even the sky and earth will turn yellow.
46:21My heart is like the water that flows with time.
46:34When time comes,
46:39even the sky and earth will turn yellow.
46:43My heart is like the water that flows with time.
46:52When time comes,
46:57even the sky and earth will turn yellow.
47:01My heart is like the water that flows with time.