James Franco In THE VAULT - English Movie - Hollywood Hit Action Thriller Full Movie In English HD

  • yesterday
00:01:54All right, you're all set. Thank you.
00:02:06I know.
00:02:37I hate sirens.
00:02:41Remember to open your own damn house on fire.
00:02:49Miss Reese?
00:02:55I'm Chris Kirkham. Come on in.
00:03:04What can I do for you today?
00:03:07Got another little deposit for you.
00:03:12Thanks for waiting out there. I appreciate your patience. We're just crazy after the holiday weekend. It gets to be a bit of a circus around here.
00:03:19My resume.
00:03:20Oh, great. Thanks. Take a seat.
00:03:28Alright, let's see what we got here.
00:03:34And is that all?
00:03:36You got any marshmallows?
00:03:39I'm sorry. Marshmallows?
00:03:43Yeah, there's a fire. We can just skip the marshmallows. Maybe you might want to meet me for happy hour when you close.
00:03:51You are too sweet.
00:03:54Sounds like somebody got started a little bit early already on happy hour.
00:03:59I like to beat the crowds.
00:04:01Alrighty, you are all set. Have yourself a nice day.
00:04:11Babe, just because it happened once doesn't mean every time I meet a woman it's going to happen again at the bar.
00:04:16Sorry, next window.
00:04:18How may I help you today, ma'am?
00:04:20You may help me today.
00:04:22These bounced?
00:04:25Insufficient buns?
00:04:27Insufficient buns?
00:04:29That's quite impossible when I made a big deposit yesterday, so fix it.
00:04:34Let me see what I can do.
00:04:35Yeah, you do that.
00:04:38You sure you want to brave it out there, detective?
00:04:44Hey, looks like things are getting kind of serious out there. You mind making sure everybody gets out okay?
00:04:49Looks like you've worked with some of the big guys. That's great. You probably know the drill.
00:04:57Okay, so a little bit of time since your last position, what did you get up to there?
00:05:07I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?
00:05:09Just a little bit of time between your last position and your current position.
00:05:14Repeat the question.
00:05:15Just a little bit of time between your last position, what did you get up to there? What happened?
00:05:22I traveled. I spent some time in Mexico with my church group teaching English and fell so in love with it that I ended up just staying there for about a year.
00:05:33That's fantastic.
00:05:34Yeah, it's great. The only reason I came back is because someone in my family got really sick, so I'm looking for a job to start as soon as possible.
00:05:42Fair enough. Okay, gotcha. I hope they're okay.
00:05:46Okay, great. Well, listen, uh, this checks out. We do a background check. It's just a formality, but they're pretty thorough. You expect any red flags there? Any issues?
00:05:56No. So what happens is you guys charge a fucking fee for every single check that I bounced. I get charged. Okay?
00:06:04I understand.
00:06:05So then what happens is, hold on, let me talk. What happens is I get charged a fee for every fucking check here that bounced. Okay?
00:06:13Then the people that I paid, they charge me. Then the fucking circus happens all over again.
00:06:19Yes, ma'am.
00:06:20I understand.
00:06:21I really think you do understand because now that my account's in the red, what, you're gonna charge me another penalty? Yeah, that's what you guys fucking do.
00:06:28So let me ask you something.
00:06:30When the big fuck's up, who pays for its penalties?
00:06:33Ma'am, if you would watch your language, I'd be glad to...
00:06:35Because you charge me for every goddamn mistake.
00:06:37Ma'am, I'm not even seeing you in our system.
00:06:39How does anybody get ahead in fucking life, you know what I mean?
00:06:41Ma'am, I don't think...
00:06:42Let me ask you a fucking question, Mary.
00:06:44Who pays when you make a fucking mistake, huh?
00:07:19How'd the marshmallow line work for you?
00:07:21Fuck you.
00:07:29Well, listen, that leaves just timing.
00:07:32What's your timeline like?
00:07:33The truth is we have three teller spots open now.
00:07:37I can't seem to keep them, so...
00:07:40Can I ask why?
00:07:43If you don't mind me asking.
00:07:44No, I understand.
00:07:47I still want the job.
00:07:50I mean, it's silly, but since you asked, it's an old building.
00:07:55And some people get spooked in here, and they think they hear and see things.
00:08:03And so, I swear to God, it's just people talking and getting in their head.
00:08:10Curb your language.
00:08:11Please, excuse me.
00:08:12Give me your social security.
00:08:13Hold on, hold on.
00:08:14Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:08:16Let me talk to a manager, huh?
00:08:18Let's do that.
00:08:19Let's get a fucking manager out here.
00:08:20Here's a fucking manager here.
00:08:21There's gotta be some fucking manager here.
00:08:26She had these checks returned.
00:08:27I've looked her up.
00:08:28Are you the manager, or just a financial service specialist?
00:08:31I am Susan, the head teller, and I'm just trying to see if I can help you here, okay?
00:08:38Oh, great.
00:08:39Here comes the Calvary.
00:08:41I can't explain it, but...
00:08:44In fairness, it's probably worth telling you that in advance, but I don't make anything of it.
00:08:50Um, you know, you spook easily, Ms. Reese?
00:08:54No, sir.
00:08:55Okay, good.
00:08:56Not me.
00:08:58The only thing that spooks me is a bad loan.
00:09:02That's funny.
00:09:04I'm perfectly calm.
00:09:05So, you checked the records?
00:09:06I saw my fucking money.
00:09:08Okay, ma'am, you don't have an account with us.
00:09:13Well, that's a fucking mistake.
00:09:15Check again.
00:09:16Is there a problem?
00:09:17No, there's no problem at all, actually.
00:09:20Hey, your shitty life is not my problem.
00:09:22Sir, can you let us handle this, sir?
00:09:24All right, anyway, let's look.
00:09:25Together, do not touch the computer.
00:09:28No, just you.
00:09:30Please don't.
00:09:32Please don't touch me, thank you.
00:09:33I'm going to need you to step outside, then.
00:09:34I'm not going to be fighting you.
00:09:35Yeah, let's do something.
00:09:36Get her out of here.
00:09:37Get the fuck out of here.
00:09:39She shouldn't be here.
00:09:40Let me handle this.
00:09:42Get her out of here.
00:09:43What's wrong?
00:09:46There's a fire.
00:09:47Is it close?
00:09:48Is it safe?
00:09:50We just need everybody to stay inside.
00:09:52Please, come on.
00:09:53Ma'am, please.
00:09:54Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, don't touch me.
00:09:56Get her the fuck out of here.
00:09:57Let me handle this, please.
00:09:58Please, do something about this.
00:09:59Keep your hands off me.
00:10:00I don't need your help, sir.
00:10:01I need you to step outside with me.
00:10:03Come on.
00:10:05Handle this, please.
00:10:06Come on, ma'am.
00:10:12Hands behind your head.
00:10:15Unit 49-19, I'm...
00:10:16Unit 49-19, I'm...
00:10:23Get down.
00:10:41Get the fuck back.
00:10:42Back up.
00:10:44Yeah, that's right.
00:10:45Give me your phone.
00:10:46Give me your phone.
00:11:01Eyes to me.
00:11:02Back, back, back, back.
00:11:04Back up.
00:11:06Keep your eyes on me at all times.
00:11:10Unit 49-19, is the situation under control?
00:11:14You say Code 21, this isn't bad for everybody.
00:11:23Situation under control.
00:11:26Good work.
00:11:27Unit 49-19, please repeat.
00:11:36Yeah, this is 49-19.
00:11:40Situation under control.
00:11:41Code 12, I took care of it.
00:11:49I'm gonna check it out real quick.
00:11:50I'll be right back.
00:11:59Hello, this is the Chesby Trust.
00:12:01We're looking at a robbery in progress.
00:12:03A3 to 314, please send the police.
00:12:06With all of them in progress right now,
00:12:08they're in the building.
00:12:09They're taking hostages.
00:12:10So, as soon as you can, do it.
00:12:14Out, now.
00:12:15Safety deposit vault.
00:12:16Let's go.
00:12:17You want to survive today?
00:12:18Let's go.
00:12:19Let's go.
00:12:25Are you sure you want to do this, honey?
00:12:29Okay, okay.
00:12:30I did a background check too, Mr. Kirkham.
00:12:33You live in a nice house with a white picket fence.
00:12:35You got two boys, seven and eight,
00:12:36and another on the way.
00:12:37You make a decent amount of money
00:12:38and you got a pretty enough wife.
00:12:39So, you have no reason to play hero today.
00:12:43I need you to work with me.
00:12:47All right?
00:12:48Okay, understood.
00:12:49What are you doing?
00:12:51What are you doing?
00:12:53We said don't hurt anybody.
00:12:54You just fucking hurt somebody.
00:12:56I did it to save you.
00:12:57I know, thanks.
00:12:58It's awesome.
00:13:00You're using fucking brass knuckles right there.
00:13:01I don't have time to be a good fucking person right now.
00:13:04We're either doing this or we're not.
00:13:05We're doing it.
00:13:06We just don't hurt anybody, okay?
00:13:08But we agree.
00:13:10All right?
00:13:15I need you to tell them to remain calm.
00:13:17Do you understand?
00:13:18I do.
00:13:19Remain calm.
00:13:20The orders are clear.
00:13:21Do nothing.
00:13:22Sit quietly.
00:13:23Say your prayers in your head.
00:13:24Do you understand?
00:13:25I got it, okay.
00:13:27Understood, understood.
00:13:38Sir, please.
00:13:39Don't talk.
00:13:40Do it.
00:13:41I'm gonna be okay, Mary.
00:13:49Good girl.
00:13:50Come on.
00:13:53Come on.
00:13:54Let's go.
00:13:55Come on.
00:13:58Let's go.
00:14:00Let's go.
00:14:13Can you do this or not?
00:14:16Come here.
00:14:17Come here.
00:14:18Come here.
00:14:19Come here.
00:14:20Come here.
00:14:21You're okay.
00:14:22Don't be nervous.
00:14:23I used to be nervous.
00:14:24I used to be nervous.
00:14:26Good girl.
00:14:27Good girls!
00:14:50Just stop!
00:14:52Hit the code.
00:14:53You're doing very well.
00:14:54Come on, stop being so self-indulgent.
00:14:59Do the task.
00:15:08Stay still!
00:15:09Stay still!
00:15:10Stay still!
00:15:33Goddamn it! Do it right!
00:15:40It's okay. It's okay.
00:15:43What is so fucking difficult?
00:15:45Come on, come on, come on.
00:15:53Where the fuck is the rest of the money?
00:15:55Are you telling me that's all there is?
00:15:57Oh, you're fucking useless.
00:15:59Are you telling me that's all there is?
00:16:01Oh, you're fucking useless.
00:16:12Got it.
00:16:13Let's go!
00:16:16How much?
00:16:17Maybe a little over 70,000.
00:16:21I mean, there might be five or ten more in the Keller station.
00:16:23How much? What do you say?
00:16:25Seventy grand.
00:16:29All right, that's not enough. Let's go.
00:16:31Come on, B. Let's get out of here.
00:16:33What do you mean?
00:16:34What's this about? Are you fucking kidding?
00:16:36Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's go.
00:16:37Let's go. What?
00:16:38Let's go. Let's go.
00:16:39Let's fucking leave. You're not fucking going anywhere.
00:16:43Come on, we came here for him.
00:16:45We came here to do this for him, and we're not leaving until we do it.
00:16:49Do you understand that?
00:16:50Yes, I understand.
00:16:51Okay, then what's the problem?
00:16:52Does that look like half a million dollars to you?
00:16:54No, I can count it.
00:16:55It's 70 grand.
00:16:56Okay, so should we just go and rob some more fucking banks,
00:16:58or should we just finish this out?
00:16:59We leave while we still can.
00:17:00We're not leaving and going anywhere.
00:17:02Let's go.
00:17:03Let's fucking fight.
00:17:04Let go. Let go.
00:17:05Don't stop.
00:17:06Just look at me. Look at me. Let's get out of here, okay?
00:17:08He's not a money fucker. Let's go.
00:17:09Don't worry, I'm gonna kill you too.
00:17:10Let's go. Right now.
00:17:11Bitch, you've always been a fucking bitch.
00:17:13Let's go.
00:17:14Let's go.
00:17:17Let's go.
00:17:18All that we planned out.
00:17:23Drop your fucking gun.
00:17:25I got fucking brothers I gotta answer to,
00:17:26and we ain't going anywhere without the fucking money.
00:17:28You put your gun down, motherfucker.
00:17:30It's not a fucking deal.
00:17:35Please, can we not leave without the money?
00:17:36I hate when you get stubborn like this.
00:17:38But yeah, this isn't a military op, okay?
00:17:41We're not leaving without the money.
00:17:43V, look at me.
00:17:44There's no money.
00:17:45It's a fucking bank.
00:17:46There's always money.
00:17:47Then where's the money?
00:17:48If you know where the money is,
00:17:49show me where the money is.
00:17:51Look, I can tell you where the money is.
00:18:06I can help you.
00:18:07Who the fuck are you?
00:18:09I'm the assistant manager.
00:18:11I know this bank inside and out.
00:18:14First you're going to want to disable the alarm.
00:18:18What alarm?
00:18:19Behind the teller's windows.
00:18:22It was set off because you didn't follow protocol.
00:18:29You have three minutes, maybe four.
00:18:32Then what happens?
00:18:33What happens?
00:18:34Tell the police to know that you're here.
00:18:36Can you please take this bag off me?
00:18:39I'm having trouble.
00:18:40I have asthma.
00:18:41It doesn't matter.
00:18:42Tell me more.
00:18:43Look, at 520,
00:18:45all transactions need to be reconciled
00:18:47and synced with the database.
00:18:49We need to verify the cash,
00:18:52lock all the drawers in the safe,
00:18:53and the manager needs to type his PIN.
00:18:55If that doesn't happen,
00:18:56the alarm is triggered at exactly 520.
00:19:02the manager can do it,
00:19:04or me.
00:19:09Take the bag off.
00:19:12Who the fuck are you?
00:19:15I can...
00:19:16I can help you.
00:19:20You just have to promise me
00:19:22that no one else is gonna get hurt.
00:19:29No, you listen to me, alright?
00:19:31If you do as we say,
00:19:33we won't hurt you and that's it.
00:19:34There's no negotiating here.
00:19:37The signal is sent.
00:19:39The police come.
00:19:40It's as simple as that.
00:19:41No one wins.
00:19:46That's true.
00:19:47Hold on!
00:19:51No one's gonna get hurt, okay?
00:19:54Get the PIN.
00:19:55Let's do this.
00:19:58Oh, yeah.
00:20:33So, we good?
00:20:35Yeah, we're good.
00:20:38Where's the rest of the money?
00:20:40It's down below.
00:20:42That's where the real money is,
00:20:43in the old vault.
00:20:45You can get in there?
00:20:46It's a private vault.
00:20:47It's part of the old bank.
00:20:48We just house it.
00:20:49It's antiquated.
00:20:50It's not even on the grid.
00:20:52We're not prepared for this.
00:20:54Well, we're in pretty good shape,
00:20:55I gotta say.
00:20:56We got the cobalt drill bits.
00:20:57We got the welder for the back way out.
00:20:59Then we're going in.
00:21:00Depends on the vault.
00:21:02How old?
00:21:03That's 60, 70 years.
00:21:06We don't have time.
00:21:08The whole fucking warehouse
00:21:09is up in flames.
00:21:10Everything's locked up.
00:21:11We got time.
00:21:13How much money's in it?
00:21:15Six million.
00:21:18Six million?
00:21:22No, it's...
00:21:24At the end of the basement hall,
00:21:25there's a door.
00:21:28Key is...
00:21:30This is it.
00:21:32The key.
00:21:34We're in.
00:21:37The fire we set
00:21:38is gonna keep those cops busy.
00:21:40I'll go down with Kramer
00:21:41and I'm gonna check it out
00:21:42and make sure we're good.
00:21:43I'll be back in five minutes.
00:21:45Time me.
00:21:46You stay up here
00:21:47and you keep a lookout.
00:21:48And then Michael goes down next
00:21:50to cut the hole in the water main.
00:21:51They're not onto us.
00:21:52Haven't heard anything.
00:21:53We're good.
00:21:54Supervise the whole operation
00:21:56from up on high.
00:21:57Please watch Mr. Assistant Bank Manager.
00:21:59Make sure Cyrus doesn't
00:22:00fucking kill anybody.
00:22:02In 30 minutes,
00:22:03we will slip out the back door
00:22:05with six million cash.
00:22:07It's fucking perfect.
00:23:19V, if you can hear me,
00:23:20look at the cameras behind you.
00:23:22Four o'clock.
00:23:23Four o'clock.
00:23:33All right.
00:23:37Let's go.
00:23:46I can tell you're a decent man.
00:23:49You don't know me.
00:23:51Please, sir.
00:23:53Stop talking.
00:23:56Oh, shut up. Let me handle this.
00:23:57Sir, stop talking.
00:23:58I advised you to just stay calm.
00:24:00We wouldn't be in this shit show.
00:24:01I know you're a good guy.
00:24:02Yeah, come on, buddy.
00:24:03Let us go.
00:24:04Sir, let me handle this.
00:24:05Let me negotiate.
00:24:06You had a chance to handle this.
00:24:07Stop talking.
00:24:08Stop talking.
00:24:09Stop fucking talking.
00:24:10Stop fucking talking!
00:24:12Shut up!
00:24:13Shut up!
00:24:37Oh, what are you gonna do?
00:24:38What are you gonna do?
00:24:41Yeah, what?
00:24:44You are the first hostage.
00:24:46Who's gonna fucking die today?
00:25:03I have to use the restroom.
00:25:06I have to use the restroom and I prefer not going right here in front of everyone.
00:25:20Shit, is that it?
00:25:30How the fuck are you getting in there?
00:25:33How the fuck are you getting in there?
00:25:35It's a combo lock.
00:25:36It's nothing ugly.
00:25:40How long?
00:25:4220 minutes.
00:25:45It's channel two.
00:25:46My favorite.
00:25:53I just watched this spot.
00:26:02What the fuck?
00:26:04What the fuck is that?
00:26:17It's gotta be a power surge or something.
00:26:32Watch him.
00:27:02Unit 49-19, what's your status?
00:27:05Unit 49-19, are you still in 23-4 size?
00:27:15Can you untie me?
00:27:20Can you please take the bag off my head?
00:27:26Don't move.
00:27:28You stay right there.
00:27:33Let's go.
00:27:40I can't pee when you're pacing outside like that.
00:27:42What's that?
00:27:43Let's go.
00:27:44Let's hurry up.
00:27:45You're making me nervous.
00:27:46I can't pee.
00:27:47You what?
00:27:49I can't pee when you're pacing right outside of the door like that.
00:28:07I couldn't either.
00:28:11What's your name?
00:28:32Who's in charge?
00:28:35Who do you think?
00:28:40That's the problem.
00:28:41It doesn't seem like anyone's in charge.
00:28:47Stop talking.
00:30:03Oh, fuck.
00:30:07I know that your hand is being forced right now.
00:30:12And I don't know by who or why.
00:30:20I don't hear you pissing in there.
00:30:32You got any sisters?
00:30:35Yeah? You love them?
00:30:37Yeah, I do.
00:30:40That's good.
00:30:41Are those your sisters out there?
00:30:47You're not like the others.
00:30:48You don't want to hurt people.
00:30:52I know you tried to help that policeman.
00:30:57I know you're not a bad person.
00:31:03You know, sometimes you just don't want to piss off the wrong people.
00:31:09No matter what you're trying to do.
00:31:19What happened?
00:31:23I pissed off the wrong guys, Susan.
00:31:27And I owe them a lot of money.
00:31:33So we're here.
00:31:37And my sisters.
00:31:39My sisters are helping me.
00:31:44Let's go.
00:31:47I don't hear you piss.
00:31:50I can't pee.
00:32:03Susan, we're not here to hurt anybody.
00:32:13Let's go.
00:32:20You need to see a doctor.
00:32:25Please, let me.
00:32:33I want to help you.
00:32:38You're a good person.
00:32:42I know it's not in your heart to do this, please.
00:32:46You have my word you're going to go home to your family.
00:32:49I promise you.
00:32:54Just put that on.
00:32:55Put that on.
00:33:01Alright, let's move.
00:33:07Move, move, move, move, move. Right there, right there, right there, right there.
00:33:11Go, go.
00:33:13What's going on?
00:33:14Why are you not cutting the pipe?
00:33:15I'm going right now.
00:33:16We need to make sure that we have a way out of here.
00:33:19I'm doing it.
00:33:25Let's go.
00:33:37Let's go, come on.
00:33:39Let's go.
00:33:42What's up?
00:33:44I'm tripping out right now.
00:33:45Like, do you think we overruled somebody?
00:33:47Like, there's someone in the back, I think.
00:33:51Did you say we're falling behind?
00:33:52I don't fucking care.
00:33:53You hear what I said?
00:33:54Yeah, I heard you.
00:33:57I don't know.
00:33:58What the fuck do you think, Michael?
00:33:59We're just going to, like, slip out the back with a fucking pile of money and everything?
00:34:02Just going to be, like, dandy again?
00:34:04We'll buy some big fucking mansions in Stilwood Park and maybe we'll get some daisies and we'll lay them on Mom's grave.
00:34:10And then we'll be a big, happy family again.
00:34:13Come on, Aaron.
00:34:15You know I fucking love you to death, but you know the minute, the minute this shit's done, she's out.
00:34:19Like always, she's going to be out.
00:34:21As soon as we fucking do this, she's going to be gone.
00:34:24I know it.
00:34:25You know it.
00:34:27I hope not.
00:34:30Who cares?
00:35:21Hey, so what's up? Huh?
00:35:25He's doing well.
00:35:26Oh, yeah?
00:35:27He's fine.
00:38:05What are you looking at?
00:38:07What the fuck are you looking at?
00:38:15Get the fuck upstairs with the others.
00:38:39There's people.
00:38:40There's people down here.
00:38:46Come on, dude.
00:38:50Piece of shit.
00:38:51I'm walking.
00:38:54Can you hear me?
00:38:57Kramer, you alright?
00:38:58There's no one down here.
00:38:59Hey, we can actually see you on the monitor, but what do you see?
00:39:15What the fuck is he doing?
00:39:16I don't know.
00:39:17He's just like...
00:39:18What is he looking at?
00:39:19Is he looking down the hall?
00:39:23There's people down here.
00:39:34What the fuck?
00:39:35See, he keeps doing that.
00:39:36Was he doing that up here?
00:39:38He's doing that down there.
00:39:39There's people down there.
00:39:40There's people down there.
00:39:42There's people down there.
00:40:03Did you just fucking see that?
00:40:11What the fuck just happened?
00:40:18Is there someone down there?
00:40:20Is there someone down there?
00:40:21Have you seen somebody when I wasn't up here?
00:40:22Was there someone down there?
00:40:23No one's down there.
00:40:24I'm going down there.
00:40:25Fucking wake up!
00:40:31Michael, we need you in the lobby with the keys.
00:40:33Cyrus, count the hostages.
00:41:04God, no!
00:41:05No, please!
00:41:06God damn you!
00:41:14Michael, we need you up here with the keys to the basement.
00:41:22Cyrus, count the hostages.
00:41:27Hold on.
00:41:34Fucking door's locked!
00:41:42Come on!
00:41:56What is this?
00:42:00God damn you!
00:42:02Oh, God!
00:42:04Fuck you!
00:42:27What are you doing?
00:42:29No, fuck!
00:42:31Fuck you!
00:43:26I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm
00:43:57going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:44:02out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:44:08to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
00:44:14I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:44:20out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:44:26to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here,
00:44:32I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you
00:44:38out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going to get you out of here, I'm going
00:44:44to get you out of here.
00:45:14No lies, short answers.
00:45:25What the fuck is down there?
00:45:27I swear to God, I don't know.
00:45:30Did you set us up?
00:45:32You fucking set us up.
00:45:34Who the fuck is down there?
00:45:35Do not fucking lie to me!
00:45:37Please, I don't want you to get upset and hurt anyone.
00:45:39You promised that you wouldn't hurt anyone if I helped you.
00:45:42You're lying.
00:45:47You're lying.
00:45:52Who's calling?
00:45:55I don't know.
00:46:02I don't know.
00:46:16Make them go away.
00:46:21Centurion Trust.
00:46:22How may I help you?
00:46:24Can I please speak to whoever's in charge?
00:46:27Hold, please.
00:46:32They want to talk to you.
00:46:42This is Detective Tom Iger.
00:46:46Listen, I'm here to help wake this out.
00:46:58Can you tell me if everyone's okay in there?
00:47:04Let's start there at least.
00:47:09I'm here.
00:47:10Can you let me know if you're hearing me okay?
00:47:17I'm here.
00:47:18Can you let me know if you're hearing me okay?
00:47:27Listen, I get it.
00:47:31This was supposed to be simple.
00:47:33Now, it's a different situation.
00:47:37If you let them go, right now, we can still make this right.
00:47:42I will work with you every step of the way, and I promise you, we will make it right and no one gets hurt.
00:47:48Okay, this is how this is gonna go, Detective.
00:47:50You're gonna give me 30 minutes and I'll pretend that you never called, and I will make sure that everyone gets out, okay?
00:47:55The other option, you push us and these people will die. Do you understand me, Detective?
00:48:00I promise you, we can work it out.
00:48:01The other option, you push us and these people will die.
00:48:16Somebody has a line to the outside. It's one of your people.
00:48:19No, it's not possible. It doesn't work that way.
00:48:21Why are you lying to me?
00:48:22It doesn't make sense. It's not protocol.
00:48:27Who's your head teller?
00:48:31Who the fuck is your head teller?
00:48:35Susan Reynolds, number seven.
00:48:40Please don't hurt her.
00:48:58Oh, shit.
00:49:03Oh, my God.
00:49:05Oh, my God.
00:49:29No lies. Short answers.
00:49:32Did you call the police?
00:49:34Oh, God, I have.
00:49:35Then what the fuck is going on?
00:49:41Answer the fucking question.
00:49:47It was the bank.
00:49:50The what?
00:49:52You're not gonna believe me, and I don't want you to hurt anyone.
00:49:59Try me.
00:50:03There's something down there in the basement.
00:50:09The vault.
00:50:13We're not alone.
00:50:17Okay. Okay.
00:50:19I'm telling you the truth.
00:50:21Who's down there?
00:50:23No one goes down there, not even security.
00:50:28Because of what happened back in 1982, a man tried to rob the bank.
00:50:42Someone got a line out.
00:50:48The man, he was deranged. He held them hostage for days.
00:50:55No food, no water. He demanded transportation a way out.
00:51:00But the police, they kept stalling, and then he, he snapped.
00:51:07He made them shoot each other, starting with the bank manager.
00:51:14He dies.
00:51:16I can't.
00:51:17Or I kill two more.
00:51:19And you...
00:51:20We're all going to a better place.
00:51:22Do it.
00:51:35And the ones that got away, he hunted them down.
00:51:40One was executed in the depository.
00:51:43Another one, a desk clerk, a young woman, was found by the basement boiler.
00:51:53They kept finding bodies.
00:51:56Some had been burned alive in the vault.
00:52:24Oh, God.
00:52:26They all died. Every one of them.
00:52:52And they never caught the man. No body, nothing. Gone.
00:52:57No one saw his face. No one knew who he was.
00:53:03You think something like that just goes away with a paint job?
00:53:06It's still here.
00:53:07Ask anyone who's been here and they'll tell you the same.
00:53:11Something is still down there in the basement, in the old bank.
00:53:24That was good.
00:53:26That was really good.
00:53:29I felt like I was there.
00:53:31The man in the mask.
00:53:34He just snapped, huh?
00:53:36I don't like ghost stories.
00:53:38You can make this different.
00:53:40You can walk out that door right now and you can make this right.
00:54:05This is 120 volts.
00:54:11And I'd be lying if I said this wasn't going to hurt and I wasn't going to enjoy it.
00:54:22What are you doing to her?
00:54:25Why is she on the floor?
00:54:40We have one world.
00:54:45The cops are outside.
00:54:50What can touch me?
00:54:51You won't fucking move.
00:55:22What happened?
00:55:28Graham's dead.
00:55:35Took this drill bit and put it through his head.
00:55:40He's dead?
00:55:48Something's going on here.
00:55:53Something's not right about this place.
00:56:00Emma, I'm sorry about this.
00:56:07Thank you for always being there for me.
00:56:14We're going to get out of here.
00:56:18I swear to God we're going to get out of here.
00:56:34Five times remember where that came from.
00:56:43What are you guys doing up here?
00:56:44What are you doing?
00:56:45Michael says Kramer is dead.
00:56:47Kramer is dead.
00:56:48He's not.
00:56:49The cops are outside.
00:56:51They just called.
00:56:52They know we're here.
00:56:54The cops are here?
00:57:03Fuck that.
00:57:11Okay, all right.
00:57:12So we just go back to the original plan and we're good.
00:57:14We'll be home free.
00:57:17This doesn't make any sense.
00:57:19Something's not right.
00:57:20These bills.
00:57:21What the fuck's happened?
00:57:22These bills are all from the same year.
00:57:23These are all from 1982.
00:57:26This is a...
00:57:27It's all from 1982.
00:57:29Every bill is from 1982.
00:57:30No, it's not.
00:57:31Every single bill.
00:57:34Well, who cares?
00:57:35It's money.
00:57:36Isn't that what you want?
00:57:37Isn't that what this is about?
00:57:38V, listen to me for a minute.
00:57:39This doesn't make any fucking sense.
00:57:41You're losing it and you're fucking losing it.
00:57:43This has triggered some stuff in your brain.
00:57:45V, is it...
00:57:46Are you coming at me again?
00:57:47Because I'm not going to fucking deal with it.
00:57:48I'm not dealing with anything.
00:57:50You fucking ruined my life.
00:57:51Is that...
00:57:52Are you...
00:57:53Are you good yet?
00:57:54Is money going to make you happy?
00:57:58You owe me.
00:58:00You don't give a fuck about anybody but yourself.
00:58:02You're going to walk away as soon as we're fucking done.
00:58:05Am I right?
00:58:06I'm usually right about you and how much you have hurt me and this fucking family.
00:58:14You're just sitting here fucking sorry.
00:58:16Can you?
00:58:18Can you sit here sorry?
00:58:20You owe me.
00:58:21You fucking owe me.
00:58:22You don't even give a fuck.
00:58:23Get down.
00:58:30Crazy bitch.
00:58:33What the hell is happening?
00:58:35I don't know.
00:58:36Fucking window just blew out right here in town.
00:58:40What are you going to do?
00:58:43You're the only one thinking straight, so what are you going to do?
00:58:48I don't fucking know.
00:58:49I'm going to get the fucking money and get out of here.
00:58:51The plan.
00:58:52I'm telling you, she's losing it.
00:58:54I know.
00:58:55She's going to crack.
00:58:58I don't trust her and neither should you.
00:59:00I've seen this before.
00:59:01I know how it ends.
00:59:02People are going to die unless you do something.
00:59:04No, they're not.
00:59:06No, they're not.
00:59:10No one's going to die.
00:59:14Not even you.
00:59:24What the fuck?
00:59:52What's their next move?
00:59:53I don't know.
00:59:54Why the fuck are they shooting at us?
00:59:55I don't know.
00:59:56Tell me right fucking now.
00:59:58I don't know.
00:59:59It doesn't make any sense.
01:00:01I guess it's a mistake.
01:00:05Are you fucking kidding me?
01:00:08It's a mistake.
01:00:11Emotions are as high out there as they are in here.
01:00:13There's confusion, miscommunication.
01:00:17You assume they're organized out there.
01:00:18I guarantee you they are not organized.
01:00:23Hell, there are probably three different departments all filing for command police, FBI, ATF.
01:00:28Who the hell knows?
01:00:29You don't know who's in charge, and neither do they.
01:00:33Why would they do that?
01:00:35It's not a strategic move.
01:00:41Unless what?
01:00:43Unless they're trying to isolate you.
01:00:47You need to see movement.
01:00:48Good faith.
01:00:50Release a hostage.
01:00:51It'll buy you time.
01:00:52No fucking way.
01:00:54The only way to save yourself is to end this peacefully.
01:01:01Do you think I want to be here?
01:01:04I'm a hostage just like you.
01:02:04The fuck is that?
01:02:06Not going calm.
01:02:11This is Central Trust.
01:02:13We have a robbery in progress at 234 Smith.
01:02:17Please send the police.
01:02:19And bring us right now.
01:02:20They're in the building.
01:02:21Can you just grab the assailant?
01:02:23The hostage is a hostage.
01:02:25Do you copy?
01:03:10Please don't hurt me.
01:03:20No, no, no, no.
01:03:21Nobody's going to hurt you.
01:03:26What's your name?
01:03:34Samantha Campbell.
01:03:36What happened to you, Samantha?
01:03:38My ankle. I think it's broken.
01:03:47You're not one of them, are you?
01:03:51What do you mean I'm not one of who?
01:04:15What are you doing, detective?
01:04:17Listen to me.
01:04:18We spotted what we thought was a civilian in distress.
01:04:21And an order was given.
01:04:22But you have my word.
01:04:24We're standing down.
01:04:25We don't want anyone to get hurt.
01:04:27Including you.
01:04:28You have my word.
01:04:29Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?
01:04:32I can only control these guys for so long.
01:04:35Same as me.
01:04:36So you got to give us something to work with.
01:04:39Okay, I'm going to give you something to work with.
01:04:41Well, stay put.
01:04:54Where are you?
01:05:15Right now there are hostages at gunpoint.
01:05:17If anything happens to me, two of them die.
01:05:19Do you understand?
01:05:20I hear you loud and clear.
01:05:23But we're not going to let that happen, okay?
01:05:25We're going to work through this.
01:05:32Who called?
01:05:35We never received any phone calls.
01:05:37I fucking heard the call.
01:05:39Who called?
01:05:40We got some information.
01:05:42Who called?
01:05:44We got something on the radio.
01:05:45It was garbled.
01:05:46It sounded like trouble.
01:05:47That was it.
01:05:48No phone calls.
01:05:51Get out of here.
01:06:00I got it.
01:06:11This is the General Trust.
01:06:13We have a robbery in progress at 23rd Place.
01:06:16Please send the police.
01:06:18They're in the building.
01:06:20They're taking us.
01:06:21Just as soon as you can.
01:06:25Drop the phone.
01:06:29Did you hear it?
01:07:01Hey, come on.
01:07:03Michael, I'm serious.
01:07:04Look at me.
01:07:05Hey, listen.
01:07:06This hallway to the right,
01:07:07there's the first door of the water main.
01:07:09There's a big hole.
01:07:10Everything's ready.
01:07:11You just hop in there and you get out of here, okay?
01:07:13When we get out of here,
01:07:14we're going to do everything we wanted to do, all right?
01:07:16Where the fuck are you going?
01:07:17Look at me.
01:07:22I'll see you soon.
01:07:23Michael, I'm serious.
01:07:24Come with me, please.
01:07:26I'll see you soon.
01:07:27I'm serious, come on.
01:07:47Holy shit.
01:08:21Now they have to come in.
01:08:23The police.
01:08:24They have no choice.
01:08:26Please, you have to let them go.
01:08:41Maybe I was wrong about you.
01:09:17Hey, come on, get up.
01:09:27Don't go down there.
01:09:56Don't go down there.
01:10:15Come on.
01:10:16We're going to be okay.
01:10:17Come on.
01:10:18Let's go.
01:10:19Let's go.
01:10:20We're going to be okay.
01:10:26Come on.
01:10:27Let's go.
01:10:56Let's go.
01:10:57Let's go.
01:11:26Let's go.
01:11:56Let's go.
01:12:50Oh, my legs.
01:12:56Keep moving! I'll be right behind you!
01:14:27What the hell?
01:14:52You take care of your sister.
01:14:53I'm not leaving without you!
01:14:59It's gonna be okay.
01:15:00It's gonna be okay.
01:15:18Police are investigating last night's armed robbery and arson of the Centurion Trust Bank,
01:15:23according to a statement released by the department this morning.
01:15:26At about 5.15 p.m., police responded to a call from inside the bank where six employees and one patron were being held hostage at gunpoint.
01:15:35Bank employees described five bank robbers, three white males, two white females.
01:15:41The robbers were armed.
01:15:42The bank employees were transported to Grant Hospital where they were treated for injuries and were later released.
01:15:48The robbers are all believed to have died in the fire, authorities have said.
01:15:51The forecast, plenty of sunshine through today with seasonal temperatures...
01:16:21I heard on the radio...
01:16:34They're saying that we're dead.
01:16:42What was that?
01:16:48What did you see down there?
01:16:52Because I know what I saw, we were attacked.
01:16:59By the police?
01:17:02No, it's not the police.
01:17:05Come on, tell me you saw.
01:17:11I don't know what I fucking saw, right?
01:17:12I just, I saw you hesitate when we were supposed to be leaving, when the cops were trying to fucking kill us,
01:17:17and I saw the vault and I saw that it was empty because someone went down there and cleared it out, so where's the money?
01:17:27Where's the fucking money, Leah?
01:17:47Where's Michael?
01:18:05Wait, you were with him?
01:18:07You didn't, you didn't take care of him?
01:18:09He wouldn't come with me, I tried.
01:18:11Where is he?
01:18:13He's dead, Leah.
01:18:28Push me.
01:18:42Push me.
01:19:12Push me.
01:19:33This guy that you're talking about, he's just not showing up on any of the camera footage, I mean none of the cameras, he's not there, he's not anywhere to be found.
01:19:40What are you saying?
01:19:41What I'm saying, it just doesn't add up.
01:19:44You know this bank inside and out, all its customers throughout the years and yet you don't recognize this individual.
01:19:52I've got six positive IDs.
01:19:55Six hostages.
01:19:57But you're telling me that there's seven.
01:19:58Well, this is just a debriefing.
01:20:01My suspect now too.
01:20:02They took your radio, your firearm, any shred of dignity you had left.
01:20:08Well, I guess you didn't because they took that too, right?
01:20:11Why did you get special treatment?
01:20:13What treatment? I was a hostage. I barely made it out.
01:20:17You got your own room. You were the only hostage that was let go.
01:20:30How old was he?
01:20:32Don't remember, 40s maybe?
01:20:34Did he say a name? Any names called?
01:20:36I don't remember any names.
01:20:38What were they talking about?
01:20:41The vault. The alarm.
01:20:44Could you make out a voice?
01:20:45He was telling them all the steps they needed to make to disarm the alarm.
01:20:51So he did or did not work at the bank?
01:20:54He must have. He wouldn't know those things.
01:20:56How the fuck should I know? Yeah, maybe he worked there.
01:20:58No, he was not a bank employee.
01:21:12Did he say his name?
01:21:14He never said his name.
01:21:16But I know everybody that's worked at that bank for the past ten years.
01:21:20And I have never seen him there before.
01:21:23You saw this man, but he's not showing up on any of the bank cameras.
01:21:28You realize that, don't you?
01:21:31All the cameras we have, all the backup systems, he's...
01:21:35I mean, he's nowhere to be found.
01:21:55You've seen employees come and go.
01:21:57Regional managers, auditors.
01:22:01Yet you don't know who this guy is.
01:22:28Hello. This is Centurion Trust.
01:22:30We have a robbery in progress at 23 Forsyth.
01:22:34Please send the police. In progress right now.
01:22:37They're in the building. They're taking hostages.
01:22:39So, as soon as you can...
01:22:45That's him.
01:22:52Where this guy?
01:22:55That's not possible.
01:23:01That's one of the original hostages from 1982.
01:23:35What's wrong?
01:23:37It won't start.
01:23:42Alright, pop the hood.
01:23:44And when I say crank it, try it.
01:24:00Okay, try it!
01:24:04Come on!
