• last year
00:00The thing about walking with a cane that people sometimes forget is that you keep the cane
00:11on the opposite side that you need it.
00:14So since I need to help my left leg, I use my left leg along with that cane.
00:20It gives you an even gait and it also helps you when it comes to protecting yourself.
00:26The first thing I teach people to do is when they're walking with their cane, how to be
00:32humble to people that come up against them and I'll show you that movement in a second.
00:38That'll be a first lesson, a first practice lesson.
00:42The cane, from your hand, should be able to go right onto your wrist and then you should
00:49be able to roll the cane around so that once the cane is in your hand, you've got to practice
00:59letting it slide right onto your wrist and then reaching your hand around and grasping
01:06One more time.
01:07The practice is holding the cane, putting it right here on your wrist and then retrieving
01:14it into your hand and doing it over and over again is okay because the better you get at
01:20that, the better you become at controlling your cane.
01:24Now, about humility, if you're in a situation where you feel someone is being aggressive,
01:32it's always best to make yourself small, be old, be small and look a little bit less.
01:42Less is more and then you have the ability and you now have the skill to move your cane
01:48around and around in your hand.
01:50You can stop and say, I don't mean any trouble.
01:56Please, I don't want any trouble and if they come in closer, you can then roll the cane
02:02right into your hand and thrust forward, hitting him squarely in the solar plexus and shout
02:09the word, stay back.
02:12I don't mean any trouble.
02:15Stay back.
02:16Now, you can get good at that, then you can get good at sliding it further up your arm
02:23and once it's up further, you can catch the cane in different ways.
02:29You can practice this on grass so that your cane doesn't bounce around a lot.
02:36Further up, that gives you an advantage in that you're going to catch the cane in the
02:41middle and step in forward.
02:45The practice now is taking the cane from your hand, putting it on your wrist and rolling
02:52it back into your hand.
02:54That's the practice.