Valle salvaje Cap 13

  • 2 days ago


00:03Ayuda, venga en rapido
00:05Pilar a quiso despedirse de su familia a través de unas cartas que dejó escritas creo que la mejor forma de garantizar
00:13la unión de la familia es
00:16Desposando os no puede ser yo mismo albergo sentimientos encontrados, pero quiero que sepas
00:24Que pase lo que pase siempre estaremos juntos por mucho que quisiera mantener a su familia unida no puede pedirte algo así
00:31déjame leer
00:32al menos podríamos leer juntos esa parte es personal
00:36ha fallecido en el momento perfecto para arruinar la boda de su primogénito
00:40dios me perdone pero lo único que ha hecho bueno en esta vida es morir y ni siquiera eso lo ha hecho bien
00:47No vuelvas a tocarme mercedes nuestro sentido vete
00:54Sé muy bien el dolor que se siente al entrar a una madre no hay palabras tampoco se necesitan
01:01me siento la peor persona del mundo sintiendo alivio cuando
01:05todo el mundo a mi alrededor está llorando su ausencia la oportunidad de aplazar la boda
01:10pero me ha dado tiempo a ella ese enlace se celebrará tarde o temprano y algún día serás la duquesa
01:18creo que la muerte de su madre no ha sido lo que todos piensan
01:21Qué está pasando Bernardo creo que su madre ha sido envenenada y fijé que el frasco que tenía en la habitación estaba vacío
01:29Debería estar casi lleno encontrado algo
02:03Yo tampoco podía dormir
02:08Como centrado la puerta estaba abierta espero que no te haya molestado
02:18Tu compañía nunca me molesta
02:21Pero no te pueden ver aquí
02:26Quieres que marche
02:32Y que haces despierto a estas horas
02:35No podía dormir
02:38He de dar un paseo por la campa y debía atravesar la ventana
02:42No sé cómo pero mis pasos me trajeron hasta tu puerta pues me alegro de que haya sido así
02:51La hecha de menos Adriana
02:54A todas horas
02:58Me siento como perdido
03:06Como un barco a la deriva pero tienes a tu padre que es como no tener nada
03:16Mi madre era mi brújula
03:20La única capaz de llegar al centro de mi alma
03:27No seré capaz de superarlo nunca
03:30Es que no se supera
03:32Aprendes a convivir con ella
03:35No es muy alentador pero es así
03:39Desde la muerte de mi padre creo que sigo adelante solo porque tengo otra cosa más importante de la que hacerme cargo
03:47El que
03:49Mis hermanos
03:51Eso es justo lo que tu madre querría que hicieses Rafael
03:56Te lo escribió en su carta
04:00Que pensases en tu familia
04:02Tienes que ser fuerte ahora aunque sea solo por ellos
04:10Me siento solo Adriana y ese sentimiento no se va a ir de un día para otro
04:14Se instala aquí y se queda ahí pegado a la piel y a los huesos
04:22Pero tienes mucha gente que te quiere
04:25Mucha gente con la que puedes contar cuando quieras desahogarte o cuando ese dolor te arda en el pecho
04:33Puedes contar conmigo
04:36Aunque sea solo estar en silencio
04:39Hay veces que el silencio es curativo
04:42El silencio es curativo
04:45Hay personas que también
04:58Lo siento
05:00No, la culpa es mía
05:03Será mejor que marche
05:12Gracias por escucharme
05:45Por una traición que atravesó mi corazón
05:50Como si fuera un puñal
05:59Me encerró en este tormento
06:04De silencio y de mentir
06:07Todo lo que conocí
06:08Está cada vez más lejos
06:13Vivo soñando
06:17Con lo que el destino decidió negarnos
06:21Condenados al sabor de la amargura
06:25Bailando con la locura
06:28Imaginando que eres tú
06:32Vivo soñando eternamente
06:35Esperando que en este valle salvaje
06:39Me ilumine tu luz
06:42Que en este valle salvaje
06:46Me ilumine tu luz
06:55Espero que estés bien junto a padre y madre
06:59Espero que te haya reunido con ellos y
07:02Que estéis todos juntos en el cielo esperando el día en el que por fin
07:07Me reuniré con vosotros
07:12Solo espero que ese día
07:15Me abraces
07:17Me abraces con el amor que me tenías en vida
07:20No tengas en cuenta lo que hice al final de tus días, por favor
07:24No me tengas rencor
07:27Has de perdonarme
07:29El error que estuve a punto de cometer
07:32Perdí el horemus, lo perdí por completo y
07:35Te pido por favor
07:37No lo tengas en cuenta, Pilar
07:45¿Por qué he encontrado mi alcoba ahora que te regalé?
07:48Mercedes, ¿qué significa esto?
07:50No, no, Alejo, delante de la tumba de tu madre
07:52Necesito hablar contigo
07:54Yo necesito que te vayas
07:56Esto no está bien
07:57Quizá no, pero el corazón atiende a razones
08:01Alejo, no somos dos tagales sin voluntad
08:04Podemos detener esto
08:06No quiero detenerlo
08:12Hemos de hacer un poder
08:15No podemos seguir con nuestros planes
08:18Quizá ahora no
08:20Pero cuando todo esto pase
08:28Imaginarme que eso pueda ser verdad hace que se me rompa el alma
08:32Es verdad
08:34Alejo, todo ha cambiado
08:36¿Por qué? ¿Qué ha cambiado?
08:38Cometimos un error
08:43Y ahora hemos de pagarlo
08:45Amarse no es un error
08:49Sí, cuando es entre una tía y su sobrino
08:52Ya están el amor en reglas
08:54¿Reglas que pueden incumplirse?
08:58Pero cuando muere gente
09:01Gente a quien queremos
09:04Nosotros no hemos matado a mi madre
09:13Si leo la carta estoy segura de que mi hermana no pudo soportar tal majadería
09:19Así que eso es lo que piensas de nosotros
09:22Que somos unos majaderos
09:26Yo no pienso eso
09:30No pienso que nada de esto que siento por ti pueda ser algo malo
09:35Alejo, por favor
09:37No, Mercedes
09:40Sabe Dios que siento el fallecimiento de mi madre
09:43Y solo yo sé cuánto la voy a echar en falta
09:47Pero no me arrepiento de nada de lo que hice
09:49Y desde luego no me arrepiento de sentir lo que siento por ti
09:54Tienes que olvidarme
09:57Tenemos que dejar esto aquí
10:01No puedo
10:04Hazte poder
10:06No quiero
10:09Alejo, por favor
10:11No me hagas suplicártelo
10:15Me debo a mi hermana
10:18No me hagas suplicártelo
10:22He de cumplir con su última voluntad
10:25¿Qué última voluntad?
10:28Algo que me pidió en su última carta
10:32Algo que tengo que hacer por esta familia
10:37Que cuidaras de todos nosotros
10:44Sí, algo así
11:21No quería estar en casa
11:23Y necesitaba un lugar donde llorar
11:28Estoy harta de que me atosíen y me pregunten cómo estoy
11:32Que todo el mundo trate de consolarme
11:37Tienes que marcha y te dejes sola
11:52Tú eres el único que me entiende
11:56El único con el que quiero estar
12:03Nunca le dije que la quería
12:07Estoy seguro de que ya lo sabía
12:09¿Y si no?
12:11Nunca hablábamos de verdad
12:13Nunca hablábamos de madre a hija
12:18No te judes con tanta seguridad
12:21Estabas muy unida a ella
12:23No como lo estaba con Rafael
12:27No es verdad eso que dicen
12:30No es verdad que las hijas tengan un vínculo especial con las madres
12:34Yo no lo tenía con ella
12:36Y era su única hija
12:41Ella te quería Irene
12:43Y tú la querías
12:46¿Qué más da todo lo demás?
12:48Me hubiera gustado decírselo
12:50Me hubiera gustado decirle tantas cosas
12:56Al menos poder despedirme de ella
13:07¿Por qué?
13:09Por estar aquí
13:11Por seguir a mi lado pese a todo
13:16¿Y dónde voy a estar mejor que en tus brazos?
13:20¿En tus brazos?
13:23Todo el mundo en Valle Salvaje me trata como si fuese una niña caprichosa
13:30Todo el mundo menos tú
13:33Solo contigo puedo ser yo misma
13:35Yo solo me veo una chica preciosa y dulce
13:39Inteligente y divertida
13:45Con unas ganas inmensas de vivir
13:54¿Y tú?
13:56¿Y tú?
13:58¿Y tú?
14:00¿Y tú?
14:02¿Y tú?
14:05¿Cómo puedes ser tan bueno conmigo después de lo que te he hecho?
14:13Serías el capataz de la finca si no fuera por mí
14:17Yo hablé con mi madre para que convenciera a Julio de que te relegaran
14:25Tu madre se habría enterado igual
14:27Y el resultado habría sido el mismo
14:31Me porté mal contigo
14:34Y en vez de oferte estás aquí consolándome y diciéndome lo maravillosa que soy
14:40Es que eres maravillosa
14:44Deberías odiarme
14:49No podría hacer que me lo propusiera
14:53Cada día me siento más unido a ti
15:32¿Qué quieres?
15:34I just wanted to give you my condolences.
15:37Since it happened, I haven't been able to talk to you in private.
15:42I'm really sorry.
16:00What do you want, Bernardo?
16:02I just want to know how you are.
16:05I'm fine.
16:08How are you really?
16:11I told you I'm fine.
16:14It's normal for you to feel confused.
16:19I don't feel confused.
16:21You can have mixed feelings.
16:23No one is going to judge you.
16:27I don't know what you're talking about.
16:29I'm telling you that it's normal for you to feel yearning.
16:33You can feel yearning, sadness and even sadness.
16:37And at the same time, you can feel relief.
16:45I don't feel relief, Bernardo.
16:47My sister's death was a very hard blow.
16:51And a liberation.
16:53Shut up.
16:55You've been taking care of her all your life.
16:57Taking care of her.
16:59I'm telling you to shut up.
17:01You'll finally be able to rest.
17:03You'll finally be able to think about yourself.
17:05To have a life.
17:21Don't cry, Mercedes. Don't cry.
17:25No one is going to blame you for this.
17:31Don't cry.
17:35Last night I saw Aldo taking a walk around the farm.
17:37Taking a walk with whom?
17:39He was going alone.
17:41He seemed confused.
17:45Taciturn, I would say.
17:49So many years with his wife.
17:51God bless her.
17:53He must be missing her.
17:55I don't know why so much drama.
17:57She had been sick for years.
17:59I guess even if you know,
18:01you never finish the idea.
18:09Have you seen how beautiful the mountain is today?
18:13I've finished the laundry
18:15and I've left the clothes in the arches.
18:19Including the one on the bed?
18:21That one especially.
18:23I've left Faena's clothes from your husband's
18:25on the bedside table.
18:27If you don't want anything else,
18:29I'm going to rest for a while.
18:31Excuse me.
18:35Wait, Luisa.
18:39Don't go.
18:41It's going to be cold.
18:45It would be convenient
18:47if you provided the wood
18:49for all the chimneys in the house.
18:51We don't need them.
18:53It has to be now, Mrs. Chavez.
18:55Is there anything better to do?
19:03Is there a problem?
19:09Then hurry up.
19:11Don't be late for lunch.
19:13Right away, ma'am.
19:19Very well thought out, Isabel.
19:21Now it's good, but you never know.
19:23A careful woman is worth two.
19:49Keep it.
19:51You still have a lot of tears
19:53to shed for your sister.
19:59Don't thank me.
20:01You know you can count on me, right?
20:03Whenever you need me,
20:05I'll be there for you.
20:07Thank you,
20:09but there's no need.
20:13Your sister's death
20:15has given me a lot to think about.
20:17Think about what?
20:21About us.
20:23There's nothing about us, Bernardo.
20:25There was.
20:27In another life.
20:29In this one.
20:31And we're still here, alive.
20:33What are you trying to tell me, Bernardo?
20:35Life is short.
20:37And the only thing I care about
20:39is right now, in front of me.
20:41We made a lot of mistakes.
20:47I didn't.
20:49All the mistakes of the past were yours.
20:51Yes, maybe.
20:53What's the point of that now?
20:55We can still amend them.
20:57We have our whole lives ahead of us.
20:59Don't go there.
21:01We can be happy.
21:07Not together, of course not.
21:09Our time is over.
21:11Don't say that.
21:13It's the truth.
21:15It's too late for us.
21:19Do you hear me?
21:23Nothing will ever happen between us again.
21:27And I hope I never have to talk about this again.
21:33It's because of that other man.
21:39You're wrong.
21:41I'm sorry.
21:47It was always just an excuse
21:49for you to leave me alone.
22:11I'm sorry.
22:27I was looking for you.
22:31I knew you'd be here.
22:33What do you want, Julio?
22:35You can't go on like this, Rafael.
22:37I'm fine.
22:39No, you're not.
22:41You spend the day
22:43working on the farm or in this room.
22:49I miss it.
22:51We all do.
22:53But you can't be enjoying your pain.
22:57We have to overcome it.
22:59Everyone overcomes pain in their own way.
23:01But your way of overcoming pain isn't good.
23:03You're hurting yourself.
23:05I'm telling you I'm fine.
23:07You're hurting yourself.
23:09You're overloading yourself.
23:11It helps me not to think.
23:13Maybe that's what you should do.
23:15Stop and think.
23:17That's a luxury I can't afford, my brother.
23:21The farm doesn't understand pain or bitterness.
23:25We'll manage.
23:29Who? You and Gaspar?
23:35Gaspar and I.
23:37He's perfectly capable.
23:39I really appreciate it, Julio.
23:41We grew up with him.
23:43But I don't think he's capable of anything.
23:45You're wrong.
23:47No, you're wrong when you trust him.
23:49Didn't you see what he did while I was at the front?
23:51The land wasn't rotting.
23:53The animals were dying.
23:55All the farms were the same.
23:57You live in uncertain times,
23:59and that's not your fault.
24:05These jewels...
24:09look better on your neck,
24:11don't they?
24:19Don't do that.
24:21It doesn't cost me anything.
24:23That's Luisa's job.
24:25Letting her do what she wants.
24:27All this should have been taken care of a long time ago.
24:29It's just a few cups.
24:31You don't know how much it costs.
24:33It's just a few cups.
24:35Don't you know that Mrs. Victoria doesn't want us
24:37to do the maid's chores?
24:39I also know that no one has ever
24:41done so many chores before
24:43like this poor girl.
24:45You've never been so many in the house before.
24:47That girl is pregnant, for God's sake.
24:49Yes, but not now.
24:51She was already pregnant when she got here.
24:53She knew what she had
24:55when she said it was work.
24:57If she can't stand it,
24:59it would be best for her to leave
25:02Best for whom?
25:15Do you know what Mother used to tell me in her letter?
25:23That she would take care of you.
25:27She told me something similar.
25:31That's why I'm here.
25:35I want to know how you really are, Rafael.
25:39I want you to trust me, to lean on me
25:41just as Mother would have liked.
25:45I feel lost, Julio.
25:47And alone.
25:49That's the truth.
25:51But you're not.
25:53You have me.
25:55Alejo, Irene.
25:57And of course, Father.
25:59I've never betrayed you, Father.
26:01Don't say that.
26:05In any case,
26:07you can count on me.
26:11I just need some time.
26:13I understand.
26:17Time will heal everything.
26:29What else did Mother tell you in the letter?
26:33I haven't asked you, Julio.
26:37Aren't you going to tell me?
26:41I'd rather keep it to myself.
26:59I love you.
27:11The service has told me that you've come to see me.
27:13That's right.
27:15We haven't had a chance to talk
27:17since your sister died.
27:19And why would we have to talk?
27:21We've never had any relationship before.
27:25Because your sister was the lady of the house.
27:27And it was with her that I dealt with the matters of Enjundia.
27:31I understand that now I will have to deal with you.
27:35I don't think it's necessary.
27:37I'm still not the lady of the house.
27:39It's a matter of time, I think.
27:41Soon it will be.
27:43That's what I understand.
27:47Whoever told you that has deceived you.
27:49Who else told me that?
27:51He's going to marry the duke.
27:53Isn't that true?
27:57It would be overwhelming for you to occupy your sister's position.
27:59All your life living in her shadow.
28:03Or should I say,
28:05not being anything more than a shadow that no one sees.
28:09Say whatever you want, Victoria.
28:11Another thing is that I listen to you.
28:15And suddenly you become the focus of everyone's eyes.
28:19I wouldn't like to be on your skin, Mercedes.
28:27That's what you played with my sister.
28:29To provoke her until she lost the trial.
28:35I'm not my sister, Victoria.
28:37I'm not going to waste my time listening to your nonsense.
28:41I'm sorry I made the trip here in Maldi.
28:45I see you're not going to be up to Pilar.
28:47I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not even going to try.
28:51I'm sorry I didn't accompany you.
28:53You know where the door is.
28:57Don't worry.
28:59If you make a mistake,
29:01I never play.
29:27Can I?
29:37I don't want to ask him how he is.
29:41And I don't want to intoxicate him with words of comfort.
29:45I just want to tell him that I know how he feels.
29:47He doesn't know.
29:51I've also seen a mother die.
29:53And a father too.
29:57Now he thinks
29:59that all the deep sadness he feels
30:01will stay there.
30:03It will be at the bottom of his heart forever.
30:07But he's wrong.
30:09This will also happen.
30:11And there will come a time when it will fade
30:13like a cigarette smoke.
30:19It's hard to believe that all this pain is going to disappear.
30:21I know.
30:23But one day he will wake up
30:25and he will realize that
30:27he has laughed at someone's chance.
30:29Or that he has been able to go for a walk
30:31without everything reminding him of his mother.
30:33And that day,
30:35he will know that the wound has begun to heal.
30:41If at any time he needs to talk,
30:43know that it is listening.
30:47After what I told you,
30:49I didn't expect you to treat me like that.
30:53With education?
30:57With kindness.
30:59Even with affection, I would say.
31:03That you are not in love with me
31:05doesn't mean
31:07that we can't be friends.
31:15Excuse me.
32:07Is something wrong?
32:09Did you tell Victoria
32:11about my brother's last will?
32:17Yes. I guess. I don't know.
32:23You did.
32:27How dare you tell that woman
32:29something that your children don't even know yet?
32:31I'm sorry.
32:33Pilar hated that woman.
32:35I know.
32:37She was her biggest enemy, José Luis.
32:39I know and I'm sorry.
32:43Victoria appeared at a time
32:45when I was
32:53I remember it like
32:55a dream,
32:57like a nebula.
32:59It wasn't a dream, José Luis.
33:01It was real.
33:03I didn't even think about it.
33:07You should have.
33:13What my sister asked of us
33:15is serious.
33:17I miss her.
33:19Not so much.
33:21I can understand
33:23why she did it.
33:25Me too.
33:27But that doesn't stop me from being surprised.
33:31I'm just saying
33:33that we should be discreet
33:35before making a decision.
33:39Especially until I tell my children.
33:41They are the most important thing now
33:43and I want to know their opinion.
33:45Maybe not now.
33:55we are the ones who are going to become
33:57husband and wife, not them.
33:59We are the ones
34:01who should value this.
34:03Let's talk about it with your children.
34:07But with the decision made.
34:15What are you doing here?
34:37I wanted to tell you something this morning
34:39but I didn't dare.
34:41What is it?
34:43I need to share with you
34:45something important.
34:47Something I found out
34:49recently and
34:51I haven't shared it with anyone.
34:53Sure, sit down.
35:03You are scaring me.
35:09Could you
35:11Could it be
35:13that my mother's death
35:15wasn't the result of her illness?
35:17What do you mean?
35:19Your mother was very sick.
35:23She had been fighting for years
35:25against that misfortune.
35:29She would still be fighting today
35:31if it weren't for someone
35:33who ruined her life before.
35:37What do you mean?
35:39Someone murdered my mother.
35:41And who would want to hurt her?
35:43I don't know.
35:47Don't they murder someone just like that?
35:49The Gaul didn't say...
35:51That she had died while she was sleeping.
35:55Because of respiratory problems.
35:57I think those were his words.
35:59They can be caused by an excess of medication.
36:01Do you think someone gave her
36:03more adequate medication?
36:05Why not?
36:11My father
36:13had also been sick for a long time.
36:15His heart
36:17had been weak for a long time.
36:19And that night,
36:21the night
36:23of his death,
36:25he seemed to be better
36:27than any day before.
36:29Why are you telling me all this?
36:31Because when he died
36:33I also thought the same as you.
36:35That someone had killed him.
36:37That something strange had happened that couldn't be.
36:41But it wasn't true.
36:43It was me.
36:45Looking for someone to blame.
36:47Someone to hate for all the pain I was feeling.
36:49Because I was unable to live with the idea
36:51that she was no longer with me.
36:53That she had gone forever.
36:59there are things so difficult to understand
37:01that we look for
37:03explanations to do so.
37:07your mother's death is sad
37:09and unfair.
37:11And it generates a lot,
37:13a lot of pain.
37:17But she died because of her illness
37:19and you have to accept it.
37:21Only then can you begin to overcome it.
37:33the pirate
37:39Patapalo crossed
37:41the crocodile with his saber.
37:45What's wrong with you?
37:47Why do you run as if someone were chasing you?
37:49You and Adriana read very fast.
37:51And you will do it too.
37:53You will have to learn to read slowly first, right?
37:57Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?
37:59I want to learn to read well
38:01before Luisa's baby is born.
38:03And why is that?
38:05Because I have to have time
38:07to teach her first so that later
38:09she can teach him.
38:11Do you want to teach Luisa to read?
38:13And why are you so pretty?
38:15I don't want to be pretty,
38:17I want to be smart.
38:19You are smarter than the man.
38:21But no one is born knowing.
38:23Just like walking, reading is learned by reading.
38:25Luisa's baby
38:27is going to be very lucky
38:29to have you close.
38:33What's bothering you?
38:37Do you want her to be my friend?
38:39Of course.
38:41Why do you doubt?
38:43Luisa doesn't want to be with me anymore.
38:47Who told you that?
38:51I never see her again.
38:55Because now
38:57she has a lot of homework to do.
38:59But soon I will play hide and seek with you
39:01and all those things you used to play.
39:11Did you hear how Leo?
39:13He read very well, right?
39:15Better than well.
39:17It seemed like I was going to recite
39:19to Moses at Mass.
39:21I was stunned.
39:23Can I, Barbara? Can I?
39:25On one condition.
39:27You have to listen to Aya
39:29in everything she tells you.
39:31That I fall dead if I don't do it.
39:35Can we go up to the mountain
39:37to see if we can find a bear?
39:39Oh, for bears it's just you and me.
39:41Come on, go get the rope
39:43before I regret it. Let's go.
39:45She's like a snail.
39:47But she's happy like the whole orchestra.
39:50So, do you notice the boy
39:52moving regularly?
39:54He's kicking me.
39:56He's moving to me, I'm telling you.
40:00How did it happen?
40:02He wasn't moving and he started moving
40:04all of a sudden.
40:06Without further ado.
40:08As I told you, Don Atanasio.
40:13Does he still have those pains
40:15he told me about?
40:17That doesn't improve me at all.
40:19Do you think it's a bad thing?
40:22It doesn't have to be.
40:24What do you mean?
40:26That those pains don't have to be
40:28related to the fall.
40:30And with what, if not?
40:32With the pregnancy.
40:34Women feel pain when they're pregnant.
40:37Because of the increase in weight,
40:39because of tensions in the body.
40:41Think that now your body has to carry
40:43a lot more weight.
40:45I can't do it with my soul.
40:50Are you leaving?
40:52I can't do much more.
40:54You look great.
40:56And you didn't stick your ears to my belly?
40:59You don't have to.
41:01I thought it was important
41:03to prove that the baby was still alive.
41:06Are you going to teach me
41:08how to do my job now?
41:10No, no.
41:12That's what they told me.
41:15Well, they told you wrong.
41:17You do that to prove that the baby is moving.
41:19But you already told me that it's moving, right?
41:21Yes, but...
41:23But nothing.
41:25I'll be back in a few days
41:27to see how it continues.
41:34The truth is that
41:36it's hard for me to adapt to this place.
41:38I thought you liked it.
41:41I'm afraid I have to give you the reason.
41:43I liked the Villa de Madrid more.
41:47I'm starting to think
41:49it's not so bad to live in Valle Salvaje.
41:51I see.
41:53But I doubt I'm going to find
41:55an alien like the one you found here.
42:03What's wrong with you, Aya?
42:06Does this have anything to do
42:08with Pilar's death?
42:11I guess so.
42:14It was so sudden
42:16that it moved us all.
42:22I remembered
42:24your father.
42:29I know
42:31it's not by chance
42:33that we're what you should feel,
42:35but for me it was
42:37a very hard blow.
42:39It was like
42:41someone in my family had died.
42:44And without him, how?
42:48You're this family, Aya.
42:51You're the closest thing to a mother we have.
42:56I guess this has also made you
42:58remember your brother
43:00and how close you were.
43:05Yes, you'll be able to.
43:08You love that boy very much,
43:10but he's not your blood.
43:12Your brother, on the other hand, was.
43:21Have you forgotten how he treated Evaristo?
43:25How he humiliated him?
43:30Have you forgotten what he forced him to do?
43:34Have you forgotten
43:37that because of that,
43:39your brother hanged himself?
43:43Do you care what happened to him?
43:46Aya, are you okay?
43:49Are you listening to me?
43:52I told you not to talk about him, your brother.
43:54Maybe it would be good for you to talk about him
43:56to get over his loss.
43:59Each one
44:01lives the duel in their own way
44:03and this is mine.
44:18Hello, Don Julio.
44:20Am I bothering you?
44:22No, Gaspar. What's going on?
44:24I came to talk to you about something.
44:27Go ahead, you tell me.
44:29Today a group of day laborers
44:31has come to ask me for a job.
44:33They are good and they work well on the land.
44:35I think it would be good for us to hire them
44:37before I see them in another farm and take them away.
44:39If not all, maybe some of them.
44:41You know that my brother Rafael is in charge of these issues.
44:43Yes, I know, Don Julio.
44:45But I also know that Rafael doesn't like
44:47the things that come out of my hand.
44:49Don't say that.
44:50I say what I think.
44:52But I'm not wrong, I don't blame him either.
44:55I'm just thinking about the good of the farm
44:57and I think it would be good for us to hire that group.
44:59Sure, I know you do it with the best will,
45:01but I don't know what you want me to do.
45:03Talk to Rafael?
45:06Maybe you could talk to him
45:08as if it were your thing.
45:10I don't want to lie to my brother, Gaspar.
45:13No, it's not that.
45:15Maybe if he thinks the idea is his,
45:17he'll take it as he pleases.
45:23I'll talk to him to see what I can do.
45:25Lately I haven't seen him well.
45:30I mean his brother.
45:32We all know how scared Doña Pilada was.
45:36Mother's death has been a hard blow for all of us.
45:40Especially for him.
45:42That's why I wanted to tell you that if Don Rafael needs a break,
45:45I can take care of all this without a problem.
45:47You know he doesn't like to leave the farm
45:49in other hands that are not his.
45:51But I also know that a mother dies every day.
45:53He already suffered the inevitable in that cruel war,
45:55and now this.
45:56Rafael is strong.
45:58Even the strongest need to heal the wounds of the soul.
46:04I just wanted to tell you that you can count on me.
46:07I've been with the bad guys here and the good ones.
46:09Let me be with the bad ones too.
46:21What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?
46:24A whim that he gave me.
46:26So as not to bore me.
46:28What do you want me to do? Someone has to do it, right?
46:30But you don't.
46:33And who if not?
46:38We'll see.
46:41And if not, he stays on the floor without cleaning.
46:43I know no one has died because of that.
46:45What's wrong with you?
46:47You seem more tense with Pablo.
46:49Not tense, Luisa.
46:51What happens is that I just saw Galeno leaving the house.
46:54And I thought something had happened.
46:56He came for you, right?
46:58He was around here and I asked him to take a look at me,
47:00to see how the creature was.
47:02Does it still hurt you?
47:04It still hurts, yes.
47:06And has he told you anything?
47:08He says they are normal things, the thing appropriate to pregnancy,
47:10and that I don't have to worry about it.
47:13You look tired.
47:15This is that I fall, things as they are.
47:17This house looks small, but when you have to work on it,
47:20it's bigger than the Versailles Palace.
47:22I've told you a thousand times that if you can't do a task,
47:24tell me.
47:25Yes, I can.
47:26And I can help you.
47:27What I needed was to see you working with your hand.
47:30Well, I'm not going to lose my rings.
47:32And I know you don't, that you like a jacket.
47:34But it's not Menester.
47:36Besides, he wants his aunt and Mrs. Isabel to have a little room.
47:40Look, what I say to my aunt is indifferent to me.
47:42And I'll talk to Isabel.
47:44No, no, don't talk to her.
47:46I'll talk to her later.
47:47For now, I'm getting the job done.
47:49When I can't, I'll let her know.
47:51Do you promise?
47:54For now, let her know.
47:58And how are you?
48:01Do you know anything about the link?
48:05Well, everyone is still affected by Mrs. Pilar's death.
48:09So no one has said anything at the moment.
48:13And you're not going to say it either, I think.
48:47They told me you had sent for me.
48:51I've been checking all my mother's dresses and none of them are missing a button.
48:55I already told you.
48:57I don't think the button we find in her mother's closet is hers.
49:00But the button of the person who decided to end her life.
49:03Are you still convinced of that?
49:05Let's just say I have the fly in my ear.
49:07Who could wish for my mother's death, Bernardo?
49:10This is not the Villa de Madrid.
49:11There is no craftsmanship or intrigue here.
49:13As long as we know.
49:16What do you mean?
49:17That by investigating we will not lose anything.
49:21And we will not be seeing ghosts where there are no ghosts, Bernardo.
49:24That button could be anyone who has entered my mother's closet at some point.
49:28My aunt, for example.
49:30My sister.
49:31A maid.
49:32Maybe yes, I don't deny it.
49:35But we don't lose anything by doing some investigations.
49:41And how would I do it?
49:43Asking discreetly all the women who have been close to Doña Pilara days before her death.
49:48You will attract attention, Bernardo.
49:50Be careful, I will send you content not to do it.
49:53What if my uncle and sister find out about this?
49:56What if, by chance, it reaches their ears that my mother's death could not have been accidental?
50:01It will not reach their ears.
50:02I give you my word.
50:04And I remind you that the button is not the only clue we have.
50:07What do we have?
50:11The empty medicine bottle.
50:15I've been thinking about it and it's not a very solid clue either.
50:18Why do you say that?
50:19Because I found five more empty bottles, Bernardo.
50:23We don't know if that bottle you found is the one you gave her days before.
50:26And why wasn't she with the rest of the empty bottles?
50:29Because she was in the cellar where she always left the medicine she had to use the next day.
50:34Did they kidnap her, Rafael?
50:36I'm not sure, but I don't doubt it either.
50:39Too many coincidences.
50:41And you know what?
50:44I don't believe in coincidences.
51:04I don't believe in coincidences.
51:27You could have kept your mouth shut.
51:30Your sister-in-law left you with the story.
51:34What are you doing here?
51:37I needed to see you.
51:39Have you seen me?
51:42How are you?
51:46I'm tired of everyone asking me that question.
51:53I'm sorry.
51:55I'm exhausted.
51:59There have been too many disturbances lately.
52:04I was with you in the good times.
52:07I would also like to be in the bad times.
52:12I don't think you can be in these.
52:15Why not?
52:19Because I miss my wife.
52:31Can I comfort you?
52:34Can I be your tear cloth?
52:37A shoulder to cry on?
52:47I can be whatever you want me to be.
52:50Not here, Victoria.
52:53Here I have struggled with you on many occasions.
52:57For the love of God, Victoria.
53:00My wife's grave is there.
53:05You didn't respect her in life and you want to do it once she's dead.
53:10I loved her.
53:12You're a pharisee.
53:14Don't talk to me like that.
53:16I'll talk to you however I want.
53:18But what the hell is going on, Victoria?
53:20You really don't know.
53:22I'm tired.
53:24Tired of waiting for my time to come.
53:28Your time?
53:30When we met, your wife was already sick.
53:34You told me she had a few years left to live.
53:37And that was two decades ago.
53:39I waited for you.
53:41Because I loved you.
53:43And now that Pilar has left, luckily or unfortunately,
53:47I had to be the one by your side.
53:51I have to be the one to marry you.
53:54Not your sister-in-law's dead wife.
53:57Marry us?
53:59You and me?
54:01Have you lost your mind?
54:08I'm sorry.
54:10I shouldn't have said that.
54:15Well, you said it.
54:20Victoria, wait.
54:34I'm sorry.
54:40Did you call me?
54:42I know it's like asking the wolf to stop hunting chickens.
54:45I beg you to be discreet.
54:47I never accepted Pilar's orders.
54:50I guess she doesn't expect me to accept yours now.
54:53I didn't expect it, but the truth is that she called you and you came running.
54:57She looked like a dead fly and now she thinks she has the right to give me orders.
55:01I just hope that at this point in our lives,
55:05you know how far I can go to get what I want.
55:10You took advantage of the fact that Bárbara and Adriana treat you with affection
55:14to abandon your tasks and speak ill of me.
55:17I haven't spoken ill of anyone. I don't have that bad habit.
55:20You'd better keep it to yourself if you don't want to start having problems.
55:23I don't recognize you, Isabel.
55:25You've changed since we got to Valle Salvaje.
55:27You're no longer the loving and understanding Aya.
55:28I'm still the same, aren't I?
55:31We're going to look at each other like strangers.
55:34Tell me you don't love me.
55:36You know that what's happening inside me
55:40is that a feeling is growing towards you, Alejo.
55:42A feeling that I can't stop.
55:47I have so many things to tell you, Mother.
55:50I can't believe I haven't confessed to anyone.
55:52I wish I had told you.
55:54I love my brother's fiancée, Mother.
55:56Then do it.
56:04I've come to pick you up because...
56:07we have to move a piece of furniture upstairs.
56:10A little slower, Mrs. Isabel, I'm slipping.
56:13I'm bleeding upstairs, for God's sake!