The Great Australian Bake Off S08E03 Back to Basics Week

  • 2 days ago
The Great Australian Bake Off S08E03 Back to Basics Week
00:13Last time you've got a little bit off-road
00:16Yeah, bread had our bakers in a twist
00:18I'd never say no to a twist, but Jason proved himself
00:22All of that you should be really proud of yourself and came out bread winner, but we said goodbye
00:28We've got different interpretations of what a breadstick is to Vicky
00:35This week it's back to basics week. I just usually puff up a bit more back to basics
00:41It's a little bit trickier than you think and our ten remaining bakers put their signature spin on a classic
00:48Do you say scone or scone scone while blind baking gets new meaning in the technical?
00:54I'm not giving them a method today
00:58And they go sky-high with pies in the showstopper
01:25So back to basics
01:31pies my favorite
01:37I am so basic. So this is my week
01:46Good morning bakers as
01:48You can see I'm here all on my own today
01:51Unfortunately Cal is not well this week
01:54We're going back to basics
01:55Which means you're going to be living in a tent telling time via the Sun and you can only eat what you can catch with
02:01your own teeth
02:04Today Rachel and Darren would like you to make your signature scones
02:10They can be sweet or savory. You must make nine identical scones and they should be served with a filling or topping of your choice
02:18Judges any tips the perfect scone should have a golden exterior and a nice and fluffy interior
02:27Be bold with the flavors you choose. I want something. I haven't tasted before
02:32Bakers you have one hour and 45 minutes to bake your signature scones judges want to help me out on your marks get set
02:48Scones are simple to me, but there's certain steps in there that if you get wrong things can go south
03:00I'm grating some cold butter into my dry ingredients
03:03Just makes it easy to rub the butter in the flour if you had warm butter
03:08Your scones will look like this in the oven
03:13I'll deflate
03:15Today I'm making the binka inspired scones the binka is a traditional Filipino coconut rice cake
03:23Arvin will put a twist on the traditional Filipino delicacy with a punchy lime yuzu curd and rum mascarpone cream
03:31For the scone mix, I'm using plain flour, but I'm adding desiccated coconut to get that coconut flavor
03:44Love how you're handling your dough there you got be fragile with this haven't you it's a fine balance because if you don't work it
03:50Enough it can sort of all fall apart in the oven so if you overwork it
03:54Then it's gonna be a bit tough in the middle. Yeah
03:57Adrian's taking us on holidays packing sweet pineapple and rosemary into his Hawaiian inspired scones a
04:05Savory soy sauce caramel will be topped with a salty bacon crumb. Oh my gosh
04:10You are packing in the flavor rosemary pineapple and bacon crumb
04:15I mean you're taking it to the next level now, so I'm gonna be really interested to see how you can balance all of these flavors
04:24So do you say scone or scone scone scone Rachel says scone Rachel says things differently Rachel thinks differently
04:33Yeah, it's gone. I call it a scone
04:36Molly's gone scone scone scone Jaden scone scone. Yeah, we're team scone over here every time I
04:46Say you've got some pumpkin cooking away the one thing you have to watch out
04:50Especially because you are boiling your pumpkin you will get a very wet mixture hmm. I didn't think about that
04:58Demi's pumpkin and ginger scones are spiced with a heartwarming mix of cinnamon and nutmeg
05:03The kick from the spices will be balanced with a sweet pear compote and chantilly cream. I
05:10Probably should have baked my pumpkin
05:12Anyway, it's how I've always made it, so I'm gonna stick to my guns
05:16My grandma makes a really good sticky date pudding
05:19And I thought that that would translate well into a scone because that's also quite a classic bake
05:24Molly's sweet tribute to her grandma's recipe will be made richer with a decadent banana caramel sauce and
05:31Chantilly cream I'm all for the sweet sweet sweet scone
05:36I think we should get you as a judge because that's just perfect. I would love that excuse me I
05:42Really wanted to combine the traditional Australian English and French cuisines together peach melba is a French dessert made for an
05:50Australian in England
05:52Ryan's rolling out the red carpet serving his peach melba scones with a vanilla whipped cream peach jam and
05:59raspberry curd
06:01Girls because tricky to do raspberries can be a little bit muted in flavor and color. I put it on everything
06:07It's one of my faves. I hope you like it as well back yourself like it
06:11Bakers you are halfway through your bakes halfway
06:18When you're putting scones you have to be really careful not to twist if you twist it you can cause the scone to rise
06:25Unevenly, so tucked it from the grandma
06:29While he's cutting scones the traditional way Elliot's maple peak and vanilla whipped cream are a perfect combination
06:37While he's cutting scones the traditional way Elliot's maple peak and scones will be anything
06:42But a sweet strawberry compote will be complemented by a salty surprise
06:48What's happening here? I've mixed this recipe up. So I've used some muscovado sugar to give it some depth
06:54I've used some whole wheat flour as well and
06:57Some bacon on the top some what bacon on the top
07:11Scones are just resting in the fridge. So I'll leave them in there for about 15 minutes
07:16I'm doing a ginger scone. I'm using quite a few different types of ginger black candy ginger
07:21Also ginger powder also grated fresh ginger as well
07:26Jason will complement the kick from all that ginger with a sweet vanilla chantilly cream and tangy passion fruit curd
07:33The curds nice and thick
07:36So this is just gonna smooth it out
07:43I am making law based utility which in English is blueberry jam
07:49No matter the language Melissa's making a classic the blueberry jam will cut through the lemon flavored scones
07:56This is based off of my memories of tasting blueberry jam for the first time in high school in Norway
08:01Every time we come here we learn something new about you. Yeah, I've been around the world quite a fair bit
08:06So high school in Norway uni in the US now, I live in Australia. This is a very spy backstory
08:11I had to change my identities every single time and I'm late on camera
08:20This takes a lot of whiskey and yes, I do feel the burn on my arm right now. I
08:30Went to a lavender farm once in Tasmania and I had the best scone and I love a side bowl after a run on a Sunday
08:37Purple acai powder will give color to the zesty lemon curd on top of Lorena's lavender scones
08:43Sweetened by a mascarpone cream. I'm about halfway in my curd. It smells really good
08:52I'm making my
08:54version of a
08:55Queensland rainforest plums gone everything in Australia is named as it looks this is a gum tree that smells like strawberries
09:03strawberry gum a
09:05Sweet strawberry gum syrup and a lemon myrtle whipped cream will offset the Davidson plum in the scones
09:13Davidson plums quite tart, but when you bring the tartness down of the Davidson plum
09:17It does reveal a very unique and really delicious flavor
09:21It is my lucky whisk
09:26This is the soy sauce caramel smells so good
09:34Got half an hour left bakers. Is that it? Yeah, you told me time calls are hard. That is so
09:40It's really
09:45I'm just giving them a bit of an egg wash. So they have a lovely shine to
10:04They're ready, I'm so happy with them
10:10They're not perfect, hopefully they taste
10:17This is not
10:20The cream's melting five minutes remaining bakers five minutes remaining
10:35Oh my gosh, here we go bakers
10:40ten nine eight
10:43Seven six five four three
10:47Three two
10:56Thank you, well done run
11:00This is basic for Darren and Rachel not basic for me
11:12Oh, they remind me of a cream tea in England
11:20Love that caramel. You've got a wonderful date aroma in your scones and the texture is fantastic. Thank you
11:32Elliot looks really fancy. I
11:38Was questioning the bacon, but I think it really adds to it. It's certainly a unique take on a classic
11:46I think one thing which would have been easier is if you'd incorporated bacon into the scone
11:51But otherwise, I mean you've really nailed it in terms of texture and the flavor
11:58What you've done here, it's really pretty I
12:04Love that flavor. It's bold but then it's kind of a lovely ride afterwards
12:09I really love the vibrancy and sourness of that Davidson plums delicious
12:16It's very purple
12:23Your curd is so smooth that lovely lemon really shines
12:27But I think the color kind of tricks my brain when it's really tangy in a lemon and then I've kind of got this other
12:33Color going on but I wouldn't have bothered doing that
12:37I'd love the fact that you haven't done round scones. You've done your own shape
12:44crumb on that scone
12:47So soft and tender you've nailed the combination of flavors. I think it's just one too many
12:54I would have ditched the rosemary. I don't think you need it
12:56The pineapple is so sweet and chunky and that caramel. It's just awesome
13:01Could have slathered it more more. I just so desperately would like to see
13:14Got some really nice spice balance and those little chewy bits of ginger inside a fantastic
13:21But you used pumpkin puree and that has had effect on your scone. It is dense
13:28They look a little bit on the shore side, but I do like the shiny glaze on top and I can see that candy ginger
13:35So you've got that ginger fire in there and the passion fruit, which is so kind of aromatic
13:42Really smart thinking with the combination of flavors. It is a little bit dry, but overall
13:49I think you've done a great job. Thank you so much
13:53It's very simple but very elegant at the same time
13:58Melissa a really nice texture on that scone. The flavor in your scones
14:02Ah the blueberry with the lemon the lemon so bright. Thank you
14:09Love that you've got all of these big pieces of dried peach inside
14:15The scones just a little dry, but you have a nice texture
14:19The raspberry curd is really nice and smooth, but the flavors just a little bit muted for me. I
14:26Love that you always bring in your flavors from the Philippines to us
14:30How do you feel there and do you like it? Oh my gosh
14:36You've got your I love it so much I can't talk face I
14:40Love those and in combination with that very light mascarpone chantilly cream
14:46They're perfect might just walk off with that. Meet me too. Well, then come on guys
14:53Thank you so much. Thank you
15:00I'm very happy that I was able to represent the Filipino flavors and put my own spin on what a classic scone
15:08Can be I could have added a little bit extra raspberry into the curd, but I put you something that I'm quite proud of
15:29Bakers it's technical challenge time
15:33Today's technical bake has been designed by the man who holds the world record for cutest backflip ever Darren purchase
15:41Darren any advice for our bakers. Don't get in a scramble and
15:48Little wobble
15:51Okay judges it's time for you both to head off good luck good luck guys
15:58Now that they're gone I can share with you that Darren would like you to make his chocolate top
16:04Darren's tart has a smooth shiny chocolate filling is decorated with berries and edible flowers all tucked inside a sweet shortcrust pastry base
16:14Coincidentally sweet shortcrust pastry base is also what I call Rachel, but only in private
16:21Bakers you have two and a half hours to make Darren's chocolate tart on your marks get set
16:31Okay, I have made lots of chocolate crystal tarts, I'm actually quite excited
16:52The method is four words make Darren's chocolate tart and that's instructions for today. Thanks, Dazza
17:00It's gonna keep us myself hashtag. What would Dazza do?
17:09This is my chocolate top Wow look at that
17:13It's so beautiful every baker should have a pastry tart in their repertoire. Do you know what that's why?
17:19I'm not giving them a method today. There's only a couple of components here
17:24It's heart shell it has to be thin and cooked to golden brown and the filling
17:30Needs to be silky smooth. I
17:34Can't wait to try it, okay
17:38Wow that chocolate is so
17:41Smooth the trick is always to get that consistency in the chocolate cream
17:46So we're looking for that little jiggle that little wobble while the tart is in the oven
17:50That's the time to take it out if you overcook it of course
17:55You're gonna have a granular texture from the eggs, and then you get that wonderful crunch of the pastry
18:01It's nice and crispy all the way through we haven't got some thick bits and then some thin bits
18:05So there's a real fine line, and I'm really interested to see which baker knows where that line is I
18:15Need to get the shortcrust pastry made first
18:17And I need to get it straight in the fridge because I need to rest in for half an hour
18:24That can hang out in the fridge
18:29I usually follow recipes to the letter though
18:33It's definitely out of my comfort zone with no recipe. I see that you've added some steps
18:38Yes, I always need steps. I love that you have done this this is fantastic
18:44You should present this with the time. You know what exactly I'll be like Darren. This is here's how you actually make it
18:54Okay, it's ready
18:59It feels like a nice pastry
19:01So hopefully I've made it correctly you still want to be able to put a filling in with it
19:06So it's quite thin, but not too thin that it'll break
19:0912 to 13 mil for me personally
19:20Usually when I'm blind baking
19:22Shortcrust I do like 10 to 15 minutes with the beads, but I think you have to bake it again with the custard
19:29So I'm gonna slightly under bake my crust so that it doesn't overcook when I then put the custard in
19:36Now we're gonna go into 10 minutes
19:43Bakers you have how far I lower myself into a bathtub before I realize the water is definitely too hot get out of there
19:51Halfway you are halfway through your bait
19:54With their tart shells blind baking focus turns to making the chocolate filling
20:01The filling it's like a custard
20:04I've heated up the
20:07Cream and the milk and egg mixture to like not boiling but like quite warm
20:13And we continue whisking so I do not make
20:17scrambled eggs
20:31Check that out yeah, I'm just gonna leave that to the side. I'm pretty happy with that to be honest I
20:37Just strained it that just makes sure that there was a nice smooth consistency
20:42whoops I
20:44Did it too low, but that's fine. I'm just gonna turn it up a little bit
20:47It's just gonna wait for that to turn and then I really need to get going
20:51Half an hour to go bakers half an hour to go
20:56So scared I'm gonna drop it
21:01I'm just gonna go for it
21:03Give it a little pee pee pee pee pee
21:05I think it looks pretty good, and it will have more time in the oven with the custard in it anyway
21:15Or sexy speak to me chocolate tart with no recipe let's talk
21:27I'm trying to well a get all of the air bubbles out and they
21:31Make the top nice and shiny so I don't want any of those swoopy bits. I'm going in the oven I
21:43Think I'm gonna bake it for maybe 15 minutes
21:49We're baking it in its shell as opposed to pre baking it and then pouring it in
21:53I think that will give us that wobble that Darren was hinting towards
21:57Darren totally meant that we need to be dancing the wobble
22:00What's for baking this okay? I'll keep all of my wobbling to my tarts thing okay cool fine
22:11Bakers you have one
22:14Quarter of an hour to go one quarter of an hour to go
22:18You liked that right all good. No. It's just really close to get it cooked in time
22:24Took too long just uh I
22:29Think it's almost there what was good
22:35Quite happy with that okay, this is the part where we decide if I have tart or not
22:47I'm just reading the one bit in the recipe
22:52Mixed berries and edible flowers placed across one quarter of the tart in a new crescent moon shape
22:59Where do I want to put strawberries?
23:03Bakers five minutes remaining
23:09Okay perfect. Oh, yeah, that's done in
23:16All right Jason come on come on come on
23:27Ten nine eight seven six five four three
23:35two one
23:39Well done, baby
23:42Please bring your chocolate tarts up to the table
23:51It's so good
24:02How'd you like the recipe
24:04What recipe
24:07Okay first one here looks pretty good the chocolate tart mix has gone right to the top. It looks beautiful
24:21That chocolate filling it's really well made
24:24Unfortunately, there's not enough of it, and that's because the tart base is just a little bit thick
24:29But otherwise it tastes delicious, and there's beautiful decoration
24:33Let's try the second one
24:36I'm just looking there the pastry is a little bit raw underneath here
24:48The chocolate filling has that lovely rich chocolate flavor, but it's slightly set you know it's a bit thicker
24:55We were missing the wobble oh
24:59My goodness the shine on this
25:03That chocolate filling it's sensational
25:06It's been cooked to perfection really nice and smooth, but the base is a little bit thicker than I would have done it myself
25:17Baker's done a good job with the golden color on the top case
25:24Great flavor on that chocolate filling number five
25:29With the chocolate cream it's overcooked which has given it just a texture in my mouth
25:34Which I don't quite like when I made my first chocolate tart. I did something similar to this and I had a recipe
25:42Number six
25:46I'm feeling a nice crispy crunch from the edge of that tart shell there
25:52Decadent chocolate really great flavor. It's nice and dense. It's nice and rich
25:58Wow look at that shine the pastry is nice and thin
26:08That is so smooth
26:11Unbelievably silky really melts in your mouth. Yeah, this is fantastic
26:15You get that extra crunch from the edge of the tart shell and it's just a really nice
26:20Fantastic you get that crunch on the outside, and I've got a really smooth decadent chocolate tart there
26:26on to number eight
26:31The pastry has a golden color seems to be perfect on the outside
26:38Great chocolate flavor in that chocolate filling probably a couple of minutes too far in the oven
26:45So the baker here has done a good job with getting that color on the edge of the pastry case here
26:51The pastry base itself is quite thick
26:57Because the pastry stick the baker couldn't get enough chocolate cream in there it has gone quite hard
27:03Onto the last one number ten. I think out of all of the pastry cases today. It is really thin on the edge
27:16Chocolate cream is fantastic. It's really well done. It's not perfect. Maybe one minute over
27:24The judges will now rank the bakes from 10th place to first
27:31In 10th position who's is this?
27:36Melissa can I have the recipe now?
27:42Fortunately the filling had a little bit of graininess in it in 9th position this is this
27:48Jaden the pastry was just a little bit too thick in 8th place
27:53Jason in 7th place
27:55Demi in 6th position
27:58Lorena in
27:595th position Molly in 4th place
28:03Ryan in 3rd place Elliot in 2nd place
28:10Who's is this I've been well done which of course means in first place
28:23Thank you
28:25Fantastic almost a perfect chocolate are well done. I'd say thank you for a great recipe, but there was
28:32a great list of ingredients
28:36This technical was so tricky without a method and I nailed it so far
28:42This is completely out of my comfort zone. No recipe. Yeah
29:00Bakers welcome to your back-to-basics showstopper
29:03Today you'll be taking a classic bake and upscaling it into a spectacular work of art
29:10Rachel and Darren would like you to make a pie scraper
29:14They actually wanted a real skyscraper
29:16But the council rejected it because Darren wanted a 17-foot story billboard of his face down one
29:25A pie scraper is a vertical gravity defying stacked pie or pies
29:31Your pies can have a sweet or savory filling and should reach a height of at least 25 centimeters, which is about
29:39that high on Rachel
29:44Bakers you have four and a half hours to create your pie scrapers on your marks get set
29:59Big ball for a big bank
30:03Never have I ever stacked pies pies are meant to be very like
30:07Chuck them together eat them with a scoop of ice cream
30:11But not today
30:14So they've had a good grounding in back-to-basics week so far. Who do you think is gonna do well today?
30:19Well, look Arvin did these beautiful scones in a signature bake the texture of the scone was just delightful
30:27And then there's Adrian
30:29When I'm doing this large of a batch, sometimes we'll get a little full and sometimes we just need a little encouragement to stay
30:36within our means
30:38Came first in the technical and that's his second first. So he's really flying
30:43Elliot, what do you reckon? They're talking about? I think they're talking about when Darren was a boy soprano
30:50He still is isn't he apparently
30:53He's not doing so well
30:55Jaden in the signature his scones
30:58They were the same flavor combo, but they didn't have the right texture
31:02Then there's Melissa in the technical she came last for her to do really well in this
31:07She's gonna have to use her baking instincts and creativity
31:11It's quite important for me today to put on a good showstopper, so I've set myself a bit of a flavor challenge
31:20But I was looking really good, so I'm just rolling it to get it nice and thin
31:27I'll join you. Yeah good
31:32We could start like a band a percussion band
31:41What's that that's so green so I am making a green pie crust which is made green by matcha powder
31:48Melissa's pie scraper will depict the ancient great Zimbabwe ruins
31:52Two chocolate and salted caramel pecan pies with a green matcha crust will create a mountain topped with the sweet crust ruin
32:00The experiment here is combining a salted caramel to try and cut through the sweetness of the pecan pie itself
32:06Because pecan pie tends to be very sweet
32:09It's a very classic American dessert, and I've realized the Australian palate is not as sweet as the American palate for sure
32:15Melissa do you think it's true that Aussies aren't as sweet as Americans because I've told you so many times you look amazing in the
32:21morning I
32:26Had a teacher and I think it must have been year eight
32:30She looked me dead in the eyes and said you will never be a pastry chef because your hands are too hot
32:36And look at me now
32:38Adrienne's building a campfire made of four stacked apple pies
32:42Shoebun rocks and chocolate logs topped with orange Swiss meringue flames
32:49The orange kind of makes it feel a bit festive and Christmasy as well
32:52So I know it's just it's so nice
32:57Honey do you need a hand? Yes, like it's a bit greasy by now
33:03Yeah, thank you. Um today. I'm going to make a pie scraper in honor of my papa. Oh
33:11Lorena's making a carousel from two mixed berry and mango pies
33:16It will be decorated with a lattice top and prancing unicorns
33:20When I was younger my poppa made my mom a full carousel that span around just gotta hope it stays up
33:26You have to make sure the structure is very strong because Darren loves a carousel. He's gonna get on it. He gets very
33:38Let's go
33:47Now start on this
33:50I'm poaching my pears whole instead of in
33:55Pieces is if you cut them and poach them you might end up with very mushy pears
34:00The poached pears will top two almond sweet crust pies filled with frangipane and cream cheese
34:06It will portray the Filipino custom of by any hand
34:10By any hand is the community helping each other
34:14traditionally it is illustrated by
34:17People gathering to help a family move house, so they are literally
34:21Lifting the house from the original location to the next location so is your design a house being lifted by people
34:30Yes, that's amazing
34:32I think this will resonate for Darren because every morning we all have to lift him and carry him to the shed
34:38He won't walk all the bakers will pitch in
34:54We have bark huts where we come from so we have platforms that keep us dry during the wet season and then traditionally we'd sit
35:01Under there, and we'd share our food together
35:03Jaden's bark hut will be made of three yellow peach and kwan dong pies
35:08Short crust totem poles will hold up the hut
35:11I'm really focusing on having a really cooked filling because I really don't want this flyscraper to fall apart on me
35:23Bakers you are halfway through your bakes. Do you have two hours and 15 minutes to go okay? This should be okay?
35:30There's so many beads in there
35:34We have pie
35:37Oh, No
35:42My dough is like raw. I don't think my powers working
35:47It's always my biggest nightmare. I'm not giving up Elliot. Can I use your oven? Yeah, you can okay? I got this
36:00I'm using hot water crust pastry today. It holds in the filling of any pie
36:06So when the pork's cooking it's like letting out its juices making that pastry super super delicious
36:13Elliot will make four square gala pies consisting of pork and eggs
36:18His central station will be complete with arched entryways and clocks
36:23Central station of Sydney is one of the first places. I arrived to when I came to Australia
36:28I'm sure Darren and Rachel growing up in England will have had a fair share of pork pie
36:33So it'll be interesting to see what they think of it
36:44It's looking good the curd looks really smooth, and I think that pastry is nice and thin and fairly golden a
36:53Zesty blood orange curd and raspberry coulis will fill Molly's pie scraper, which is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow
37:01Because the curd has a lot of egg in it
37:03Then when I bake it, it'll kind of set like a bit of a custard
37:13How you going like Christmas
37:17It does smell like Christmas. I can smell family fights
37:21people arriving late
37:23Sibling rivalry. Oh no, but that actually that's more accurate
37:30Christmas tree will have three layers of fruit mince pies topped with a pecan flavored shortcrust tree. I
37:38Feelings looking great. It's nice and caramel. So we've got some butter and some brown sugar in there together in a gooey goodness
37:48Yeah, Jason that smells you like it's about time
37:56To Indian chicken curry pies will create Jason's Lotus pond pie scraper
38:01The filling gets a kick from fresh ginger curry leaves and chili
38:07My granddad was in World War two. He was stationed in India, and that's where he met my grandma
38:14They fell in love and moved to Australia, so I decided to show her some love and do an Indian pie
38:40Gotta start on my decorations. I am pushing it
38:44Dimmy's pie will tell the story of the three little pigs one for each of her teared pork pies
38:52That's kind of linking to my teaching in the early childhood
38:56And the feeling yeah, that's right
38:59Where's the wolf?
39:01It'll be there. Do we have to dress up as well?
39:13I'm just gonna get some glue to stick the decorations on
39:17This is going to be my rocks my coal
39:20They're going to surround the campfire
39:31Fine bake done
39:34I am feeling a little bit edgy about the time. I don't yet have a pie
39:41Now I'm just gonna catch up and feel confident
39:46Bakers half an hour remaining Oh
39:58That's perfect I have to get this in the oven
40:05Little hole that's okay
40:11Thank you, you have ten minutes remaining
40:16Let's get those pies stats and where we go
40:30We can do this
40:34Five minutes remaining bakers five minutes remaining
40:39I'm making my Swiss meringue. I sort of wanted to wait towards the end. So it had as much volume as possible
40:46This is very close to the edge
40:53This is 37 centimeters high
41:03Why am I doing this to myself
41:09I'm gonna help it anything. Yep. That'd be great one minute to go bakers
41:24Ten nine eight seven six five
41:32Three two
41:36Hands off your pie scrapers and well done
41:44No one breathe
42:03Congratulations bakers on your gravity-defying pie scrapers
42:18Molly hi. I love how you created this really dynamic
42:22Construction you really feel like the gold is coming out over the rainbow. I
42:32Always find blood orange quite a hard
42:35Flavor to get really vibrant but in combination with the raspberry it works really well
42:40You manage to keep that kind of tang you want I think it's a real credit to you that this is
42:46Actually standing up and it's not going anywhere at all because the filling is soft
42:51It's probably too soft, but it's really delicious and you've presented us something that is fun and it's so creative. Thank you
43:00Jason this looks amazing. I love how you've recreated the Lotus pond. You've got beautiful color. Thank you
43:15Might have to do the eyes as well
43:21But I wish I could that filling oh my goodness
43:25It's really juicy and the flavor you've created so aromatic, but it's not too spicy
43:31Pastry wise it's baked nice and golden brown. So it's really crispy. I
43:37Think your grandma would be so proud of you. It's so divine
43:40Thank you
43:43Arvin this is joyful mate. It really is the construction
43:47I mean you have used a sweet cross pastry and sweet cross pastry is
43:54notoriously difficult to handle
43:57Look at that your pastry frenzy pan cream cheese filling and the pear on top
44:08Is delicious
44:10That pastry it's got such a great color. The flavor coming through is really great. The pears for me were perfect
44:17I like that. They have a little bite to it. I am moving soon
44:22So if these people just give me their number it'd be very helpful
44:28It's not really a vertical pie because it's been held up by some dows
44:33But it's pretty fancy tart work
44:40The flavors of the filling are really beautiful, but I think it's missing a bit of like syrupyness
44:46I love your tart shell. It's nice and tender
44:49It's not too tough just a few small tweaks and this would be absolutely fantastic
44:54The smell is really delicious. That's very intoxicating
44:59It does look a little bit messy in places some of that pastry on the edge there has been overcooked
45:11The caramel has this beautiful glossy shine
45:14And it is super buttery in your mouth the combination of the dark chocolate the matcha and the pecan
45:20It's a little bit bitter. It just doesn't quite work for me
45:25Adrian you just blow me away with your creativity. It's really quite impressive. Thank you
45:32Let's taste
45:42You've done apple pie
45:44Amped the flavor is fantastic. I get all of that apple. It's so fabulous
45:50Crumbles in your mouth, so it's got that lovely buttery flakiness you want from a pie pastry. I just absolutely love this
45:58Thank you
46:03Definitely get the free little piggies story here and the colors with the decoration it is you
46:15That filling is just fantastic
46:20Filling is delicious
46:22Really great amount of seasoning your pastry apart from the little burnt edges is spot-on
46:29It is very festive. It's so colorful. It's so fun, but I think you've kind of got pies on a cake stand
46:36which is just
46:38Not really in the spirit of the brief
46:52That's the taste of Christmas you've managed to capture all those
46:56Spices the filling itself still has that lovely juiciness to it
47:01But I think you need to just start thinking about what the brief is and how you can really step it up
47:09Marina we heard that you had a electrical fault and therefore lost a lot of time
47:13But you have done an excellent job. The horses are there like in the carousel and the filling looks really inviting
47:25You have made a very jammy filling you can see here look it's super glossy
47:30Thanks the pastry in some places. It's a little bit rough a little bit of an uneven bake especially on certain sides
47:37I think the oven was just a little bit too hot, but I think you've done a really good job in getting something up
47:42Thank you, Marina. I don't know if this helps at all, but I have to tell people I had an electrical fault
47:51I'm very impressed. Well done. Thank you
47:55This looks fantastic. I love the detail that you've got on the clock there. I
48:01Am just in awe of how well this is standing up. Let's see that egg. Mm-hmm
48:14Look at that it's fantastic
48:20That is smashing
48:23Good texture in the pork is a lovely level of moisture in there
48:28The egg slightly overcooked, but these are really small details
48:33The pastry you've got that crunch on the outside, but it's still tender and that flakiness you want
48:40Thank you so much
48:46Who wants tea please? Thank you
48:49Back to basics week. How do you think it went? I think we really got to see the bakers
48:57level of technical skill
48:59with a
49:01Basic you just have to get it spot-on. Yeah, and you know, nothing is truer than a scone
49:07You know, that's one of the most basic things there is
49:10How do you think the showstopper went who performed? Well, I mean are they?
49:15He really gets flavors his bakes
49:18I think they taste better because they've all got a story behind them and Adrian with his campfire
49:25I mean how creative so creative with that beautiful apple cinnamon orange and ginger filling it was absolutely delicious
49:33Who are some of the bakers we're worried about?
49:35Well, Melissa is one. She came last in the technical
49:39I mean her showstopper was slightly burnt the flavors that match her
49:45Pecan chocolate. I don't think it works. No this week. She struggled with some of those basics Ryan as well
49:51He really needs to step it up what he did tonight
49:54It's just fell a little bit short if you don't keep up you're gonna get left behind
49:59You need to think smart. You need to think quick. I mean we saw that with Lorena today
50:05Yeah, she fought on our toes. She kept on going
50:09You have to do that. Yeah, just unfortunately what she put up at the end
50:13It didn't look as good as some of the others. We've got a difficult decision to make. Yeah
50:22Well done bakers on an incredible week in the shed
50:30Tonight I have the wonderful job of delivering the great news of who is star Baker this bake is
50:37Creative cheeky approach has taken them from strength to strength and there is nothing basic about their joyful presence in the shed
50:45this week's star Baker is
50:52Good job
50:55Bakers tonight we faced an interesting dilemma
51:00Fairness and an even playing field is really important to us
51:05Today because of an electrical fault Lorena didn't have that opportunity
51:12So for that reason tonight none of you are going home
51:28That same spirit of fairness it means that next week
51:33Two of you will be leaving us, but that's not tonight. Well done Adrian
51:44I'm so excited. I just I can't believe it. I just cannot believe it
51:52Adrian's bake was on fire and that showstopper was fantastic. So creative and really delicious