Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je Refuses Questioning Over Alleged Corruption

  • 2 weeks ago
Embattled former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je says no to a fifth round of questioning over alleged corruption during his time in office.
00:00Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je's lawyer remains tight-lipped at the prosecutor's office.
00:06His client has been in custody for weeks amid allegations of corruption.
00:11Prosecutors think developers of a shopping mall in Taipei bribed officials to expand
00:14its floor space when Ko was mayor.
00:16But how much Ko knew of the deal isn't clear.
00:19Their findings will have a national impact, as Ko is the head of one of Taiwan's big three
00:23political parties.
00:25Ko's supporters say four rounds of questioning have left him worn out.
00:29He's refused a fifth round that was supposed to happen on Tuesday.
00:33Due to health concerns, prosecutors aren't forcing the issue.
00:53As police hold other suspects in the case, a government working group is taking its own
00:57look at the scandal.
01:09Ko's silence won't stop prosecutors from digging.
01:12His fall could leave his Taiwan People's Party badly shaken, and perhaps even upset the political
01:16balance of power, meaning this is just an intermission in a scandal that will continue
01:21to be in the national spotlight.
01:24Ryan Woo, Hank Hsu and John Van Triest for Taiwan Plus.
