Music by John Williams - Trailer (English) HD

  • letzte Woche
Jeder kennt die Stücke, die John Williams geschrieben hat, ikonische Melodien, die einen direkt in die Kino-Welten zurückversetzen, die er vertont hat. Krieg der Sterne, Harry Potter, Indiana Jones - und das sind nur die Höhepunkte seines reichen Œvres. Music by John Williams, eine werkumspannende Dokumentation, an der auch Williams' wichtiger Weggefährte Steven Spielberg mitwirkt, beleuchtet den Schaffensprozess dieses Filmgiganten.

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00:00The greatest way to demonstrate how much music affects movies is to play it absolutely with
00:04no music at all.
00:07And then go back and do the whole scene again with all the cues, and you'll recognize the
00:14absolute brilliance of John Williams.
00:18The minute John raises his baton and plays the first theme, you just go, oh my god, here's
00:28another one.
00:33Star Wars basically would not be Star Wars without Johnny Williams' music.
00:39People say, how do you do so much work?
00:41I was filled with the love of music and the pleasure of doing it with great musicians.
00:46After he does music for my movie, I start to see my movie in his way.
00:53The first thing I played for Stephen on this piano was this.
01:00I played that for him, he said, what is that?
01:02What are you going to do with that?
01:07He's somebody who learned his skills painstakingly.
01:11I think people should see somebody who has worked alone in a room for 60 plus years.
01:19There's a lot of sacrifices, and I think that he expresses himself through music.
01:27Music for a musician is like breathing.
01:29It supports us, sustains us, gives us energy.
01:32The fact that the same man wrote music for Star Wars, the Olympics, Poseidon Adventure,
01:38and Earthquake, he always finds a way to tap into the essence of what makes it moving or
01:45The main reason I think it's important to celebrate him is just to say thank you for
01:49that amount of joy.
01:55He's always in a process of discovery.
01:57He finds a whole new way of telling the story musically each time.
02:04It's the purest form of art I've ever experienced from any human being.
02:09Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music.
02:15Music is everything.
02:16Music is everything.
02:17Music is everything.
02:18Music is everything.
02:19Music is everything.
02:20Music is everything.
02:21Music is everything.
02:22Music is everything.
02:23Music is everything.
02:24Music is everything.
02:25Music is everything.
02:26Music is everything.
02:27Music is everything.
02:28Music is everything.
02:29Music is everything.
02:30Music is everything.
02:31Music is everything.
02:32Music is everything.
02:33Music is everything.
02:34Music is everything.
02:35Music is everything.
02:36Music is everything.
02:37Music is everything.
02:38Music is everything.
02:39Music is everything.
02:40Music is everything.
02:41Music is everything.
02:42Music is everything.
02:43Music is everything.
