• vorgestern
Da er dem Vogt einen Gruß verweigert, wird ein Vater gezwungen, seinem Sohn einen Apfel vom Kopf zu schießen. Diese berühmte Szene ist erst der Anfang des Schweizer Freiheitskämpfers William Tells, die sich im 14. Jahrhundert zugetragen haben soll. Die Geschichte des Nationalhelden wird vom gleichnamige Bühnenstück von Friedrich Schiller adaptiert.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/william-tell
00:00Load thy bow, and make thee ready to shoot an apple from your son's head.
00:23You think we're safe here?
00:25God has long forgotten us.
00:27This is about our freedom, our families.
00:35I'll leave them naked and trembling before me.
00:40Fight for us.
00:42We will do it as one.
00:47And now it begins.
00:52Kill them!
00:54Who are you?
00:55Well, I'm Tom.
01:01Your heavy hand has created a hero.
01:05He is one man!
01:07Your ignorant abuses have increased resistance.
01:11Raise an army.
01:13Prepare for war.
01:21We will take back our homes, our town and our country.
01:25We will summon up our skills in battle.
01:29And we will teach our enemies how we war!
01:41We're all with you, Tom.
01:49Your heads will be on pikes.
01:51You're finished.
