Detentionaire S1E05 - Friday Night Bites

  • avant-hier
00:30qui vient en fait d'un ancien principe manquant.
00:36Je ne sais pas ce qui est plus confus,
00:38les filles ou cet ennui de pranques ?
01:00Épisode 9 Apprenez-vous à cyberbullying
01:12Au 4h15, la détente se déroule.
01:15En fait c'était plus tôt aujourd'hui.
01:16C'est dimanche !
01:18Je devrais être à la maison,
01:19mais un truc m'a sorti d'un autre
01:21et maintenant je suis ici, à la moitié de la ville.
01:25Allez, change !
01:26À plus vite !
01:28J'arrive pas à croire que tu aies dormi !
01:31Qu'est-ce que tu m'as attendu ? C'était une production de Sleeping Beauty !
01:35Maman ? Papa ?
01:42Si je ne gagne pas ma maman, je serai grondé pour toute ma vie !
01:54Félicitations, frouille !
01:56C'est ce qu'il m'a dit, mais je l'appelle Friday !
01:59Ah oui, et Félicitations aussi !
02:02Alors, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
02:05Rien ! C'est juste une blague et des mots de maquillage !
02:09C'est juste drôle, n'est-ce pas ?
02:11C'est quoi ça ?
02:16Frouille !
02:17Cane !
02:18Golfe !
02:19Aïe !
02:21Oh oh oh !
02:23Yo dude, if Friday don't make you smile, that Def should have !
02:27What up bro ?
02:29This whole prank e-mail thing, it doesn't make sense !
02:32Why would our old missing principal send out e-mails telling people to pull pranks ?
02:36Essay, your brain is fried !
02:38Put the detective work on si-i-i-immer !
02:42We got a fiesta to go to bro !
02:44Lee's kissy friend Brandy is having super disco party time party !
02:50You know, the kind we used to pretend we're cool but we were secretly jealous of ?
02:54Holger, Brandy's not my kissy friend !
02:56And guys, I'm grounded !
02:58Dude, you gotta go !
03:01What if super cool status has a shelf life ?
03:03Plus, I heard Tina's gonna be there...
03:06Really ?
03:08I mean, cool, so...
03:11Sleeping !
03:13It is precisely 15.16 !
03:16You are now officially one minute late for detention private !
03:20I was just on my way !
03:22Not fast enough !
03:28We are going to the opera and you have to stay awake !
03:31That wasn't part of the deal !
03:33And what about Lee and his weekends ?
03:36We can talk about it on the drive !
03:40Dude, you like the goatee ?
03:43Or the soap badge ?
03:45Chiquita's love the facial hair bro !
03:48Holger dream us this night since he was a small boy in Hoffen !
03:52Sorry guys, I can't go !
03:53My dad's on my side but...
03:55You can't wear sweatpants to the opera !
03:57You know my mom...
03:59Holger just put the waxing on his underpants !
04:02The ladies love the smooth smellings !
04:07Holmes, you gotta go !
04:09If you don't go, we can't get in !
04:11You're our hand stamp, dude !
04:13If not for you, have fun for me !
04:16And for Holger, and for...
04:19Brandy ?
04:22Hey ?
04:23Hey yourself !
04:24Look, about the other day, what happened by the parking lot ?
04:27You know, the...
04:28Not now, Lee Ping !
04:31It's Lee Ping !
04:32Okay, seriously, like, why are you on the phone when you should be here ?
04:35About that, see, I'm grounded and...
04:37And this is a way important party !
04:40It's my first event as an official Glamazon !
04:43Kimmy is all over me !
04:45The ice sculpture of you arrived and your nose is gimungous !
04:49I guess no one will notice !
04:51And there should be way more rose petals, like everywhere !
04:54Maybe that's why it feels like this party's gonna stink !
04:58Thanks Kimmy, I'll get on it !
05:01You get your butt over here like ten minutes ago !
05:04Or I'll tell Barrage that you've been sneaking out of detention !
05:08Yeah, I said it ! Click !
05:11Man, I can't let Brandy rat me out !
05:21And Cam and Holger are right, I do deserve to have some fun !
05:33It's back on ?
05:34Dude ! Mucho like awesomeness !
05:37Holger continues the waxing then, ja ? Ja !
05:42Lee !
05:44Lee !
05:47Hey mom, I was so tired, I went to bed early !
05:52We'll be back by eleven !
05:54Have a great time !
06:04What happened to the facial hair ?
06:06Just like my personality, I'm gonna go in smooth as silk !
06:13Ok Slickster, where's Holg ?
06:25Hey, no invite, no entry !
06:27Oh, this gigabytes ! Can you check again ?
06:31Hey you're that prank kid ! I saw a picture of you on the net !
06:35Here for the party ? Come on in, top floor !
06:39Hey ! No fair !
06:41Don't worry kids, you can all read about how awesomely amazing the party is when I send out updates ! Bye !
06:52We need to mingle, go with the flow, ok ?
06:55We're finally here and we're chilling in a corner ?
06:57That's not the way Cam rolls !
06:59Hello ? Lee ?
07:02You call that beak a nose ? Make it smaller !
07:08An orange gingerade ?
07:12No ice ? Is this a drink or soup ?
07:15Maybe being a gramazon really isn't your speed.
07:22Dude, don't be a coward, ok ? You gotta talk to her about the kiss sometime, right ?
07:26Leaping, you're late !
07:28Looks like that sometime is now !
07:34He's updating ! Cam says the butlers have robot butlers and the robot butlers have monkey butlers !
07:45Can we please go up ?
07:47We know Leaping !
07:50Hello ladies !
07:51Olga, ready for the disco party !
07:56Did you bathe in cologne ?
07:58How else to smell like manflower ?
08:01Does manflower have an invite ?
08:03I'm with Leaping !
08:05Apparently so is everyone !
08:07You sir, are stinking up my lobby !
08:20Olga, have a deer cake !
08:24Hi, it's Lee, do your thing !
08:28I just told everyone there were robot butlers here ! Good one, eh ?
08:38Robot servers are so last mile !
08:41Awesome !
08:48Awesome party ! Robot butlers, nice touch !
08:51Here's the deal, I really have to impress Kimmy, so I need my man to have my back, ok ?
08:58We cool about the barrage thing ?
09:00Randy, these pillows are too pussy !
09:03And the lame music ?
09:07You deal with her, I'll deal with the music !
09:10Please !
09:12C'est Olga, Lee ?
09:14H-O-L-G, appelez-moi !
09:27C'est trop bon, la manflower !
09:30Manflower !
09:38Time to mingle and schmooze like a player !
09:41Watch and learn !
09:43Yo Brad, my man !
09:45What up, what up, what up ?
09:46Lee, I'm a big fan !
09:48Great party !
09:49Thanks !
09:50Awesome party, Lee !
09:52No, you're awesome !
09:54You know, this was a good idea !
09:56Jasmine Oranian, Entertainment Ambassador,
09:58Anything to say for Monday morning's after party recap ?
10:01This is gonna be seen at school, where my mom can see it !
10:07So, Bing, just how amazing is this party ?
10:11You are getting the good side of the back of my head, right ?
10:14Pack it up, folks ! No pictures !
10:17Really ? So your glasses are famous ?
10:20There she is, bro ! Go chat her up !
10:23I can't risk getting on camera !
10:25Then, like, text her and tell her to meet you in your VIP section, huh ?
10:31I think Holger's in a situation !
10:35Help me, Lee, I'm so scary !
10:37Where are you ?
10:39Holger take garbage fun slide to big walk tube. Now where to go ?
10:43Look for an elevator and go to the top floor.
10:45I'll try and find a map and call you right back !
10:49The crazy cleaner people !
10:51From school ? What are they doing here ?
10:54Excuse me, Lee Ping wants to know what you are doing here ?
10:58There he is ! Get him !
11:02Sorry ! May please I call you back ?
11:05So, is Tina coming over for the Lee IP treatment ?
11:09Lee Ping ? Where have you been ?
11:12Seriously ? My name is Lee Ping !
11:16It's a name, not an action !
11:18Yo, yo, tell her, dude !
11:20Ain't nothing like the truth !
11:21Testify !
11:23Just in case you missed the update in Glamazon Relationships, the girlfriend rules the roost.
11:27Okay ?
11:28Okay !
11:30Man, that felt good !
11:31Excuse me ! Ping coming through !
11:35Hey !
11:36Hi, Lee ! Pretty impressive party !
11:38I don't know, give me a rec room pizza party any day ! Remember those ?
11:42Of course ! Your mom orders a mean Hawaiian !
11:45And now, look at you ! Lee Ping, at the cool party !
11:49Yeah, so are you !
11:51Yeah, I'm covering it for the school news.
11:54The social event of the season !
11:57So, Cam promised me an exclusive with you about the prank.
12:01Oh, yeah, well...
12:03Whoa ! I got a split !
12:05Did he just diss me ?
12:08Anyone seen my boyfriend ?
12:21Holger, I found a map ! Where are you ?
12:24In stinky room ! Many dirty files !
12:28The tassel worm ?
12:31Holger ? Holger !
12:33Tassel worm ?
12:35Dude, Holger's lost in the basement with the tassel worm or something !
12:39Just sending out another update to all my peeps who couldn't get in !
12:42You really dissed Tina, buddy !
12:45Yeah, I know !
12:47I'm sending out another update to all my peeps who couldn't get in !
12:50You really dissed Tina, back there !
12:52What ? No ! Cheeseball Chaz and his stupid camera were coming over !
12:56No, no, no ! You did the right thing !
12:58You want a girl to like you ? You play cool !
13:01Really ?
13:02Let's get him to crank up the music !
13:04Holger's party sense will pick it up and he'll be here in like no time !
13:11Come on !
13:12Bust a move, bro !
13:15Je suis plus un standard qu'un danseur.
13:18Pas d'amie qui règle le rostre de Glamazon !
13:24Danse ou Barrage reçoit un message !
13:27Ce soir !
13:34Voilà, Mr. Dissman !
13:37Tina Bovina !
13:39Allons-y !
13:41Qu'est-ce qui se passe entre Lee et Brandy ?
13:44Quoi ? Elles ? Rien du tout !
13:47Elles ne se connaissent même pas !
13:49Allons-y et dédions cette chanson à la couple de Cloud9 !
14:01Oh, mon Dieu !
14:04Où avez-vous trouvé cette photo ?
14:06Où l'ai-je trouvée ? Où l'avez-vous trouvée ?
14:08L'hôtel est trop chaud et nous n'avons pas de pâtisseries.
14:11Vous appelez ça une fête ?
14:15À suivre !
14:17Je viens, Kimmy !
14:24Alors c'est vrai, vous êtes un couple ?
14:26Oui, un petit peu.
14:28C'est vrai ?
14:30Alors c'est vrai, vous êtes un couple ?
14:32Oui, un petit peu.
14:34C'est juste que je n'imaginais jamais que vous étiez amoureux de quelqu'un comme ça.
14:37N'est-ce pas qu'elle est un peu bossée et, vous savez, fausse ?
14:40Je ne suis pas, vraiment, c'est tout parce que...
14:42Maintenant, c'est le moment de débrouiller le sol de la danse pour la chanson que vous avez tous attendu,
14:46Lee Ping's Prankster No. 1 !
14:49Pouvez-vous l'apprécier ?
14:52Prank Song ? Cette chanson ?
14:57C'est une superbe chanson !
14:59Euh, Tina ? Vous voulez...
15:01...danser ?
15:03Vous voulez danser ?
15:09Laissez-moi vous entendez vous...
15:13Laissez-moi vous voir vous descendre !
15:15C'est bizarre...
15:18Allez-y !
15:21Allez-y !
15:22Descendez ?
15:25Faites-vous fou ?
15:34Arrêtez ! Arrêtez !
15:35Juste dansez !
15:38C'est pas possible !
15:40C'est pas possible !
15:42C'est pas possible !
15:44C'est pas possible !
15:49Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
15:55Non ! Donnez-moi ce tapis !
15:59Ok, c'est vraiment bizarre !
16:08Un chauffeur de lift !
16:11Ahah !
16:12Holger McWild's hot !
16:29Got you, stink bomb !
16:36Sorry !
16:40Putain !
17:11Putain !
17:12Putain !
17:13Putain !
17:14Putain !
17:15Putain !
17:16Putain !
17:17Putain !
17:18Putain !
17:19Putain !
17:20Putain !
17:21Putain !
17:22Putain !
17:23Putain !
17:24Putain !
17:25Putain !
17:26Putain !
17:27Putain !
17:28Putain !
17:29Putain !
17:30Putain !
17:31Putain !
17:32Putain !
17:33Putain !
17:34Putain !
17:35Putain !
17:36Putain !
17:37Putain !
17:38Putain !
17:39Putain !
17:40Putain !
17:41Putain !
17:42Putain !
17:47Hé !
17:50Putain !
17:51Way to go !
18:06Okay !
18:07Putain !
18:08Notice anything weird about it?
18:10If you mean getting feet on the floor, then yeah! It's crazy weird!
18:15Green apple splat? It's the splattiest!
18:22About before, I didn't want to get caught on tape.
18:25I snuck out tonight. If my mom sees me on the school news, I'm dead meat.
18:29If you still want an interview, ask away.
18:32Why didn't you just say so before?
18:34I know your mom's pretty intense.
18:36And yes, I would like that interview.
18:39Back by popular request, here it is again!
18:42Brought to you by the only drink that will make you splat-a-tat-tat!
18:46Green apple splat!
18:48Look, just forget that whole kissing picture, okay?
18:51Forget the picture, okay?
18:54Oh, this again.
19:03Yeah, yeah!
19:04Holger is the dance, so make noise after bleep and shine!
19:13Lightings, cameras, actions!
19:17Cut your corner, manflower!
19:23More idea cake!
19:27Bye bye!
19:30Going down?
19:40Woohoo! Holger say party time!
19:43Go Nutty!
19:51Woah, woah!
19:53Woah, woah!
19:57He's responsible for this!
20:00I make it!
20:03But late.
20:04Must be crazy fast to be making up on the dancey time.
20:08Past eleven?
20:09Oh no!
20:10I gotta jet or I'm so busted!
20:15Ping out!
20:16Ping! Ping! Ping!
20:19Come on, change!
20:21In a hurry here!
20:22I can't believe you fell asleep!
20:25What did you expect? It was a production of Sleeping Beauty!
20:29Mom? Dad?
20:52Hey, Mom! How's the opera?
20:55Dad stay awake?
20:57He tried.
20:59Good night, son.
21:01Next week, maybe you can go to the movies.
21:05Really? That'd be great.
21:08Good night.
21:22Did you guys create that song and set me up?
21:27Check the news, guy!
21:29You're like famous!
21:31You are Lee King of disco party!
21:37Well, I threw it to celebrate me and my new boyfriend, Lee Ping.
21:41Um, I mean, Lee Ping.
21:44He was just here.
21:46If you just tuned in,
21:49What? No!
21:51Lee Ping!
22:18To be continued...