El Nilo, uno de los ríos más importantes del mundo, tiene su origen en dos grandes ramales que se unen en Jartum, formando el Alto Nilo. Estas dos fuentes son el Nilo Blanco y el Nilo Azul. El Nilo Blanco nace al este de África, en la región de los Grandes Lagos, y es conocido por sus aguas más tranquilas y su largo recorrido. Por otro lado, el Nilo Azul surge en Etiopía y se caracteriza por su caudal más torrencial, especialmente durante la temporada de lluvias. La unión de estos dos ríos en Jartum marca el inicio del Nilo que fluye hacia el norte, atravesando varios países hasta desembocar en el mar Mediterráneo.
El Alto Nilo no solo es crucial para la geografía y la ecología de la región, sino que también ha sido una fuente vital de vida y sustento para millones de personas a lo largo de su trayecto. A lo largo de la historia, el Nilo ha sido considerado el "dador de vida", ya que proporciona agua, transporte y recursos agrícolas a las comunidades que habitan sus orillas.
Conocer el Alto Nilo, el Nilo Blanco y el Nilo Azul es fundamental para entender la historia, cultura y economía de África del Este. Estos ríos no solo forman parte de la identidad de la región, sino que también son esenciales para la gestión de recursos hídricos en un contexto de cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible.
**Hashtags:** #NiloBlanco, #NiloAzul, #GeografíaAfricana
**Keywords:** Nilo, Alto Nilo, Nilo Blanco, Nilo Azul, Jartum, África, recursos hídricos, historia del Nilo, ecología del Nilo, cultura africana.
El Alto Nilo no solo es crucial para la geografía y la ecología de la región, sino que también ha sido una fuente vital de vida y sustento para millones de personas a lo largo de su trayecto. A lo largo de la historia, el Nilo ha sido considerado el "dador de vida", ya que proporciona agua, transporte y recursos agrícolas a las comunidades que habitan sus orillas.
Conocer el Alto Nilo, el Nilo Blanco y el Nilo Azul es fundamental para entender la historia, cultura y economía de África del Este. Estos ríos no solo forman parte de la identidad de la región, sino que también son esenciales para la gestión de recursos hídricos en un contexto de cambio climático y desarrollo sostenible.
**Hashtags:** #NiloBlanco, #NiloAzul, #GeografíaAfricana
**Keywords:** Nilo, Alto Nilo, Nilo Blanco, Nilo Azul, Jartum, África, recursos hídricos, historia del Nilo, ecología del Nilo, cultura africana.
00:00The great rivers of the earth, from their birth to the sea, make extraordinary journeys.
00:19Crossing continents, driving ancient civilizations.
00:31Feeding and connecting life around the world.
00:38From the mountains and deserts of the Nile,
00:44to the mysterious cities and swamps of the Mississippi,
00:53and the humid waters and secret worlds of the tropical Amazon.
01:00The great rivers are the wisdom of the planet Earth.
01:22A river extends more kilometers than any other on the planet.
01:27The Nile.
01:31Traveling from Ecuador, through North Africa, to the Mediterranean.
01:40A river that flows through amazing hidden worlds.
01:48Changing in every turn and every turn of its journey of 6,500 kilometers.
01:53A river that gave rise to great civilizations.
02:04Its miraculous waters give life where otherwise it would not.
02:15The birth of the Nile has been a mystery for thousands of years.
02:19The ancient Greeks spoke of its origin in the legendary Mountains of the Moon,
02:25a name that is now given to a majestic mountain range.
02:32The Rwenzori.
02:38It rises over the Congo and Uganda, and is the highest and most spectacular source of the Nile.
02:49The Nile.
03:06The torrents of rain and melted snow fall from the colossal peaks of 5,000 meters high.
03:14Water that will eventually reach the Mediterranean Sea,
03:19but first has to embark on an incredible journey through some of the wildest areas of Africa.
03:31As these Nile heads begin to meet in the lowlands,
03:36islands of floating papyri are being displaced.
03:43This changing world is problematic for those who try to build their home here.
04:13This is one of the only 150 picozapatos that remain in the wetlands of Uganda.
04:31Since the landscape moves around it, seeing fish is an odyssey.
04:44The inmersion of the pico only results in a bite of leaves.
04:54But in this confusing world, he has found an unexpected solution.
04:58He is looking for one of the largest picozapatos in the Nile.
05:28Following his gigantic steps, the picozapato is able to locate fish in the canals that the hippopotamus leaves behind.
05:59In the Nile, there are always opportunities for those who have the resources to find them.
06:11As all these first streams of the Nile join together,
06:16they create a world of equatorial lakes in the heart of Africa.
06:21The largest of all is called Victoria.
06:27A lake almost the size of Ireland.
06:36It is so large that the water is trapped here an average of 23 years before continuing its journey.
06:42Here, in November, the new moon triggers one of the most extraordinary events in the Nile.
06:50One that the fisherman Charles has been waiting for with some concern.
06:56He has found a picozapato.
07:01It is the largest picozapato in the world.
07:05Many people die in this lake.
07:09It is dangerous.
07:34Tonight, there are 30,000 boats in the water.
07:48And the fishermen are hopeful.
08:05Finally, tiny chrysalids emerge from the depths.
08:10They hatch like flies and gather around the lights.
08:18The perfect bait for hungry fish.
08:25This is what the fishermen have been waiting for.
08:28The catch of the year.
08:38Charles and his crew return home triumphant,
08:42and the air is full of thousands of millions of flies.
08:59Enchambres of biblical scale stretch along the lake.
09:10They rise in a spiral up to 100 metres high.
09:14In their final act, a mating dance.
09:22They are welcome not only by the fishermen, but also by the islanders.
09:29In a few hours, the short lives of these flies will come to an end,
09:34so the game is to catch as many as possible.
09:45A fly hamburger has five times more protein than a vaccine hamburger.
09:59Knowing the cycles of this changing world is the key to existence here.
10:13Despite the thousands of streams that enter the lake,
10:17there is only one way out for all this water.
10:29The well-known Nilo Blanco.
10:37Most people stay away from its dangerous rapids,
10:41but for this local mother, Amina Tayona,
10:45turbulent water is a life saver for her.
10:52She left school at 16 to work in her small land,
10:56but a casual encounter changed her life forever.
11:05I was in the village, I saw a white guy from the UK,
11:09and I asked him if he would take me kayaking, and he said yes.
11:13At that time, I didn't know anything about kayaking.
11:18In six months, she got a job as a kayak guide,
11:21and thanks to that, she can support her family of 10 members.
11:27Today, she will try to demonstrate her skills
11:31in a resistance race against world-class athletes
11:35on a rented kayak and using a homemade paddle.
12:0525,000 million litres of water fall into the waterfall
12:09because of these rapids every day.
12:14Amina will soon fall prey to the fierce power of the Nilo.
12:26If you go upside down, sometimes it's very hard
12:30because I can't hold my breath.
12:3330 seconds and it's over.
12:37But Amina is all about decision.
12:41Because I was born in the Nilo, there's nothing I can't do.
12:52It's such a dangerous section of the river
12:55that the competitors have to stay in pairs for safety.
13:05When we are in a race, we need to stay close
13:09to save your friend if something happens.
13:15Especially when they face the waterfalls and the raft.
13:21The most dangerous rapids in the world.
13:30The raft makes me a little nervous because it's category 6.
13:34It's very big and you think,
13:37my God, how am I going to do this?
14:08Exhausted after three hours of rowing, Amina approaches the finish line.
14:13Amina, come on! Our competitors are closer.
14:17Come on, come on, come on!
14:20They're coming! Row hard, row hard!
14:26Amina and her partner are the first women to cross the finish line.
14:31Most of the time, I'm happy when I win, when I'm the champion.
14:36That's why I'm called the Queen of the Nilo.
14:43Beyond these fast traitors,
14:46the Nilo has created a barrier that not even Amina can cross.
15:04The 50-meter-wide river puts pressure on a 7-meter-wide raft.
15:27Creating one of the most formidable waterfalls in the world.
15:46The Marchinson Waterfalls.
15:51A gateway to the world of wild savannah.
16:04400 kilometers from its equatorial beginnings,
16:08the Nilo enters the land of the giants.
16:21Crocodiles up to six meters long
16:24await the caravan that drags the river.
16:35The Nilo is the only source of water in kilometers around.
16:40A magnet for most animals.
16:55This mother crocodile has found a remote place to bury her eggs,
17:01and for two long months she has fasted and waited,
17:05taking care of them and keeping them safe.
17:24But she can't hide her smell.
17:30A Nilo ram.
17:36An egg thief.
18:00Out of the water, the ram is the fastest of the two reptiles,
18:05and he knows it.
18:10He also seems to be aware of the crocodile's Achilles heel.
18:19On land, crocodiles can die from a heat stroke.
18:35This puts the mother in a terrible dilemma.
18:43The Nilo is the only place where she can lower her body temperature safely.
18:53If she leaves now, her eggs will be devoured.
19:17The mother has reached an almost lethal temperature.
19:30Finally, she has to choose her own life, over that of her offspring.
19:42And she has to wait for the rams not to finish the 60 eggs.
19:52However, the rugged banks of the Nilo are the home of other hungry mouths.
20:10The baboons steal what is left of the defenseless Nilo.
20:27And they take the last egg.
20:42Only 2% of the Nilo's crocodile eggs reach adulthood
20:47due to the hordes of hungry animals that live next to the Nilo.
21:16In those days, it was the home of the brutal dictator Idi Amin.
21:28Known as the butcher of Uganda, Amin ordered the death of 300,000 people.
21:40And he encouraged the hunts, ravaging the wild fauna of Uganda.
21:50Since his exile in 1979, this home has been supposedly uninhabited.
21:59But local rumors speak of strange things and new guests,
22:04who follow different rules.
22:13Recorded for the first time, these ruins begin to reveal their secrets.
22:21A family of phacoceros has settled in what used to be the kitchen.
22:30While a group of baboons have chosen a room with a view of the Nilo.
22:47As night falls, the family of phacoceros curses each other.
22:58While others have just woken up.
23:05A pair of porcupines are hiding under the stairs.
23:12While some bats are reconsidering their choice of roommate.
23:20The most exclusive name in the guestbook is that of the pangolin.
23:33The best thing is to stay close to mum.
23:40But one of the porcupines is more daring and curious than the others.
24:11In this maze of rooms, it is easy to get lost.
24:48Lost and alone, the porcupine falls asleep.
25:17A pigeon is usually an irresistible snack for a predator.
25:26But the leopard leaves him in peace, indignant.
25:52Mum gathers her young.
25:55They have all survived the night.
26:15It is possible that, after all, there is some truth in these rumours,
26:19and that within these walls of ruins, nature applies different rules.
26:42When the nile abandons the savannah, it reaches a crucial point in its journey.
26:52In the south of Sudan, the earth is flattened,
26:55and the river becomes a swamp the size of England.
27:07This is the south.
27:10A barrier in Arabic.
27:18It is this sea of plants that prevented the first explorers from finding the birth of the nile.
27:29In this floating world, you have to learn to navigate through the labyrinth.
27:53For a particular animal, the river's swamps are a refuge.
28:03The elephants of the nile seem to spend more time in the water than outside it.
28:16But first they need to learn how to swim.
28:24And swimming classes for babies are a family event.
28:37The oldest of the family go first, marking the path.
28:50With its shorter legs, this young elephant immediately stops walking.
29:07Its buoyancy is surprising, given its high weight.
29:11But its body keeps it afloat, allowing it to practice controlling its trunk.
29:25The trunks contain 40,000 muscles,
29:28making them excellent diving tubes.
29:44Once it has mastered this skill, it will be able to freely navigate through large areas,
29:49using the nile as a highway.
30:46No other animal seems to celebrate the waters of the nile as much as the elephant.
30:55But in the south, the nile loses more than half of its waters because of the scorching sun.
31:01And it still has more than 3,200 kilometers to cover, and a colossal desert to cross.
31:21But events hundreds of kilometers east are about to change everything.
31:32This region is known as the Water Tower of Africa.
31:49Storms in the highlands of Ethiopia fill the largest affluent of the nile, the blue nile.
32:15Some believe that this is the biblical river that flowed from the Garden of Eden.
32:25And some of the oldest Christian communities in the world are on its shores.
32:35In the ancient city of Gondar, the Ethiopian waters of the blue nile diverge for the religious ceremony of the renaissance.
32:47An annual event called Timkat.
32:53A Christian festival where thousands of people gather to be baptized in the sacred water of the nile.
33:02For Thomas Alamo, this is the most important event of the year.
33:08The feeling after being baptized is above all.
33:13I have no words to explain what it feels like.
33:32Before the baptism is carried out, Thomas prays on a vigil that lasts all night.
33:42The crowd waits for the sign of the priest who indicates that the water is blessed.
33:48When the cross touches the water, it means that the baptism can begin and everyone jumps into the water and is baptized.
34:12It is the most important celebration of the year.
34:15More than Christmas.
34:26The faithful believe that the waters of the nile have extraordinary powers of renaissance and transformation.
34:45They feel as if they were baptized.
34:49It is true. When they receive the blessed water, they feel that their sins disappear.
34:55They feel as if they were baptized.
34:59It is true. When they receive the blessed water, they feel that their sins disappear.
35:25Thomas takes his time and savors the moment.
35:31After jumping into the water, I come out with a smile.
35:35And I feel amazing. I don't know how to explain it.
35:40I feel like I'm in heaven.
35:44I feel like I'm in paradise.
35:48I feel like I'm in heaven.
35:52I feel like I'm in paradise.
35:56I feel like I'm in paradise.
35:59I don't know how to explain it.
36:02But I feel like I'm a peaceful man.
36:21When the blue nile leaves its sacred beginnings, it transports its rich waters through Ethiopia.
36:30Its shores are one of the most fertile lands in Africa.
36:42Which makes them the perfect place for a bird that depends on the greenest plants to find a mate.
37:00The male weavers build intricate nests and subject their skills to the scrutiny of the females.
37:13The freshest and greenest nests are the most attractive.
37:19The females fly from nest to nest, giving the whole set a thorough inspection.
37:26The brown and older nests arouse little interest, so these males will have to undo all their work and start all over again.
37:42While other males will use all the tricks within their reach to avoid having to rebuild it,
37:49concealing the brown with strands of fresh vegetation.
37:53But not all females are so easy to deceive.
38:03This young weaver is trying to build one of his first nests.
38:11It may take a couple of years to perfect this complicated and delicate task.
38:16But so far, this newbie has only managed to tie his leg to the papyrus.
38:33His neighbour has some particularly impressive building skills.
38:39He makes trips to the water to get the best building material that the blue nile can provide.
38:57And he has the skill to tie knots in the shape of a T.
39:08Clearly, this is a success for the females.
39:19This romantic interlude is the perfect opportunity for the newbie to steal some material for his nest.
39:38But no matter how hard he tries, he doesn't seem to succeed.
40:00Perhaps next year he will be more fortunate to take advantage of the advantages of the fertile waters of the blue nile.
40:09The repository of the blue nile finally joins the white nile, thousands of kilometres downstream, in Jartum.
40:26Their joint power allows them to face the last and most demanding stage of the journey.
40:39Crossing the Sahara, an extension of sand the size of China.
41:03Life here seems impossible.
41:09But the nile insists.
41:15A fragile blue ribbon in an ocean of sand.
41:22The only permanent river in all of Egypt.
41:25There is an animal that has an incredible ability to carry the water of the blue nile wherever it goes.
41:30Able to ingest 200 litres in just three minutes, the camels can spend months without drinking again.
42:00What allows them to enter the desert.
42:22A mobile oasis.
42:27The perfect cargo animal.
42:30For more than 2,000 years, they have provided the shepherds with transport, milk and food.
42:48But they also contribute in a more unexpected way.
43:01The water is so scarce here, that even the humidity inside the camels' manure is very coveted.
43:14Ball-shaped beetles, attracted from all over, for their incredible sense of smell.
43:30And once they find it, they receive their reward for running up the hill right away.
43:48It is a feat equivalent to a man pushing a car down a steep slope.
43:53But is the effort worth it?
43:59This may be the only humidity that this beetle finds in its entire life.
44:23But man's need for water is so critical, that the civilization of the Sahara is chained to the river.
44:34And surprisingly, life along the Egyptian Nile not only subsists, but also thrives.
44:4595% of the country's population lives on the river banks.
44:52What makes Cairo one of the most densely populated places on Earth.
45:03Home to 20 million people, it is the largest desert city in the world.
45:13Famous for its vibrant and exotic markets.
45:22With an abundance of products grown in the Nile.
45:40But the demand for water from the Nile is beginning to exceed its supply.
45:46It is expected that by 2025, Cairo will dry up.
46:00The future of the Nile hangs by a thread, because in this great desert, the waters of the river are everything.
46:16As true now as 5,000 years ago, when the Nile gave rise to one of the greatest kingdoms in the history of the Earth.
46:32Ancient Egypt.
46:35With a duration of 3,000 years, this was one of the most durable civilizations in the world.
46:46The pharaohs claimed to have power over the waters of the Nile, to increase the obedience of the Egyptian people,
46:53who knew that they depended entirely on the flow of the river.
46:58They called the Nile the mother of all men.
47:06And they worshiped its miraculous ability to bring life where no other way has ever been.
47:14The Nile is the mother of all men.
47:20The Nile is the mother of all men.
47:27The Nile is the mother of all men.
47:41Even today, the incredible journey of the Nile is celebrated throughout its extensive course.
47:50From its mountainous beginnings, to its desert end.
47:57Those who live in the impressive worlds of the Nile use its waters in varied and amazing ways.
48:08And after 6,500 kilometers of travel through Africa, it finally completes its journey in the Mediterranean Sea.
48:19The Nile, the miraculous river that gives life to everything it touches.
48:27The Nile, the miraculous river that gives life to everything it touches.