• last year
Ayazin Sonu Gunes – Capitulo 51 (en Español)
02:30Ben sana yukarıda ne anlattım sen beni dinlemedin mi dürüstlük önemli dedim
02:36Hangi birini duydum ben onları hangi birini yaşadım
02:40Ben de yeni bir sayfa açayım dedin yani öyle mi?
02:46Neşe ben yeni bir sayfa açmıyorum ben defteri tamamıyla kapatıyorum sen buna umurumdasın
02:56Ama defterin ilk satırlarına ne yazıyordu biliyor musun
03:00Sen için karım diyordun hayatımın aşkı sevgilim diyordun
03:05Sen ne yaptın
03:07Kendi ellerinle kapattın defterimizi
03:14Şimdi hiç ölür müsün
03:30Umut'un vurulduğu yetmiyormuş gibi bir de Emine evsiz kaldı
03:46Ender'in yanındaydı onlar
03:48Ender sen Ender evi kumarda kaybet bir de üzerine kaç
03:52Ama diyeyim sana var ya kendi ilk bunu böyle bir şey yapacağın
03:59Dün gece de hep beraber kafede kalmışlar
04:01Ha bir de bana çaktırmamaya çalışıyor ama anladım tabii ki ben yani ben kızımın sesinden anlarım telefonda bir şey olup olmadığını
04:07Ya senin bir şeyden haberin yok ki kızım ya ben bir şey bilmiyorum
04:13Merak etme Ziya kimsenin bir şeyden haberi yok Esra geldi mi?
04:18Yok efendim gelmedi siz iyi misiniz?
04:23İyi miyim?
04:25Ben iyi olabilir miyim sen söyle Ziya
04:27Ayaz holdingi satmış niye kimsenin haberi yok
04:31Okan ve öz kızım bu şaklabanlığı alkışlıyorlar
04:37Dahası Ayaz Güneş'in elinden tutup holdingden çıkıyor gidiyor ve şimdi Ayaz ortada yok
04:47Şimdi söyle Ziya sence ben iyi olabilir miyim?
04:52Olamazsınız efendim
04:54Sen niye açmıyorsun şu telefonu açsana
05:06Ziya Ayaz ne iş şirketi satmış ya
05:10Ay ya bu konağı da satmaya kalkarsa ay bu gitmeye karar verdi herhalde
05:14Ay ne yaparız biz kışın ortasında işsiz kalırız Ziya
05:18Ya pirucuk gözünü seveyim bir dur ortalığı velveleye verme ya gözünü seveyim ya
05:26Ya ama ben bu kadar tehditle uğraşamam ki ya canım buna gücüm yetmez ki ya
05:34Allah Allah bu ne ya yok artık ya yok artık ya bu nasıl kira ya
05:45Allah Allah ne yapacak bu insanları ya bu kiralarla
05:49Ay canım çıktı valla belim kopmuş
05:51Gülden Gülden gel bak gel Allah aşkına
05:55Ne o?
05:57Bak şu eve bak Allah aşkına Gülden şu eve bak ya
05:59Yani eşek bağlasan durmaz otuz bin lira kira istiyorlar ya
06:05Ne olacak bu işin sonu ya
06:07Hiç bilmiyorum hiç
06:09Ya her güne şöyle birkaç tane tur bağlasak ne kadar iyi olacak değil mi?
06:15Ya biraz belimizi doğru oturun
06:17Kaç tane boğaz besliyoruz ya
06:19Hiç öyle hayaller kurma o bugünün şansınaydı öyle her gün olacak iş değil
06:23Allah'tan kız şirkette çalışıyor
06:27Ya biliyor musun Gülden valla şu şirkette çalışmasını gönlüm el vermiyor ya
06:31Keşke çalışmasa hiç içimden gelmiyor çalışması
06:39Efendim Biricik
06:41Gülden nasılsınız?
06:43İyi siz?
06:45Sağ ol sağ ol biz de iyiyiz ne olsun işte ya
06:47Şey soracaktım sana Güneş orada mı?
06:51Güneş mi? Yo
06:53Şirkete gidecekti
06:55Şirkete gidecekti gitti sabahın köründe gitti zaten gidiş o gidiş
06:59Bir dur ne oldu Biricik?
07:01Bana bak yoksa Güneş'e bir şey mi oldu?
07:05Yok yok yok bir şey olmadı ya
07:08Biraz da el ele çıkmışlardı şirketten dışarı
07:10El ele mi çıkmışlar?
07:12El ele mi? Kim kim el ele?
07:14El ele mi çıkmış? Kim çıkmış?
07:18Dur kızım dur ya zaten paramız yok bir de masraf çıkarma ya
07:20Ne olmuş?
07:22Bir susarsanız anlayacağım
07:24Biricik el ele nedir? Ne demek el ele?
07:26Valla ben de bu kadarını biliyorum
07:28Ha bir de Ayaz şirketi satmış
07:32Ne oldu?
07:34Ayaz şirketi satmış
07:36Şirketi mi satmış?
07:38El ele kesin kızımı kaçırdı bu Ayaz
07:40Biricik Bey kapatmam lazım sonra konuşalım tamam mı?
07:44Yürü yürü Gülden kalk kalk karakola gidelim
07:46Saçmalama ne karakolu ya?
07:48Ayaz öyle biri değil
07:52Ayaz öyle biri değil mi?
07:54Ayaz öyle biri değil mi?
07:56Peki nasıl biri Ayaz?
07:58Nasıl biri Ayaz?
08:00Ayaz bir babanın kızını aylarca oyaladı
08:04Ölüyordu benim kızım ya
08:06Onun yüzünden ölüyordu benim kızım
08:08Hastanelerde süründü günlerdir
08:10Nasıl biriymiş bu Ayaz?
08:12Öyle biri değil Ayaz
08:14Peki nasıl biriydi o Ayaz?
08:16O zaman benim kızım nerede?
08:30Neredesin Ayaz neredesin?
08:39Size melisa çayı getirdim
08:41Sizi biraz sakinleştirir diye düşündüm
08:43Kim söyledi sakinleşmek istediğimi Biricik?
08:45Yok kimse demedi hanımım
08:47Ben şey yaptım kendim
08:51Evlatlarım beni sırtımdan bıçakladılar
08:59Sen bir şey duymuş muydun?
09:01Yok hanımım sizin anlattığınız kadarını biliyorum ben de
09:05Eğer bir şey duyarsan
09:07Hemen gelip bana anlatacaksın
09:11Bu işler düzene girene kadar
09:13Bu evde
09:15Sıkı yönetimi ilan ediyorum
09:19Şu hale bak ya
09:21Japonlara satmışmış
09:23Japonlara mı?
09:25Harakiri diyor
09:27Ne? Kakarakiri mi?
09:32Onca insan
09:34Onca insan bana bakıyordu
09:38İtibarım onurum
09:40Ayakları altına alındı
09:42Hemde kim yaptı?
09:52Yeniden gelecek inşa edecekmiş
09:54Ya biz?
09:56Ya biz?
09:58Japonca öğrenin diyor
10:04Bir de eve taksiyle geldim
10:06Candar yok meydanda
10:08Nerede o?
10:10Şey Ayaz Bey'in bir misafiri geliyormuş galiba
10:12Onu almaya gitti hanımım
10:14Ne misafiri şimdi?
10:16Benim niye haberim yok?
10:18Ne haltlar çeviriyor yine bu çocuk?
10:24Şak şakçılar da geldi
10:30Ne haltlar çeviriyor bu ağabey yine?
10:32Geç otur şuraya
10:34Ne oluyorsa bana anlatacaksın
10:36Neymiş bu şirket satma işi falan?
10:38Halam da tamam demiş
10:40Onlar çekildiler
10:42Biz kaldık arkada
10:44Anlatacak bir şey yok
10:46Ağabeyim bir karar verdi
10:48Bize de ona saygı duymak düşer
10:50Eminim hepimiz için en iyisini düşünmüştür o
10:52Böylesi daha iyi olacak
10:54Bu kadar
10:57Bu kadar
11:11Açmıyor değil mi?
11:15Nasıl açsın? Elinden aldı kızımın telefonu
11:17Ya kesin kaçırdı bu evi
11:19Ben karakola gidiyorum
11:21Baba dur Allah aşkına ne karakolu? Ortalığı karıştırma
11:23Ne diyeceksin hem polise?
11:25Kız doğru söylüyor
11:27Ya ne yapacaksın Erdal?
11:29Kız on sekizini doldurdu çoktan ne yapabilirsin?
11:31Ya sen ne diyorsun ya?
11:33Ne yaşı ya?
11:35Ya benim kızım kaybolmadı kaçırıldı
11:37Ablamlar geldi
11:41Kızım iyi misin kızım?
11:43Babacım iyiyim iyiyim
11:45Hayır babacım hiçbir şey yapmadı
11:47Kızım el ele çıktılar falan dediler
11:49Açmıyorsun telefonunu öldük mü burada meraktan?
11:51Öyle bir şey yok
11:54Sen ne biçim adamsın ha?
11:56Sen ne biçim adamsın ya?
11:58Benim kızımın bir gururu onuru var
12:00Daha ne istiyorsun benim kızımdan ha?
12:02Öyle ortalık yerde elinden tutup çekmeler
12:04Şirketteki akbabalarının önüne mi atacaksın benim kızımı?
12:08Erdal Bey önce sakin olalım
12:12Artık zaten şirket diye bir şey kalmadı
12:14Çoğunu sattım
12:18Ayrıca ben kızınızın gururuyla
12:20Kalbiyle falan asla oynamadım
12:22Tam tersi
12:24Ben bugün onunla evlenmek istedim
12:28Hemde yılların nikahıyla
12:36Güneş ne demek bu?
12:40Buraya da bize müjdeli haberi vermek için geldiniz değil mi?
12:44Abla aşk olsun bari bana söyleseydin
12:52Tabii biz olmadan olmuyor öyle evlilik falan değil mi?
12:56Merak etme olmadı
13:00Ben de buraya size müjdeli haber vermeye değil
13:02Veda etmeye geldim
13:14Sen de benim kadar iyi biliyorsun ki
13:16Babamın şirketini bugünlere abim getirdi
13:18O yüzden sen de bunu alışsan iyi edersin
13:21Geleceğimizi satmasına ses çıkarmayın mı?
13:23Abim bizim geleceğimizi senden de
13:25O şirkette çalışan yönetim kurulundaki
13:27Herkesten de daha çok düşünüyor merak etme
13:31Böyle konuşabildiğine göre sen de baştan beri
13:33İşin içindeydin
13:35Abinin bütün gelecek planlarını biliyordun
13:37Benim gibi herkesin içinde öğrenmedin
13:41Demek onun için böyle alkışlıyordunuz
13:43Leyla Hanım
13:45İnanın hiçbirimiz bilmiyorduk
13:47Esra ile ben de yeni öğrendik
13:49Masal anlatmayın bana
13:51Tabi senin de işine geldi değil mi?
13:53Annen baban hapiste
13:55Sen Ayaz'ın kanatları altında
13:57Anne yeter ne diyorsun ya
14:01Hiç merak etme
14:03Kim ne biliyorsa
14:05Ben hepsini ortaya çıkarırım hemen
14:09Şimdi sen önce hemen abini ara
14:11O satış işi iptal edilecek
14:13O iş bitti artık
14:15Sen de bunu alışsan iyi edersin
14:18O holding
14:20Benim her şeyim
14:26Böyle kolay kaybetmem
14:28Anne o şirket sadece senin değil
14:32Ayrıca halam da izin vermiş
14:34Sen de bunu kabullensen iyi edersin
14:36Çünkü etrafında kimse kalmadı
14:44Yılların açığını kapatacak
15:56Ah abim
15:58Koca çınarım
16:02Evlatlarına doyamadan
16:04Hiçbir şeyin tadına varamadan
16:08Uçup gittim bu dünyadan
16:46I didn't want to get married.
16:48Why not? What's going on?
16:51Because Ayaz is in the middle of something crazy right now.
16:56Something crazy? What are you talking about?
16:59Did he threaten you?
17:01Did you threaten my daughter?
17:04Tell me, what did you do to my daughter?
17:05Mr. Feral, is that possible?
17:07Would I ever want to upset her?
17:10I don't want to hurt her hair, Güneş.
17:13Then why did you gather those bastards in the company?
17:16Erdal, okay.
17:19Daddy, okay, okay, no problem.
17:22What okay, girl? What okay?
17:24Look what he's saying, don't you hear?
17:26Mr. Erdal, I brought your daughter here.
17:30Look, I would have wanted to marry her, I would have wanted to start a life.
17:33But it didn't happen, what can I do? I had no choice.
17:36Believe me, I would have wanted to be your son-in-law.
17:42But he didn't want that.
17:43Did you ever think why I didn't want it?
17:46Because you wanted me to act like I didn't have anything.
17:50Güneş, you didn't believe me, you believed that bastard.
17:51Ayaz, if you had seen those photos, you would have gone crazy.
17:54I would have gone crazy too, wouldn't I?
17:56I wouldn't have done it like you, okay?
17:58I would have gone, learned the truth, and believed you.
18:00I said Ayaz wouldn't do this in time, but...
18:03If he hadn't gathered the people who were trying to kill me.
18:06I went and struggled with them, don't you understand me?
18:09Why did I struggle? For you.
18:16Wait a minute, are you going to tell me what happened?
18:20Güneş, what are these photos? Tell me that.
18:22Mrs. Gülden, the man you call Eron deceived your daughter, okay?
18:26No, I had a lover, I had a house in Yeliz.
18:28If that's the case, would I go and propose to her?
18:32Would I say let's get married today? Am I such a man?
18:36Ayaz, I can't recognize you anymore.
18:38I really can't recognize you.
18:40Should I tell you what happened, Güneş?
18:45Look at me, Güneş.
19:42What are you doing here, Cicek?
19:45The sun sets here in the early hours of the morning.
19:47You know that best.
19:54The mansion is a little...
19:57Ayaz told you.
19:59No one could understand, right?
20:04Unfortunately, it's a little...
20:06It happened, sir.
20:10Welcome, Sultana.
20:22Esra, call your brother and tell him to come here.
20:28I won't call. My brother made a decision.
20:31I guess I won't give up on him.
20:33I don't know that.
20:34Call him right now and tell him to come here.
20:37Cry, beg, say I made a mistake.
20:40Look, we need to fix this together.
20:43We need to show him the right way.
20:45Don't you understand the future of all of us?
20:48Mom, I won't call anymore. Please don't insist.
20:52Then give it to me. I'll call him.
20:54He doesn't answer my phone.
20:56What are you doing? No.
20:58Mom, can you leave your phone?
21:00Give it to me, Esra.
21:02Esra, give it to me.
21:34Why are you here? Go talk to him.
21:37He's obviously angry. You're the only one who understands him.
21:40Ayaz won't cheat on you anyway. We know that.
21:43Please don't do this to yourself.
21:45I can't recognize him anymore, Yağmur.
21:47He made me believe everything.
21:50Well, if you look at it like that,
21:53he'll take the opportunity of his life and leave without looking back.
21:57He's not a girl.
21:59He's a man.
22:01He's a man.
22:02He's a man.
22:04Get up and talk to him.
22:06I wouldn't miss a chance like Ayaz's.
22:13No one goes anywhere.
22:15No one goes anywhere, okay?
22:17It's his chance of life.
22:19No more.
22:21He came here and put a post on all of us.
22:24Then he left Güneş.
22:26Now Güneş should run after him and beg, right?
22:30No, sir.
22:32She doesn't want to.
22:34So you're saying, Erdal, they've been through a lot.
22:38Let them go and talk.
22:40Mom, how? Do you want me to run after him?
22:44Is this really love?
22:46The man says he loves me, then he leaves me.
22:48But sister...
22:50No buts.
22:52No one goes anywhere.
22:54Since Ayaz wants to start life anew,
22:57we'll start our lives anew.
23:01From now on, I won't listen to Ayaz, okay?
23:05Dad, is that possible?
23:07It's possible.
23:09Two weeks ago, I was crying for my daughter at the hospital door.
23:15I don't want to go through this again, okay?
23:18I don't want to go through this again.
23:20I've been following your decisions so far.
23:25I showed respect.
23:27What happened?
23:28Okay, but Erdal...
23:30From now on, I'll do what I say.
23:32From now on, I'll do what I say.
23:35Do you understand?
23:37If you're going to lose your life,
23:39I'll lose my life because of the decisions I've made.
23:44My heart can't stand my daughters being upset anymore, okay?
24:03How are you?
24:05I'm fine.
24:12Thank you, son.
24:14Won't you kiss my hand?
24:28I've been your aunt for years.
24:30You can't change your parents' lies with this truth.
24:34I'm your aunt,
24:36and Kemal is my cousin.
24:39Do you understand?
24:41I understand.
24:55Thank you, bride.
24:58I guess you weren't very happy to see me.
25:02Let's not say that.
25:04I was just surprised.
25:06I was surprised too, Leyla.
25:08I was even shocked.
25:11When I heard what Ayaz told me,
25:13my eyes were wide open.
25:16But I have to admit,
25:19I was suffocated.
25:21I couldn't believe what I heard.
25:23Our dead bride is coming out.
25:28You don't even call me.
25:32What's going on, Leyla?
25:34Is there a grudge between us?
25:39There is no grudge.
25:41As soon as I came here,
25:43I got so involved in your business
25:45that I got involved with my daughters.
25:53I was going to call you.
25:55You were always on my mind.
25:56Is this how you take care of your daughters?
25:59Getting angry, getting angry.
26:02What are you doing in the company
26:05with these people?
26:09this is not the time for this.
26:11I have to call Ayaz right now.
26:13No, I think it's the right time.
26:15Come here, let's talk.
26:29What are you doing here?
26:32Finally, a true welcome.
26:35Aunt, we were surprised to see you all of a sudden.
26:38It doesn't matter, girl.
26:40It happens.
26:42Biricik, make us a coffee.
26:45Simple, right?
26:47Of course.
26:49I don't change easily, you know.
26:52But there are those who change between us.
26:58And there are those who change a lot.
27:31You were on my mind, I know.
27:34Come on, go after him. I'll convince my father somehow.
27:37You need to talk.
27:40There's nothing left to talk about.
27:43Sister, you said we should get married right away, but you didn't accept it.
27:46Let me be a little angry.
27:49Yağmur, what should I have done?
27:52When I saw those photos with Yeliz, I lost my mind, I went crazy.
28:00I wish we never believed that man.
28:04Because of Ayaz.
28:08I mean, I lost all my trust in him.
28:11He didn't leave me anything else to do.
28:16I'm sorry.
28:37My daughter.
28:43Dad, I'm so sorry.
28:46I mean, we caused you a lot of trouble. I'm really sorry.
28:52If you only knew the troubles I caused my father.
28:55I'd be surprised.
28:57That's how human life is, my daughter.
29:00That's how it grows.
29:04You know what?
29:06You did the right thing, Güneş.
29:09That's how love affairs are, my daughter.
29:12I mean, you don't know what to do.
29:15If you go a little further, you'll get into trouble.
29:21You'll be left behind.
29:23This time, you'll lose what you love.
29:29I didn't want it to be like this, Dad.
29:33Well, what did you want it to be, my daughter?
29:37I don't know, Dad. I mean, I don't know.
29:40We've been through so many things.
29:42I mean.
29:44And on top of that, marriage.
29:46I felt like I was going to die.
29:49I mean, I couldn't do it anyway.
29:51And on top of that, that photo.
29:53I mean, think about it. Do so many things.
29:56Then get married. Is it that easy?
30:00I mean, it was already in the plan.
30:06Look, my daughter.
30:08You did the best you could.
30:09You did the best you could.
30:11Now you're going to take care of your own life.
30:14Close that notebook.
30:19Forget her, my daughter.
30:31Forget Ayaz?
30:39Forget Ayaz?
31:09Forget Ayaz?
31:10Forget Ayaz?
31:11Forget Ayaz?
31:12Forget Ayaz?
31:13Forget Ayaz?
31:14Forget Ayaz?
31:15Forget Ayaz?
31:16Forget Ayaz?
31:17Forget Ayaz?
31:18Forget Ayaz?
31:19Forget Ayaz?
31:20Forget Ayaz?
31:21Forget Ayaz?
31:22Forget Ayaz?
31:23Forget Ayaz?
31:24Forget Ayaz?
31:25Forget Ayaz?
31:26Forget Ayaz?
31:27Forget Ayaz?
31:28Forget Ayaz?
31:29Forget Ayaz?
31:30Forget Ayaz?
31:31Forget Ayaz?
31:32Forget Ayaz?
31:33Forget Ayaz?
31:34Forget Ayaz?
31:35Forget Ayaz?
31:36Forget Ayaz?
31:37Forget Ayaz?
31:38Forget Ayaz?
31:39Forget Ayaz?
31:40Forget Ayaz?
31:41Forget Ayaz?
31:42Forget Ayaz?
31:43Forget Ayaz?
31:44Forget Ayaz?
31:45Forget Ayaz?
31:46Forget Ayaz?
31:47Forget Ayaz?
31:48Forget Ayaz?
31:49Forget Ayaz?
31:50Forget Ayaz?
31:51Forget Ayaz?
31:52Forget Ayaz?
31:53Forget Ayaz?
31:54Forget Ayaz?
31:55Forget Ayaz?
31:56Forget Ayaz?
31:57Forget Ayaz?
31:58Forget Ayaz?
31:59Forget Ayaz?
32:00Forget Ayaz?
32:01Forget Ayaz?
32:02Forget Ayaz?
32:03Forget Ayaz?
32:04Forget Ayaz?
32:05Forget Ayaz?
32:06Forget Ayaz?
32:07Forget Ayaz?
32:08Forget Ayaz?
32:09Forget Ayaz?
32:10Forget Ayaz?
32:11Forget Ayaz?
32:12Forget Ayaz?
32:13Forget Ayaz?
32:14Forget Ayaz?
32:15Forget Ayaz?
32:16Forget Ayaz?
32:17Forget Ayaz?
32:18Forget Ayaz?
32:19Forget Ayaz?
32:20Forget Ayaz?
32:21Forget Ayaz?
32:22Forget Ayaz?
32:23Forget Ayaz?
32:24Forget Ayaz?
32:25Forget Ayaz?
32:26Forget Ayaz?
32:27Forget Ayaz?
32:28Forget Ayaz?
32:29Forget Ayaz?
32:30Forget Ayaz?
32:31Forget Ayaz?
32:32Forget Ayaz?
32:33Forget Ayaz?
32:34Forget Ayaz?
32:35Forget Ayaz?
32:36Forget Ayaz?
32:37Forget Ayaz?
32:38Forget Ayaz?
32:39Forget Ayaz?
32:40Forget Ayaz?
32:41Forget Ayaz?
32:42Forget Ayaz?
32:43Forget Ayaz?
32:44Forget Ayaz?
32:45Forget Ayaz?
32:46Forget Ayaz?
32:47Forget Ayaz?
32:48Forget Ayaz?
32:49Forget Ayaz?
32:50Forget Ayaz?
32:51Forget Ayaz?
32:52Forget Ayaz?
32:53Forget Ayaz?
32:54Forget Ayaz?
32:55Forget Ayaz?
32:56Forget Ayaz?
32:57Forget Ayaz?
32:58Forget Ayaz?
32:59Forget Ayaz?
33:00Forget Ayaz?
33:01Forget Ayaz?
33:02Forget Ayaz?
33:03Forget Ayaz?
33:04Forget Ayaz?
33:06Mr. Erdal getting lost.
33:14Hi can I put you on the phone please?
33:15Of course daughter.
33:22I'm going to this address.
33:24The bus dropped me off here.
33:25I wonder if it's close.
33:26Close daughter.
33:27Just behind that signpost.
33:30Okay thank you.
34:05♫ Music ♫
34:29Here you go.
34:31Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. Take it.
34:41Come, let's sit.
34:50Do you want to sit next to me on Eid?
34:53Okay, you wait here. I'll be right back.
35:00♫ Music ♫
35:05I won't leave you, I won't leave you again.
35:12What did you do, Candar?
35:13I brought Mrs. Sultan home, Mr. Ayaz.
35:16Okay, the car's gas is about to run out. I'm going to fill up the gas and come back.
35:20By the way, is everything busy at home?
35:22Until Mrs. Sultan arrived, Leyla was a little confused.
35:27I mean, she's mad at Esra, she brushed Okan.
35:30I can imagine that.
35:32But after Mrs. Sultan arrived, there's nothing to worry about, Kemal.
35:37Good, that's exactly what I wanted.
35:40Anyway, I'll be right back. See you at home.
35:43Okay, Mr. Ayaz. See you.
35:48What happened? Is Ayaz coming?
35:50He's coming, he's coming.
35:52Let him come and tell me what happened.
35:55It's beautiful, is it? Let me see.
36:00Very good.
36:01Look, beautiful, beautiful. Like oil.
36:04Let's make it out of a carpet stone.
36:07The more you pull this, the more troubles you throw behind.
36:12Then one for each of us, the biggest one.
36:15Because troubles that won't end with pulling are at our door, let me tell you.
36:19Ah, it's coffee.
36:21Well, we're right, dad.
36:22That's what it looks like.
36:24You've been homeless, huh?
36:27Yeah, that's what happened.
36:29Don't worry, the girls are safe.
36:33I know.
36:36The thing I loved most as a kid
36:40was my mother combing my hair.
36:42Do you know?
36:46My mother combs my hair, it's curly.
36:49And I hold her in my arms.
36:53It was like water, curly.
36:55Like a cat.
36:59What happened? Did you forget your head?
37:04Do you love cats?
37:07I love them too.
37:22Why don't you eat?
37:31Don't you have a mother?
37:38Okay, I'm sorry.
37:40I'm sorry.
37:42Why don't you eat?
37:52Why don't you eat?
37:58Aunt, this is a beautiful gift.
38:01Thank you so much.
38:03What do you mean, dear?
38:07Look, isn't it beautiful?
38:09Let me see.
38:11Let me tell you something, it looks great on you.
38:14Do you think I forgot you?
38:16Your gift is in the trunk.
38:23I have a gift for you too, Leyla.
38:26So you had time to get a gift for everyone.
38:30Don't put your hand under every stone like that, Leyla.
38:34Either a snake comes out or a rat.
38:36Don't even think about it.
38:52Let's go.
39:13Family necklace.
39:16Now it's time for us to be a family, isn't it?
39:23To eat by looking at each other's faces.
39:27To protect each other.
39:30To love each other.
39:33Isn't it?
39:46I have a gift for you, too, Biricik.
39:59What did you do, ma'am?
40:01What trouble, dear?
40:03You can't go empty-handed when you're going somewhere.
40:09It's beautiful.
40:10Thank you so much.
40:11I'm so happy.
40:16Let me get you a guest room.
40:18Don't bother, Leyla.
40:20Ayaz has already prepared my room.
40:24I didn't come to be a guest, Leyla.
40:26I talked to Ayaz.
40:28From now on, we will be a big family.
40:32Now I'm here with you.
40:37That's great news.
40:47You look beautiful.
40:49It suits you to comb your hair and die.
40:55Don't you have your parents? Where are they?
41:16Look, I'll be at this address.
41:19Maybe we'll meet here again.
41:21We'll have dinner and play games, okay?
41:33If anything happens to you, come to this address.
41:35I'll be here.
41:38What's your name?
41:40I'm Leyla.
41:42What's your name?
41:44What's your name?
41:49Are we friends?
42:14I love you.
42:44I love you.
43:14I love you.
43:16I love you.
43:18I love you.
43:20I love you.
43:22I love you.
43:24I love you.
43:26I love you.
43:28I love you.
43:30I love you.
43:32I love you.
43:34I love you.
43:36I love you.
43:38I love you.
43:40I love you.
43:42I love you.
43:44I love you.
43:46I love you.
43:48I love you.
43:50I love you.
43:52I love you.
43:54I love you.
43:56I love you.
43:58I love you.
44:00I love you.
44:02I love you.
44:04I love you.
44:06I love you.
44:08I love you.
44:10I love you.
44:12I love you.
44:14I love you.
44:16I love you.
44:18I love you.
44:20I love you.
44:22I love you.
44:24I love you.
44:26I love you.
44:28I love you.
44:30I love you.
44:32I love you.
44:34I love you.
44:36I love you.
44:38I love you.
44:40I love you.