• last year
(Adnkronos) - La prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari, come infarti e ictus, è possibile grazie al controllo dei livelli di colesterolo LDL e all'adozione di stili di vita salutari. Screening regolari e attenzione ai fattori di rischio riducono il rischio di sviluppare patologie spesso asintomatiche.


00:00All studies have clearly shown that high levels of cholesterol are the main cause of atherosclerosis and heart attack, and therefore it must be treated.
00:16First, hypercholesterolemia must be researched and then cured. I say research because the vast majority of people who have high levels of cholesterol before the heart attack are very well, they do not show symptoms, they are in excellent condition and therefore hardly think to undergo laboratory clinical tests to find out that they have high levels of cholesterol.
00:42Therefore, it is important that sensitivity to regular tests is increased, which can be asked of family doctors or can also be inserted, as they say, in opportunistic tests, which are dedicated to studying other conditions, but cholesterol measurements can also be inserted in the tests.
01:04This is because we have excellent tools to treat hypercholesterolemia, which can range from interventions on lifestyle, in particular on eating habits, but also interventions that take the use of drugs, which have been in use for many years, are safe in the vast majority of cases,
01:28and are effective, as they are able to determine the reduction of levels of cholesterol, which is suitable for their cardiovascular risk. And the big advantage is that the choice of drug can be drawn and cut down on the characteristics of each individual. So, to use a slogan, we can say that we have the right drugs for almost all patients.
