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(Adnkronos) - “Intercity è fortemente connesso con il turismo, un business fortemente turistico, infatti, il 70% delle persone che scelgono intercity lo fanno per motivazioni leisure come vacanze, raggiungere la famiglia e fare commissioni nel weekend. Intercity è un servizio capillare che raggiunge più di 200 località, si muove lungo le coste, è conveniente e comodo. Un altro servizio che sta avendo grande successo è il trasporto bici”. Lo afferma Domenico Scida, direttore Business Intercity di Trenitalia, in occasione del punto stampa organizzato da Fs all’edizione 2025 del Bit a Milano, la più importante manifestazione in Italia per l’innovazione nel settore dei viaggi e del turismo, per discutere delle novità inerenti al servizio Regionale e Intercity di Trenitalia.


00:00Intercity is strongly connected with tourism, it is a strongly touristic business, you think that 70% of the people who choose Intercity choose it for leisure motivations, that is, they choose it to travel in their free time, to go on vacation, but also to reach family, relatives, friends, and to make commissions during the weekend, even on short holidays.
00:29Why do they choose Intercity? They choose Intercity because it has typical and right characteristics for the tourist service, it is a great service because it reaches more than 200 locations throughout the national territory, it is a service that moves along the coasts of Italy, so a service that typically reaches holiday locations, it is a convenient service because the prices are quite low, and then it is a convenient service,
00:57it is convenient at 360 degrees, not only in the seats or in the possibility of traveling at night, but also for all the services that are offered on board the train, for example, a service that is having a great success and with increasing numbers is the service of bicycle transport, which is a very touristic service,
01:17as well as for amateurs, for those who move for cyclo-tourism and the need to bring their own bike, also for families who move from summer to winter to reach holiday locations, who move together, maybe with the pet that they can bring on board our trains, and who also have the bike, because maybe for a long vacation they need to bring their children's bikes.
