• last year
00:00It's a night full of fun.
00:03Last night, you ran away screaming thief, thief, thief.
00:05Now tell me in detail.
00:06It was around 12 or 12.30.
00:08Suddenly, I heard a noise from outside.
00:09So, I thought it was a thief.
00:10It was a thief.
00:11Oh, yes.
00:12The night was full of fun.
00:14As soon as he saw me, he started running.
00:15Now he ran, so I ran after him.
00:17So, he ran, I ran, he ran, I ran.
00:19We were running, two dogs were sitting in front of us.
00:20One dog was a dog and the other was a scoundrel.
00:23So, the scoundrel dog started running after me.
00:25Oh, yes.
00:26So, the dog was after me, I was in front of him and he was a thief.
00:28So, the dog, the dog, I was a thief, I was a dog, I was a thief,
00:29we all were running and I said, wait.
00:31You're not a donkey, you're a dog.
00:33I'm not a thief, he's a thief, catch him, come in between.
00:35He came in between.
00:36Now, I was in the back, the dog was in front of me,
00:37the thief was in front of him.
00:38So, the dog, the dog, I was a dog, I was a dog,
00:39we were running, the swing was in front of us.
00:41Then you must have sat on the swing.
00:43No, it was a swing.
00:44I was not shaking so much as I was shaking from the swing.
00:47There was a monkey sitting there.
00:49The dog saw the monkey and started running after the monkey.
00:51Thief, monkey, dog, me. I'm a dog, monkey.
00:53Thief is running. In front, there's a bear.
00:55Are you telling us the story of the thief or of the moghul?
