• le mois dernier
00:00Un jour, Joe s'est réveillé en se sentant très excité.
00:30Pour un instant, il ne pouvait pas croire pourquoi il s'était senti si excité.
00:34Puis il s'est souvenu.
00:36Bien sûr, maman venait de retourner de l'hôpital aujourd'hui avec un nouveau bébé.
00:43Joe a sauté de son lit et a couru en bas.
00:47« Est-ce que maman est à la maison ? » a appelé.
00:51« Pas encore, chérie », a dit sa grand-mère.
00:54« Papa va devoir aller chercher-la dans la voiture. »
00:57« Oh ! » a dit Joe.
01:00« Quand allez-vous partir ? »
01:02« Quand j'ai terminé de faire le déjeuner », a dit son père.
01:06« Maintenant, pourquoi ne me laissez-vous pas faire cela ? » a dit sa grand-mère.
01:12« Avec seulement trois visiteurs dans la maison, ce n'est pas un problème du tout. »
01:16« Vous courez à l'hôpital. »
01:18« Ça aiderait, » a dit son père.
01:22« Si vous êtes sûr que vous pouvez le gérer... »
01:25« Bien sûr que nous pouvons ! » a dit Joe's granny.
01:30Alors Joe's father drove off to the hospital.
01:34And Joe went upstairs and put his clothes on with a little help from his granny.
01:40« That's a nice picture », she said.
01:43« Did you do it ? »
01:45« Yes », said Joe.
01:48« It's a picture of our new baby. »
01:51« I drew it for mummy, for when she comes home. »
01:54« Do you think she'll like it ? »
01:57« I'm sure she will », said his granny.
02:01Then they went down to the dining room and laid the tables for breakfast.
02:06« How many of them have cereal ? » asked Joe's granny.
02:12« Mr. Mudd does, » said Joe.
02:15« He likes lots of everything. »
02:19« Did you say lots of everything ? » said Mr. Mudd, appearing at the door.
02:25« What a splendid boy you are ! »
02:29Joe laughed.
02:31« We're going to do the breakfasts, » he said.
02:34« Because daddy's gone to the hospital to fetch mummy home. »
02:38« And I've done a drawing of our new baby. Look ! »
02:42« My word ! » said Mr. Mudd.
02:45« Isn't that good ? »
02:47« I wish I could draw like that. »
02:50Miss Quinn arrived and sat down at her table.
02:55« Daddy's gone to fetch mummy, » said Joe.
02:59« How nice ! » said Miss Quinn.
03:02« I hope your granny can make porridge. »
03:05Then Mrs. Delage came down and sat at her table.
03:10« Mummy's coming home, » said Joe.
03:13« And our new baby ! »
03:15« How lovely for you ! » said Mrs. Delage.
03:19« Could I have some black coffee, please ? »
03:23« Yes, of course ! » said Joe's granny.
03:26« Come on, Joe, mustn't stand here gossiping. »
03:29« That won't get the breakfast, will it ? »
03:32And they went out to the kitchen.
03:35« Now, » said Joe's granny,
03:38« here's the cornflakes for Mr. Mudd. »
03:40« Can you take those in for him, Joe, while I start the porridge ? »
03:45On the way to the dining room,
03:47he heard a knock at the front door.
03:50Still holding the cornflakes,
03:52he stood on tiptoe and opened it.
03:56There were lots of people standing on the doorstep,
04:00and more behind them on the path.
04:04« Hello, » said one of the people.
04:06« Is your daddy in ? »
04:08« No, » said Joe.
04:11« He's gone to the hospital to fetch mummy and our new baby. »
04:16« How lovely ! » said the man.
04:18« But is there anybody in ? »
04:20« I mean, we'd like a room. »
04:22« Several rooms, and some breakfast. »
04:25« We've been driving all night. »
04:28« Granny ! » shouted Joe.
04:32« There's some people. »
04:34« Oh, goodness ! » said his granny.
04:38« Oh, do come in. »
04:40« You don't want to stand there on the doorstep, do you ? »
04:43« Well, we don't want to be a nuisance. »
04:46« But could we have some breakfast ? »
04:48« We're awfully hungry. »
04:50« Yes, of course ! » said Joe's granny.
04:54« What would you like ? »
04:56« Bacon and egg for me, » said the man.
04:59« What about you, Ethel ? »
05:01« A scrambled egg, » said Ethel.
05:05« Henry ? »
05:06« Sausage and tomato, » said Henry,
05:08« and beans on toast for Mavis. »
05:11« What about little Nigel ? »
05:14« said Mavis. »
05:16« I'd like a kipper, » said Nigel,
05:19« grilled, not fried. »
05:22« Grilled, not fried, »
05:25« said Joe's granny, rather faintly. »
05:29Joe suddenly remembered
05:31that he was still holding a bowl of cornflakes,
05:34and went into the dining room to give them to Mr. Mudd.
05:38« Oh, thank you, Joe, » said Mr. Mudd.
05:43« What's going on ? »
05:45« Have we got some new visitors ? »
05:48« Yes, » said Joe.
05:50« Lots ! »
05:52« Do ask granny for my black coffee, dear, »
05:56« said Mrs. Delage. »
05:59« And my porridge, » said Miss Quinn.
06:03« Yes, » said Joe,
06:05« and all the new visitors came into the dining room, »
06:09« looking hungry. »
06:12Joe rushed back to the kitchen.
06:15« Mrs. Large wants her coffee, » said Joe.
06:19« I'm sure she does, » said his granny,
06:23« but she'll have to have instant. »
06:25« I can't faff about with Perkin. »
06:28« Now, Joe, » she went on,
06:30« can you fill lots of marmalade dishes for me ? »
06:34« Here's the tin, »
06:36« and I'll get you a spoon. »
06:39« Just put a good spoonful into each dish, »
06:42« while I take Mrs. Dwotsit her coffee, »
06:44« and make a list of what the new ones want. »
06:47« Oh, and I've put an egg on to boil. »
06:50« That's the timer, set for three and a half minutes. »
06:53« That's what your dad said, wasn't he ? »
06:55« So, will you tell me when it rings ? »
06:59« Yes, » said Joe.
07:02« Putting the marmalade into dishes was rather difficult. »
07:06« Quite soon, »
07:08« Joe's hands were very sticky. »
07:12« Then the timer rang, »
07:14« to say that Mrs. DeLarge's egg was ready. »
07:18« Granny ! » shouted Joe.
07:21« It rang ! »
07:24« But there was no answer. »
07:27« Granny must be awfully busy, »
07:29« thought Joe. »
07:31« Whatever should he do ? »
07:34« Just then, »
07:36« there was a knock at the back door, »
07:38« and a voice shouted, »
07:39« Milko ? »
07:42« I can't open it ! »
07:44« shouted Joe. »
07:45« My hands are all sticky ! »
07:48« So the milkman opened the door. »
07:50« When he saw Joe's hands, »
07:52« he laughed. »
07:54« What are you doing ? »
07:56« He said. »
07:57« Having a jam session. »
07:59« No, »
08:01« said Joe. »
08:02« It's marmalade ! »
08:04« I'm filling the dishes, »
08:05« and the ping has gone for the egg, »
08:07« but Granny hasn't come to turn it off. »
08:10« Well, I can do that, »
08:12« said the milkman. »
08:14« And he did. »
08:17« Oh, thank you so much, »
08:19« said Joe's Granny, »
08:21« puffing in with a list in her hand. »
08:23« It's only lots of extra milk. »
08:25« We've got all these guests, you see. »
08:27« Just this minute arrived, »
08:29« and they all want breakfast. »
08:32« It sounds as if you're in a bit of a pickle, »
08:34« said the milkman. »
08:36« Where's the boss ? »
08:38« Daddy ? »
08:39« He's gone to fetch Mummy from the hospital, »
08:41« said Joe. »
08:43« And our new baby. »
08:45« Go on, »
08:46« said the milkman. »
08:48« Isn't that great ? »
08:50« What is it, a boy or a girl ? »
08:52« It's a girl, »
08:54« said Joe. »
08:55« She's called Rosie, »
08:56« and she... »
08:57« Oh, Joe, »
08:59« said his granny. »
09:00« There isn't time to talk now. »
09:02« Now take that egg in for Mrs. Delarge. »
09:04« There's a dear. »
09:06« But do wash your hands first. »
09:09« Sounds to me, »
09:10« said the milkman, »
09:11« as if you aren't a spot of help. »
09:14« And as luck has it, »
09:16« I'm a fabulous cook. »
09:18« Ask any of me mates. »
09:21« Why don't I give you a hand ? »
09:23« Joe finished washing his hands and said, »
09:26« I think that's a very good idea. »
09:30« Then he carried Mrs. Delarge's egg »
09:33« into the dining room. »
09:35« Ah, »
09:36« said Mrs. Delarge. »
09:38« At last ! »
09:40« And she cut the top off the egg »
09:43« and stared at it. »
09:46« This egg, »
09:48« she said. »
09:50« But Joe had gone back to the kitchen »
09:53« where the milkman was setting about the cooking. »
09:56« How many fried eggs is it ? »
09:58« He asked. »
10:00« Fourteen, »
10:02« said Joe's granny, »
10:03« looking at her list. »
10:05« And six pieces of fried bread, »
10:07« seventeen sausages, »
10:09« beans for nine, »
10:10« bacon for twelve, »
10:11« and one kipper, »
10:13« grilled, not fried. »
10:15« Is that all ? »
10:17« Asked the milkman. »
10:19« And he began to cook. »
10:50« Joe and his granny »
10:52« ran to and fro »
10:53« with plates of breakfast, »
10:55« racks of toast, »
11:00« and dishes of marmalade, »
11:02« and pots of tea and coffee. »
11:08« And at last, »
11:10« everyone was served. »
11:14« In the kitchen, »
11:15« the milkman said, »
11:17« Well, »
11:18« that seems to be it. »
11:20« Nothing to do now »
11:21« except the washing up. »
11:22« Never mind about that, »
11:24« said Joe's granny. »
11:25« It'll go in the machine. »
11:27« Don't put my picture »
11:29« in the machine, »
11:30« said Joe. »
11:31« It's for mummy. »
11:33« That's nice, »
11:35« said the milkman. »
11:37« What is it ? »
11:39« Joe stared at him. »
11:42« Don't you know ? »
11:46« Don't you know ? »
11:48« He said. »
11:50« No, »
11:51« said the milkman. »
11:52« I'm afraid I don't. »
11:55« At that moment, »
11:57« a voice from the door said, »
11:59« Joe. »
12:02« Mummy ! »
12:04« said Joe. »
12:05« And his mother sat down »
12:07« and hugged him. »
12:09« This picture is for you, »
12:11« said Joe. »
12:12« It's a present. »
12:14« How lovely, »
12:15« she said. »
12:16« Oh, thank you, Joe. »
12:18« It's a beautiful present. »
12:21« And a beautiful baby too, »
12:24« said Joe's granny. »
12:26« Our little Rosie. »
12:28« Bless her heart. »
12:29« Look ! »
12:30« She's fast asleep. »
12:33« Joe looked. »
12:36« She's a very nice baby, »
12:38« he said. »
12:40« But I wish she'd wake up. »
12:42« Then I could give her some breakfast. »
12:45« Do you think she'd like a kipper ? »
12:47« Everyone laughed. »
12:50« She's a bit small for kippers, Joe, »
12:52« said his father. »
12:54« By the way, »
12:55« did you manage breakfast all right ? »
12:58« Oh, yes, »
13:00« said Joe. »
13:02« Joe's granny laughed. »
13:05« We've got some extra visitors, »
13:07« she said. »
13:08« But we managed all right, »
13:10« thanks to our friend the milkman. »
13:12« I'll think nothing of it, »
13:14« said the milkman. »
13:16« But I'd better go and finish me round, »
13:18« or me housewives will be getting restless. »
13:22« And I'll deal with the washing up, »
13:25« said Joe's granny. »
13:28« We'd better go and see the new visitors, »
13:31« said Joe's father. »
13:34« Joe sighed happily. »
13:37« And now, »
13:39« he said, »
13:40« I'm going to have my breakfast. »