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00:00Hi, welcome back to my channel. In this video, I will explain the ending of Murder Mystery
00:042. So, let's begin.
00:07Starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston as Nick and Audrey Spitz, Netflix's mystery
00:11comedy Murder Mystery 2 takes the audience on a rollercoaster ride. The sequel puts the
00:17couple through a tough time, trying to save their friend while figuring out who might
00:20mean him harm. Working like an Agatha Christie story, the movie traverses a complicated path
00:26to pin down the real culprit's identity.
00:28There are many surprises along the way, and once again, many people die, some at the Spitz's
00:34hands. Just when they think they have cracked it, a new detail emerges, and they have to
00:38reconsider their previous deductions. With many twists and turns, the film keeps the
00:43Spitz and the audience on edge till its final moments. Here's what the ending means, just
00:48to let you know this video will contain spoilers.
00:51It's been four years since Nick and Audrey solved the murder of Malcolm Quince. Now,
00:56they run their detective agency. Despite their best efforts, their business is struggling,
01:02and they start to wonder if there is something else they should do. This is when they get
01:06a call from Maharaja Vikram, whom they'd met during the Quince case. He is getting married
01:11and has invited them to attend the ceremony on his private island. For Nick and Audrey,
01:16this is a much-needed break. They prepare to enjoy the festivities and the comfort over
01:21the weekend, but things take a turn when Vic is kidnapped, and his bodyguard Mr. Liu is
01:25killed. Nick and Audrey deduce that this is a two-person job. While one took Vic away,
01:31the other stayed back and was still on the island.
01:34The suspicion is narrowed down to Vic's inner circle, which includes his bride-to-be Claudette,
01:39his sister Cyra, his business partner Francisco, his ex-girlfriend Countess Secco, and his
01:44former bodyguard Colonel Alenga.
01:46Who Kidnapped Vic?
01:48The Spitzes spring into action when the kidnapper's plan is put in motion. Vic was supposed to
01:53enter the place on an elephant. In his stead, they find his bodyguard, Mr. Liu, stabbed
01:59in the back. Meanwhile, Vic is taken away by a kidnapper. While Nick goes after Vic,
02:05Audrey looks around for clues. She'd noticed a person slipping into the crowd when the
02:09elephant entered the scene. Their face was covered, and they threw away the robe in the
02:14fire. Audrey got a glimpse of the cloth and blood on its sleeve.
02:19It isn't until the very end that Audrey realizes it wasn't blood. Famous private
02:24detective Connor Miller is called for help. The investigation picks pace when the kidnappers
02:29call for a ransom. The amount is around 70 million, and the kidnapper demands Nick and
02:34Audrey to be the ones who deliver it. By the night's end, the men who had come to collect
02:39the money are killed by Nick and Audrey while Connor Miller dies in a car explosion. The
02:44money is taken away by someone else. Nick and Audrey discover that the Countess took
02:48the money, but she isn't involved in Vic's kidnapping. Knowing that one of Vic's closest
02:53people is the culprit, Nick and Audrey everyone to meet at the Eiffel Tower. As expected,
02:59the kidnapper shows up, threatening to kill Vic, who has a bomb strapped to his chest.
03:04Nick deduces that the kidnapper is well-versed in how the situation will play out, which
03:08means they are a pro at handling such situations. The only such person they knew was Connor
03:14Miller, and to everyone's shock, he shows up to get the money. It also becomes clear
03:19that he is not interested in leaving any witnesses behind. Nick and Audrey fight him, which ends
03:24in his death. With him gone and the bomb disabled, everyone relaxes. However, there are still
03:31a few loose ends. The Spitzes knew that the culprit attended the ceremony the night of
03:35Vic's kidnapping, but Miller didn't show up until the next day. This means the other person,
03:41who entered with the elephant and disposed of the robe, is still around. This hits Audrey
03:46when she sees Syrah's hand. At first glance, it looks like there is blood on Syrah's hand,
03:51but it turns out to be smeared henna. This makes Audrey think about the ceremony and
03:56how Syrah was nowhere to be seen when the dance performance started. She suddenly showed
04:01up after the elephant came. Another fact that Audrey knows is that once the henna has been
04:06set, it doesn't smear. Syrah claims it smeared during the commotion, but Audrey knows
04:11it must have happened earlier, on the night of Vic's kidnapping. Audrey realizes it wasn't
04:16blood she saw on the robe but henna. This means that Syrah was the one who orchestrated
04:21all this. Once the truth is out, Syrah confesses to everything. Why did Syrah want to kill
04:27Vic? When Syrah is suspected of kidnapping and trying to kill her brother, she lashes
04:32out, saying how much she loves her brother and there is no reason for her to try and
04:36harm him. It's a good enough argument initially, but in the end, it becomes clear that she
04:41is the only one with the motive to harm Vic. Nick theorizes that Syrah must have been angry
04:46with her brother for inheriting their parents' business. She was better suited to the job
04:51than her careless brother. She needed to get him out of the way. This was why she tried
04:56to kill him in Mumbai, which led to the colonel losing his left arm. She tried again at the
05:01wedding and was better prepared this time. The crowd would ensure that no one would see
05:06her. She made it look like a kidnapping to shift the suspicion from herself. She knew
05:12that someone would be called in to solve the case once Vic was kidnapped. Connor Miller
05:16was the best private detective she knew so she got him involved in the plan as well.
05:21Miller would kidnap Vic and show up the next day to solve the case. This way, they could
05:26keep out other investigators and frame someone else for their crime. Miller would get the
05:31ransom money and Syrah would get the family business. It would have worked out well if
05:35Nick and Audrey didn't show up. Do Nick and Audrey die? Once the culprits are caught,
05:41Vic and Claudette elope. Thankful for saving his life, Vic gives 10 million in cash to
05:46Nick and Audrey. He sends his pilot to give them the money, revealing that he has also
05:51left his helicopter at their service. The pilot has been told to take them wherever
05:56they want to go from here. This surprises the Spitzes, but they are also pleased because
06:01it changes their financial situation while also getting them the chance to travel the
06:05world and get the honeymoon they deserve. It looks like, after all the bumps on the
06:10road, Nick and Audrey are finally getting a happy ending. After the chaotic weekend,
06:15they can go somewhere nice and spend some time in peace. However, their plans are ruined
06:20when the pilot… LOTS… them at gunpoint. It turns out that he wasn't European, as
06:26he told them the last time. He is an American from Jersey and the only person who knows
06:31that the Spitzes have millions of dollars in a bag that is worth millions too. It's
06:36not revealed why the pilot was pretending to be European, but he drops the act when
06:40he sees the opportunity to change his life forever. He takes the money and jumps off
06:44the plane in a parachute. Before they can lament the loss of money, Nick and Audrey
06:49must figure out how to fly the helicopter now that the pilot is gone. They might be
06:54good at solving murder mysteries, but none of them has handled a plane before. Does this
06:58mean that they are going to die? Considering that we don't actually see them die, we
07:03can assume they will somehow survive this ordeal. They might not have flown a helicopter
07:07before, but if they are sharp enough to figure out the identity of a murderer, they are sharp
07:12enough to figure out the controls of a helicopter. They might crash, but it wouldn't be as
07:17severe and they will come out of it with a few cuts and bruises or maybe a missing limb
07:20or two. In any case, Nick and Audrey Spitz will make it out of there alive and well enough
07:26to solve another murder mystery. That's all for now folks. I would appreciate it if you
07:31could give the video a super thanks with a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel, so
07:34you can see more content like this every day. Take care, bye!
