The Pink Panther Season 1 Episode 12

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The Pink Panther Season 1 Episode 12


00:35Psst! Hey, buddy!
00:37No, no, no! Not him! Over here!
00:40That's right! The talking weight machine. Got a tip for you.
00:45Get on. Deposit a dime.
00:49You weigh 140 pounds, are very gullible, and spend your money foolishly.
00:55However, in the near future, you can expect... lose all your money if you don't stop spending it unwisely.
01:07However, you have a very warm and understanding nature.
01:10Kind, considerate, always ready to help the other fellow,
01:15and, uh, is, uh, anyone watching?
01:19Step a little closer.
01:24Take me home with you.
01:27No, really! I'd be a great companion around the house.
01:30I can forecast the weather, predict the future.
01:33You'd no longer need to guess what's going to happen.
01:36You'd know about each day in advance.
01:39That will be $24.95.
01:43Thank you, and come back again.
01:47You are kind, thoughtful, generous.
01:51The Dodgers beat the Giants 3-2, and Denver had a high of 55.
01:55Isn't this fun, 140 pounds?
01:58Say, it's getting...
02:01Thank you. I was gonna say it's getting a little warm in here.
02:06Oh! You have an air conditioner.
02:10Don't machines make living easy and comfortable?
02:14Just push a little button, and the work is done.
02:21Yes, the machine is here to serve you.
02:24No more toil or bother. Right?
02:27Think of the man I was saying.
02:30The machine is just waiting to serve.
02:35Oh! I see you've been out for a bit of fresh air.
02:39Ah, isn't this nice, 140 pounds?
02:43Wait! Just a minute.
02:47There's a lot of money coming your way. Soon.
02:57Say, pink buddy, here's something for you.
03:00You soon...
03:04You soon will receive back payment in arrears.
03:10But I must warn you, be very careful.
03:17I've got good news for you, 140 pounds.
03:20Your future is...
03:26Your future is in the bag.
03:30See? I told you.
03:33Go on, pick it up.
03:40You know, I have a feeling you don't trust me.
03:45Yahoo! I'm rich! I'm rich!
03:49A whole bag full of money, and it's all mine!
03:53I'm rich! I'm rich!
03:58But you will admit I was telling the truth.
04:09You weigh 180 pounds, dye your hair,
04:12and are a bad influence on your children.
04:15Besides, you have a nasty temper.
04:18Second, Bowser.
04:23That's enough, Bowser.
04:25That stupid machine isn't worth it.
04:29Too bad.
04:35Help! Help!
05:10Help! Help! Get me out of here! I can't swim!
05:14I'm sinking! Help! Quick! Do something!
05:18Throw me a line, somebody!
05:20If my batteries get soaked, I won't be able to talk!
05:28Hurry! Hurry! Throw it!
05:39You'll be sorry, 140 pounds! You'll need me sometime!
