The Pink Panther Season 1 Episode 5

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The Pink Panther Season 1 Episode 5


00:30Yes, sir. I promised my little Nora I'd bring her back a fur piece, and I come a fur piece
00:42to get it. Holy! I just got me an idea. I remember a story about a guy who cornered
00:51all the animals in a thing called the Ark. If it can be done once, it can be done again.
00:57There. Nora ought to like this. This'll be the biggest roundup in history.
01:27This is like shooting fish in a bathtub. Well, I reckon I got them all. Let's see.
01:45Black panthers, check. Brown panthers, check. Pink panthers, check. Pink panthers? How come
01:52I didn't get a pink panther? Pink fur. Nora would just love pink fur in her powder room.
01:59Bam! That's status. But, Boana, the pink panther is taboo in this country. I don't care what
02:15his name is, as long as he's pink. Aha! There's his footy prince. Come back, you miserable
02:24coward! Oh, who needs him? Ha! I've treated the varmint. All right, come down, critter,
02:34or I'll blast that pink bird clean off in your cart. I'll blast him even if he does
02:39come down. I didn't know those critters buzzed when they got shot. Ow!
03:08That critter is doomed this time. Well, well, a native elevator. How quaint. A gorilla,
03:32but he's a big one. He'd just about fit my living room. 128 by 9. He just might do it.
03:41Here, make yourself useful. Hold the end of this tape. Let's see. 7, 8, 9 feet, 15, 25,
03:5026, 75, 90, 124, 178, 193. Man, that's a mighty big gorilla, even by Texas standards. Well,
04:11what do you know? He's headed right for the heart. He's as dumb as the rest of them. This
04:17is the only way to hunt. Now, where'd he go? He couldn't have gone through the bridge. Oh,
04:27there he is. Those stupid animals gonna keep me off my ark.
04:57Open that door. You don't open that door, I'll make my own door. You better open that
05:20ark or I'll blast it open. Rain. It happened. It's raining. I'll drown. You can have all your
05:33animals if you give me back my ark. Please give me back my ark. I'm safe. I'm safe. Now,
05:53they'll all drown and I'll be safe. Why can't man be more like animals?
