The Terror Ghosts

  • last month
00:00Ravenswood Asylum stood on the outskirts of a small town, abandoned for decades.
00:04The building's once pristine walls were now crumbling, overtaken by nature.
00:09Locals avoided it, citing strange noises and sightings, but a group of thrill-seeking friends
00:12decided it was the perfect place for a ghost hunt.
00:15The group consisted of five friends, Jack, Emily, Sarah-Mark, and Lucy.
00:19Armed with flashlights, cameras, and an EJ board, they set out one chilly October evening,
00:23their breath visible in the air.
00:24The sun had just set, casting an eerie orange glow over the decaying structure.
00:28Are we sure about this?
00:29Emily asked, her voice trembling slightly.
00:31Don't chicken out now.
00:32Jack teased, leading the group towards the rusted front gate.
00:35Pre-dominantly as they pushed open and stepped into the overgrown courtyard, they made their
00:39way through the broken entrance, the floorboards creaking under their weight.
00:42The air inside was cold and stale, carrying a faint smell of decay.
00:45The long corridors stretched out like a lava beast, beckoning them deeper into the darkness.
00:49This place is a maze, Mark said, shining his flashlight around.
00:53We should stick together.
00:54They explored room after room, each one more dilapidated than the last.
00:57The remnants of the asylum's past were scattered everywhere.
01:01Broken beds, rusty medical instruments, faded patient records.
01:04Sarah found an old photo album.
01:06Its pages filled with haunting images of patients and staff, their eyes hollow and lifeless.
01:10This is creepy, she muttered, putting the album down.
01:13As they moved further into the building, the temperature dropped noticeably.
01:16Their breaths formed clouds of the frigid air.
01:18Lucy, the most sensitive to the supernatural, began to feel uneasy.
01:21She shivered, feeling eyes on her, though no one was there.
01:24Guys, maybe we should head back.
01:26Lucy suggested, her voice barely a whisper.
01:28Let's just do the Ouija board and get over with it.
01:30Jack said.
01:31That's what we came here for.
01:32They found an old examination room and set up the Ouija board on a dusty table.
01:35Jack lit some candles, their flickering flames casting long shadows on the walls.
01:39They all placed their hands on the punchette.
01:41The atmosphere grew intense.
01:42Is there anyone here with us?
01:43Jack asked his voice, steady, for a moment.
01:46Nothing happened.
01:47Then the punchette began to move, slowly at first, then faster.
01:49It spelled out.
01:51Emily gasped.
01:53Who's here?
01:54The punchette moved again.
01:57Mark asked his voice, rising with fear.
01:59A sudden chill swept through the room, extinguishing the candles.
02:03The friends were plunged into darkness.
02:05Their flashlights flickered, then died.
02:07What's happening?
02:08Sarah cried out, panic in her voice.
02:09Low, guttural whispers filled the room, echoing off the walls.
02:13You should not have come here.
02:14They felt the presence, malevolent and oppressive, closing in on them.
02:17Cold fingers brushed against their skin, sending shivers down their spines.
02:20Daisy screamed as she felt something grab her ankle, pulling her down.
02:24Jack shouted, fumbling for his flashlight.
02:25They bolted from the room, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls.
02:29The buildings seemed to come alive around them, doors slamming shut, windows rattling.
02:32They could hear the whispers, growing louder, more insistent.
02:36They burst into the main hall, only to find the exit blocked by a wall of shadowy figures.
02:40The terror grossed the ravens with asylum and awakened their eyes glowing with an eerie
02:44The friends froze, paralyzed with fear.
02:45You will join us.
02:46The voices chanted in unison, filling the air with a bone-chilling cool.
02:50One by one, the ghosts lunged at them.
02:52Mark was the first to fall, his screen cut short as a spectral hand reached into his
02:55chest, stopping his heart.
02:58Sarah tried to run, but the ghosts swarmed her, their cold hands dragging her into the
03:03Emily and Lizzie huddled together, their eyes wide with terror, as the ghosts closed in
03:06on them.
03:07Jack, in a last-ditch effort, tried to fight back.
03:09He swung his flashlight at the nearest ghost, but it passed through the apparition harmlessly.
03:13The ghosts enveloped him, their whispers filling his mind, driving him to madness.
03:18In the end, all that remained of the friends were their terrified expressions, frozen in
03:23The ghosts of ravens would asylum and claim new souls that rank swelling with each new
03:27The asylum stood silent once more, the whispers fading into the night.
03:31The townsfolk continued to avoid the place, the tales of the terror grossed succumbing
03:34even more chilling.
03:35And on cold, dark nights, if you listened closely, you could hear the whispers of the
03:38lost souls forever trapped in the asylum's cursed halls.