The Lost Souls of Route 47

  • last month
00:00A foggy evening, a passenger bus set off from the small town of Millfield heading towards the city of Ravenwood.
00:06The bus, operated by a company called Scenic Rides, was known for its reliable service and scenic routes.
00:12That night, the bus was filled with a mix of passengers, families, students and a few weary travellers,
00:18all looking forward to reaching their destinations.
00:20At the wheel was Tom Henderson, a seasoned driver with years of experience.
00:24Beside him sat his teenage daughter, Lily, who often accompanied him on his routes during her school vacations.
00:30Tom was known for his friendly demeanour and cautious driving, making him a favourite among the regular passengers.
00:36As the bus rolled down the winding road, the fog grew thicker, shrouding the surroundings in an eerie haze.
00:42Tom kept his eyes on the road, his hands steady on the wheel,
00:45while Lily chatted with some of the passengers, sharing stories and laughter to pass the time as they approached.
00:52A desolate stretch of Route 47, a sense of unease settled over the bus.
00:56The once lively conversations dwindled, replaced by a heavy silence.
01:00Out of the fog emerged a figure waving frantically for the bus to stop.
01:04Tom slowed down and pulled over, his heart pounding as the figure approached.
01:08It was an elderly man, his face lined with worry.
01:10He turned back and warned, his voice trembling.
01:13This road is cursed, many have gone down it and few have returned.
01:16But Tom hesitated, glancing at Lily and the anxious faces of the passengers.
01:20If we can't turn back now, he said gently, then we have to keep going.
01:24The old man shook his head, a look of despair in his eyes.
01:27And may God have mercy on your souls, he muttered before disappearing into the fog.
01:32Ignoring the old man's warning, Tom resumed driving, but the tension in the bus was palpable.
01:37The fog thickened and the road seemed to stretch endlessly before them.
01:41As they ventured deeper into the heart of Route 47, strange things began to happen.
01:46The temperature dropped and a chilling wind seeped through the windows.
01:49Passengers whispered of ghostly figures glimpsed in the fog, their faces twisted in agony.
01:54Lily clutched her father's arm, her fear growing with each passing mile.
01:58Suddenly the bus jolted violently as if it had hit something.
02:02Tom struggled to regain control, but the bus skidded off the road, crashing into a ditch.
02:08The impact knocked everyone from their seats and screams filled the air.
02:12Dazed and injured, the passengers stumbled out of the bus only to find themselves in an otherworldly landscape.
02:18The fog had lifted slightly, revealing a forest of gnarled trees and twisted roots.
02:23The air was thick with the stench of decay and an unnatural silence hung over the scene.
02:27As they gathered their bearings, they noticed shadowy figures emerging from the forest.
02:31The figures were translucent, their eyes hollow and their mouths open.
02:36They reached out with skeletal hands, their movements slow and deliberate.
02:39Tom tried to rally the passengers, urging them to stay together and find a way back to the road.
02:44But the ghostly apparitions grew more aggressive.
02:47Their mournful wails echoing through the trees.
02:49One by one, the passengers were dragged into the darkness, their cries for help swallowed by the night.
02:55Amid the chaos, Lily stumbled upon an old weathered journal lying near the wrecked bus.
02:59Its pages were filled with accounts of previous travellers who had encountered the curse of Route 47.
03:04The journal spoke of a tragic accident that had occurred decades ago
03:08when a bus full of school children had veered off the road and crashed into the forest.
03:13The children and their driver had perished, their souls forever trapped in the twisted realm of Route 47.
03:19Realising the truth, Lily knew that they were doomed to share the same fate unless they could break the curse.
03:24She showed the journal to her father and together they devised a desperate plan
03:28They needed to find the remains of the original victims and give them a proper burial to release their tormented souls.
03:35With the few remaining passengers, Tom and Lily ventured deeper into the forest.
03:39Guided by the journal's cryptic directions, the ghostly figures followed, their anguish growing more intense.
03:45After what felt like hours, they stumbled upon a hidden clearing
03:49where the remains of the school children lay scattered among the undergrowth.
03:52Working quickly, they gathered the bones and placed them in a makeshift grave.
03:56As they finished, the ground trembled and a blinding light enveloped the clearing.
04:00The ghostly figures wailed one last time before dissolving into the light, their souls finally at peace.
04:06Exhausted and relieved, Tom and Lily led the surviving passengers back to the road.
04:11The fog had lifted, revealing the dawn of a new day.
04:14They were found by a search party and taken to safety, their harrowing ordeal finally over.
04:19In the days that followed, Tom and Lily recounted their experience
04:23and the tale of the Cursed Route 47 spread far and wide.
04:26The road was closed off and a memorial was erected in honour of the lost souls who had finally found peace.
04:32Oscarred by their experience, Tom and Lily found solace in knowing they had broken the curse
04:38that continued their journeys, cherishing each day as a gift and honouring the memory of those who had perished on that night.
04:44And as the years passed, the story of the lost souls of Route 47 became a legend,
04:49a chilling reminder of the power of love, sacrifice and the hope of redemption.