
  • 2 days ago


00:00This is a 250 million dollar private island.
00:04Literally anything you could ever want is on this private island.
00:08And I'm going to show you the difference between this
00:10and a 150 million dollar luxury island.
00:14A massive 45 million dollar island.
00:17A 5 million dollar frozen island.
00:19All the way down to the world's cheapest private island.
00:22That thing. I'm starting to realize we might not all fit on it.
00:26First step on my brand new island.
00:28Here's your dollar.
00:29Thank you, sir.
00:30Thank you for selling it to me.
00:31It's yours now, buddy.
00:32Let's check out what I just bought.
00:33My first impression, it's a lot smaller than I thought.
00:36When you pay a dollar, you get a random pile of bricks.
00:39An old toilet.
00:40I found the restroom!
00:41And a bunch of random wooden poles.
00:43There's more poles than square feet on this thing.
00:45They're actually called pylons.
00:46Let's pile onto that boat and leave.
00:47And as you can see, there's nothing here.
00:49So I'm going to blow it up.
00:52But later in this video, we're going to a 150 million dollar island.
00:56And also a quarter billion dollar super island.
00:59But first, we're going to head over to the one million dollar island called Monkey Island.
01:04Yes, you heard me right.
01:06This island is literally swarmed with hundreds of monkeys.
01:09I can see why it's called Monkey Island.
01:11What's this monkey?
01:12It's Odie.
01:13Oh, Odie took my orange.
01:15Monkey see food, monkey take.
01:16All the monkeys on this island have a strategy for interacting with people.
01:19They gaslight you into thinking that you're friends.
01:22And then they steal your food.
01:23You can have it. You can have it.
01:24I love this monkey.
01:25There's a monkey on the boat.
01:27And if you're wondering where you and your friends are going to sleep on this island,
01:30suspended above the water are six luxury cabanas,
01:34which house both humans and monkeys.
01:36The monkey's grabbing the GoPro, Jimmy.
01:38Sir, we need this for filming.
01:40I just need to borrow this.
01:43Okay, I got my camera back.
01:45Do you want some?
01:46Oh, he wants your hat.
01:48Okay, you can have that, sir.
01:50By the end of this, I'm going to be naked.
01:51The monkeys are stealing everything.
01:53And the monkeys are not even the coolest part of this island.
01:56See, this island isn't even an island at all.
01:59It's actually on top of a massive underwater plant network
02:02that emerged from the sand and water to create this illusion of an island that we see today.
02:07Is this a million-dollar island or a million-dollar bush?
02:10Because there's no land.
02:11What do you think?
02:12I don't know.
02:13I think an island is what you make of it.
02:15And on the other side of the island, there's even a private relaxation area
02:19and a beachfront massage parlor.
02:21I'm trying not to fall in the water.
02:22I'm about to get a massage with a monkey.
02:24That's really cool.
02:25Notice how all the water around you is freezing.
02:28That took a lot of effort.
02:29And we put that much effort in to convey that the $5 million island is very cold.
02:33And where we're going next, most of the year looks like this.
02:36But it's going to look like this.
02:39No joke, this island is so cold right now that the lake around it is actually frozen solid.
02:44Which means to get there, we're going to be using an interesting vehicle.
02:48We're literally hovering.
02:49Yeah, apparently snowmobiles are just too basic for this island.
02:52It just had to be hovercrafts.
02:54This is awesome.
02:55Talk about arriving in fashion.
02:56And it only took about 30 seconds of being outside the hovercraft for the king to be frozen solid.
03:01How cold is it?
03:02It's 0 degrees Celsius.
03:03It's pretty cold, man.
03:04He's more like a 70 guy.
03:06And so they hurried over to these futuristic self-heated huts to stay warm.
03:10Oh, this is so small.
03:11Wait, there's no room for you in here.
03:13We're going to have to cattle them.
03:14And these huts are able to stay here completely year-round.
03:17Because not only can they float on warm, peaceful lake water, but they also do just fine in the dead of winter.
03:22But at least in the winter, you get a great view of the northern lights.
03:25For $5 million, you basically get a winter wonderland.
03:28And while staying on this island, you're given unlimited five-star food.
03:31I think he thinks we speak Finnish.
03:37And even though this island comes with a luxury cabin to stay in.
03:40Oh, this is beautiful.
03:42This is fine.
03:43Fine, I'll take it.
03:44Jimmy, buy it for me.
03:45The gang ended up spending most of their time on the frozen lake.
03:48Where they were able to ride an actual dog sled.
03:51Oh, he took your glove.
03:54This is the best island.
03:56I don't know how any island is going to beat this.
03:57Maybe one where I can feel my hands.
03:59And Carl's hands are in luck.
04:01Because the next island is not only warm, but more expensive than all of the other islands combined.
04:06This island is tiny, but arguably one of the most luxurious ones out there.
04:11Okay, let's go check out the house.
04:13Oh, wow.
04:15We're stoked to have you as our guest.
04:17We hope you have a blast.
04:18Just don't break anything.
04:19Yo, we should try to break one thing.
04:23Ooh, nice bathroom.
04:25Usually rich people like showers that can fit like 30 to 1,000 people in them.
04:29This time, they chose a reasonable shower.
04:31When you pay $16 million, in addition to a shower that's the size of the $1 island.
04:36The private island comes with this helicopter that's apparently too big for the island.
04:40We have jet skis, we have a submarine, another submarine to the right.
04:43We have a shark submarine over there.
04:45There's almost a submarine for each of us.
04:47Boys, do whatever you want. Have fun.
04:51Carl, I'm going really bad.
04:55Hello, private island.
04:57Carl, we've got one quick call to make to get off of this thing.
05:04Whoa, we're under a fish.
05:06I am a fish now.
05:07And after Ludwig and Carl kissed the sea at 500 miles per hour.
05:13We went back to shore to take a little breather.
05:15Yeah, Ludwig's going to jump out of a helicopter.
05:18He really is.
05:19No, wait, I'm not. Wait, what?
05:23Any last words?
05:24I love you all. I'm sorry.
05:27This helicopter is taking the boys up into the air and letting them jump and free fall into the ocean.
05:32Oh my God.
05:34This is crazy. We shouldn't be doing this.
05:36This is only a $16 million island and we're jumping out of helicopters.
05:41He's about to jump.
05:44Oh my God.
05:47Oh, wait, they've jumped.
05:50There he goes.
05:56Whoever said money doesn't buy happiness doesn't own that private island.
06:00Because I'm pretty happy.
06:02And now the $45 million island.
06:05This island is so big you can't even fit it all in frame.
06:09Oh, hey. I didn't even realize they were waiting on us.
06:12I always feel uncomfortable when I pull up to places and people are just standing potentially for hours waiting on me.
06:17Hello. We have some blueberry smoothies here.
06:20Is it alcoholic?
06:21No, it is not.
06:22He's not 21.
06:23Now we'll take you guys up and we'll show you around Royal Island in a little bit.
06:26Let's see what $45 million gets us.
06:28It's a long path.
06:29The path is longer than the lost island.
06:31For $45 million, this island comes with a mansion and its own beachside bar and private chef.
06:38Can I give it a flip?
06:40Not too bad.
06:41And outside of the mansion is a hot tub overlooking the cove where the jet skis are.
06:46And of course, a pool with the best view I've ever seen.
06:49Does this look as cool on camera as it does in real life?
06:51And if for some reason you don't want to stay in the mansion, there's five luxury beachside cabanas you can pick from.
06:57Jimmy, may I?
06:58You may.
07:00May I?
07:01You may.
07:02I have class.
07:03But even after messing around with all of the amenities.
07:06Why are we playing ping pong when we have an entire island?
07:08It's important to note that that's not what makes this island special.
07:11All the way on the other end of the island are century-old ruins that we are yet to explore.
07:16Steps on driving.
07:17Oh, no.
07:18All right, ready?
07:20We're going to go off-roading a little bit and head to the back of the island now.
07:23How does Carl always end up driving?
07:24Because I'm awesome.
07:25Big bump.
07:26Dude, this is like a safari.
07:28Yeah, you're going four times the speed limit.
07:30I mean, I don't know if there's cops that will stop you, but I'm just letting you know.
07:33Is there a jail on this island?
07:34No jail.
07:35No jail?
07:36And when we finally ran out of road to drive on, we started to make our way through what used to be a village of people on this island over a hundred years ago.
07:43This used to be a bar?
07:45You want to walk under this hundred-year-old, giant, thousand-pound slab?
07:48Surely it won't fall on top of me.
07:49Dude, if today was the day that it fell, you couldn't even be mad.
07:52Nolan, come over here before you die.
07:53And just past these ruins is easily the best view on the entire island.
08:00Yeah, it gets better.
08:01We were driving for so long, I forgot we were on an island.
08:04The island starts over there, comes all the way around, wraps all the way around here, goes down that coastline all the way up over there.
08:11I'll be honest, I personally wouldn't pay $45 million for a big jungle with some ancient ruins, but I'm sure some rich guy will.
08:17This next island is arguably the second most expensive island that money can buy.
08:22This is the $150 million island.
08:26It comes with eight luxurious mega mansions.
08:29And the best part is, it's completely powered by solar panels and wind turbines.
08:33It's home to some of the most exotic animals I've ever seen, and took over four decades to build.
08:39This island will literally blow your mind.
08:42When I think of a private island, this is what I think of.
08:44That's good, because this is a private island.
08:46All right.
08:47And apparently, the first thing you need to do here is wash your hands.
08:50Make sure you don't taint the island with your outside world germs.
08:53I've already washed my germs.
08:54Does everyone who comes here get a coconut?
08:56I mean, they're not running low.
08:59I don't know if it's because this place is so fancy, or maybe they just heard about Carl's driving.
09:04But each of us ended up with our own personal driver.
09:07I have a feeling this is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
09:10Unless you come back.
09:11I might be out of my price range.
09:12And even though this island costs $150 million, you can actually rent it for yourself for the extremely low price of $140,000 per day.
09:21I didn't even realize we just went up a mountain.
09:23I've heard this is the most luxurious private island in the world.
09:26It is.
09:27This view is insane.
09:28This is the great house.
09:29But before we were able to explore the great house, my dumb friends got distracted by a turtle.
09:34There's a turtle?
09:35Get in there.
09:38All right.
09:39You guys go to the rest of the island.
09:40This island is so extra that for every one person in your party, they have 10 staff members waiting on your every need.
09:47There's a bunch of people over there like, here's drinks, here's food, what do you want to do over the next few days?
09:51And we're just like, turtle.
09:53And of course, Nolan, of all my friends, wanted to take advantage of this.
09:59All right.
10:00What's everyone up to over here?
10:01We're playing pool with 10 people.
10:03They're my hype crew.
10:04You don't have to hang out with them to make them feel good.
10:06I will be sad if you don't sit down and relax.
10:09If you need attention, don't make them stand there.
10:11It's only been an hour, but I'll say it.
10:13This is the best island so far.
10:14On top of all of that, the island has a house with a driving range on the roof where you can hit golf balls into the ocean because these are made of fish food.
10:27You should probably hit it further so you don't hit someone.
10:29Look at all those flamingos.
10:30There's so much, I can't process it.
10:32Wow, flamingos in the sky.
10:33They're everywhere.
10:35They don't love us unless we give them food.
10:39Come here, my brethren.
10:40But flamingos aren't the only exotic animals on this island.
10:44That's a dinosaur.
10:46This is so cool.
10:48And believe it or not, this tortoise could live to be over 200 years old.
10:52Mr. Tortoise, my name is Jimmy.
10:54If my descendants, descendants, descendants come here, tell them I was awesome.
10:58And afterwards, we got swarmed by a bunch of lemurs that live on this island.
11:01Get over here.
11:02Jimmy, I don't know if you notice that there's two lemurs on here.
11:04Yeah, I know.
11:05I'm trying not to move.
11:06I'll put food on there.
11:07Oh, please don't.
11:08If you're wondering where all of these exotic animals came from,
11:10most of them, sadly, are endangered species
11:13and are on this island because the owner of Richard Branson
11:15brought all of them here to prevent them from going extinct.
11:18But the most endangered animals on this island
11:21were the mermaids that served us sushi.
11:23Mermaids and sushi.
11:25This is luxury.
11:26Mermaids, do you guys want sushi?
11:28I would say no.
11:29Is that cannibalism?
11:31It's like a family reunion.
11:32Get over here.
11:33There's honestly so much on this island, we can't even film it all.
11:36We played tennis.
11:37We played basketball.
11:38We explored yet another mansion.
11:40I did my first cold plunge.
11:42You get the idea.
11:43There's so much to do on this island, it's actually overwhelming.
11:46This one's actually pretty intense.
11:48I'm, like, actually scared.
11:49You want to know what else is intense?
11:51The final island.
11:52I'll see you there.
11:53Why are we still here?
11:55And on the way to the $250 million island,
11:58we stopped in shark-infested waters because I have to pay for this video.
12:02And now that I'm surrounded by sharks,
12:05and what feels like my worst nightmare,
12:07I'm going to tell you guys about StumbleGuys.
12:09Oh, they're so close.
12:10Oh, my gosh.
12:11And the worst part is I'm not coming out until I'm done with this ad.
12:14StumbleGuys is a free-to-play mobile player game
12:16where 32 people compete for the crown.
12:18You have to be an absolute maniac to do this.
12:20Not even StumbleGuys could pay me to do this.
12:22Why are you all here, sharks?
12:24Oh, oh.
12:25They're so close.
12:26They're so close.
12:27And for their new season,
12:28they went all out with new Mr. Beast skins, animations, and emotes.
12:32Oh, he's going right at me.
12:33Bro, this is wild.
12:34I want to make sure there's enough sharks for Jimmy.
12:36They also added a brand-new level
12:38where you have to follow a pattern as long as possible to stay alive.
12:41And the longer you live, the harder it gets.
12:43Oh, a shark's hitting me.
12:44I think the sharks are hitting the cage.
12:46Oh, it's rocking.
12:47Oh, this is scary.
12:48I also just released my brand-new toolkit
12:50so you can build your own Mr. Beast level.
12:52This is one of their best seasons ever.
12:54You need to try my new Mr. Beast level.
12:56Plus, build your own,
12:57and I want to see what you guys come up with.
12:59Oh, the sharks keep hitting the cage.
13:01So I'm going to get out of here.
13:02Make sure you download Stumble Guys for free
13:03so I don't have to go back to the shark cage.
13:05You're alive.
13:06Let's go do more things that have nothing to do with sharks.
13:09And now that I've paid off the debt I've incurred from this video,
13:12let's visit the $250 million island.
13:16This is a $250 million private island.
13:20This extraordinary island has an entire amusement park
13:24with over a dozen water slides.
13:26It also has its own hot air balloon
13:29and just about every activity you could ever imagine.
13:31And we have it all to ourselves.
13:34There are no other guests here,
13:35but out of every feature you've seen on these islands so far,
13:39this one stands above the rest.
13:41In the middle of the island is a massive water slide.
13:44Even though literal 8-year-olds ride that water slide,
13:47I might still chicken out because I'm afraid of heights.
13:49But before taking on the water slide,
13:51we checked out the other features like how
13:53there's over 100 jet skis on this island.
13:56It's a bit overkill.
13:57And not to mention,
13:58there's a literal zip line that spans across man-made beaches.
14:02What's the helmet for?
14:03What am I going to hit?
14:04The ground, bro.
14:05Because sometimes people fall off.
14:07This is like really scary.
14:09Good luck.
14:11Carl, you're not far behind.
14:12This is awesome.
14:15Um, this is actually not that great.
14:17And if you own this island,
14:18you can host over 13,000 of your friends
14:21at any of these five gargantuan pools.
14:26This kind of looks like it was made in Minecraft.
14:28And it's so funny just seeing my two friends in it.
14:31Nolan looks like a tiny speck.
14:33For $250 million,
14:35this island, of course, has exotic animals.
14:37Is that a peacock?
14:38Sir, I need to take you in for questioning.
14:41And even every game you can imagine.
14:45I wish there was the 13,000 people that are normally here
14:47to watch how bad he is at Cornwall.
14:49Is that a soccer pool?
14:50This island has things I didn't even know existed.
14:53But something I noticed is that
14:54there were way too many lifeguards at this island
14:56for just the four of us.
14:58How many lifeguards are on this island?
14:59Oh, over 100.
15:01With this many lifeguards, you would have to try to drown.
15:03So I thought it would be fun if we gave them all the day off.
15:06Has anyone ever rented this island before?
15:09Wow, this is a first.
15:10Dude, you are leaning back, bro.
15:11You look way too relaxed.
15:12And after all the 100 lifeguards went down,
15:14they decided to hype up me and the boys
15:16for our turn to go down the slide.
15:19Here we go!
15:22Oh, my God!
15:24Boys, you want to know what's even scarier than that?
15:27That one.
15:28Why is it so terrifying?
15:29It looks so scary.
15:33We can skip it.
15:34Towering at over 135 feet tall,
15:37this is the tallest water slide in all of North America.
15:41I don't even know what I'm looking at.
15:43It's like a skyscraper.
15:44But I'm scared.
15:45Daredevil's Peak.
15:47What a soothing name.
15:48Very inviting.
15:49We're so high.
15:50It's kind of freaking me out.
15:51All right, we made it to the top.
15:53Are you guys just waiting for us up here?
15:56Listen to how intense the wind is up here.
15:58Oh, don't look down.
15:59Look how crazy the island looks.
16:01Oh, my God.
16:02All right, Carl, you ready?
16:04Oh, Nolan, oh!
16:05Would you say no-skos is enforceable?
16:06No-skos is enforceable.
16:08There we go.
16:09The lifeguards said you got to go, Nolan.
16:11I love you, Mom.
16:12I'll see you on the other side.
16:14All right, go.
16:16Oh, my God!
16:18Oh, my God, I hit my truck.
16:21Let's do this!
16:23You better come down after me.
16:27Oh, God.
16:28Why is it so fast?
16:29Is it actually that scary?
16:34I'm going to do this for your entertainment,
16:36even though giant rides scare me.
16:39Here we go.
16:41That is going so fast.
16:43And even though I was basically just drowning,
16:45the entire time down the water slide,
16:47I got to say, this whole island was pretty awesome.
16:50Oh, yeah, and one more thing.
16:52Make sure you use this QR code to download StumbleGuides,
16:55and you can win $10,000.
