• le mois dernier


00:00Holly n'a pas dormi toute la nuit, ni Frosty.
00:05Beansboro s'est devenu un endroit assombrant.
00:08Au moins pour quelqu'un comme Frosty, qui pensait que ne porter pas de sacs en janvier était dangereux.
00:15Holly savait qu'elle devait faire quelque chose rapidement si elle voulait protéger Frosty.
00:20Oui !
00:27Tu dois être en train de me moquer !
00:29Chut ! Vite !
00:32Holly ! Tu vas manquer ton bus !
00:36Holly ?
00:37J'y vais, maman !
00:40Holly's plan seemed to flow without a hitch until...
00:43Holly ! What is that sticking out of your desk ?
00:46It's just my lunch. Turkey.
00:48Don't you think you should cook it first ?
00:52That's enough !
00:53Young lady, a school desk is no place for poultry, unless you choose to present it as a science project.
00:59I do !
01:00Well, then you'll have to wait until Charles has finished. Continue, Charles !
01:04Thank you, Miss Carbuncle.
01:06Now, where was I ?
01:08Oh, yes !
01:09Snow plays an important role in our environment.
01:12It is a major source of fresh water for the Earth, and without it, life on this planet would soon disappear.
01:19Isn't that right, Miss Carbuncle ?
01:21Miss Carbuncle ?
01:24Any questions ?
01:25Yeah, I don't think snow is so important. My dad says it causes heart attacks.
01:30He must have snow confused with chili dogs. Any other questions ?
01:34I think it should only snow one day a year, for the winter carnival.
01:38After that, I wish it would melt, so we could have ten months of summer vacation.
01:42Yeah, that would be rad !
01:46An attractive but dangerous theory.
01:48Ten months of summer and a beach party in January !
01:51A picnic !
01:52A volleyball tournament !
01:54That's right ! No more snow !
01:56Do you realize what you're saying ?
01:58Yeah ! We want summer ! No more snow !
02:02No more snow ! No more snow !
02:06No more snow ! No more snow !
02:09Hey ! Hey ! Sit me down now ! Where do you think you are, MTV ?
02:12Charles, have you finished ?
02:14Yes, Miss Carbuncle.
02:16Fabulous ! Let's go, Holly ! Bring on the bird !
02:19Holly ?
02:28Frosty !
02:29What are you doing out here ?
02:31This is dangerous !
02:32I couldn't sit in there anymore, Holly.
02:34I started getting a cramp, then I got this freezer burn.
02:37You shouldn't be out here.
02:39If one of those trucks comes by...
02:42What are you talking about ?
02:44I just came from my school.
02:46All the kids there were screaming,
02:47No more snow ! No more snow !
02:49It was terrible !
02:51What did you say ?
02:52Nothing. I was too scared.
02:54Whenever I try to talk, my mouth gets all dry
02:56and my hands get all clammy.
02:58I let you down, didn't I ?
03:00You know, kid, maybe it's time you stopped being a kid.
03:03I'm not a kid anymore.
03:05I'm not a kid anymore.
03:07I'm not a kid anymore.
03:09You know, kid, maybe it's time you tried a different approach.
03:39Let there be snow
03:41Need I remind you the autumn's behind you
03:44Let the wind blow
03:46This is a time of year to make
03:49Figure eights across the lake
03:52Such a magical sight
03:54When the world's dressed all in white
03:57Oh, let there be snow
04:02The days may grow short and gray
04:04Or the cold may nip at your nose
04:08But once there's a six-inch layer
04:10Those soft flakes beneath your toes
04:13You can't help but want to taste it
04:15Or jump in a snowy pile
04:18Why not build a fort or igloo
04:20Or find a window to print your smile
04:23Oh, let there be snow
04:26Let there be snow
04:28Close down the schools and let's act like fools
04:31There's parties to throw
04:35I thought once you made your fortune
04:37You could sit back and count your loot
04:39But now that I've conquered Beansboro
04:42I'm ready to trade this suit
04:45I want a crown that fits me
04:47I want a cape that flows
04:50Six yards of fur and velvet
04:53Right down to my crooked toes
04:55There's no more snow
04:57There's no more snow
05:00Look how they love me
05:02The clouds up above me
05:03Couldn't compete with my toe
05:05Let Mother Nature try to win
05:08I'll give her blizzards quite a spin
05:11Just try and stop me
05:13No one can stop me
05:16Let my kingship begin
05:21Let there be snow
05:24Let there be snow
05:26This kind of weather brings people together
05:29So friendships can grow
05:32Why should we sit around and wait
05:34For summer days to celebrate
05:37Such a magical sight
05:39When the world's dressed in white
05:43Oh, let there be snow
06:01Certaines choses ne peuvent pas être expliquées
06:03Comme le rythme
06:06Allez, ne me fais pas danser seul
06:11Attention, arrêtez le voiture
06:13Arrêtez le voiture
06:14Et arrêtez la musique
06:16Ce neigeux est en train de fliquer sur l'un de mes couloirs
06:19Bones, qui est ce connard froissé ?
06:22Il doit venir du parc
06:24Il y a probablement des dizaines de ces critères de neige là-bas
06:26Qui attendent juste à déchirer mes couloirs
06:29N'assieds-toi pas là-bas
06:31Tu gâchis de l'eau
06:47Je pense que nous les avons perdu
06:49Bien, as-tu les sprayé ?
06:51Dites-moi la vérité, Bones
06:53Il y a un tuna casserole là-bas
06:55Ils partent
06:57Je pense que nous sommes en sécurité
06:59Pas tous
07:00Frosty, qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
07:02On dirait le travail de Summer Wees
07:04Oh non, il n'y a rarement de neige sur le sol
07:08Comment allons-nous aider Frosty ?
07:10Il vaut mieux penser vite, les gars
07:12Ou je retournerai vers le Nord-Pole en boule