[ENG] EP.118 Soo Ji & Woo Ri (2024)

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[ENG] EP.118 Soo Ji & Woo Ri (2024)
00:00What did you just say?
00:05I have a baby, mom.
00:09Doyoung's baby.
00:11The three of them?
00:13So all this time, what you've been doing
00:15wasn't for your own good, but for yourself?
00:18Oh, please.
00:20How? How could you do this?
00:24How could you?
00:26I'm sorry, mom.
00:28I'm so sorry.
00:31I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:33I will take care of Duri and the baby until the end.
00:38Please allow me, ma'am.
00:42Oh, Seol.
00:45How could you?
00:46How could you do this to your own mother?
00:49How could you do this to your own mother?
00:52Get up, you son of a bitch!
00:55Get out of here!
00:57Mom, don't do this.
00:59Don't scold him.
01:04You two,
01:06go back to your rooms.
01:08Back to our rooms?
01:10You can't do this!
01:12Please stay still, ma'am.
01:15Oh, my goodness.
01:17What's going on?
01:20Oh, my.
01:24Oh, my.
01:29How old is the baby?
01:31It's been four weeks.
01:34When did you first find out?
01:36The day you went to the hospital last time.
01:39So you and your brother know everything?
01:42I'm sorry, mom.
01:44I told my sister and brother to keep it a secret.
01:50I know you don't believe me yet,
01:53but I'll do everything I can for you and the baby.
01:57Please allow us to live a proud life as a mother and a father.
02:05Do you think we're asking for your permission?
02:09Mom, please.
02:11I love Do-young so much.
02:13Do-young is a kind and sincere person.
02:16How could you say that?
02:18You know very well
02:20how I've lived because of Do-young's mother.
02:25It's all my fault.
02:29What did Do-young do wrong?
02:34It's my fault that I was born.
02:37Because I was born,
02:39my mother and Su-ji broke up,
02:42and because of me, Do-ri is...
02:44Stop it, Do-young.
02:46Why is it Do-young's fault that Do-young was born?
02:48I was abandoned as soon as I was born.
02:50Then what am I?
02:51What am I?
02:54Do-ri, I'm sorry.
02:55I didn't mean that.
02:59I want my baby
03:01to be born as a child who is welcomed and blessed by everyone.
03:05Mom, please.
03:15Do-young, go back.
03:17Come back when I call you.
03:20Yes, mother.
03:21I'll do that.
03:24Do-ri, go back to your room.
03:27Let me think about it.
03:44Yes, I got it.
03:45I'll be right there.
03:48What's wrong?
03:49What are you...
03:55I think my mom was sad.
03:57What should I do?
03:58She must have been shocked.
04:00I'll go get changed.
04:11What's this, dad?
04:13I got you some money to prepare for a new start.
04:18Money to prepare for a new start?
04:22You're a dad now.
04:25How did you know, dad?
04:27Don't I look like one?
04:29I'm the new fruit of the lost health insurance.
04:33Did you know that I became a dad
04:36because of Se-jeong's birth dream?
04:42No way.
04:45You haven't gotten permission yet, have you?
04:49No, not yet.
04:52It won't be easy.
04:54Until you get permission,
04:56don't let your mom find out.
04:59If she finds out...
05:01I know.
05:02My mom is a walking time bomb.
05:05The last X-man.
05:08Put it in the bag, quick.
05:11Why are you counting money?
05:13Stop! Stop, stop!
05:15I'm caught.
05:17What? What is it this time?
05:19What is this?
05:20What did you give to Do-young without me knowing?
05:22I think I gave her a deposit.
05:25What's wrong with you?
05:26You're acting like a mother.
05:28Then what about me?
05:29The vice-president will pay the rent,
05:32and the call center manager will pay my rent.
05:34Why won't you?
05:35Just wait.
05:36Once the store opens,
05:38I'm going to pay everything.
05:40Don't worry.
05:42You have to promise me.
05:45By the way, Jin Do-young.
05:47Are you going to be a father?
05:50You're responsible for the fruit of the lost health insurance.
05:55Are you going to be a father?
05:58There's nothing I can't say to my precious son-in-law.
06:01Come on in and clean up the store.
06:16I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance, Mom.
06:21I thought it was right for you to tell your mom yourself.
06:25You want it, too.
06:28You understand, right?
06:35It's already happened.
06:38Fortunately, the two of you really love each other.
06:42Do-young also has a strong will to take responsibility.
06:45Why don't you trust me?
06:52It's a little embarrassing to say this,
06:55Do-young is a good kid, Mom.
06:58We've been siblings for over 20 years.
07:00I know that better than anyone else.
07:04I don't have any bad feelings for Do-young, either.
07:07I know you're a nice and good person.
07:10But if I allow it,
07:13Then Jang Yoon-ja will be our mother-in-law.
07:17You and I have been separated for over 20 years.
07:22I know how you feel.
07:25But as long as you have a child, you can't just oppose it.
07:29Yeah, I know.
07:30That's why I'm in so much pain.
07:33But I can't tell Do-young to break up with his parents.
07:38He's not the kind of kid to do that.
07:43I'm so upset that I'm running to my dream
07:46because I'm not making a makeup show for my name.
07:53I can't believe it's Jang Yoon-ja's son.
07:57If that's how you feel,
07:59You don't have to force it.
08:01Just take your time.
08:02Do what your heart tells you to do.
08:08Yeah, I get it.
08:13I'm here because I'm worried.
08:16Don't worry too much.
08:18You guys go home.
08:21We're going to sleep here tonight.
08:25What? Here?
08:27My mom said she could come and sleep here anytime.
08:29She left our room as it was.
08:31Why not?
08:33It's not that I can't.
08:36What if my mother is upset that I keep coming here?
08:40Don't worry about that.
08:42I'm here for your understanding.
08:45Then I'll see you two for a minute and go up.
08:48Good night.
08:49Good night.
08:57There's nothing going on at home, is there?
09:00That document...
09:02Oh, I'm busy, so I haven't even checked it yet.
09:07It's hard enough for you two to worry about.
09:11Let's put our worries down for a while.
09:15How's your body?
09:18It's getting a little stable.
09:21He came back earlier than I thought.
09:24Good job.
09:26You said that before.
09:28If my mom never allows it,
09:31At that time, I really had to respect my mom's thoughts.
09:34Yeah, I did.
09:36But what should I do?
09:38I don't think my mom will allow us.
09:40I don't think my mom will allow us.
09:43Well, I don't know yet.
09:48We both tried really hard to break up.
09:52I know what kind of barrier there is between the two of you.
09:55But no matter how hard I try, I can't.
09:58I miss you again when I turn around.
10:01I think my mom needs time, too.
10:06Let's wait a little.
10:08We were surprised like this, too.
10:12I know what you mean.
10:15How's your mom?
10:17My mom worries about you, and you worry about your mom.
10:23Now, then.
10:24Good night, brother.
10:26Good night.
10:38Oh, my God.
10:43What is it?
10:44Why are you doing that in the middle of the night?
10:47I've been keeping secrets from us.
10:50You're stressed out, aren't you?
10:52I'm going to take it today.
11:00Come on, come on.
11:04How can I attack my sister?
11:10You think I can't do one?
11:11Just a little bit more.
11:14Side hair!
11:16Side! Side!
11:17Fake hair, hair.
11:21Go for it, go for it!
11:24Please catch it.
11:26There's no roach.
11:29There's no roach?
11:30There's no roach.
11:34Because you're cute.
11:35You're fluttering.
11:37What? Cute?
11:39You're cute to a guy like the sky.
11:44I can't do this.
11:45I'm going to have to catch this broken spirit in my house again tonight.
11:50Come here.
11:51Come here!
11:52Oh my!
12:32You're still up?
12:34I was waiting for you to come to bed.
12:38Do you have anything to say to me?
12:43Shall we break up?
12:47I want to quit the foundation and the hospital.
12:50I want to travel around and live a carefree life.
12:53Why are you thinking about that all of a sudden?
12:57There are so many times we've missed.
13:01I think it would be good for us to live our own lives from now on.
13:06What about the foundation and the hospital?
13:10It's too early to leave it to Hyunwoo and Hyunseong.
13:14We can send them to the board of directors or the director of the hospital.
13:19Are you serious about that?
13:25I'm a little embarrassed to say this,
13:27but we want to start over.
13:37Let's think about it.
13:40I'll go to bed first.
13:42You should go to bed, too.
13:57Good morning.
14:22Good morning.
14:23Good morning.
14:24Why did you two go to work separately?
14:26Go to work separately?
14:27What do you mean?
14:28A while ago, the chairman, the director, the general manager, and the general manager's wife went to work together.
14:35It's called the Royal Family.
14:39Oh, is that so?
14:41What happened?
14:42Why is Jin Na-young with him?
14:44My brother is going to work at the foundation from today.
14:46As the chairman's secretary.
14:49He's going to work as a secretary?
14:50That's possible.
14:53Now you have to get ready for the treatment.
14:55Okay, okay, okay.
14:56Good luck.
14:57Way to go!
14:58Way to go!
15:00Wait a minute.
15:05I got a call from a friend at the genetic test lab.
15:09They'll get the same test results as soon as possible.
15:13All right.
15:14Let me know as soon as it comes out.
15:18Way to go.
15:32What's that, Secretary Oh?
15:34I just got a flower delivery.
15:48Jin Na-young, secretary of the board of directors of the Haedal Foundation, mother, Jang Yoon-ja.
15:54I think your mother sent it to congratulate you.
15:58Bring me some documents, Secretary Oh.
16:00All the basic documents of the foundation that Secretary Jin needs to figure out.
16:04Yes, I see.
16:07I'll do my best, Chairman.
16:11Take it as a change of mood.
16:14Even after you give birth,
16:15never say that Hyun-sung is leaving for the United States.
16:20Oh, by the way,
16:21should I have lunch with my mother-in-law?
16:24I even went to work for the first time.
16:26That's a good idea.
16:28I'll make a reservation and contact my mother-in-law and my brother.
16:32Do that.
16:34I have a board meeting in the morning.
16:38Should I go with you?
16:41Secretary Oh will do all that.
16:51I'm sorry.
17:12Land-grant contract?
17:15That 400-hectare land is already...
17:21Even if everything collapses, my father...
17:40Come this way.
17:44Have a seat.
17:46I'll help you.
17:48Barley ribs are the best in our restaurant.
17:51And the seasonal ssambap is also...
17:55You can sit here.
17:58I'll bring you some water.
18:01That tiger-like...
18:05I'm talking to the customers.
18:07Two servings of barley ribs.
18:08I'll serve it right away.
18:10Excuse me.
18:13Table 3.
18:14Two servings of barley ribs.
18:16What are you doing?
18:18I think you're busy, so I'm helping.
18:22I called you to talk.
18:24I didn't call you to help, so wait a minute.
18:28Get out of the way.
18:29I'm busy, so I'll order later.
18:33One more side dish, please.
18:35Yes, ma'am.
18:37Oh, my.
18:38What kind of person is that?
18:51Why don't you and I go out first?
18:55Unless we get the necktie pin,
18:57I don't know how Jin Su-ji will blow it up.
19:00Just as you asked your father-in-law's father-in-law
19:03to hold a memorial service,
19:04we're going to hit the player first
19:06and end the suspicion about the necktie pin.
19:13Can you do that?
19:15Leave it to me.
19:16I'll take care of it tomorrow.
19:23You're a little late.
19:24Did you wait a long time?
19:27We just got here, too.
19:30It's my second day at work.
19:32I thought it would be nice to have lunch with my family outside,
19:35so I made a seat.
19:37It's okay, right?
19:38Of course, mother.
19:41I made a reservation here.
19:42Do you like it, brother?
19:45Oh, it's good.
19:51That necklace.
19:54Oh, this is the necklace my mother gave me as a gift.
19:58I got it as a set when I married my father.
20:02I gave it to him as a gift not long ago.
20:04I didn't give it to him when he got married.
20:07Is this necklace a set with a necktie pin?
20:13How did you know that?
20:15That's right. It was a set with a necklace and a necktie pin.
20:23Unfortunately, I lost that necktie pin a long time ago,
20:26so your mother only has this necklace now.
20:30I think I have that necktie pin.
20:35What are you talking about?
20:37What do you mean you have it?
20:39The one you raised...
20:44There was a necktie pin with the same design as Jung Soon-jung's.
20:51Then you must have lost that necktie pin at Haedal Nursing Home.
20:59Oh, my.
21:01What a coincidence.
21:04I know, mother.
21:06I shouldn't have given you this necklace.
21:08I should have given it to my brother.
21:10I should have given it to him as a set with my mother-in-law.
21:13You don't have to.
21:14It looks good on you, too.
21:19Why isn't Kyun Sung-in here yet?
21:27You asked my wife on the day of the interview
21:30if she had done a DNA test.
21:33Why did you say that?
21:37You heard it.
21:40I've been working with Jin Na-young for almost three years,
21:44so I know a little bit.
21:46What do you know?
21:48Oh, can I say this in front of my husband?
21:53Jin Na-young is very wary of Jin Soo-ji.
21:57She's not just wary, but she doesn't know how to deal with it.
22:01If I had been exposed then...
22:04Is there anything else you haven't revealed while confessing your conscience?
22:09There was a crucial audio file that I bought to make Jin Soo-ji fall.
22:14Jin Soo-ji just asked me to cover it up.
22:17The two of them got married again...
22:23Can you send me that file?
22:29Are you two getting a divorce?
22:33If you're married to each other,
22:35there's no reason to ask me for this.
22:43Take your time.
22:45I didn't steal it.
22:48It's because it's so delicious.
22:50I've never seen such a good person in my life.
22:54Who welcomes you and does all the work as soon as you come?
22:58From now on, think of me as a housekeeper.
23:01If anything happens, just let me do it.
23:03Don't be ridiculous.
23:05Don't expect me to take care of you.
23:12I have to bring Ara.
23:14I'll be back.
23:16Ara and I are best friends.
23:19I'll go to the playground and play with her on my way back.
23:23I'll be back.
23:25He's so clumsy.
23:29But I think he's a good friend.
23:35I told him to come home on time, but he came early.
23:45No, then the victim of the necktie...
23:49You must have lost it at the children's nursing hospital.
23:55You're going to hit it head-on.
24:05The results are out.
24:13The test your mother did wasn't the same as mine.
24:18As we expected?
24:22Why the hell?
24:24Do you want to go home first with your mother today?
24:26I think you'll be too shocked to know your mother.
24:29No, I'll have to ask her myself.
24:33What are you thinking about doing this?
24:35I know how you feel.
24:37But I have to check something first.
24:56What are you doing here?
24:58I have something to tell you.
25:02To me?
25:03Yes, please wait a minute.
25:06There's someone else who's coming.
25:27The first test that showed the results of the bridge.
25:29The body of the body that was used in the test came out as someone else's.
25:34What do you mean?
25:35What do you mean someone else's body?
25:37Yes, it looks like the body has changed.
25:40It's not Chaewool.
25:42The result is that it's the same as the gene of the childbirth.
25:48Just in case, I sent the childbirth test results together.
26:00You look like you knew everything.
26:05So this is a fortune?
26:08Public interest?
26:13Can you tell me why the Dongseo gene came out of here?
26:22Well, there's nothing to say right now.
26:2825 years ago.
26:30Han Hyun-woo, 9 years old at Haedul Nursing Hospital.
26:33You met him, right?
26:37What are you talking about?
26:51The evidence 25 years ago that my father met Han Hyun-woo at Haedul Nursing Hospital.
26:55There are even recent evidences that my father went to stop so that my mother and brother couldn't meet.
27:02Check it out.
27:05What's the basis for such a terrible thing?
27:07Stop it, father.
27:10It's all been revealed now.
27:12How much more are you going to hide when you have all the evidence?
27:17Now tell me everything.
27:25Han Hyun-woo, 9 years old at Haedul Nursing Hospital.
27:33What are you talking about?
27:37My father met me 25 years ago.
27:41He met me, but he abandoned me.
27:46Han Hyun-woo, 9 years old at Haedul Nursing Hospital.
27:52Listen to me, Hyun-woo.
28:08I just did what my father told me to do.
28:11It's all because of you.
28:13It's all because of you.
28:15In the end, you got into my life and ruined everything again.
28:18My father is gone.
28:21Kim Mari.
28:22It's time to tell you the truth, which is probably hard for me to say.
