• last year
A young American woman visiting her author father in London discovers that her childhood habit of sleepwalking has recurred. She has a vivid dream of witnessing a murder in a strange house - or is it a dream?

Source: IMDB
00:00:51Now come on Diane
00:00:54Let's have it. Yes. Yes. Come on. You still haven't told us what you're doing here at three months sabbatical
00:01:01Man talks the way he writes
00:01:04Call it a vacation would seem excessive. I mean, what are you really here for another book in the offing and
00:01:11Sensational is the last look I told you I felt like a rest. That's all Katie hadn't seen Europe
00:01:17So it's a good idea. Where is that delicious door of yours? Anyways upstairs sleeping
00:01:22She hasn't caught up with jet lag yet. Well, you certainly have three days already. You look as if you've been living here all day
00:01:30Wow, you can thank Parsons and Esme for that. They've really been looking after things. Thank you, sir. Now, come on then
00:01:37What kind of book is it? Yeah. Okay. Okay, so I do have a subject
00:01:46Bit better than the last
00:01:49It's fascinating, of course, I couldn't put it down but the subject was horrendous
00:02:54Suspect cannibalism
00:03:13Eddie Katie
00:03:21It's all right, it's all right, baby
00:03:23All right
00:03:25What did I do? Did I do anything bad?
00:03:28Not a thing baby
00:03:57There we are try and get a good night's sleep this time
00:04:35Must surprise your daughter walks in her sleep has nightmares with you as a father then she's done it since she was a kid
00:04:43Ever since she got a glimpse of your first manuscript
00:04:46Doesn't happen very often only if she's overtired and excited. Hi, I guess the trip here
00:04:56Good night dad. Good night Harry
00:04:59She'll be all right now, won't she sure right his new pin in the morning. Good night. Good night Louie. Thanks
00:05:05Marvelous dinner day marvelous evening. I'll give you a call about that Peter. I'll look forward to it
00:05:10Good night, then good to see you again and you tonight. We'll be in touch again soon. Dan sure will
00:05:19There's an awful lot of stairs to fall down
00:05:35Excuse me
00:05:50Should have got yourself a tiger instead
00:05:53Hmm instead of a daughter the gate. Oh
00:05:58that I
00:06:00Like people Katie your kind of people it's just a precaution. I never want you to end up with a broken leg, do we?
00:06:09I probably won't do it again. I'm so rested
00:06:17Hey now that's not for publication not yet anyway
00:06:24Dad you don't really believe those things can happen these days. Do you I mean
00:06:28Black magic and wizardry Katie. I don't invent them and there are stranger things
00:06:36Yes me running around in the night
00:06:39Well, I won't do it again
00:06:56As me it is as me isn't it? Yes miss. Where does this leave?
00:08:31It's a fairyland
00:11:39I'm rich
00:11:55If fortune no one suspects
00:12:01Fortune no one will ever find
00:12:09Fortune no one will ever find
00:13:02Are you okay? I'm terribly sorry. Oh, yes, sir. I rang my bell
00:13:07Well, didn't you hear me ring my bell you just stepped out as though you were sleepwalking I was not walking in my sleep
00:13:13Oh, of course, no, you should have swerved. Well, I tried and what about that? Oh
00:13:19That well, they only put that there to tempt me
00:13:26Well, I guess I was far away no, I should have looked where I was going are you sure you're all right
00:13:33It's a technique ought to try perfect
00:13:36Not girls over so I can pick them up
00:13:40Do you live near here? Yeah over there. Oh, what with you? My name is Barnstable, by the way Barnstable
00:13:46That's the name of a town, isn't it? Yeah, they stole it from me. Oh
00:13:55How long have you been over here only about three or four days how long you stay three months I think oh good
00:14:03Are you um, are you on holiday or something?
00:14:07Not exactly. My father's a writer and he's working on a book here. Well, what sort of stuff does he write?
00:14:13all kinds of things
00:14:16Morning Esme
00:14:24Dad this is Barnstable my father pleased to meet you. Hello
00:14:28Barnstable that's the name of a town in this country, isn't it? They stole it from
00:14:33That's nice to make do sit down. Oh, thank you. But how come how did you two meet up?
00:14:37Anyway, oh, we sort of bumped into each other this morning this morning
00:14:41You must have been up early. Didn't you sleep? Well, of course I slept perfectly
00:14:47It was just such a nice day. I wanted to go for a walk. Sure. Sure. Of course, baby
00:14:51A barnstable is a student dad. He's interested in psychiatry. Well, you're on a winner there the world gets a little matter every day
00:14:58Do we see you for lunch, right?
00:15:02Are you
00:15:04You all right, baby
00:15:05Sure, dad. Why I just thought you looked a little washed out. That's all. No, I'm fine
00:15:17He's right, you know you do look a little pale
00:15:21I'll be fine once I've adjusted. I just haven't been sleeping too. Well, that's a guilty conscience
00:15:27What well, that's my theory sleep is the barometer of the state of mind just as the pulse is to the heart
00:15:32You store up anxieties during the day and then at night they come flooding back into your subconscious
00:15:36I wrote a paper on it night and the nightmare pretty good. Eh
00:17:20Katie Katie
00:17:33It's all right, it's just a dream just a bad dream
00:17:51This is what I like best about London the feeling of a past a solid foundation
00:17:58It's nice to know the world doesn't change too rapidly
00:18:02You're different today another bad night
00:18:08What about I
00:18:11Don't remember
00:18:13I've been reading too many of your dad's books
00:18:15And what does that mean? Well, I mean he does delve into the weirdest areas
00:18:21You know, he's a Pulitzer Prize winner
00:18:24I mean, I'm not criticizing his writing just the subjects. He tackles. He doesn't invent those subjects, you know, they're part of us
00:18:30They're real. No, no, you're misunderstanding me. I just meant to suggest that maybe what what you being so sensitive and him writing that kind of stuff
00:18:40Stuff you are in a state. I am NOT in a state. I want to go home
00:18:52Katie you have a good day
00:18:57What's wrong? Nothing?
00:18:59Nothing, and don't you tell me nothing young lady?
00:19:03Your face is as black as thunder
00:19:06You didn't have a good day. Oh, I had a marvelous day. And how about you?
00:19:11Did you examine the evil part of his soul more closely Katie?
00:19:16Excuse me, sir. The dinner party tonight, sir, if I might discuss the final arrangements
00:19:23I'll leave it entirely to you Parsons and in your good hands and I'm sure it'll be a while
00:19:33Now the only thing I can tell you is that I don't know what to do with myself
00:19:40Know the evocation of black arts and spirits isn't to be recommended. I'm not evoking them. I'm just studying
00:19:50You could get your old sinus trouble back
00:19:53Why'd you do it anyway? I just want to understand to explain the inexplicable. Sure. Why not? I
00:20:03Don't believe this mumbo-jumbo. Anyway, but black magic. It'll make one hell of a book down
00:20:11If he gets to finish it I'm impervious to the supernatural
00:20:21You're looking tired sweetheart, wouldn't you like to go to bed?
00:20:26No, no, I'm not tired
00:20:28I'm wide awake
00:20:30Wide wide awake. I may never go to bed
00:20:38Well, I don't have your stamina Katie
00:20:41If you'll excuse me Dan
00:20:43Sure. Sure. I should be going too
00:20:46So so should you should you? Oh, yes. Yes, of course. I've got an important appointment tomorrow
00:20:51Oh, I'll see you up another marvelous evening. Dan. That's two. I owe you
00:20:55Nothing to do with her mother is it? Oh, she's been dead for five years now. She's put that well behind her
00:21:02This it's just that she's highly strong. Well, if he does turn out there be anything else Dan
00:21:07I know the address of a very good psychiatrist. I won't need any of your addresses Peter, but thanks
00:21:20It may not work with you Katie
00:21:25Too much brandy keeps me awake, but it may not work with you. I
00:21:29Don't need to be kept awake. I just wanted a drink. That's all. Oh, come on
00:21:35Don't lie to me. I don't like you lying to me
00:21:43Am I going mad do you think is there something wrong with me not a thing
00:21:47You've just inherited from me too bright an imagination and too active much too active when you really should be getting some beauty sleep
00:21:55Well, I wish I could
00:21:57but these dreams
00:22:00And I've been walking again, yes, I know
00:22:04No, I haven't seen you. I've been too bushed for that. But I know the signs
00:22:09Every night I've been walking. Do you know where?
00:22:17At least the new gates work we haven't found you lying in the hallway yet yet
00:22:22Now look don't worry
00:22:24it's the new trip of
00:22:27New life lots to see new friends. Oh and that reminds me that
00:22:31Barnstable guy. He looks like a nice boy
00:22:33Yes, he is. He's really nice
00:22:36Get him to take you to a disco or something dance the legs off you
00:22:41Then you'll sleep
00:22:43Tell him that's a direct parental order
00:22:46Dad I do love you. You look better
00:23:01She was funny again tonight funny. Oh, Miss Summers funny, you know odd
00:23:07Think I had a walking about again last night. I don't think we should discuss our employers like that
00:23:12Just between you and me come on, they're nice people generous people that Americans usually are. He's a weirdo
00:23:19But what mr. Summers a weirdo? You're right. So books is me. Two of them have been banned. Did you know that I did not know
00:23:26Nor do I wish to know as far as I'm concerned. He's a very nice man. I ain't a weirdo
00:23:31Yes me. I really will not have you talking this way
00:23:36Nor do I like you having me talk to you
00:23:38Nor do I like you having men friends call for you at the house say we're not in the 1800s now, you know
00:27:44Katie Katie
00:27:55Told you weirdos both of them. She fell down the stairs last night. Well, those stairs are steep
00:28:02Oh wasn't that she walks in her sleep. That's why the gate was put there
00:28:07Walks in her sleep. Oh, she was stoned
00:28:12Now I feel even more like a caged animal
00:28:15You're not caged. It'll be open all during the day and only locked at night. How are you feeling?
00:28:23Don't doubt it
00:28:25Luckily, you didn't break anything, but the doctor thinks you ought to rest up for a while. No, no, I'm fine now
00:28:30Whatever you say, but I still think you ought to take it easy
00:28:34At least until this sleepwalking dies down
00:28:40It isn't just the walking
00:28:43It's the dreams too. So vivid and scary
00:28:46Well, I'll give you a rundown on them later. That's what I'm researching at the moment dreams and the alcove
00:29:04Is Katie home
00:29:07Hey, you're not ready today. Remember I said I'd show you the sights. Oh, yes. Okay, but later I want to talk to you
00:29:14What about the state of my mind?
00:29:18The state of her mind that's what she said she said about herself told you Parsons weirdos
00:29:26Look, I've only just got into psychiatry, but you are certainly not mentally disturbed. Well, I'd stake my reputation on it
00:29:33Well my future reputation
00:29:37Over excitement a new home jet lag
00:29:42But I've walked before
00:29:44ever since I was a kid
00:29:46and I've had dreams before but
00:29:49Never like this never these kinds of dreams dreams like the mind perspiring
00:29:54They can also be very indicative as to what's bothering you now if you could recall them. Oh, but I can totally
00:30:00Almost totally. Well, all right. Try me. I'll see if I can give you an interpretation
00:30:06Well, they come in a kind of sequence
00:30:10I'm in a big tall room
00:30:12High up on some sort of structure
00:30:15It runs along one wall and stairs lead down a gallery
00:30:20Yes, that's it a gallery and
00:30:23Down below. There's this old man
00:30:26He has a Bible and he's going through some kind of weird religious ceremony
00:30:32Yeah, he kisses his fingers and places them on the Bible and he's saying something. What's he saying?
00:30:40something about being rich
00:30:43hiding his riches and
00:30:45Then there's a knife in his back
00:30:48he's dying and
00:30:50There's this young man
00:30:52What young man? I?
00:30:54Don't know he's
00:30:56He's very handsome and dark
00:30:59And he's wearing some kind of costume
00:31:0319th century, I think like a Regency buck
00:31:13I'm terribly sorry miss it just slipped
00:31:17Hope it wasn't too valuable. I
00:31:19Don't know what came with the house. Never mind as me accidents happen
00:31:24What does this young man do? Huh? Well the 19th century young man
00:31:29First he just stands
00:31:31and then
00:31:33Look, I don't believe in psychic phenomena. I don't believe in it at all. Do you understand? It's unscientific, but
00:31:42Maybe you are hypersensitive to atmosphere
00:31:45And this house certainly has atmosphere
00:31:48Maybe your mind is like a radio station picking up long-forgotten signals
00:31:52Do you mean the old man might have lived here once? I didn't say that but they could have been associations. Yes
00:31:57Look, we'll try and find out
00:31:59Wow, well houses old as this are bound to be records somewhere look here
00:32:03But you go and get dressed and I'll see if I can find something
00:32:11Yes, sir, Oh
00:32:13Parsons said isn't it about time? We had some lunch. I'm about to serve it, sir
00:32:17I'm about to serve it sir as soon as I can get the dining room table clear
00:32:28There's a reference here new windows were added in
00:32:321881 put it down. Hey, what goes on? Oh morning. Mr. Summers. We're doing an instant history of this house history
00:32:38Did you know that it once belonged to Sir John Poyne? Yeah, he was a cavalier. He fought against Cromwell
00:32:43Cromwell I
00:32:44Didn't think this place was that old the original structure is some of its still standing
00:32:49Of course, it's been added and Alex a lot since then they used to hide political prisoners here
00:32:53There even used to be a secret passage leading through to the priest house that backed on to this
00:32:58Well, it all sounds very very fascinating, but not very good for the stomach stomach
00:33:05We can finish later, I'm sorry dad I've lost my watch somewhere I had no idea of the time
00:33:25You're making me giddy
00:33:27No, I'm the giddy one
00:33:2919th century dream. We've been through that. I know I'm a radio picking up antique signals
00:33:36The signal I'm sending you is probably the oldest one in the world
00:33:40Are you picking it up?
00:33:42I'd like to do this forever.
00:34:11To wake up higher and higher, free as a bird.
00:34:17Do you think this is a tiring activity?
00:34:19You think it'll make me sleep?
00:34:22That's the rub, isn't it, Constable?
00:34:25Aye, that's the rub, according to Hamlet.
00:34:28Or in that sleep of death, what dreams may come.
00:34:56Well, did it help?
00:34:59You and Barnstable, did you find anything that linked up?
00:35:03Oh, no, no, not really.
00:35:06There was no incident that even remotely resembled my dream.
00:35:09Well, at least he kept you occupied, and I'm grateful to him for that.
00:35:13Good night, sweetheart.
00:35:15Try and get a good sound sleep.
00:35:25Good night.
00:35:55Good night.
00:36:13Oh, that was long.
00:36:25Good night.
00:36:56Good night.
00:37:17It's me.
00:37:22I heard a door open, sir, and...
00:37:25Yes, whoa.
00:37:26Thank you, Esme.
00:37:27It's kind of you to take the trouble, Esme.
00:37:29Well, we don't want her falling down the stairs again, do we, sir?
00:37:32Next time, she might get killed.
00:37:34Yes, well, thank you, Esme.
00:37:40Katie, uh...
00:37:43I'm gonna go and see Peter today.
00:37:45I think I told you that he wants to do that British paperback.
00:37:49The trouble is that he lives so far away.
00:37:53Well, you can stay overnight, can't you?
00:37:55Well, I could, yes, but...
00:37:57Dad, are you worried about leaving me?
00:38:00Don't be silly. I'll be fine.
00:38:03Anyway, it isn't as though I'll be completely alone.
00:38:06Esme and Parsons are here.
00:38:08No, Parsons has got the day off.
00:38:10He won't be here.
00:38:11But you're right about Esme.
00:38:13She'll be here.
00:38:14Well, look, you can't do that trip in one day.
00:38:16Now go on and enjoy yourself.
00:38:18Yes, but...
00:38:19I absolutely insist.
00:38:22Okay, thanks.
00:38:24I'll be back first thing in the morning.
00:38:28I've packed your razor, toothbrush, pyjamas.
00:38:33Don't worry, Mr. Summers. I'll take good care of her.
00:38:36You have a good time, sir.
00:38:40Katie, I'm leaving now.
00:38:42Goodbye, Dad. Give my love to Peter.
00:38:44Will do. See you tomorrow.
00:38:48If you need me, the number's on the pad.
00:38:51Bye-bye, sir.
00:39:06Anything you want, miss?
00:39:07Tea? Coffee?
00:39:08I just want to find my watch.
00:39:11I had it the other day. I know I had it.
00:39:16Maybe some coffee later, Esme.
00:39:18Yes, miss.
00:39:38Look, they have a quill pen and stand.
00:39:40Gee, that'd be a great gift for Dad.
00:39:42Well, I could find it for you cheaper down the Portobello Road.
00:39:45Just look at that box.
00:39:47Oh, that's a vinaigrette.
00:39:48A what?
00:39:49About 1760 BP.
00:39:53Before plumbing.
00:39:55You put some scent on a pad, put it in the vinaigrette and then held it so.
00:39:58Well, that way you could just about get through the stench of the streets.
00:40:01Do you like that picture?
00:40:38What happened?
00:40:40Yes, happened.
00:40:42Back there.
00:40:43One minute you were full of life, bright as a daisy.
00:40:45The next...
00:40:47You saw something, didn't you?
00:40:50Or thought you saw something.
00:40:53Look, why won't you tell me?
00:40:56What is it?
00:40:58Are you afraid you're starting to see things?
00:41:00I'm afraid you're...
00:41:01I saw nothing!
00:41:14Esme, would you fix me some hot milk?
00:41:16I'm feeling tired and I'd like to capitalize on it.
00:41:19Certainly, miss.
00:42:06Miss Summers?
00:42:07Your milk, miss.
00:42:09I added a teaspoon full of honey.
00:42:11My mum always recommended honey.
00:42:15Miss Summers?
00:42:35Miss Summers?
00:42:36Miss Summers!
00:42:37Miss Summers!
00:42:38Miss Summers!
00:42:39Miss Summers!
00:42:40Miss Summers!
00:42:41Miss Summers!
00:42:42Miss Summers!
00:42:43Miss Summers!
00:42:44Miss Summers!
00:42:45Miss Summers!
00:42:46Miss Summers!
00:42:47Miss Summers!
00:42:48Miss Summers!
00:42:49Miss Summers!
00:42:50Miss Summers!
00:42:51Miss Summers!
00:42:52Miss Summers!
00:42:53Miss Summers!
00:42:54Miss Summers!
00:42:55Miss Summers!
00:42:56Miss Summers!
00:42:57Miss Summers!
00:42:58Miss Summers!
00:42:59Miss Summers!
00:43:00Miss Summers!
00:43:01Miss Summers!
00:43:02Miss Summers!
00:43:04Mr. Summers residence.
00:43:20You're darling!
00:43:21And I told you not to call me.
00:43:25No, I can't meet tonight.
00:43:27I'm supposed to be taking care of her.
00:43:30Darling, I can't. Suppose she wakes up.
00:43:36Oh, all right, but it'll have to be quick.
00:43:39See you in about five minutes.
00:44:00All right.
00:44:33All right, all right.
00:44:40All right, all right, I'm coming.
00:44:43Stop ringing on the bell.
00:44:51I'm sorry I got you up. I didn't think...
00:44:53It's still pretty early, you see, and the lights were on downstairs.
00:44:56I didn't know I'd get anybody up.
00:44:58I need a phone.
00:45:00My car's broken down just up the street and the phone box is out of order.
00:45:03You do have a phone?
00:45:29I'm sorry, it's no good.
00:45:33My idea was to talk to you and get to know you a bit first,
00:45:37but I can't go through with it. I have to tell you.
00:45:41You recognise me, don't you?
00:45:44I'm out of your dream, your nightmare.
00:45:48I know.
00:45:50You see, I've been dreaming about you.
00:45:53You see, I've been dreaming about you.
00:46:15Maybe my first idea was the best one, to break it to you gently,
00:46:18but I just had to tell you.
00:46:24I know you so well, but I don't know your name.
00:46:30Katie. And I'm Ian.
00:46:33And I'm in this big room,
00:46:36and you're somewhere high, watching,
00:46:39and there's an old man with a knife in his back and he's dying.
00:46:49Look, who are you?
00:46:51I've told you, I'm Ian.
00:46:53And I'm flesh and blood, I'm real, see?
00:46:57Do you mean you've been dreaming about me?
00:47:02Every night for about a week or so now.
00:47:06Dreaming and walking.
00:47:09You sleepwalk too?
00:47:11Yes, I'm afraid so, ever since I was a kid.
00:47:13But never like this.
00:47:15No, not me either.
00:47:16At first I thought I'd made you up.
00:47:18I thought you'd be so real, so real.
00:47:21And then I saw this, in a magazine.
00:47:27Well, I thought I'd pay you a visit.
00:47:30And as soon as you looked at me, I knew you recognized me.
00:47:33I knew you'd been dreaming the same dream.
00:47:38But why? I mean, why us?
00:47:41And why do we keep having this dream?
00:47:43I thought you might be able to tell me.
00:47:48It's the most extraordinary thing I've ever heard.
00:47:52Well, where do we go from here?
00:47:53I don't know.
00:47:55I thought of telling some friends, but...
00:47:57They'd only laugh.
00:47:59Well, there must be some explanation.
00:48:01I hope so, I certainly hope so.
00:48:05I'm sorry, miss, I heard voices and I thought...
00:48:08Oh, that's all right, Esme.
00:48:10This is Ian.
00:48:11I'm an old friend.
00:48:13I see.
00:48:15Is there anything you want, miss?
00:48:17No, no, no, you can go to bed now, Esme.
00:48:19Thank you, miss.
00:48:20Good night.
00:48:24To bed and sweet dreams.
00:48:28Well, there must be something we can do.
00:48:32Well, first thing is to compare notes.
00:48:35Put our dreams together, see how they match up.
00:48:37There might be a clue there.
00:48:39A clue to what?
00:48:40Well, I don't know, but it's a start in the right direction, don't you think?
00:48:43How does yours begin?
00:48:46Well, I'm walking.
00:48:56The attic room.
00:49:15Well, I just walk.
00:49:17And then I'm in the big room.
00:49:20High up, looking down.
00:49:23And the old man is talking about being rich.
00:49:26Going through that weird religious ceremony.
00:49:31And then there's a knife in his back.
00:49:35He's... he's dying.
00:49:38Look, look, I don't want to go through with this.
00:49:40Well, you have to. We both have to.
00:49:42Or we'll never have any peace. It's our only chance, Katie.
00:49:47Okay, so now you're in here.
00:49:49And then you're in the big room.
00:49:51But how? How do you get into the big room?
00:49:53I'm not sure.
00:50:01Through the mirror.
00:50:05The wardrobe mirror, here.
00:50:07I just come right up to it, and then I'm in the big room.
00:50:10Oh, but that's not possible.
00:50:12None of this is possible, is it?
00:50:19There's no back to it.
00:50:22See for yourself. There's no back to it.
00:50:33They used to hide below prisoners here.
00:50:36There even used to be a secret passage leading through to the priest's house in the back darkness.
00:51:00This is where my dream starts, down there.
00:51:03That's where you first saw me, isn't it?
00:51:06Come on.
00:51:10Katie, come on. This is real.
00:51:12It's solid and real. No dream.
00:51:15I've been here before.
00:51:19Sure, we both have, in our dreams.
00:51:21No, no, I've actually been here.
00:51:24Look, my watch.
00:51:29Well, I'm glad you're here, Katie.
00:51:31I'm glad you're here.
00:51:33I'm glad you're here.
00:51:35I'm glad you're here.
00:51:37I'm glad you're here.
00:51:39I'm glad you're here.
00:51:41I'm glad you're here.
00:51:45Yes, and why not?
00:51:47You walk in your sleep. You somehow stumble through that secret door into here.
00:51:50And saw a man murdered.
00:51:54That's where the reality stops and the dream takes over.
00:51:57Well, look, see for yourself. There are no dead bodies here, are there?
00:52:00And these certainly aren't 19th century.
00:52:04But someone certainly does live here.
00:52:07It's locked.
00:52:09From the outside, too.
00:52:12So whoever does live here is away at the moment.
00:52:19You saw the old man about here, right?
00:52:23And he toyed with the Bible.
00:52:27And he said something about being rich.
00:52:29You saw something like that?
00:52:31About a hidden fortune.
00:52:33Then what did he say?
00:52:36I don't know.
00:52:39I don't know.
00:52:42I'm sorry.
00:52:47Come on, you've had enough.
00:52:49We'll go back the way we came.
00:53:04I'm sorry.
00:53:07I'm sorry.
00:53:10I'm sorry.
00:53:12I'm sorry.
00:53:17We'll keep this a secret, hmm?
00:53:19For the time being.
00:53:21Well, what are we going to do?
00:53:23Nothing. Nothing more tonight, anyway.
00:53:25It's late and you must be tired.
00:53:29We've made some progress.
00:53:31We know the room does exist and how you got into it.
00:53:33That's real progress.
00:53:41But we broke into someone else's house.
00:53:43We didn't break in.
00:53:45Anyway, there was no one there and we didn't take anything.
00:53:48Let's just leave it at that, huh?
00:53:52But I...
00:53:53Look, I don't want to broadcast this till I'm sure what it's all about.
00:53:57I'm not exactly crazy about being laughed at.
00:54:00We'll call it a night and tomorrow we'll make some inquiries.
00:54:04We'll find out who owns the house, who lives in that room.
00:54:06Well, how will that help?
00:54:08I don't know, but it's certainly a good start.
00:54:12I feel a lot better anyway. I might even sleep tonight.
00:54:14How about you?
00:54:16Well, it helps.
00:54:18Knowing some of it helps.
00:54:20And Katie, let's just keep it between ourselves, huh?
00:54:22After all, it is our dream.
00:54:25I'll contact you sometime tomorrow.
00:54:29Good night.
00:54:34We know how I got into the room.
00:54:36But you?
00:54:38I know.
00:54:40That's what's bothering me.
00:54:42Good night.
00:54:44Good night.
00:55:01Hi, Dad.
00:55:02Gee, I thought you'd be home by now.
00:55:04That's why I'm calling, sweetheart.
00:55:06The room wasn't built in a day.
00:55:08I'm beginning to think Peter was the architect.
00:55:10You're going to have to stay on?
00:55:12If it's okay with you,
00:55:14there are really a lot of things still to be sorted out.
00:55:16Of course it's okay.
00:55:18You're sure?
00:55:20How was last night?
00:55:22Last night?
00:55:23Did you sleep well?
00:55:25Oh, yes.
00:55:26And no dreams, no walking.
00:55:28There, I told you.
00:55:30Just give it a few days.
00:55:31Okay, sweetheart.
00:55:32I have to go now.
00:55:33I'll see you as soon as I can.
00:55:34Bye now.
00:55:39It's Mr. Barnstable, Miss.
00:55:41I'm in.
00:55:52You know, I really am beginning to have my suspicions about you.
00:55:56I think you're some kind of food jiggler.
00:55:58You always turn up when there's a meal around.
00:56:00It's a yen for that old home cooking.
00:56:02You seem more cheerful today.
00:56:04I am.
00:56:05And I'm sorry about yesterday.
00:56:07Oh, forget it.
00:56:08Start again, shall we?
00:56:10Good night's sleep?
00:56:13Now, that's interesting.
00:56:14Because yesterday you were still very tense and then suddenly gone.
00:56:17What happened?
00:56:19I switched it off.
00:56:20Oh, that's even more interesting.
00:56:22You're lying.
00:56:23And I tell you what, you're not very good at it.
00:56:27If I told you the truth, you wouldn't believe me.
00:56:30Well, I'd like the opportunity to try.
00:56:34Apparently, you excelled yourself last night, Esme.
00:56:37Miss Summers told me.
00:56:38You held the fort very well.
00:56:40Well, it wasn't under attack from Indians, you know.
00:56:42No, but you took care.
00:56:44Good care.
00:56:45That's excellent.
00:56:47You're going to have tomorrow night off.
00:56:49As a reward.
00:56:50As a right, you mean.
00:56:52I keep telling you, Parsons, this isn't the 1800s.
00:56:54All right, all right.
00:56:56Just thought you'd be pleased, that's all.
00:56:58To be able to see that boyfriend of yours.
00:57:01I suppose you've still got that boyfriend.
00:57:04Is he still working for that silly restaurant,
00:57:06prancing about like a...
00:57:07Oh, mind your own damn business.
00:57:11It's ridiculous. I don't believe it.
00:57:13You have to believe it.
00:57:14With two people sharing the same dream, two strangers.
00:57:16It isn't all dream, either.
00:57:18That room exists.
00:57:19If it is true...
00:57:20It is.
00:57:21If it is true, then you are to make psychic history,
00:57:22and I'm about to give up studying psychiatry
00:57:24and take to the black arts.
00:57:25I knew you'd laugh at me.
00:57:27Well, it's a nervous reaction.
00:57:28I'm not for a mental loop.
00:57:30Now, this Ian, I mean, who is he?
00:57:31Where does he live?
00:57:33Well, I didn't ask.
00:57:35But he promised to contact me again today.
00:57:37How? By phone? Or is that too mundane for him?
00:57:39Maybe he'll just doze off, climb into your dreams and...
00:57:42Stop it!
00:57:46I'm sorry, but you've got to admit, it's a bit wild, isn't it?
00:57:50It happened.
00:57:52All right.
00:57:54A secret door, you say?
00:57:57Those records said there was one, and there is.
00:58:00Leading through to the house that backs onto this.
00:58:02Yeah, I know the house.
00:58:03I've never actually been inside it, but I know it.
00:58:05And I know who lives there.
00:58:07Old Pearson.
00:58:08He's an eccentric, a recluse.
00:58:10Some say that he's a pauper, others that he's as rich as Croesus.
00:58:13Nobody knows.
00:58:15Old Pearson?
00:58:16Yeah, he's 70.
00:58:17Small, stunted, hasn't bought himself a new set of clothes in years.
00:58:20He looks like something out of Dickens.
00:58:22Yes, I know.
00:58:24He's the old man in your dream, isn't he?
00:58:26When you described him before, I didn't make the connection, but now...
00:58:29A recluse?
00:58:31Well, he isn't home.
00:58:32Now the house is locked up.
00:58:33Yeah, that's possible.
00:58:34Sometimes you see him for months on end, walking down the road to collect his paper.
00:58:37Then you don't see him for weeks.
00:58:38He just takes off somewhere.
00:58:39Well, nobody knows where or why.
00:58:41But the rumour is he goes to count his money in a Swiss bank.
00:58:46The room exists.
00:58:49And the old man, Old Pearson.
00:58:52He's away now.
00:58:55But when he returns...
00:58:56Constable, I'm scared.
00:59:00Well, I think I'm seeing into the future.
00:59:03When I dream, I'm seeing into the future.
00:59:07And when Old Pearson does return...
00:59:11He's going to be murdered.
00:59:13I'm going to talk to my professor about it.
00:59:15Don't worry, I won't mention any names.
00:59:17I'll just put it to him as a hypothetical problem.
00:59:19He's used to problems.
00:59:21I'll be in touch.
00:59:23Take care.
00:59:29I'm sorry.
00:59:31I'm sorry.
00:59:33I'm sorry.
00:59:35I'm sorry.
00:59:37I'm sorry.
00:59:39I'm sorry.
00:59:40I'm sorry.
00:59:44Good day, sir.
00:59:46Good day, sir.
01:00:10Ruined your eyesight, miss.
01:00:12Gosh, is it that late?
01:00:14Esme, would you run a bath for me?
01:00:16Yes, miss.
01:00:45Going out?
01:00:46Just for a while.
01:00:47Boyfriend meeting you, is he?
01:00:49Is he going to pick you up in his sedan chair?
01:01:03See you later, then.
01:01:10Mr. Summers' residence.
01:01:12Mr. Summers' residence.
01:01:18It's for me.
01:01:23Yes, she's just a minute left.
01:01:26Who's this speaking, please?
01:01:30Oh, I see.
01:01:31Well, yes, I'm not one to gossip, but I'll do my best.
01:01:39Excuse me, miss.
01:01:40Is it just one for dinner tonight, miss?
01:01:43I guess so. My father hasn't called yet?
01:01:45No, miss.
01:01:46I heard the phone just now.
01:01:47For me, miss.
01:01:49Nobody's called for me?
01:01:50No, miss.
01:01:51Just one, then.
01:02:06I'll get it!
01:02:11Thank you, Parsons.
01:02:16I found out about the old man.
01:02:18So did I.
01:02:19He's a hermit, an eccentric, and he's the man out of my dream.
01:02:22How did you know?
01:02:23Well, it doesn't matter. What are we going to do?
01:02:26We're going to go back up there,
01:02:28and we're going to recreate the whole dream,
01:02:31every second of it, the whole nightmare.
01:02:40Come on.
01:03:06This is where it started, isn't it?
01:03:08Come on.
01:03:11He was sitting here, right?
01:03:13And he spoke about riches, a fortune.
01:03:15What did he say?
01:03:17Well, I don't completely recall.
01:03:19You have to. His exact words, what he did, is important.
01:03:23Something like, I'm rich,
01:03:26no one suspects,
01:03:28a fortune no one will ever find.
01:03:30What else?
01:03:32Nothing else.
01:03:33Then he went through that weird ceremony, kissing his fingers.
01:03:36Yes, you told me that, but he must have said something else.
01:03:39Well, if he did, I don't remember.
01:03:41You must remember.
01:03:42A fortune. He hid a fortune somewhere in this room.
01:03:45It has to be in this room.
01:03:47But where?
01:03:50I've searched for days. I can't find it.
01:03:54You mean in your dream?
01:03:56The only dream I've had is to be rich.
01:03:58And I've worked too hard at it to be cheated now.
01:04:01A dream?
01:04:02No, this is real.
01:04:03He had money, a lot of money, and it's hidden in this room somewhere,
01:04:06and you know where.
01:04:07You were up there watching the night he hid it.
01:04:10Oh, no, that was just a dream.
01:04:13You woke in your sleep.
01:04:15You stumbled on that secret door, just like I did a few weeks back.
01:04:19Sure, it felt like a dream, but what you saw was real.
01:04:22You described it accurately.
01:04:24Detail by detail.
01:04:27Oh, you saw him hiding, right?
01:04:29I heard you telling that student fellow.
01:04:31We need to know. I want that money.
01:04:33I saw a man die.
01:04:36That's right.
01:04:39That's exactly right.
01:04:43You see, you do remember.
01:04:44Ian, it's supposed to look like a fall down the stairs.
01:04:46We agree.
01:04:47By the time it's all over, we'll be long gone,
01:04:49and there's room in that cupboard for two.
01:04:53You'd better start remembering, sweetheart.
01:04:55The key is locked away in your mind, and I'm prepared to carve it out if I have to.
01:04:58No, I've told you already.
01:05:01No, Wannelly, you're not down here, and we've got the whole night ahead of us.
01:05:16I've been here since I left you this morning.
01:05:17I found the body.
01:05:18Stabbed, like you said.
01:05:21So, I sat down and thought.
01:05:23Had to be an inside job.
01:05:24Someone in your household to get him into the attic room and throw him out.
01:05:27Had to be an inside job.
01:05:28Someone in your household to get him into the attic room and through to here.
01:05:31I settled for Esme.
01:05:32Esme has a boyfriend.
01:05:34He works as a waiter.
01:05:35They all wear 19th century costume.
01:05:37He came over here between shifts, killed him, and went back and carried on working.
01:05:40If he'd have been a God-fearing man, he might have got away with it.
01:05:43Open the Bible.
01:05:47Kissing his fingers.
01:05:48He was sticking stamps onto a page.
01:05:50But not just any old stamps.
01:05:52Rare, highly prized stamps.
01:05:54There must be close to half a million stuck to that page.
01:06:24© BF-WATCH TV 2021
