NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tatsu Figure

  • 2 days ago
NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tatsu Figure


00:00NECA just released Saki's second-in-command. Here's a look at NECA toys
00:04Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tatsu.
00:08Tatsu, the Foot Clan's cruel second-in-command and sworn enemy of the
00:32Turtles, is getting NECA's ultimate treatment with authentic movie detailing.
00:36This 7-inch scale action figure is dressed in custom-made soft goods
00:40clothing and includes interchangeable heads, extra hands, training sword, awning
00:43mask, katana and more. I don't know about Ninja Vanish but Tatsu may vanish if you
00:48don't get your hands on grabbing this guy right away. For fans though of the
00:52Ninja Turtle line, what we've been getting from NECA over the years, Tatsu
00:55was one of those must-have characters and we finally get a release of him.
00:58Speaking of NECA, I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that did provide the
01:01sample of Tatsu that we could have a look at. The figure though is gonna stand
01:04at about six and a half inches in height or the second command to Shredder
01:08it's gonna stand at 16 and a half centimeters tall. Speaking of Shredder,
01:13here's what the figure looks like with a Rokosaki. From a size standpoint, Tatsu
01:17is shorter than Shredder but I feel like maybe he could have even been a little
01:20bit shorter still. Bringing in some of the other figures as well from the first
01:23movie, here's what the figure looks like with Casey Jones, Danny. Danny was an
01:27exclusive I believe to Loot Crate. Here's also what he looks like with Master
01:30Splinter. Hey, why not? We can bring in April O'Neil and just in case you wanted
01:35to see what he looks like with one of the Turtles, here's what he looks like
01:37with Michelangelo. A decent amount of accessories does come included with Tatsu.
01:41Tatsu in the movie was played by actor Toshihiro Obata. Looking online as
01:45filmography, yes of course he would have been known for doing a lot of martial
01:48arts movies but he was also doing a lot of big blockbuster movies as well like
01:51the Shadow and Demolition Man. For the characters accessories, the figure does
01:55come first of all included with two variations of fan. You like your fans
01:58folded up, well he gets one of those. If you like your fan folded or opened up, he
02:02also comes with one of those as well. The plastic that they've used for the folded
02:05up fan is pretty soft so you just want to be careful of that. I don't think
02:09really neither one of these will be displayed with the figure on my shelf
02:12but I do again appreciate whenever NECA throws in extra things like this. He does
02:16also come included with a gripping hand specifically for holding the fan.
02:19It comes with two gripping hands and then he comes with this hand here that
02:22you can see has a little split in the middle. You can take the folded up fan
02:26I suppose if you wanted to have it the white on the edge here you just
02:29basically tuck that in between his fingers and you can hold the fan that
02:32way. He does also have the means to hold the following thing as well. The figure
02:37does come included with one of the removed or about to be added to one of
02:40the new recruits masks of the Foot Clan. I don't know if it's supposed to look
02:44like this or if it's supposed to be flipped around the other way but I mean
02:47you get the idea. It almost kind of looks like a big giant squished fly. You can
02:51take the mask. There's like a little lip right here and you can actually use the
02:55same hand that we were using for holding the fan and you have to kind of
02:58just tuck the mask in there with that little bit of plastic. It's just the
03:02right amount if you get it in there. This would be so much easier if I didn't have
03:07like moisturizer on my hands. Oh boy. Anyways we're again just gonna tuck the
03:12hand, tuck the mask in there and he does hold it and he holds it fairly well if
03:17you weren't having slippery fingers though. The figure speaking of hands does
03:20also come included with a couple of gripping hands for of course the Kendo
03:23sword, a Kendo stick as well as his sword as well. The figure also comes
03:27included with a pair of relaxed hands or karate chopping hands. By the way if you
03:31did want to change out these hands just in case of grabbing the figure, holding
03:35on to dear life. Don't let this guy go whatever you do and just pop the hand
03:38that you want to use off or take the hand that you don't want to use off and
03:41put the hand that you want to use back in place. Fairly easy to swap out the
03:44hands. I mean it's not like it's a tutorial and show you guys how to change
03:46out the hands. The figure also comes included with an Omni mask. Now the Omni
03:50mask is a really interesting designed mask. Omni I believe is a creature kind
03:54of in old like Japan and China culture. It's a big, basically it's usually a big
04:00giant creature of large size strength and a fearful appearance. It certainly is
04:04a fearful appearance. It does certainly look a little bit like the devil. This mask does
04:08fit over top of the top of his head. I mean it doesn't really matter if you're
04:10using necessarily this head or the alternate one that he comes included
04:13with. This tiny little strap is gonna be doing all the work. You can take this and
04:17fit this over top of his head and slide it down carefully. Sort of the same
04:22caution that you'll have to approach when it comes to Jason Voorhees figures
04:24would be the same caution you may have to apply as well to Tatsu. That strap is
04:28just very thin and obviously it goes without saying that that strap could
04:32potentially break if you're not too careful. Like the look of the Omni mask, I
04:36just don't know again like the fans if it's ever gonna be something I'm gonna
04:38be displaying with the figure. So let's go ahead and remove that. Also as I
04:42already mentioned the figure does come included two things. First of all he
04:45comes with his training stick or kendo stick. Nicely painted here in yellow so
04:49you got a little bit of bands of red and some additional white added in there as
04:52well. Or if you prefer something a little sharper the figure does also come with a
04:56sheath sword. Let's unsheath the sword right there. There doesn't seem to be a
05:01place, although there is a string, that doesn't look like it does attach
05:04anywhere on the figure's body. If there had been maybe just a hook for example
05:08you could have hooked it just on the side of his belt. Unfortunately there
05:11doesn't seem to be a case. But the sword itself has been nicely painted. You've
05:14got some silver there for the blade, the guard, the hilt all adorned here in black
05:18and gold. Very very cool and again if you wanted to you can easily put that into
05:22his hands. I think of the accessories that the figure does come included with
05:27and again I'm not knocking the fact that we get as many as we do probably will
05:30just if anything display the figure either with the kendo stick or maybe
05:32even just with the sword and maybe if anything have maybe the folded up foot
05:36soldier. That's a gesture for folding up the folded up foot soldier mask. I might
05:40just have that in his other hand. So those are all the accessories that come
05:44included with Tatsu short of one thing. Let's just remove the sword from his hand.
05:49There we go. Pop that back in place. Yes the only other thing that comes
05:53included the figure is an alternate face portrait. Now this could be if you look
05:58at the logic of this this could be the face where he's saying ninja vanish. It's
06:02just though a case of as you can see he's got kind of a I would say normally
06:06a neutral expression but the man just seems generally ticked off all the time.
06:09If you prefer though him yelling then there's the alternative to that as well.
06:12One problem though I do face with Tatsu please tell us more. Yes one problem I
06:18face with the figure is that removing the head and replacing the head is a
06:21tricky thing to do. The figure I will tell you right away is using a ball
06:24joint and it's one of those larger ball joints. I honestly really wish that the
06:28figure could have used the post. NECA figures have done posts in the past and
06:32yet they've also done ball joints in the past. Ball joints are always seeming to
06:35be the harder thing to change. By the way though just giving you guys a close look
06:39at what the face sculpt looks like. I mean from an expression and certainly
06:43the likeness I don't think they could have landed better on both and of course
06:47he does have decent levels of possibility. We'll talk all about that in
06:50a second. So to remove the head is again not the easiest thing to do. The figure
06:54is gonna be on a ball joint and the ball joint I have already in preparation of
06:59this heated the head and it removed easy enough the first time I did this. Sure
07:04enough there we go. Whoops that's not knock things around in the process. In
07:08the process of actually trying to remove the head I just heated it up. It
07:12seems to have now cooled the plastic but look at the size of this ball
07:15joint. Do we all agree that perhaps the ball joint is a little bit too large on
07:18this? A post would have certainly been so much simpler. Anyways if you want to take
07:23the head, pop the head back on there. Now I find it's easy myself just to put a
07:27little pressure. There we go. Pop it on the top of that. The head sculpts either
07:34one of them are good. The thing about it though is you really have to decide for
07:36yourself which head you're gonna use because just know if you're gonna have
07:40to change it down the road you're gonna have to struggle as much as I do. Or
07:42again you could take a few passes with the hairdryer just to soften up that
07:47plastic a little bit. It might make things a little bit easier to remove the
07:50alternate portraits. For the rest of Tatsu's outfits you'll see one thing
07:55that's very different about this guy that hasn't been the case so far with
07:58any of the movie Turtles is that he's actually wearing a real fabric outfit.
08:01Shutter didn't have this. April O'Neil and certainly Casey Jones never had that
08:05either as well and nor did Danny. Tatsu I think as far as I know short of Master
08:09Splinter is the only one that actually has had a soft goods material. It would
08:13work best I feel for a character like Tatsu. Just imagine if you will if this
08:16guy was all just using molded plastic. I mean the likelihood of being able to do
08:19anything with this figure from a standpoint of possibility would be
08:23next to impossible. You wouldn't be able to bend his elbows. You wouldn't really be
08:26able to do anything. Sure the sculpt would be there and it would match the
08:28rest of the Turtles line but I feel like fabric honestly is the best way they
08:32could have gone. There are a few little areas though that are still using
08:35plastic like for example the part that goes over top of I guess his
08:39robe. This is all using a softer plastic but all the rest of it really is just
08:43using soft goods. Underneath all that though if we lift up the hood you can
08:47see he's actually got himself just a standard body underneath. Now I was
08:50looking at this and I was thinking I wonder if they were using some of the
08:52old foot soldier parts for this but generally though looking at the
08:55limbs and how long they are they're generally a shorter limb so they probably
08:59would have had to tool brand new parts for Tatsu's lower half of his body but I
09:03think the fabric looks good. It looks fairly accurate to it the way it does in
09:06the movie and really it's the smartest thing that NECA could have really done.
09:09Plastic just would not have worked. For the figure's articulation I don't know
09:13why I'm spinning my finger around like this. The head's gonna be on a ball joint.
09:15We've already established that. I know you can rotate the head all the way
09:18around. Tatsu's head looks down. It looks up and it also rocks back and forth as
09:23well. The upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint despite all the things that
09:26he has in front of him. You can still fairly easily move his torso around. His
09:31arms come out at 90 degrees. You can take those arms and move them forward. You can
09:35move them back. The figure does have no swivel it seems in his bicep
09:39but you can though at least rotate his arm back and forth and the finger does
09:42have what only seems to be if I just roll up the sleeve here yeah just a
09:46single hinge in his elbow. One of the only other things I was kind of worried
09:50about is using this material if it was gonna stain it but you'll see inside
09:53actually that the printing or I guess the ink that they would have added to
09:57the fabric is only really on the outside. The inside sort of think of it this way
10:01as it's like a protective layer so I think there's a very very unlikely that
10:05any of the stain is gonna find its way onto the plastic because that was a
10:08concern of mine as well. As for his legs the legs split out even though he's got
10:12big and baggy pants doesn't seem to have any issues with him really first of all
10:16standing you can also move the legs back and forth they are really tight and
10:19ratcheted you can probably even hear for yourself the figure does have a double
10:23hinge in his knee actually again let's just roll that up I can make a double
10:26hinge yeah double hinge on the knee right there and then he has the
10:30articulation there in his ankle not only forward and back but back and forth as
10:33well. Tatsu again like one of those characters that for the longest time I
10:38kept saying myself you know if they are gonna be doing and going full force when
10:41it comes to Ninja Turtles stuff in the 1990s movie I really hope that they're
10:45gonna be doing themselves a Tatsu. Sure enough we had to wait a little longer
10:48but we finally do have a Tatsu that's gonna go perfect with my Shredder on my
10:51shelf he is using again soft goods and I think that fabric would have been the
10:55only smart way of going with this figure just with how much he has layer wise in
11:00the movie there's no way you'd be able to pull that off in plastic what you
11:03ultimately would be getting though is a figure that would have next to nothing
11:06in the way of posability using fabric smartest route that they could have gone
11:10although again like with all the accessories that the figure does come
11:12included ultimately I'm only gonna probably either go with the kendo stick
11:15maybe the sword and maybe if anything I'll probably have the crumpled up mask
11:19in his other hand just the only other thing I would have said though about the
11:22figure is I really wish though that the figure could have come included for
11:25example like with a a post system for changing out his head using the ball
11:30joint I think it's just one of the hardest things to have to cope with if
11:33you want to ever to really change the heads I'm gonna bring back in some of
11:35the figures right now his best buddy Casey Jones and of course Danny never
11:39really get the chance to bring in Danny here you know again I just feel like he
11:43probably could have worked so much better had they used the post it's kind
11:46of been few and far between I mean every once in a while we'll get a figure
11:49a newer release figure that has a ball joint I kind of always feel I asked the
11:53same question why are they using a ball joint when it seems a post to change the
11:57head would have been so much simpler when there was first hinting that we
12:03were gonna be getting ourselves a movie Tatsu one of my biggest concerns was it
12:06was gonna be an exclusive somewhere similar what they did with Danny Danny
12:10if you recall was an exclusive to loot crate and I thought that a similar path
12:14may have been taken here for Tatsu where we would have to go out of her way
12:17to try to track a figure down or if he was gonna be us like a San Diego Comic
12:21Con exclusive for example neither was the case though and luckily this guy's
12:24getting just a retail release like every other movie turtle so he's easier to
12:28come by than some of the exclusives he's definitely one of those characters that
12:32shouldn't have to be hunted down in order to get acquired one but I'm glad
12:35to finally see that this guy got released and he gets as many accessories
12:39as he does truth though be told half those accessories probably won't be
12:42things I'm gonna display with the figure the omni mask probably not maybe
12:46either the fans I don't think either one of those will be displayed if anything
12:49the kendo or the sword and of course the the mask of the foot clan in in his
12:54other hand the thing about it though is unfortunately the figure does have still
12:57one struggle facing him not so much the fact he has soft goods material that's
13:01actually one of the things that are a positive point to the figure it's the
13:04changing of the head sculpts I had in preparation to doing the review of this
13:08guy had already heated the head but even then with the plastic cooling off I
13:12still had as you saw in this review Oh such the struggle to try to change out
13:17the head I feel like really in a case like this not sure really why NECA
13:22chooses sometimes to have figures with posts for their head so essentially it's
13:25just like a little cylinder post and other times they decide to use a ball
13:28joint I would imagine if anything the ball joints are probably a little bit
13:32more resilient maybe the post are problematic because you know you're
13:35dealing with a little bit thinner of a plastic but I feel like a figure like
13:38Tatsu probably could have just benefited better by using a post and instead of a
13:42ball joint sure that though I love the look of this figure and he's gonna be a
13:45welcomed addition to the existing ones that I currently have on my shelf when
13:48it comes to 1990s movie Turtles big thank you once again to the folks over
13:52at NECA that did provide the sample the brand new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
13:55Tatsu that we had the chance to have a look at this review let me know what you
13:59guys think this figure down below in the comment section whether it be the case
14:01that you've already picked them up or whether it be the case that just based
14:04on watching this review this is a figure you definitely could see yourselves
14:07picking up if you guys also enjoyed this video do it a solid throw it a like you
14:11guys want to stick around for more so I hope so we are gonna be looking at a
14:15couple more NECA reviews of while a couple more NECA reviews will be coming
14:18your way for the rest of this week so make sure you come back here on a
14:20regular basis as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
