The Round Tower by Catherine Cookson TV Romantic Miniseries 1998 E02 | Subtitles

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#desperateromantics #mansfieldpark #thebuccaneers
Shocked by events, Vanessa's parents make plans to send her away to avoid the scandal. Vanessa decides to run away. Eventually Angus learns where she is living.
00:58You're a bloody liar, and she isn't old if she says it's him.
01:02I know my Angus, and he'd as soon broken into the convent and raped one of the nuns.
01:09Well now, well now, I've put up with you, the lot of you, for years.
01:16But this has put paid to it.
01:18As for Trouble, you wait until my Angus hears about this, then you'll know what Trouble means.
01:35So, have you got something to say, Cotton?
01:37Aye, I understand I'm giving your daughter a baby.
01:41You dirty lout!
01:43Now hold on a minute.
01:46I'm warning you, don't use any of those terms on me.
01:51How did you persuade her, Cotton?
01:53Did it give you a kick seducing my daughter?
01:56Or was it something to do with your stupid ambition?
01:59My what?
02:00You're so stupid and badly educated,
02:03you thought that the only way you could get on in the works was by taking advantage of my family!
02:08I'll take advantage of the fact that we're alone,
02:10and bust your bloody mouth open for you, Mr. Bleeding Ratcliffe,
02:13and you can stick your works and your lousy job starting right from this minute, now!
02:21And as for being stupid, what about you?
02:26I'll bet you don't even know what they call you in the yard, do you?
02:30What's the matter, you're not interested?
02:33There's a whole history to what they call you, you know.
02:35Tells of how you got where you are.
02:38Tit Ratcliffe, the biggest sucker up in the game.
02:43Here's another one.
02:45What's Ratcliffe's breath smell of?
02:46Cherry blossom from licking all them boots, and that's one of the politer ones.
02:52Get out!
02:53Oh, I'm happy to, but you're not getting me out until she comes in here and tells you if it was me or not.
03:00Well, get going and ring your bell or whatever it is you do.
03:03I'm not leaving, I mean it!
03:16James, bring her in here!
03:41I'm sorry, Angus.
03:43I told them and told them it wasn't you, but they still won't believe me.
03:47I'm so sorry.
03:51Have I ever touched you?
03:59Have I ever said anything to you that was, like, out of place?
04:08They say you're going to have a baby and that I'm the father.
04:13If they're right, then I should marry you, shouldn't I?
04:20No. No, you're not, Angus.
04:24He's not. He's not!
04:26That's enough of this!
04:29Get out, Cotton!
04:31All right.
04:34I'm going.
04:37I'm sorry, Angus. Please forgive me.
04:43You remember something, Mr. Tit Ratcliffe, something you said to me the day?
04:48You said that I was so stupid and so badly educated that I'd never get on.
04:56Well, a man needs a spur like that sometimes in life.
04:59And I thank you for giving it to me, Cherry Blossom.
05:09Your life wouldn't be worth living in this town, Cotton!
05:16You're not thinking of seeing him again?
05:21You mean Angus?
05:25Who do you think I mean?
05:41You sound very cheerful.
05:44You've missed all the fun.
05:46Our beloved next-door neighbors have taken a tumble.
05:49In fact, it might well scupper their social climbing for good.
05:53What might?
05:55After all Jonathan's condescension, all his arrogance,
05:59well, Vanessa is pregnant.
06:06Oh, don't be so pious. I know you're pleased.
06:10I'm not.
06:12And I find your pleasure in it disgusting.
06:18I don't want to hear any more about this.
06:34You may come down for lunch today.
06:37Why, Mother? That's the first time for days.
06:40Yes, well, your father won't be home for lunch today.
06:43He needs to discuss Arthur Brett's trip with him.
06:47Oh. So Brett's back, is he?
06:50Yes, he came back yesterday evening.
06:52Now, don't be long.
06:58Your father has asked me to tell you, by the way,
07:01the arrangements he has made for you.
07:04Next week, you will go down to London to a nursing home.
07:09And when it's all over, you'll go to your great-aunt Jean's in Scotland,
07:13until after Susan's wedding.
07:20That's settled, then.
07:23Come along.
07:41Say something to me, Brett.
07:46I'm going to have a baby.
07:48I know.
07:50Irene told me.
07:52I didn't stay away because of this, you know.
07:56I'm so sorry, Val. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
07:58I haven't told them.
08:00I mean, I haven't told anyone about it being you.
08:03They think it's Angus Cotton.
08:04Angus? She didn't tell me that.
08:07I told them it wasn't, but they still won't believe me.
08:09Irene told them that she'd seen Angus and me together a lot.
08:12She said it must be him.
08:14Susan told me Irene seemed rather pleased about it.
08:17Why does she dislike me so much?
08:19Jealousy. Just jealousy.
08:22What are we going to do?
08:24What can we do, Val?
08:26What did your parents say?
08:27They want to send me to London to have it taken away.
08:30Well, that's probably the best thing.
08:35I can't. I won't.
08:38I won't have one of those operations. People die.
08:40It won't be like that. It'll be a proper clinic and it'll be all right.
08:43It'll be all right. But I thought you were going to take me away, Brett.
08:46I thought we could go away together.
08:48I thought we could get married. I want to have the baby, so I want to be married.
08:52Vanessa. You don't love Irene. You said you did.
08:54Vanessa, I wish we could, but we can't. It's impossible.
08:59Irene would never divorce me.
09:01And there's no money.
09:05I can't start again at my time of life.
09:07And you'd be saddled with an old man.
09:09Just as you were getting into your prime, it wouldn't work.
09:15You haven't started to live yet.
09:18You still have time to put all this behind you.
09:22I see.
09:25Believe me, it's for the best.
09:38Oh, it's you.
09:58What do you want?
10:01I hope you don't think...
10:03No, I don't think.
10:08Do you know, Irene, I think you must be the ugliest woman I know.
10:11The look on your face when you told me about Vanessa could have turned someone to stone.
10:15Oh, get out.
10:17Tell me, did you really believe that Angus Cotman and Vanessa were having an affair,
10:20or was it just malice on your part?
10:23How do you know about that?
10:26Vanessa told me.
10:29Vanessa told you?
10:32When have you spoken to Vanessa?
10:33Just now.
10:36I was obliged to speak to her.
10:43I'm the father of her child.
10:52Oh, don't be absurd.
10:55This is some sort of sick daydream you've had.
10:58I don't doubt you wanted her, but you wouldn't have dared.
11:00Well, I did...
11:03dare, if that's the word.
11:07Seems very sad now.
11:10At the time, I thought it...
11:14quite beautiful.
11:22You and she?
11:24The poor child told me she loved me.
11:28What she meant, I think, was that she loved my listening to her talk about love.
11:39what I did was unforgivable.
11:42And yet, despite all that, she still wanted me to take her away, and I would have done that.
11:55Will you give me a divorce, Irene?
12:02I told Vanessa as much.
12:05I didn't tell her why.
12:08That you're a mean, narrow-minded bitch.
12:10That you'd rather live in hell than live with any sort of social disgrace.
12:16Or perhaps it's just as well.
12:20Just as I wish you dead, I don't think the boys would relish the idea of a stepmother younger than themselves.
12:34Perhaps it's just as well.
13:09Who the devil was that?
13:11Sounds like Michael.
13:19It's Michael.
13:20Michael's found his father in the cellar.
13:23Arthur's hanged himself.
13:26I mean, no.
13:40Why should he want to kill himself?
13:52Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of them that desert henceforth.
13:55How dare he?
13:56Damn him.
13:57With whom the souls of the faithful, after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh, are in joy and felicity.
14:02According to thy will, of thy gracious goodness,
14:05thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:07thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:09thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:11thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:13thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:15thy mercy and thy mercy,
14:18of thy gracious goodness, we give thee hearty thanks.
14:21For that it has pleased thee to deliver this our brother out of the miseries of this sinful world.
14:28Our Father, who art in heaven,
14:30hallowed be thy name.
14:32Thy kingdom come,
14:34thy will be done,
14:35on earth as it is in heaven.
14:37Give us this day our daily bread,
14:39and forgive us our trespasses,
14:41as we forgive them that trespass against us.
14:45Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
14:48For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
14:51for ever and ever. Amen.
14:56What on earth made Arthur do it?
14:58Nobody knows, darling.
15:00Irene knows something, but she's not telling.
15:02Well, they weren't happy, were they?
15:04No, no, I'm afraid they weren't.
15:06She thought she was marrying for money,
15:08and found out it was just for the name.
15:10Besides which, he was never man enough for her.
15:12I always thought he was too much man for her.
15:14What do you mean, darling?
15:16Well, he liked sex, and she didn't.
15:18Wasn't that it?
15:20Susan, who told you that?
15:22Where did you get that from?
15:24That subject is not to be discussed, Susan.
15:26Not in my house.
15:28It's in your car, actually.
15:32Do we need to go so fast, dear?
15:35I'll make some tea, Mother.
15:37Vanessa, go upstairs and get packed.
15:39No buts.
15:41I want everything ready before supper.
15:43We've got to be up at the crack of dawn.
15:45If we're going to get the London Connection,
15:47we need to catch the 7.30.
16:05Come on.
16:08Come on.
16:34She should have been down to breakfast by now.
16:36What's that?
16:52Dear Mother and Father,
16:54I'm not going to London.
16:58I'm going to have the baby.
17:00Dr. Carr said I should.
17:05Damn him.
17:07He said that if you force me to go to a clinic,
17:09he'll take the matter up.
17:11I'm going to get work.
17:13I've taken my bank book.
17:17I don't want you to worry about me,
17:19so I'll be writing to you every week.
17:21I've arranged to stay with a friend.
17:31That's what I am now, Ma.
17:34I'm a patent and haulage contractor.
17:36That's grand, that is.
17:40Look what the Taggerina chucked out.
17:52I have come for my daughter.
17:54You've what?
17:56What the hell are you on about now?
17:58Don't ask the whole street.
18:00You won't be told, will you?
18:03You won't believe the truth.
18:05Keep your voice down.
18:07Why? It doesn't matter to me.
18:09Who knows it? I'm not ashamed of anything.
18:11Has she run away, has she?
18:13Good for her.
18:15Aye, good for her.
18:17Come in and see for yourself,
18:19if it'll satisfy you.
18:25Get out!
18:29They're dead sure it's you, lad, aren't they?
18:31Don't call me hard-bitten, Ma.
18:33But I wanted there to be someone pure left in this world.
18:35For me, it was her.
18:37And all the time she was messing around
18:39on her way back from school
18:41with some spotty schoolboy.
18:43Oh, Angus, don't.
18:45It was another bloody ematic conception, was it?
18:47Well, if she has run away,
18:49she's going to find it a bit different
18:51out there in the real world.
18:53Her fancy manners won't butter up any parsnips
18:55out there, I can tell you.
18:57Oh, you're full of compassion, aren't you?
19:00You've got some sympathy for her.
19:02She's still not 18.
19:04Talk about in the deep end.
19:06Aye, it's the deep end, right enough.
19:18Thank you, Mrs Brewer.
19:22I don't know why I made such a fuss
19:24about hanging on to Emily Cotton.
19:26Susan seems to be enjoying herself.
19:29It was very generous of you to pay for Monaco, dear.
19:31She's obviously very grateful.
19:33Well, the brain tree chipped him.
19:35What have you got there?
19:37Photographs. You must see them.
19:41So many of them have turned out really well.
19:45Oh, they're quite lovely.
19:49If only we could have been together as a family.
19:53We were.
19:55Jonathan, don't you think we ought to look for her?
19:57It's been more than seven weeks now.
20:01I know she's written, but
20:03well, shouldn't we tell the police or something?
20:09At least try to find out where she is.
20:13I don't know who you're talking about.
20:23We bought it cheap
20:26We're living bloody cheap, bastard object.
20:28You should be grateful to it, man.
20:30We need more lorries and all.
20:32Makes me sick the amount of work we've had to turn down
20:34the last few weeks.
20:36Grateful? What do you mean, grateful?
20:38Just think about what it's taught you every time it's broken down.
20:40It's turned you into a handy little mechanical
20:42is this rust bucket.
20:44Don't knock it, man.
20:46Think of it as a tutor, like.
20:48Think of your head as a football if you don't put a sock in it.
20:50We need six lorries, not two.
20:52Six, eh? Oh, aye, and the moon would be handy and all.
20:55It can't be six or more, I mean it.
20:57There's got to be a way.
21:05It'll take me more than a year to save for my second lorry.
21:07Never mind the others.
21:09And Fred's not going to help.
21:11And don't talk to me about the never never, I'm not doing it.
21:13What do you think?
21:15I've seen her.
21:19Miss Vanacourse.
21:23Come on.
21:27Serving in a greengrocer's.
21:29A potty, dirty little greengrocer's round by the pig market.
21:35I wanted to look at the flats where Kale Street used to be
21:37and walk past some of them old mucky streets that haven't been pulled down yet.
21:39And there it was.
21:41This little greengrocer's.
22:03Don't say it, there's no need to say it.
22:05Why don't you sit down?
22:17How is Emily?
22:19Oh, she's fine, thanks.
22:22She's working anyway, she's done enough.
22:24Yes, of course.
22:26Where are you working now?
22:28Oh, me own boss now.
22:30Hallwich, with a fella called Fred Singleton.
22:32Yeah, it's working out well.
22:34I'm glad.
22:36I've been so worried about the trouble I brought on you.
22:38I'm very sorry.
22:40You're not to be.
22:42It did me a good turn.
22:44Pushed me into doing what I wanted.
22:46As for Mar, well,
22:48she's a new woman now, she's had her rest.
22:51I'm glad.
22:53Very glad.
22:55What about you?
23:01This is no place for you, Van.
23:03You should go home.
23:05Why not?
23:09Father tried to make me have an abortion.
23:11Not for my sake, for his sake.
23:13Well, I didn't want to do that.
23:15I think he was right, Van.
23:18I do.
23:20Maybe he was right.
23:22I don't hold with a damn thing your father's ever done or said,
23:24but you're young,
23:26you could have started again,
23:28you could have forgotten about all this.
23:30They'd have stood by you
23:32and seen you all right.
23:34They wouldn't.
23:36They'd have packed me off.
23:38It was all planned.
23:40And I tell you something,
23:42I'd rather have the company of any of the women here
23:44than go back to my family.
23:46They've treated me worse than if I'd gone onto the streets myself.
23:48How I write to them.
23:50Or Mr. Noakes downstairs posts them for me.
23:52He's a lorry driver.
23:54He posts them from Birmingham.
23:56I feel very sorry for upsetting them,
23:58but I think they're cowards.
24:00My daughter is going to have a baby
24:02and she isn't married.
24:04That's all it is.
24:06It isn't the atom bomb.
24:13No, it's not.
24:15My father hit me.
24:17He called me a dirty slut.
24:23I can't go back.
24:37Thank you, dear.
24:59See you later.
25:01What's his hurry?
25:03It's a bit early for the dogs, isn't it?
25:05What's he up to?
25:07What, do you think he's going to see Miss Barnes?
25:09Oh, don't be so daft, Ma.
25:12You don't think he's struck with her?
25:14I mean, no such thing. He knows his place.
25:16But if she's in a fix, he'll do something.
25:18When do you think he's been gone the last three weeks?
25:20You told me he was going to the dogs.
25:22He might well be, you know.
25:32Come on, eat up. We're going out.
25:34We can't.
25:36What if someone sees us?
25:38What if father finds out?
25:40Listen, Van, you can't stay in here all the time.
25:42Look at it.
25:44Well, some places are much worse. This is the best of all, I suppose.
25:46Oh, it's not good enough.
25:48Listen, Van, we've got to talk about this.
25:50It's no use sticking your head in the sand.
25:52Come on, you're not eating.
25:56What's going to happen when it's born?
25:58You're going to have it adopted, are you?
26:00I don't know. I keep thinking one way and then the other.
26:02But how could you bring up a bear in here?
26:04I could.
26:06You'd have to hump water up here, you know.
26:09You can't chuck it away.
26:11You've got some thinking to do about this, Van.
26:13I do nothing but think, Angus.
26:19Is there no one you could go to?
26:23Look, Angus, don't worry.
26:25I've got this far. I'll manage.
26:27Manage, be damned.
26:29You're only at the start of it.
26:33Van, I must ask you this.
26:35The fella.
26:38Couldn't he marry you?
26:45You can't go on like this. You just can't.
26:47Well, other girls do. They survive.
26:49I'm not concerned what happens to other girls.
26:51I'm concerned about what's going to happen to you.
26:55Come on, love.
27:01Oh, come on, Van, don't.
27:03Come on, love.
27:05It's all right.
27:07I'm sorry.
27:09Van, come on, stop it now.
27:19Van, listen to what I'm going to say to you.
27:27Will you marry me?
27:31What did he say?
27:34You heard.
27:36Now, I know in the ordinary way of things
27:38this had never happened,
27:40but this isn't ordinary, is it?
27:42I'm not saying I've got much to offer,
27:44but at least it'll get you out of this.
27:46And I'd stop worrying about
27:48what might be happening to you up here.
27:50And you'd have me martyred, see, dear.
27:54What do you say?
27:58Come on, don't start that again.
28:01I know it might be a bit of a comedown for you.
28:03I might be seen as a bit of a catch
28:05around our quarter, but from where you're sitting,
28:09I might not be suspicious.
28:11I know they would.
28:13But the way I see it,
28:15when you're drowning,
28:17you don't turn your nose up at a floating plank.
28:19Come on, come on, don't start again.
28:25I'm off.
28:27All right?
28:30I'll see you tomorrow.
28:34Now you think about it.
28:36And think hard.
28:46Usually, it's for life.
29:00Come on.
29:20I've been to see Van.
29:22Tell me something I don't know.
29:24I've known for weeks.
29:26She's in a state, ma.
29:28I saw the hole she was living in. You wouldn't believe it.
29:30And whose fault was that?
29:32I thought you liked the best of the bunch, you said.
29:34Aye, I liked it.
29:36What I don't like is the idea of you getting mixed up with her.
29:40Don't you?
29:44You get blamed for something you didn't do
29:46and now you're playing straight into their hands.
29:48Who's got to believe you're not their father now?
29:50Do you know something, ma?
29:52I don't give a monkey's cuss what anyone believes.
29:54But I thought you'd be different.
29:57Anyway, what can you do about it except make a bloody fool of yourself?
30:01I'm going to marry her.
30:05Bloody fool or not.
30:07God almighty, you're bloody mad.
30:09You don't know what you're talking about.
30:11You and Ratcliffe's daughter.
30:13Oh, lad.
30:15Aye, what's wrong with that?
30:17It's only money.
30:19Oh, no, it's not.
30:21It is. I've seen it. It's money that counts.
30:23It's money that sets you up.
30:26I've seen it.
30:28Oh, shut up, you little. What are you talking about?
30:30You, him and his hair.
30:32My God, you must be desperate.
30:34Aye, that's it, ma. She's desperate.
30:36That's what she is.
30:42You've said it.
30:48Aye, you've said her mouthful, haven't you?
30:54There'll be nobody more pleased than me if you bring it off.
30:58Where you live?
31:00Well, here. Where else?
31:04No, lad, no.
31:06You can't do that to me.
31:08I'll have her here all day. You can't.
31:10Well, where else can I take her?
31:12Anyway, as bloody bitchy as you've been, ma,
31:14I'm not leaving you. You know I wouldn't.
31:16I can fend for meself. I've still got a pair of hands.
31:18Aye, and a pair of legs that won't carry her much longer.
31:20And what about our Rosie?
31:23She never cared for her. She'll go mad.
31:25And me, what about me?
31:27To hell with me. I'll finish with bloody me.
31:29To hell with Rosie and all.
31:31I'm bringing her here.
31:53Well, ma,
31:55here we are.
31:57Hello, Emily.
32:05Look, I'll, er,
32:07I'll nip along and get some fish, all right?
32:13I'll be back.
32:15I'll be back.
32:17I'll be back.
32:19I'll be back.
32:22I'll be back.
32:24I'm so sorry, Emily.
32:26Aye, and you've reason to be.
32:28You've brought a lot of trouble
32:30and a lot of people.
32:32Why are you marrying him?
32:34Because I like Angus.
32:36Like him?
32:38This is for life.
32:40Liking him isn't enough if he's going to
32:42look after your Ben and give you some of his own.
32:44You don't get by
32:46just by liking.
32:50This is where we live.
32:52This is where he lives in here, look.
32:54And then there's a scullery.
32:56And then there's a door
32:58down the yard to the lab.
33:00I know the way you've been brought up.
33:02How are you going to stomach this?
33:04Answer me that.
33:06I'd be pleased to live here, Emily, if you'll have me.
33:08I haven't got much choice, lass, have I?
33:10Angus has headed this house since before his father died
33:12so if he wants you here, you'll come here.
33:14But it's no use saying I'm going to
33:16welcome you with open arms because I can't.
33:19It isn't his, is it?
33:21No, Emily, no.
33:23Then why don't you say who it is and get him to marry you?
33:25I can't. It's impossible.
33:27Does Angus know who it is?
33:31Is that fair to him?
33:33Fair or not, I can never tell him.
33:35What happens when your father hears about this?
33:37I doubt if anything would happen.
33:39Nothing will happen.
33:41Sometimes I think I've never had parents.
33:43I'm dead to them.
33:45You know, I've realised lately that my father always disliked me.
33:49Got the plates warmed, have you?
33:53What have you been up to? Come on.
33:57Did you send that birth certificate to Vanessa?
34:01She said she wanted it for Sam in the morning.
34:03You're such a liar.
34:05Do you know what she actually needed it for?
34:07I've been speaking to Wilton and he's told me
34:09that the banns are being announced at St. Edward's
34:11between our daughter and Angus Cotton.
34:13She says she's right here on the doorstep.
34:15Well, I'll put a stop to this.
34:21Ray, what are you doing there?
34:23Now come here, at once.
34:27Come on!
34:29You've been listening again, haven't you?
34:31How many times have I told you about that?
34:35What did you hear, Ray?
34:39about Vanessa going to marry Angus Cotton.
34:41That's all.
34:45Well, I don't want you running off
34:48and telling Michael about this.
34:50Do you understand, Ray?
34:52Of course he understands.
34:54Matter of fact, I didn't think Vanessa would marry Angus.
34:56I thought that she'd marry Uncle Arthur.
35:00Uncle Arthur?
35:02Why do you say that, Ray?
35:04I thought that he'd give up on Auntie Irene
35:06and marry Vanessa
35:08because they used to kiss and slop, you know.
35:12What do you mean by that?
35:14What do you mean?
35:17I saw them kissing.
35:19I saw Vanessa go out.
35:21It was after midnight.
35:23I followed her.
35:25And you followed her where?
35:27To Michael's garden.
35:29I went up into the tree house.
35:31They were in the summer house.
35:33On the steps, actually.
35:37And what? Exactly what did you see?
35:39They were sitting on the steps.
35:43Then they were kissing.
35:45Then they were doing things.
35:51All right.
35:53Go to your room.
36:03I know what that swine was after.
36:05Arthur? Arthur!
36:07He wanted to wreck Susan's wedding and he very nearly succeeded.
36:09I always knew he hated me for moving ahead of him.
36:11But I never realised it was quite this deep.
36:15He must have been boiling against me all this time.
36:17Behind that quiet smile.
36:19He was hatching this.
36:21He planned this.
36:23And then, when he'd done it,
36:25he couldn't face his responsibilities.
36:27Weak, you see.
36:29And I've always said it's the weak who are really vicious.
36:33Oh, can you get Ray to keep his mouth shut?
36:35What about that canoe he wanted?
36:37Perhaps I should start an allowance of some sort.
36:41Yes, that's very good.
36:44Very well.
36:46What are we going to do about Angus Cotton and Vanessa?
36:50I'd rather the world thought that ambitious lout was the father.
36:52You mean you don't intend to do anything?
36:54Just that.
36:56I'd even give it my consent.
36:58But none of this must leak out.
37:00Now, do you hear me?
37:14Well, thanks, Stan.
37:16We'll have a drink on it later, will we?
37:20Well, I'll be away then, eh?
37:22Aye, thanks, Stan.
37:24See you around, eh?
37:26Oh, yeah.
37:32You all right?
37:34Yes, Angus, fine.
37:36Nothing you'd like?
37:38How do you do?
37:40I'm fine.
37:43How do you mean?
37:45Well, a wedding present, like.
37:47Oh, Angus, thank you.
37:51Oh, I haven't thought.
37:53Perhaps later.
37:55Aye, aye, later perhaps.
37:57Well, some lunch then, eh?
37:59And maybe we could go to the pictures.
38:01That would be nice.
38:27Oh, my grand.
38:31Pass me the corks.
38:33Thank you very much.
38:35Well, of course.
38:37How are you, man?
38:41I'm going to smash your legs.
38:43Aye, aye, well, it'll be grand.
38:45Oh, well.
38:49Oh, my.
38:53Get out!
38:55Move it!
39:10It's a wedding, isn't it?
39:12Solve this, I'll be all right.
39:14I wish you the joy of her...
39:16You lot, move it!
39:18Right, well, isn't this a v-day or something?
39:20Move it!
39:22When she wakes up and says
39:24the big galooch has married.
39:26I shall have to tell her she was cleaned by me
39:28because she will wake up.
39:30Then you can look out.
39:39Out, before I kick you out!
39:41See you, Stan.
39:43That was a dirty trick to play.
39:45Aye, I'd take after my son
39:47playing bloody dirty tricks.
39:49Happy, are you? Satisfied, are you?
39:51Question this, what you are in it,
39:53are you happy?
39:55Aye, you know, you're going to be satisfied.
39:57Just don't you be down there when I get back.
39:59Aye, and who put the overalls in Mrs Murphy's chowder?
40:09I've made us some coffee.
40:13Don't worry.
40:15It'll all be different in the morning.
40:17You'll see.
40:19Yes, thanks.
40:21You shouldn't have done that.
40:25It was all right until you did that.
40:53Let's ask him for trouble, that is.
40:59When I want you, I'll take you in me own time.
41:03Get to bed.
41:21Well, that seems to be coming along quite well.
41:25You do know you should be going to the antenatal clinic, don't you?
41:27Yes, Dr Carr.
41:29Was there something wrong with it?
41:31No, not really.
41:33It's just that they all know who I am there.
41:35I can practically hear them saying,
41:37Oh, so this is the one, is it?
41:39Oh, I see.
41:41But you do have a new life now.
41:45You do have a new life now.
41:47In the end, you're going to have to
41:49face people knowing who you are,
41:51and knowing quite a bit about you.
41:53Are they unkind to you?
41:57Well, then I think you should go there.
42:01I know I shouldn't, but, um,
42:03I do keep thinking about home.
42:07I know how horrible mother and father were to me.
42:09I do know that.
42:11Just sometimes,
42:13it seems like a paradise.
42:15My own room at home.
42:19Sometimes I think I'm going mad.
42:31Where's Angus?
42:33He's away to the pub.
42:35He won't cook for him, what do you expect?
42:37He knew I was going to the doctor's this evening.
42:39Anyway, when I do try to cook for him,
42:41he won't eat it. He only eats what you give him.
42:43And you won't teach me.
42:45Why won't you?
42:47Don't you take that tone with me, lass.
42:51You're not eating, then?
42:53No, I'm not eating.
43:03You have no bloody need to go out working!
43:05It's my life, lad!
43:07You do what you like with yours,
43:09it's fine.
43:11Aye, every reason under the sun,
43:13you awkward old bitch, yeah?
43:15Don't you call me an awkward old bitch,
43:17or I'll brain you so it's got to be true!
43:19Try it on!
43:21You should be bloody well ashamed of yourself, talking to her like that.
43:23You keep your trap shut, I'm standing none of it from you.
43:25You're a damn little upstart.
43:27You've got nothing to be uppish about.
43:29Oh, haven't I?
43:31At least I don't get me belly filled at the first opportunity.
43:39Old times have changed, aren't they?
43:41You were working right the bloody time,
43:43weren't you, ma'am?
43:45I was. Nine hours scrubbing a day up to a couple of days
43:47before we were born.
43:49No sitting on me arse all day, that's for sure.
43:51Look, man.
43:53If he agrees,
43:55he won't be doing you no favour.
43:57He'll only agree if he thinks his money's safe
43:59and he knows he can screw you for the interest.
44:03You're the client, remember?
44:05Look, Fred, do you want to go and insult this?
44:07It's your second lorry we're talking about, not mine.
44:09Aye, sorry, man.
44:11Then what's more?
44:13You're the bugger wearing the suit today.
44:41Oh, my God.
44:43What have you done?
44:45Oh, God, you bloody young fool.
44:47You bloody young fool, what have you done?
44:49You bugger Angus.
44:51You should be battered bringing her here.
44:53She's not made for it.
44:55God, you should be battered.
45:07Can't we make her sick, ma'am?
45:09Like with water and salt or something?
45:11No, you can drown them like that if they're not conscious.
45:13God almighty, what did doctor say?
45:15He'd be here.
45:17Straight away, right away.
45:19For God's sake, don't die.
45:21Don't die.
45:23There's a car now.
45:25Maybe that's him.
45:27There's a car now.
45:29Maybe that's him.
45:51Shall we walk around again, doctor?
45:53No, get a bowl.
45:55I'll be back in a minute.
45:57I hope.
46:01So what brought this to a head then, huh?
46:05It's been difficult all round.
46:07The blame isn't all mine.
46:09I dare say.
46:11But I've heard you haven't helped.
46:13None at all.
46:15Angus did a stupid thing.
46:17Angus did a decent thing. A very decent thing.
46:19Oh, it wasn't purely selfless.
46:21Of course it wasn't.
46:23Don't give us the spoil things, Emily.
46:29All right.
46:33All right.
46:35This will be all right.
46:45Keep an eye on her, Rosie.
46:49How was I to know?
46:51Maybe I should. I should have done many things,
46:53but being meself, I didn't.
46:55She seemed to be settling to it.
46:57She doesn't show things.
46:59Well, if you know that, you should know
47:01it's her saving grace to be able to ball your head off.
47:05She's from a different world, Emily, man.
47:07You should have shown some charity.
47:09Are you...
47:11I mean,
47:13do you have to report it?
47:15Rosie only told me, and you...
47:17the neighbours will think you're here for her pregnancy.
47:20Aye, very well.
47:22Will it harm the band, this?
47:24It might well.
47:26I'll be making arrangements to have her taken into hospital
47:28a day for observation.
47:30Oh, and there's a possibility
47:32she might try this again when she comes back.
47:34Second attempts are usually more efficient.
47:36No, she won't. I'll see to it.
47:38Things will be different now.
47:40I've learnt me lesson, Doctor.
47:44I'll go and find Angus at the yard.
47:59Well, away with him.
48:01Don't keep us in suspense. What did he say?
48:03Told me to stuff it.
48:05Oh, the bastard. He did.
48:07Told me to stuff my wallet with tenners.
48:09What? You mean...
48:11You mean he gave it to you? He did?
48:13Oh, that's grand. How did you persuade him?
48:15Well, it wasn't easy at first, man.
48:17I didn't have it till I pulled a gun on him.
48:19Oi, there's no talking to you.
48:21So when do we get the next rig? Tuesday.
48:27What's he doing here?
48:33I'm sorry, Angus.
48:35It was a great mistake. I should never have let you do it.
48:37Emily was right.
48:39It would never have worked out.
48:41Thank you for all the kindness you have shown me.
48:43You have nothing to regret, believe me,
48:45because you were the only one who has given me a kind word
48:47during all these awful months.
48:49Thank you, Angus.
48:53Oh, no, no, no.
48:57She's sleeping.
49:15There's got to be a change, Ma.
49:19I'll see to it.
49:21Thanks, Ma.
49:25You know in your heart you're blaming me.
49:29And, well, I don't feel very proud of me sharing it.
49:33But I'll see she's all right now.
49:45Or do you want something else?
49:47No, no, this is fine.
49:53I mean it strong?
50:01Thanks, Rosie.
