The Round Tower by Catherine Cookson TV Romantic Miniseries 1998 E01 | Subtitles

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#desperateromantics #mansfieldpark #thebuccaneers
Vanessa Ratcliffe is constantly at odds with her wealthy, social climbing parents. Family tensions explode when Vanessa becomes pregnant and refuses to name the father.
00:30Hey, there's a new one there today. Never seen her before, haven't you?
00:58That's God Almighty's daughter. They usually send the Bentley to the convent for that one.
01:02Ah, they're not letting on the day.
01:04I bet your life they'll squint round.
01:07Hey, what are you gonna be when you grow up?
01:11Oh, a tart, are you?
01:13Let us know when you're done, sweetheart. I'll come and have a nibble at you.
01:17How about a bit of homework first, eh?
01:20Don't mind bloody homework, Taggart. Seize the day shift.
01:24Oh, I could.
01:28Well, none of you'll live.
01:46Oh, Emily. Thanks.
02:09Pleasure, Miss Vann.
02:12Vanessa, dear.
02:13I don't know how many times I've had to tell you, you really mustn't drop your things down just anywhere.
02:17No, Mother.
02:274681, Jane Ratcliffe speaking.
02:30Oh, Mavis, hello.
02:35Cotton! Cotton!
02:38What's been going on here?
02:40Can you not control these louts?
02:42I don't know what you're getting at.
02:44You'll know soon enough. The boss is a white heap.
02:48Some parents have complained that their daughters can't pass down the cut without filth being strewn over them.
02:55And one of them, for your information, was Mr Ratcliffe's daughter.
02:59Well, I didn't see her.
03:02You'd better get along and shop.
03:04And there'll be some sweeping out in this shop if I've got anything to do with it.
03:08Oh, well, there's lots of places running out for sweepings these days, Mr Wilkins.
03:13Hello, Agnes.
03:14Mr Brett.
03:15Don't often see you up here. Everything all right?
03:18Aye, fine, thanks.
03:20You know.
03:36Come in.
03:42You remember the last time you were in this office?
03:44I remember, sir.
03:46Mr Brett had seen some of my drawings and he recommended I be given the chance to develop.
03:51Mr Brett's recommendation meant nothing unless I gave the word.
03:57Surely you have sense to understand that.
04:00His grandfather founded this firm, but it certainly doesn't belong to him now.
04:05I own it.
04:08And it happens also with regard to your mother's long service with my family.
04:15Other men were recommended, you know, to be put in charge of shop number three.
04:19I'm doing a good job. A damn fine one, Mr Brett says.
04:22You're not doing a good job! You can't even control the men under you!
04:25Who says?
04:26I say!
04:31It's come to something when young ladies can't pass the works without having filthy obscenities hurled upon them.
04:39Aye, well, as soon as I heard, I put a stop to it.
04:42Now you were present.
04:44I was what?
04:46One of the girls said she saw you.
04:49Well, she's a bloody liar.
04:52Anyway, what's all the fuss about? Men have always chipped their lasses along the cut.
04:56These weren't lasses, Colin.
04:59Condom girls. Young ladies.
05:03All right.
05:06Now, I won't have it happening again.
05:09Do you understand?
05:11Do you understand?
05:19Get back to work.
05:35Your Angus has avoided me, Rosie.
05:38Oh, he's not. He's probably got a problem or something at work.
05:41Talk to him about it, would you, love?
05:43Well, come in now. Have it out with him yourself.
05:46No, no. But have a word, eh?
05:48All right.
05:55Hello, big brother.
05:57What's up?
05:58Nothing much. Just had my head nipped off by God Almighty Ratcliffe.
06:02It's his manner I can't stand. I'm dirt beneath his feet.
06:05Well, I've just been talking to me.
06:09She's complained about somebody's manner and all.
06:12She wants to know what's wrong.
06:13She knows what's wrong.
06:15Hiya, Matt.
06:16Hiya, Matt.
06:18Well, I heard about you today.
06:20Oh, aye? That's Mrs Ratcliffe saying about it all.
06:23She told him to go easy on you, I heard her.
06:25Then she went all buttery on me.
06:27She said Mr Ratcliffe didn't hold you responsible.
06:30It was them awful commonfellas you work with.
06:35Oh, aye? What did you say to that?
06:37Nothing. I kept me silence.
06:39See now? Speed up the work and she gets into a tizzy.
06:42I can manage her, all right.
06:44She's a damned upstart, of course, but I think she got most of that from him
06:48because he's a sanctimonious, hymn-singing, big-headed lout.
06:55Something wrong, Arthur?
06:57Oh, it's the third time this week.
07:00I'll have to get the garage to fetch it.
07:03You ought to change it.
07:05Yes, I know that, Jonathan.
07:09Come on, then.
07:11Oh, right.
07:20I've been having trouble with Cotton, by the way.
07:23What's he done?
07:24Spewing filth from the shop window at the convent schoolgirls.
07:27Anger, surely not.
07:29Oh, you're a golden-headed boy, is he, Arthur?
07:31No, not at all.
07:32He's just a lad who thinks for himself.
07:35He's got ideas, and given half a chance, he can do things.
07:41Everything all right with you, Arthur?
07:44Yes, fine, thanks.
07:47Colin seems to be settling into the world of work, and...
07:50It's Irene I met, really.
07:53Ah, yes.
07:55Everything's fine, then.
07:57Good, good.
07:59Good to see you. The last time I spoke to Irene...
08:01Ah, yes, sir. This isn't about the land, is it, Jonathan?
08:05See, Irene said...
08:06Well, I know she did. I mean, she did mention that you had...
08:12Look, I'm sorry, Jonathan, but I really won't be selling it, I'm afraid.
08:16It's difficult to...
08:19It's to do with it being in my family for so long,
08:22being built by Grandpa Affleck, all that sort of thing, and it's...
08:27It's always been a part of my life.
08:30It would be like selling my childhood.
08:35You do see that, don't you?
08:37Yes, of course.
08:39Well, of course. Good, good.
08:44Anyway, thanks.
09:09Stubborn idiot.
09:10Who, dear?
09:12Ancient land, and all you get is sentimental twaddle.
09:16Where's Vanessa?
09:17She's in the library.
09:19Jonathan, did you speak to Angus Connell?
09:21Yes. He denies it.
09:23But then he would, wouldn't he?
09:33Hello, Daddy!
09:34Hello, Michael.
09:37Come on, Michael, see if you can catch me.
09:50Had a good day, Dad?
09:52So-so, Carl. You know.
09:55What happened?
09:57Nothing as far as I'm concerned.
09:59Well, this is news.
10:01The other three were concerned. Their parents were concerned.
10:05I suppose what shocked their girls didn't shock you.
10:08I didn't hear anything, Father.
10:10You didn't hear anything?
10:12But you were there, weren't you?
10:14I was thinking. I didn't even know they were at the window.
10:17They were shouting filth!
10:19And you didn't even hear them.
10:21Vanessa, don't you take that attitude when your father is talking to you.
10:25I asked you a question.
10:27I answered it, Father.
10:29They were shouting something I didn't hear.
10:32Anyway, they always shout at the girls.
10:34That's why they go along the path. They needn't, you know.
10:37I think Lucy Fulton only goes that way to egg them on.
10:40Then why was her mother on the phone complaining?
10:43What do you think people are going to say
10:45when they know that you take these things so casually?
10:48Where do you think you're going?
10:50To do my prep.
10:52Get that defiant look off your face and bang the door if you dare!
10:56Do you see what I have to put up with?
10:58She gets more difficult every day.
11:01I've never had this with Susan.
11:05Will you excuse me, Daddy?
11:07Brian's coming over. He'll be here any minute.
11:10Oh, yes. I'd almost forgotten.
11:13Brian. Good.
11:16Oh, yes. I'd almost forgotten. Brian.
11:47Poor Vanessa. She doesn't know what's happening to her.
11:50What is happening to her? Oh, you know.
11:52Do I? What? You know.
11:55I don't. If Vanessa doesn't know, how am I supposed to?
11:58Oh, darling, think.
12:02Well, S-E-X, of course.
12:05She's got all these feelings and she doesn't know what to do with them.
12:09And what about you? Did you know what to do with them?
12:12Not really. I suppose I met you just in time.
12:15Before I exploded or something.
12:18The only thing Mummy ever told me about it all was to always kiss with my mouth closed.
12:22Well, I'm very glad you ignored her.
12:33Nearly finished.
12:41No, no, you carry on if you haven't finished.
12:44How can I carry on with you standing there?
12:56What do you want?
12:59Oh, it's nothing. It's just that, um...
13:03Well, Jonathan was going on about the land again just now and I...
13:06Well, you know what I think.
13:08Well, I thought we'd agreed that...
13:10No, we didn't agree.
13:12You said you wouldn't sell it and I saw I wasn't going to change your mind.
13:15That's not the same as agreeing.
13:24Can't we be friends at least?
13:27I dare say we can be friends.
13:31I dare say we can be friends.
13:38Please don't touch me.
13:43People know exactly what I mean when I speak in court.
13:46Why is it that I only have this difficulty with you?
13:48Leave me alone!
14:00Leave me alone!
14:30What's the matter, Iris?
14:58Why are you avoiding me?
15:00What's going on?
15:03It's not what I think it is, is it?
15:06Bloody hell, you and me have been going for over a year.
15:10Anyway, what about you?
15:12How many lasses have you had?
15:14Millions, you know me.
15:15Why did I tell you?
15:17Look, it was a couple of...
15:19It was a couple of fellas.
15:21And the second one was over months before I met you, so why?
15:24It's different for blokes, you know that.
15:27Who do I?
15:29And why is it?
15:30It just is.
15:31It's how I feel, I can't help it.
15:43It's different for blokes.
15:45You have to have it, don't you?
15:46But where would we get it if they all kept it virginity, eh?
15:49That would be very inconvenient.
15:51Oh, it's not logical, man.
15:52And I feel bad about me, but...
15:54You know, when I get married, I want to be the first shopper at the store.
15:57Ah, but would you want to shop at the store where nobody else did?
16:02Aye, true.
16:06Now, what do you get on, girl?
16:08He's got a conscience, has Argus.
16:11I reckon he'll come round.
16:13La, la, la, la, la.
16:17Mar's late, isn't she?
16:19You shouldn't make her work Saturdays.
16:21I mean, why the hell doesn't she give it up?
16:23There's no need.
16:24She's done enough, she's passed it.
16:26You better not tell her that.
16:28She'll scalp you.
16:29Well, she can't do it all.
16:30I mean, look at this place, it's a pigsty.
16:33I'm going to have it out with her.
16:34Oh, don't be so daft.
16:36Use your loaf.
16:37If Mar left, Ratcliffe would have you out the shop before tea time.
16:41And you know it.
16:42I've really well known out of the sort.
16:45I got into the shop on my ability and not on her apron strings,
16:48and I want it known.
16:49Oh, don't pull your head off, I can hear you.
16:52What do you think of that lot?
16:55I told you, Mar, I don't like wearing other bloke's gear.
16:58You were bloody glad to wear other bloke's gear once in a time.
17:02Not any more, so don't get them for me.
17:05I spend me days cleaning up after them Ratcliffs,
17:08who've got their noses so high in the air they need their necks massaged.
17:12And now me own son.
17:14Let me tell you, you'll never be able to buy shirts of this quality, never.
17:18Let me tell you that.
17:21One of these days, I'm going to go out
17:24and I'm going to buy myself six of the best, bloodiest silk shirts
17:28in all this bloody town,
17:29and I'm going to wear them for work, see?
17:31How much did you pay for this lot?
17:34Four and six.
17:35Go on.
17:36There's three good dresses in there.
17:38Who was on the counter?
17:39Fat arse Flanagan.
17:41I didn't pitch them.
17:43Oh, aye?
17:44Watch it, you snotty young bugger.
17:47What's this? What's this?
17:51He's snotchy, Pierre.
17:52Wants you to hand in your cards, Ma.
17:55They're using you, Ma.
17:57You don't need it.
17:58They're not even friendly to you.
17:59That's right.
18:00The family aren't.
18:01Except young Vanessa.
18:02She's nice.
18:03A kind-hearted lass, that one.
18:06But they appreciate me cooking, unlike some.
18:09But your family never tastes your cooking,
18:11so how are we to judge?
18:14I'm sorry I've neglected you.
18:16Oh, for God's sake, Ma.
18:18Don't be so bloody soft.
18:20If you don't cook at the weekend,
18:21it's because we won't let you.
18:23Oh, Ma, he was only pulling your leg.
18:25Don't talk to Dippy.
18:27We've never wanted for anything in our lives.
18:30How about going to the club tonight?
18:31You were last night.
18:33It was Friday tonight, Saturday.
18:34We haven't been to a Saturday night for weeks.
18:36Stan won't mind going again,
18:38so long as he gets his slap and tickle.
18:40We'll have a knees-up, Ma.
18:42That's it, a knees-up.
18:44Even if I can't get my damn feet off the floor.
18:48You don't mind my Italian trip on the long hauls, Dad?
18:51You sure?
18:52Not at all.
18:53Guri had come and tell us.
18:54You're dead!
18:55Careful, Mike.
18:57I'll miss the Haitian wall walk.
18:59I really will.
19:00There'll always be time for us to do that.
19:02Oh, and can you tell Van?
19:04I'm sorry I didn't manage to see her.
19:05Ah, you're lost.
19:06She's growing into...
19:07Well, she's quite something.
19:09Yeah, Colin was saying.
19:10Anyway, thanks, Dad.
19:12OK, let's go.
19:14Oh, bye, Mother.
19:16See you soon.
19:17I'm coming with you.
19:19Your father promised to take me to my magistrate's due this afternoon.
19:23Ah, yes, and pick you up again.
19:26I forgot.
19:29Let's go.
19:47Bet you what you like.
19:49Ratcliffe would have put the whole blame for yesterday's business onto Angus
19:53if he weren't frightened of losing me.
19:55And I wouldn't mind going, I can tell you.
19:58But, Ma, Angus could get a job anyway.
20:01Maybe, maybe.
20:03But what sort of a job?
20:05The way the world is now, and never mind your brains,
20:08what you need is education.
20:10And Affleck's, he's been educated as if he were a child.
20:14And Affleck's, he's been educated as he goes along.
20:17And Mr Brett believes in him and is backing him all the way.
20:19Where else would he find that?
20:21Oh, Ma, there's dozens of places.
20:24He could go and get a job tomorrow.
20:26Or Monday.
20:31I tell you what, I'm tired, Rosie.
20:34I'm tired of the hours.
20:36I want to stay in my own house and get it ship-shape.
20:39And have meals for you both when you come in.
20:42Neither you nor Angus are going to be here much longer.
20:45Oh, Ma'am. Ma'am.
20:48Don't upset yourself.
20:50And don't you bloody well go downstairs and tell him.
21:03Hiya, how are you?
21:05Fine, thank you.
21:06Not too bad.
21:11Hello, Angus.
21:13It's raining.
21:14Aye, I know.
21:15Let's go over there.
21:16Come on.
21:25So, er, what were you doing in there?
21:28Like, you taking a smoking?
21:29No, it's Father's birthday on Monday.
21:32I didn't recognise you without your school rig, you know.
21:35You look different.
21:37And do you know what, Angus, I feel different too.
21:40Oh, by the way, Van, about, er, you know, yesterday's business,
21:43I'm sorry, I wouldn't have let the lads...
21:45Oh, it doesn't matter, Angus, all that fuss.
21:47Anyway, they get what they deserve.
21:49You know, they used the cut to egg the boys on.
21:52I didn't even hear any of it, I was miles away.
21:55And away with your dreams, eh?
22:00Hello, Vanessa.
22:01And Angus, hello.
22:02Oh, hello, Brett.
22:03Mr Brett.
22:04Looks like I've missed the shot, huh?
22:06Yes, I'm afraid you have.
22:07I was the last one they served.
22:09Well, I'll try the lounge bar.
22:10Um, do you need a lift, Vanessa?
22:12Oh, that'd be nice.
22:14We'll hop in. I'll ring to the car.
22:32Hey, I'll tell you what.
22:34I met Van this afternoon.
22:36She said she didn't even hear what the lads were shouting.
22:38It's a storm in the teacup.
22:40Yeah, I heard Affleck's was smart.
22:41Never knew he had teacups.
22:43Sure, Stan.
22:44Rackford's probably cramped it up to have a go at you.
22:56That men was something this afternoon.
22:58How did Miss Van get home?
22:59Mr and Mrs Brett gave her a lift.
23:01Mr Brett?
23:02All right, was he?
23:03No mention of him?
23:04No, no, he was fine.
23:05Yes, Stan.
23:06Cheers, all.
23:08He's all right, Mr Brett is.
23:10But his wife is a chilly drink of water.
23:12Feels sorry for her mind.
23:14She thought she was marrying Affleck, ain't it?
23:16When she married Mr Brett.
23:17Only Mr Brett somehow forgot to tell her the house was it.
23:21No money to go with it.
23:22All spent.
23:24Then bloody God almighty Ratcliffe licks boots and smarms his way
23:27into the job that should have been Mr Brett's.
23:29She's a disappointed woman.
23:56What are you saying?
23:57Why shouldn't Angus talk to Vanessa?
23:59You're so naive sometimes you make me want to scream.
24:02Why do you say that?
24:03They've known each other all their lives, for heaven's sake.
24:05Emily used to take Angus up there when he was a child.
24:08What are you trying to make out of this?
24:11I just don't think Jonathan would be very pleased
24:13to have his younger daughter consorting with Adolf.
24:18Do you know, I really think you should mind your own business
24:22and stop taking this out on Jane through Vanessa.
24:25What on earth do you mean?
24:26Bit jealous of her.
24:28Jane's going to marry Susan into the aristocracy.
24:30She'll be invited to every house in the county
24:32and you can't stand that, can you?
24:34How dare you?
24:35Don't leave like that, Arthur. Listen to me.
24:37No, I'm not going to listen to you, Irene.
24:39I'm not a member of one of your committees
24:41and there are some things you can't make me do.
24:43You can't make me listen to you.
24:50You want us to move on, love?
24:52She goes to keep fart glasses?
24:55She read somewhere that horse riding was good for slimming.
24:58She tried and it worked.
25:00The horse lost four arms to her.
25:04Good night, God bless. Thanks for having us.
25:17Haulage. That's the future.
25:20Rude haulage.
25:22The unions are strangling the railways.
25:24Canals all gone.
25:26What's left? Fred's lorry.
25:28Put a sock in it, Stan.
25:31You're going to laugh.
25:33But this factory's setting up all over.
25:35They need materials shifted in and goods shifted out.
25:39Someone's got to do it.
25:41What do you make with your rig, Fred?
25:43A good week? £40.
25:45Not bad. Next round on Fred, then, eh?
25:50Are you going to dance with me?
25:52Or shall I go over there and ask that lad that looks like James Dean?
25:56Oi! Where is he?
25:58Turn up! Come on!
26:15That's it. You show him, girl.
26:21OK, Fred.
26:23Tell me about a typical day with your rig.
26:26You know what you are, Angus Cox?
26:28You're a selfish stucco!
26:32She's the woman who loves me so
26:36Be my blue love
26:38She's my baby
26:40Be my blue love
26:42I don't mean maybe
26:44Be my blue love
26:46She's my baby now
26:48She's my baby now
27:18She's my baby now
27:38Oh, Brett, you're giving me a fright.
27:41What are you doing here?
27:43I often come down here.
27:45I hope you don't mind, Brett.
27:47These nights, I can't sleep.
27:49You're all right, though. Nothing wrong, is there?
27:51No, no, no.
27:53Well, it's my turn to ask.
27:55Why are you out at this hour?
27:57Well, I saw you coming down here and
28:00wondered what you were up to.
28:02Brett, you didn't.
28:04I'm afraid I did, young woman.
28:06Who did you expect to find me with?
28:08Well, since your sister may well be Lady Braintree one day,
28:13I thought you must at least have a rendezvous with a count or a prince.
28:16Mother and father would have been delighted, I dare say,
28:19if it had been a count or a prince.
28:22People make me sick, Brett.
28:25People make me sick, too, Vanessa.
28:29I bet they do.
28:31You've had what's known as a dirty deal, haven't you?
28:36Well, it's true.
28:38Why else does father feel so guilty about if he hasn't done you down?
28:41Well, I've no idea.
28:43Look, I'm not a child anymore.
28:45I'm nearly 18, and I'm very, very worldly.
28:48Are you?
28:52you're very sweet, Bert.
28:54I used to call you that when you were little, remember?
28:57But your father didn't like it.
28:59He didn't like me calling you Brett, either.
29:02Nor does Irene.
29:04No, we still do, don't you?
29:09you're a braver man than I am.
29:11Come on.
29:14Let's get you home.
29:16Come on.
29:20I'm sorry I missed Paul.
29:22Well, bad luck him.
29:24Perhaps next time he'll realise what you've become.
29:26What's that, Brett?
29:28A beautiful young woman when you're not scowling.
29:30In fact, it might be better for Paul's sake
29:32if he didn't notice you at all, poor fellow.
29:34Brett, you're not just saying that, are you?
29:36No, I'm not.
29:38You just run along now.
29:40I'll see you soon.
29:42You're the kindest man I know.
30:05Hello, Fanny.
30:07Fancy seeing you here.
30:08Back to home?
30:09Aye, funeral.
30:10Who's the family representative? You?
30:12Dentist. Had to see a specialist.
30:15Whose funeral was it?
30:16It was an uncle of...
30:17I was surprised at first to get time off work to go,
30:19but then I realised it was all a deep, dark plot
30:21involving the aristocracy.
30:23What sort of plot?
30:24Well, me ma wanted to go, right,
30:25because her sister's the widow.
30:27But your ma's got a future in-laws coming.
30:29Now, your ma can't do without my ma,
30:31so she goes to your dad.
30:32Hey, presto, I go instead.
30:34Hello there, Vanessa.
30:36Angus Cotton, Colin Brett.
30:39Aye, we've shared a rugby pitch before now.
30:42That's right, we have.
30:44Well, see you around then, Vanessa.
30:54I'm getting the bus here.
30:57It was nice seeing you.
30:58Yes, and you, Angus. I'm glad I bumped into you.
31:08Grab two more, please.
31:20Well, we can work it out.
31:25I didn't mean it, Angus.
31:26I was a pint or two the worst.
31:28It's all right.
31:29It's not.
31:30It's terrible.
31:31I didn't mean it.
31:33It doesn't matter.
31:41Hey, this fella's been hobnobbing with the quality again.
31:44A Ratcliffe.
31:45Quality, them?
31:47It was fine.
31:48I bumped into her at the station the day.
31:50That's the second time in as many weeks, isn't it?
31:52Aye, best be careful of that.
31:53Tongues will start to wag, you know.
31:55Can't you open your bloody mouth without making a crack?
31:57Can't you?
31:58You should upstand.
32:00Where are you going?
32:01I'll eat it on the way.
32:03I've got something to discuss with Fred Singleton.
32:09They're lovely, aren't they?
32:14Oh, the girls.
32:20Brian, sure I can tempt you?
32:25Yes, come on.
32:34Alan, why didn't you go over and join Vanessa?
32:37You look rather lonely over there.
32:41I do love to see the youngsters getting together, don't you?
32:45Do you want a hand?
32:50I wonder if you'd be good enough to excuse me for a few moments, Mother.
32:55Yes, of course, dear.
33:03You shouldn't be doing this, Miss Vann. It's kind of you, but...
33:06It isn't kind of me, Emily.
33:07I was going mad listening to my father licking Lord Braintree's boots.
33:11And that spotty son of his boring on about some old car belonging to his second best friend's father.
33:16You'd best get back.
33:18Emily, would you get another...?
33:21What on earth do you think you're doing?
33:24Something useful.
33:27You get back to our guests at once, young lady.
33:30I shall say that I found you upstairs and you weren't feeling entirely well.
33:34I'll talk to you later.
33:36Why not tell the truth?
33:40Don't worry, Emily.
33:41I'll say that you told me to go back in.
33:43I'm not worried, lass. Thanks for the help.
33:53I'd quite like it if you started behaving yourself and stopped doing your best to wreck things.
33:58I'd quite like it if you started behaving yourself and stopped doing your best to wreck things.
34:13Well? And what was all that about?
34:15I was helping Emily. Her legs are swollen.
34:17Emily can cope.
34:19I've just taken her home in the car and she was perfectly all right.
34:21Now that is an excuse.
34:24It was a deliberate act of defiance.
34:26Angus tells me Emily's legs are getting worse.
34:29Angus? Angus Cotton?
34:31Yes, I met him at the station.
34:34You never told me.
34:35Well, anyway, he tells me...
34:36I don't care what he said.
34:38You are to apologise to Susan.
34:40What for?
34:42She should apologise to me for Brian's revolting, boring little twerp of a brother.
34:47I'm not listening to this.
34:49I shall let your father deal with you.
34:52You're an utterly selfish brat.
35:15Is that you?
35:17Anne, it's very late.
35:19I couldn't sleep. I felt all het up.
35:22Is there something wrong? What is it? Nothing's happened, has it?
35:25No, no, no. There's nothing in particular.
35:27Well, let's go down to the summer house and talk.
35:29No, Anne, I think you should go back in. They might...
35:32They won't. Come on.
35:33No, I'm going to go back. It's just too late.
35:36All right, you stay. I'll go and sit in the summer house and muse.
35:44I wish that love was something that just happened, like...
35:49I don't know, like growing your hair.
35:52I mean loving your parents.
35:55But it isn't. It worries me.
35:59Because I don't love them.
36:02I don't love Susan and I don't love Ray.
36:05I know I should, but I don't.
36:08Well, we can't always love when we should.
36:12No, well, I can't.
36:15In fact, in our house, the only person who I really like is Emily.
36:19Everyone relies on her, but they still call her common behind her back.
36:23I suppose she is.
36:25She's the only one I really like.
36:28Why do you suppose that is?
36:31Perhaps it's because she's more natural, more...
36:38Does it get easier to love people as you get older?
36:44Well, one day...
36:47you'll find someone that you can't bear to be out of your sight.
36:52And you'll find this person, never fear.
36:55And when you do...
36:58you'll discover the way that you love...
37:02you, Vanessa.
37:10we all have to sort it out for ourselves.
37:15You know, I was thinking...
37:18there are only two men I can really talk to.
37:22Two people, really, at that.
37:27and you.
37:30I could love you, Brett.
37:42Brett, what is it?
37:43What have I done?
37:46Don't, don't.
37:52What have I done? What have I said?
38:12Buy a lorry, you!
38:14Did I say I was going to buy the damn thing?
38:16I said I was going to look at it.
38:17What the hell are you going to look at it for if you don't mean to buy it?
38:22Come on, Rosie, you reckoned earlier it was a good idea.
38:25I did, it's simple.
38:26All you do is put £5,000 down...
38:28then pay the rest off on instalments.
38:33What's there to laugh at?
38:34He's serious about it, can't you see that?
38:36If Fred Singleton thinks he's on to such a good thing...
38:39why can't he buy another lorry?
38:41You'd be boring, why can't he?
38:44I won't be boring much and he doesn't want to stretch himself.
38:46He's got a wife, all them kids and a widowed mother.
38:49But he's losing work being a one-man band.
38:51With two of us in partnership, we'd be in clover.
38:53Aye, and do you know where the most clover grows?
38:56In the bankruptcy court, you big gawk.
39:01The point is, is that he's losing work, like I say.
39:04With a second lorry, we could be turning 40 a week each.
39:07No, no, you're not leaving the yard.
39:10Not to join in with some harebrained scheme of Fred Singleton's.
39:13Head of a shop at your age and wanting to give it up?
39:16Oh, no, you can forget this racket.
39:18I'm not forgetting it, Ma.
39:19It might not happen just now, the lorry might be no good.
39:22But I'm not forgetting it.
39:25Head of a shop's nothing.
39:28At Affleck's, I'll always be someone else's man.
39:33And I've got a fancy for being the own boss.
39:36Stubborn bugger.
39:41I've thought about the German Holland trip, Jonathan.
39:48I'll go.
39:49Well done.
39:50I can see that the idea doesn't exactly delight you, Arthur,
39:53but I really am very grateful.
39:56It's good to see that company loyalty hasn't in fact gone out of fashion.
40:04Well, I can't say I envy you Pearson's company.
40:06He has the conversation of a speak-your-weight machine.
40:09Oh, I enjoy his company, I find it very relaxing.
40:13You don't even speak Dutch or German.
40:15Oh, I'll be all right.
40:17Somebody has to go.
40:19Somebody has to go.
40:26Come on.
40:38It's never worth 375, is it Fred?
40:40Not judging by the last couple we viewed.
40:42It is not.
40:43Don't know what they're playing at.
40:44Lucky to get 200 for it.
40:46Bastards, dragging us all the way out to Morpeth.
40:48Oh, here, let's go.
40:49I took the bloody day off, you know.
40:53Oh, telegram this morning from Brett,
40:55asking if I'd mind if he stayed abroad for another couple of weeks.
40:59Oh, really?
41:00Well, it is holiday owed to him, so there's not much I can do about it really.
41:04Especially as it looks as if Pearson's trip will be really quite successful.
41:09I wonder what Irene thinks about him being away so long.
41:12Well, if the last time we saw her there's anything to go by.
41:15Yes, dear.
41:16Yes, Irene was coping very well, I must say.
41:21Quite frankly, I've never seen her look so cheerful.
41:30I'm not going to jump into anything, Fred.
41:32There's time.
41:33There's not, you know, Angus.
41:34There's not.
41:35There's other fellows borrowing money to start up.
41:38We've wasted weeks already looking at these lousy rigs.
41:41The good ones are getting snapped up.
41:43Aye, I dare say.
41:45Hey, hold on, Fred. Slow down.
41:47It is, it's fine.
41:50Here, stop a minute, will you?
41:51She shouldn't be out here on her own.
41:55You go on, man. I'd better see you home.
41:58It's nothing like that, man.
42:00She's me boss's daughter.
42:01Ma says she's not been well.
42:03She's still looking after me.
42:04I'd better see to her.
42:05Well, you'll decide soon, will you?
42:07I'll leave it for now, Fred.
42:15I'm all right, Angus. Really, I am.
42:17Well, it's a poor lookout for the Baddens.
42:20I reckon you should be in bed.
42:22No nonsense now, homing into bed.
42:24We can save a mile by cutting through Mr. Brett's wood.
42:27You're not fit to be out here.
42:29Come on, now.
42:31Take me arm, and we can keep going.
42:34Keep walking.
42:36There's no need, Angus.
42:37There's a need right enough.
42:41I've got you.
42:42You all right?
42:45Thank you, Angus.
42:46That's all right.
42:49I think it was just a moment.
42:52I'm trying.
42:53I'm trying.
42:54I'm trying.
42:55I'm trying.
42:56I'm trying.
42:57I'm trying.
42:58I'm trying.
42:59I'm trying.
43:00I'm trying.
43:01I'm trying.
43:02I'm trying.
43:03I'm trying.
43:04I'm trying.
43:15It's wearing my coat.
43:16That's the treehouse they built.
43:18Good for them.
43:21I'll be all right from here, Angus.
43:46She was in a state, Ma.
43:48She looks bad.
43:49Oh, she's been like that for a week or two.
43:51Mrs hasn't known what to do with her, nor me.
43:54You've been able to get a word out of her for days.
43:57They reckon it's exam nerves.
43:59Are you sure?
44:00Look more than that to me.
44:01She hardly said a word all the way.
44:03And when she did, it was so blubbing dramatic.
44:05You'd think she was rehearsing for a play.
44:07Well, I dare say that's how it takes it.
44:10How was the lorry this time?
44:14We walked away.
44:18Best thing, best thing.
44:47How is she, Doctor?
44:50Well, we know she's unwell, but it's nothing serious, is it?
44:54She isn't unwell at all, Mrs Radcliffe.
44:57She's pregnant, which you might see as serious.
45:05You're mad.
45:07Don't be absurd. You've made a mistake.
45:09Aye, well, we're all a bit mad.
45:11And we all make mistakes, and I'd like to be mistaken in this instance.
45:15But I'm not.
45:17Your daughter's pregnant.
45:25What is it, Annie?
45:27Oh, Emily.
45:28Oh, now, now, now.
45:30Now, now.
45:31Drink your tea up.
45:34Your father's arrived.
45:40Thank you, Emily.
45:59Look at me!
46:00You dirty little slut.
46:04Now, who did it?
46:09I said, who?
46:15No, no!
46:16Leave her, please.
46:22Jonathan, oh, my God!
46:26What are we to do?
46:28She'll have to have it taken away.
46:30That's illegal.
46:31Don't be stupid, woman.
46:32Nothing's illegal if you can pay enough.
46:34Having a baby here, on the side?
46:36What about Susan's wedding?
46:38I just want to know who it was.
46:40She doesn't meet any boys.
46:42She doesn't even seem to like them.
46:44She can't be having a baby by auto-suggestion, now can she?
46:52I wanted to tell you before Rosie got in.
46:54They're going to have her taken away as far as I can get her.
46:58Don't look like that, lad.
47:01But, Van, she's not but a kid.
47:04It can't be true.
47:06How? Who?
47:08Oh, lad!
47:09You're asking me, they're asking her.
47:12They can't get a word out of her.
47:15She doesn't go around with blokes.
47:18Where are you going?
47:19I've no appetite tonight.
47:21I've cooked you tea. You'll eat it.
47:23I couldn't stomach it, ma.
47:28We're going to bury this.
47:29She'll have it taken away.
47:30Then she'll go to Scotland to your Aunt Jean.
47:32Aunt Jean doesn't even possess a telephone.
47:34And if anyone asks, we just say
47:36an opportunity came up for Vanessa to travel abroad.
47:39And, damn it, we'll even forge the postcards, if need be.
47:42Until Susan's wedding, at least.
47:44Until Susan's wedding, at least.
48:15Middle of the week.
48:17What's brought this on?
48:19Miss Van is cut up.
48:21Oh, that's rich, that is.
48:23You want to tell that to me?
48:25Now, now, you can feel sorry for Miss Van.
48:27Oh, sorry for her, me backside.
48:30She had everything.
48:32And she wanted that and all.
48:34Oh, she couldn't wait.
48:36She's asked for it.
48:38And, boy, she's got it.
48:40Sorry for her.
48:42Sorry for her?
48:44You're asking someone, aren't you?
48:46She's always got on me wick.
49:12Oh, Brett.
49:19Say that again, Michael.
49:21Vanessa's going to have a baby.
49:24Well, what put that idea into your head?
49:27Ray told me.
49:30What exactly did he say, darling?
49:33He said,
49:35I'm going to have a baby.
49:38What exactly did he say, darling?
49:41He said,
49:43tell you a secret, shall I?
49:45And I said, OK.
49:47And he said,
49:49well, Vanessa's going to have a baby.
49:51And Mummy and Daddy are hopping cross about it.
49:54And he said he was quite pleased
49:57because nobody bothered him all day,
49:59like they usually do.
50:01I don't think you ought to tell anybody this, darling.
50:05Ray may be mistaken.
50:07Run along now.
50:09All right.
50:14How are the mighty fallen?
50:21Irene, Mother.
50:26You've caught me at a bad moment, Irene.
50:28I've got a headache.
50:30I'm sorry, Jane, but it's important that you speak to Ray.
50:33He's been telling Michael the most fantastic story about Vanessa.
50:42Well, not to put too fine a point on it,
50:44he said she was going to have a baby.
50:54Oh, Jane, I am sorry.
50:58Really, I am.
51:01Oh, that's appalling. It is, truly.
51:04What can I say?
51:07How could he take advantage of a girl like Vanessa?
51:11If only there were punishments for that kind of thing.
51:14I mean, if he came before the bench when I was sitting,
51:17I'd throw the book at him.
51:19And after everything you've done for him...
51:24You know who it is?
51:27Don't you?
51:29Who do you think it is, Irene?
51:33I thought Arthur would have mentioned it to Jonathan.
51:36I've told Arthur about the number of times I've seen them together.
51:42Oh, Angus.
51:44Emily's Angus.
51:47I thought you'd have known.
51:59THE END
