Hiya Toys G.I.JOE Exquisite Mini Cobra Commander Figure

  • 2 days ago
Hiya Toys G.I.JOE Exquisite Mini Cobra Commander Figure


00:00hi has a new release but careful it hisses here's a look at the brand-new
00:04high toys GI Joe Cobra commander
00:08The leader of Cobra is the most treacherous and despicable criminal the
00:30world has ever known. Cobra commander has channeled his
00:33boundless ambitions into building a worldwide criminal organization with one
00:36goal global domination at any cost highly intelligent and dangerously
00:40unstable wields a strange form of charm that can twist intentions and morals
00:44making his poisonous words seem plausible and relatable and masking the
00:48true motives behind his treachery with our designers secondary creations of
00:52Cobra commander we bring new image to him he wears his blue battle suit with
00:56Cobra logo stands at 4.1 inches tall with 17 points of articulation for
01:01posability the face mask and part of his helmet are painted in silver the mark on
01:05the belt the edge of the gloves and the Cobra mark on his chest are accented in
01:09red accessories include four interchangeable hands one pistol one
01:14snake engraved with a snake head symbolizes the identity of the gold
01:18painted scepter and knife hail Cobra commander the great snake rules forever
01:23just before of course we get a close look at the brand-new GI Joe Cobra
01:27commander I'd like to thank if I can the folks over at Hyatt toys that provided
01:30the sample we could have a look at Cobra commander isn't out yet but he'll be
01:34coming out soon the figures though gonna stand at almost four inches in
01:38heights or the not-so-successful leader of Cobra stands at about 10 centimeters
01:43tall beat me down some other offerings from the folks over at Hyatt first
01:46here's what the figure looks like with the Star Trek 2009 Captain Kirk a line
01:50that we've just recently looked at here on this channel we can also as well
01:53bring in a whole bunch of other things we've gotten from Hyatt toys so here's
01:56what the figure looks like with say RoboCop here's what he looks like with
01:58Judge Dredd here's what he also looks like with the berserker predator and
02:03we are looking at a GI Joe of this size probably would make some sense to bring
02:06in an offering that we've also got from Hasbro in the past here's what the
02:09figure looks like with the 25th anniversary of Cobra commander at least
02:13from his helmet I'm getting some GI Joe resolute vibes from the design of Cobra
02:16commander here the figure for accessories does come include with a
02:19display stand that's really no different from the regular stands we've gotten
02:22from before the stand does have slots on the back it does have them on the sides
02:26and on this side here so basically you can attach these eye brackets you get
02:29two of them after all and they plug in in place here now I had some struggles
02:33actually when it came to the Star Trek ones I was having no struggles at all
02:36when it comes to these ones they just plug in place and when you have
02:39multiples of these you can of course attach them this way you can attach them
02:42this way no what what yeah you can attach them here and attach them here as
02:45well so you can really build a large terrain depending on how many of these
02:48figures you actually pick up removing the eye brackets show you guys though
02:52the lay of the land you can see there's some bullet casings here there's a peg
02:55right there that can of course plug into either one of the boots of Cobra
02:58commander it's nice looking display stand if you didn't want to use it
03:01necessarily for GI Joe that would be also an ideal stand to be displayed with
03:04say your predators so let's move that off to the side the figure then comes
03:08also includes some swappable hands I was kind of surprised in fact that they
03:12actually used these hands inside the packaging and not just put them on the
03:15ends of his forearms usually things like gestured hands are always like the
03:18things that come in the side compartments and those would be things
03:21of course you're gonna change out a little bit later the figure does have
03:23already a gripping hand on one side but then he does have ordering his troops he
03:27does have a pointing hands very nice but if you wanted to though and you
03:32wanted to have them wielding weapons on both sides then the figure does come in
03:35clue with two gripping hands or to trigger firing hands changing out the
03:40hands by the way is just a case of like so you already basically have a gripping
03:43hand on this side but let's just say for this and it also helps as well to show
03:47you guys how these work I'm just gonna pop that off the provided peg find of
03:50course the hand that you want to use and just plug it in place a little bit of
03:54twisting may be required on your part I didn't notice getting the hands out of
03:57the packaging that the holes seemed a little smaller so you may in fact have
04:01to kind of twist them a little bit to get them in place now he's got himself a
04:04gun shooting hand on the other side speaking of guns by the way Cobra
04:08commander does come in clue with some familiar guns that we've maybe seen
04:11before he gets this blaster that was packed all well a similar design gun
04:16like this was packed with the original GI Joe Cobra commander way back in the
04:1980s the 25th anniversary has followed suit I think every time a Cobra
04:23commander has been designed looking like this you generally get a gun that looks
04:27like this the only thing about it though is there's no storage space that I can
04:31see where the gun should store in the earlier days for Cobra commander if you
04:35flipped around the back of the figure there usually would have been like an
04:37indentation on the back of his body that you would just kind of embed this into
04:41his body and then you'd be able to hold the gun that way I'm just looking on the
04:44back of Cobra commander here for the 25th anniversary and again you can see
04:48right there although I it's not as subtle obviously when they're painting
04:52it gold like this but you know obviously it still has a place here I don't know
04:56and I would imagine it probably isn't gonna store yeah it's not the right size
04:59but yeah Cobra commander tend to have that on the back of his body this Cobra
05:02commander doesn't have it though and if you're thinking yourself well you must
05:06surely have a holster on the side first don't call me Shirley he doesn't he has
05:10a pocket large pocket right here which would have been then the ideal place to
05:13store the gun he has though a holster on this side but the holster is there to
05:17hold the knife so the only option really is to have this displayed in his hand or
05:21you're just well you're just out of luck you get the hand and you get the
05:24blaster and just plug it in place yes you're not so much plugging in place
05:28you're basically fitting it down the hand and he holds it okay I mean again
05:32you can get the trigger finger right around where the trigger would be on the
05:35gun moving that right now yeah it's just really strange that they didn't find a
05:42place to store this on the figures body even on the back would have been an
05:45ideal place even if they had put like a peg right here and a hole right here you
05:49know I mean that's simple shapes you could just plug it in that way it would
05:52have been perfectly in line with the belt strap here but there's no place
05:55that I can see at all on the figure there is however storage space at least
05:59for the next accessory the figure comes included with a well as you can see a
06:03King Cobra hooded because he's got the hood out there like a little side fans
06:09there on the very end of the knife the knife itself also does fit in his hand
06:13so you know I say it goes without saying I'm sure but I'll do it anyway so you
06:17just get the knife and put it into his hand like that
06:19Cobra Commander can wield himself a knife or of course you can take the
06:22knife and just on the side here there's a little holster so you just take that
06:26and slide it all the way down funny enough though he came out of the
06:30packaging with the knife already slotted in place so I thought for a second oh
06:33no I hope these are actual accessories that you can remove and in fact you
06:37could belong right there the last thing that the dear Cobra Commander does come
06:41included with I feel like I'm saying it like Destro my dear Cobra Commander you
06:45can see he does come in clue with these snake serpents scepter probably they
06:49need to put serpent in there but the snake scepter although I would say it's
06:53a little on the shorter side which this may be just a little bit longer and of
06:57course that does fit into his hand as well likely gonna be displaying this
07:02figure on the shelf I would have loved also if they had found a way to include
07:05a cape just you know I think a cape would have a nice added touch to the
07:08Cobra Commander of course you would probably had to have taken off the head
07:10put the cape on there but just a little pink or purple cape on the back of his
07:13body yeah that would have been ideal removing the scepter though and putting
07:18off to the side getting a closer look at Cobra Commander and I did say that
07:21already he kind of gives me that GI Joe resolute vibe I think it has more to do
07:25with the side parts to his helmet Cobra Commander does usually have that but when
07:29we look at that like for example the 25th anniversary Cobra Commander a lot
07:32of helmet usually is at the back these little side pieces does add a little bit
07:36more character and charm to the figures face if you want to call it that face I
07:40was once a man here's where I would say I would have done something a little bit
07:45differently and now obviously he's chrome dome he's got chrome finish there
07:48on the front of his face I don't know if I necessarily would have put it right
07:51here Cobra Commander does tend to have that this little landing strip of silver
07:55but I probably would have painted in silver and not relied on the chrome the
07:59moment you put it up here I feel it takes away from here and it kind of
08:02gives me the idea that this is an open part to his helmet and this literally
08:05sits over top of his dome face you even see how shiny that face is hey I think
08:10you even see me in there head sculpt overall looks really quite good I feel
08:14like maybe perhaps the neck is a little too long now you can kind of fix that by
08:19just bringing the head down a little bit so it kind of breaks up some of the
08:22length of the neck if you have it just straight up like this I feel like the
08:25neck looks a little too tad long for Cobra of course it does have a lot
08:29decent poseability we'll talk more about that in a moment does have of course a
08:33little Cobra symbol there off to the side he's got a little bit of gold trim
08:36there to the side as well he also has this whole like kind of a bandolier belt
08:41here that wraps around the front this doesn't attach in any ways at all I
08:45thought that maybe it could have detached this way I suppose you could
08:48probably take the body off and then maybe try to remove the belt because it
08:52looks like the belt is separate from the rest of his pants I don't know why you'd
08:55really want to do that because at the end a Cobra Commander really does need
08:58his belt I mean not only does it keep his pants up but it stores all the
09:01various things that he probably would be carrying around with him anyways it's
09:04got a little symbol there on the front that looks less like a Cobra symbol it
09:07looks more like a steering wheel but I don't know if I love this it just sits a
09:11little on the loose side for Cobra it's got some decent detail I love the red
09:14that they've added here to the tops of his gloves he's got the Cobra symbol off
09:17to the side there as well it's a really nice looking Cobra Commander and some
09:20nice pin striping down the sides of his legs as well from a proportions
09:24standpoint my 25th 25th anniversary Cobra Commander has over the years of
09:28having this guy on display it's developed some serious looseness in the
09:31legs but just to put the two side-by-side you can see that high is
09:34offering is a little bit taller proportionately as well you can see he's
09:38got a much larger head a much broader looking torso as well but very much the
09:41same similar things that what Cobra Commander is known for having if you
09:44were to like check the boxes off Cobra Commander has to have this he has to
09:48have this he has to have this unless you want to go with the hooded head I know
09:51nobody's really going with the hooded head anymore he looks the part and he
09:54does fit the part rather nicely now for the figures articulation here starting
09:57back though with Cobra Commander's head the head is gonna rotate all the way
10:00around the head also seems to have a fair decent amount of ball joint action
10:05here I thought initially though the neck would be able to move but if you're
10:07looking at it the neck seems to be part of the rest of his body so like getting
10:12in there it doesn't look like it actually moves independently but the
10:14head certainly does move and it moves quite a lot again if you want to kind of
10:17break up the look of having the figure was such a long neck like this you can
10:21kind of bring the head down just a little bit it does mean that he's
10:24looking a little bit lower but at least it doesn't give him a very long neck
10:27arms do rotate all the way around you can bring the arms out at 90 degrees
10:31both sides both sides the figure does have also a swivel in the bicep oh I
10:35shouldn't say that swivel in the bicep he has a swivel up here in his arm in
10:38his shoulder he has more of a swivel here down where the elbow meets and then
10:42of course you got the elbow bend there as well the hands do rotate all the way
10:45around if you're familiar with like the 25th anniversary line of GI Joe's are
10:49all like the subsequent three and three-quarter inch size GI Joe's the
10:53territory that they're gonna cover with articulation is pretty much the same
10:55articulation right here he doesn't have an o-ring I mean I think some of the
10:58later Hasbro stuff that we were just recently getting they were kind of going
11:02back to the idea of o-rings but this guy doesn't have an o-ring so there's
11:05obviously less likely that that rubber is going to deteriorate and break over
11:08time instead what he has is traded out as a ball joint so as you can see
11:12already I mean how much able on how much I'm easily able to rotate the torso all
11:16the way around it looks down it looks up you can also move it back and forth as
11:19well but the only problem with that though is first of all he's got these
11:22two belts going on so you kind of always want to really bring keep them
11:26close together because the moment you arch him back like this it looks like
11:29he's got a belt that's riding all the way up like he's I don't know like he's
11:32wearing like I don't know a garter like a I don't know what they call them
11:36little things that you guys will let me know down below anyways he does have
11:41this it's a little on the looser side I just would have really rather if they
11:45could have just attached this all together I was kind of I kept like
11:47looking around is there a way to detach this from his belt it's about the only
11:51thing I would have probably just done away with altogether I guess it does
11:53bring a little bit more detail something to look at with the eyes I just find
11:57though that it's a little it just flops around a lot especially when you move in
12:00the figure around the leg the legs split out like this you can take the legs and
12:04move forward you can move them back they do drop down also as well so not that
12:08they're necessarily planning to release vehicles but the legs do at least drop
12:11give a little bit more mileage when it comes to motions of the legs you can
12:14bring the arms out as well there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh a
12:18double hinge on the knee which is of course always good to see and then he's
12:21got articulation here in the ankle so the ankle it's a little admittingly
12:25limited I mean you can still move it up and down but when you're rocking in
12:28stuff there feels like there's some resistance and it may have something to
12:31do with the fact that the pant leg goes as low down as it does I mean you can
12:34move it back and forth but you're not moving as much as maybe you would want
12:37all in all though good-looking covert commander now high is sort of taking the
12:41reins when it comes to three and three-quarter inch GI Joe figures Hasbro
12:44still still seems to be doing the classified series and I think they're
12:47actually in good hands the only thing about it though is that Haya is asking a
12:50little bit more for their figures though truth be told though most most of the
12:53listings for Cobra commanders seem to have the figure priced at around $19.99
12:57so it's a little higher than negative standard size figures of this size at
13:01least but on average though especially with inflation figure companies across
13:05the board small size larger scale all seem to be increasing their prices also
13:09so I mean I a $19.99 Cobra commander if this is the market of stuff that you're
13:14into collecting if like for GI Joe's at least you prefer to collect really the
13:18smaller scale figures I mean I don't think a $19.99 figure is all that bad of
13:23course comparing him with the Cobra commander here from the 25th
13:25anniversary a lot of similar designs a lot of similar deco I do like the look
13:30of this one though a little bit more not crazy and necessarily but the bandolier
13:34I would have really loved instead that the top of his helmet could have been a
13:37painted silver rather than relying on the chrome because I think the moment
13:40you start to put chrome up here it sort of starts to take away from the front of
13:43his face the focal point the whole reasoning why you're probably looking at
13:47Cobra commander is not only just a laugh at the fact he loses all the time but
13:49it's probably more so just look at the fact he is a chrome dome on the front of
13:52his face I think by adding that also on the top of his helmet probably takes a
13:55little bit away from that although I'm really happy with the way that figure
13:58looks I I would have liked if there could have been also some storage space
14:01perhaps for the gun I mean not necessarily that we have to put a
14:05little indentation on the back of his body that was a little silly back then
14:08it's still silly now but at the very least I mean he's got a pocket right
14:11there if that had only been a pocket that could have also served as safe
14:15storage for this then he could have been easily able to store all of it is all of
14:20his accessories short of perhaps the snake scepter trying to track down the
14:24whereabouts of Cobra commander seemed to be an impossible feat places that tend
14:27to already list Haya toys brand products don't list Cobra commander at all the
14:32places though I'm able to find him give misleading information one site actually
14:36said he was delayed to the third quarter of 2023 well anybody even looking at an
14:40outdated calendar would know that it's not 2023 some sites in fact actually
14:44just say pre-order delayed till q1 well what year in q1 so as of right now much
14:50like the Sun bows series Cobra commander has just vanished off the face of this
14:54earth so I would certainly say keep your eyes peeled if you guys are interested
14:57get this guy for yourself the light listings that at least are in the US
15:01showed this guy's being $19.99 Canadian listings though what I'm able to find
15:05show him going for $32.99 so Haya toys tend to be a little bit higher but I
15:10definitely feel there's a quality happening here with the figure the
15:13articulation is on par with what we got with already like a 25th anniversary and
15:16all the GI Joe's of this similar size there's definitely a lot more I feel
15:21like the paints handled better here and the plastic quality feels good I like
15:24that they've also added a chrome finish to the front of his what would be his
15:27face although I don't think again it necessarily needed it on the top of his
15:30helmet the accessory count for what he has he gets three things if you don't
15:34really include the hands and display stand a scepter a knife at least the
15:38knife can be holstered and he also comes include a pistol strange really
15:41again like there's no place to store the pistol you would think that it could
15:44have been holstered on the side of his leg no no that's not case and it
15:47obviously can't be displayed on the back of his body I mean it's not Cobra
15:50commander was never one for subtlety and just basically embedding a pistol in the
15:54back of your body I don't think it's gonna be fooling anybody but he's
15:57definitely well worth picking up if eventually this guy does get listed
16:00again I'd like to thank the folks over at Haya toys that were kind enough to
16:03provide the sample of the brand new exquisite miniseries GI Joe Cobra
16:07commander and why I have to keep saying Cobra commander like that that we had
16:10the chance yes to have a look in this review what do you guys think of this
16:13figure let me know down below in the comment section is this a pickup the
16:16moment you see this guy listed let me know what you think of them also if you
16:19guys did enjoy this video do it a solid throw it a like you guys wanna stick
16:22around for more so I hope so we're wrapping things up right now for Cobra
16:26but at least we are gonna be continuing our journey with Haya toys give me a
16:30couple more reviews coming up this week so make sure of course you hitting that
16:32subscribe you're making sure you're turning on the bell notification and
16:35then the most important thing is that you're coming back as always thanks for
16:39watching see you guys next time
