The Young and the Restless 9-24-24 (Y&R 24th September 2024) 9-24-2024

  • last month
00:00Hey. Hey. Thank you. I needed that. Okay, what's going on? It's Sharon. She said that she was going to Madison for business for Cassidy first, but she was lying. So I went to check on her. And? She wasn't there. Even though it said she had checked in online, so I called her.
00:27Did she give you any idea where she actually was?
00:30She said that she needed time. Time from her life. Time from us hovering over her to heal.
00:38Well, maybe she's at that spa in Sedona. I'll call them.
00:40No, I already called. I checked. And she's not there.
00:45Okay. So we have no idea where she actually is.
00:57Oh, it was just a dream. Just a bad dream.
01:57Hey, Mom.
02:26Hey, Mom. It's me. Mariah told me she talked to you. I'm sorry all the worrying has you so upset. Now I get what I must have put you and Dad through all these years.
02:40Please call me when you get this. It would really mean a lot to me to hear your voice. I love you, Mom.
02:51Faith? Are you okay?
03:10Cameron, I already killed you once, so I'll have no problem doing it again.
03:22That's not Cameron. Cameron's in your head.
03:31That voice is definitely real.
03:42Who's there?
03:54Tell yourself that it's all in your head. That it's your imagination. But you know that's not true.
04:07Someone is definitely on the other side of this door.
04:17Just run, Sharon. Just run. You don't have to stay to see who it is. You can leave this room and never come back. Never look back.
04:47Cassie. Cassie.
05:17What's this?
05:30This is a peace offering.
05:37And while since you don't like whiskey and I suppose it is a bit early for me, we're having tea.
05:46I love tea.
05:52Listen, I know we talked about this last night before we went to bed, but I'm really glad you backed off the idea of moving away from Genoa City.
06:05You haven't changed your mind about that, have you?
06:08I'm going to be honest. I still think that we should leave Genoa City and I kind of wish we already had.
06:16So you were not being truthful when you said you were willing to stay.
06:20I said I'm willing to stay. I am. I listened to both yours and Lucy's arguments against leaving.
06:31But you weren't convinced.
06:35I know you two both well enough to know that when you two have agreed on something, there is no point in trying to change your mind.
06:41So for the record, I dissent.
06:46Well, you never really did like losing an argument in court or at home.
06:51I never have lost one. I've only been overturned on appeal.
06:56Moving on from that, it's really that I can tell that you and Lucy think that leaving Genoa City would be running away from a problem and it could potentially make things worse.
07:08So I'll do whatever it takes to support this decision and our family.
07:17Thank you. I appreciate that.
07:21But you know, I don't want you resenting us for staying here when you don't want to.
07:25It's not going to happen. I'm not going to be mad or resentful.
07:31We're life partners, Daniel, and that demands compromise till death do us part.
07:41Sure, neither of you ate lunch.
07:45I'm a little bit too worried to eat, but thank you.
07:49Want to take care of your mom? You have to take care of yourself.
07:52She is right.
07:55Why don't you tell us more about your call with Sharon?
07:59Well, when I got there, I let my mom know that I was outside the hotel room where she was pretending to be nice.
08:10And I asked if she would let me in, and she said that she wasn't even at the hotel room, that she'd gotten lightheaded and she went outside for a walk, something.
08:22And so obviously, I got worried about her and said if she wasn't feeling well, that she should come back and rest.
08:28I could handle the meeting with the CEO.
08:31And then she said that there was no meeting.
08:34The CEO had canceled his flights. I mean, she was just spinning these stories, telling these lies.
08:41That is not like Sharon.
08:43No, she usually tells it like it is.
08:48It's OK. I know you're scared for your mom.
08:51We all are. Go on.
08:56So I was trying to get to the truth of what she was saying.
09:02I had a lot of questions and she started to feel like I was interrogating her.
09:07She got defensive.
09:09Yeah, she did. I mean, you know how much Cassidy first matters to her.
09:15And this meeting with the CEO, it was very important for the company.
09:19She acted like she didn't care at all.
09:22That definitely feels off.
09:24Yeah, it's just another indication that Sharon is not herself. She's not thinking clearly.
09:31I don't know how accurate that is.
09:34What do you mean?
09:36Well, she was thinking clearly enough to know what we were planning.
09:41I mean, she knew when you called that you didn't need to talk about faith.
09:48OK, so she probably suspected what we were up to, decided to come home real late and then took off first thing in the morning.
09:56Yeah. And then she called Faith to check in, which confirmed her suspicions.
10:04Faith really blames herself for not cluing in on what was going on with Sharon.
10:09But this is absolutely on me.
10:11I mean, I never should have used faith in some cover story to try and lure her to an intervention, no matter what my intentions were.
10:18Nick, there's no use kicking yourself.
10:20Right, right. I mean, you guys are just doing your best trying to find the best way to help Sharon.
10:26So the question is, how, what?
10:32Well, I have some more news, but I don't think it's very encouraging.
10:50What are you smiling at?
10:53Nothing. I'm just happy to see you.
10:55Well, the feeling is not mutual.
10:59Did you do that? Did you give me that nightmare just to amuse yourself?
11:04You ran over this, Sharon.
11:08Like you said in your dream, I'm only in your head.
11:12So if I gave you that nightmare, that means that you gave it to yourself.
11:20I'm so damn tired of you psychoanalyzing me.
11:23Again, you're analyzing yourself.
11:27But you've never been a dumb blonde, so stop playing the part. You know how this works.
11:34So I gave myself that dream.
11:37Yeah, you did. So that you could talk yourself out of doing what you know needs to be done.
11:44Maybe it worked, because there is no damn way that I am going to do this.
12:00You're wasting your time. There's no pill that will make all of your pain go away.
12:06Well, maybe it will make you go away.
12:08Nope. I'm here for the duration until the deed is done.
12:14If you want to play all outraged and innocent, make me be the devil who makes you do it, that's fine with me.
12:21That's what I'm here for. But you're going to have to execute this.
12:25And let's face it, honey, you don't usually have a problem with that kind of thing.
12:30So stop screwing around. We both know this is going to happen.
12:36Daniel was hurt. He was bleeding in my nightmare.
12:43And only you can make your dreams come true.
12:51I'm okay.
12:55Yeah. You know, I cry sometimes in the park when I'm okay, too.
13:01You know, my dad told me about your accident. I was happy to hear from Nick that you're all right.
13:09If I can't help you with whatever it is, maybe he can. I know he would be pretty concerned to see you like this.
13:15Especially if it had something to do with your mom.
13:19Wait, why would you say that?
13:21Well, I heard you leaving a message for her. Did you two have a fight?
13:27Please don't call my dad.
13:28No, look, I wouldn't do that, okay? It's up to you to decide who you want to talk to or not.
13:35Got it. I am clearly in the not category, so I'll go, okay?
13:39Thank you. I really don't mean to be rude.
13:44No, look, you should always tell people what you need, okay?
13:48Never apologize for being honest. And I hope everything that's going on with you and Sharon is okay.
13:54Believe it or not, I do care about you both.
14:00Adam, wait.
14:03Maybe you can help.
14:08This isn't like Savannah.
14:09Right. Because you're more confident now with the success of Omega Sphere and you reinvented yourself.
14:14I know, it's just that...
14:15That the last time I was out of work, we lost a whole life that we built for ourselves. I know.
14:20It really shook you, Daniel, and...
14:25When we fell apart, that really rocked me and Lucy, too.
14:28I know. I do, and I regret that. But, you know, I have come to the realization recently that...
14:35It's not just that I stopped painting, right? You know, I was mourning the loss of who I thought I was.
14:43I was grieving my death as an artist, you know?
14:48You did the best you could at the time.
14:50Which wasn't good enough. It wasn't. And I'd hoped that I'd started to make that up to you and Lucy.
14:57You have. You have. I think just both of us losing our jobs and the recent troubles with Lucy, it's just triggering memories and fears, you know?
15:13Well, I am on a new path, and I'm sure I'm gonna get work soon.
15:19I know that you will.
15:23But there's something else, right?
15:26It's just this whole mess with Sharon, Daniel. I mean, the amount of guilt that she piles on you and how she shames you.
15:36And our daughter. It's relentless, and it's really hard for me to watch.
15:42I know. I get it. Something tells me she's not gonna be acting like that anymore.
15:50You still think you can manipulate me with your lies?
15:55I'm not lying. You want me to go away? You want the nightmares to end? We have a plan to make that happen.
16:04I am not listening to you. I'm not. You're dead.
16:07Yeah, and you're not, but you act like you are. When are you gonna start living?
16:13I have a nice life.
16:15Yeah, but you're too guilty and angry to enjoy.
16:19You're acting as if doing this will bring me peace, and it won't.
16:25Can't you see that I'm barely clinging to my own sanity here by a thread?
16:31If I do this, I will break.
16:34You are much stronger than you think you are.
16:39I still have Nova and Mariah and Faith and Aria and Nick, and I will never see them again. I will have no future.
16:49Only if you get caught, and you're too smart for that.
16:55If you take control of the situation, I promise you, you will come out of this whole.
17:02I believe in you.
17:04I won't do this for you.
17:07No, you won't. You're gonna do it for the little girl who died all those years ago.
17:14You need to make this right by finally getting justice for Cassie.
17:25So, I reached out to Sharon's doctor, hoping that he could give us some insight.
17:31I'm guessing he was very forthcoming.
17:34He was extremely protective of Sharon's privacy, as I expected he would be. Me, not so much.
17:41You told him what's going on with her?
17:43I did. I told him about our growing concern and how worried we were that he wasn't getting the whole story or even the whole truth about what's going on with his patient.
17:51I mean, I guess that could be helpful if she comes back to Genoa City and sees him again.
17:56Or if she decides to reach out to her doctor while she's away.
18:00Did he have any suggestions, any advice for us?
18:05All he said was, if it ever gets to the point where we're concerned that Sharon is a danger to herself or to anyone else, then it's time to call the police.
18:15You don't think Sharon would do anything like that, do you?
18:27I just remembered something that Sharon said on the phone.
18:31What was it?
18:33She was venting about how all of us are watching her every move.
18:39And she said that she couldn't live like that.
18:44Well, that's just an expression, right? I mean, you don't think she meant that literally, do you?
18:50I don't want to believe that Sharon would ever do anything to harm herself.
18:55I mean, after she said that, I told her I was extremely uncomfortable with leaving her alone.
19:00But she promised me that she wasn't considering self-harm.
19:05My bet is she's just very scared and she's doing her best to try and work through this on her own.
19:11Well, it's more clear than ever she needs help.
19:14That's not something your mom's gonna admit, you know. She can be very headstrong.
19:20I highly doubt she would ever turn to her doctor for help.
19:24Why not?
19:26Because her medication's clearly not working. She probably feels like her doctor let her down in some way.
19:32Which would make sense, why she skipped her last appointment and had to reschedule.
19:37I mean, this is just crazy. I mean, we're sitting around trying to figure out a way to get into Sharon's head.
19:42I mean, it's all guesswork at this point. I just wish I could find her so I could get to her.
19:47Mind if she would answer her phone?
19:49Well, she spoke to you in faith, but she's not answering any of my calls or texts. She is obviously avoiding me.
19:55Well, that's because you're the one that knows her the best. She doesn't want us to know what's going on.
20:04How do you think that I can help?
20:08Back when my mom was first diagnosed.
20:11With her bipolar disorder?
20:15You were the one who got her the help she needed, right?
20:19I mean, I... I helped her do that for herself.
20:26I mean, she was the one that did the work to get better.
20:31Is your mom sick again?
20:33She hasn't been herself.
20:37How so?
20:40She's usually so focused on Cassidy first, but lately she's barely interested in work.
20:47And when did all this start?
20:50My car accident really upset her.
20:53Even before that, with Daniel Romalotti being back in town, it's like all of these things have been piling on to remind her of what happened to Cassie.
21:03I know we didn't get a chance to talk about this last night, but I ran into Sharon at the coffeehouse.
21:09Oh, no. She has been impossible lately. And you were already upset when you left.
21:16Yeah, I was. She asked to talk to me. I didn't think it was such a good idea, but it actually turned out to be a really good conversation.
21:26She apologized for the way she's been treating our family.
21:30She did?
21:32Look, I mean, it's obvious that she's in a lot of pain, but she took responsibility for lashing out.
21:44What is it?
21:48Just, you know, the honesty that Sharon showed me.
21:53I don't know if I deserved it.
21:57Daniel, of course you do.
21:59All these years may have passed, but I still don't. I still feel responsible for Cassie's death.
22:05It was an accident. And you were a teenager.
22:11So was Cassie.
22:13You have grown into a very good man, Daniel. And maybe Sharon can finally see that.
22:20I'm happy she's owned her behavior and that she apologized to you. I just, I wish she would apologize to Lucy.
22:27I mean, Lucy's just a kid.
22:29I don't know if we want Sharon talking to Lucy anytime soon.
22:34Look, the intentions there are good, but it's still really clear that she's trying to figure out how to deal with her feelings.
22:41I don't think I'll ever trust Sharon again around our daughter.
22:44Which is one of the reasons why you wanted to leave Genoa City. I get it.
22:47She's just too erratic, Daniel. I mean, she's genuinely struggling and she loses control.
22:54And all that anger that she's carrying around, when it comes out, it's more than a little scary.
22:59I know. I know. And I agree with you 100%. But right now, I don't want to worry about Sharon anymore.
23:04I don't want to talk about Sharon anymore. I feel like things around here have been really rough recently.
23:09And I just feel like right now I just want to focus on our family.
23:19I like the sound of that.
23:37What's that?
23:39Come on, you know what that is.
23:43I don't remember.
23:49You know, that's actually not that surprising.
23:52You remember checking into this dump?
23:56No, I don't.
23:59And yet, here you are.
24:02I needed to get some space to think.
24:07That's not why you're here, Sharon, and you know it.
24:11I'm done playing these twisted games with you.
24:17I'm not playing a game, Sharon.
24:23I think you switched to a kind of autopilot to get yourself here.
24:31To get away from your family so that you could get your head straight and get ready.
24:37Ready for what?
24:44Whatever that is, I don't want it.
24:48You know what it is and what it's for.
24:52I didn't put it there.
24:56Then why don't you just take a peek inside, refresh your memory, so we can move this along, huh?
25:06I won't look at it.
25:10I'll wait.
25:14Thanks to you, I have the patience of a dead man.
25:36What is this?
25:38One dose of that, there's no coming back.
25:43You are so close, baby.
25:47To finally, finally being free from all your pain.
26:00I'm sorry things got so heated between us yesterday.
26:04I'm sorry, too.
26:06You just had a different idea than me about what was best for our family, and when we were arguing about it, I, uh...
26:12I hit below the belt and accused you of running from your problems.
26:16That's what I did.
26:19Maybe if I was a little less judgmental and a little more supportive, then...
26:23No, no, no, no, no, I'm not gonna let you sit here and blame yourself for my failure.
26:28Being an artist is tough.
26:30Okay, that's not what I'm talking about.
26:32When my art career ended, I failed you and I failed Lucy because I didn't step up and I didn't accept it.
26:41And then I took all my anger and all my frustration out on the two of you, so much so that you had no other choice but to leave.
26:48But actually leaving you behind in Savannah and going to Lisbon, that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I don't ever want to lose you again.
26:56And that's why I'm so protective of you and our daughter.
27:00And that's what I want to do for you and Lucy, too.
27:04I don't ever want you to be upset again, and I am so grateful that you have given Genoa City another chance,
27:10because I know, I know that we can make this such an unbelievable home for all three of us.
27:15Speaking of which, a buddy from law school gave me a call today about a position in town.
27:21Whoa, that's great! Whoa, that's incredible!
27:24You know, I also have a few meetings lined up this week.
27:29Maybe our luck is changing.
27:31Don't you dare jinx us. Don't you do it.
27:36You know, I'm meeting my mom in summer later for dinner. Do you want to join us?
27:41Yeah, after the interview, maybe if it goes well.
27:45Don't forget that you have to pick Lucy up after her community service.
27:49Yeah, yeah, I know. And she mentioned something about deserving a hot fudge sundae afterwards.
27:53Finally something we can all agree on.
27:56I'm glad we kissed and made up.
28:00I remember the making up part.
28:03Right, but you forgot the kissing.
28:07Oh, okay, well, maybe I'll just have to remind you about the kissing.
28:12About the kissing.
28:14Your voicemail. I've left five messages today. Not going to leave anymore.
28:25I get how desperate we are to find my mom, but I also can't forget how emphatic she was on the phone.
28:34She was telling us that we needed to give her the space and in no uncertain terms, do not track her down.
28:43I do not think Sharon's in the right place to make that call.
28:47I'm not arguing that. But you also didn't hear her voice.
28:52She was making it sound like everything we are doing is just making it worse for her.
28:59So you think Sharon knows what she's doing?
29:07It's not good enough.
29:09I would rather Sharon be upset with me for the rest of her life for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong than risk losing her.
29:17First time she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I mean, I missed all the signs.
29:24I thought she was fine. I thought she'd get through it.
29:28But she was in real trouble.
29:32I'm not going to make that mistake again.
29:37Maybe I got this for me.
29:43Maybe this is the way I end the pain.
29:47Are you kidding me?
29:49That would destroy your kids.
29:58They know how much I've been hurting.
30:03They would...
30:05They would find a way to understand.
30:08Sharon, they would blame themselves for the rest of their lives. You can't do that to them.
30:15Besides, the pain is only half of this.
30:21What else is there?
30:23Honoring Cassie.
30:25And you taking your own life. That would just be the exact opposite of that.
30:30That's cruel and it's selfish.
30:33That's not who you are.
30:37And what you're pushing me to do, that's not cruel?
30:42What about Heather and Lucy and Summer and Phyllis?
30:49Do you really care about Phyllis?
30:53It would give her another reason to hate me.
30:56She won't because she's not going to know you did it.
31:00But I would.
31:03And it's wrong.
31:06Honey, the world has been out of balance since Cassie died.
31:13And it's up to you to fix that.
31:27You want to forget what you're going to do next?
31:31You can go back on autopilot. I'll take care of this.
31:35It's okay.
31:40I will not let you control me.
31:43I'm not trying to control you, Sharon. I'm trying to help you.
31:48Daniel is not like you.
31:52He is not a monster.
31:54Daniel is responsible for all of this.
31:59This all goes back to that night when you couldn't protect your little girl.
32:04Are you really going to fail her again?
32:08That is not true.
32:10It is true.
32:11You can tell yourself that all you want, but you are never going to believe it.
32:18You are right.
32:21I did not protect Cassie that night.
32:27And I will hate myself for that forever.
32:34But this?
32:37Still, I can't do it. This I cannot do.
32:41Yes. Yes, you can.
32:46Sharon, you can finally make this right.
32:50By getting justice for Cassie. Now are you going to do that?
32:56Or aren't you?
33:02I know what a huge loss it was for Sharon when Cassie died.
33:07It turned her and your dad's life upside down.
33:11But I thought she had come to terms with that grief a long time ago.
33:16She had. And I brought it all back up again.
33:20Paige, I'm sure that's not true.
33:22I forced her and my dad to tell me the story of what happened.
33:26I led her down the road to remembering all of that pain, and now she's stuck in the past with it.
33:31When you lose a child, that pain never goes away.
33:36But the pain that your mom is feeling over Cassie, there's no way that you made her feel that faith.
33:41And I'm sure if you asked her that, she would tell you the same thing.
33:45I would love to do that. If only I could find her.
33:50Wait, you don't know where Sharon is?
33:52We don't. Is there any way that you could help us track her down?
33:56Have you contacted the police?
33:58They aren't going to help, because she called and said that she's okay, but she's not.
34:03Me, my dad, Mariah, Tessa, we all know she's in trouble.
34:08Hey, they're standing.
34:12Daniel. Hey, I need to ask you something.
34:15Yeah, what's up?
34:17It's about that conversation that you had with Sharon at Crimson Lights, you know, the one that I walked in on?
34:21Where she apologized for the way she's been treating my family?
34:25Yeah, she said that she was going to try and deal with her renewed grief over Cassie.
34:32Yeah, she said that.
34:33Did she give you any indication of how she was planning to do that?
34:37I'm not sure what you mean.
34:39Did she say anything about, you know, needing to go away, like to clear her head or go on a trip or something?
34:47Why? Do you guys not know where Sharon is?
34:55I don't know.
34:57Look, I really wish that I could help you face, but I don't know that I can.
35:26But hey, your mom is one of the strongest people that I know.
35:31She is.
35:33And I'm assuming that your dad is all over this, right?
35:37My dad is doing everything he can to find her.
35:40Well, then you need to trust him.
35:43Because if anybody can find Sharon, it's Nick.
35:50Wait, is Sharon missing?
35:54Wait, is Sharon missing?
35:56She didn't tell us where she is.
35:58And, you know, she's been acting unpredictable lately.
36:01Nick, you look really worried.
36:04Yeah, I am.
36:05We all are.
36:08I don't remember Sharon saying anything about what she might do or where she might go.
36:15Honestly, she seemed more concerned with if I was going to leave town with Heather and Lucy.
36:21Does that happen, Nick?
36:23No, we considered it for a variety of reasons, but we decided to stay.
36:30I hope that's not going to be a problem for Sharon.
36:32The last time we spoke, she seemed determined to do whatever it was going to take to get past this.
36:36And did she say how she was going to do that?
36:39Not specifically.
36:43I mean, at the end of our talk, it's when I think you walked in, Nick, she apologized.
36:49And, you know, it seemed like she was optimistic that everything was going to get better.
36:56Okay, thanks.
36:59Yeah, I mean, I'm sorry I can't be more help.
37:03Will you do me a favor and just let me know when you hear from her?
37:07Yeah, yeah, we will.
37:09I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding.
37:13Hope you're right about that.
37:19I'm sorry.
37:50Oh, there it is.
37:54I know you hate this guy's guts, but it's got a good taste in whiskey.
38:01That's ironic.
38:05This was bottled when Cassie was still alive.
38:11No reason to hold back now, babe.
38:15Let's do what we came to do.
