The Young and the Restless 9-23-24 (Y&R 23rd September 2024) 9-23-2024

  • last month
00:00Hey, I'm so glad you had time to meet me.
00:07Thanks for inviting me.
00:09So, have you had lunch?
00:11I was hoping you have time for a bite.
00:14Oh, sure.
00:15That would be lovely.
00:16Mm hmm.
00:19Because I sense that there's something going on here.
00:20We seem troubled by something.
00:22Care to share with me?
00:25You know, I just worry that I'm always taking advantage of you.
00:32But that's impossible.
00:35What in the world would make you think that?
00:36It just seems like every time I come to you, I have something that I need to sort out.
00:43That's what I'm here for.
00:45And I don't plan on going anywhere.
00:47So just take all the time you want and lean on me.
00:50Do you know how lucky I am having someone like you to turn to?
00:55Well, I think I'm the lucky one.
00:58So talk to me.
01:01Well, it's probably no secret what's got me upset.
01:07It's my family.
01:08Of course.
01:11Are you OK?
01:12You look like you're on the run from something.
01:15Are you OK?
01:16You look like you're on the run from something.
01:19Are you OK?
01:20You look like you're on the run from something.
02:11Thank you for getting me out of the office.
02:12Such a beautiful day
02:14It's beautiful. Yeah
02:16although I would much rather be meeting over drinks and
02:21Lots of them. Oh
02:24I insisted on the park
02:26What's what's going on? Is everything okay? I'm not really no
02:34Let me guess Adam
02:37I'm just furious at the way he treated me
02:41Maybe a little heartbroken
02:44Just I'm just so stupid. I mean seriously, how did I think that I could trust him? I just wanted to stop
02:51What any and all feelings that I still have for that man? He does not deserve to take up any more space in my life
02:59Answer me Adam. What did you say to Chelsea to make her run out of here the way that she did back off?
03:03Okay, my conversations with Chelsea are none of your business. No, you asked her in public like that. You're damn straight
03:10Talking about nobody's harassing anybody Chelsea's fine. She wasn't fine. She was anything but fine
03:15I'm gonna ask you one more time Adam. What did you say?
03:19Okay, well you forfeited your role as protector and she when you turned your back on
03:32Damn right Adam doesn't deserve a one thing from you after everything is done. I should have seen it coming
03:39How could you?
03:41That son of a bitch cheated on you and then lied straight to your face about it
03:46All the while professing his undying love and then he had the nerve to lie some more in those lies
03:52I mean how he told them so easily
03:56This isn't the first time he's shown you who he is
04:00You need to cut him out of your heart for good Sally
04:02If only it were that easy, I mean, I wish that I could just completely erase him from my life, but how do I do that?
04:09I mean after
04:17You need to get tough
04:20You need to stay strong and fake it till it's true
04:24You just act like you don't care and soon
04:27It becomes a reality
04:29Reality I just don't know if I can
04:38Listen to me
04:40I've been there and I know for a fact that my trick works. I
04:48Just don't want to shut down my feelings. Yes, I know it would be easy to just ignore them but what Adam and I had
04:54Was real and good
04:57In so many ways and I just I just can't believe that all of a sudden it's over
05:04Well, you're the one who said you don't want to feel this pain anymore
05:09So let that guy take up space
05:12I'm telling you how
05:14Yeah, I'm just afraid that if I shut down my feelings that I'm
05:19I'm never gonna be able to fall in love again
05:25I consider that a blessing the best-case scenario in my book
05:32Yeah, the ability not to care is the most powerful weapon you can have
05:38It's the perfect revenge against all those people who mistreated you and try to take advantage of your heart
05:46It isn't revenge just another way of caring
05:50Please take a swing. No, I know how much you've wanted to ever since you found out about me and just please don't please don't
05:56It's not worth it. Please don't you're not worth it
06:27Assume you mean Victor
06:29What is your dad up to now?
06:31He's still planning to make a move against Billy
06:35Even though you told him how you felt about him going after Katie Johnny's. Yes. Yes, of course. I was hoping that he'd back off
06:43I'm sorry. I just don't understand why my father insists on stirring up constant conflict
06:50I hate it. I mean doesn't he see that he's making it painfully obvious to his grandchildren how much he dislikes her father
06:57They're not little kids anymore. I mean they're old enough to see what's going on
07:02You know how stubborn Victor can be. I mean once he gets his mindset on something
07:07It's nearly impossible to get him off it I
07:10Even came up with my own suggestion one that would be much more fair and far less destructive
07:15Okay, and you pitched it to him. I was just hoping that he would consider a compromise a
07:21Solution that would give him exactly what he claims he wants and it would allow Billy to walk away with his dignity intact and enough
07:28capital to start a brand new investment
07:31Don't tell me he wasn't interested
07:34Too easy and bloodless for him, I guess
07:38Listen, I know you were struggling with whether to tell Billy what Victor's up to. Are you considering that? I mean, are you?
07:46Really thinking about breaking ranks with your dad now
07:53You know, there's a part of me a small part of me that wants to thank you for intervening
07:58And then there's another part of me the bigger
08:00Part of me that wishes you would have just bought out so I could actually do to Adam what I wanted to do to
08:05Oh, okay. Well, why don't we just stick with the part that wants to thank me? Honestly, if I didn't jump in
08:10I don't know. What would have happened through the window is what I would have done. You would have regretted it Billy
08:16No, I don't think so. I
08:18Don't think so. I mean there was a part of me that would have had immense satisfaction with my fist meeting his face
08:24You deprive me of that. Okay. Well, I'm just gonna take your word for it. All right, listen
08:29You gotta watch out
08:31You cannot push Adam. You cannot do it. He is so vindictive
08:37I am NOT scared of Adam. I know who he is. I know what he's capable of
08:42But why why why give reasons for retribution?
08:46Don't you have enough issues and fires blowing up all over the place? Sorry. Are you keeping a tally on me now?
08:51Yeah, well, that's what I'm supposed to do, right? Because I'm your right-hand man. You're my boss
08:55I'm supposed to protect you or aren't I? I'm supposed to protect you from enemy fire
09:02Obviously I let one through
09:06So we should get ice
09:07We should get ice before it turns fire and it just looks worse than it actually is
09:13Really? No, it does hurt
09:17hurts a little bit
09:26You make it sound like I'm running from the law or someone else
09:34Just my own feelings I didn't realize my stress was so obvious
09:39It is a Connor. I thought he was doing better. Well Connors doing great. I'm so proud of him
09:47Every day, he's learning new skills at his outpatient clinic
09:51It's just
09:55Chelsea you should be
09:57Really proud of yourself, too
10:00And you've gone through so much lately and you've risen above it all
10:06You know what that's like
10:09And I have learned
10:12But sometimes it helps to talk about it, you know unburden yourself a little bit
10:17Chelsea if you need somebody to confide in
10:21I'm here and I promise you I would just keep it between us
10:26Better yet. I I could completely forget
10:30Anything that you tell me
10:36It's a lot to think about
10:38Going up against your father is a daunting proposition
10:43No one knows the truth
10:46No one knows that better than me and can affect a lot more people than just you right? This could impact your whole family
10:54You know, I just can't bear the thought of
10:57Johnny and Katie seeing their father humiliated by their grandfather in some public takedown
11:03You mean learning how ruthless their grandfather really is
11:10If your kids are your priority
11:13There's really only one thing you can do
11:16But anything I do could be potentially risky, I mean if I tell Billy who knows how he'll react I mean
11:24He could do something reckless. He's been known to do that before. It's just gonna make things worse when
11:29All I'm trying to do is maintain the stability for our kids
11:34Our mother's instincts are never wrong
11:37Follow them. It will always lead you in the right direction
11:42My dad is preparing for a war and Billy knows that it's coming. He knows that my father's coming for Chancellor
11:49But there's so much more that Billy doesn't know and so you feel like you need the warning
11:54I can't I can't tell him that all of this is to get Chancellor for my mother
12:00But he needs to be prepared for what's coming. Then. That's your answer. I
12:05Have to convince him that the best move is for Billy to protect himself
12:09For his own sake and also for the sake of our kids so, you know what you have to do
12:15But are you ready for the fallout?
12:18Maybe because if you need me
12:20I'm here to help you any way that I can
12:22Thank you so much
12:23But I doubt that there's anything that you can do to protect me from my father's wrath when he finds out that I went behind
12:28His back to help Billy. He's gonna go ballistic. I could be your human shield
12:34Stand between the two of you and take on all of the incoming
12:38You don't see my father as the way that everyone else does do you
12:42You know what? He's capable of but you don't seem intimidated at all
12:46In fact, you seem kind of fond of him. Oh, he has his virtues
12:51And I have experienced victors and victory all the time or two and I've just found that I just need to stand my ground
12:58no matter what and
13:01Obviously you've learned the same thing. You're right about that
13:07But it doesn't make it any easier
13:09So been there done that right?
13:12What's one more time?
13:18Here you go, thank you. I'll come
13:25Is that good mm-hmm. Mm-hmm good. I
13:28Have an observation to make don't make an observation
13:32You said that you were upset Adam because you felt like he upset Chelsea, right
13:39Wasn't a feeling I saw Chelsea run out of the restaurant very upset
13:44Okay. Okay, but you confronted Adam even though he denied
13:49Upsetting her you still provoked him to a point of violence his violence. He hit me you lunged at him
13:57What's your point? My point is okay
13:59My point is all of this the sore jaw everything isn't that sort of a sign that your feelings for Chelsea are stronger than?
14:07You're admitting. No, I
14:09Think of anything it says that I stand up to dirtbag villains like Adam no matter who they hurt
14:16No, I think it's deeper than that. I really do
14:20Because earlier you said that you couldn't forgive Chelsea for what she did, but I actually think you can
14:26I'll go a step further
14:30Actually, no you can't do this and I think you want to but you're just too stubborn you're wrong
14:38You're wrong, okay
14:41Chelsea hurt me
14:45By sleeping with a man who I deeply despise those two emotions are very difficult to separate
14:52So maybe one day I'll be able to get over but that day is not today
14:56I'll buy a long shot
15:03Thank you
15:05for what
15:07For listening for helping me realize that I need to do the hard thing
15:12The thing that's right for my family, you know, I don't know if I helped you with any of that, but I hope so
15:19And I really just can't take credit for you doing all the hard work. You will fight like hell for your kids
15:26I feel very lucky to have you back in my life
15:29very speechful
15:32I just can't help wondering though if you're gonna, you know get bored of being here and
15:37Want to go back to your life that you had
15:40Well, I thought I was clear about all of that. I am here now with you and Claire
15:47And I missed out on too many years with my daughter
15:52And you I know that but it's just I can't
15:56Help a wonder that you're gonna want to take off and research your next book
16:02He's got to be a lot more stimulating than sitting around here listening to me go on and on about my family and the chaos
16:07Of the day. Well, how exactly did you picture my life before I came back here to Genoa City?
16:13that wasn't
16:15cocktails with the Dean while discussing world events and modern-day philosophy or
16:20Perhaps sitting around around to with a bunch of brilliant writers as we talked about
16:27our art
16:30Yes, that's exactly how I pictured it is that not how it was Oh hardly
16:37It was a job
16:39Just day in and day out
16:43just months
16:45Led to years of striving for something that never came to fruition
16:54But now
16:55I'm here with you and Claire
16:58and I'm in a world that I
17:01Never thought was possible
17:04I mean, I never never imagined this in a million years
17:09And now I don't think I can live without
17:16Thank You summer
17:18But you haven't you cleaned already?
17:20I've imposed enough. How do I take a sabbatical and then turn around and unload all of my problems on my boss?
17:27Okay, so then quit. I'm just gonna hire you right back
17:32After you tell me what's going on with you
17:38Seriously Chelsea
17:42It's not like we're strangers
17:44You know, we've opened up to each other before
17:48Let me be a friendly ear
17:52My life has been one stupid mistake after the next
17:58And they are always mistakes. I swear I'm never gonna do again and yet
18:03Here I am
18:06What happened
18:12Billy and I broke up
18:16And it's all my fault I
18:19Understand I hear feeling I know situations like this
18:25Can rip you apart inside
18:27Especially what has to do us now infidelity
18:33We've been there before
18:39But you didn't sleep with my worst enemy, I mean even you didn't go that far
18:44Just to be clear you and me that's
18:47ancient history ancient history
18:50Yeah, yeah, like forever ago. Well, I mean forever is a long time
18:58Don't get me wrong Adams, right? Look is
19:02Not gonna leave a lasting scar on or beneath the surface
19:05I do wish I got a few licks in there before you jumped in that would have been kind of nice
19:11But what's the point?
19:13Really? I mean so you could have two ice packs one for your face and one for your hand. Yeah, very funny. I
19:24Understand hatred I
19:28Have hated people so deeply
19:30And to the point where I had physical fights with them
19:36But the situation it I was never really how I felt it would be
19:45Wasn't really worth it didn't make me feel better
19:48At the end of the day. So what's the point?
19:51It's nice to let off a little steam every once in a while, though
20:00It's fair
20:04So anyway, we're wasting our time talking about this I'm wasting our time talking about Adam that's for sure
20:11You know, let's talk about
20:13How we're gonna rule the world
20:16What's next right?
20:18No, that's a good point. Yeah
20:21For instance Lily the fact that she stabbed me in the back twice by leaking the information about Odyssey 7 to someone
20:30with deep pockets and
20:33Substantial influence. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa is someone
20:37But you don't think it's Victor anymore. Well, it definitely could be Victor, but I was thinking about it and it could be
20:45Devon Devon
20:46What'd you do to him? Nothing, but he has warned me not to hurt his sister in the past Devon
20:53It doesn't seem like something Devon would do, you know, what would he want with Odyssey 7 hurting me
21:05You would want to hurt you
21:08No, no, I don't see it I think it's more of a Victor move
21:11Well, look Victor is definitely more likely the culprit no doubt about that
21:17All right
21:18says Victor
21:23So, how do we stop him
21:26We go back to the CEO of Odyssey 7 and we offer him a sweeter deal
21:33Whatever we need to do to help it Victor
21:37That's what we do
21:50Here you go
21:53Thank you, I can't remember the last time I ate I always forget to eat when I'm stressed
22:01Okay, now
22:03Tell me what happened between you and Billy
22:05Are you really sure is that there's no way back?
22:09summer I
22:12Really screwed up
22:14Okay. Well, I mean Billy has done tons of screwing up. You can't really judge anyone. He was actually very sweet about it at first
22:22I thought maybe he could get past what I did and
22:26Then he went out of his way to try to convince Connor that he was the reason that we broke up
22:31So that I didn't look bad in front of myself
22:34He also wanted to make sure that Connor didn't feel responsible for any of it
22:40That was considerate. Yeah, it sure was
22:43He really cares about Connor
22:45he was so kind and
22:48So gentle and I didn't deserve any of it
22:52Doesn't that say something about how much he still feels for you
22:57Billy has made it very clear that things are over between us
23:02I'm sorry, but I
23:04mean, I don't think he would do that for Connor and
23:08and you
23:10If he didn't still care deeply for you. I can't believe that he wouldn't leave the door open for a reconciliation
23:26You're absolutely right
23:28Revenge is a way of caring
23:31Caring that the world knows you're not to be messed with
23:35It's a necessary byproduct that lets people know who you are
23:39Well definitely makes a bold statement
23:42exactly, and there's a bonus and that is
23:48Revenge can be fun, too
23:51It certainly was with Tucker
23:54I can't tell you how much joy it gave me to steal his company right out from under him and just look where he is now
24:03Where do you know? Are you sure he's not out there plotting some kind of revenge of his own?
24:09Hopefully he
24:11Learned his lesson and he's not out there taking advantage of some other woman with his phony declarations of undying love
24:21So you're satisfied very
24:26Kyle Abbott is next. He has no clue who he's dealing with. But once I am through with him, he will never forget
24:35So I take it your partnership with him at Glissade is not going well now that's an understatement
24:41He is actively trying to sabotage me. He is doing everything he can to make me look bad to Victor
24:48But good luck with that because he is not gonna succeed
24:52Okay. Well, I'm almost afraid to ask but um
24:55What is your next move?
24:58To get him booted out of the company
25:01And just make sure he never holds a prestigious position ever again
25:07Wow, really glad I'm not on your bad side. I
25:14Didn't get this far by letting people walk all over me and I'm not gonna start now
25:24Got Billy. Hey, what happened? Um
25:29Adams fist started flying around in my face got in the way. It's all fine
25:34Did you have something to do with this no, I tried to de-escalate the situation I was a voice of reason I
25:41Find that very hard to believe
25:42What are you really doing here? I work at Abbott Chancellor as
25:47What the company nurse I'm to do COO
25:56Vic what brings you by I
26:00Have something that I need to discuss with you in private
26:05I was just leaving. I have some executive work to do in my
26:11luxury executive suite
26:18Do I even want to know what this fight with Adam was about?
26:22Well, your brother hasn't changed
26:24Done again snakes never do
26:27So what's going on? Is everybody? Okay, kids are good. It's Katie still getting along with Claire
26:32Yes, that all seems to be going very well good
26:36I'm actually here about business
26:39really I
26:41Have a proposition for you
26:43One that I hope might lead to a peacekeeping mission
26:53Business and peacekeeping that's an unlikely combination serious Billy you have to be prepared
26:59My father is about to make a move against Abbott Chancellor. I am very aware of
27:06That because your father is anything but subtle
27:09But I think you should go back and warn your father about me see that is what I'm talking about
27:14I'm trying to keep it from escalating
27:17Into this all-out war between the two of war is your word not mine
27:21And if it goes that direction Victor will be the one to blame. I'm thinking about the kids and
27:27The effect that a public battle will have on them and you should be considering that as well. I always consider the kids
27:34But what about the kids seeing their father be a success and be happy because that's what I'm gonna do
27:39At Abbott Chancellor, I'm gonna take it to the top before whatever reason your father wants to subvert that
27:45So what am I gonna do stand down? No, I'm gonna show the kids that I fight for what I love. I
27:52Have an alternate solution a compromise if you will one that will benefit everyone concerned
27:59And what kind of solution is that magic?
28:02Because I don't see a world where I will compromise with the man who hates me and wants to take away my company
28:07It's not magic
28:09It's a solid generous offer to buy Abbott Chancellor from you
28:14It'll be a huge payout a number that you can't possibly refuse money
28:20That's your solution. Yes money
28:24So you can take that cash and you can launch it into your own brand-new Abbott company Victoria
28:30What makes you think that I would be motivated to sell a successful well-established company in order to create a startup?
28:38Isn't protecting our kids motivation enough for you
28:42Does your father have a secret weapon up his sleeve?
28:45Billy, you know my father, you know how he works once he sets his mind to something
28:51That's it. I mean, is that why you're here?
28:55Are you working with him to sabotage the deal that Abbott Chancellor is just about to put through?
29:00In order for me to take the money and just throw in the towel and give up
29:03I am here because I don't want Johnny and Katie to see you
29:08Destroyed by my father make sure that I'm automatically gonna lose to your father
29:21Is this about Adam I mean is he somehow involved in what's going on between you and Billy
29:29You don't have to answer that
29:32Bottom line Chelsea. You just can't beat yourself up all of this summer. Hi
29:41Adam what's up? I came to check on Connor, but I was hoping that I could get a few minutes with Chelsea first
29:48Look Billy, you know, my father well enough to know that he will go to extremes to get exactly what he wants
29:54Yes, Victoria. I'm very aware how far your father will go
29:58He arrested you on our wedding day because he doesn't approve of me
30:03That was a long time ago
30:05But not much has changed
30:07He's still trying to control and manipulate all the lives around him
30:12Yes, you question my father. I'm not sure if he wants to be a part of this
30:16Let's see a question does he know that you're here proposing this so-called solution no, he doesn't
30:25It's pretty big risk for you, I mean you're risking your career at Newman just to come here and warn me
30:33Well, there are things more important in this world than a job like our kids
30:40Vic I don't like the fact that your old man hates me
30:46Or that he's coming after my company, why is he doing that? Why is he coming after the company?
30:51Why does he hate me so much? That's a question that we should ask a pretty strong word
30:55Don't you think I can't imagine that that's how he feels after all this time. Well, then why now?
31:01I mean, he hasn't come after me in a while. So tell me why now I
31:07Wish I could give you an answer on that
31:11Something tells me you're not telling me the truth
31:14So you should I mean you came all the way over here, so why don't you just tell me what's really going on
31:19I'm just asking you to accept this buyout and avoid this impending fight with my dad all together
31:26It's his fight. It's not mine
31:29All right, fine, then fine
31:31If you really must know to answer your earlier question, yes
31:36Yes, I do believe that this is a battle that you will very likely lose
31:41That's not gonna happen
31:45You're wrong about that you're dead wrong
31:51Well, I need to get back to Marquette anyway
31:55Chelsea let's talk more about this project later
32:01Why do I get the feeling that you and someone were not talking about work it was something more personal
32:06What do you want to talk about Adam?
32:09It's more of what you were saying at society then please don't I don't want to hear it. I want to apologize
32:15I didn't mean to put you in an awkward position
32:17The last thing that I want to do is make you feel uncomfortable
32:20Okay. Well you did so let's just talk about this later
