
  • 2 days ago
Tafseer of Surah Al-Imran (Ruku 18):

Ayat 172-180:

1. Allah praises those who responded to the call of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). #Loyalty

2. Believers are encouraged to be generous and charitable. #Charity

3. The hypocrites are warned against their deceitful ways. #Hypocrisy

4. Allah's sovereignty and power are emphasized. #AllahsPower

5. The believers are reminded of the temporary nature of this world. #TemporaryWorld

1. The importance of Taqwa (fear of Allah) is stressed. #Taqwa

2. Allah's mercy and forgiveness are highlighted. #Mercy

3. Believers are encouraged to seek knowledge and wisdom. #Knowledge

4. The Quran provides guidance for all aspects of life. #QuranGuidance

5. Allah's blessings and mercy are upon the believers.

Ayat 181-183:

1. Allah warns against those who deny the Hereafter.

2. The believers are reminded of their accountability.

3. Allah's wisdom and knowledge are beyond human understanding.

