
  • 3 weeks ago
Here is the tafseer of Surah Al-Baqarah Ruku 38.


1. Surah Al-Baqarah Ruku 38 starts with the verse "And those who believe in Allah and His Messengers..."

2. This verse emphasizes the importance of believing in Allah and His Messengers.

3. Believing in Allah and His Messengers is a fundamental aspect of Islam.

4. The verse also mentions the importance of striving for the cause of Allah.

5. Striving for the cause of Allah means working towards the betterment of society.

6. It also means standing up for justice and fighting against oppression.

7. The verse promises a great reward for those who believe and strive.

8. The reward is not just limited to the hereafter, but also in this world.

9. The verse also warns against hypocrisy and deceit.

10. Hypocrisy and deceit can lead to a person's downfall.

11. The verse emphasizes the importance of sincerity and truthfulness.

12. Sincerity and truthfulness are essential qualities for a believer.

13. The verse also mentions the importance of patience and perseverance.

14. Patience and perseverance are necessary for achieving success.

15. The verse promises that Allah is with those who are patient and persevere.

16. Allah's help and support are essential for achieving success.

17. The verse also warns against arrogance and pride.

18. Arrogance and pride can lead to a person's downfall.

19. The verse emphasizes the importance of humility and modesty.

20. Humility and modesty are essential qualities for a believer.

00:00Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
00:04I welcome you to the Online Teaching Center Channel
00:07Today we will read Surah Al Baqarah Chapter 38
00:11Surah Al Baqarah is a Madani Surah
00:13It has 286 verses and 40 Surahs
00:16Let's start
00:18I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:23In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
00:30Those who spend their wealth by night and by day
00:44Secretly and openly, for them is their reward with their Lord
00:59And there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve
01:12Those who spend their wealth by night and by day
01:23Secretly and openly, for them is their reward with their Lord
01:31And there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve
01:39Those who eat usury do not get up, except as the one who slumbers
02:04Satan is from those who touch
02:11That is because they say that selling is like usury
02:26And Allah has made selling lawful and usury forbidden
02:36So whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
02:51And whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
03:18And whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
03:46That is because they say that selling is like usury
03:55And Allah has made selling lawful and usury forbidden
04:01So whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
04:15And whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
04:28And whoever comes to him with an admonition from his Lord
04:56Allah destroys usury and gives charity
05:04And Allah does not love every sinful disbeliever
05:12Those who believe and do good deeds and perform prayer and give zakat
05:32They will have their reward with their Lord
05:41And there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve
05:51Those who believe and do good deeds and perform prayer and give zakat
06:02They will have their reward with their Lord
06:06And there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve
06:13O you who believe, fear Allah and leave what is left of usury
06:37If you are believers
06:44O you who believe, fear Allah and leave what is left of usury
06:57If you are believers
07:03And if you do not, then be warned of a war from Allah and His Messenger
07:17And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
07:26And if you do not, then be warned of a war from Allah and His Messenger
07:43And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
07:49And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
07:54And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
07:59And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:04And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:09And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:14And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:19And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:22And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:25And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:28And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:31And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:34And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:37And if you repent, then you will have the heads of your wealth
08:41And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah
08:47And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah
08:53Then each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned
08:59Then each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned
09:05Then each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned
09:09And they will not be wronged
09:15And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah
09:22Then each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned
09:28And they will not be wronged
09:32And they will not be wronged
