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Here is the tafseer of Surah Ale Imran's last ruku (verses 190-200)


1. These verses emphasize the importance of contemplation and reflection.

2. The believers are encouraged to ponder over the creation of the heavens and earth.

3. The signs of Allah's power and wisdom are evident in the universe.

4. The believers are warned against heedlessness and neglect.

5. The importance of patience and perseverance is emphasized.

6. The believers are encouraged to seek Allah's forgiveness and mercy.

7. The hypocrites are warned of their evil deeds.

8. The believers are reminded of the temporary nature of this world.

9. The importance of striving for the Hereafter is emphasized.

10. The believers are encouraged to seek Allah's guidance and protection.

Verse 190-191:
- The creation of the heavens and earth is a sign of Allah's power.

Verse 192-193:
- Allah is the Lord of the universe, and all praise belongs to Him.

Verse 194:
- The prayers of the believers are accepted.

Verse 195:
- Men and women who believe and do good deeds will enter Paradise.

Verse 196:
- The hypocrites will be punished for their evil deeds.

Verse 197:
- This world's enjoyment is temporary.

Verse 198:
- Those who fear Allah will attain a high rank.

Verse 199:
- Believers should be patient and strive for the Hereafter.

Verse 200:
- Seek Allah's guidance and protection.

00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:07In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth
00:20And the alternation of the night and the day
00:27And the day are signs for those of understanding
00:36Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or on their sides and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and the earth
01:04Our Lord, You have not created this in vain. Exalted are You above us in punishment and fire
01:18Our Lord, indeed whoever You admit to the Fire, You have disgraced him, and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers
01:38Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller calling to faith, to believe in your Lord, and we have believed
01:58Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and take us with the righteous
02:20Our Lord, and give us what You have promised us through Your messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in the promise
02:38So their Lord responded to them, saying, I will not waste the work of any of you, male or female, from one of you
03:05But those who emigrated and were driven out of their homes and were harmed in My way and fought and were killed, I will surely remove from them their misdeeds
03:32And I will surely admit them to Gardens under which rivers flow, a reward from Allah, and Allah with Him is the best reward
04:02Do not be deceived by the movement of those who disbelieve in the land, a little enjoyment, then their abode is Hell, and an evil resting place
04:24But those who fear their Lord, they will have Gardens under which rivers flow, abiding therein, a reward from Allah
04:54And that which is with Allah is best for the righteous
05:24Those who are submissive to Allah do not buy the signs of Allah for a small price, those will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in reckoning
05:54O you who have believed, be patient, and be steadfast, and be bound, and fear Allah that you may succeed
