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Here is the tafseer of Surah Al-Baqarah, Ruku 20, Verses 164-167,

#1. Verse 164: "Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth..."

#2. This verse describes the signs of Allah's existence.

#3. The creation of the heavens and earth is a sign of Allah's power.

#4. Verse 165: "And in the alternation of the night and the day..."

#5. This verse describes the regularity of Allah's creation.

#6. The alternation of night and day is a sign of Allah's mercy.

#7. Verse 166: "And in the ships that sail through the sea..."

#8. This verse describes the blessings of Allah's creation.

#9. The ships that sail through the sea are a sign of Allah's provision.

#10. Verse 167: "And in the rain that Allah sends down from the sky..."

#11. This verse describes the mercy of Allah's creation.

#12. The rain that Allah sends down is a sign of Allah's mercy.

#13. The verses describe the signs of Allah's existence and mercy.

#14. We must reflect on the signs of Allah's creation.

#15. The creation of the heavens and earth is a sign of Allah's power.

#16. The alternation of night and day is a sign of Allah's regularity.

#17. The ships that sail through the sea are a sign of Allah's provision.

#18. The rain that Allah sends down is a sign of Allah's mercy.

#19. We must be grateful for the blessings of Allah's creation.

#20. The verses are a reminder of the importance of gratitude and reflection.



