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Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM terus mendorong usulan, penerapan innovative credit scoring (ICS). Langkah ini untuk memperluas akses penyaluran kredit bagi UMKM, dengan tetap menjaga tingkat rasio kredit macet.


00:00The Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs continue to push for the implementation of Innovative Credit Scoring, or ICS.
00:13This step is to expand access to credit distribution for MSMEs while maintaining a high credit margin ratio.
00:20Implementation of Innovative Credit Scoring aims to expand access to credit distribution for MSMEs.
00:27The Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs stated,
00:31based on the pilot project carried out by the Ministry by using 72,004 productive credit data,
00:38the result is an increase of 5% in the level of credit agreement,
00:42while the level of NPL is still maintained at the same level as conventional data scoring,
00:48which is between 0.6% and 0.7%.
00:52Thus, according to Julius, financial institutions can increase the level of credit distribution with a stable risk level
00:58without having to worry about using credit scoring or an assessment system
01:02to assess the ability of an individual to pay their loan obligations,
01:06which is carried out by a credit assessment institution.
01:10We propose the use of Innovative Credit Scoring.
01:15What does it mean?
01:18Innovative Credit Scoring is an assessment system to assess the ability of an individual
01:23to pay their loan obligations, which is carried out by a credit assessment institution,
01:27and new things in the field of credit.
01:31In the beginning, credit assessment or credit scoring only uses conventional data,
01:40such as identity data, bureau data, credit, and balance sheet data.
01:46However, in its development, the data is not enough to be used as an assessment.
01:52Because there are still MSMEs who are actually eligible,
01:56but do not receive credit or are not caught.
