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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 13 Dead Things


00:00Being tormented in some hell dimension.
00:02Not the kind of demon you are, love.
00:05I don't know why you can hit me, but I'm not a demon.
00:08So you three have what? Banded together to be pains in my ass?
00:13We're your arch nemesises.
00:16Dawn, you need to eat something.
00:18Thanks for your concern.
00:19Why is she taking it out on you?
00:22I don't think this is gonna work.
00:24Are you saying you're gonna leave me?
00:27Willow has a problem.
00:29No more spells, I'm finished.
00:31I'm in love with you.
00:32You're in love with pain.
00:34You're afraid I'm gonna...
00:36Things have changed.
00:37The only thing that's different is that I'm disgusted with myself.
00:58I missed the bed again.
01:22Lucky for the boy.
01:29Is this a new rug?
01:31No, just looks different when you're under it.
01:37You know, this place is okay for a hole in the ground.
01:41You fixed it up?
01:43Well, I ate a decorator once.
01:46Maybe something's stuck.
01:49I've been thinking about doing something to my room.
01:52Yeah, I think the nukes on the block posters are starting to date me.
01:57Well, if you want, I can...
02:03Are we having a conversation?
02:17Well, isn't this usually the part where you
02:20kick me in the head and run out?
02:21Or it's you fluttering?
02:23That's the plan.
02:26As soon as my legs start working.
02:34You were amazing.
02:40You got the job done yourself?
02:43I was just trying to keep up.
02:46The things you do.
02:49The way you make it hurt in all the wrong places.
02:53I've never been with such an animal.
02:57I'm not an animal.
03:00You want to see the bite marks?
03:04You know, it's late.
03:05I should get home before Don goes to sleep.
03:09And she's off.
03:10Have you seen my underwear?
03:16What is this to you?
03:18This thing we have?
03:20We don't have a thing.
03:22We have this.
03:24That's all.
03:30Do you even like me?
03:42So you like what I do, do you?
03:57Do you trust me?
04:09How can I trust you not to touch my stuff?
04:13Actually living with super villains was not part of the deal.
04:17I'm a lamb, moron.
04:18It's not like we have a choice.
04:20This sucks.
04:22Couldn't we have at least gotten a lair with a view?
04:24Stop whining.
04:26Get your stupid crap out of the way.
04:28Hey, quit it.
04:30Don't you curse me.
04:31Hey, give me my bowl.
04:41When you girls are done touching each other,
04:42the cerebral dampener is ready to be charged.
04:49Got this thing?
04:50Muscle and of a homogeneous demon.
04:59All right.
05:00Stand back.
05:29Gentlemen, the cerebral dampener is online.
05:33Now with this baby, we can make any woman we desire our willing sex slave.
05:43I don't know just where to start.
06:53Double meat is double sweet.
06:58Just something I'm trying.
07:00Hey, sorry I'm late.
07:02Oh, time has no meaning here.
07:05Gina, I'm taking a break.
07:16I have the sudden urge to dedicate my productive cooperation.
07:21Well, if you close your eyes and repeatedly smash yourself in the head with frozen meat,
07:26it'll go away.
07:30I'm hoping.
07:33Thanks for coming by.
07:37Is it bad?
07:39I was sort of hoping you could tell me.
07:42I knew this was gonna happen.
07:45What did Willow do now?
07:46Did she hurt anyone?
07:51No, no.
07:53Tara, this isn't about Willow.
07:57I thought that's why you didn't want to meet at the house.
08:01Oh, sorry.
08:02It's Willow's fine.
08:06She's been doing really well.
08:09You'd be proud of her.
08:12Good, that's good.
08:15So what do you want to talk about?
08:20It's Spike.
08:24He can hurt me.
08:29Without his head exploding.
08:31Oh, my God, his chip stopped working?
08:35No, it still works.
08:38Just not on me.
08:42I need to know about the spell.
08:45The one that brought me back.
08:49I'd ask Willow, but...
08:52You think it's you?
08:56I don't know.
09:01I feel different.
09:06There are things that...
09:11I think maybe I came back wrong.
09:16No, Buffy, that's not...
09:19No, you didn't.
09:24Can you check out the spell?
09:26Just see if there's something that...
09:29Could you just check?
09:39Right there, that's got it.
09:41Mad Dog 2 to Mad Dog 1.
09:43I thought I was Mad Dog 2.
09:49Mad Dog 3 to Mad Dog 1.
09:52Signal's coming in strong and clear.
09:54Roger that.
09:55Beginning preliminary sweep.
10:11Cumin potatoes peeled for the Slayer.
10:13I don't want any surprises.
10:16We can really have anyone we want.
10:19It's like candy.
10:20Juicy pulsating candy.
10:23Oh, oh, the one with the neck.
10:25Put the whammy on the neck.
10:26No, the redhead.
10:28I want the redhead.
10:28The redhead's too tall.
10:32Shut up, you!
10:33Get off of me!
10:35Take a bath!
10:37Target acquired.
10:40Initiating contact.
10:42The brunette?
10:43Oh, she's kind of cute.
10:46Oh, no, go for the leather skirt.
10:48Oh, bazoombas.
10:49Yeah, go for the one with the bazoombas.
10:51Go for the bazoombas.
10:59So how did she get so beautiful?
11:02Okay, does that line usually work?
11:08What the hell are you doing here?
11:10It's nice to see you again, too, Katrina.
11:13Yeah, it's the seeing you part that's throwing me here, Warren,
11:16because I thought I was pretty clear with the never wanting that to happen again.
11:20That was a long time, baby.
11:22Apparently not long enough.
11:25Oh, you're not so sorry about that thing, are you?
11:28What thing would that be exactly?
11:32Like the wind-up slet you tinkered together?
11:34Or when Little Miss Nuts and Bolts tried to choke me to death?
11:38Okay, so I've made a few mistakes.
11:44No, I did.
11:45Forever lowering myself to be with a jerk like you.
11:49No, don't say that.
11:51Well, what did you expect?
11:53Just waltz in here and sweep me off my feet with your cheesy lines and fancy suit?
11:58No, I just...
12:00I thought we could talk.
12:01I thought maybe we could work things out.
12:05There is nothing to work out.
12:07What you did was sick.
12:09And just looking at you makes me want to vomit.
12:12You sure about that?
12:13Yes, God, yes, I'm sure.
12:23I love you, master.
12:25I love you, too, baby.
12:30Oh, I'm home.
12:32Who wants to help scrape the grease off my...
12:36Is there singing?
12:38Are we singing again?
12:39No, just the dancing.
12:40Or teaching Don perfectly synchronized dance steps for the wedding reception.
12:46Want to go for a spin?
12:47No, I think I'm heading more towards an ungainly collapse.
12:51Oh, Rifty.
12:56You've been going at it too hard, Buffy.
12:58We hardly ever see you.
12:59What, with slinging the double meat and pounding the big evil?
13:03You are looking a little pounded.
13:07Just around the eyes.
13:09Hey, we're thinking of heading to the bronze later.
13:12Want to come and get all unwindy?
13:15Tall glasses of frosty relaxation on me.
13:18Nectar of the working man.
13:21No, thanks.
13:21I think I'll stay here with Don.
13:24Curl up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and...
13:27Listen to the cars honk?
13:30Where are you going?
13:31I'm sleeping over at Janice's.
13:34And I'm falling for that again because of the surprise lobotomy?
13:38It's okay.
13:39I checked it out.
13:41Janice's mom is picking her up.
13:46I didn't think you'd care.
13:49You're never home, so...
13:54I know.
13:56I'm sorry.
13:59You know, but I'm here now.
14:01All visible and everything.
14:03Couldn't you just stay at Janice's another night?
14:06Her mom's cooking Mexican.
14:08She's going to teach me how to make real tortillas.
14:13Not like I knew you'd be around.
14:30Frosty nectar.
14:32Now, please.
14:36Thank you, baby.
14:37My pleasure, master.
14:39That is so cool.
14:41I really could have used one of these in high school.
14:44Gentlemen, to crime.
14:53Crime tastes funny.
14:59I still think I would have gone with the bazoombas, but...
15:08Yeah, she's really cute.
15:16Look at her, man.
15:20The shape of her lips.
15:24Smooth, silky skin.
15:25The way her nose crinkles when she laughs.
15:33She's perfect.
15:39Yeah, she's totally hot.
15:43So are you, master.
15:46You think so?
15:48Oh, yes, master.
15:54How do we...
15:56Yeah, I mean...
15:57You know...
15:58Who gets to?
15:59I do.
16:01That's not fair.
16:02Dude, you didn't call it.
16:03Oh, I don't have to call it, Sparky.
16:05She's mine.
16:06But don't worry.
16:08You can play with her all you want.
16:12After I'm done with her.
16:23I missed you so much.
16:34You never should have left me.
16:39Say it.
16:41I never should have left you, master.
16:47Tell me you love me.
16:49I love you, master.
16:56I love you, master.
17:00I love you, too, baby.
17:03Get on your knees.
17:05Yes, Boren.
17:09Wait, what'd you just say?
17:12I said yes, Boren.
17:20What the...
17:21What the...
17:22What did you do to me?
17:24Get the dampener.
17:26Who the hell are you?
17:28Um, your master?
17:30My what?
17:31Where'd you put it?
17:32You had it last.
17:32Are you kidding me?
17:34Get the dampener.
17:35You were gonna share me with these two dorks?
17:39We're supervillains.
17:41Call us master.
17:49Oh, crap.
17:50It's out of juice.
17:51Is that what you used on me?
17:54Oh, my God.
17:55First a skank bot, and now this?
17:58What is wrong with you?
17:59I just wanted us to be together.
18:01There is no us, Boren.
18:03Get that through your big, meaty head.
18:04I am not your girlfriend anymore.
18:07She's your ex?
18:08Dude, that is messed up.
18:10Oh, you think?
18:12You bunch of little boys playing at being men.
18:14Well, this is not some fantasy.
18:16It's not a game, you freaks.
18:19It's rape.
18:22No, we didn't...
18:24You're all sick.
18:26And I'm gonna make sure you get locked up for this.
18:29And then we'll see how you like getting raped.
18:31Stop her.
18:33Get off me.
18:48Charge the cerebral dampener.
19:04Boren, charge the dampener.
19:06Andrew, get her up.
19:10We'll give her another dose.
19:13A strong one.
19:15Yeah, everything's all right.
19:16Everything is...
19:18You're gonna be all right.
19:21I don't think so.
19:25She's dead.
19:41Cut, cut, cut, cut.
19:44Your neck, it's just...
19:47No, that's not...
19:53This isn't happening.
19:54I just... I gotta...
19:56I gotta... I gotta let me think.
19:58What did you do?
20:02What the hell did you do?
20:06We did this.
20:07Me and Andrew and you.
20:09It's on all of us.
20:13Shut up!
20:17We have to get...
20:19We have to get rid of it.
20:24Maybe a spell.
20:25Can you teleport it out of here?
20:29No, she's...
20:33It's too big.
20:43Is there anything that you can summon?
20:46Something that...
20:49Something that can devour that much.
20:55Maybe a tarball and flash eater, but they're hard to control.
21:00It'd go for us too.
21:04Oh, that's it, man?
21:07We're screwed.
21:08No, we just have to stay calm.
21:09You tell that to your girlfriend.
21:12It doesn't matter.
21:13There's a link.
21:15You knew her, so there's a link.
21:17You don't think Buffy will be able to put that together?
21:20That's what she does.
21:21She'll figure it out.
21:22It was an accident.
21:25Maybe we could turn ourselves in.
21:27She's right.
21:27Okay, if we go to the police now...
21:29No, I am not going to jail.
21:30We can't hide this.
21:33Sooner or later, the Slayer's gonna find out she's dead.
21:38Well, then maybe it should be sooner.
21:42Are you insane?
21:43Listen to me.
21:47We have two problems.
21:48The body and the Slayer.
21:51Well, what if there was a way that we could take care of them both?
21:55With one big stone.
22:03What are they doing?
22:11We're not gonna have to do that at the wedding, are we?
22:15Because there's this last thread of dignity I've been desperately clinging to.
22:20They're still doing okay, right?
22:23Yeah, you know, some days are harder than the really hard days.
22:29It's easier like this, though, when I'm not alone.
22:33I'm sorry I haven't been around that much.
22:36Oh, no, that's not...
22:38It's okay.
22:38We know you've been all tied up.
22:43With your job and the slaying?
22:45Hey, I see Sydney where there should be dancing.
22:49Come share in the joy of our groove thing.
22:52And despite that, I succumbed to the beat.
22:55I think I'll catch the next soul train out.
22:58You sure?
23:00Oh, yeah, you know, glass all the way empty.
23:03More nectar required.
23:05Cool, well, shimmy on out when you're done lubricating.
24:05You see...
24:09You try to be with him.
24:13But you always end up in the dark.
24:18With me.
24:26What would they think of you if they found out all the things you've done?
24:36If they knew who you really were.
24:51Stop me.
25:06No, don't close your eyes.
25:22Look at them.
25:26That's not your world.
25:29You belong in the shadows.
25:34With me.
25:36Look at your friends and tell me you don't love getting away with this.
25:47Right under their noses.
25:57Oh, I think I pulled a giant muscle last night.
26:01The funky monkey claims another victim.
26:06Kara, what are you doing here?
26:09I mean, it's okay for you to be here if you have things that you have to be here for.
26:17Yeah, I'm gonna go bring Anya up to speed on that monkey situation.
26:28There's a monkey problem?
26:30Only if you don't stretch first.
26:36Breckenkrieg grimoire?
26:38Light reading?
26:41Yeah, I was just...
26:43No, it's okay.
26:45Hey, I didn't expect you to stop doing magic just because...
26:52You don't have to hide it.
26:54I'm not...
26:57I'm doing better.
26:59No spells for 32 days.
27:02I can even go to the magic shop now.
27:05As long as someone's with me at all times.
27:10But it's better now.
27:13It really is.
27:15Do you know if you were checking on me?
27:18No, I wouldn't.
27:21I was just looking for Buffy.
27:25Well, I haven't seen her since last night.
27:29She's not around much these days.
27:32We kind of miss her.
27:36I'm sure she feels the same way.
27:39If you see her, can you tell her that I need to talk to her?
27:42It's important.
27:44Yeah, of course I will.
27:57I'm glad you're doing better.
28:36We are home now
28:40Out of our heads
28:45Out of our minds
28:50Out of this world
28:55Out of this time
29:03Are you drowning or waving?
29:08Just want you to save me
29:14Should we try to get along?
29:18Just try to get along
29:22So we know
29:26We change by the speed of choices
29:32That remain
29:34And the barriers
29:36Of our self-made
29:38That's so retrograde
29:40Don't think about the evil blood-sucking fiend.
29:42Focus on anything but the evil blood-sucking fiend.
30:03I'm sorry.
30:05I'm sorry.
30:07I'm sorry.
30:09I'm sorry.
30:11I'm sorry.
30:13I'm sorry.
30:15I'm sorry.
30:17I'm sorry.
30:19It's okay.
30:21I'm gonna get you out of here.
30:23Can you walk?
30:25Are you hurt?
30:39Bloody hell.
30:52Follow me!
30:58Spike, what's happening?
31:00So you thought you could just slip away, then?
31:04Vampire, remember?
31:08I could feel you.
31:16Bloody hell.
31:18What did you do that for?
31:20What did you do that for?
31:22I don't know.
31:24I don't know.
32:14Who do you mind?
32:32She's dead.
32:35I killed her.
32:53We have to go.
32:56What happened?
33:00There's nothing you can do now. We have to go before someone sees you.
33:04What did I do?
33:07We have to go now.
33:16All right. Listen to me.
33:18Bobby. Bobby!
33:20She's dead.
33:22It was an accident.
33:24He killed her.
33:26We need to get home.
33:29I'm going to get you home, and you're going to crawl in your warm, comfy bed and stay there.
33:35I'm going to sort this out.
33:37Trust me.
33:43Two problems.
33:45One stone.
33:50One stone.
33:59Nice job.
34:01She totally bought it.
34:11Some of my best work.
34:14What happens now?
34:17I'm a nice young.
34:19Got to be some more girls we could kill.
34:21We stick to the plan.
34:24What if he thinks she killed Katrina?
34:27What's her problem now?
34:40It's all right, love.
34:49Don't worry.
34:51It'll be our little secret.
35:19Do you trust me?
35:49I love you.
36:24What time is it?
36:27It's late.
36:30I just wanted...
36:36I love you.
36:40You know that, right?
36:44I love you.
36:49I love you.
36:55What's wrong?
37:00I know I haven't been everything I should be.
37:05Everything Mom was.
37:09But I love you.
37:11I always will.
37:16Why are you talking like this?
37:23There was an accident.
37:26In the woods.
37:29A girl.
37:33She was hurt.
37:37I hurt someone.
37:40Oh, my God.
37:43Is she all right?
37:50I'm sorry.
38:00There's something I have to do.
38:05I have to tell what I did.
38:09I have to go to the police.
38:13The police?
38:16Tony, I have to.
38:23What's going to happen?
38:27I don't know.
38:32They'll take you away.
38:34Won't they?
38:39I'm sorry.
38:42No, you're not.
38:45You're never here.
38:48You can't even stand to be around me.
38:51That is not true.
38:53You don't want to be here with me.
38:56You didn't want to come back.
38:59I know that.
39:03You were happier where you were.
39:07You want to go away again.
39:11Then go.
39:13You're not really here anyway.
39:32What do you think you're doing?
39:35The right thing.
39:44Sorry, love.
39:46I can't let you do that.
39:48I have to tell them what happened.
39:50Nothing happened.
39:53I killed that girl.
39:56Demons in the woods? Time-going wonky?
39:58They won't believe you.
40:00I'll show them.
40:01Show them what?
40:06What did you do?
40:09I took care of it.
40:11I took care of it.
40:14What did you do?
40:16What I had to.
40:18I went back and I took care of it.
40:20It doesn't matter now.
40:22No one will ever find her.
40:24Where'd they find her?
40:25The river.
40:26She washed up half a mile from the cemetery.
40:42There still isn't anything to connect this to you.
40:45It doesn't matter.
40:47It wasn't your fault.
40:48I killed her.
40:50It was an accident.
40:52It just happened.
40:53Nothing just happens.
40:56You are not going anywhere.
40:59I have to do this.
41:01Just let me go.
41:03I can't.
41:05I love you.
41:07No, you don't.
41:11You think I haven't tried not to?
41:19Try harder.
41:30You are not throwing your life away over this.
41:33It's not your choice.
41:35Why are you doing this to yourself?
41:37A girl is dead because of me.
41:40And how many people are alive because of you?
41:43How many have you saved?
41:45One dead girl doesn't tip the scale.
41:47That's all it is to you, isn't it?
41:50Just another body.
41:56You can't understand why this is killing me, can you?
41:59Why don't you explain it?
42:03That's it. Put it on me.
42:05Put it all on me.
42:07That's my girl.
42:09I am not your girl.
42:16You don't have a soul.
42:19There is nothing good or clean in you.
42:23You are dead inside.
42:26You can't feel anything real.
42:30I could never be your girl.
42:52You've always had the one you love, Beth.
43:28No, no statements. Not until I get confirmation.
43:32Excuse me. I need...
43:34I'll be with you in a sec.
43:37Sunnydale PD.
43:39Yeah, the phone's ringing off the hook here.
43:42Listen, you got an ID on that body yet?
43:47Okay, shoot.
43:56Warren, just tell her to go away.
43:58I can't.
44:00You're keeping secrets from me, other girls, and who knows what else.
44:03Katrina, shut up.
44:10Now, what's the problem, miss...
44:16Is this what you saw?
44:18Yeah, that's it.
44:20Oh. Rosundi.
44:22Very rare.
44:24Its presence in our dimension causes a sort of...
44:28localized temporal disturbance.
44:33So that's why time went all David Lynch?
44:37Human perception is based on a linear chronology.
44:40Being exposed to the Rosundi for more than a few seconds
44:43can cause vivid hallucinations
44:46and a slight tingly scalp.
44:49So that's it.
44:51These things just made you think you killed her.
44:54She was probably dead long before you stumbled across her.
44:58It wasn't the demon.
45:00It was Warren.
45:02He knew Katrina. He had something to do with it. I know it.
45:05How can you be sure?
45:07You always hurt the one you love.
45:12Does this mean you're not going away?
45:19I'm not going anywhere.
45:22Come on.
45:29We need to find Warren and the others.
45:32Whatever they've done, they're not going to get away with it.
45:35We're going to get away with it.
45:37Injury's consistent with the fall.
45:39Coroner's ruling it a suicide.
45:42What about Buffy?
45:44Well, it wasn't that hard messing her game up.
45:47She figures it out.
45:49We'll take care of her.
45:51We really got away with murder.
45:58kind of cool.
46:11Are you sure?
46:13I've double-checked everything.
46:15There's nothing wrong with you.
46:18Then why can Spike hurt me?
46:21Well, I said that there was nothing wrong with you, but...
46:25you are different.
46:27Shifting you out of...
46:30from where you were.
46:32Funneling your essence back into your body.
46:35It altered you on a basic molecular level.
46:40Probably just enough to confuse the sensors or whatever in Spike's chip.
46:45But it's all just surfacy physical stuff.
46:48Wouldn't have any more effect than...
46:50the bad sunburn.
46:57I didn't come back wrong?
47:00No, you're the same Buffy.
47:02With the deep tropical cellular tan.
47:06You must have missed something.
47:09Will you check again?
47:12Buffy, I promise there's nothing wrong with you.
47:16There has to be.
47:19This can't be me. It isn't me.
47:24Why do I feel like this?
47:27Why do I let Spike do those things to me?
47:32You mean hit you.
47:53He's everything I hate.
47:56He's everything that...
47:58that I'm supposed to be against.
48:02The only time that I ever feel anything is when...
48:10Don't tell anyone, please.
48:12I won't.
48:14Oh, the way they would look at me.
48:16I just couldn't.
48:18I won't tell anyone.
48:20I wouldn't do that.
48:26Why can't I stop?
48:29Why do I keep letting him in?
48:35Do you love him?
48:38It's okay if you do.
48:40He's done a lot of good and he does love you.
48:45And Buffy, it's okay if you don't.
48:50You're going through a really hard time and you're...
48:56using him?
48:58What's okay about that?
49:01It's not that simple.
49:03It is.
49:05It's wrong.
49:07I'm wrong.
49:09Tell me that I'm wrong, please.
49:12Please don't forgive me.
49:17God, please don't.
49:21Please don't forgive me.
49:30Please don't.
49:50Grr, argh.
