Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 11 Gone

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 11 Gone


00:00I'm disgusted with myself.
00:01Is this the way to the movies?
00:04What is this place?
00:05I'll just be a minute.
00:07Willow's into something.
00:08Her and Donna have been missing for hours.
00:10Do you know how long I've been out here?
00:11Let's get out of here.
00:15Johnny, I'm sorry.
00:16I'm so...
00:18You could have killed her.
00:19I need help.
00:21No more spells. I'm finished.
00:27Got it.
00:28It's beautiful.
00:29Phase one of the plan is now complete.
00:47We can't have candles.
00:49Dawn, it's a magic clearance.
00:51Everything must go.
00:54But they're just candles.
00:55Well, yeah, you know, to you and me, they're just candles.
01:01But to witches, they're like bongs.
01:08So no candles, no charms, no bird.
01:13No bird?
01:15The peacock on the table.
01:18It has two crystals in it.
01:19Tara, she... she left them.
01:29I'll make sure she gets them.
01:38Dawn, do me a favor.
01:39Can you grab the fertility god statue on the desk over there?
01:44No, I love him.
01:47And he was Mom's.
01:50Why do we have to get rid of so many things I like?
01:54Dawn, I explained this to you.
01:57Willow has a problem.
01:59The next few weeks are going to be crazy hard on her, as it is.
02:04Any reminder of what it is that she's trying to stay away from,
02:08you know, could cause her to give into temptation.
02:19And that would be bad.
02:44Okay, that's it.
02:46It's finally done.
02:47I mean, it still needs a trial run, but it's kind of clunky looking.
02:53I pictured something cooler.
02:55More ILM, less Edward.
02:57Well, do you want to see cool?
02:59I'll show you cool.
03:20Did it?
03:22Is it?
03:27Is it?
03:46I call that a successful test.
03:48Well, that's just half the test.
03:52Hey, hey!
03:57You penis!
04:02Oh, cheer up, Frodo.
04:04Just thanks to my brains and our mystical gem, we got ourselves an invisibility ray.
04:09I'd say that makes us pretty much unstoppable.
05:18Dawn, come on.
05:19You gotta eat breakfast.
05:21Xander's gonna be here any second.
05:24She's gonna be late for school again.
05:27How are you doing?
05:35Not ready to head back to classes, face the world okay, but the shakiness is only semi now.
05:45I thought I'd spend the day fishing the net for more poop on the stolen diamond.
05:51I called you before.
05:54Couldn't hear you.
05:57Hey, Dawnie, I'm making you a nice omelet.
06:01I'm not hungry.
06:04Dawn, you need to eat something.
06:06Thanks for your concern.
06:13Okay, I deserve the wrath of Dawn, but why is she taking it out on you?
06:20Because I let it happen.
06:23Buffy, I was the one who...
06:24Who was drowning.
06:27My best friend.
06:30I was too wrapped up in my own dumb life to even notice.
06:47What are you doing, and here?
06:51Just took a stroll.
06:53Found myself in your neck of the woods.
06:56Couldn't find a less flammable time of day to take a stroll.
07:00Yeah, well, the fact is my light has gone missing.
07:04Thought I might have dropped it out of my pocket last time I was here.
07:06Haven't seen it.
07:10I'm gonna head back to my room, get dressed.
07:14Oh, I...
07:26Making up excuses.
07:28Oh, don't flatter yourself, love.
07:30Thought he'd fallen to that lighter.
07:33Stop trying to see me, and stop calling me that.
07:41So, um, what should I call you then?
07:52My, uh, little Goldilocks?
07:56You know I love his hair.
08:00The way it bounces around when...
08:04This flapjack's not ready to be flipped.
08:07What the hell is that supposed to...
08:15Stop that.
08:17Good God, free Cambridge, Spike.
08:20You still trying to mack on Buffy?
08:22Wake up already.
08:24Never gonna happen.
08:25Only a complete loser would ever hook up with you.
08:28Well, unless she's a simpleton like Harmony or a nutsack like yourself.
08:32Hey, I really need to get Dawn off to school.
08:36Let's go fetch her, okay?
08:38You can let yourself out, right, Spike?
08:41Dawn, you better get going.
08:42Xander's here.
08:43I'm here.
08:44Okay, you have everything you need?
08:46And after school, you...
08:47Yeah, yeah.
08:48Let's go, Xander.
08:49You will come straight home?
08:53Maybe we can find some time for you to get me into another car accident.
08:58Oh, good morning.
08:59You must be Dawn.
09:01May I help you?
09:02I'm Doris Kroger from social services.
09:06We had an appointment.
09:07Oh, for Wednesday.
09:09This is Wednesday.
09:15Well, Dawn, you better...
09:19And Xander, you'll drive safely.
09:22Yes, ma'am.
09:25A little bit on the tardy side, isn't she?
09:28Yeah, well, in one of those mornings, you know.
09:32Hey, come on in.
09:36Sorry about the mess.
09:37You know, we're doing a little house clean.
09:40So, we gonna chat this out or what?
09:45Uh, now's really not a good time.
09:49Um, I have company.
09:52No worries.
09:52I'll wait.
09:56Um, Miss Summers, if you and your boyfriend would like to...
09:59He's not...
10:02Not my boyfriend.
10:04He's, um, just, uh...
10:08Spike, this, uh, nice woman is, uh, from social services.
10:14Oh, right.
10:19Buffy's a great mom.
10:21She takes good care of her little sis.
10:23Like, um, when Dawn was hanging out too much in my crypt,
10:28Buffy put a right stop to it.
10:31I'm sorry.
10:31Did you say...
10:35He said crib.
10:36You know, kids stay in their buggin' streets lying.
10:40Uh, Spike, didn't you have to go now?
10:43You know, because of that thing?
10:45Uh, thing, uh, my blanket.
11:01He sleeps here?
11:05No, no.
11:07Oh, the, the, the blanket.
11:09That's, um, it's a security thing.
11:12Yeah, he has issues.
11:15Nope, just me and Dawn living here.
11:18Buffy, I'm not feeling hot, so, uh, I'm gonna take a quick nap, okay?
11:23Okay, well...
11:27That's Willow.
11:29She, uh, she kind of lives here too, actually.
11:33Oh, so you live with another woman.
11:37Oh, no, it's not a gay thing, you know.
11:41I mean, well, she's gay, but we don't.
11:45Okay, not that there's anything, oh, wrong with, you know, I know what that looks like,
11:50but I, I, I swear it's not what it looks like.
11:54It's magic weed.
11:56It's not mine.
12:00I think I've seen enough.
12:03No, actually, I really don't think that you have.
12:07It's just, it's been kind of a bad time.
12:11It's been a bad time now for a while, hasn't it, Miss Summers?
12:15Your sister's grades have fallen sharply in the last year,
12:19due in large part to her frequent absences and lateness.
12:24But there are good reasons.
12:26I'm sure there are, but my interest is in Dawn's welfare and the stability of her home life,
12:32something I'm just not convinced that an unemployed young woman like yourself can provide.
12:38I can, I, I do.
12:40Well, we'll just have to see about that then, won't we?
12:44Oh, and I'm going to recommend immediate probation in my report.
12:49What does that mean?
12:51It means that I'll be monitoring you very closely, Miss Summers,
12:55and if I don't see that things are improving,
12:57well, I'll be forced to recommend that you be stripped of your sister's guardianship.
13:02You can't do that.
13:07I do what is in Dawn's best interest, as should you.
13:14Have a nice day.
13:23Didn't go well, huh?
13:28Why won't you go?
13:31I just thought you'd...
13:32Get out of here!
13:44Just getting what I came for, all that.
13:49So long, cobbler logs.
14:13So long, cobbler logs.
14:44Well, I think I can work with this.
14:48What exactly would you like me to do?
14:51Just make me different.
14:57I'm scared.
14:58What if we get caught?
14:59No way, we'll be invisible.
15:01Plus, their security's gotten lax.
15:03You should know.
15:03You've case-destroyed enough.
15:07Okay, this is it.
15:08Remember, we're professionals.
15:18Uh, Slayer?
15:19What? Where?
15:20They're headed this way.
15:28Come on!
15:29No, I need to be invisible!
15:31I need it more, but we can't see me!
15:34Watch it, don't you dare!
15:35Watch it, don't you...
15:37Ah, you almost loaded it!
15:57What happened to Buffy?
15:59She's gone.
16:01She's right here.
16:02Table four.
16:02I put her with your family.
16:06Except, we don't hate Buffy.
16:08Let's put her back at table one.
16:10Where do I put DeHoffran?
16:12We're not inviting DeHoffran.
16:14I have to, he's my ex-boss.
16:17You're inviting your work buddies.
16:19She's got a point.
16:20Hey, Buffy.
16:27Where are you?
16:28At table four, apparently.
16:31Well, that remains to be seen.
16:34Like you.
16:36Don't strain yourself looking, Xander.
16:39I'm invisible, girl.
16:42Uh, Xander?
16:46Her clothes are invisible, too.
16:53Buffy, how did this hap...
16:56Wait a sec, have you been feeling ignored lately?
17:00Yeah, ignored.
17:01I wish.
17:03No, this isn't a Marcy deal.
17:05I don't know what happened.
17:06I left Main Street after getting my hair cut and was...
17:08You cut your hair?
17:10Oh, yeah.
17:12How short?
17:14About up to here.
17:15Well, if you could see my hand, it's kind of above my shoulders.
17:18That sounds so adorable.
17:20I was thinking about getting my hair cut before the wedding.
17:22Can we get back to freaking out about no show, Buffy?
17:25This is serious.
17:26I know.
17:27It kind of fits the day I've had.
17:31Willow's still a wreck.
17:32Dawn's mad at both of us.
17:34This social services lady put me through a ringer.
17:37Says she's gonna watch me.
17:40I'd like to see her try now.
17:42You know, there may be an upside to no see me.
17:46Buff, did you see anyone or anything suspicious before you...
17:53cleared out?
17:55Nope, didn't see nothing.
17:57See what I did there with the eyeballs?
18:00Why would anyone make her invisible anyway?
18:03I mean, invisible Slayer's got to be way more effective than the standard variety.
18:08Yeah, I'm less with the why and more with the how.
18:11We get the how, then we got how to make her unseen sight seen again, right?
18:16It's all right.
18:18Buffy, could you focus, please?
18:21I am.
18:22Just... this is kind of fun.
18:25Well, it would help if we had a little bit more time.
18:28It would help if we had a little bit more to go on, or anything to go on.
18:33Well, I could go check the spot where Buffy disappeared, you know, snoop for clues.
18:40Yeah, right.
18:42Hey, you know what?
18:43I'm just gonna go for a walk.
18:46A walk?
18:47Yeah, clear my head.
18:50You guys keep working on the what's in the house.
18:54Clear my head.
19:02Well, seems pretty obvious it's some kind of spell that's done this to her.
19:08A spell from who?
19:09You said it yourself, it makes no sense for one of our enemies to make her invisible.
19:15Maybe it's a mistake.
19:16A magical mistake.
19:18Who'd be messing with that kind of pup?
19:43How's it going?
19:45Um, good.
19:48I, uh, found out some stuff about the, uh, the diamond stolen from the museum.
19:54It's called the Illuminata, and there's rumors of it having quasi-mystical quantum properties.
19:59Willa, we need to talk.
20:03We are talking.
20:04Well, I'm talking, and you're looking at me funny.
20:07Is there something you want to tell me?
20:12It was nothing.
20:14Hey, I didn't slip.
20:16Will, nobody's mad.
20:18Relapse is a part of recovery, we understand that.
20:20We just have to figure a way to fix it.
20:24Fix what?
20:26Fix Buffy.
20:27Buffy's broken?
20:29Willa, you know what I'm talking...
20:32You don't know.
20:36Rhymes with...blinvisible.
20:41Buffy was in town, leaving the haircutting place, when she suddenly just...
20:44Has she got her hair cut?
20:47Adorable, apparently.
20:49I personally couldn't tell, since she's all blinvisible.
20:53And you think I have something to do with this?
21:00Well, come on, Will.
21:01Some of the spells you've done have caused some weird stuff to happen to each of us at one time or another.
21:06And let's not forget the recent forgetting.
21:09Oh, I see.
21:11So now when anything nasty happens, I get conveniently blamed for it?
21:15No one's blaming.
21:18So, I guess it wouldn't matter if I just jump off the wagon completely.
21:23Since you already think I'm making pit stops.
21:26Well, look, if you say you didn't do it...
21:29Willa, where are you going?
21:30For a walk.
21:37Well, the circuits are burned out and the wiring's all fried.
21:41Well, we had so many plans.
21:44Naked women and all...
21:46Well, all the naked women.
21:49This is your fault.
21:49If you hadn't grabbed it from me...
21:51Hey, we got a lot bigger problems here, bonehead.
21:54The Slayer's invisible now.
21:56He's right.
21:59She could be anywhere.
22:00Even here, right now.
22:04Watching, listening to every word we say.
22:08For all we know, she could be one of us.
22:17Oh, oh, wait, no.
22:18I wouldn't sweat the Slayer too much.
22:23Says you.
22:25In my book, an invisible Slayer means a whole world of trouble.
22:37I am the ghost of fashion victims past.
22:41Studded caps?
22:43Not a good idea.
22:44Hey, I'm doing you a favor.
22:51Nah, too easy.
23:02So long, copper.
23:05Hey, that's my stuff!
23:14Hello, Mrs. Kroger.
23:46Where's my...
23:54Losing my mind.
24:10Okay, who's the...
24:24I didn't say anything.
24:26Not you.
24:28The mug, it's...
24:36But I...
24:38I heard something.
24:40Kill Doris.
24:42Kill everybody.
24:44You know you want to.
24:46Shut up! Just shut up!
25:10Kill them all.
25:24I've got a few.
25:26So if you want to discuss that case file now...
25:32Oh yes.
25:34The Summers file.
25:36It's right over here.
25:40Living under her older sister's guardianship, the house is a complete...
25:44What is this?
25:45All work and no play make Doris a dull girl?
25:49All work and no play make Doris...
25:52The pages are filled with it.
25:55I... I...
26:00I... I didn't do this. I...
26:04It was the voice.
26:06Excuse me?
26:08There was a voice before.
26:11It made my coffee dance.
26:14It told me to...
26:16To what?
26:27Take the rest of the day off. See your doctor.
26:30What about my cases?
26:32We'll put someone else on them.
26:35And have them redo the Summers interview.
26:39I'm not crazy.
26:41I am not crazy.
26:57Hey, Will.
26:59What you doing?
27:01Look, Sander, I figured out this is where Buffy disappeared from what you told me.
27:06So don't start jumping to any conclusions.
27:09No jumping. Look, feet firmly planted.
27:14I'm not feeling like myself right now. Sorry.
27:18Me too. Sorry.
27:21So, what did we find out so far?
27:24Take a look at that.
27:26Something sped out of here pretty damn quick to make that kind of treadmark.
27:31This could have been made any time.
27:33Yeah, but this wasn't.
27:38What is it?
27:40Paint that I scraped off the fire hydrant.
27:43What fire hydrant?
27:45Ow! That one.
27:49Whatever hit this fire hydrant hit it after it was made invisible.
27:53I bet you, by golly, wow, that something was the same something that shot out of that alley.
28:00Black paint.
28:02Buffy's phantom van.
28:04We need to let Buffy... Whoa!
28:07There's something there.
28:12It's a pylon.
28:14One of those orange traffic cones.
28:17You should take it to the magic box.
28:19It might help you and Anya figure out what kind of spell was used.
28:22What about you?
28:24Well, I got paint scrapings...
28:27and the tire mark.
28:29I'm going to find this van that's been stalking Buffy.
28:33By the way, where is Buffy?
28:37Oh, my God, the flood! Look out, the flood!
28:49Oh, my God.
29:13Whatever beastie you are, I know you're here.
29:16I don't want to hurt beasties.
29:20Hey, watch it.
29:26A ghost, is it?
29:28I'm going home to living.
29:30Like a good spook.
29:58I told you.
30:00Stop trying to see me.
30:09Oh, I got it.
30:13Go to table five and move your Uncle Rory to table five near the bar.
30:20On, honey. We're looking for invisibility spells here.
30:24Well, obviously I haven't found anything yet.
30:27At least nothing that would explain why things near Buffy become invisible.
30:36What happened?
30:38An unpleasant tactile experience, like putting my hand in pudding.
30:45Like pudding, am I right?
30:47Rice or tapioca, lumpy like that.
30:50We have to find Buffy. She's got to know.
30:53I don't think Buffy's going to be too broken up over a pylon.
30:56Anya, whatever's happening to the pylon will probably happen to her.
31:01If we don't find Buffy, I mean, if we don't figure out how this was done...
31:06She's pudding?
31:14What do you mean she's going to fade away?
31:17The Slayer got slammed with a big-ass dose of radiation when the gun overloaded.
31:21Her cells are mutating at an accelerated rate.
31:23Eventually her molecular makeup will start losing its integrity and then...
31:27But wouldn't that kill her?
31:30Let me think.
31:33Wait a minute. We're not killing anybody.
31:36Especially not Buffy.
31:38You guys are so immature.
31:40We're villains. When are you going to get that through your thick skulls?
31:43We're not killers. We're crime lords.
31:45Yeah. Like Lex Luthor.
31:48He's always trying to take over Metropolis, but he doesn't kill Superman.
31:52Because of Superman's book, you moron!
31:55Well, Lex doesn't kill him, does he?
31:59Listen, Warren.
32:01You get that ray working, and the first thing we're going to do is find Buffy...
32:05And revisible her before it's too late.
32:07You got me?
32:16Whatever you guys say.
33:01What are you doing?
33:04What am I?
33:06I'm exercising, aren't I?
33:14In bed?
33:17A man shouldn't use immortality as an excuse to let himself go.
33:22You got to keep fit for the killing.
33:26Yeah, huh?
33:28Looks like you had a little trouble upstairs.
33:31Mini-disaster area.
33:33So what? You just come here to criticize my housekeeping?
33:36No. I'm looking for Buffy.
33:39Haven't seen her.
33:41Well, you wouldn't. Fact is, she's come down with a slight case of invisibility.
33:46Yeah? How did...
33:49We don't know yet.
33:52Anyway, she's not at the house, and I really, really need to find her.
33:56I'll tell you what.
33:58I'll take a peek around first chance I get...
34:02...and if we bump into each other, I'll clue her that you're on the lookout.
34:09After your...
34:13Yeah, right.
34:18You know, kidding aside, Spike...
34:22...you really should get a girlfriend.
34:28That was bloody stupid.
34:30What's the matter? Ashamed to be seen with me?
34:34Come on. He had no idea I was here.
34:37This is perfect.
34:40Perfect for you.
34:42Well, picture me confused.
34:45I thought this is what you wanted.
34:48What I want...
34:55This Vanishing Axe, right liberating for you, innit?
34:59Go anywhere you want.
35:01Do anything you want.
35:03Or anyone.
35:05What are you talking about?
35:07The only reason you're here is that you're not here.
35:10Right. Of course. As usual, there's something wrong with Buffy.
35:14She came back all wrong.
35:16You know, I didn't ask for this to happen to me.
35:19Not too put off by it, though, are you?
35:21No. Maybe because for the first time since...
35:25...I'm free.
35:28Free of rules and reports.
35:32Free of this life.
35:34Free of life.
35:36Got another name for that.
35:40Why do you always have to...
35:43I thought we were having fun.
35:45Yeah, now.
35:47But sooner or later, your chums are gonna work out a way...
35:50...to bring you back to living color.
35:53You need to go.
35:57Get dressed, if you can find your clothes, and push off.
36:00Because if I can't have all of you, I'd rather...
36:03Hey, that's cheating.
36:22I don't believe this.
36:50I don't believe this.
36:52He threw me out?
36:55He threw me.
36:57Did I, like, fall into some...
36:59...backward dimension here?
37:01Is this Bizarro World?
37:03Naturally, he's always going on and on about...
37:06...being the only one that understands me.
37:10We're like you.
37:12Birds of a flooded feather.
37:14Oh! So...
37:17Hey, I'm walking here.
37:22What are you doing?
37:37Hey, Dawn, come here.
37:39You wanna see something neat?
37:46Come on.
38:07There you are.
38:11Where are you?
38:13I'm invisible. Check this out.
38:19Unidentified flying pizza coming in for a landing.
38:26What are you talking...
38:28Okay, not the most clever ad-lib, but come on.
38:31Points for spontaneity.
38:33Stop it. Just stop.
38:35Sorry, Dawn. I'm sorry.
38:37I didn't mean to freak you out.
38:39What would you think would happen?
38:41You're freaking invisible, Buffy.
38:43I know. Xander and Anya are working on it.
38:45Mouldering out what happened.
38:47What about you? Shouldn't you be working on it?
38:50Of course I...
38:52Do you even care about who did this to you?
38:54Or if you're gonna be stuck this way?
38:56You're making jokes and flying pizzas.
38:58I don't think that's...
39:00I can't talk to you like this.
39:02I can't see you.
39:04How can I talk to you if I can't see you?
39:06Dawn! Dawn!
39:12Buffy, it's Xander. Where are you?
39:14Listen, we got a new problem here.
39:17Tell her.
39:18I'm trying to.
39:19Anya and I think whatever made you invisible is slowly killing you.
39:22Tell her about the pudding.
39:25Buff, if we don't...
39:27If this isn't reversed, you're gonna...
39:30Well, dissolve or fade...
39:34Into nothing.
40:06Come on.
40:36Come on.
41:07Come on.
41:27Let go of me!
41:29Congratulations. You're our first hostage.
41:37Dawn, I'm going out to find Xander.
41:39If he calls, we...
41:51Don't talk. Just listen, Slayer.
41:53You don't have a lot of time.
41:55Who is this? You sound familiar.
41:58I'm nobody.
42:00No one you know.
42:02We've got your friend Willa.
42:04We've got your friend Willa.
42:06And if you don't want anything nasty to happen to her,
42:09you better meet us.
42:11The loo.
42:14Come on.
42:36Just stay still, and you won't get hurt.
42:38You okay, Will?
42:41Where are the bad guys?
42:42All around you, Slayer, so don't try anything.
42:44He's bluffing, Buffy.
42:46There's just three of them, I think.
42:49More than enough to cause some serious carnage.
42:51Right, guys?
42:56I tried that.
42:57He keeps blocking it with his drunken monkey fizz.
43:00Ooh, scary video carnage.
43:04Slayer's here.
43:06Sorry, didn't see her.
43:08Why don't we continue this in a less crowded area,
43:10like over there?
43:14Follow me.
43:18I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess
43:20you're the ones that did this to me.
43:22It was an accident.
43:23Who's that?
43:24Nobody you know.
43:26They're the ones from your mystery van.
43:31So what annoying thing are you gonna do to me now?
43:34Save your life.
43:35Make you visible.
43:37I'm supposed to believe that?
43:38You told me everything, Buffy.
43:40That something's happening to you, that you're...
43:42Fading away.
43:43I know.
43:44I can fix that.
43:46Pick up that air hockey mallet off the table.
43:48What for?
43:49Well, it'll give me a target to aim at.
43:54Okay, now hold still.
43:56I know the troubles will soon be gone.
43:58You're on the wrong setting.
44:01The gun.
44:02It's not set for reversing the particle ionization.
44:05It'll accelerate her molecular dissolution.
44:07I saw the plan.
44:08Mind your own business.
44:09What's she talking about?
44:10That's what I'd like to know.
44:12Buffy's trying to kill you.
44:18Okay, playtime's over.
44:20You haven't won yet, Slayer.
44:22That part comes after I beat the snot out of you.
44:24You'll have to find me first.
44:26There's three of us against just one of you.
44:29Hey, you lied to us.
44:30Better yourself.
44:31You think she cares about that?
44:32I go down, we all go down.
44:34And I promise, you're all going down.
44:36We may not have your powers, Slayer,
44:38but you'll find that we are not so easy.
44:42Get her!
44:55Wait a minute, wait a minute.
44:56Who's biting my leg?
44:59Where is she?
45:07Let her go!
45:10She can't find us if we split up.
45:14You go that way.
45:15Which way?
45:16That way, over...
45:19Just keep talking, boys.
45:23Ow, ow!
45:25Watch the chest hair!
45:27I know that voice.
45:34You have chest hair?
45:47Who are you?
45:52I summon the flying monkeys that attacked the high school.
45:57During the school play, you know?
46:00Tucker's brother.
46:01He's Tucker's brother.
46:07So you three have what?
46:09Banded together to be pains in my ass?
46:12We're your arch-nemesis-es.
46:17You might have beaten us this time, Slayer,
46:19but next time, we're going to beat you.
46:23You might have beaten us this time, Slayer,
46:25but next time...
46:28Uh, next time...
46:31Maybe not!
46:36I mean, it's locked.
46:37You were supposed to check it.
46:39I forgot.
46:42I give you my arch-nemesis-es.
46:46What's going on in here?
46:48I got a bunch of scared kids saying this place is haunted.
46:53Oh, my God, Buffy.
46:55I know.
46:56They're gone.
46:57I guess we should chase them.
46:59No, we are here.
47:01It is adorable.
47:07It's pretty neat, you finding the van.
47:12So, how did you manage to do it exactly?
47:16I mean, to locate it the hard way.
47:19I mean, to locate it the hard way.
47:23The spell-free way.
47:25The oh-my-God-my-head's-gonna-fall-off-my-feet-are-killing-me way.
47:40I don't know how I got through this day.
47:45The only important thing is that you did.
47:49It's a good first step.
47:54How are you doing post-invisibleness?
48:02Still have to do some damage control for my giddy-fest.
48:07Don was pretty freaked out.
48:10The whole taking a vacation from me thing didn't work out too well.
48:16Tell me about it.
48:23when I got Xander's message, you know, that I was fading away...
48:30I actually got scared.
48:34Yeah, who wouldn't?
48:41I wouldn't.
48:44Not too long ago, I probably would have welcomed it.
48:49But I realized...
48:53I'm not saying that I'm doing backflips about my life, but...
48:59I didn't...
49:02I don't...
49:04want to die.
49:08It's something, right?
49:12It's something.
49:15So I guess we both made good first steps.
49:22I guess.
49:26Yay for us.
50:14Grr. Arrgh.
