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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 15 As You Were


00:00Unless you give me a reason to stay, I'm leaving tonight.
00:11Are we having a conversation?
00:18We're getting married.
00:20Double meat is double sweet. Enjoy.
00:23Hey, Buffy.
00:24We're here to support your subsistence level employment.
00:29You see, Buffy, the thing you gotta learn about the palace,
00:34and this takes a while,
00:37is that job security all boils down to one simple thing.
00:45Now, I'm not a political animal,
00:47but you learn fast around here or it's wham, hello glass ceiling.
00:52I mean, it's not like we work at Burger World or the Half and Bun
00:56where the power structure is simple.
00:58No, here at the palace, you gotta keep your friends close,
01:01but your enemies closer.
01:04It's like Machiavelli says.
01:07You know Machiavelli, right?
01:09Call it I bleached my work day shifts?
01:11I'm sorry. My bad.
01:13I keep forgetting you dropped out of college.
01:15I'm reapplying.
01:16Good luck with that.
01:17Well, you're out of motor.
01:19Don't want to be late for night school.
01:21You go to night school?
01:23I'm working on my MBA.
01:24Think I want to spend the rest of my life cleaning grease traps?
01:28Don't forget to lock up before you go,
01:30and the gum under the tables.
01:32You should give it a good scrape before you leave.
01:35May I?
01:36See you tomorrow.
01:37Yes, you will.
01:39And the day after that,
01:41and the day after that,
01:43and the day after that.
01:45Get the double treat, that's the double sweet.
01:49Oh, it's hard to beat when the meat meets.
01:54Why can't I get that stupid jingle out of my head?
01:59Lease your problems now, little girl.
02:05Okay, let's do this.
02:18What's that smell?
02:20Gee, Slayer, is that you?
02:22I've been working.
02:24Where, in a slaughterhouse?
02:26Double Me Palace.
02:31You know what?
02:32Let's just call it a night.
02:34It's all the same to you when you've been eating that stuff.
02:37I'm not so sure I want to bite you.
02:39You're dead.
02:40You smell like it.
02:42How do you get to say I'm the one who's stinky?
02:47It's cool.
02:48We'll just catch you next time.
03:18You're dead.
03:19You're dead.
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03:22You're dead.
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05:31You're dead.
05:32You're dead.
05:33You're dead.
05:34You're dead.
05:35You're dead.
05:36You're dead.
05:37You're dead.
05:38You're dead.
05:39You're dead.
05:40You're dead.
05:41You're dead.
05:42You're dead.
05:43You're dead.
05:54Rough night?
05:56The usual.
05:58I brought you dinner.
05:59Oh, great.
06:05I know it's not the most original these days, but I made it myself.
06:10I made hundreds, actually, but this is the very best one.
06:15It looks kind of squished.
06:18Oh, well, just, you know, just give it a sec.
06:22These babies really bounce back.
06:28Buffy, it's not like I don't appreciate it.
06:32I do.
06:33It's just that I can't eat this stuff another night.
06:38I'm sorry.
06:39Oh, no, it's all good.
06:43I get it.
06:45Tell you what, tomorrow night I'll bring home the fisherman's nuggets with cheese.
06:50Hey, working lady.
06:52Rough night?
06:54Why does everybody keep asking me that?
06:56Oh, no reason.
06:58I just thought you were busy with the sledge because of that Krusty.
07:04Did some vamp get rough with you?
07:06He's not getting any gentler.
07:13You know, vampires in the general population sense.
07:19Now I'm going to have to wash this.
07:22Ready for a bold suggestion?
07:24Blow it off.
07:26Donnie and I are headed out to the Bronx.
07:29Do I have your permission and want to come along?
07:32You like how I slipped in that permission request like that?
07:35Very smooth.
07:38You guys go.
07:41Buffy, are you sure?
07:43It might do you good to get away from the double meat lifestyle for a night.
07:48See your friends, who'd love to see you.
07:52I'm sure I've seen enough action for one night.
07:56Home by 11?
07:57On the dot.
08:00Have a good time.
08:06Somebody should.
08:15See, the seating chart makes no sense.
08:18We have to do it again.
08:20We can't do it again.
08:22You do it.
08:23The seating chart's fine.
08:25Let's get back to the table arrangements.
08:27I'm starting to have dreams of gardenia bouquets.
08:31I am so glad my manly co-workers didn't just hear me say that.
08:35Will you stop wolfing down those chips?
08:37One more bag and you'll pop right out of your cover bucket.
08:41You're not even hungry.
08:43You're just nervous.
08:47One week.
08:48We have friends, family, demons flying in,
08:51a to-do list getting no shorter,
08:53and do not take my chips.
08:57Hey, guys.
09:00Hey, guys.
09:01How's the soon-to-be newlyweds?
09:08I'll just be over here, then.
09:14Your Arnold Palmer, m'lady?
09:17So, how are Mr. and Mrs. Highstrung?
09:20I'm betting they exploded.
09:23You know, when I was little,
09:24I used to spend hours imagining what my wedding to Xander would be like,
09:28and now I look at them,
09:31I just think,
09:35You're awfully chipper tonight.
09:37Can't hide it.
09:40Big wedding coming up.
09:42Lots of date possibilities.
09:45You and Tara are speaking again.
09:48You want to call her?
09:49Invite her over?
09:51Too soon for so bold a maneuver.
09:54But if I did call,
09:56she wouldn't hang up on me.
09:58That's progress.
10:00Hence the happy.
10:33Wait up, guys!
10:45Don't you want your garbage?
11:03Hey, Buffy.
11:04Oh, don't forget.
11:06Today's trash day.
11:14Dear Miss Summers,
11:15we are sorry to reject.
11:19What's that?
11:25Bronze was fun last night.
11:26In a total home-by-eleven-ish way.
11:29You should have come.
11:31Maybe next time.
11:34Where are you going?
11:40That's good.
11:41Don't you want breakfast first?
11:43Already made it.
11:45See you this afternoon?
11:47Unless you're working.
11:49Tonight, then.
11:50Or, you know, tomorrow's school.
11:53Don't work too hard.
12:10And that's where even your best political minds
12:12can drop the ball.
12:14You're not taking the polls to the public.
12:16Next thing you know,
12:17you're LBJ handing the house keys over to Nixon.
12:21Heard back from your college yet?
12:25All right.
12:27You know, we're out of special sauce.
12:30I'll get it.
12:31No, no.
12:32You're turned up front.
12:34I'll deal back here.
12:35You pick the customers.
12:41Welcome to the Delmuke Palace.
12:42How may I help?
13:03Sorry to just drop in on you like this, Buffy.
13:05It's you.
13:06It's me.
13:07You're here.
13:08I know.
13:09And were you always this tall?
13:12This isn't the way I wanted it.
13:14But something's come up, something big,
13:16and we don't have much time.
13:17You understand?
13:19Not a word you've said so far.
13:22I should have known.
13:24You're working.
13:26Just counter, not grill anymore.
13:28I want to explain.
13:29I just don't have time.
13:30I've been up for 48 hours straight
13:32tracking something bad, and now it's come to Sunnydale.
13:34My hat has a cow.
13:38I know that I'm putting you on the spot
13:40showing up like this, but...
13:42but you know, here we are.
13:44I need the best.
13:46I need you, Buffy.
13:48Can you help me?
13:53People are waiting.
14:05Look, I'm sorry this is all so sudden.
14:08You know, if we get a minute, I'd really like to sit down.
14:13What is it?
14:14Sovoldi demon.
14:16Rare, lethal, nearly extinct, but not nearly enough.
14:20It's close.
14:26It's just...
14:28You still carry around all that James Bond stuff.
14:31So cute.
14:33I forgot.
14:39Carry on.
14:40We've been tear-assing through every jungle from Paraguay up,
14:43taking out nests.
14:45As soon as we put one Sovoldi down, a dozen take its place.
14:49They're breeders, Buffy.
14:51One turns into ten, ten become a hundred.
14:54If this gets out of hand and there's a war with humans,
14:57humans are going to lose.
14:59So they're, like, really mean tribbles.
15:03Sorry, I've been dealing with these geeks.
15:07It's a whole thing.
15:12Ready for this?
15:14Yes, please.
15:16National Forestry Service, we've got a wild bear.
15:19Everybody stand back.
15:21Look out.
16:16You all right?
16:18I'll feel better when we catch it.
16:20He's too fast.
16:22I wouldn't necessarily say that.
16:31Nice wheels.
16:32Came with the car.
16:35Know where we're going?
16:37Got an idea.
16:38The tag's online.
16:39We'll find it.
16:40How's your arm?
16:42No heal.
16:43How are you doing?
16:45Complicated question.
16:47I just meant.
16:48I know.
16:49I hear you.
16:50Got some, uh, big stories to tell you, too.
16:55And we can yet have a second.
16:57Did you die?
16:59I'm going to win.
17:09No offense, but this is Black Ops and you look like a pylon.
17:15Ninja wear?
17:17Battle gear.
17:18No way, Kevlar.
17:19State of the art.
17:20What a surprise.
17:22Boys like toys.
17:24Put it on.
17:25Thank me later.
17:28You won't look?
17:30I'm a gentleman.
17:35So, the Black Ops life, it's working out for you?
17:41Don't suck.
17:42I got dental.
17:44I got covered.
17:50You know, there's not many people I'd ask to risk their life for me, Buffy.
17:55It's really good to see you.
18:00You're welcome.
18:03And, Buffy, love the hair.
18:15I think we died in his car on the way to the airport.
18:17Now we're stuck in hell.
18:19The radio said no traffic.
18:21It's a hell radio.
18:22Of course it said that.
18:25We'll never get to the airport in time to pick up your stupid uncle.
18:28Just give my uncle Roy a more time at the bar.
18:30Trust me, he'll be happy.
18:33So he can sleep off his drunken stupor on our newly reupholstered couch.
18:38He can't afford a hotel.
18:40Why are you defending him?
18:41I'm not.
18:42I hate my uncle.
18:44I hate my whole family.
18:46That's why I'm marrying you to start a new family.
18:49Have children.
18:50Make them hate us.
18:51Then one day they'll get married.
18:53We'll sleep on their couch.
18:54It's a circle of life.
18:56Well, the gnarls are teleporting in in 20 minutes.
19:00If I'm not there to greet them, somebody's getting incinerated.
19:03Why did we ever agree to have your friends, who are demons,
19:07and my family, who are monsters, stay at our place?
19:10I can only do so much, Sandra.
19:12Planning this marriage is like staging the invasion of Normandy.
19:16Without the laughs.
19:18You should have eloped.
19:21I've been through too much planning this wedding.
19:24And it is going to happen.
19:26It is going to be our perfect, perfect day
19:28if I have to kill every one of our guests in half this town to do it.
19:33What ranch?
19:34Cajun Fiesta.
19:41End of the line?
19:45I don't see our demon.
19:47It's not here.
19:50Let me guess.
20:11Down we go.
20:13Looks that way.
20:15That's a big first step.
20:17So, Mr. Finn,
20:19got an extra jetpack for a girl like me?
20:22Sorry, fresh out of jetpacks.
20:24Looks like we'll have to share.
20:26This test line's built for one,
20:28so if we go together, we're not hauling any gear.
20:30It'll just be you and me.
20:32I was never big on the hardware, anyway.
20:34You hold on to me?
20:36That's what it takes.
20:38Come on.
20:44Ready when you are, Agent Finn.
21:08Come on.
22:16Hey there.
22:18What exactly are you doing with my husband?
22:21I don't know.
22:46And those aren't codenames,
22:49Big Dog or Falcon or...
22:52I didn't think so.
22:55Puffy meets Sam.
22:57Sam, Puffy.
23:07She's good.
23:09I have a special one.
23:11How long have you been married?
23:13Four months, almost.
23:15Mazel tov. Any children?
23:18Puffy, I meant to tell you.
23:20When the time was right.
23:22She caught up to us a hell of a lot faster
23:24than I would have guessed possible.
23:26She does that.
23:28So you guys do this often?
23:30You know, the whole husband-wife,
23:32tag-team-demon-fighting thing?
23:35That's what brought us together.
23:37I almost feel sorry for the Sepulti.
23:41Not quite.
23:58Costas, your wedding gift!
24:05So, I guess that's mission accomplished.
24:11She killed it.
24:13Oh, honey.
24:15It's okay.
24:24You guys have been tracking this thing
24:26as a couple for two days straight,
24:28and you did want it dead, right?
24:36Well, let me guess.
24:38Captain Kandu over here forgot to mention
24:41that this was a homing operation.
24:44Oh, and it's nice to finally meet you, by the way.
24:49What is a homing operation?
24:51It's my fault.
24:53I should have explained.
24:55That would have saved me some...
25:03We're too late.
25:05Finn, how could you recruit the Slayer
25:07without filling her in on the objective?
25:10That'd be my question.
25:12If we weren't under severe time constraints,
25:14I'd seriously think about ripping you a new one.
25:17Stand down, soldier.
25:19He's your boss, too?
25:22He wishes.
25:24We better regroup.
25:26Buffy'd hate to impose further, but...
25:30you got a safe house?
25:32I have a house.
25:34I think it's safe.
25:36Sometimes you can't even leave.
25:41I know the way.
25:43And I'll fill you in...
25:45on everything.
25:50Sorry, that place is such a mess.
25:52I never really had a chance to give it a good clean.
25:57Agent Finn returns.
26:00Jeez, look at you.
26:02Think you grew a foot and a half.
26:04A lot can happen in a year.
26:07Well, it's good to see you.
26:09Hey, there's the man.
26:11Life taker, heartbreaker.
26:14You know, figuratively speaking.
26:16Xander, Sam. Hello.
26:20We got your call.
26:22We're here to help.
26:23Just like old times.
26:25Except with you being all big with the married life.
26:27You're getting hitched yourself?
26:29Believe me, you're gonna love it.
26:32Really, both of you.
26:37Just so you know,
26:39I'm prepared to hate this woman any way you want.
26:42Thanks, but no.
26:44I don't want to seem all petty.
26:46Well, that's the beauty.
26:48You can't, but I can.
26:50Please, let me carry the hate for the both of us.
26:57Go nuts.
27:01So, what brings you back to town
27:04after you left suddenly with no word?
27:07Sam and I have been tracking a Sevolti demon
27:09through Central America.
27:11Killing machine. Nearly mature.
27:13Yeah, three months old and growing fast.
27:16These things start to kill the minute they're hatched
27:18and leave a real clear trail.
27:20Yeah, just follow the villages
27:22with nothing in them but body parts.
27:26Donna, you sure you want to be around here in all this?
27:29Oh, come on, Finn.
27:31She looks all grown up to me.
27:33That is, if it's all right with you.
27:36Uh, sure, yeah, it's fine.
27:39So this demon shredded your guys
27:41and now you're looking for a little payback?
27:44No, it came here to the Hellmouth to spawn.
27:48But we think it already hatched its eggs somewhere.
27:51The plan was to track it,
27:53let the demon take us to its nest.
27:55And now they're going to hatch a bunch of baby demon things?
28:00Unless we stop it.
28:02Which means we have to find the nest and fast
28:04before Sunnydale turns into the Trouble Meat Palace.
28:09I wish I'd said something else.
28:12Okay, so we track down the demon, find the nest,
28:15Mr. and Mrs. Finn here make with a killin',
28:17and everyone goes, I'm happy.
28:19But seriously, married men,
28:21if forced to choose between a photographer and play settings...
28:24We can't track the demon.
28:26I killed it.
28:28So, who's hungry?
28:30We got ice cubes. All you can eat.
28:33Buffy, it's good that you killed the Sovalti
28:36before it killed us.
28:38Disposable cameras.
28:42Yeah, you know, little plastic ones, ten bucks a pop.
28:46You arrange them like table settings, gas-snap photos,
28:49brace the ice, then when the wedding's over,
28:52you get to take home the pictures.
28:55I like it.
28:58So, demon eggs.
29:00Any timetable on when we think they're gonna hatch?
29:03Hatching's not the problem.
29:05We think they're gonna be sold on the black market.
29:08There's some foreign military powers
29:10that would love to have their own Sovalti.
29:12You could never train it but drop it on an urban population.
29:15And it cleanses the area.
29:17Is that a nice way of saying it kills people?
29:20Lots of them.
29:22Money's been exchanged.
29:24The town calls himself the Doctor.
29:27Willa, you think you can help with a little locating spell?
29:31I can't do the magics.
29:33O'Reilly says you're coming on as, well, Major Lee Wicca.
29:37I got addicted, the way addicts do.
29:43Two teams, no civilians.
29:46I'll, uh, I'll go out and look for our Doctor.
29:49You two find that nest.
29:51Me and Sam together?
29:53You come across a Sovalti nest, you're gonna want backup.
29:56You know, I don't want to be dragging down the Slayer.
29:59You've got speed and power, I can't even...
30:02Let's go.
30:03Xander, are you okay to stay with Don?
30:06I'll check out some bars,
30:08Willie, some, uh, crypts that I know.
30:18Hey, Willa.
30:21I'm sorry, I think I really...
30:24stepped in and in there.
30:29Back in the jungle,
30:31we had not one, but two hardcore shamans working for us.
30:36They were working the dark magics and...
30:40got addicted.
30:44And now they're gone.
30:49As in, there's nothing left.
30:53I've never met anyone with enough strength to quit before.
31:01I'm just saying.
31:10Thanks for letting me tag along.
31:13No problem.
31:15Maybe not for you.
31:18Gotta tell you, Buffy, I'm a little bit intimidated.
31:21I mean, patrolling with the real-life Slayer,
31:24you're like Santa Claus or Buddha or something.
31:29Fat and jolly?
31:34And it's not just Slayer status I'm talking about.
31:37It's you.
31:40Riley talks about me?
31:44He didn't say anything for a long time, but I could tell.
31:49He was ripped up inside.
31:52Good thing he has you.
31:54More like miraculous.
31:57I went down to Central America with the Peace Corps.
32:01One night, my entire infirmary got slaughtered by...
32:07I didn't know what they were.
32:10I got saved, quit the Corps, joined the squad.
32:15My first firefight, I met Riley.
32:19We started talking, you know, first about tactics,
32:22missions, stuff like that.
32:25Then about you.
32:29He thinks I let him go.
32:35Do you wish you hadn't?
32:39I wish things were different.
32:42I'm not trying to...
32:44I don't.
32:47You know.
32:50I didn't mean to put you on the spot, Buffy.
32:55There's no bad guys in this one.
32:59The only thing that could help Riley work it out was time.
33:05Lots of time.
33:08Took him a year to get over you.
33:12I'm glad he's over me.
33:16So, you seen anyone new? Someone special?
33:20You know, I just take my time.
33:25I don't want to jump right into anything.
33:27I don't want to, you know, be defined by who I'm with.
33:32Nah, better no guy than the wrong guy, that's for sure.
33:36You know what? I think we should split up.
33:39Oh, I'm slowing you down. I knew I would. This was just selfish of me.
33:43No, it's not.
33:46There's this guy, an informant, but he's twitchy.
33:51I show up in company and we get nothing.
33:54Cool. I'm guessing Finn needs me about now.
33:58He's probably off somewhere getting his ass kicked.
34:01You know how wild he gets.
34:03Don't worry about Rye and me. We're good.
34:09I noticed.
34:19Hey, now.
34:21I would have known you were coming. I baked a cake.
34:24I need information.
34:26Well, I suppose I could be helpful, if the price is right.
34:32Not sure I'm selling out at double me palace wages, though.
34:35I need to find a guy. A dealer. Calls himself the Doctor.
34:39Give me.
34:41His traffic isn't.
34:42Clock ticking.
34:44Whatever he's doing, he's doing it soon.
34:49Soon, but not now?
34:54Tell me you love me.
34:57I love you.
34:59You know I do.
35:01Tell me you want me.
35:03I always want you.
35:07In point of fact...
35:09Shut up.
35:29I love you.
36:00Well, look here.
36:05I don't usually use the word delicious.
36:08But I've got to wager this little tableau must sting a bit, eh?
36:13Me and your former.
36:15Must kill.
36:17What can I say?
36:19The girl just needs a little monster in her, man.
36:23That's not why I'm here.
36:47Oh, God.
36:50Here, I thought we'd run you out of town, mate.
36:53Last time I saw you, if memory serves,
36:56you sucked out of you by some undead lady's very questionable reputation.
37:02Now, be a good tin soldier, Anton.
37:07Where are they?
37:11Where are what and why do you keep calling me that?
37:14Glad to be back in Sunnydale.
37:16Locals all speak English and I knew who to beat for information.
37:20It's all brought me here.
37:22Look, crew cut.
37:24She's not your bint anymore.
37:26And if I can speak frankly,
37:29she always had a little thing for me, even when she was shagging you.
37:32Nice. It's very distracting.
37:35Now, tell me before I get unprofessional.
37:37Where are the eggs, Spike?
37:43You're off your nut.
37:45It must be those drugs they were keeping you on. I did warn you.
37:48Okay. We can do this the hard way or we can do this the fatal way.
37:52Where are the eggs?
37:54The doctor. It can't be Spike.
37:57No need to defend me, love.
38:03It can't be, okay?
38:06He's too incompetent. It's just Spike, Riley.
38:09Right. Deadly, amoral, opportunistic.
38:14Or have you forgotten?
38:17I'm taking this place apart until I find that nest.
38:20Over my dead body.
38:22I've seen enough of your dead body for one night. Thanks.
38:25Well, you know...
38:29You coming?
38:39Oh, this is...
38:41Unconstitutional is what it is.
38:44Here. There's nothing to see down there.
38:47Riley, look.
38:49I'm not saying that he's good, okay?
38:51I'm just saying that he's not capable of something as...
39:01I can explain.
39:03We're gonna need more weapons.
39:05Spike screwed up.
39:07You didn't keep him frozen, did you?
39:11You can stop calling me that any time.
39:13If I may.
39:15The thing of it is, I'm holding these for a friend.
39:22No more games.
39:26Well, that's bloody funny coming from you.
39:29No more games?
39:31That's all you've ever done is play me.
39:34And you keep playing with the rules. You make up as you like.
39:37You know what I am.
39:40You've always known.
39:42You come to me all the same.
39:44Can you shut him up?
39:45Not so far.
39:48You better get out of here.
39:55Second thoughts, stick around.
39:57Riley, I...
39:59Aim high. Plenty of lead.
40:01Now you've got the gun broke.
40:02You want to live, learn fast.
40:08These things...
40:10Whenever you talk...
40:13You have to pull out.
40:27We need a way to contain these things before...
40:43You know, if you love Riley Finn so much...
40:45Maybe you should just marry him.
40:47He's taken.
40:49And that's not the point.
40:50So you think that their marriage is better than ours.
40:52Is that it?
40:55But granted, I have a hard time imagining Nick and Nora Fury...
40:58Hiding out from their own relatives in the bathroom.
41:06And I have no idea what Riley and Mrs. Riley's...
41:09Wedding was like.
41:11Well, you haven't shut up about them.
41:13Well, they have a great marriage...
41:15And a bum Buffy out, but I can see it.
41:17And Anya...
41:19I really have no clue what their wedding was like.
41:22So our wedding...
41:24Is not our marriage.
41:27Separate things.
41:29One fills me with a dread akin to...
41:31Public speaking engagements.
41:33Then that would be the wedding.
41:35Which will be over soon.
41:37But our marriage...
41:39That lasts forever.
41:41Ah, well.
41:43That works out nicely then.
41:59So are you and Sam headed back to Central America?
42:02Or is that classified?
42:05Is that classified?
42:11That sounds fun.
42:13I'll send you a postcard.
42:16Buffy... Riley, I...
42:19By mission parameters, I'm done here.
42:22But I have authorization to take the doctor out.
42:26You want me to do that?
42:28Do I want you to?
42:32Can you ask me?
42:36I'm sleeping with him.
42:41I'm sleeping with Spike.
42:44I had actually noticed that.
42:48And then you come back...
42:51And did you wait until your life was absolutely perfect...
42:54And then send that demon here so you could throw it in my face?
42:58You think this was easy for me?
43:01I think it was a rollicking adventure.
43:03Fun for the whole family.
43:05I was terrified about seeing you again.
43:08I'm sure my incredible patheticness softened the blow for you.
43:14I don't know what you're talking about.
43:17Riley, please don't patronize me.
43:19You want me to say that I like seeing you in bed with that idiot?
43:22Or that blinding orange is your very best color?
43:25Or that that burger smell is appealing?
43:30You smelled the smell?
43:33Buffy, none of that means anything.
43:36It doesn't touch you.
43:39You're still the first woman I ever loved...
43:42And the strongest woman I've ever known.
43:45And I'm not advertising this to the missus...
43:49But you're still quite the hottie.
43:51You know, it goes away after many bathings.
43:58This isn't about who's on top.
44:01I know how lucky I am right now.
44:04I love my work.
44:06And I love my wife.
44:08I know.
44:11And I kind of love her too.
44:14And so you're not in the greatest place right now.
44:17Maybe I made it worse.
44:20A wheel never stops turning, Buffy.
44:23You're up, you're down.
44:25It doesn't change what you are.
44:28And you are a hell of a woman.
44:31Riley, that night...
44:36I never got the chance to tell you...
44:40How sorry I was...
44:44About what happened between us.
44:48You never have to.
44:52Well, the wedding itself was held in a military chopper...
44:55Just before a hairy night dropped into hostile territory.
45:00And just curious, what's a chopper rent to run these days?
45:03Oh, well, actually, we commandeered it from a local guerrilla squad, so...
45:12You have my e-mail. You promise you'll keep in touch?
45:15You won't get traced.
45:17I don't want to lead the bad guys to your location by mistake.
45:21Our line's secure.
45:23Oh, Dov, of course it is.
45:26I keep thinking of you like regular people, but you're not.
45:30Oh, right, like demon hunting is all exotic to a girl from Sunnydale.
45:37So are you going to say goodbye this time...
45:40Or just split all secret agency like last time?
45:43Depends. I warrant a hug.
45:54Goodbye, Dov.
45:57I thought I would suck less this time.
46:03It was really nice meeting you all.
46:07You ready for Nepal, Agent?
46:13Firefights, bug hunts, big body counts.
46:16Yeah, I could use a break.
46:27Bye, Riley.
46:29Bye, Sam.
46:40What a bitch.
47:10So she's back.
47:16Thought you'd be off snogging the soldier, boy.
47:21He's gone.
47:26Has he come for a bit of cold comfort?
47:32I don't know.
47:34I don't know.
47:38The bed's a bit blown up, but then that was never our room.
47:42I'm not here to...
47:48And I'm not here to bust your chops about your stupid scheme, either.
47:53That's just you.
47:56I should have remembered.
47:58Oh, this is worse than it is. This is you telling me...
48:01It's over.
48:04I've memorized this tune, love.
48:07Thank God they're sheet music.
48:10It doesn't change what you want.
48:12I know that.
48:16I do want you.
48:20Being with you...
48:24makes things simpler...
48:28for a little while.
48:31For a little while.
48:33I don't call five dollars straight a little while.
48:36I'm using you.
48:41I can't love you.
48:45I'm just being weak and selfish.
48:49Really not complaining, you hear?
48:52And it's killing me.
48:56I have to be strong about this.
49:05I'm sorry, William.
49:25I'm sorry.
49:55Grr! Arrgh!
