• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Quando fu immaginata, era un progetto di visione e non erano certi che avrebbe funzionato, così come è stato un progetto di visione il modello del pedaggio, che poi verrà replicato in diverse aree del mondo come elemento strutturale per sviluppare infrastrutture”. Lo ha detto Roberto Tomasi, amministratore delegato di Autostrade per l’Italia (Aspi), a margine delle celebrazioni per il centenario dell’autostrada Milano-Varese, la prima autostrada al mondo, oggi gestita da Aspi. Presenti all’evento anche il ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti Matteo Salvini e il governatore della Lombardia Attilio Fontana.


00:00When it was imagined, it was a vision project, it was not certain that it would work and it was a vision project, as we said before, also in the financing part, the first motorway in the world that uses the toll to pay itself, a model that will then be replicated in different areas of the world as a structural element to develop infrastructures.
00:29The fact that today we see an infrastructure that is born with a single lane, today we have 5, it becomes 180,000 daily vehicles against 1,000, well, it shows how important infrastructure is.
00:43Infrastructures in general, whether they are water, electricity, transportation, are fundamental for the economy, as are the softest infrastructures, such as schools and healthcare, they are just as many infrastructures that make up modern societies.
00:57We must try to have the vision and the boldness, that is, the ability to risk to be able to imagine the future, which will certainly be a complex future, but where intelligence and skills are the central element that has characterized the development of the entire history of the country's infrastructure.
